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FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner I Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Itagsdale, J. Wash Price. John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. McKAIIAN & WILHITE ST West Thirteenth street. Main 1210. J.C.WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 522. Funeral directors— WM. E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1885 Shelby St, Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114. IJ NDERIA K LRB—HHSEYt TITUS, 031 U North Del. New 26-664. Main 3630. Tn memo mAivu (N MEMOKIAM—IN LOVING REMEM brance of our dear wife and mother. Kathervne Nagel, who passed away one year ago today. •Though lost to sight, to memory dear Thou ever will remain, One only hope our heart can cheer. The hope to meet again. HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. LOST AND FOUND. ~~ S/VWV\A^TWWeiySA^/<N Lost— Friday, march 19, between 1 and 2 p. m„ at bargain counter or In front of New York store; brown purse containing SSO Liberty bond, number known, some bills and change, marine pic ture with sister and his trench mirror.' Call Woodruff 435 between 7 and 9 a. m., or 5 and 7:SO p. m. Reward. Found— small female black and red hound dog; white spot on breast and puppies, at city dog pound. Cali Cir cle 5105. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SO CIETT~. Lost —thirty-second degree ma sonlc emblem. Leave with J. J. ROL LER. corner Senate and Washington st. Lost airedale, female"; name Queen; liberal reward. Harrison 169. NOTICES. WE BUTT, RAISE AND SELL FUR bearing rabbits and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us, stating your lowest prices on large lot shipments. The FUR AND SPECIALTY FARMING CO., 615-517 N. P. Ave„ Fargo. North Dakota. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible -for any debts contracted after this date by my wife. Stella Short. CARL SHORT. BUSINESS CHANCEB. OPPORTUNITY Have you SIOO or more to Invest where the risk is small and the profits large! It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 910 Hume-Mansur Bldg. “FEATHERS ~ Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and gillows made to order. Est. 1886. E. F. lURKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1423. New 28-775. FOR SALE—Hotel, 20 rooms, modern, and properties; Investment better than 12 per cent; dry bar considered best In city. McCarthy, owner, 840 Harrison street. For sale—at a bargain, eleven rooms and grocery store, 1402 E. Ohio stret. Reason for selling, leaving city. Main 9382. BUSINESS SERVICES. EXPERT PAPER CLEANER Work guarantees EDWIN EPPERSON. Phone, Prospect 7224 and Prospect 293. SALE SnTeN—lvAn T EO. V SALESMEN ATTENTION Anticipating the greatest growth for Indianapolis and for Indiana that any Ameri can city or state has ever ex perienced; having the vision of a GREATER INDIANAP. OLIS—A GREATER INDIANA —an Indiana corporation voted yesterday to inaugurate the • most extensive financing cam paign ever launched in the state. Salesmen in every Indiana city, with or without experi ence, address (with, refer ences) VICE PRESIDENT, P. O. Box 271, Indianapolis, U. S. A. STOCK SALESMAN LIVE, ENERGETIC SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FOL LOW UP LEADS SECURED THOUGH ADVERTISING AND CIRCULARS. STOCK SOLD UN DER PLAN THAT ABSOLUTE LY GUARANTEES INVESTOR'S PRINCIPAL. CALL PERSON ALLY, 1104 ODD FELLOW BLDQ. Salesman —must be able to fcr nlsh good reference. The president of a bonaflde Texas oil company, which Is hacked by bankers and business men of Texas and which good big money will be made by the investor, wishes to get In touch with salesman, who will be Inter ested In the selling of tho treasury stock of this company. Address A No. 849, Times. S~ ALESMEN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOIU tunlty for a few men of ambition, energy and ability to connect with a suc cessful, growing business Institution that gives real co-operation. This is an oppor tunity to make good money and to work for a future. 909 Merchants Bank Bldg. STOCK SALESMAN. O. K. GIANT BAr tery Cos. Dry rechargeable batteries. Call Prospect 9167. Pembroke Arcade, Room 12. HAYES & KENNEDY, District Sales Managers. STOCK SALESMANS PART TIME MAN. Call Prospect 9167. Pembroke Arcade, Room 13. HAYNES & KENNEDY, Dis trict Sales Managers. •TWO LIVE SALESMEN TO CALL ON I merchants; good proposition; no competition. 16 When building. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. POSITION WANTED—YOUNG MARRIED man, thoroughly trained in dry goods and department; clerk, buyer, manager, ad vertising, decorator; Chicago and 20,000 town experience; efficient, good appear ance. I want to locate him In good In diana town. JOHN W. MOORE, Gas City, Ind. DETECTIVES Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 626-529 Law bldg. Main 2902. ROOMS—TO LET. Modern furnished room in fri vate family. Woodruff 7743. Lady preferred. SLEEPING ROOM FOR TWO GENTLE men. 61S East Market street. Main 8490. HOUSES—WANTED. WANT TO RENT LARGE ROOMING house furnished; none but good loca tion need apply. Address W. H. DOSS. 117% South Illinois street. BOARD AND ROOMS—WANTED. PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD; reached from Penn, or Illinois car line. Young couple employed; prefer private family. Call MRS. PRAT. Main 3500. MALE HELP—WANTED. Nordyke <& Marmora Cos. K y. Ave. and Morris St. offers excellent opportuni ties in the following classifications INSPECTOR MILLWRIGHT MILLWRIGHT HELPER AUTOMATIC AND HAND SCREW MA CHINE MACHINIST VARNISH FINISHER HANDY MAN CRATER LABORER. LABORERS ste km work midwest engine co. ISTdI Ml MADOTINDAIE EWEHEKEI !EH AM FLOOR MOOER3 MIDWEST EKfflE (ED. 10TH AM HMRTIiIDALE LABORERS WANTED AT ONCE; STEADY WORK THE YEAR ’ROUND. APPLY HUGH J. BAKER & CO., 602 W. McCARTY. ST. DRAFTSMEN, DETAILERS and TRACERS. MIDWEST ENGINE CO. 19th and Martindale. CARPENTERS FOR FLASK WORK. PATTERN MAKERS, LABORERS, MOLDERS. ELECTRIC STEEL CO. OF INDIANA. Speedway f Match Your Coat TROUSERS ij||! 48 W OHIO ST. Near UL 110 E. MARKET ST. Near Penn. CABINET MAKERS If you are a good workman and ap preciate a congenial Job, we have It for you. Permanent work In a well-equipped progressive factory. Fifty hours a week —half day Saturday year around. Our pol icies are fair and liberal. Can use sev eral good men Immediately. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO. Shelby Car to Belt. Three Blocks East. IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO. has opening for experienced machin ists, night shift. Apply employment dept., 510 S. Harding. PAINTER Steady work for reliable man. Call Irv ington 194 after 6 p.m. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE, 201 Indiana ave. MALE HELP—WANTED. SKILLED MEN WE WANT GOOD, EXPERIENCED MEN For LATHES, LAYOUT BENCH, BORING MILLS, SCREW MACHINES, INSPECTORS, ASSEMBLERS. Night Force. Chance for day force In two months; best working conditions. Apply Employment Office MIDWEST ENGINE COMPANY 19t,h and Martindale. ■ mm mmm GOOD WAGES GOOD CONDITIONS Apply INDIANAPOLIS CORDAGE CO. South Meridian and Belt R. R. AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES We want an agent in every city and town to eell new guaranteed automobile batteries. Agents can not lose money, and sure to make big profits. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 .Mass. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. PR ESSE R on garment pressing ma chine. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garment Cleaners,” 49 Monument Circle. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt li. li. Take Prospect ear to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. Man to take contract for the unload ing of steel and coal; steady. See Mr. Adams, employment department Imperial Drop Forge Cos., 510 South Harding. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. Railway mail clerks are of fered 11,300 entrance salary with pro motions to 12,125. For full particulars and preparation, write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, 157 N. Illinois ~ room 207, Indianapolis, Indiana. WANTED— M KN FOR SHOP WOKE. Do not apply unless you want a per manent Job. See Mr. Lomp after 1 p. m. PITTSFORD PURITY PIE CO., 1424 N. Senate avenue. WANTED —BOY WITH WHEEL; per week. INDIANAPOLIS BLUE PRINT AND SUPPLY CO„ seventh floor Century bldg. |j|A> TKd —"EYFEKIE N’ ("E OTfTKETETfiN fl on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY. Union Traction Power House, An derson, Ind. Advertising solicitor, expk rienced, permanent position, good sal ary and bonus. 122 East Ohio street. Room 208. YOUNG man that can be depended upon for farming and help milk; good wage*. Stop 3, Danville line. Walk 2 squares south. Boeing farm. PRESSER, EXPERIENCED ON MEN’S CLOTHING; STEADY POSITION. RUBENS. 39 WEST WASHINGTON ST. COLORED BOY FOR LIGHT PORTER work. LUDWIG ECONOMY MILLI NERY. 314 E. Washngton. COLORED BOY, PORTER WORK 1 half days. LUDWIG'S ECONOMY MILLINERY. WANTED— A JOB PRESS FEEDER. 610 Century bldg. Main 2081. | SIELKEN & FAULSTICH. ! WANTED—Barber; good wages and prices Open shop. SEELBACII HOTEL, Louls- I vllle, Ky. E" XPERIENCED BUS BOY. APPLY UNION STATION RESTAURANT. MAN TO WORK IN CREAMERY. AP ply WEBER MILK CO. WANTED PAINTER. CALL 3148 Bellefontaine. evening. ORKKRB WANTED! PALACE, 401 W*. Washington street. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. LEARN TO BE A NURSE. An excellent opportunity for medical and surgical training. Liberal salary, room and board ■ Included. Two and three-year courses. Graduate registered nurse In two years, according to Illinois law. For Information address Montrose Avenue hospital, 2546 Montrose avenue, Chicago, 111. Private nurses earn $35 to SSO a week Including room and board. L. S. AYRES & CoT Alteration help for coats, suits and dresses. Apply Mr. Lyons, Seventh floor. Wanted—Girls for light, clean factory work. En graving department, Wm. B. Burford. ANTED—KITCHEN GIRL. UNION STATION RESTAURANT. UN DIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. aaaaaa/v^vwwwv^^^wv^v^wwv> t % An opportunity to secure/ a good position. Salary advanced frequently. Young women between the ages of 16 and 25. Apply to the CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE CO. Room 522, corner New York and Meridian streets. JD . JU / 18 TO 30 YRS. OF AGE FOR LIGHT CLEAN FACTORY WOR K. STEADY EMPLOYMENT UN DER GOOD WORK ING CONDITIONS. TAKE GARFIELD CAR. AMERICAN CAN CO. South East & Belt R. R. mm Apply MIDWEST ENGINE CO. 19th & Martindale. MACHINE AND GENER AL WORK. CAN USE B OT II EX PER lENCEI) AND INEXPERIENCED. GOOD STEADY RATES, WITH ADVANCEMENT. ROCK WOOD MFG. CO., 1801 ENGLISH AVE. YOUNG WOMENS AGES 16 TO 25 Telephone and automatic telegraph work. Salary paid while '.raining. HOOD POSITION, GOOD SALARY, ADVANCE MENT Pleasant quarters, restrooms, an nual vacations with pay.. Apply WESTERN UNION CHIEF OPERATOR _ 2d floor, Meridian and Circle. I mmm 18 to 30 years of age for light factory work. HARRY B. MAHAN BOX CO. 320 W. South St. GIRLS WANTED OVER lb. CENTURY BIS CUIT CO., BLACKFORD AND NEW YORK. Four young women, graduates of high school, prefer those without previous buslnes* experience; good salary to start with, promising permanent future. Apply in own handwriting, stating salary expected. Address A No. 848. TlmeH. Talent wanted—vocalists, in strumentallsts, readers, versatile peo ple of all kinds for Lyceum, Chautauqua and concert work. Write UNITED TAL ENT BUREAU. Dept. f.3. Meridian, Mis*. Stories, MOVIE scenarios, FLAYS Wo read, edit, remodel, copyright and ■ell your manuscripts. Moderate rates Good opportunity. MAN PUB. CO.. Suite 811. 1265 Bway, N. Y. Clty. W" ANTKI)—HOCWKK LEVER, 40 NORTH Mount street, call after 4 o'clock; permanent place to right party. Bel mont 2208. ANTED—A JOB PRESS FEEuIk 610 Centu-y bldg. Main 20S1. BIBLKRN & FAULSTICK. L AIDES TO TAKE COURSE IN HAIR dressing, manicuring, et.o. Day and evening classes. North 4701. WAITRESS WANTED. 401 W. WASH- ington street. Girls to i.inl matn ludwiu econ omy MILLINERY, 314 E. Washington. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing, army overcoats mnde over; ladles' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. Circle 690. 0“ APITOL GARMENT CLEANERS, 124? North Capitol avenue. Main 6477 Main 4160. Aulo 21-241. J. SCHWARTZ, IAII.()R~ANn CI.EAN BB er. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. ar -TRANBFER AND BTORAGE. Gf7fiN\// STORAGE CHEAPEST \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL \( US. Everything at rea- II sonable price. Packed, jj jl shipped anywhofe. IS Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4689. SHANK FURN ITU KK AND STORAGE CO., 237-229 North New Jersey street. Phone Main 2023. I Ol AL AND OVEKLAND IIAUMNO. O. K. K 2 TRANSFER CO., 938 Hast Wash ington street. Prospect 8382. INSTRUCTIONS. AA(VWWVWV\/N)VWVWWWS/>O/S^V**Vy^. l RAGTIME Plano playing In 20 lessons. Professional style for play ers. Booklet sent free. CHRISTENSON SCHOOL, 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. >A/>AAWWVWWWW^AA/WWVV * AN UNUSUAL Opportunity to Buy a USED CAR of HONEST VALUE Anticipating the unusual spring demand that will be upon us before long, we have made especial efforts to offer something more than the ordinary in used cars. Each and every car in our used department has been gone over with painstaking care and at this time we are showing a display of cars which represents the utmost dollar-for-dollar value. Every Dodge Brothers and Cadillac car offered has been thoroughly rebuilt mechani cally, repainted, equipped with new tires and fitted" with new top if necessary. Externally these cars have an almost new appearance, while under the hood the purchaser will find a motor cr ihat has received that careful and conscientious overhauling that is so es sential If one would have a dependable and reliable used car. If you are looking for real service and satisfaction we suggest that you come in and look over the renewed cars on our floor. Following is a list which warrants your inspection: CADILLAC 51. This In a "-passenger touring car with 5 now corn tiros, new top ami completely overhauled, at $1,500. CADILLAC 53. This la also a 7-passenger tour ing car. equipped wiili 4 new cord tire*, m y paint and new top and completely overhauled, at SI,SOO. CADILLAC £5. This la a 4-passenger chummy roadster, possesses exactly the same qualities as the car above. In addition to having wire wheel*. This Is an especially popular type, being mechanical ly renewed at this time. CADILLAC 67. We have Just received from our paint simp a 7-passenger touring car of the latent model, with the exception of that Just out. which has been thoroughly overhaul sd mechanically, equipped with new top, new tires ad which looks liko new. Here Is a real opportunity to purchase Cadillac quality and dependability at a material sav ing. This car Is offered for early sale at $3,000. CADILLAC 67. %Ve have another car coming through the rebuilding shop at this time which wHi answer to the description of the above car. We will paint this car any color to milt purchaser, however. If order Is given within the next fewr days. y DODGE BROTHERS TOURING. This Is a 1916 car with new top, new Urea, motor complete ly overhauled end actually looks like new. Brice $1,009. DODGE BROTHERS SEDAN. We are especially pleased to offer this 191s model, which looks like new and which has 5 good tires. This motor is in ex cellent condition. i'rlce $1,460. DODGE BROTHERS ROADSTER This Is a 1918 model. Motor is completely rebuilt, tires in excellent c edition arid paint looks like new. i'rlce $975. COLE EIGHT. We have a 1919 Cole Bight, 7- poast tiger sedan that is in ex cellent condition and will make an ideal <ar for your business. It has good cord tires all around, upholstery Is In spotless condi tion and Is equipped with heater. It wilt pay you to see this cur. 1 rice $1,250. COLE 4-40. 1915. This car has been thoroughly overhauled. Is newly painted, has 5 good cord tires and luts good top. A bargain at S6OO. BUICK TOURING. This ts a " passenger touring car with regular summer top and anew Rex top for winter use. The tire* are in 'goed con dition, and the top looks llkn ntw and the engine Is in per fect mechanical condition. Price $1,660. FORD COUPE. Four good tires, shock ab sorbers, demountable rims, mo tor meter and in excellent me chanical condition. FORD ROADSTER. 1914. This car has winter top. new style radiator and hood and will be an Ideal cur for tha business man who is required to bo out in all kinds of weather; $326. RED SIX. 1916. This is a 4-pascnger roadster, which has anew top and which has been thoroughly over hauled mechanically. This car operates like new and possesses a fins appearance. A real bar gain for one who needs this typo of car. Prlco $960. MITCHELL SEDAN. Wo have a 1917 Mitchell se dan seating 7 passengers, which !b mechanically right, baa good upholstery, good cord tires and good paint. Tills car will make an excellent Investment. Price $1,150. MILBURN ELECTRIC. New paint, now tires, uphol stery looks like new and a bar gain with charging outfit at $1,650. 1919 FORD COUPE. Five good tires, regular Ford starter, shock absorbers. de mountable rims, and in excellent mechanical condition; SBOO. DODGE BROTHERS TRUCK. We have a 1918 Dodge Broth ers panel truck which looks nearly new, having been driven but a very short time under the best of care. If you are in need of a car for light commer lal delivery you can not afford to miss this bargain; SSOO. OVERLAND TRUCK. This is a Model 83 in excel lent mechanical condition with good paint and tires. A bar gain for light delivery purposes at S4OO. OVERLAND TRUCK. This is a Model 75-B which la in excellent mechanical condi tion and will prove to boa good investment for light de livery purposes, especially priced at S3OO. E. W. STEiNHART COMPANY MERIDIAN ST. AT ELEVENTH. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. HONEST VALUES IN USED CARS If it's a used car that you are in the market for we are sure that we can sat isfy you. Our used car department contains a most unusual display of automobiles—a variety of makes, ntodels and prices. These cars have been thoroughly over hauled and repainted so that they look almost like new. Many of them have all new tires. Terms if desired. Used Car Department Second Floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY Corner Michigan and Capitol. SPECIAL SALE for this week only Buick 4 roadster, excellent running con dition; 5 good tires; $575= terms. 1916 Ford touring; new tires, new paint; lias been remodeled; $375 for this week. 1918 Maxwell coupe; this would be suit able for a physician; A-l condition as good as now. $675 this week. 1916 Dodge roadster, in first-class condi tion; can be bough* for $676 this week only. MERIT SALES CO. 332 North Capitol. Main 6292. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market High-class new and used automo biles. We guarantee square dealing, also guarantee all of our cars against defects for 30 days. A Car for Every Pocket Book. Terms to responsible parties. 140 N. Delaware St. Open Evenings and Sundays. Main 1984. Investigate Our Weekly Pavment Plan BARGAINS USED CARS We have Fords, Chevrolets. Maxwells, Oakland*. Saxons. Kuicks. Grants and other* at low prices. Some as law a* SIOO down; balance weekly. No broker age. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO, 613 N. Capitol. OPEN EVENINGS. OLDSMOBILE 8 Phi* car la a 1919 demonstrator, tour ing cur. in A-l shape. We will be if lad I to have any mechanic In town Inspect thl car. This la s bargain. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. , 140 -V Delaware. Main 1984. wil ~YB-KNIGHT eight cylinder; the b. luty of Indianapolis, five wire wheels, five now cord tires; perfection windshield* and inotometer, tire cover and everything that goe* to make a driving beauty. l,et us demonstrate this ar to you Sunday. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. |MO N. Delaware. Main 1934. INTER STATU—One of the late models. In first-class shape, good fabric tire* in front and j;ew Goodyear cord* In rear; this D a real car at a quick sale price. THE MOTOR MART Ox'poulto Public Markat. ( X4O N. Delaware. Main 19144. COLE AERO 8 Seven-passenger touring car. practically i Ave cord tire*. been driven *lx ! months, for demonstration and price call National Automobile Cos., 436 North Cao- Ito! Main 4758. LEXINGTON 6. 1919, Continental motor 6 Wire wheels 5 cord tires, and, In fact, this .nr |* like new. A demonstration "'III e’.l you this beauty st a price that Is absolutely below manufacturer's cost. THE .MOTOR MART 140 N Delaware. Main 1986. OAKLAND? l?lT " This ear has been completely over hauled and newly painted. Thla car la I priced for quick aale. Oppoalte Public Market. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Main 1934. OVERLAND <".ub, 1918, wire wheel*, new tires, new paint, new top. new uphol stery and everything that goe* to make a nifty city car. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. BUICK, 1919—Touring Like net? Cord tlr-s and reflnlshed throughout. This car Is priced for a quick THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. | 19 N Delaware. Main 1984. STUTZ TOURING Reflntahed; dark green; five black wire wheels; five cord tires; practically new. I Terms to suit purchaser. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CO. ! 43$ N. Capitol. Main 4751. ECO LIGHT TOURINO. In A-I shape and at a drive-away price. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. Main 1984. OAKLAND Sensible 6. 7-passenger, In good running condition. Very low price. INDIANA BATTERY SERVICE CO. .Mai ; 641 1. 1007 N. Meridian. Auto. 23-641. CHALMERS touring. In extra good shape! This Is a car you will be proud to own and at a price that will surprise you. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market no \\ Delaware. Main 1984. MAXWELL TOURING, nearly new tires! beet light five-passenger car for economU cal transportation; terms to suit pur chaser. Dietz-Janies, 534 E. Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday j morning. MAXWELLS In A-t condition, at almost any price to suit purchaser. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. 140 N. Del. Main 1984. I WILL TRADE MY CHALMERS AS part payment on 6-room bungalow 1 This car is like new. Call at 204 East j Twenty-fourth street, or at 13 North 1111- l no!a street, Jowelry store. HUPMOBILE touring, 1917 model, new paint, good tires and runs like new Priced very low for quick sale. THE MOTOR /MART Opposite Public Market. 140 N. Delaware, Main 1984. INTER-STATE ROADSTER. WITH WPG ter top; In A-l shape; good tires and good paint. Bargain price. DIETZ JAMES, 334 East Market street. Main 6716. HUPMOBILE touring; practically new tiros, new pistons and rings; \s good as new. Dietz-James. 884 East lilarket St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET, 4-90' touring; looks and runs like new; very economical car for family use; terms to suit the purchaser. Dletz-Jameg, 334 East Market St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET—RoyaI Mall roadster; Just the car for a city salesman; terms over twelve monthly payments. Dletz-James, 834 E. Market st. Main 5716. COLUMBIA SIX, demonstrator, at a big discount, or trade on your car. See thts at once. Dletz-James, 331 East Market. Main 5718._ INTER-STATE touring, just overhauled! good tires; nice family car. Dletz-James, 334 East Market. Main 5716. Open eve nings and Sunday morning. COMMONWEA LTH. DIETZ-JAMES Marlon county distributors. 334 E. Mar ket. CHUMMY ROADSTER, BIX-CYI.INDKK; terms or trade. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 E. Market. SAXON MX CHUMMY ROADSTER! DIETZ-JAMES. 384 .TO. Market. Main 6716, AUTOMOBILES—WANTED, AUTOS WANTED CASH FOR YOUR CAR We need them to supply our demand. We will pay up to $750 par car. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 N. Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. r WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don't forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED W# pay cash. No delay for your money. It is here for yon. Come In or call. 1. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. tl* N. llilnola at. Main 1579. Auto. 23-933. W alao buy jock cars- CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. is buying and selling used car*, tires, tubes and parts at 75 per cent of list. 819 North Illinois. Main 6090. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. Buick truck electric lights and starter; pneumatic tires; 2 new. 2 fair; paint new. Bargain. See D. E. Rider |pr terms. JONES-WHIT AKER SALES CO.. Department of Used Cars. 343 >L_ Capltoh Main 2345. ONE KISSEL lVi-TON TRUCK; GOOD condition; cab and stake body; cheap for S6OO. Had to have larger truck. Phone Prospect 370. J. HENRY AMT CO. AUTO REP At RS AND SUPPLIES. Batteries. New and Guaranteed 6-Volt, $20.00. 12-Volt, $30.00. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Massachusetts. Main 3145. JOB PLATING Nothing too large or too small for us to handle. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO., 633-35 Kentucky Ave. Main 2936. Main 6523. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-334 North Illinola S & S Auto Laundry LOW EST~ PRIC E D ili G H GRADE BAT tery made. DIXIE STORAGE BATTERY GO Main 5131. 529 Massachusetts ave. f|NK MAX' AUTO TOPS, SIDE CUK- U tains, seat and radiator covers. PER FECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 543. AUTO PAINTING " ~ Ford, 310 up. Others. V up. D. P. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. MOTORCYCLES ~ANO "aiCYCLEo INDIAN MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 616-613 E. Washington st. We have the most complete line of nw and used motorcycles and bicycles in the city. Our repair shop is equipped to take care of any kind of work. We carry a com plete line of motorcycle part.-, both new and used. A trial will convince you that our service Is exceptional. DONALD T. POPE 616-618 E. WASHINGTON ST. Open 6:30 evenings. Saturdays. 9:30 p. m. SEfc. Tilly 1920 * EXCELSIOR TWIN MERZ MOTOR CO. Gash paid' fok all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 100 Massachusetts avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR Hirtfc Al ios lOR KENT. DO YOUR OWN driving. U-Drivc Auto Service, at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith'* theater. Main 5921. - R I AL ESTATE—FOR SALE. DRIVE OUT NEW YORK STREET to Emerson Ave. and look at the beautiful lots in Pleasanton Addition. and make your selection. Low prices and easy terms. All lots at least 50-ft. front. All Improvements are In and paid for. This addition is absolutely restricted for residence purposes only. You will be protected against commercial or factory buildings and apartments. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO. Realtors 128 North Delaware St. Phones: Main 5840; Automatic 24-361. Six Room Modern Bungalow on Paved Street Large lot, good furnace, newly papered. Will take $4,500. Call at 62 South Denny street. Irvington car. Cash or Payments W. 29 th St 6-room dwelling, semi modern. Easy terms. See * Indianapolis' Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor Law Bldg. Sini w North Oakland Avenue! 7 rooms, thoroughly mod ern, lot 40x160, full base st iX nient, will surprise you with the price on this property. George A. Lucas, Realtor, 208 ! American Central Life. Circle 6600. Eve [ nlngs, Irvington 338. Forty acres for stock and poultry farm; part rolling land in wood; part level. Improved and- orchard; near New Philadelphia. Washington oounty, Indiana. Price S3O per acre. 1332 South Alabama street. 200 HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS; modern and semi-modern; In all parts of the city; first payment SIOO, S2OO, S3OO and SSOO. Call or see S. G. BCLLUP. 1349 North Senate. Circle 4956. Auto. 26-719. J HAVE SOME OF THE BEST BAK galns in modern and semi-modern | properties on the sotuh side; some near i Fountain square. Call Prospect 6184 after | 4 p. m. ft HOICK LARGE LOT .NKAK SIAhLg U road boulevard, within two squares ot Fair Grounds; $lO cash, balance $1 week ly. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. FIVE-ROOK COTTAtfE EAST; LARGE i lot, chicken park and fruit trees, aOO cash, balance monthly. Apply owner. Prospect 9468 day or evening. EAST; GOOD O-ROOM 1IOCSE; BAR galn. 6862 Dewey avenue. Irvington 1283. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. 422 S. Rural St. Price, $3,500; half down, balance monthly. Call Prospect 8625. Seven rooms and hath. Highland ave., north of Prat*; SSOO cash, balance month ly. Woodruff 2092. Five-room semi-modern bungalow; ga rage, chicken park; lot 55x285. Terms. Washington 1079. Four rooms, semi-modern. Oriented St south of Washington St., paved street; $300; easy terms. Main 148. i REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Cash or Payments W. 33rd 9t Eight-room, high-grade mod ern ; furnace, bath, hard wood floors, double base ment; elegantly finished. For terms see Indianapolis Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. Third Floor Law Bldg. Best Buy in Modern Double in City North New Jersey, north of Twenty-third street; seven roomg each side; modern In every way; separate porches; hardwooU floors; double garage; SB,OOO is the price, which Is away below what the Improvements alone would cost now. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO. Realtors 128 North Delaware St. Main 5840—Phones—Auto. 24-36 L See Mr. Benedict. East New York St. Eight rooms, modern, bath, furnace, double basement, electric lights, hardwood floors. Cash or Payments Indianapolis Securities Cos. Frank K. Sawyer, Pres. THIRD FLOOR LAW BLDG. X. RURAL. 6-ROOM COTTAGE* LARGE LOT, 46x280; ALL IM PROVEMENTS MADE AND PAID. PRICE $3,400. TERMS. VILLA AVE.. NEAR PROSPECT. 4-ROOM C ATT AGE; FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. PRICE $2,500. N. DEARBORN, 6-ROOM MOD ERN COTTAGE; LOT 40x132. PRICE $4,500. GILL REALTY CO. Realtors Main 1646. Auto. 28-236. $2,500 f3<>o down. $22 per month, for 5-room house, lot 40x150. West Indianapolis. $1,300 S4OO down, $9 per month, 4-room houss and cellar. West Indianapolis. ?3,000 SI,OOO down. S2O per month, buys 5- room house; city water and well inside; 100 block Chester avenue. SMOO $2,000 down, SSO per month, buys double house 100 block Chester avenue. IMOO $2,000 down. $4 0 per month, buys bunga low one year old; strictly -nod*rn si*- ! room house; full basement, at Fali creek and boulevard. Belmont 15S0. — ——■ *> " Jefferson Ave. Cottage nice lot; dandy location. Price la only $2,750 Which is A Real Bargain Might arrange to sell on terma J. S. CRESE REALTY CO. Realtors 12S North Delaware St. Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 24-3(1. See Mr. Bloodworth. F Northwest, in the loop. Vs beautiful 8-room bouse, on the finest lot In that sec si Ya. tlon of the city. Thorough ly modern. Price $6,000. GEORGE A. LUCAS, Realtor, 203 Ameri can Life. Circle 6COO. Evenings, Irving ton 338. 521 N. TRATJB AYE. $2,000; SSOO cash. S2O per month; elec tric lights, large lot; all In good condi tion. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4517. Ree. Belmont 2037. G OOD HO ME FOR DUPLEX OR large family; S rooms, gas. electric lights, well, cistern, cellar, city water In yard: lot 60 feet front: fine trees. 300 square Udell street, $3,000, terms. A snap. THE MACLEOD, REALTOR, _ 801 City Trust. Main 4583. Lot on fifty-second ht mtli Carrollton avenue, 71.76 foot front; I only $600; terms, $35 down and $lO per month. RI CHI E-DA VIS CO.. INC., I Main 620. 151 E, Market St. $21)0, SIOO DOWN AND $1 WEEKLY; no taxes or Interest for two years; ce ment walks, gravel street, sewer. Capitol Park addition. RICHIE-DAYIS CO., INC.. Main 520. 151 E. Market Bt. Five-room semi-modern bungalow with garage; near Hawthorne yards; $2,650; terms THE SOUTHERN LI'MEBR COu Sn r Seven-room modern, east; North Denny; $4,250; a very >\ rare bargain. GEORGE A. JL W LUCAS. 208 American Cen tral Life. Circle 6600. Eve- j nlng i and Sundays, Irvington 338. I FINE DOUBLE CLOSE IN ON J Broadway; modern; good repair, $5,5046 for quick’deal to close estate. / THE MACLEOD. REALTOR, ( 301 City Trust. Main 40887\ j COLLEGE AVF~ P-ROOM MODERN home, $5,500. Terms. A. C. BOHREN, 416 American Central Life. Main 3714. Nights, North 4292. East, seven-room semi-modern; garage; paved street; $3,000; terma Main 107. .-w r\ w 6-ROOM modern cottage, 3809 East Tenth, $4,600; Immediate possession. Geo. A. J Jl lx A. Lucas, realtor, 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. Evenings. Irvington 338. Southern ave., east of shelby, $150; terms, $1 down and $1 weekly. I. N. RICHIE & SON. REALTORS. 151 E. Market at. Five rooms, ~semi-modern, in st. Catherine's parish, one-half block from Shelby car line, $2,750; on terms. Main 5765. - , UNION street, 1921; live-room cottage. Price $2,000 on easy payments. H. G. MONEN. 405 Law Bldg. PEEDWAY CITY; BEAUTIFUL strictly modern homes for sale. Call Belmont 776. | Seven-room modern Fletcher Ave., paved street, walking distance; $4,200; terms. Woodruff 3400 after 7:30. INDIANA TRUST CO. ”* Sells real estate, collects rent, writes fire insurance. Seven rooms, modern except furnace I $3,300; SI,OOO cash; North 7476, after 6:30. TWO HOCBEB FOB SALE; ONE SUB- I nftdern. Harrison 2214. (Continued on Next Page) 9