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4 MOVIE MENUS IN LIGHTER VEIN (Continued I'rom Pas Three.) famous Sultana diamond, which waa stolen during the war from a woman. Os course there is a love story woven in the search for the missing diamond. Naomi Childers is the one who is loved by Moore in this movie. The cast includes Christine Mayo, Edwin Stevens, Lionel Belmore, Florence Deshon and Jack Richardson. The bill will include another little movie story produced by the stage women’s war relief committee. The News Weekly and the regular musical program will complete the bill next week at the Circle. „ *-l- -I- -I* IMPROVEMENTS! AT SMITH’S. Mr. Smith’s theater has been trans formed into the Rajah's Jewel Box. This has been done by changing the interior decorations of the theater. Transparent Oriental scenes line the wall and little balconies have been es tablished on each side of the screen for the musicians. As dally performances will begin at 1© o’clock in the mornings and ending at 11 p. m. t two orchestras have been en gaged to furnish continuous music. As an added attraction for next week, ; • trk> of Spanish xylophone players and singers has been engaged. There will also be a DeLnxe Male Quartet of singers and soloists. "Partners of the Night,” a crook movie, will be the feature next week, and tells a story of a clever “con” woman, who hits, only the high places and the bright lights. The story discloses the wicked night life of a Mg city and shows how the “gang” is protected. In the cast nTe Pinna Nesbit as Mary Regan, the *‘con” woman; Emmet Corri gan as the detective; William B. David son, William Ingersoll and others are seen. -I- -I- -I ALHA3IBBA. “Excuse my dust!” Motorists, of course, are familiar with the remark and hence the announcement that Wallace Reid’s newest comedy dfama bears ‘‘Excuse My Dust” as its title, they n£ed not be told that It is a story about automobile affairs. ' It is a sequel to “The Roaring Road.” In “Excuse -My Dust” Wallie is once more “Toodles” Walden, manager of the Darco auto agency and now happily married to Dorothy, daughter of old .T. D. Ward, president of the company and better known in automobile circles as “The Bear.” Old J. D. has drawn the line upon his son-in-law engaging in the racing game, but before “Excuse My Dust” has been run through "Toodles” not only gets into it, but so does “The Bear” himself, the latter even tvinning a hot contest in which “Toodles” was fouled by his rivals, employes of a concern anxious to steal the secret of the new AMUSEMENTS. I RIALTO VAUDEVILLE - MUSICAL COMEDY FEATURE PICTURES Remember All New ■Tomorrow | ALL STAR 1 O FEATURES INCLUDING j The Classiest Act in Vaudeville I Seven ISerenaders IA Big Minstrel ■ Oddity With Special h Scenery, Beautiful g Costumes , Pretty Girls I Special Feature Photo-Play IGEORGE IWALSH j| A Manhattan Knight ■ A Strange Story of I Stolen Jewels, Suicide I and Love I ONLY THEATRE If In the City Combining I Vaudeville With Fea- I ture Pictures Entire New Show Every Sunday H Attend the 1:30 Show and Avoid the Jam. H Ledies, get coupons at this the- I ■ ater good at the Broadway I jL-sJ Mon., Wed. and Fri. matinees. I ~ALL THIB WEEK AVIATOR GIRLS WITH ETHEL SHUTTA AND Aviation Chorus This coupon and 10 cents entitles lady to reserved seat at any matinee during week. Dnjrco motor, which U hailed as a marvel of speed and power. At the Alhambra all next week. -I- -I- -I SOJtE ALARM CLOCK. It takes a mighty loud alarm clock to awaken some people, and in a great many instances it takeo considerable more than a “Big Ben.” This held true Jn the case oi‘ Andy Gray, the hero ■ of Charles Ray’a latest comedy, “Alarm Clc*>k Andy,” which will be shown at the Isis the first half of next week. Andy wasn’t a sleepy-head by any means. He was just bashful. And added to MILLtfENT FISHER that he stuttered something fearful. So when he came in from the country he failed to make headway at his Job of an auto truck salesman, despite the fact that he tried his best and even Jr f If OlillhiaMimlwra ..zi CHRISTY COMEDY FOX NEWS You’ll Gasp in Amazement at Its Beauty When You Step Into Mister Smith’s Theatre Next Week! —As tho * by magic, it has bean transformed into a little Oriental jewel box — let’s say, **The Rajah’s Jewel Box” Beautiful and novel decora tions. Stunning: light effects! Beauty that will make yon first say, “Ah!” then sit back and enjoy it! Just the most unique little theater in the country! pS Come in at 10 in the Wt morning and you’ll see the same kind of a show > you would at night—splen did little orchestras that play popular music as well ! as the “high-brow stuff,” P| and there will be singers, PH entertainers and novelty musical acts to delight you. Come any time—morning, |H noon or night, lunchtime, dinner time, any time— for there s a good show H all the time! And the Leßoy Scott’s Thrilling Story , Ul C The story of Mary Regan, wanted by the Paris police, rirtlirp loved by the detective set to trail her, who fought him yet A ivIUIC loved himh Then the sensational raid by the police—and Jg the girl he loved caught In the trap. What did he do? Whale! Comedies —News Weeklies—Other Novelties patterned after Blinker, the firm's star salesman. Then one day he chanced to fall in love with his boss’s pretty daughter. She proved to be Andy's alarm clock. Miss Mlllicent Fisher plays the role of the sweetheart. -I- -I- -I COLONIAL. Owen Moot* plays the part of a young lawyer who Is considered a "good citcb” by, the girls In a small town. The movie is called ‘‘Booner or Later” and will be at the Colonial all next week. Moore will be remembered as the chap who was ditched In the divorce courts by Mary Pickford recently. In the movie, Seena Owen plays oppo site Moore. Moore’e role Is that of Patrick Mur phy, a young attorney, who avoids women. But when he meets a girl, unknown to him, he falls suddenly and desperately In leva Soon after bis friend. Bob Hills, en lists bis aid to save the honor of the Bills family. Mrs. Ellis has left home In Falrhaven, Conn., to meet a Mr. Por ter in New York and her husband believes MOTION PICTURES. Bic and tainers tying I the ime Two Little Orchestra* The Spanish Trio Singers and Instrumentalists De Luxe Male Quartette INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920. that she is a party to some secret affair. Ellis commissions Patrick to find his wife and in describing her convinces *at that she is the beautiful girl with whom he (Pat) has fallen in love. -I- -I- -f- THE REGENT. Action, drama, bloodshed, revenge and love all are in “One-Way Trail,” the feature attraction at the Regent the first four days of the week starting Sunday. Edythe Sterling, famous as a horse woman, is the Btar - Class.” edyth.e Sterling 18 se in the role of Wanda Walker, whose lover Is a member of the northwest mounted police. EXCUSE MY DUST He’s in again! And in ahead! Same old Toodles Walden of “The Roaring Road,” vrith the same old soorn of miles and motor-cops. Risking his neck for love, his son and a “dare” in the wildest race of speed devils ever shown on the screen. And that glorious fight when a crooked rival wrecks Toodles’ car and sends him sprawling! Wow! with THUD DORK ROBERTS—ANN UT TW-TUbhY MARSHALL irfyMf***4fc. -MRcMSi g ' S ■r**' : I He has pitted against him a desperate outlaw chief, known throughout the country as “Thundering Ames.” Ames gets the officer in many tight places, but each time Miss Sterling comes dashing to his assistance. -I- -|. -|- % TRIPLE BILL AT OHIO. A big program with three feature films and special music will be the feature at the Ohio all next week. Mae Murray, in “A. B. C. of Love,” will be the feature film attraction, which con cerns an orphan girl who marries a play wright only to see an actress attempt to snatch away tbr love of the playwright. So the little wiof the writer of plays has to learn her 1. B. C.'s of love and in the end shows .be actress a few tricks In her trade. The comedy end of the bill will be -w .I*. sI, VrJflT via /p B is Saturday Evening Post Story \ A strange yellow-eved woman with the instincts of a tigress. A Bllflfjf! daring young amateur detective. A marvelous diamond. A gang IgHl of pitiless French crooks. Lashed into hair-raising action. ' IllillfljllPfrjifMr fflPUrrF 1° “TIFDS,” Tom Moore has anew sort of role— a young AmeP * iean just out of uniform keen for anything that promises a fight or fortune. He gets them both in a picture that piles thrill upon . MhHHV 9 An * suothss ®f the *- n• r r r g. ltghtfui tnriii. __ ' \ ; *f “HROLE HAI.F HOtTB ny, Jiui* Grey end IBCj f Jfcfi fcSr BB KH, nthrr notable players. iHI WurglßW jw md IiSSNSf W BB Hv The Clrelett* of News 3 8 L |S ml IJI Soloist jol -rw t Tho Cirri* Orrhrstrt*— j AJT W BBmwHlWy 0."-* Frnoot Sohmldt. oon- IREBm bftll wCTwrJ I j 11 1 VI yJ ■ 111 *yJ I”1 tl ff.t >zJ3rM darting WmLwiMmSSm CURRENT NEWS WEEUCLyH M - MfiSm MUTT AND JEFF COMEDY v JB&mmi LITERACY DIGEST NEWS represented by Charles Chaplin In a re it The Champion,” and the Lit erary Digest. Aa anew musical feature, the Ohio All- Btar Male quartet will make Its intial appearance next week. As tbs schedule now stands, the Ohio will honse a three-hour show next week. Mrs. Dewey Heads Economics Club Mrs. A. R. Dewey has been elected president of Home Economics club for the coming year, with Mrs. Herman Rogge, vice president The other officers are Mrs. E. B. Thompson, recording secretary; Mrs. H. A. Crosnland, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Frank Andlng, treasurer, ‘COME AND SEE; Y. W. C. A. SLOGAN Public Invited to Association Building Next Week. “Come and See’ week at the Young Women’s Christian association, begin ning Tuesday includes some Interesting specialty features as well as the regu lar class work and recreation programs. The pool will be one of the particular points of Interest, with exhibition swim ming and diving each night. Some of the chief participants will be Mrs. Cedle Deubig, senior champion; Mie Luclle Row, junior champion, and MOTION PICTUREB. Miss Thelma Darby and Miss Regina Reese. Eight girls, all under twelve years el age, who go by the name of the ”littl< Seals,” because of their exceptional swig mlng will also be at the pool each ev ning. From 7:30 to 10 Tuesday and Wednes day night moving pictures will be showi in the auditorium, Friday night the dramatic art cUem will give a one-act comedy and pant* mime. , The industrial cine will have an •*. tereating recreatlonlF program Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Guides will be on hand to show guest! through the building at any time betweei the hours of 10 a. m. and 10 p. m.