Newspaper Page Text
8 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908 New Phone. 27-209. A. M Ragsdale. J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street, McKAHAN & WILHITE 27 West Thirteenth street. Main 8210. J. C. WILSON 1220 Prospect. Auto. 51-571. Prospect 222. Funeral directors— WM E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 125 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114. UNDERTAKERS —HIHEI A TITUS, #sl North Del. New 26- 561. Main 2630. CARj3 OFTH ANKS. WE WISH TO THANK OUR SIAM fnenda, relatives and neighbors for their kirdness and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our be loved mother, also the Y. M. I. and A. O. H. Altar society and the auxiliary to the B. of R. T. and the officers and employes of the Big 4, C„ I. & W., Pennsylvania Company and A., T. & S. S. Railway Com pany for the many beautiful floral offer ings and favors; also Blackwell & Son. undertakers, for their efficient service and the Rev. Father Byrne for his consoling words In our sadness. WILLIAM. THOMAS, CHARLES BOYLE and sister, MRS. MARY RIEHL. IN MEMORIAL- IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF OUR dear father and grandfather, Samuel Shields, who departed this life Jan. 27. 1919. a year ago today; One by one the flowers are taken. One by one the roses fall. And we know that grief and sorrow Come to one and all. God has taken our dear loved one. We must try to bear the pain. For a loving one has promised We In heaven shall meet again. Daughter, MRS. LILLIAN BOWMAN, and family. 3205 East Twenty-sixth street. CHURCH NOT 1C ES. ~ _ First Church of Christ, Scientist Meridian and Twentieth streets. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testlmonal meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms at 806 Kahn building, are open dally, except Sunday. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and Wednesday when they close at 5 p. m. QHRISTIAN SCIENCE— SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth sts Sunday services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 2 o’clock. Reading room. 611 Odd Fel low bldg.; open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. except Wednesday, when It Is closed at 5 p. m. Open Sunday from 2 to 6 p. ns. QHRISTIAN SCIENCE— THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. 1350 Washington boulevard. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra. Sunday school 8:15 a. m. Wednesday eve ning testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room at 205 East Thirty-fourth open dally from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m., ex cept Wednesday, when It Is closed at 5 p. m. Open Sunday from 2-5 p. m. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Corner North and Pennsylvania street. Metropolitan School of Music. Services every Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Lecture by the REV. BESSIE MAY BELLMAN Subject, “The Rending of the Veil Mes sages," will be given by MRS. ANNA THRONDSEN The Ladles’ Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Throndseei. 1633 College avenue, on Tuesday at 2 p. m. All spiritualist and public are invited and made welcome i< all these services. First spiritualist cm roii. bos North Liberty: mass meeting to cele brate the 72d anniversary of modern Spir itualism. Saturday, March 27. at 7:45 p m. Musical program with refreshment? Sunday. March 28. at 2 p. m., memorial services for our risen workers. George R Ward, president of the National Spiritual ist association, will lecture at 2 p. m. and 7:45 p. m. Messages will be given by good mediums at each service. Come. bring your mends All are welcome. rO YEARS AGO LAST JANUARY, BK tween Illinois and Pennsylvania on Washington street, or between Washing ton and Federal building on Pennsylvania street, two secretary books belonging to the Sons of the Revolution. Reward of $lO. Phone SCOTT BREWER. Main 792. STOLEN MODEL N, 5-PASSENGER Hupmobile. factory No. 79106, license No. 67425, with four Norwalk cord tires and 1 Kelly-Springtield spare. Reward. FRANK FEESER, 1102 Prospect si. Pros pect 18, Auto. 51-910 L^OST— PAIR OF RIMLESS GLASSES, attached to gold chain. In Isis theater, or between Isis theater and Columbia gro cery. Call North 7622. STOLEN, BICYCLE, RED, DOUBLE bar, from school No. 49. Reward for Information resulting in return. ROBERT ALLEY, Belmont 829. Lost— ring: large blue set! Roman gold, three-wire band. Gift with sentiment attached. Liberal reward. Main 1139. Lost. Saturday, march 20, small gold ring set with five chip diamonds, was wedding ring. Reward. Prospect 3649. Lost —keys, glen j. riser, call North 4392: reward. Name on tag. Lost— brooch, garnet, reward. Main 6660. NOTICES. KEEP WITHIN THE LAW Equip your automobile with the HOWARD HEADLIGHT DEFLECTORS. Eliminates da/ngers of glaring headlights. Your safety demands them as a matter of self-pres ervation. Representatives wanted every where for this great patented invention, part or full time $lO to *25 daily. HOWARD HEADLIGHT DEFLECTOR CO. i Detroit, Mich. WE BUY, RAISE” AND SELL FIIL bearing rabbits and other fur-bearing animals. List what you hare with us, stating your lowest prices on large lot shipments. The FUR AND SPECIALTY FARMING CO.. 615-617 N. P. Ave., Fargo, North Dakota. F~ ÜBNACE, SECOND HAND, FOR SALE We take out many furnaces In good condition and lnsall Moncrlefs. MONCRIEF FURNACE CO., 915 North Davidson St. Main 7820. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT i will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Fannie Hollen back. SILAS HOLLENBACK. INSTRUCTIONS. RAGTIME Plano playing in 20 lessons. Professional style for play ers. Booklet sent free. CHRISTENSON SCHOOL 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle *o*4. Railway mail clerks, *no month. Experience unnecessary. Young men, 17 upward, desiring clerkships. Write for free particulars. R. TERRY (former civil service examiner), 666 Continental bldg., Washington, PERSONALS. ~!T Frank Fitzgerald, lawyer! gen eral practice all courts. Office 421 Peoples Bank Bldg. 134 East Market *L ~ TAILORS AND CLEANERS. CLEAN ’EM UP Capitol Garment Cleaners M. A. GITHENS. SERVICE! SERVICE I SERVICE! 1*46 North Capitol avenue. Main 647). Main 4160. Auto. 21-241. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing: army overcoats made over; ladles* work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio etreel Automatic 2-41. Circle #. ars*^gs^s£j in yFM MALE HELP—WANTED. Nordyke <& Marraomi Cos. Ky. Ave. and Morris St. offers excellent opportuni ties in the following classifications INSPECTOR MILLWRIGHT MILLWRIGHT HELPER AUTOMATIC AND HAND SCREW MA CHINE MACHINIST VARNISH FINISHER HANDY MAN CRATER LABORER. EXPERfEOBCED / Fill! MLiCTS iiiWEIT ENGINE CO. 18TH AND NBANTINDALE DRAFTSMEN. DETAILERS and TRACERS. MIDWEST ENGINE CO. 19th and Martindale. Match Your Coat ■> VV OHIO ST. Near 111 10 E MARKET ST. Near Penn AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES We want an agent in every city and town to sell new guaranteed automobile batterlea Agents can not lose money, and sure to, make big profits. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Mass. Ave.. Indianapolis, Ind. PRESSER on garment pressing ma chine. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garment Cleaners,” 49 Monument Circle. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect ear to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. LABORERS for construction work; long Job. good pay. BEDFORD STONE & CONSTRUCTION CO. PENN. AND COURT STS. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. FIREMAN AND BOILER WASH ERS; EXPERIENCED WHITE MEN; 8 HOURS WORK, FREE CAR FARE, GOOD PAY. SEE MR. AN DERSON OR MILLER AT 1150 W. WASHINGTON. COLORED LABORERS. 10 HOURS WORK. GOOD PAY, FREE CAR FARE. SEE MR. AN DERSON Oft MILLER AT 1150 W WASHINGTON. Railway mail clerks are of fered (1,300 entrance salary with pro motion* to (2,125. For lull particular* and preparation, write INDIANA CUVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, 157 N. Illinois st., room 207, Jndlanapolls, Indiana. Head electrician" to take charge of gereral repair and main tenance work. Apply at Prospect plant CITIZENS GAS COMPANY. Prospect street and Belt rallioad. ANTED—IJNE SHAFTING, belting, also punching presses snd vulcanizing outfit, various sizes of molds. TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO.. 40 W. North street. Telephone Main 1123. Average $125 months ” railway mall clerks; hundreds needed. List positions open. free. Write FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept 96-C. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED NAMES ~ MEN WISHING become Indianapolis mail carriers; (100-(135 month. Address A No. 2962, Times. , POLISHER, EXPERIENCED ON Pic ture frame molding; highest wage. HENRY NURRE, 1409 Plum st.. Cincin nati, O. YOUNG MAN for starch room; good chance to learn candy making. HOMER J. WILLIAMSON, 541 North East street. WANTED EXPERIENCED TINNERS Izi assortment line. STANDARD METAL CO., 136 S. Pennsylvania. WANTED —Barber; good wages and prices. Open shop. SEELBACH HOTEL. Louis ville, Ky. WANTED —MEN TO WORK IN VE neer plant; steady work. 1616 West Michigan. SHOE REPAIR MAN. CALL kT b! HOLTAM. Prospect 771 or Prospect 5024. Young man fob office work in real eeiata, rental an# tnntvanea ofriaa. Math ma MALE HELP—WANTED. SKILLED MEN WE WANT GOOD, EXPERIENCED MEN For ' LATHES, LAYOUT BENCH, BORING MILLS, SCREW MACHINES, Night Force. Chance for day force in two months; best working conditions. Apply Employment Office MIDWEST ENGINE COMPANY 19th and Martindale. FIRST-CLASS ELECTRICIAN, W 1 REMAN AND HELPERS GOOD PAY IT) RIGHT PARTY MEIER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE COMPANY 136 S. Meridian CABINET MAKERS If you are a good workman and ap preciate a congenial Job. we have It for I you. Permanent work in a well-equipped progressive factory. Fifty hours a week —half day Saturday year around. Our pol icies are fair and liberal Can use sev eral good men immediately. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFC. CO. ghelby Car to Belt. Three Blocks East. Men, women and girls wanted for U. S, government life jobs. Com mence *IOO month. Quick raise. Vaca tions with pay. f*liiant work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Write Immediately for fre i list of positions open. FRANKLIN IN STITUTE. dept 94-C._Rochsster._N Y Night watchman for manufacturing concern; state age. experience, salary desired and phone number in j first letter. Address A 2971, Times. WHITE FIREMAN wanted at once. Apply AMERICAN GLUE . CO.. 639 West Fourteenth street. WANTED —EXPERIENCED FIREMEN on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAT. Union Traction Power House, An derson, Ind. WANTED— H E PI LI.ER.S. FIREMEN and helpers. ARTIFICIAL ICE AND : COLD STORAGE CO.. 316 West Ohio st. Good candy maker wanted. EVANSVILLE CANDY MFG. CO., 1614 Main street, Evansville, Ind. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTI.EDGE. 201 Indiana ave. Boy wanted—office and errand. About 16 years old 310 Century bldg. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. POSITION WANTED—YOUNG MARRIED msn, thoroughly trained In dry goods and department; clerk, buyer, manager, ad vertising. decorator; Chicago and 20.000 ; town experience; efficient, good appear ance. I want to locate him In good In i dlana town. JOHN W. MOORE, Gaa City, ; Ind. ——f— IN AFTERNOON FROM 1 TO B, BY young man 21. What have you to j offer me? Addresa A No. 851. Tlmea. WANT JOB, RCG BEATIN67 49-7 SA. SALES MEN—WANTED. eeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeenee wvwwvww STOCK SALESMAN LIVE, ENERGETIC SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FOL LOW UP LEADS SECURED THOUGH ADVERTISING AND CIRCULARS. STOCK SOLD UN DER PLAN THAT ABSOLUTE LY GUARANTEES INVESTOR'S PRINCIPAL CALL PERSON ALLY. 1104 ODD FELLOW BLDG. WANTED SOLICITORS AND SALESMEN Sev-ral experienced live aalesmen. Big 1 money; bright future. UNDERWRITERS PROTECTIVE CORPORATION 302 Sake Building Salesmen exceptional ' oppor tunlty for a few men of ambition. ; energy and ability to connect with a suc cessful. growing buslnosa Institution that gives real co-operation. This Is an oppor- I tunlty to make good money and to work j for a future. 909 Merchants Bank Bldg. STOCK SALESMAN O K. GIANT BAT tery Cos. Dry rechargeable batteries. Call Prospect 9167. Pembroke Arcade, Room 12. HAYES A KENNEDY, District Sales Managers. j Salesmen —ts-, capable oi' bakn- Ing *3OO a month commission. COM PUTING VISIBLE MEASURE PUMP aOMPANY. 1542 West Washington. STOCK SALESMAN, PART TIME MAN. Call Prospect 9167. Pembroke Arcade, Room 13. HAYNES A KENNEDY. Dis trict Sales Managers. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS— 100 WEEKLY AND ACTO moblle furnished agents everywhere introducing marvelous new automobile in vention. Doubles efficiency and life of any car.# Raves Its cost first day. Territory going like wildfire: *26 sample outfit free Writ* quick. OVEE COMPANY, dept. 488. Louisville, Ky. A “GENTS WANTED —WHATEVER YOUR capacity we offer exceptional oppor tunities. Auto accessories that appeal to every car owner on sight. ExcltjidVe ter ritory. Permanent proposition. Wlftte Desk 103. 221 Indiana avenue. Indianapolis. Agents — 200% profit. Bonder fill little article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right In pocket. Write at once for free sample ALBERT MILLS. General Manager. 384 American building. Cincinnati. Ohio. dancing! ✓/VS /VWhAAAAAA^A^AA STAGE ACTS, VIOLIN 1 ALL KINDS OF , fancy artistic steps; stage dancing acta taught and oompleted; for good sea eon'd engagements, satisfaction guaran teed. Cal! PROF RAVUO, 924 Wairt OHta •tract Main JH INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. An opportunity to secure a good position. Salary advanced frequently. Young women between the ages of 16 and 25. Apply to the CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE CO. Room 522. corner New York and Meridian street* mm .18 TO 30 YRS. OF AGE FOR LIGHT CLEAN FACTORY WOR K. STEADY EMPLOYMENT UN DER GOOD WORK ING CONDITIONS. T A K E GARFIELD CAR, AMERICAN CAN CO. South East & Belt R. R. GOOD STARTING RATE, WITH AD V ANCE MENT, FOR SEVERAL WOMEN WORK ER S. ROCK WOOD MFG. CO., 1801 ENGLISH AVE. TAILORS ON MEN’S CLOTHING; GOOD PAY; STEADY WORK FOR COMPETENT PEO PLE. APPLY MR. LOV ENGER, L. STRAUSS & CO. wom em 18 to 30 years of age for light factory work. HARRY IF MAHAN BOX CO. 320 W. South St. Bookkeeper Uyocno woman, ejT perianced, for Interesting position In small town about 70 mllxs irora Indianap olis. Initial salary *IOO with advancs ment when familiar with work. Employ- 1 ment department, Pennsylvania and Ver mont. Ask for Mr*. White. The school, umu location. Is the CENTARL BUB - COLLEGE. Fred W. Case, principal, , GIRLS WANTED OVER 16. CENTURY BIS CUIT CO., BLACKFORD AND NEW YORK. STENOGRAPHER*— WE HAVE MANY good positions open for experienced stenographers Salaries *lB to *26 Employ ment department, Pennsylvania and Ver mont, Ask for Mrs. White. The school, same location. Is the CENTRAL BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Fred W. Case, principal. US, GOVERNMENT WANTS GIRLS? I women. 18 up. Well paid, pleasant positions. Short hours Paid vacation. List positions free. Write Immediately. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 616-C. Rochester, N. Y. WHITE dTnING ROOM~MAID! APPLY MISS AARRON, CITY HOSPITAL. Talent w anted- \o< a lists] oU strumenfallsts. readers, versatile peo ple of all kinds for Lyceum. Chautauqua and concert work. Write UNITED TAL ENT BUREAU. Dept B*. Meridian, Miss WANTED HOUSEKEEPER; WIDOW lady preferred, steady employment to right party. Call after 4 o'clock. 40 North Mount. ANTED—LADY TO TAKE CHARGE of home for about six weeks. Call at 715 North Alabama. Phone. Circle 3232. HITE WOMAN TO HAKE PIER AND help cook. Belrr.ont 3423. 2602 W. Michigan street. Younq lady bookkeeper and stenographer. Belmont 2311. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE.” MATERNITY NURSE wants cases during March and April; will assist with housework. Terms reasonable. Cal! Washington 4446. APARTMENTS—TO LET. Sri r Three high-class spart rrenta for rent. North Me rldlan, 1700 block. Upper AYL duplex for rent, 2100 block, North Meridian. Geo. A. Lucas, 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. ROOMB—TO LET. ~ Room in modern home between Kali creek and Twenty-third street on Meridian. Phone North 6168. TWO UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE keeping rooms. 1715 Ruckel. North 7633. DANDY furnished room, running water. 684 North Meridian. UNFU R NISHRD first floor roorm 534 North Meridian. R" OOMS TO RENT. 431 NORTH stone. TMB BEST SOOMB ALWAYS UffU* among Times Want Aas FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. SIOO per month will bo paid by young couple (no children) for well-fur nished apartment or house on north side near Fall croak or In Irvington. Wanted by April 1. Phone North *414. OFFICES AND STORES—WANTED^ NEWLY FURNISHED OFFICES for aaJe at a (sacrifice to quick buyr. Ad rtrefta A No? Time*. w: T ——* i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. MARMON 34s RENEWED AND GUARANTEED SEDAN Seven-passenger. 4-door. At this time we are In position to paint car to suit buyer TOURING Seven-passenger, has been re newed and Is painted maroon with White wheels, new top and curtains. ROADSTER Four-passenger, renewed and repainted. This is a very popu lar model and an exceptional opportunity for a discriminating buyer. LOCAL BRANCH NORDYKE & MARMON Meridian and Eleventh. dTWI INVESTIGATE OUR WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN We have on our floor the following: CHEVROLET 4-90 ' INTER-STATE TOURING MAXWELL TOURING PACKARD 6 TOURING OAKLAND SPEEDSTER PAIGE B TOURING SCRIPPS-BOOTH ROADSTER ROAD TOURING ALLEN 4 TOURING MAXWELL CHASSIS REO 4 TOURING Some as low as SIOO down. No brokerage. We handle our own deals. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol. Open evenings and Sunday. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market High-class new and used automo biles. We guarantee square dealing, also guarantee all of our cars against defects for 30 days. A Car for Every Pocket Book. Terms to responsible parties. 140 N. Delaware St. Open Evenings and Sundays. Main 1984. SPECIAL SALE Bulck 4 roadster, excellent running con dition, 5 good tire*. $575 term*. * 1916 Ford touring, new tiree, new paint, has been remodeled; 13*5, 1918 Maxwell coupe; this would be suit able for a physician; A-l condition as good aa new. |s7a. 1916 Dodge roadster. In first-class condi tion. 1676. MERIT SALES CO. 232 North Capitol. Main 6293. THE MOTOR MART We have just secured a lot of high grade touring cars and roadsters of popular makes which will he on dis play at our showrooms. These cars are in A-l shape and priced for a quick sale. Opposite Public Market. 140 N. Delaware. Main ISB4. INVBSTIG AT BOD P WEEK L Y PAYMENT PLAN l-at* Ford touring 8 >5 down $3 60 per wk. 1915 Ford louring.. 100 clows 2.50 per wk Overland touring . 110 down 3.76 per wk Maxwell tourKyg .. 116 down * 76 per wk Chevrolet rdstfT ... 125 down 376 per wk 191* Studebaker tr. 145 down 425 per wk 1917 Oakland tr. 160 down 4.50 per wk MERCANTILE GARAGE 126 B. Pennsylvania St. Main <ll6. BUICK, 1919—Touring. Like new. Cord tires snd reflnlshed throughout. Thl* car is priced for a quick sala. Caah or payments. No brokerage. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Merkel. 1> N. Delaware. Main 1964, STUTZ 4-PASSENGER 191® Bulldog Special; WtaconMn motor; good mechanical condition; good tirrn, paint and upholstering good. F'rlca DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO. 962 N. Meridian 8t Ma;n 949 Auto. 21-126. OVERLAND Club, 1918, wire wheela, new tires, nsw paint, new top. aew uphol atery and everything that goes to make a nifty city car. Caah or payments No brokerage. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 19*4. JACKSON ROADSTER ‘ Five good tiree, spotlight, bumper bar and other equipment. For quick sale. *BSO. Terms to suit purchaser NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CO FORD touring, 1919; electrically equipped with starter and lights, etc. Thl* car la in first-ciasa shape and priced for a quick sale THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. MAXWELL TOURING, nearly new tiree' beet light five-peaaenger car for economi cal tranaportation; terms to suit pur chaser. Dlets-Jamee, 234 E. Market. Main 6716. Open evenings and Hunday morning. DODGE roadster, in A-l mechanics dltlon. good tires, paint and top, as good ae new. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market 140 N, Delaware _ Main 3*14. CADILLAC touring. 1916, equipped - with five good tires; .tonneau. windshield, paint, top and upholstery good; motor in excellent condition; price |1,650. DETROIT ELECTRIC CO.. 962 N. Meridian. Main 942. Auto. 21-125. MONROE TOURING. 1919 model. This car has been put In first-class shape, and is a real bargain at our price. Cash or payments. No brokerage. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. INTER-STATE KOADSTEkUwiTII Vvlnl ter top; In A-l ehape; good tires and good paint. Bargain price. DIETZ .I AMES, 124 East Market street. Main 6716. OT.DRMOBILE 6, touring. 1919 demonstra tor; a real bargain. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Open evenings. M. 1984 Opposite Public Market. HUPMOBILE touring, practically new tires, new pistons and rings; as rood ns new. Dietz-James, 224 East Market St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET, 4-90 touring: looks and runs like new; very economical car for family use; terms to suit the purchaser. Dietz-James, 334 East Market St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday rooming. Ford smith-format ruck. kml will aold at a big sacrifice If sold at once. Ldrth 3852, 1011 North Illinois street. CIip;VROLBT— Royal Mail roadster; Just the car for a city salesman; terms over twelve monthly payments. Dletz-James, 334 E, Market at. Main 5716. INTER-STATE touring, Just overhauled. good tires; nice family csr. Diets James. 334 Fast Market. Main 5716. Open eve nings and Bunday morning. COLUMBIA SIX. demonstrator, at a big discount, or trade on your car See this at once. Dietz-James. 384 East Market. Main 5716. BCTCH TOURING, S37S; TERMS] AO mechanically; will demonstrate; crank starter. 35* West Twenty-seventh street. C - HUMMY ROADSTER, SIX-CYLINDER; terms or trade. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 B. Market. SAXON “SIX CHUMMY ROADSTER. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 E. Market. Main 5716. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORDS Just arrived. a 1919 touring with full electrical equipment. Early 1918 se dan. All of these cars are guaranteed to be in A-l shape and are priced for a quick sale. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Open evenings. M. 1984. Opposite Public Market. WtLLYS-KNIGHT eight cylinder; the beauty of Indianapolis; five wlr wheels, five new cord tires: perfection windshield and motometer: tire cover and everything that goes to make a driving beauty. Let us demonstrate this car to you Sunday. THE MOTOR MART Opposite Public Market. 140 N. Delaware, Main 19*4. COLE AEFO 9 Practically new; been In service 6 months; 6 cord tires. We will gladly demonstrate this car to you. Terms to suit purchaser. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CO. | 426 N. Capitol. Main 4768. FORD BARGAINS Ten 1916 Roadsters and tourings; 13 1917-1918-1919 tourings and roadsters. ; Cash or payments. ALLEN, 917-919 Vlr i ginla avenue. i PATTERSON touring, only run 3,600 miles; just like new; price 31.250. DETROIT ELECTRIC CO. Main 943. 963 N. Meridian. Auto. 21-125. AUTOMOBILES—S'VLE OR TRADE. BCICK TOURING. MODEL 43; TRADE to- late model Ford. 368 We6t Tweuty seventli street. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. CREVROLET 1-ton worm drive truck; been usfd t lightly, pneumatic tires. See this at once. Terms if desired. JONEB-WHITAKER SALES CO. Department of Used Cats. 34 9 N. Capitol. Maln 2346. ONE KISSEL tVi-TON TRUCK] GOOD condition; cab and stake body; cheap for 3600. Had to have larger truck. Phone Prospect 370. J. HENRY AMT CO. STUDEBAKKR TRUCK 1-TON; IN good condition. Bargain. Reason for selling, leaving city. 622 E. Merrill st. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED CASH FOR YOUR CAR We need them to supply our demand. We will pay up to $750 per car. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 N. Capitol. Main SCS&. Auto. 2A-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. ALTOS WANTED Ws pay cash. No delay for yoor money It la here for you. Come In or call. 1. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 K. Illinois st. Main 1579 Auto. 32-961. We also boy Junk cars CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIEICa Is buylnr *nd selling used cara tires, tube* snd parts at 75 per cent of list. *l9 North Illinois. Main 8090. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIED. JOB PLATING othlng Is too large or too small for us to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 638-36 Kentucky ave. Main 2936. Main (623. Batteries. New and Guaranteed 6-Volt, $20.00. 12-Volt, $30.00. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 897 Massachusetts. Main- 3146. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-134 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry lowebt*pr'icled - high grads batn tery made. DIXIE STORAGE BATTERY OO Main 5111. 629 Massachusetts ave. SINK MAN AITO TOPS, SIDS tl R I tains, seat and radiator covers. PER BCTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1197 Udell street. North 646. AUTO PAINTING Ford, (10 up. Others. (15 up. D. D. FLEMING, 20 \V. Wabaeh. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEB. INDIAN MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 616-618 E. Washington st. We have the most complete line of new and used motorcycles and bicycles in the city. Our repair shop U equipped to take care of any kind of work. We carry a com plete lino of motorcycle parts, both new and jused. A trial will convince you that our service is exceptional. DONALD T. POPE 616-618 E. WASHINGTON ST. Open 6 30 evenings. Saturdays. 9:30 p. m. BJCfc. THh 1920 EXCELSIOR * TWIN MERZ MOTOR CO. 450-52 Maae. ave. Twin Indian, three speedmotor cyele, will sell or exchange for smaller machine, Cleveland preferred. Call Satur day afternoon or Sunday. 446 North Bevllle avenue. CASH PAID FOB A Li. KINDS O* motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN, 660 Massachusetts avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE Autos for rent. do your own driving. U-Drlvc Auto Service, at Hooaier Laundry. Rear Keith’s theater. Main 5921. REAL ESTATE— F °R SALE. r 3309 East Tenth, (4,500; six rooms, modern. Immed /'ft late possession. 861 N. Oakland avenue. (5.600; modern, seven rooms. Modern duplex, south, well located. *5,- 600. double garage, rents (70 per month. Seven-room modern. Irvington, (4,500. Virginia aVenue, storercom with five liv ing rooms above and five below, at a real bargain. Eight rooms, modern. In the loop north west; (6,000. GEORGE A. LUCAS. 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. EAST Seven rooms, electric lights, city water, gas. cistern and sink In kitchen; lot 40x 160 f-*et on paved street; fruit and ehrub hery, (3,000; (1,000 cash, (20 per month, good location. Sec Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 151 East Market. Main 520. Eve. and Sunday. Irv. 3597. S2OO Down, $25 per Month will buy a five-room double on Belle fontalne near Fifteenth, for $2,800. See .1, G. McCullough, Realtor 106 N. Delaware. Main 1709. LOTS—Emerleigh—LOTS 4400 TO 4 800 EAST TENTH ST. Price*. (275 to (695—(10 down, (5 per month. No interest or taxes for 2 years. Take E. Mich, car to Bosart, walk three blocks north. Agent on ground ever}- day. lIOUBK FOR COLORED " Six rooms, well and cistern: 2063 Yandes street; $1,600; $l5O cash. (15 month. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 East'Market street. EINE DOUBLE CLOSE IN ON Broadway, modern; good repair, (6,600 for quick deal to close estate. THE MACLEOD. REALTOR. 301 City Trust. Main 4586. ~ qaasi REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. WE OWN AND OFFER ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Four-room dwell ing, new and choice. East 48th St. East of Ar senal Ave. Ben Davis cottage, five rooms; Dew. Arsenal Ave. north of 46th St. Six rooms; new. West 29 th St., six ro o m dwelling; semi-modem. East New York St. Eight rooms, modern; bath, fur nace, double base ment, electric lights and hard wood floors. West 33dSt. Eight rooms, high-grade modern; furnace, bath, hardwood floors, double base men t; elegantly finished. PAYMENT PLAN IF DESIRED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES COMPANY FRANK K. SAWYER, President. Third Floor, Law Bldg. 85x132 25 FRUIT AND SHADE (NORWAY MAPLE) TREES ON EACH LOT; NEAR FAIRYIEW PAR K, 46TH AND HINESLEY. (1.900. S2OO down, (16 month. 5-room house. West Indianapolis. (1.160. (300 down. (16.60 a month. 6-room housa West Indianapolis. (1.800. (200 down. (II month, 5-room housa. West Icdianapoils. MR, LEE. Belmont 1680. SUBURBAN Edgewood. 6-room oottag* and half acre land. Price (2.600. Torma Five-room cottage, barn, poultry house and three-quarters acre, near stop 4. Plain field line. Price (2.600. Terms. Four-room cottage and large lot same location. Price (1.260. Terms. H. O. MONEN, 406 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 31*8. We guarantee sale within 19 days of better JHI O M E Q 11 li Cali mgr., 9 Pembroke Arcade. Main 5765. MODERN BUNGALOW North of Fall creak boulevard, on Perk avenue, five rooms and bath. A splendid home. Price (6,660. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtor* 122 E. Market street. 228 South State Ave. Single 6-room dwelling with barn, im proved street. Electric lights, city water snd gas. (2,000; payment plan. Schmid & Smith (Inc.), Realtors 124 North Delaware Bt, Main 4088. S2OO DOWN, sls A MONTH buys five-room cottage, gas. electric lights and city water, on Yandes *tret, near Twelfth. Price (1,900. J. 3. McCullough, Realtor 106 N. Delaware. Main 1709. OPPRKE-FOURTHB-ACRE HOME SITES, west on oar line; 810 down, five years to pay balance on Installment plan. Pros pects for in create in value oertaln. Im mediate possession for garden purposes. Let me explain without obligations. AJ dreas A No. 846. Times. GOOD HOME FOR DUPLEX OR large family: 8 rooms, gaa electric lights, well, cistern, cellar, city water In yard; lot 60 feet front, fine trees. 900 square Udell street. (3,000. terms. A snap. THE MACLEOD. REALTOR. 201 City Trust. Main 4682. F~ORTY ACRES FOR STOCK AND poultry farm; part rolling land in wood; part level. Improved and orchard; near New Philadelphia, Washington county. Indians. Price (30 per sore. 1332 South Alabama street. STORE BUILDING AND SEVEN-ROOM bouse, northeast, corner lot. pared street. (4,000. I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 161 E. Market St. ODERN COTTAGE NEAR TWELFTH and Ashland, (2,150. Terms (300 cash and easy monthly payments. I. N. Richie & Son. Realtors 151 E. Market St. rO SMALL HOUSES ON ONK LOT. 1287-69 S. East atrest; in good repair; can bs bought for less than the improve ment* oost before the war. Make one your home and rent the other. EDSON WOOD. 48 N. Delaware. 209 HOMKS ON EASY PAYMENTS; modem and semi-modern; in all parts of the city; first payment (108, (290. (300 and (500. Call or see S. G. BULLUP. 1249 North Senate Circle 4956. Auto. 26-719. ■ HAVE SOME OF THB BEST BAIL | gain* In modern and semi-modern properties on the sotuh side: some near Fountain square. Cell Prospect 618* sftsr 4 p. m. Nine-room house; four 5 downstairs two bathrooms; one op stairs end one down: electric lights and gas; so* square from Fountain Square Addr49 AN* 9(0, Tims* TWB~M*mat mvrwnrtittt Jfwr' I aSMOf*. Harrises IM4. REAL ESTATE- FOR SALE. AN OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A HOME AT. REASONABLE PRICES. N. Rural St., 6-room cottage city water, gas, electric lights lot 46x280. Suitable for chickei yard. Price $3,400. Teruis. TV. Vermont St., 2 cottage® 01 lot 67x135; rents for $21.00 pel month. Price SI,BOO. \ *\jj .■ ■- A double house on Finley St. 5 rooms a side; water, gas and electric lights; rents S3O. Priei $3,000! 914 S. Western, 6-room cottage. Price $1,850. A 6-room modern cottage, dou ble garage, fruit, shade and flow ers. In first-class condition. For price and terms see Gill Realty Cos. N. California, north of creek; 6-room modern bungalow; large corner lot. Price $3,500. Cottage Ave., 5-room bunga low ; semi-modem. Price $2,100 N. Keystone, 7-room, modem except furnace. Price $3,500. Eugene St., 6-room cottage, soft water, bath. Price $2,200. TV. 25th St, 5-room cottage; electric lights and gas, large- lot Price $1,600. Terms. A 6-room, 2-Btory house, semi modem; N. Tacoma. Price, $2,500. 1356 Barth Are., one-story frame, eleetriq lights, city water, large lot, with fruit and shade; price $2,500. GILL REALTY CO., A Realtors £ Main 1646. Auto. 28-2KJ TERES ■ Twvr.ty-ffw nx-idard ■.•take*. Ba.iA.-la Goodrich, United States. and many ethers*. (0 per cent to 79 per cent off Hat INDIANAPOLIS AUTO B PARTS AND TIRE CO. B Circle 2666. 643 N. Capitol. Auto. 2S-090M Open evealnga 1 Byram avenue, north of 40th street, 5- room modern bungalow. Price (3,750; (600 caah and 312.50 per month. Graceland avenue. 3729: 5-room modern bunga’ow, garage. Price (4,500; (600 caah and (35 per month. Immediate possession. Shriver avenue, 2800 block; five rooms gaa, electric lights, basement. Price (2,500; (250 cash and payment. Dearborn street near Washington, six rooms, bath, basement but no furnace. Price (3.760; (600 cash and monthly pay - men ta. H. G. MOMEN. 406 Peoples Bank bldg. Formerly Law bldg. Main *l9*. O-KOOM COTTAGE, LABOI LOT; Broad Ripple. (1.(00. I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors ill E.Market JBt. Main 520 * FYVE ROOMS, furnace, gas. electric lights*. lot 49x140. paved street, chicken park; ((.100. (750 cash. Woodruff 3400 after T :SO. fIHOICK LARGE LOT NXAJt MATUt U road boulevard within two squares ot Fair Grounds; (10 oeah. balanoe tl week ly. 649 Leincke Annex. Main 1409 FINE HOME in Tecumaeh place, with sun parlor ahd all modern conveniences, Ca!l Main 141 for price and terms. MODERN HOME, north. 1n excellent !ea~ tlon, for terms and full particulars call Washington 1079. FOR SALE—by OWNER; GOOD ’six* room housa, gas. electricity and fruit trees 11*8 North Pershing. INVESTMENT. GOOD EIGHTEEN-ROOM double; rent *llO per month. Price (6,000; terms Main 6704. j SEVEN ROOMS, modern, paved street; (1,600 caah. balance monthly. Werdruff 2093. ’ HOME. EAST—Colorado, near Washing ton. 7-rooms and bath, gas, electricity. Price (3,000. WOOD, 211 Law bldg. SOUTHEAST. walking distance Shelby shops six rooms and bath, gaa elec trtclty. (8,000. Woodruff 7024, RITTER AVE. home, fine location, (4,600; (1,500 caah. North 7176 after ti(o. SMALLFAYMENTSCASIf^ Balanoe eaey terms: 8-room dwelling o 5-room dwelling: 4-room bungalow. 152 West Vermont street. Beimont 2717. ; FROM OWNER, five to seven-room house not necessarily modern. Will pay cash. Don't call unless you have bargain to of fer. Woodruff 3400. after 7:30. LET ME SELL YOU* PROPERTY; cus tomers ready. Call or write S. G BULLUP. 1349 North Senate. Circle 4966 Auto. 26-719. EAST; FROM OWNER. 5 OR 8-ROm semi-modern, near ear. (800 pav ment; (25 per month. Address A No. 2968 Times MODERN or partly modern house, nsa Fountain square. Caah deal. Main 107 FROM OWNER, modern house north o east Will pay cash. Main 141. 7 FARMS—FOR SALE, 63 ACRES; ALL LEVEL, GOOD SOU, on Bethel and Williamsburg pike; 2tj miles of ■Williamsburg: cioae to goor schools and storss, 7-room brick house good barn snd othsr outbuildings; fruit some stock and chickens; possession an; time, term* 36 900, one-half cash. H. F HILL R. 3 Williamsburg. O. WESTERN KANSAS LAND BOUGH' now at the prevailing prices, certai to make you money have several quart end half sections Kearney county; SIS ■■ per it* term* if desired. C. G. ST YENS. 309 Scarrltt Arcade, Kansas Clj^H mo m The best bargains In automobile* Bated under AutemebUse and The Tims* Want A4 tsltfii B| (enttae4