Law to Curb Prices
Favored by Veterans
Former service men of the Robert E.
Kensington post, World War Veterans,
want profiteering checked by legislation.
A resolution was adopted last night
calling on congress to enact the neces
sary measures.
The post will give a dance at the Marsh
studio tonight.
Benjamin Harrison post No. 20 is anew
American legion body In Marlon county,
composed of medical men.
The name was selected at a meeting
In the Boar 1 of Trade last night.
One of the first acts of the post was
to request the Indiana Historical com
mission to compile a war 'record ol
medical men of Indiana.
Scientech Members
F a v°r City Planning
Full Indorsement of the establishment
of a city planning commission for In
dianapolis is given by the Scientech
club, composed of men of scientific train
fy The club, at Its meeting following
luncheon yesterday, also recorded Its de
sire for a better understanding between
the United States patent office and in
Auto Crash Results
m Suits for $13,000
Suits for more than $13,000 have been
filed in the superior courts by Fern M.
Boring, Ira L. Boring and Anthony T.
Ginley against Tony Caito as the result
of a collision between Ginley's automo
bile and Caito's car on the Pendleton
road near Greenfield Jan. 22.
The plaintiffs allege Caito was driving
hi* car at a dangerous rate of speed at
the time of the collision.
If Annie Banks, colored, can behave,
she won't have to answer for taking
$245 from Mary Burbridge, 542 Minerva
sreeet. She was found guilty in crim
inal court and sentence suspended pend
ing good behavior. Annie, who was a
domestic in the Burbridge home, re
turned the money, the court was told.
“A Good Place to Buy Everything”
Hurst Bldg. Penn. & Ga. Sts.
Shoes Groceries Gents’ Furnishings
Paint Dry Goods Auto Accessories
Stoves Furniture Electric Supplies
Rugs Hardware . Implements
Tires Roofing Harness
You Are Always Welcome.
_ JKK m pi
$1 and $1.25
My Isle of Golden Dreams. 'j
Set Oar ® e 7 n nee <S "‘ ba ' l) - I Ask
N1 To Hear
Assortment ™tr That. Oar
0 f Ching-a-Lings Jazz Bazaar.
When You’re Aldne.
Player Roll Palace of Peace (March.) ORS
I’ll See You in Cuba.
Cabinets When R ab y smiles at Me. Story Rolls
Hawaiian Rose.
I Might Be Your Once iB a
While (From Angel Face.)
j Pickaninny Blues.
Special Hit
The Baldwin Piano Cos.
18 N. Pennsylvania Street
Established 1862
Did you dream of ruins?
To gas* upon a ruined building or n
-collection of ruined buildings, In a dream
is accounted by the mystics to be, in its
general signification, a most favorable
Unexpected gain in a financial way Is
one of the meanings.
If you dream you are walking among
•ruins it is a prophecy that you will make
discoveries which will lead to success In
If the ruins appear very ancient it is
a sign that before long you will make a
trip to some foreign country.
Nearly all the oracles connect a dream
of ruins with the idea of repentance—
that is, the dreamer has repented, or is
about to repent, or is warned (o repent,
of something which he has done in the
If while you are gazing upon the ruins
of dreamland some of them topple down
it is a warning to be careful In your
business ventures; the good fortune fore
told for you by a dream of ruins will, It
is true, come to you unexpectedly, but
it must not be sought for by taking
chances.—Copyright, 1920.
Lieber Wants Trees
as War Memorials
Arbor day is next Fridays'
With the coming of the planting day
Richard Lieber, director of the depart
ment of conservation, asks Indiaclans to
recognize the beauty and necessity of
He said today he would like to see
the ninety-two counties of the state es
tablish county parks in which could be
planted trees representing memorials to
those dead and alive who took part In
the world war.
Church Will Give
Film Play Program
Music and movies are on the program
for the third of a series of entertain
ments, to be given at the First Presby
terian church. North Delaware and Six
teenth streets, tonight.
An animated cartoon, a Sidney Drew
comedy, community singing, a Boy Scout
picture and a general “get-together" are
included in the entertainment.
4Sr Jb| Mr[ Ms| Jflf m H gj S| wA an *
i *
Handy Combination Bench and Wringer
is one of the most convenient laundry accessories flgg|
\jJ on the market; for general construction and wearing Jp|l|L
qualities it has no superior. Avery special People's bar
gain—the wringer is an exceptionial quality, warranted for three years iftlTTl*
wear and fitted with the best ls-inch rubber rollers, all metal parts are
malleable iron heavily galvanized to prevent rusting. The bench will hold
two tubs and has a reverse drain board which conducts 1
the. water to either side of wringer, which is made with
Extra Special Saturday, Only 1/ PAY THE EASY WAY.
Fiv e Piece Dining Set Genuine Crex Rugs, Herringbone Your, Bed Spring
hr Lmded Space WWe, Size 9x12 Feet is Im f ortant
piece set Is . * This bedspring is very 'l
Ell Saturday. Only, $ 15.98 ==
small din- &B93***Zf**} - fabric, 44 ith
y'o uTin ~ ~ ' Crex herringbone rugs are much heavier, contain more warps and spring Vat
approprlatJ for such a room, it is nicely are stronger and more durable than any other grass rug ever aacb end
?ume h d ed oik. Kol s P n <fcAQ Q C produced. They are equally suitable for indoor or outdoor use wanted ‘£ n yearly thT 2 B X
Saturday U and are particularly adaptable for rooms where traffic is con- special satur- ipi/.i/O
pay the easy way. stant and heavy as a low-priced fabric. Unusually popular in ‘ pay the easy way
the homes of every class. /
Extra Special Saturday Only C rex rugs can well be said to be the national floor covering. Waterproof,
sunproof and sanitary. Remember, genuine Crex rugs have the name C-R-E-X L
ArttflCial t ERN Spf woven in the side binding. It’s for your protection and our guarantee. V^Clri CuwC* 5
Beautiful brass bowl with artificial plant, • y tjJJGCICIII
together with mirror tray to put under It. \t\OCt Hi jk ■ -*~+**V „
A iphaiM UpC.lUl y "***’’* B ’ "*■"* •* * ow price will
Phonograph Offer —■ VrrxiS
Regular SBO.IO $/?P?.OQ ____________
Value for . . • - II n t •
step into our T . • - Jewett Retrigerators
ST55£ Ty~ r> HO W rlinutlire Unless n are “al, set’ on the refrigen,
morrow and — V | A AA A tor question for a year to come, tomorrow's
have your fa- j special sale a
‘ rs iHDiI > Helps Make Happy Homes k : Si
This wonderful . . Se ® °, UP Q 3t E
instrument plays The me ntal effects of good furniture on the minds of those who possess it has urdays spe- j's a
tone that V l '"' 1 ' to do with their happiness. Too much denying themselves of home com-
6 double disc records of your own selection forts has caused many a young couple’s happiness to be dimmed. Too many I .95 jSjy **H
given with each instrument. poorly furnished homes have caused the youtli of those homes to lose interest I J
pay THE EASY way. j n “HOME” and seek diversion elsewhere. Home should he a veritable haven J. v 1
, of rest and comfort. There, after a hard day’s work, the youthful husband or • rf\] u
C aL D J |I/ M I staid business man should return with joy in his heart and the stimulation of P “ y EaSV
iyouth tSena K°° l i furniture can not be underestimated. Why try to get along without the
T , o .u n . u . right furniture to make the word “HOME” mean something to you?
15-Jewel South Bend Watches for men are *
not only accurate timekeepers, but hand-
watches IT weV j - Take advantage of our PVI///|f|Cr (InTHYt C
tomorrow and " “EASY TO PAY" plan IUIUIIIg KIULUIIO
dies 'with its iiPHuti- v V' 1 y (~* / properly. A small pay- here early tomorrow for thene tr®-
. ... fa, . ........i ..... ......... e. ....
Easy Way. THE EASY WAY.#
The People Must Be fj 5 iii / * The People Must Be
Satisfied Before C?/\ f 'll // t / fjAll/ /M Satisfied Before
the People’s Are i I My # the People’s Are