Newspaper Page Text
V FUNERAL DIRECTORS. W George Grinsteiner director. 522 Hast Market. Old gone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. R. M. Ragsdale, J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. V J. c/wilson l*SoProspect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454, 1402 N. Illinois. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1635 Shelby St. Pros. 1570. Auto. 51-114, UNDERTAKERS—HISEY & TITUS. 951 North Del. New 26-564. Main 3630. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. .•W^^VWS^WVSA/NA/VW’^VSA/WSA/WWW CLARK. WALTER E.—2215 Martlndale avenue, died at St. Vincent's hospital, April 7. Funeral from Tutewiler's chapel. 934 North Meridian street. Saturday, April 10, 2 p. m. Friends Invited. LOST AND FOUND. AT DOG POUND 924 East New York St. Shepherd; picked- up in 1200 block of West Thirtieth street. Large collie on Oliver avenue. We wish to find owners. Indianapolis Humane Society. on North Illinois car between 32d and Maryland streets, o\ttla after 6 o'clock, Monday morning, containing 151 and some small change. Reward. Call Harrison 1034. LOST—The party that stole a tricycle from 143S East Washington street Is known. Please return to avoid trouble. LOST—Large bunch of keyß. Reward. ED THOMAS. 19 North Liberty. Call 22-841. LOST—Poeketbook. Return English hotel. Reward W. M. WELCH. ROOMS—TO LET. TWO Or 3-room apartment unfurnished. Third floor 534 N. Meridian. Circle (256 after 5 p. m. BEAUTIFUL room, strictly modern; man and wife or 2 ladles employed; reference. Harrison 760. ONE sleeping room with running water. 534 North Meridian. Circle 6256 after 6 p. m. ONE room for light housekeeping. 627 E. Vermont street. Main 8652. NOTICES. KNOW THE JOY of owning a floor or table lamp made to match your Interior decorations Any shade made to order in plain colors or fancy floral and Japanese designa, any style base In walnut, mahogany, poly chrome or Vatican. Telephone screens made to order. We repair your shades at little cost. Sample lamps at a bargain. Work called for and delivered. All mall and telephone orders given prompt at tention. We underaeil all other stores. G. L. STEWART & CO. 134 VIRGINIA AVE. MAIN 2354. WE buy, raise and sell fur-bearing rab bits and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us, stating your low est prices on large lot shipment. The FUR AND SPECIALTY FARMING CO.. 615-517 N. P. Ave., Fargo, North Dakota. FURNACE, second-hand, for sale. We take out many furnaces in good condi tion and Install Moncriefs. MONCRIEF FURNACE CO SIS North Davidson St. Main 7820. PERSONALS. to adopt a child from S month* to r* years old. Call Prospect 4466. instructions! ~ SI'AGE acts, violin: all kinds of fancy artistic steps; stage dancing acts taught and completed; for good season’s engage ments; satisfaction guaranteed. Call PROF. RAYXO, 2114 West Ohio street. Main >062. RAGTIME Plano playing in 20 lessons Professional style for play ers. Booklet sent free. CHRISTENSON SCHOOL* 106 Pembroke Arcade. Circle _ FOUNDATION work taught on piano; children -0 to -Id years solicited. S. E. WHEELING. Irvington 4690. _ ~ BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY Have you *IOO or more to Invest where the xisk Is small and the profits large? It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 910 Hume-Mausur Bldg. for good bargains ih groceries restaurant*, drug stores, confectionaries, vulcanizing shops or any kind of business places. See us; we and sell stores. INDIANA BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 613 Indiana Trust Bldg. Main 2674. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and Billows made to order. E*t. 1886. E. S’. BI'RKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1426. New 21-775. ROOMING hou-e 13 rooms. full. good roomers *3.600. terms; city steam; 75% Investment. 34 When. FOP. BALE —Rooming house. 12 rooms, *1.700. terms; receipts *138; excellent location; 60 per cent Investment. 34 When bldg. ROOMING house. 40 rooms, close in; fulT up; *3,000. terms; 160% Investment; won’t last long. 34 When. FOR SALE—Rooming house. 7 room-, fur nished. 6 unfurnished. {500; location worth prl e asked. Good receipts. 34 When bldg. , ROOMING house: close in: all light hou..*- keeplng. 125% investment. *1,500; *l,ooo down. 34 When. GROCERY and meat market with 5 mod ern living rooms; *1.200 cash or will in voice. Owner leaving city. Phone North 4776. _ ROOMING house. 12 rooms; rent *47.50; receipts {34.30. $1,700. terms 34 When. FOR PALE —Sign shop. 32 N. Delaware. Langdon's old shop. See OYSTER FRANK, 408 East Washington. , BARBER shop; close in; $200; rent *10; old stand. 34 When. BUSIN ESS SERVICES. GEM POLISH 1. Open package at either end. 1 2. Wet sponge (which we furnish with leach bar), to make paste. I 3. Apply paste on window or mirror ■ n narrow streaks übout one foot apart, ftj-ing sponge. ft 4. With dry cloth spread paste all over Mass at once before it dries, and keep Hibbiug until all dirt aud polish have grocery, drug store and at de partment stores. Gi.ll POLISH MFG. CO.. 16 WHEN BLDG. MAIN 257. FOR PAPE RHANGER call JOHNSON.’ Woodruff 6 715. ~ DETECTIVES. (Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 526-529 bide Main 2902. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. - PIANO TUNING VIRGIL McDHRMID. Irv. 1985. MALEH ELP—WANTED. EXPERIENCED FITTER ON MEN’S CLOTHING, GOOD ADVANCEMENT FOR RIGHT PARTY. ADDRESS A 2976, TIMES. X OFFICE BOY Advertising agency wants I.right ener getic boy. Good opportunity tor advance ment. 1206 Merchants Bank Bldg. PORTER ST. DENIS CAFE. 138 West Marks* street. MALE HELP—WANTED. mmi WSSSm ♦ GOOD WAGES GOOD CONDITIONS ’ Apply INDIANAPOLIS CORDAGE CO. South Meridian and Belt R, R. MIDWEST ENGINE CO. reeds SKILLED MEN for LATHE SCREW MACHINE ASSEMBLERS GISHOLTS and EXPERIENCED / FLOOR MOULDERS We operate both day and night shifts. Apply EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Nineteenth and Martlndale. L. S. AYRES & CO. have a good opening for a young man of business training and sales ability in their luggage department. Write to or see in person Employment Superintendent, Seventh Floor. FIRST-CLASS GLUE MEN Cabinet Makers MACHINE HANDS Furniture Craters LUMBER STICKERS CAPITAL RATTAN CO. Naoma, near Shelby WAN TED EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALESMEN FOR SA T U RI) AY. GOODM AN CLOTHING STORE, 4WEST WASHINGTON. OFFICE - BOY. < iOOI) <>l POR TUNITY FOR ADVANCE MENT, WITH MANUFAC TURING CONCERN. INS LEY MFG. CO., OLNEY AND E. ST. CLAIR. CABINET FINISHERS AND RUBBERS Idea! inditing* HOLCOMB HOKE MIG. CO. Shelby car to Belt Three blocks east. FI REMAN' AXI) BOILEK WASH ERS. EXPERIENCED WHITE MEN; 8 HOURS WORK GOOD PAY, FREE CAR FARE. SEE MR. ANDERSON OR MR. MILLER, 1150 W. WASHINGTON ST. YOUNG man with knowledge of book keeping to operate Burrough adding ma chine and do general office work. Good salary with splendid opportunity for ad vancement. Employment department, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Ask for Mrs. White. The school, same location, is the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fred W. Case, principal. MEN FOR GENERAL FACTORY WORK; GOOD WAGES. 448 W. 17TH ST. WANTED—MEN TO HANG AWN INGS. ADVANCE TENT AND AWNING CO. COLORED LABORERS TEN HOURS WORK; GOOD WAGES, FREE CAR FARE. SEE MR. ANDERSON OR MR. MILLER. 1150 WEST WASHINGTON ST. MEN FOR CRATING AND SHIP PING DEPARTMENT. HAYWOOD TIRE &■ EQUIPMENT CO., 530 N. CAPITOL AVE. BOY FOR M ESS ENG KR SERVICE IN OFFICE OF LARGE CORPORATION, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE MENT. APPLY IN PERSON. AMERI CAN CENTRAL LIFE INS. CO. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. HAY. Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. BOYS wanted to make themselves useful in book bindery. SCHNABEL BOOK BINDINO CO., 324 West Tenth street, WANTED—Names men wishing become Indianapolis mall carriers; *IOO-*lB5 month. Address A No. 2962. Times. MEN to work in bake shop. See Mr. I.emp after 1 p. m., 1424 N. Senate. PITTS FORD PURITY PIE CO. WANTED DRA YUAN' WITH DEPOT EXPERIENCE. THE SINKER-DAVIS COMPANY. MEN with teams and trucks to do coal FORD truck driver: good pay. CAPITOL GROCERY. 2602 North Capitol. PORTER at night. BOSTON DAIRY LUNCH, 38 Jackson Place. SHOE repair men. Call E. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771, COAL DRIVERS. 100 X Southeastern ave. MALE HELP—WANTED. HUBS AND ippsumeES WE HAVE A NEW FOUNDRY ADDITION ABOUT READY. IT BE COMES NECESSARY TO INCREASE OUR FORCE OF MOLDERS. WE CAN USE BOTH EXPERI ENCED MEN AND THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THE TRADE. APPRENTICES RECEIVE A GOOD RATE WHILE LEARNING, WITH OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE HIGH WAGES. TAKE WEST WASHINGTON CAR TO BELMON TANARUS, TH E N SOUTH TO EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. LINK BELT CO. Belmont Plant. Jit Match Your Coat In with a pair of flMngH 4S W OHIO ST. Near 111. 110 E. MARKET ST. Near Penn. Postoffffiee Clerks and letter farriers. $1,300 entrance sal ary; promotion each year for four year*. Special examination April 17. For prep aration call or write United Civil Service Schools Suite 9 and 10, When Bldg. WANTED HANDY MEN AROUND THE COXSTRI ;CTION DHPT. Apply H. A. Clark INDIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. Mill and 18th Sts. " MEN TO HANDLE EXPRESS Platform men, day and night; experienced drivers, also stable men. American Railway Express Cos., 2*m S. Meridian At. J. E. Kennedy. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. WANTED —Aut'mohi> mechan ics. Notif but Hr. ? • la.- n#tl apply. Ak f r Mr H i ton. Sterling M >tor *., K 33 North Meridian St Main lboß. Auto. 27-303. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. OFFICECLERKS Bright young men between 1* and 30 for clerks in ti." office of a largo reliable corporation, where your efforts viil re ward you. \V> are organizing anew depart i lent opportunity fr advancement, whore you can l**arn bookkeeping and account ing. Slate references, age and salary ex pected. Address A No. Times. mi AND PAM WAS 80. TOWAGES, APPLY MISS mim IST¥ HOSPITAL Ydi'.VG \N U ITH KxT’KuiKMUK ON ANY TYPE OF RECORDS, WHO IS SUFFICIENTLY I.NDUSTHIOUK ' TO I.EAKN I.IKK INSUUA.MT; BUSINESS. APPLY r.N PilkSoN. AMERICAN CEN TKAI. LIFE INS. CO. LABORERS Apply employment department IM PERIAL DROP FORGE CO.. 510 H. Hardin* RAILWAY mall clerks are offered *1.300 entrance salary with promotion* to $2 125. For full particulars and prepara tion, write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 N. Illinois st., room 207, Indianapolis. Indiana. NIGHT WATCHMAN White. Apply Mr. Kunkel. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. AUTO MACHINIST for new car work, good pay, Mlendy work. Apply Mr. Livingston. E. W. STEIN'HAHT CO., Meridian et. at 11th. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES ■harpened. TUTTLBDGI. 201 Indiana ave. MEAT CUTTER and grocery clerk; ca pable man. 814 Union Btreet. WRINGER MAN. Sanitary Laundry. 2441 Central Ave. MEN to unload cars. 1001 Southeastern avenue, SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED FOR TIIE O. K. GIANT BATTERY COMPANY. LEADS FURNISH ED; EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. K. M. HAYNES, DISTRICT SALES MGIC, 12 PEMBROKE ARCADE. MAIN 4077. A-T-T-E-nY’-I-O^N! IF YOU are a clean-cut married man between the ages of 25 to 85 at present employed where you see no future end want outside, call and see us, 3-8 p. m. 224 Balts bldg. FULLER BRUSH CO. The largest l.rurh mfgx. In the warld. FE MA L E H ELP--WANTED. GIRLS -over 16 years of age to ice and pack cakes nrd cracker*. Apply TAG GART BAKING CO.. 18 North Now Jersey. GIRLS wanted to make themselves useful in bookbindery. SCHNABEL BOOK BINDIXO CO.. 324 West Tenth street. WANTED—Hlderly lady desirous of home; good home for the right party. Call Prospect 1363. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Samples now ready. Have your old hats made into new spring models. Send for illustrated price list. INDOAMAPIDLIB Ml BLEAGHERY 28 Kentucky Ave. Main 6179. AN OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE GOOD POSITION. SALARY ADVANCED FREQUENTLY Young Women Over 16 Years of Age. Apply to the INDIANA BELT. TELEPHONE CO. Room 522, corner New York and Meridian Streets. p @ aiJLJIJLbO 18 TO 30 YRS. OF AGE FOR LIGHT CLEAN FACTORY WOR K. STEADY EMPLOYMENT UN DER GOOD WORK ING CONDITIONS. TAKE GARFIELD CAR. AMERICAN CAN CO. South East & Belt R. R. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE FOR WALL PAPER HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND ART DEPARTMENT Apply Employment Bureau Fourth Floor. PETTIS DRY GOODS CO. EX PERIENCED SALES LADY FOR LADIES’ REA D Y T O WEAR. STEADY POSITION. GOODMAN CLOTHING STORE 4G4 \V. WASH. ST. ALT ER A TION LADY ON LADIES’ AND MEN’S GAR MENTS; STEADY POSITION. GOODMAN CLOTHING STORE 464 W. WASH. ST. E X PER IE NOED FUR 0 PKRA TORS; ALSO INEXPERI ENCED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO LEARN FUR OPERATING. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OF FICE, 7TH FLOOR, L. S. AYRES & CO. OFFICE GIRL WANTED AT < >NCE. STEADY POSITION GOODMAN CLOTHING STORE, 464 W. WASH. ST. WANTED POWER MACHINE OPERATORS TO SEW ON AWN INGS. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED, 18-50. ADVANCE TENT AND AWN ING CO., 315-19 ADELAIDE ST. WHITE WOMAN WHO UN DERSTANDS COOKING TO TAKE PLACE OF THIRD COOK; GOOD WAGES. MISS FOSTER, CITY HOSPITAL. HEMSTITCHER EXPERIENCED; LIBERAL SALARY. PAGE’S 312 Occidental Building. WANTED —Female nurse for night work; single and one who has had institutional work preferred. Call or writs to the HORD SANITARIUM. Shelbyvllle, Ind. GIRL WITH SOME ADDREBSOORAPII EXPERIENCE i GOOD OPENING. AP PLY IN PERSON. AMERICAN CEN TRAL LIFE INS. CO. TWO WOMEN, white; one for upetslrs work and one to care for dining room. THE BERTHA BALLARD. 411 N. Dela ware Auto 28-106. Bell, Circle 3230. GOOD girl for general housework; must be able to cook; wages $lO per week. 612 East Thirteenth street. Auto. 39-163. Circle 2642. DISHWASHER, white or colored! It. DENIS CAFE. 13* West Market. LADY cook treated et *Ol North Highland avenue. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REO SEDAN Practically new, run about 1,800 miles, equipped with Royal Cord tires. One extra Royal Cord *pare. CADILLAC Eight-cylinder, Model 58, 7- passenger; car In good run ning condition. Tires good. CADILLAC Eight-cylinder; Model 51, 7- passenger; cur In good run ning condition. Tires fair. COLE 8 1916 model, 5-passenger touring, In good running con dition. LOCAL BRANCH Nordyke & Marmon Cos. MERIDIAN AND ELEVENTH. INVESTIGATE OUR WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN Overland touring, *425 down, $5 00 wk. 1917 Studebaker, $l5O down, $5.50 wk. Late model Ford, SBS down, $4.00 wk. Ford roadster, SIOO down, $5.00 week. Ford truck, SIOO down, $4.50 week, MERCANTILE GARAGE" 125 South Pennsylvania. Main 6830 Open evenings and Sunday. Investigate Our Weekly Payment Plan BARGAINS USED CARS We have Fords, Chevrolets, Max wells, Oaklands, Saxons, Buicks, Grants and others at low prices. Some as low as SIOO down; balance weekly. No brokerage. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. 518 N. Capitol. OPEN EVENINGS. REBUILT OARS THAT ARE REBUILT WILBUR JOHNSON CO., REBUILT CAR DEPT. MR. M. L. WORRELL 724-30 North Meridian. Main 3956. DODGE TOURING late model; looks like new; S3OO down, balance 12 months. MERCANTILE GA RAGE. 125 South Pennsylvania, Open evenings and Sunday. " STUTZ Touring car. 6-p&asenger, on* yar old, five v.'Jr wheels and cord tire* Pries, Il'.oOO. NATIONAL AUTO MOTIVE CO., 426 N. Capitol Ave. NASH 1918 touring. Just like new, JJSO down, balance 12 months. MERCANTILE GA RAGE. 125 South Pennsylvania. Open evenings aud Sunday. DETROIT ELECTRIC SMALL FOUR PASSENGER. NEW BATTERIES AND NEW PAINT. THIS CAR HAS SEEN VERY LIT TLE USE. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO.. 353 N. Meridian. Mate ’dj. Auto 7: m CHALMERS touring car, late model, light 6: 1260 down. balance 12 months. MERCAN TILE GARAGE, 125 South Pennsylvania. Open evenings and Sunday NATIONAL SEDAN Nine month# old; cord tires, one extra: look* like new, price 12,600. Terms. 4® per cent down, balance in 1 yeat. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE CO. 42* X. Capitol. UH LEXINGTi )N touring ' at, late model, light *i prauth ally good ia new. Gown, balance 12 month*. MKROANTILK garaok. t::. Bouth Pennsylvania. Open evening* and Sunday COLB H, touring. A-l mechanb at ahape; * w rortl tlr*, newly painted, rash <*r payments • Term! over 12 month menta. DIKTZ-JA MBS SALES CO., U 34 Kant Market *tret. Main &716. Open eve ning'; and Sunday morning. HAYNES' la?* TWdl *’• louring; Juet like new. S3OO clown, balance 13 months. MER CANTILE OARAOB, I*s South Pttintyl vanla Open evening* and Sunday. DETR (M T E L ECTRIC He. ont model; completely rebuilt, excep tional bargain. DETROIT ELECTRIC CO Mate 1943. s. Meridian. FORD ROADSTER 1?18, winter and summer top; sl6 0 down, ha lan* a U mmitha. M LHC A MILK GA RAGE, 133 Sout li Pennsylvania open evening* and Sunday. STUTZ Bulldog special 4-paesenger: extra wheels and tires; very good condition; price fair. DETROIT ELECTRIC HALES CO.. BUICKS Three late model light 6 Bulcks a: h bargain; cash or paiinont*. MERCAN TILE GARAGE. 126 Sooth Pennsylvania. Open evening# and Sunday. INTErt-IfFYTr~ROADsYERTYriih wlliter top; In A 1 shape; good tlree and good paint; bargain price. DIETZ -J AMES. 334 B. Market St. Main 6716. tipen eve nings and Sunday morning CHEVROLET— RoyaI Mall roadnter; tuet the car for a city salesman; terms over twelve monthly payment*. Dletx-Jatne., 834 E. Market t. Main 5716. Open eve ning* and Sunday morning. OVERLAND. 758 roadster; good tires. overhauled; good buy for city salesman. DIETZ-JAMES SALES CO.. 334 E. Mar ket St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning, DORT TOURING late model; *2OO down, balance 13 months. MERCANTILE GARAGE. 125 South Penn sylvania. Open evenings and Sunday. CHEVROLET 8 touring; good paint, good tires; mechanically good. Cash or pay ments. DIETZ-JAMES, 884 East Market street. Main 5716. Open ovenings and Sunday morning. Ma x WELL Ti HIRING—in goo£ ehkpe. A bargain. Terms or trnde. DIETZ JAMES. 334 East Market St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. 1919 CHEVROLET coupe 4-10, in good me chanical shape, has good tires and paint. A bargain. DIETZ-JAMES SALES CO., 334 East Market. Main 5716. FORD light delivery truck, good for gro cer or butcher shop; excellent runritng condition; newly painted, *275. 332 N. Capitol. Main 6292. JACKSON 8. chummy roadster. 5 good tires, newly painted; looks and runs like new; a bargain; 157 6. Main 6292. 332 North Capitol. CHUMMY ROADSTER. six-'‘cylinder; terms or trade. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market. Opening evenings and Sun day morning. BUICK SIX, 1916; new top. new cushions, repainted; A-l condition. You can buy it right. *B6O. Main 6292. 332 North Cap itol. FOR SALE CHEAP Ford, 1917; winter top; In good condi tion. D. E. PRAY. 1643 North Delaware. FORDS in best running condition: ‘newly painted; good tires; a bargain at $350 a piece. 332 N. Capitol. Main 6292. COLE 8 touring, 1916; repainted, new top and cushions; A-l condition; *7 50. Main 6292. 332 North Capitol avenue. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automo bile, DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market. Main 6716. Marion county dealers. FOR 6Abß—Studebakur sedan in perfect condition; 1917 model. Call Woodruff 618, or North 7148. BUICK 4 roadster; five tires, new top, newly painted; *525. Main 6292. 332 N. Capitol avenue. MAXWELL COUPE. 1918. runs aud~7ooii like new; a bargain at *57 5. Main 6292. 332 N. Capitol. FOR SALE—-Chalmers, 5 paseet.ger, *260 it sold at once. Belmont 2965. LATI9 model Ford roadster; goof! condi tion, *825. Woodruff 3465, TRUCKS—FOR SALE. /WWS/SAAAAAiWWVWWWWW^W^A^ APEXTRUCKS 1 Ton. 1% Ton. 2% Ton. ROMAIN APEX TRUCK CO. Indiana Distributor. 3009 Central Ave. Auto. 43-705. Bell, North 6650. BUICK TRUCK; electric lights and start er; pneumatic tires, 2 new, 2 fair; paint new; bargain. See D. E. Rider for terms. JONES-WHITAKER SALES CO. Department of Used Cars. 343 N, Capitol. Main 2346. SSOO WILL buy a H4-ton Kissel truck In A-l condition; complete with cab ar.d stake body. Reason for selling, had to have larger truck. Phono Prospect 370. J. HENRY AMT CO. , TRACTORS FOR SALE. FARMERS ATTENTION! General Ordnance farm tractor, 12-22 rating, at a special price for a quick sale. This tractor has never been used and is ready to drive away. COLONIAL AUTO CO., 957 N. Meridian St. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED CASH FOR YOUR CAR We need them to supply our demand. We will pay up to $750 per car. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 N. Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will he given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It is her* for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois *t. Main 1579 Auto 22-088. We also buy junk cars. CAPITOL Auto Part# and Tire Cos. Is buy ing and selling used car*, tire*, tube# and parts at 75 per cent of list. 319 North ttltnota -Main 6090. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. MOVED TO 111 W. Michigan St. between Capitol Ave. and Illinois St. RADIATOR REPAIRING Auto Radiator Repair & Supply Cos. MAIN 5366 JOB PLATING .. othing Is too large or too ■mall for us to handle Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 638 36 Kentucky ave. Main 2926 Main 6623. I GASOLINE off 6c by using "GASTINE": 18.060 miles, no carbon trouble. Guar anteed harmless, lc per gallon. Order 100 by mail *1 00. See for yourself. Need over-state representatives Get our money back proposition. ’’GAftTINE.” 31 Harris avenue. Indianapolis. Phone Belmont 854*. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-534 North lillnoia S & S Auto Laundry LOWEST PRICED HIGH GRADE ~BAT~ DlXlE'storage BATTERY OO Main 5181 529 Massachusetts ave. ONE-MAN auto tope, side curtains, sea* and radiator rovers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 645. New and guaranteed batteries. 6 volt. *22: 12 volt. B*3. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO.. Mass. Ave. Mair *l4B. BATTERIES Second Hand. Cheap. *O7 Massachusetts. Main 3145. "al’Th PAINTING Ford. (10 up. Othsrs, *ls up. D D FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. _ MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON - Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels THE H. L. DIPPLE CO. •••• '* 1 M Ave. Main lito6. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $135.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., INDIAN TWIN, two speed. In A-l shape, tandem. Prest-O-Llte and tank with brilliant burner; tires practically new. This motorcycle In perfect condition and ready to ride away. Call North 8223 and ask for Don after 6 p. m. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN, 600 Massachu setts avenue. for SALK -Bicycle; nearly new. 2029 Laurel street. FOR SALK—Wheel. Call’ Woodruff" 800. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Drlvc Auto Servlet 1 at Hooaler Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Main 5921. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. yFCTTtra// STORAGE CHEAPEST // [l \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL If ]/ \/ US. Everything at rea [{ a_[| li sonable price. Packed, ill II shipped anywhere. Locked room If desired. 30 West Henry. Ma*n 4699. BAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parts of city. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO., 118 TV. Wabash street. Main 1293. Main 6489, Auto. 31-261, CALI, SHANK for the best service in hauling, packing, rhipplng and storage. 227-229 North New Jersey St. Main 20i8. 6. K. TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 938 E. Washington St. Prospect 8282. CF .C AIN ,T RANSF ER. Main~7 8 52! 116 North New Jersey street. TFT. s/tock and poultry. ATLAS BIRD AND PET CO. (REG.). 130 Virginia ave. Phone Main 5533. Everything in the bird and pet stock line. Phone of call. Write for price list, catalogue. Open evenings until t:3O p. m. FOR SALE—Gentle Shetland pony, cart. saddle and wagon; any child can drive; cheap for cash. North 2465. 1058 West Thirty-fourth street. FOR SALE —Pedigreed Now Zealand Red Flemish Giants and Rufus Red rabbits. Call Ben Davis *92. ring 1. BARRSjiT~KOCje eggs, *1.29 a REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. LOTS LOTS LOTS CLOSE IN North North North Up where they all want to go. MAPLE CREST ADDITION 5c Car Fare On Maple Road Blvd., (Thirty eighth St.), Sutherland and Orch ards Ave. (all of which streets are paved). Within two squares of Fair Grounds. A REAL SNAP FOR QUICK DECIDERS. Only a few of the choice, large lots to offer at remarkably low prices and easy terms, $450 to $700; $lO cash, then $1 to $2 weekly. No Interest or taxes for one year. Remember— These lots overlook Fall Creek and Maple Road Blvds., where lots are selling for SIOO per foot. Remember — this is in the path of lndi&napollfl'B greatest development. Don’t Delay Tako College ave. car (marked Fair Grounds). Get off at Maple Road (Thirty-eighth St.), then walk east over Fall creek bridge at east en trance of Fair Grounds, then south to Thirty-eighth street and Maple Croat. Salesmen on the grounds Saturday and Sunday afternoons, or call office for appointment. We will gladly show you these beautiful lots. The Gates-Kinnear Cos. "The firm that hustles." 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. POSSESSION TOD AY of many Homes Four rooms on North Temple; semi-modern, at 52,500. Six rooms on South New Jersey; semi modern; two lota large barn; worth $4,000. Will, take $3,000 on quick sale. Main 5765. COLORED BUYERS *I.BOO. *3OO down. *l2 a month; move In the house in about a week. Riverside car line. Six-room, electric lights, cellar. *7OO. *IOO down, $lO a month, 8-room house; city water, on Patterson street. MR. LEE. Belmont 15*0. Colored buyers. *I.BOO. *BOO down. *l2 a month. 6 rooms, elec tric lights, cellar; northwest; Riverside car; house vacant In a tew days. Colored buyers. *7OO. *IOO down. *lO a month, on Patterson street. 2-room house. HR. LEE. Belmont 1580 $3,200 HOME, EAST ~ *I.OOO cash, balunoe like rent; between New York and Washington on Keystone; electric lights, gas, water and garage; full-sized lot. Can&day Realty Cos. Main 6340. North 6353. BUNGALOW. TWO LOTS * south, immediate pon*cnalon, 6 room*, modern, chicken houee. chicken yaxd. garden, $3,7 00; payments. J. L. REAGAN Realtor 209 lombard Bldg Main *BO7. 5-Room House on W. 19th Street Neur the cereallne mills. This house hss large rooms, gas for cooking and lights; house in good condition. Easy terms. Price. *1.700. STATE HAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4617; residence. Belmont 2087. ~SL2OO will buy a seven-room modern home on Uevliie avenue. Aubrey D. Porter 916 Law Building. Main 704*. FOR BALK by owner, five and six-room house; gas and electricity; easy pay ments. One eight-room modern house, north; cheap for cash. Double garage. Phone Harrison 734. “ $3,200 will buy a seveu-room modern home on Rembrandt street. Aubrey I). Porter *l* Law Building Main 7049 SVt T Investment Double Es~ / I.eased for one year for *7O per month: in first- JL W class condition inside and out, for quick sale. $6,- 000. GEORGE A. LUCAS. Realtor. 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. THREE-FOURTHS acre home sltei, west on car line; *lO down; five years to pay balance on Installment plan. Prospects for Increase In value certain. Immediate poa eeuslon for garden purposes. Is* me ex plain without obligations. Addrcas A No. 859, Times. SLSOO" *2OO down. *ls a month, 4-room house In West Indianapolis. Two houses, modern, on north aide; one *6,300 and one *6,000. MR LEK. _ Belmont 15*0. WEST INDIANAPOLIS; well located on Division street; f.-room cottage, front veranda; inclosed rear porch, electric lights, cistern, driven well, garage; *2,450. Terms. A. C. BOHREN 415 American Central Life. Mein 3784. Night North 4292. _ COLORADO, near East Michigan street; stx-rooin cottage. Price *2.650; *3OO chsh and remainder easy payments. Laurel street, five rooms and bath. Price *2,350; 8300 cash H. G. MONEN, 405 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 3138. Sxrt w Gladstone, near Washlng ton; double, 15 rooms to a side; modern, *5,500. Geo. at Vh A. Lucas, 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irvington 338. FOUR-room house: electric lights; good well, barn 20x16; chicken house; lot 4x 176, good fence all around; bargain if sola at once; spot cash; best monthly pay ments. One mile west city limits. Phone Belmont 4546. *250 CASH and *22 per month; six-room cottage; East New York street; price, *2,400. 1. N. ltichie & Son, Realtors 151 East Market street. BETWEEN Michigan and Washington streets, ftve-ron cottage with furnace, gas, electricity, water in yard, chicken park, paved street, *3,350; *750 caeh. Woodruff 3400. I HAVE many good bargains on south side near Fountain Square; modern and semi-modern; singles and doubles. Call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. FIVE-ROOM bungalow; electric lights. city water, garage, lot 40x170. South of Butler university on Grand avenue, *2.600; *1,200 cash. Main 142. SEVEN-ROOM modern except furnace; paved street, deep lot, near Fountain Square. Terms *6OO cash, balance month ly. Main 107. ______ SEVEN rooms, semi-modern, garage. paved street, between Washington and Michigan. *3,000. Terms. North 747* after ”"SIOO CASH balance *ls per month; 4-room cottage. 1621 W. Vermont. Call Belmont 2717. SEVEN-ROOM semi-modern east; has bath but ro furnace; paved street. *2,850; *SOO cash. Woodruff 2092. GOOD, seven-room house, bath. gas. elec tricity; will make terms of SI,OOO cash, balance monthly. Woodruff 7024. SPLENDID elx-room modern home on Carrollton ave. Fine big lot. shrubbery; *5,500. Terms, Washington 1079. CALL at 524 Merchants Bank bldg., acres rich and highly Improved subur ban property, *4,600. Traction stop. SEMI-MODERN double” on Delora st. ; good condition; gas and city water. *2400. Irvington *164. .as m w*. ftfo iMmua REAL ESTATE— SALE. LOTS IN CAPITOL PARK addition, ona square from West Michigan s'.reet car; close In; an addition for white people; $260 per lot; $1 down and |1 per week; no taxes or interest for two years. Some lots have cement Walks, sewer and grave* street. All are bargains. Richie-Davis Cos., Inc. Main 620. 161 East Market streaS. BEAUTIFUL modern home north, $4,500; possession May 1, 3905 Boulevard place. DOUBLE, 5 rooms, electric lights; rents S2O side, $4,200; terms; SI,OOO down. 34 When. DOWNTOWN residence property; modern. Inquire 316 West New York street. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. WANTED property to sell. Have got buyers and no houses. HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. FIVE TO - SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, either modern or not. will pay cash at once If house suits. Call Main 142 If your prop erty Is for sale. WANTED—Four or six-room house, mod ern or semi-modern for cash. Call Main 6340; evenings, North 5352. WILL pay cash for desirable home In any locality. No agents. Address A No. 2975, Times. FARMS—FOR SALE. FARM BARGAINS For Sale—6s acres bottom land, 60 In cultivation, 4 miles Martinsville; good roads, good improvements. This Is a snap. Price $10,000; 48 acres, good improvement*, good roads; fruit and timber. Priced to sell; 27 acres 3 miles of good town. Im proved, good timber. Price $1,400 cash; 10 acres poultry place; a dandy, $1,400; 20 acres splendid improvements, 5 miles Martinsville, $1,700 if sold soon. JOHN A. BROWN, Martinsville, Ind. Route 2. Telephone Wilbur exchange. WISCONSIN FARM LANDS. LANDOLOGY, a magazine giving the facts In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription FREE. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mail me LANDOLOGY and all particulars FREE ” Address Editor, Landology, Skidmore Land Cos., 113 Skidmore bldg.. Marinette. Wls. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; army overcoats made over; Ladies' work a specialty; work called for and dellverefl. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. Circle 690. CAPITOL Garment Cleaners, 1246 North Capitol avenue. Main 6477. Mala 4160. Auto. 21-241, J. SCHWARTZ, tailor and cleaner. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR BALE. jo a Jd*, Drop-Head Singer, *10; WwtfTya other bargains. *I.OO per Uf* iTI week. All makes RE- V sty PAIRED. HEMSTITCH PNG while you wait, 16a PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., Main 600; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. Ave, I Wail ’Em In H-O.G.Klugel.P.D, \ L/'/ a 7 236 South Meridian V Main 8823. Steel tape repairing. CASH REGISTERS. EXPERT REPAIRING. CENTRAL CASH REGISTER EXCHANGE 110 WEST OHIO ST. CIRCLE 2299. FOR SALE—Antique furniture; two old style beds (cords), four old-stylo (cherry) bureau*. Evans St Bledsoe, 814 Thirtieth street., Columbus. Ind. Phone 10 95. CHEAP Star well drilling machine com plete with all tools for three and four inch wells, 300 feet C. H. Fulleton, Goodland. Ind. WE have a few undelivered suits for solo ,it reasonable prices. They are worth seeing. LEON TAILORING CO- iU B. New York street RECORD AND PLAYER F.QLL EX CHANGE TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 201 INDIANA AVE. , YOUNG woman’s coat; good condition. Call Main 3411 during the day. MRS. EV A-NS. NOW Is the time to have your Fas store cleaned, adjusted, enameled or repaired. Main 2104. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. Call Cooperider IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL. Household goods, office furniture, store fixtures, oriental rags and draperiso—any thing of value. Used Goods Btor*. Main 22SS. Auto. 22-SBB 424 Mass. Avs. LEW SI£AXK pay* best prices In city for household £ocd* and fixture* of all kind*, 227 North New Jersey street. Main 5022. Office Furniture Wanted Anything you hav.e. Call Cooperider. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2288. Auto, 22-9**. WE wilT buy or7d pay spot cash for the furnishings of good homes, up to *1,966. Baker Bros. IF your clock is not running phone Orels 4367. M. R. SHEARN. *ll North Ala bama. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. \VICKKK KLKXi’I'URE We buy and sell wicker, old hickory or any kind of good porch or sun parlor furniture. Baker Bros. 219-226 E. Wash. Ft REFRIGERATORS, ruga gas stoves, dav enports, library tables, porch furniture; exactly as new at half the new price. USED GOODS STOKE 424 Massachusetts Ave. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms, KKOOT & SON. 669 W. Washington St. Stoves and Ice Boxes wanted. Better sell to us If you want all it is worth. Baker Bros. •• - THIRTY children’# hospital beds. 26x63 Inches; cheap. Baker Bros. AUTOMATICALLY' controlled Direct Ac tion gas range. Baker Bros. DAVENPORTS and davenos at save-half price*. Baker Bros. SEVERAL large grocer's ice boxes. Baker Bros. _____ HORSES AND VEHICLES. • JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, cow* and hog*. Call Main 1039. Auto. 25-778. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. Pocahontas M. R $9.00 Kentucky Lump $9.00 Illinois Lump $7.50 Indiana Lump $7.00 L. H. Bain Coal Cos. Main 8581. Main 2151. OLD VINCENNES COAL Indiana Egg *6.26 Indiana Lump *6.20 Indiana Mine Run *5.50 Coke *ll.OO THE J. L. HAMPSON COAL CO. 127 N. Fulton St. y Circle 308, WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. *65-309 LAW BLDG. ASSETS *34B. Tt. JOSEPH H. PATTI SON. 1007 Law _ Bid* Loans on real estate .Wi&e promptly. WE MAKE second mortgage* on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Truet Bldg. INSURANCE branches. 19