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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, April 09, 1920, Home Edition, Image 7

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tradition Bars a Bachelor
From Highest Honor in
Gift of Republic.
PARIS, April 9.—French tradition de
crees that the chief of the republic must
have a wife.
That is why the doors of the Elysee
ore resolutely shut to bachelors and
Counting Mme. Deschanel, there have
been ten lady presidents, as unlike one
another as each president differed from
his predecessor.
The public voice, always very lound
and sharp in France, accords to Mme.
Thiers, the first in date, the reputa
tion of private economy carried to the
point of public measures.
Mme. Macmahon. a grande dame, was
her husband's veritable counsellor.
Her charity was proverbial.
She even Installed a workroom in the
pailais, where she and her friends made
clothes for the poor.
during the sojourn of Mme. Grevy at
the Eylsee there were no sumptuous
fetes, no gala dinners.
She was a very simple woman, minute
ly observing the rules of neutrality, and.
In a narrow way, very good and devoted.
Mme. Carnot, her successor, delighted
in luxurious displays most tastefully
carried out, in Hashing contrast to the
“strictly necessary” motto of Mme.
Her idea was that the emoluments of
the presidency ought to be given back
to France, so she kept open house, and
her gracious personality did much to
counteract the Impression of austerity
which her husband gave.
Mme. Casimlr-Perier was a 6hort and
tragic bird of passage.
She conceived gorgeous plans that
events did not permit her to realize.
France long kept the souvenir of this
woman as elegant as she was dis
Mme. Felix Faure played a somewhat
effaced role. The real lady president was
Mile. Lncle Fellx-Faure, who admirably
9x12 Axminster Rugs 1| 9x12 Velvet Rugs
Gordon’s New Spring Outfits —3 or 4 Rooms
3 Roams Wr: 4 Rooms
FI?F pf A handsome set of dishes free with each purchase of S9B or p'OC Cf
r &%. ELt Hu • over. None given with talking machines. * JV JL-i Jl-*
Special Saturday Offering
, New °f b , aby 3-Piece Daveno Suite ■ 1
In many different styles. Agents |g JwHM
for Lloyd’s Loom-W oven Baby Massively constructed outfit, consisting of daveno, £ CO
Carriages. Prices start at that opens to a full size comfortable bed, chair and tp
j. —.— . rocker; all upholstered in imitation leather. Finish Top leer refriger- (a ra [*A
529 50 15 either B ° lden ° r fUm^d oak : as low as VV tmaU’ homes and f1 /•"
V *■**-'• J SPECIAL TERMS, $1.50 A WEEK. apartments. As JL4rf
EASY CREDIT TERMS. 1 fl *' easy ' TERMS.
D *** ~ SSI Exclusive agent for
chases. veniest credit terma^
‘Hester* in River?
No , Police Hoaxed
ST. PAUL. Minn., April 9.—After
police had dragged the Mississippi
two days for the body of "Hester,”
university students revealed a hoax.
•Hist Hester” is the name of a
sophomore, play coming soon.
fulfilled the thousand and one obliga
tions of an ojeial life.
Mme. Loubet did not take the slightest
Interest in polities, and solely occupied
herself with her family and household.
Mme. Failleres liked to draw into the
background and to go into society as
little as possible.
She used to say she Jiad a horror of
being on show.
The grumblers at the third republic
complained that the Palais was becoming
Economy was no doubt a great na
tional virtue but they would not have
minded seeing the salary of the president
spent in a larger public measure.
Then came Mme. Poincare, and the
Palais woke up from its mild torpor.
The chief lady of France mixed Inti
mately in the literary, artistic and social
She was the constant companion of the
president, and identified herself with all
the joys and sorrows of her country.
From 1914 to 1920 Mme. Poincare was
to be found anywhere where there was
suffering to be relieved. **
To the wounded in the hospitals her
passage had something of the charm and
magic of our own Florence Nightingale
in the Crimea.
Mme. Deschanel needs no praise.
Her evenings at the Falals-Bourbon
already have equalled In splendor and in
distinction those of the Elysee.
‘Second Look’ Gives
$1,200 to Rancher
WIIITEWOOD. S. D., April 9.—The
taking of a second look at an old al
falfa haystack enabled Hans Cartersen,
a rancher near here, to add $1,200 to
his bank account.
A few days following the "second
look” a thrashing outfit hove in sight
and Cartersen decided to have the seed
thrashed as “demonstration.”
The stack yielded 3,200 pounds of seed,
which Cartersen sold at 39 cents a pound
Mother, in School,
Tries to Catch Up
PITTSBURG. April 9.—Finding that
her four children were forging ahead
of both her and her husband. Mrs. .7.
W. Schad went to the Fifth .avenue
Same Fair Price As
Before The War
and the saxae pure,
wholesome beverage so
maw have enjoyed lor
has a -Dleasmd coffee -
like flavor biro is more
economical than coffee
and has the added value
of absolute freedom Iran
caffeine or other harm
ful ingredients.
"There’s a Treason*
Made by
Postrrm Cereal Company.. Battle-OedOtkll
right sobool. ) She found time to take
up English, French and German, which
she now speaks and writes.
Mrs. Schad lias one scon In high
school and three children In the lower
grades. Asked what she Intended to do
1< her children should advance further,
sbe declared/she would take a college
GLOVES 1"| T "& 1 $ | s -O oT go o
‘'“cJnSliuSJ Bilk glo.es white, pongee!
*i?B B 7pLr teM backs: SKVL’tir ’
—Goldstein’s—Main Floor. - r _ / —Goldstein’s—Main Floor.
Saturday Rare Saving Opportunities on
Seasonable Merchandise of Quality
Bringing an artsy of splendid bargains in time to supply your spring needs
and help in lessening expense.
- .
Street and Afternoon Models
The dress event of the Spring Days! The woman or
miss of exacting taste will find gvery want antici
pated, Taffetas, Satins, Georgettes and a few
Serges. Various new themes, enhanced by
remarkable trimming and graceful drap
ing. It is a source of endless delight
to follow -the interesting crea-
Lions as they develop into
unubual bouffant themes.
Simple and pleasing models, in colors of navy, gray,
copen, brown, rose, black, etc.
New Spring Coats
Cleverly Tailored and Trimmed
Springtime's newest arrivals that attain the maximum
grace of style and distinction of line. A complete
presentation of the correct styles for spring days—
in the favored materials, including polo cloth,
silvertones, goldtones,-velours and mi. tures.
Three-quarter sport length or full length models —in a wide
variety—featuring large mannish pockets, convert
able collars and self or leather strap belts.
All sizes In the desired colorings.
—Goldstein’s—Second Floor.
- -
Unbleached Muslin Full
yard wide, good weight, on sale
at 2R# a yard.
Bleached Muslin —The gen
uine “Advertiser” brand, a fine
quality for general family use,
34f a yard.
Saturday Yard Goods Savings
S Plain Chiffon Voiles,
—45 Inches wide, beautiful sheer
crisp quality, extensive color range,
including white and black, a
Silk Crepe de Chine,
—4O Inches wide, splendid quality
for blouses and dresses, offered in
the following shades of yellow,
peach, nile, reseda, grey, rose,
brown, plum, gold chartruse, Japan
blue and Kelly green; $1.98 a
Printed Voiles, 98c yd
—4O inches wide One sheer quality,
in large pattern and color assort
ment, conventional, floral and
georgette patterns, 98< a yard.
Imported Printed Galatea Cloth,
Voiles, $1.49 yd 49c yd
—4O Inches wide, very sheer —29 inches wide, best qual
smooth quality; high class ity, strong and durable for
patterns reproduced on wash suits, middies, etc.;
these voiles, conventional assorted striped patterns,
beaded and georgette de- also plain colors, including
signs in beautiful colorings, navy, black and white, 49£
$1.49 a yard. a yard.
—Goldstein’s —Main Floor.
(Open Saturday Night Uutil 9 P. M. )
Man! Have You Bought Your
Light Weight Underwear?
—ls not, NOW is the Time—THlS is the place—
Why?—ECONOMY!—men appreciate real sayings,
and know there is no question as to the quality with
Goldstein’s underwear —and our stock is so large
and varied that no matter what your size—what your
desire —we have that particular garment—in
“Stouts,” “Slims” and “Regular” sizes—at prices
as usual, “less than elsewhere.”
Men’s Union Suits, SI.OO
Men’s flat weave balbriggan union suits, ecru color; made
with short sleeves and ankle length, splendid values at
SI.OO a suit.
Men’s Mesh Union Suits, $1.25
Open mesh cotton union suits, ecru color, made short
sleeves and ankle length, $1.25 a suit.
Men’s Knitted Union Suits, $1.50
Fine knitted cotton union suits, white or ecru, long or
short sleeves and ankle length, $1.50 a suit
L thletic Union Suits, SI.OO
Men's Athletic union suits, made sleeveless and knee
length style, fine checked nainsook, SI.OO a suit.
—Goldstein's—Annex Main floor.
Percales —Come in shirting
patterns, also blues and grays,
28 inches wide, 29f a yard. .
Bed Spreads Crochet
weave, heavy weight, scolloped
and cut corners, extra large
size, 76x90, on ssJe $4.49
each. f
Pillow Cases —Bleached and
made with wide hem, on sale
at 39< each.
Bleached Sheets Made of
good quality bleached, seam
less sheeting, 72x90, $1.98
—Goldstein’s—Main Floor.
One table of Mode Hats CA
P .1....- from several of New t 3 •%) V HB
§|y| A table of Pattern Mt A *|j||
Hats, the season’s smart- • I|fß
J?. est styles of exceptional |||jjß
Table of Trimmed Ilats f A
—flowered and ribbon tb M S§ | fell
• i trims; you’ll be sur- i|||
II tKSiISL About 150 smart F 3 A
' trimmed and tailored ng
You Must See the Hats Offered in
J the Above Lots to Fully Ap-
Goldstein’s HOSIERY
Moderately Priced
Women’s “Wayne Knit" silk
plaited hose, in black, white,
gray, brown and navy, will
give splendid service; a
yeomen’s medium weight
sili lisle hose,'in black, white,
gray and brown; 594? a pair.
Women’s “Burson” fash
ioned outsize cotton hose, in
black and white, also black
with white soles; 49£ and
59c a pair.
Children’s fine ribbed cotton
hose, in black, white and dark
brown, smooth finished and
durable; priced according to
size; 35e, and 45C a
Boys’ extra heavyweight
ribbed black cotton hose for
wear, sizes 6 to 9% at
40<i; sizes 10 to 11 at 45£
a pair.
—Goldstein’s —Main Floor.
Women’s Oxfords
Special offering of women’s
high and mill- fifr.
tary heel ox- f/^\
fords, in black \
and dark J
brown, soft f-r /)
stock, neat //
lasts, sizes 3 ✓'7*3 (
to 8, at — y
$4.95 /y
a Pair
Boys’ and Little Gents' Elk
Shoes with the green Elk
soles, both nailed and sewed;
sizes 11 to 13% at 82.48;
size Ito 5H at $2.98 a pair*
—Goldstein’s —Main Floor.

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