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8 WOMEN VOTERS PROD DELAWARE Indiana Organization Joins in Clamor for Suffrage. Officers of the ludiana-League of Wom en Voters ■were planning: today to add the voice of their organization to the clamor for immediate ratification of the suffrage amendment by the Delaware legislature. A petition bearing the names of Im portant suffrage leaders in this state will be sent to Delaware as a result of a resolution adopted yesterday at the first congress of the league. Mrs. A. H. Beardsley of Elkhart was elected president of the organization. TWO LOCAL. WOMEN AMONG N'EW OFFICERS. Other officers elected yesterday include Mrs. J. F. Barnhill, Indianapolis, vice president; Mrs. Mary K. McNutt, Indian apolis, secretary, and Mrs. D. J. Cox of Terre Haute, treasurer. The women went on record as sup porting Independent citizenship for mar ried women; equal guardianship by both parents of the persons and property of children; sole control by married women over their own wages and business; pro vision for women on jury service; pay ment of wages on basis of occupation, not sex; eight-hour day for women In industry; minimum wage law for wom en; the resolution passed by the 19U) Indiana legislature requiring citizenship of all voters ana preventing aliens from voting on their first papers. STAND TAKEN' ON' MATTERS IN' CONGRESS. Matters before congress which were given indorsement in resolutions were: Establishment of a permanent burean of women in industry ; establishment of a bureau for the protection of maternity and infancy; creation of a department of education with representation on the presidents cabinet: revision of civil service laws to halt discrimination against women. Speeches on partisan politics were made by Mrs. C. A. Carlisle of South Bend, republican; Mrs. Alice Foster Mc- Culloch, Ft Wayne, democrat, and Miss Sarah Laater, Indianapolis, independent Mrs. L. J. Cox of Terre Haute was appointed chairman of the Anna Howard Shaw memorial fund for Indiana. Give Municipal Concert Tonight Mrs. Frank Edenharter has arranged tbi program for the concert to be presented tonight at Caleb Mills hall, under the auspices of the Matinee Musicale. This will >be the fourth of the series of community concerts given by the city. The program: Introduction and Allegro (Godard) Two piano number. Ruth Elizabeth Murphy and Mary Jeanette Lilly. Adieu Forets From Jeanne D’Arc Mrs. Jean McCormick. Harp ensemble fa) Angelas Kenie fb) Song of Boatman of Volga.-Cady (c) Marche Militalre Hasselman Mrs. Louise Koehne, Miss Alberta McCain. Miss Marion Louise Pratt, Miss Inez Van Cleave Slavonic Dance G Major No. 3 (Dvorak) Krelsler Guitarre Mozkowski Marie Dawson Morrell The Wren Lehman Songs Mv Mother Taught Me Dvorak Bird in the Wilderness Horsman Mrs. Everett Johnson. The Snow .......Elgar Sommer Chaminade Matinee Musicale Chora!. Director—Alexander Ernistinoff. Accompanists—Miss Dorothy Knight and Mrs. Frank Edenharter. Prices Continue to Mount Higher LONDON, April 9.—Women's clothes will be still higher In price soon. The wholesale buying season is on and buyers for big retail houses predict unanimously that the onward march of prices will continue. “The retail prices Os today tend to be come the wholesale prices to tomorrow,” says one prominent buyer. StOllt SI £ Very Moderately Priced d* QQ Ladies’ Special j!_ Oxfords gdf\ Nearly fit* £ dfi All Bizcs. n£ tjff | | Brown kid lace oxfords, imitation >/ tips, common sense heels, new toes and at a very low price. / A PattLf&aj- BpeciaJ $3.55 Misses’ Sizes PATENT MARY JANE 11 to 2. PUMPS A " S ' zes ‘ POINTED TOE LASTS SPECIAL SATURDAY °P en ‘ Until "We have many other shoes low priced, and consider it no trouble to show them to you. Stout’s B i G SHOE STORE 352-354 West Washington St. \ In Concert Here MISS LOUSE JANE MASON. The Centenary Christian church choir ■ will present Miss Louise Jane Masou, concert pianist, and Mrs. Carl Lleber, reader, in a joint recital at Hollenbeck hall Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Miss Mason, a Columbus (Ind.) girl, is well known in Indianapolis musical cir cles. She appeared in a concert in Louis ville earlier in the season and expects to go to New York late this spring. Mrs. Lieber needs no introduction. She is an Indianapolis woman and is a leader In music. The program Includes the following numbers: Sonata (first movement)....— ...Schytte Miss Mason. ‘‘Oh, That We Two Were Maying”. .Nevln "In the Winter I Get Up at Night”..Kevin "The Angelus” .Vanßennes Mrs. Lieber. Tango .^..Albenlz Igualda Zaera Sequedilla - Albeniz Miss Mason. Italian Dialect Poems Daly (a) Between Two Loves. (b) Deßesta Frand. (c) Da Sweeta Soil. Mrs. Lieber. Khapsodie In F Sharp Minor. . Dolnayl Etude in Form of Waltz Saine Saens Ayres Employes Dance Virginia Reel The Virginia Reel and other dances featured an old-fashioned party given by employes of L. S. Ayres & Cos. at the Athenaeum last night. Paul Werner, assisted by Mrs. Hirsh and the Misses EUcrkamp, Stewart and Courtney, offered songs and violin music. The hit of the evening was an old fashioned quadrille, danced In two sets, by the following persons: Mr. and Mrs. Horace C. Ryau, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weinmann, E. B. Davis, Mrs. C. M. Mans field, R. O. Bonner, Mrs. Esta Rogers, Henry Schumann, A. N. Collins, Mrs. T. W. Cahill, John Gutman, Miss Minnie Baker, Harry Wilson and Mrs. Lutle Stanley. Ralph W. Hills of the War Camp Com munity Service led a genuine "sing" dur ing the Intermission. Kiddies to Frolic at Scottish Rite Family parties are to close the season of the Scottish Rite festivities April SO and May 1. On the first night a dance will be given for the younger set end on “May day” the tiny tots will be entertained to gether witth the children under high school age. PUSS IN BOOTS JR. CHAPTER V. As soon as the Frog King's crown fell Into the water, as I told you in the last story, he gave a great big, mournful croak. “Oh, gracious me, niid, oh, woe is me!” You see, as long as he had his crown on his head he was a Ling, but just as soon as he didn’t, why, of course, he was just an ordinary kind of a frog and nobody feared him. “So he jumped into tho water and dove-dived down to the bottom of the deep black pool. And hll this time Puss Junior stood there looking at him and the big circle iu the water which the frog had made when he jumped In. Well, by and by, he came to the sur face, but without his crown. And he was very unhappy, for he knew that no body would believe ho was a king any more. So he turned to Puss Junior and asked him to get It for him. “Why should. I do that for you?' asked our little traveler. ‘‘Only h few minutes ago you looked at me with a grin and said that I’d never get out of this bog.” “I’ll promise to show you a safe path If you’ll only get my crown for me," croaked tho Frog King sadly. So PiiS3 looked about him to find a stick with a crook on, but there wasn't any to be found, and, of course, then ha didn’t know just what to do. And while ho was thinking a Silver Trout swam np and said: "I’ll get the crown for you, Sir Cat, for my cousin who lives in the moat at tho castle of my Lord of Carabas is very fond of your famous father, Puss In Boots." And with these words the Silver Trout disap peared below the surface and returned shortly with the Frog King's crown in his mouth. And wasn't the frog happy? Well, you should have 6'eeu hiru. lie danced around and sang this song: Oh, I’m as happy as cau be. For I’m a king once more. To be an ordinary frog Would be an awful bore. You'd never guess the dreadful pain That smote my kingly heart WheD In the depths of this deep pool I saw my crown depart.” * . - ' ' A The Crown Had Fallen Kerplunk lulo the Pool. And after that he said: “Come with me and I’ll show you a safe way ouv of this bog,” aud then he hopped away and Pubs Junior after him, and by and by they came to the King’s Highway. ‘‘Keep to this road until you come iWhy Pay Down Town High Rent Stores' Prices?==S\ 8 AFTER CM M JE”r CASTER 9/w LC Both floors of our storo will boa veritable beehive of bargains to- I morrow. Shop here and save money. Liberty bonds accepted. Down Go Suits Coats Reduced Handsome wool tricotines, fine 200 All-wool polo, sllvertone. gold serges, check velours. Smart tone and velour coats on sale to models. All sizes. _ morrow. Won- A j Values to derful values at U QC $09.30 900 $25 and Economy Basement Fink Brassieres, new,Corset sale, white or Handsome georgette low models, patch!pink, front or back blouses, beautiful high _ back lace ..$2.98 shades; up to $9.00 t t : value $1.75 I I IT J*) (haysers lisle union _ II jJyt \ Pure ellk hose, shaped i suits, knee or ankle Sateen petticoats, deep ( 1/7^ ' x backs, all j length, no taffeta silk j|| j ~ colors $1.98 [sleeves $1.48 flounce $2.48 HARGROVE’S | H ===== Massachusetts Ave. and Delaware St. ——— ' LSAktosGf Co- ci ™ '■ / 1 Os Special Interest to Motorists @Havoline Medium Oil, in cans— -1 gal.. 89<; 5 gal., $3.95 , Our accessory department offers: Motometers, spot lights, spark plugs, tire gauges, hydrometers, tiro covers, patching and repair material and vari ous accessories at lower prices than pre- We have a full and varied line of tires of standard makes, both firsts and seconds. All of which are covered by our guarantee of entire satis faction to you. , \ Ford Owners, Attention! Nickel-plated Channel Bar Bumpers with all fittings, complete for $4.75 Champion “X” Plugs * 55£ Combination red or gray tubes for use in either Ford front or rear tires. Tubes are new and guaranteed for one year. Specially priced $2.19 SPECIAL — Firestone 33x4 (seconds) tube5...............,.* $2.15 —Ayres—Basement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. -By DAVID CORY.- to a high hill, and then ask a little red ant who lives by the stone wall which | way to turn. Good luck and a safe journey to you,” and with these parting words the frog king turned home, after taking off his crown and bowing most politely to our little traveler. “Well, he was a most obliging king.” said Puss Junior to himself, “very oblig ing, especially considering be was a king, although only a frog,” and away weni Sir Puss down the road, and In the next story I’ll tell you whaht he does when to meets the little red ant.—Copyright, 1920. Society News Delta Delta Rhe* will a spring dance at the Independent Athletic club to night. 4 ... Miss Caroline Massey of Columbus. 0., is the guest of Miss Pauline Curulek, 2361 North Delaware street. ... Kappa, Kappa Gamma will hold Us annual luncheon tomorrow noon at the Hotel Severin, All Kappa alumni and actives are urged to be present. Mrs. Mansur Oakes is In,charge of the pro gram. I ... Mrs. Lillian Braden, national vice president of }lu Phi Epsilon sorority, who has been the guest of Mrs. Laura Moag for several days, will leave Indian apolis late today to visit chapters In Indlanola and Dos Moines, la. Miss Braden was the guest of the local chapter at a luncheon at Ayres today. > Mrs. 15. S. Klunaird will leave Thurs day for Chicago, where she will join Mr. Kiunaird for future residence. . • A card party was given today by the Welfare club tn the parlors of the De partment club. Tho proceeds go to the charity fund of the club. Various clubs and organizations of women had tables for their members. • • • Delta Delta Delta alumni will bold a luncheon at the Columbia club tomorrow noon. Mrs % N. J. DcMotte is in charge of arrangements. • • • Mrs. Charles Pfafflin was elected presi dent of the Matinee Musicale Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Elizabeth Shnrpe u vice president. An error In yester day's announcement was due to a mis take in tho report. Guild to Sell Food for Hospital Fund St. Margaret's Hospital Guild will hold a food ssle tomorrow front 11 s. m. to I p. in. in the office of the Merchants Heat and Light Company for the purpose of raising funds to ho used in purchas ing additional equipment for tho chil dren s ward at the City hospital. This ward Is being maintained by tho guild. MASONS LAUNCH SAHARA GROTTO Banquet Features Initiation of 103 Into Membership. Sarabar Grotto, heralded by Its officers as the “melting pet of Masonry,” is on the Masonic map of Indianapolis today. TOo new Grotto of the Mystic Order, Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, formally came Into being last night with initiation ceremonies and a banquet at the Independent Athletic club. Starting with 103 members, announce ment was made by Prophet Monarch Ray mond F. Murray that each member Is expected to bring in two petitioners for a great ceremonial session this spring. TOLEDO VIBTOR EXPLAINS PURPOSES. Harold Harter of Toledo, 0., represen tative of the national supreme coun cil, talked to members on the purpose of tho order and the plan of organiza tion. There are more than 100,000 members In the United State*, he said. All Master Masons are eligible. The membership of the local grotto takes In men of many different Masonic bodies, including four of the high officers of tho Shrine. The grotto ts planning to bold a for mal ball in May and wiil regularly hold social functions. GOVERNOR AMONG SEVERAL SPEAKERS. Gov. James P. Goodrich. Charles J. Orbleon, Mayor Charles W. Jewett, Harry W. Ordway of Chicago, grand captain of the guards of the supreme council; Edwin J. Schoonover and L. G. Budden baum addressed the members. Mayor Jewett signed a petition for membership. Mr. Orblson, who is grand master of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, F. A A. M., is one of the charter members. Officers of the Sahara Grotto arc: Ray mond F. Murray, monarch; Harold C. Pennleke, chief Justice; Harry O. Cobb, master of ceremonies: Max Allen Black burn, secretary, and Clarence Ferguson, treasurer. RECITAL GIVEN AT CITY LIBRARY Mrs. Johnson and George Kadel in Pleasing Program. Mrs. E. C. Johnson, soprano, and George Kadel, tenor, both of Indtanapo )|g. gave a recital in the auditorium of the public library last, night. Mrs. Johnson's voice was heard to par ticular advantage In the light Italian songs aud aria*. She displayed a flexi bility that was admirable. Her songs were “Pensa me” (Tirindelltt, "Non la Sospir” (Puccini), ‘‘Pasterelle" (Verrscl ull. “The Bose F.nslaves" Rimski Kor sakoff*, "Song* My Mother Taught Me" (Dvorak) and “The Nile" (Leroui). Mr. Kadel sang with fine tone quality and gave each of his numbers an Intelli gent and musiclanly interpretation. Par ticularly Interesting were hi* group of modern sougs: "The Vnforseen" (Scott), “Moonlight Song" (Cadmati), "A Bag <>f Whistles" (Crist), and “MaUtnatti” Leoncavallo). Other solos by Mr. Kadel, “Total Eclipse” (Handel), “Carl Mio Ben” (Gtordani), “Dream From ‘Manon’” (Massenet) were delightful. Beside the solos there two duets. One Crom DeKoven's “Rip Van Wnk'e,” par ticularly Interesting, and a scene from “La Boheine” (Puccini) which Included an aria for each singer and the exquisite duet “Lovely Maid in the Moonlight.” This latter was a splendid climax to a very enjoyable program. Open nr Os 4 cy Close 8?lo JLvO) ALYRgS & Co- 5i30 The New Waist-Line PUMP and Three Other Good Models For Saturday $7.85 , p , Selling — I lc au Saturday's shoppers should consider themselves fortunate in the fact that four bhcll excellent values are to be found in the shoe department at such a very low price. First—there is the new waistline kid pump, full French heels, turn, soles; can be worn with or without buckle; very dressy and in widths from AAA t,o C. Plain patent pumps, full French heels, turned soles, widths also from AAA to C, Tan kid lace oxfords, plain toe, turned soles, Cuban heels; widths A A A to D. Black kid lace oxfords, with tip, Caban heels, welt soles; widths AAA to D. Every pump to be sold in this sale is this season's merchandise and made especial ly for us. Saturday Only—s7.Bs a Pair —Ayres—Second floor. Make Tour Gift of Community Plate Silver Iu community plate may bq found every Item needed for the cor rect table service, as well as a gift to suit every purse The single pieces are enclosed tn velvet lined gift boxes. The silverware qan be had in the Adam pattern, which is both graceful and satisfying— tho Patrician taken from the old English octagonal silver is beautiful in outline—the Sheraton i3 delightful in Its graceful simplicity. Teaspoons, set of six, $4,50 Dessert spoons, set of 6, $8.50 Table spoons, set of six, $9.00 Soup spoons, set of six, $9.00 Dinner knives, set of 6, $13.50 Dessert knives, set of six, $13.25 Dinner forks, set of six, $9.00 Dessert forks, set of six. $8.50 Ice tea spodTSs. set of f>, $0.75 Good Bag Values in Women’s Over-Night and Week-End Cases Folding kits, of straight grain, crepe grain or vachette leathers; 16 and IS-ineh lengths. Prices, $16.50 and $30.00. Tlfdr Kits with solid bottoms, developed in sqal, TtKqA crepe, cobra and straight grains; 16 and 18- fimo Inch lengths. Prices, $22.50 and $30.00. Fitted over-night bags, strong, smart loo*- nwfn.^lipv.iVflhjylKj ing models, at $10.95 and SIB.OO. —Ayres—Street floor., Interestingly Priced Japanese Table Linen A superior quality of Japa nese “blue prints’* - are these. They are each In one piece, hemstitched, and In the chrys anthemum pattern. 66- square cloth, special, $5.45. 67- square cloth, special, $4.45. 48-lnch square cloth, special, $3.05. 16-inch square napkins, six for $1.95. 17.2x49-inch scarfs, special, $1.55. —Ayres—Second floor. Groceries s,r Z r Zf Grapefruit. Sealdsweet brand, Florida's finest fruit— Medium size. 3 for ii5C. or box of 54, $4.15. Barge si7.e. lOf each, or box of 46, $4.00; per dozen. sl/40. j Eggs. large. clean. strldtiy fresn eggs in safety cartons, doz., 44<*. Bog Cabin syrup, large size, $1.32: nedtum size, 980 5 table size, 34c. Milk, Borden's Evaporated, large cans, 11C; case of 48 cans, $5.28. Coffee, Basement brand, a very good quality, pound 46C. Snowdrift, pure vegetable fat for? shortening and frying, pound tins 30C. Butter. Ayres’ Special Creamery, pound 70<*. Peanut butter, made freah from peanuts, pound 28<N half pound 15r. Breakfast Bacon. Sv.ifta Empire brand, sugar cured, machine sliced, pound 39C. Mazoli Oil for salads and frying, pint cans, 38d; quart cans 75<. Sunshine cakes and crackers, box 81-30, 150. First Girl Drives Land Battleship PIQCA, 0., April 9.—Cinderella may have had her pumpkin shell coach, Cleo patra her golden chariot, Ruth Law her airplane and milady of the avenues her luxurious limousine, but Miss Marcella Grunert of Piqua, 0., has had her tank. Mi9s Grunert, adopting something new Salad forks, set of 6. SB.OO Oyster forks, set of 6, $5.75 Butter spreaders, set of 6, $7.00 Butter knives, each $1.50 Sugar shells, each, $1.50 Gravy ladles, each, $3.00 Cold meat forks, each, $2.50 Berry spoons, each. $3.75 —Ayres—Street floor. “Wooly Wiggins” DOLLS Jga t^ie Shop Any girl, large or small, who loves -L dolls, will surely love a “Woolly Wiggins” dolL These dolls get their came from the fact that their hatr WJft! I‘\ Vv ’rSsf'i made of wool yarn in cunning zip coiffures; their dresses show evi dence of careful workmanship; the head and hands are composition and DW the body is stuffed. They are iA r\ jj L ( Four styles, at $3.75, sd*OQ, U U $4.25 and $4.75. Also we have Just received shipments of that popular doll, Mixup,” and also of the new “Blue Bird" dolls. Surely, an assortment to make merry the heart of all the ttny gtrtgg Come and see them. •—Ayres—Fifth fioos^ THE GRAY SHOP Georgette Crepe Blouses When the buyer displayed these very beautiful blouses for stout women, she said, “Make it strong-referring to the advertisement that should be written about them. But words can’t make it strong enough, the values are so exceptionally high. At $8.75 The larger part of collection, by far, is composed of Georgette crepe blouses, although there are a few attractive, fine quality models of crepe de chine. They are fashioned in various pretty styles and are beaded, embroidered and trimmed with filet-design and Valenciennes lace. A Very Fdw Are Slightly Soiled White , Flesh, Tak, Navi/ Blue, Black, Plum Sizes Ranging from 41 to 51 ' . —Ayres—Jhird -floor. in the way of conveyances, ha* eo.. Dieted a tour of Piqua In a land batt^B ship. FIRST TO PLANT CORN. 1 COTTONWOOD FALLS, Kas., April R —Tom Mercer holds the record for toe ing the first farmer In Chase county M* plant corn this season. Last year Mere** ran second in com planting in this cotmp ty, finishing the planting Worthwhile Toilets Saturday Specials Azurea sachet. the ounce. Lazell's Sweet Pea or Honey suckle talcum, 15^. F. E. L tooth paste, C9^. Borine liquid. 35^. Sweetheart talcum. B<L Olivia bay rum, 50<*. Art gum. 3 for 250. Bayer Aspirin tablets, 2 boxes, 12 in a box, 20<. Hess vanishing or cold cream, 39<\ Jergen s Benzoin almond lotioiL 29C. Arly.’s Jasmine perfume, $2.50 the ounce. Mavis cold cream, 45<J. Mum, a deodorant, 18£. Composition ivory buffers, 59<*. Stork baby castUe soap, at 12£ the cake. Buna ointment, the tnbe. Perfumed petroleum, tho Jar, —Ayres—Street floor.