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6 JluCuatia Jlailg Slimes INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Daily Except Sunday, 25-29 South Meridian Street. Telephones—Main 2500, New 28-351 ' member of audit of^circulations. Advertising Office* —Chicago, New York, Boston, Detroit, G. Logan Payne Cos. t 1 1 —“THIS IS THE YEAR"— WHAT HAS BECOME of the man who used to assure us that there would be plenty of sugar if the government permitted a higher price? INDIANAPOLIS should not forget that other communities have found it both economical and efficient business to motorize horse-drawn Are ap paratus rather than to discard it. THE "SKIP-STOP” METHOD of highway building adopted by thq state commission In the interest of Goodrichism is unequal to the strain put on it by the attempted organization of truck lines. WHILE THE CITY Is investigating the failure of the sewers to carry off flood water it might also ascertain what has become of the east flood wall along White river which Mayor Jewett promised to build if elected. WE HAVE LITTLE PATIENCE with the propaganda designed to show that the death of Martha Huff was not due so much to the presence of a negro fiend in Indianapolis as to the failure of parents to instruct their daughters not to "take up” with strangers. Before His Own Party Yesterday The Times printed in this column an editorial from the Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette in which that newspaper advocated an Investigation by a non-political committee of the stench that arises from the rotten con duct of the state penal farm under the direction of Gov. James P. Goodrich. While the Ft. Wayne paper’s comment was timely and its suggestion proper, we do not agree with it as to the agency that should make the in vestigate n. This investigaton ought to be made by the general assembly of the sta*e of Indiana and It ought to be in the nature of impeachment proceed ings against James P. Goodrich, governor. Such an overwhelming mass of evidence of Goodrich's inefficient and improper conduct as governor of Indiana could be brought to light in such an investigation that even a republican and Goodrich controlled legislature would not dare do anything else than impeach Goodrich. Certainly the disclosures of C. O. McNulty, himself a favorite of the Goodrich administration, should be investigated. Certainly the working of convicts on the Globe mine, when Goodrich's son and business associates were in control of the property, ought to be in vestigated. Certainly the remodeling of the state house on the “cost plus” system should be investigated. Certainly the sale of the garbage plant to the sanitary district of In dianapolis by Goodrich and his associates should be investigated. Certainly the scheme by which hundreds of prisoners have been re leased from prison illegally should be Investigated. Certainly the building of highways at an excess cost of $6,191 a mile should be investigated. But why have a committee investigate? Goodrich has never dared deny a single one of the exposes which this newspaper has made of official misconduct. By this very silence h j has admitted their truth. Let him call the legislature in special session and stand or fall by the judgment of his own political associates. 0 Ends Prohibition *Jokes 9 Several weeks ago there was pointed out in these columns the im propiety of the many stage “jokes’’ having as their basis the prohibition amendment. For a long time this subject constituted about the only thing the stage comedians were able to conceive as capable of provoking a laugh. It was a disgusting spectacle to the majority of theatergoers and was not without offense to those persons who regard the constitution of the United States as entirely too sacred to be the butt of burlesque and cheap comedy. A realization of this lack of respect for the constitution of the United States appears now to have permeated the managerial offices, for Variety of April 16 contains the following announcement: “The Columbia Amusement Company has issued an order barring all references to prohibition or woman suffrage in any of the shows playing the Columbia Wheel next season. It also includes an edict forbidding “audience” working in any form, and suggestiveness in action or dialog The latter order states no ‘blue’ mattey, no matter how indirectly put over or handled, will be tolerated. “The Columbia directors took the stand the prohibition law was now the law of the land and a3 such must be respected, no matter what in dividual opinions they (Columbia directors) might have 04 the subject.” Hits the Nail Squarely Paul G. Davis is a candidate for the democratic nomination for prosecuting attorney. He is one of several any one of whom would fill the office with far more satisfaction to the taxpayers than has ever been given under the administration of Claris Adams, present prose cutor. Mr. Davis has a faculty of going to the bottom of a situation and a fearless way of telling what is the matter with it. In a recent speech he not only pledged himself to a course of action when elected, but he also showed the people of Marion county what ails their government. Without desiring to prejudice any voter against any of the other es timable candidates, we feel that a man who has had the courage to de clare himself as Davis has is entitled to be heard in these columns. Davis said: “If lam elected prosecuting attorney I will endeavor*to rid this county of the corruption and Inefficiency that now exists in the republican ad ministration of our affairs, and I will see that the federal court, which is busy with important matters, is not bothered with seeing that our public servants perform their duties. "The people of this community do not want ‘Honeßt Bob’ Miller prose cuted by his Intimate friends and political associates. We need a demo crat for prosecutor and if you elect me depend upon it that there will be a thorough house cleaning. ‘T will enforce all the laws upon our statute books, but promise you that if I am elected there will be fewer indictment® or more convictions, and I will not call upon the taxpayers to advance money to employ other lawyers and investigators to assist in the prosecution of cases. "I will not tolerate the Institution of unwarranted prosecutions in order to enrich the office at the expense of the public. “I charge it to be a fact that the promiscuous arrests in t~e Justice of the peace courts In this county have been occasioned, not Iff order to enforce the law, but for the sole purpose of collecting fees and I will not tolerate this practice.” Can't See You , Claris We have never particularly cared about either the respect or the favorable estimation of Claris Adams, our "good government” prosecutor. Mr. Adams has been so utterly mistaken in hiß estimates of men in i the past and so thoroughly unable to discern good motives from bad in his administration of the office of prosecutor that we can not help believ ing that to be held in high esteem by him is rather an empty honor. However, we do not wish to overlook any chances to make known our standing in the community and for that reason we quote here from a letter that recently reached us asking our support for James W. Feeler. In this letter Mr. Adams says: "A word from you as a man of standing in the community will help wonderfully . . . Mr. Fesler can and will be nominated and elected if you will do your part.” Confidentially, however, we wish to say that If Jim Fesler’s chances of nomination and election depend upon our doing our part we wiH not fail—to do all we can to prevent either. For we know of no qualification that entitles Mr. Fesler to nomination for governor, and we never heard of any that entitled him to election. On the contrary, the fact that he is supported by Mr. Adame, “Honest Bob” Miller, Charles W. Jewett and the re*t of the “good government” league of this county is enough for us. “This is the year.- > GOODRICH SITS ♦ IN HIS TENT (Continued From Page One.) the treasurer could collect some easy money off me for his own use. “I have heard of a lot of cases of this kind, particularly when women were the ones owing taxes. “Will you. If elected, help put a stop to this kind of business?” Mr. Speigel, in reply, called attention to his pledge that he would not con tract with any set of bullies to collect delinquent taxes and would not accept a cent of money to which he was not clearly entitled under the law. He said: “I think that a treasurer who, either deliberately, or through carelessness, forced a taxpayer to become delinquent, is more responsible for the delinquency than the taxpayer and ought not only to he deprived of the fees for collecting such a delinquency, but also ought to be compelled to jfay the state the fees that the law makes it necessary to col lect. “I think the treasurer receives enough for his services to make It a 'trime to Impose on a taxpayer In this or any other manner.” MENTION BEVERIDGE TO UNITE G. O. P. CHICAGO, April 22. —Republican presi dential candidates, deadlocked In a struggle to have their man selecied for the temporary chairman at the O. O. P. convention here In June, are preparing to sacrifice their ambitions and adopt a neutral candidate. It was learned at national republican headquarters here today. To avoid disaprd within the party an attempt has been made by peacemakers to bring the opposing candidates to gether. The mediators have proposed the name of Albert J. Beveridge, former United States senater from Indiana, as tempo rary chairman. HI MISSED TRAIN, THATS THE REASON Zell C. Swain, 'lndiana manager of Senator Hlraiu W. Jehuson's campaign, has explained that Senator Johnson did not refuse to appear on the same platform with Senator Warren G. Harding at Richmond Monday night. Mr. Swain Mid Senator Johnson can celled bia speaking engagement because he missed a train after bis Columbia club speech. ✓ Senator Johnson has arranged to'-speug at Richmond on the night of April 2d. SPA AN ARRAIGNS HIDDEN GOVERNMENT “We believe in local self-government ’ and not government behind closed doors,” j-Henry N. Spaan, candidate for the demo ' cratlc nomination for congress from the Marion county district, declared tn a speech at a meeting in McClain's hall, Hoyt and State avenues, last n^ght. Mr. Spaan declared that Gov. Goodrich i sought to bring about political control of the state through the enactment of the tax law. “There are now only two people who are defending the tax law —Gov. Goodrich nnd Philip Zocrcher." Mr. Spnan said. “Zoerrher Is talking to hold his Job." Mr. Spaan went Into considerable detail in the discussion of the new assessment sheets, tn which each item of household goods raqst be listed separately, and of the new "supplementary Information" sheets, in which the details of business organization* must be set out. (lives BKIEI WSWFR lOK INSURANCE <jl LSTION. He also spoke of the question as'ird hy the tax hoard conee-Tilng the insurance < arrfed on the goods listed. “There Is no Inw which compels you to answer that question." he said. “If you have not already filled out your assessment sheet Just write In that space.' ‘lt’s none of your and busi ness.' " The horizontal Increase* were charac terized by Mr. Spaan as vicious. Mr. Spaan dtxcussed at some length the failure In office of the *tr.te, county and city administrations. In referring to the county administra tion he told of the Whiteside case. In which the county undertaker hurled bodies In pine boxes cvlth'n one foot of the surface of the earth and buried the body of a dog with the body of a Dmn. He also told of the mismanagement and law violations at the county Jail and of mismanagement at the county hos pital for the Insane at Julietta. Mr. Spaan criticised the legislature for approving universal military service and declared that If he is elected to congress he will vote against any such measure. 1 Candidates for the various county of fices and the legislature made brief speeches. Albert A. Henry and Walter McNa- j tnara, candidates for the state lmuse of representatives, declared they favored the return of beer. James E. Berry and Thomas B. Carroll, candidates for county chairman, spoke briefly, teUing of the need of organisa tion. Others who spoke were Edgar A. Brown. Blythe Q. Hendricks and Chalmor Schlossser, candidates for Judge of too circuit court; ’William Clay Batcholder, Edward P. Brennan, Paul G. Davis. John F. Geckler, Earl E. McFerren and Jacob L. Stelnmetz, candidates for prosecuting attorney; George M. Spiegel and Frank Woollng. candidates for county treas urer; Edward A. Mcßride and William j P. Stndlinger, candidates for * county j Sheriff; Heyden W. Buchanan, Dr. Fred- ; erlek E. Crum and Dr. Albert W. Miller, candidates for county coroner; James Kervan, candidate for county commis sioner ( Oren 8. Hack, Frank Bruce Eki ward B. Raub and John J. Dugan, can didates for the Senate; Andy Donlan, William A. Gibson, Humphrey C. Har rington, Don H. Herr, John B. Parsons, j Russell ,T. Ryan and J. Olins VanNier, candidates for tho house. SPAAN NOT IN “NEWBERRY CLASS.” Mr. Spaan is the first Indiana congres sional candidate to announce publicly the details of an expense account filed at Washlngto nunder the federal law. The following letter written by Mr. Spaan to William Tyler, clerk of the house or representatives, speaks for Itself: "Enclosed plense find my preliminary statement of expense account, only * cents. I had no opposition; therefore If was not necessary to get into the New berry class.” BRINGING UP FATHER. I WONDER ir [Ell * —"■ -x 1 'N /W I AND DON'T 1 V//\^>N’T '^•^T C t^h M t E ■ 1 KIM 1 GIT >, . I NO! i a/ cfe UjL BOTHER ME TALKIN' I THINK ruu the M OUT TONIGHT? If _1 'Q H 1 , V g2i k jhjii - ''’ i" * 1— *■—. S) 19*0 9t Intv Futihi Bi*vic. Bt j f 1 *•■ 2-2. :'•"•* L,_ I I Mi 4——•— 3 f 1 *— ——.—■— ■ . INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920. Stage and Screen MARJORIE EDWARDS. Miss Marjorite Edwards, another In diana stage eelebrity, will .make her first Indianapolis appearance tonight at . Kngllsh’s in “See-Saw,” anew musical | comedy. Miss Edwards halls from Terre Haute, where her father, Edward F. Galligan, manages the Grand theater. When a child she took delight In pre lending that she was a great singer, and today, after only a little more than one season on the stage, she Is singing nnd playing a leading, role. Many of her friends from Terre Haute have nrranged theater partita during the engagement of this musical comedy ur English's. Others in tho cast are Charlie Brown, Mabel Bunyea, Dorotheif Maekaye, ! Charles Meakln3 and others. -!- -I- -I ---1 HERE’S MARIE. Mirle Cahill, whose presence has graced many a musical comedy success, comes to Keith's next week. This will be her first vaudeville ap pearance in Indianapolis. Among her stage successes were “Nancy Brown,” “The Boys and Betty,'.’ I “Marrying Mary” and an all-star revival of '■‘Pinafore.” Her vaudeville act Is labeled "Cahlll lams of 1020.” •' - 1 ' 'l* / DISCOVERED. This Is to tip off local that an Indianapolis girl is In the cast of the Shubert Gaieties of 1910, now at the Murat theater. Miss Helen War ner Armstrong Is * ier name, and she used to live t the f corner of New Jer- MfBBfcSEsL sey and Twenty ' B *‘ ond st reels. mjUXi fcho went to school No. 45 and whecr she was get ft ■ ting her start Miss J| iv. 5. 4j Armstrong often | f ' yi. (j sang in local houses ~ cWjßc Slid later appeared I* at Keith's. H-r i- parent* a*e Mr. and \| rl William *Mlsa Armstrong. Wilson Warnfr. Jotyi F. Conroy, now at the Lyric In an athletic offering. Is the proud pos sessor of noth a congressional nu-dal and an Andrew Carnegie medal for rescuing 137 person* from drowning. Jack Dempsey Is appearing in the sev enth episode of his serial. ' Dare Devil Ja< k.” at ihe Broadway this week. Vivian Rich In “Would You Forgive?” Is the taovle feature ut the Rialto. Joe Marks 1* the featured player in “Broadway Belles” now at the Park. IRENE CASTLE Irene ha* gone and done It! She has sacrificed beauty for art, •and appears In n very ugly hat and pigtails. But. how ,)i" finally blossoms out!* She fully measures up to Brondwsy standards In her wardrobe, ami 1* only faintly reminiscent of the old-fashioned French convent girl that she had been In the first of the story. All this happens in the ptovls, "The Amateur Wife ” “An Amateur Wife” give* the star a chance to display many bautifnl gowns and gives a good setting to her grace- , fulness and charm. The story of the play Is one of those that lose none of their chr.rni In the telling, but Is better enjoyed when the j plot Is kept a secret. So we won't tell any of the story, ex- | ropt Hint Miss Castle Is a convent girl 1 In the beginning of tho story, who mar- I rles a rich bachelor. She finds that her husband married j her only because ho was sorry for her, and —but there, we almost let the cal out of the bag, William Cnrleton plays opposite Miss Castlo as Cosmo Hpotlswood. and the j remainder of the cast 1* fair. At tho Alhambra rest of the week. -I- -I- -I THB MOVIES. I). W. Griffith's ‘The Fall of Babylon,” with Constance Talinadge nnd on all star cast, nnd the personal appearance of Maja. leading dancer In tho production, In the picture at the Colonial this week. “The Fall of Babylon" Is a spectacu lar picture. Miss Talmadge Is supported by Mil dred Harris Chaplin, Seeria Owen, Tully Marshall, Eric Stroheim, who recently starred In “Blind Husbands," Elmo Lin coln, Carl Bloejcdale, George Fawcett, Pauline Start, W'iimlfrcd Westover, Alma Rubens, Ruth Darling and others. Rozika Dolly Is one of the stars in “Tiger Girl” at the Isis today a"ud rest of tho week. The Ohio Is offering anew movie, “The Mystery of the Yellow Room.” “Don't Ever Marry” is proving a de light at. the Circle this week. 'Mr. Smith’s Is offering a drama of the north, “The River's End.” - A triple bill Is bring presented for the first times at the Regent today and In- j eludes "The Relentless Avenger," Helen j Gibson in “Tho Dare Devil Queen" and Mabel Norm.ind In “Her Deceitful Lover.” PLANE FALLS INTO OCEAN. LONG .BEACH, Cal., April 22.—George Daly, a pilot flying for au aviation school at Wilmington, and nn unidentified pas senger were killed today when Daly'* plane fell 1,000 feet Into the ocean off tho recreation pier here. *'. j Highest price or. Styleplus : H pay an extreme price or a price to get good Styleplus prices are decided ly less than the highest. Yet Pv~ jj||§ f§ ’V igSgt 1 ||§f§ every Styleplus fabric is all bl wool and fully guaranteed to K' -- m plltiilll I , * - | Hhe oiq name in clothes give good wear. Correct style. | prices you can trust. j /iJD'X Henry Sonnebom & Cos., Inc. Lv:sso" $55 IJ i \ j Baltimore, Md : „ ,„ h The sleeve Uchet tells rtxeprice KNOWN-PHIckD! CLOThiBS > j :A> .Sax WHEN STOSIE Good clothes, Nothing Else are ™ e storc w dianapolh * ' selling Styleplus Clothes . Come in and see the spring models in these nationally known Suits for Men and Young Men . Educators Denounce “Degree Factory” Oscar 11. Williams, supervisor of teachers' training in Indiana, will make a report on an alleged "degree factory” known as tho Central university at the next meeting of the state board of edu cation with a recommendation that the board adopt resolutions condemning the granting of degrees for correspondence educational courses, it was announced yesterday. Albert Morlan, 6034 Lowell avenue, sec retary of the “university,” recently Is sued a denial that it was In any sense mysterious or that it conferred degrees on persons not qualified to possess them. L. N. Hines, state superintendent of education, and other educators declared that the idea of fitting students for de grees by correspondence courses was ri diculous. "Mr. Morlan conducts the business of the school at his home la Irvington,” said Mr. Hines. William Hutler Yeats, poet and schol ar, will lecture at tho Murat theater Sun day afternoon at 8 o’clock. His sub ject will he “A Theater of the People.” WEEJA TELLS JIGGS HE CAN’T GO OUT. Might Have Turned Out a Good Catch PLEASANT VALLEY, April 22.—Mar shal Spilker pursued a stranger carrying a length of copper pipe down main street. He was forced to apologize on learning the man was a plumber from Cleveland.