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12 We Will Help You to Save Safely jflHtfjer feabtngs anb Zm&t bWAHWOUS laskin£MarineO>| CLEAN TEETH AID TO GOOD HEALTH B, Food, to be properly digested, must be thor [' oughly chewed and moistened through and through with saliva. Your stomach can not [ chew your food for you—it has no teeth. No [ one can be healthy and happy unless he is I free from pain. Bad teeth, sooner or later, | will cause misery, loss of sleep and wages. If nature hadn’t intended teeth to be impor tant to us the warning would not be so plain —they wouldn't ache so when diseased. A ; dirty mouth often results in pyorrhea, which means that you will constantly be swallowing i the pus (germs) that is being produced around , the roots of the teeth so affected. Don’t take poison in this form. PEOPLE’S DENTISTS Sunday, 9 a. m. to 12 m. 36 WEST WASHINGTON ST, Over Gausepohl Trunk Store. Think what Labor owes to Him! T TNTTL His thirtieth year the Master The Churches cooperating under the name of LJ mac fhP mPntpr nf Nazareth Interchurch World Movement offer the pro was 016 <-arpenter or INazaretn. gram of the Master; and His Golden Rule. Could He possibly forget those carpen- -Whatsoever ye would that men should do to ter years when the years of His ministry you> do ye even so to them.” began? Could the men who labor with ~ . , . , _ - tt- , . By that rule the industry of the future must their hands ever be far from His thought directed. Its products must be not merely and prayers? goods, but good; not merely wealth but happi ness and character and joy. To such men, oppressed and driven, men bent by toil, with hopeless hearts, He If y° u believe these things, you believe in one . . , rr j ... of the fundamental purposes of the Churches and spone a phrase that flamed with power. of their agent, the Interchurch World Movement. 91 You are sons of God, 1 ’He told them. And you have this month your chance to help. Whether you labor with hand or brain, whether Sons of God — brothers of their rulers you are inside the Church or out, you are a sharer and employers; with an equal right to in the benefits of the influence of Jesus Christ. happiness, to comfort and opportunity. Help to make that influence the ruling spirit All the hopes of Labor in all the centuries *b e m °dem world. Help to make industry a -j ..... . , spiritual enterprise, where men shall work to had their beginning in that splendid gether not in envy but in mutual respect—as thought. brothers all, and “sons of God” I United Financial Campaign, April 25th - May 2nd C MNTERCHURCH World Movement of ENorth America cf thU j*f*eettemeaen*.iM DOG HILL PARAGRAFS 2flf A citizen at Tlckville is reported to hare made a lot of money during the last few months, and it is expected that the doctor will soon have to ex amine him to see If he don’t need some sort of an operation. * • • Sile Kildew says the English spar row* fool around all summer and do nothing and then are not able to go south to spend the winter like the other birds. The Tin Peddler reports that spring is coming down the road, and the post master has be&run to look around and wonder where the old plowpoint is that he used to prop the front door open with last summer. Perfection Cheeee —Glossbrenner’s. IF YOU BUY wall paper without first seeing our samples you are not treating yourself fairly. See them by all means and we will abide by your decision. (MhaMjM Pajm Cb. 41919 Mem. Phones—Main 7523, Auto. 24-626. Auction Famous Furniture Cos., 448 West Washington St. Now closing out entire furniture stock at public auction. Sales daily at 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. until all is sold. OUR SPECIAL BANK CREDIT PLAN Allow you to buy your homo outfit at rash prices. D. N- FOSTER FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY IX7-119-121 West Market street. Opposite Traction Terminal Depot. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920, Mr. Business Man—you can never tell how soon M' ■ you will get a quick call f for your .photograph. Better order some busl ness-like portraits from j, IOT Mr Ninth Floor Kahn Bldg. . 1 _ _'i. .1 | i Distinctive features make H the Apex an indispensable | cleaning aid in every room in the house. Its use gives | the saving of time, labor, j health and strength that fjH ; the modem housewife is now demanding. *ty£u. I There is No Rubbing B an EDEN 1 It makes clothes wear B longer, it washes cleaner Is* and in shorter time than j §Sf§ | the old-fash;oned way. j B All housewives take pride j in washing clothes and in j B washing them soft and ; Ip fluffy, and this is the way I 1 | this master washer turns j Kg them out. i Sold on convenient terms. jg| Cor. Mrr. and lid. Ste. Muln 123 1 Auto. 23-123. SrheumatismC lid When You Have Rheumatism &H I.KT ME REMOVE the CAI SkL : Wb ELLERY 0 c C g CHIROPRACTOR fa BOt ODD FELLOW BLDG. L I Office, Main 6041. Residence, | Hours. Itosa id 7 lo SP.M. B Sunday, 2 to 4 P. M. a, . tU No Charge for consultation. JN HOUSE WIRING And Fixtures a Specialty. Prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed. If It's Electrical—Call Pros. 6372. * "" ■ - Fine Decorated mm m 42-Piece Set of ILy DINNERWARE I• I See our open stock of Dlnnerware. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. HBi^a^^UMSHUaHMUaOURBBSBSaauaMMMUBSHUtBUBaBaM DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO 443-5 E. Wash. Indiana Wall Paper Cos. Retail Store Wholesale Store 51 Virginia Ave. 27-29 E. Maryland j Huntin * ton & Riddell CONTRACTORS Store Fronts, Interior Remodeling and Factory Work. Phone*—Belmont 2096—2130, S ...1.... -■ I m ■ ...i* 1 4 IS .3$ In Safe Hands You can be absolutely sure of getting a most exact examination in this de partment. We employ more people, and have a a better equipped grinding plant than any other retail optical place in the state. INVESTIGATE We Will Save You About One-Half All our glasses are guaranteed. If lenses need changing during the first six months, we will change them with out charge. THE Wm. i. BLOCK CO. Optical Department A Cigar That’s Different —and Better Deschter’s Venogram differs from other rich, full-flavored cigars be cause it is inild-r-lt never tires the taste. And it differs from other mild, mellow cigars because It is rich— it has character. It's the combination of richness and mildness that makes Deschler's Monogram so unusual. Try one today. LOUIS G. DESCHLER CO. INDIANAPOLIS Avoid imitations by using the full name— DESCHLER’S Monogram. effw f/7ff Q/ialiiy /? ~ Can You Tell How Much You Spend for Your Food Clothing Luxuries and Other necessities. Our Budget System will show you how to save money. It’s Free Mailed out of town on request. We pay 4y 2 % on savings. MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington Street The Age of Pain Is Past ] HfSaiV That is, so far as dental oper ations ai’e concerned. There was, of course, a time when llfvllr^AS/ some dental work could not wEpif be done without considerable o||j|l fSplf pain. But, in these days of wfik Mm&e anesthetics and scientific methods pain has been driven from the dental office. Come v; rjjfrt..-■ .-r- - r.-y I in and be couvinced. Eiteljorg & Moore | |jj’j ni nrVinnrTTTr Corner East Market Street and Circle. Ground Floor, l ady Attendant. - ■ . . —e) /*%. /> /fC VACUUM CLEANERS W FREE TRIAL EASY PAYMENTS i HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. AtTO. *-lg. MAIN IM. APTO M-UI BLACK SCREEN WIRE a Square Foot VONNEGUT HARDWARE CO. 120 TO 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET CLOTHING ON CREDIT i PEOPLE’S CREDIT CLOTWIWQrO*. octtilil Bracelet Watches From the reputable which we can unquestion&lfl guarantee. Fitted with the black silk wrist band (If you prefer). We have a very spe cial price on tfQA AA this watch at.. .SdiZUeUU It’s a 15-jewel movement and carries our 20-year guarantee. Others on up to $225.00. FkSCtoKjfoe “Clean-up” Helpers for the House and Automobile — You’ll find these spe cials in our Automobile Accessory Department. Why not take advan tage of these prices! Hand Soap 15c Chamois .. ,50c to $1.25 Sponges 50c to SI.OO Wool Dusters.. .75c to $1.75 Gold Medal - **+ Polish 15c to 80c Reneuoil Polish 19c to 38c Bailey’s Polish 15c to SI.OO Noxall Polish 39c to $1.17 Body Gloss Polish 25c to $3.00 LILLY HARDWARE COMPANY 114-118 E. Washington St. I (ADVERTISEMENT) for Slate Senator from Marion County l John L. iDuvall The business of the peo ple is tna most important undertaking of those who serve the people. Only a business man of such wide and successful ex perience as John L. Duvall is competent to bandit that business. 1 Republican Preferential Primaries MA Y 4th. tIMIftMf ■. Washington Mending TISSUES 1 rSTSSS No sowing or darning. Rspatri eVHtalng, silk. tln, ootton goods, ribbons, fabrics,, cf all kinds, kid glovss, mackintosh**! Cmbrollas, oaraapls, stockings, stc. PackJ Mr* postpaid, IS csnUL two psskagsg. im