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12 SAYS GERMANY HAS BEGUN LONG UPWARD CLIMB Berlin Envoy Returns to Paris With Optimistic Report on Outlook. REPARATION UNCERTAIN PARIS, May 7. —Germany has reached icd passed her lowest point and has be ?un the upward climb which is destined !o place her once more among the fore nost nations of the earth, according to flerr Mayer, German charge d'affaires in Paris, who has just returned from a •rip to Berlin. Herr Mayer returned from Germany .vith a decidedly optimistic view of 'onditions east of the Rhine. OMPLETELY RECOVER PROM KAPP / PRISING. “Germany has passed her lowest point md is now coming back,” he said. “Coal production has been resumed on \ large scale and has reached the point a-here it was before the Kapp revolu llon. “Our train service has been greatly im proved and there is a marked better spirit among the workers.” Herr Mayer declared he informed Pre ttier Millerand that it would be impos sible for Germany to decide until next year the amount she is able to pay the lilies annually under the treaty. VEW TAXATION' SYSTEM ADOPTED. Parliament has adopted anew taxa ion system, but it is impossible to esti uate the amount of revenue it will bring Newest Spring Styles for Women Rite’s Women’s Upstairs Apparel Shop Is One of the Most Beautiful in the City. The Values Will Appeal to You. Women’s Spring Suits Lovely new styles and models In tricotine, serge, checks and novelties—beau tifully tailored, exceptional quality and at prices aston lngly low—Rite sells for less. S3O Up Stylish Spring Coats Lovelv light weight coats for spring wear, belted or plain, long or short sport lengths—every one distinc tive and smart. Prices most reasonable. $25 Up Also a full line of dresses, skirts and furs. ALL ALTERATIONS FREE TAKE EL E VAT OR TO V ; V ... * •< '■t . *v ■ WOMEN S UPSTAIRS APPAREL SHOP BEinnmsxßmamm*.'] ©anfelg [MaßMaaiMa Corner Wahinftoo and Delaware Streets. Men’s Union Suits Priced for Saturday Now is the time to buy your entire season *s supply Athletic Nainsook HA Extra Qual. Athletic $1 47 UNION SUITS iuC UNION SUITS 1 W —Made of good pin —Splendidly made and finished check and plaid nainsook—knee Finest barred nainsook —knee length —no sleeves webbed length—no sleeves—sizes 34 to < I back—sizes 34 to 46. 46. 4rWb~\ P ‘Mastertex’Ribbed $1.47 Extra Quality Ribbed $g 97 I ‘ IJP UNION SUITS 1 UNION SUITS 1' —Fine gauze, superior yarn— 0 . „ _. . ' „,, I 1 short sleeves—ankle length— —Specially finished seams, fully I come in white and ecru. Sizes reinforced—short sleeves—ankle 1 I 34 to 46. length. Come In white and ecru. I I Cor. Washington and Delaware Sts. in before it is collected at the end of the financial year. It Is useless, according to Mayer, to expect that Germany can reach the point of fullest production until the allies fix the total amount of her Indebtedness. “We are ready'to pay all we can, but it Is not possible to estate the amount,’ he said. FAKE DETECTIVE DUPES ‘WILLIE’ Kentucky Lad Pays $5 to Es cape Jail ‘for Nothing SPRINGFIELD, IIL, May 7.—Folks, meet “Willie’’ Gross of Russell county, Kentucky. Although little Willie Is IS years old he never saw a policeman, or rather a detective, until he came to the great cap ital of Illinois. And then his first experience with the detective was not what you might call real. As he sauntered up the street with his six feet and two inches he was ap proached by two pompous appearing persons of the male sex. “You’re under arrest,” they told Willie, who groaned In surprise as the men hacked him Into a door. One displayed a tin shield like regu lar officers wear. The other hiked down the street. JFhile he was gone tie one with the star got confident to William. “Aw, say,” he said, “I don’t like to do this. I wouldn’t either if ” Well, Willie greased his palm with a five-spot note and was free. But when he got* away he didn’t like It a bit, so he decided to go down to the jail and see what it was they had against him. “Nothing.” they told him. Then Willie explained bo had never seen a deteeotive before. Now Willie is mad all over and be and the police are looking for the “moonshine runners." f As Utile X / Down as \ i s2*oo i \ On $30.00 J Just say "Charge It,” fllte will gladly open a charge account, you may pay for your apparel while wearing it. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 1:3) The Young Lady Across the Way tr TS. •*•<**-• fir The young lady across the way says solid mahogany is almost unobtainable now and sbe doesn't know what we're going to do for fine furniture when the veneer forests are gone. We Advertise as We Do RITE'H CAHH PLAN All roods are marked In plain figures at the lowest spot cash prices—the lowest In town. Rite's customer who pays cash gets Just whst he pays for—good clot at rock-bottom cash prices. If credit Is given RITE CHARGES MORE, but only the small added cost that the giving of credit causes. That Is fiTir, isn’t It? KITE'S CREDIT PLAN Charge accounts are cheer fully opened. If requested, and you may pay each week if you wish, bur when credit is given, KITE CHARGES MORE, not much, but a lit tie. Even with this small added charge Hite sells for less. To prove it to your own satisfaction, shop around at the other stores, then corns to Rite's. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920. POLICING AFRICA ROMANTIC WORK Six Hundred Men Cover Area of 150,000 Miles. LONDON, May 7.—More often than not the road of adventure Is entered through to all seeming, the unllkeliest of portals. For instance, the world’s most roman tic police force —a force that transcends In its daily hazards the famous north west mounted police, a force that recalls the wildest days of deputy sheriff rule in the west—is being reivlved after the war. In a little artificially lighted roo.m buried away in the depths of a big office building in the city section of London. Outside, it was raining as the writer sat in that little office the other day, watching the reorganization of the Brit- Ssh south Africa police, a body of 600 white men who are responsible for the preservation of order over an area of Iff),000 square miles, where a popula tion of 800,000 blacks but yesterday were savages. A real “corps de’elite” Is the British south Africa police, well paid and well clothed. Its members and ex-members earned In the European war, it is believed, a greater number of distinctions than any ether single unit of the British army. Small wonder then that since recruit ing was resumed recently, many ex-seirv- Save $72 75 on Three Pieces Dresser, Chiffonier and Bed for $129.50 Present Value of These Three Pieces, $202.25 The suites wore purchased months ago and we are going to sell them according to our cost, and not at present market quotations. Imitation Circassian finish, exactly as shown above. 40-inch dresser with 22x28-ineh mirror. Dressing table to match if you wish. Don’t forget the price—3 pieces—-$129.50. A LITTLE MONEY ON A 810 BILL. The Home REFRIGERATOR Refrigerator* and Ico Chests Worth Having. Home Refrigerators will save you 20 per cent on your Ice bill. The Home Refrigerator preserves rood In a wholesome and palatable condition. The M / KiSL latlon Is perfect. wdssKWß:--a Coolness and dry- W- g - - ,I—n... km ness are com- L [j —p p >' ’wggWWeww bleed. All have L |J JJ J | tj l sanitary remoTt 11 '> ****' T **’ ABSOLUTE ICE BAVERB Buy Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums Where You Have the Stock and Styles to Select From Com.* and take • look whether you buy r nt. The following Bl*ed Ruga In Stock: 1 27x63 Inches 7.6x9 feet 9x9 feet 9x12 High-Grade *CQC f R x 7 ' n # ch f # i xl ,£* lee!I ee ! ns ... n jK r> 4.6x7.6 feet 9x10.6 feet 11.3x15 feet Matting Rug ycs*/U 6x9 feet 10.6x12 feet 12 xls jeet All Carpets and Linoleums Made, laid and Lined Free. HARTER HUGER HARMON MEYER LESLIE METER The Home Furniture Cos. Southeast Corner Alabama -and Washington. Chicago, IndianapoHa at Louisville Ry, Announces that its Chicago Passenger Trains, which were operated only to 63rd Street, Chicago, during the Switchmen’s Strike, are NOW OPERATED INTO AND OUT OF Dearborn Station Chicago -As Usual To CHICAGO From CHICAGO “THE HOOSIER” DAYLIGHT UNITED Train No. 32 Train No. 37 Leaves Indianapolis . 7.45 *.rn. Leaves Chicago .... . 9. 20 a.m. Arrives Chicago 12.43 p,m. Arrivea Indianapolis 2.20 p.m. DAYLIGHT UNITED NID-DAY SPECIAL Train No. 38 v Train No. 33 Leavea Indianapolis 12 00 noon Leaves Chicago —— — 12.00 noon Arrives Chicago 4.57 p, m . Arrives Indianapolis BUSINESS NEN’S SPECIAL “THE HOOSIER** Train No. 30 . Train No. 31 Leaves Indianapolis 4.00 p.m. ‘Arrives IndianfnoHa lft’eo p,m * Arrives Chicago 9.00 £.m. Indianapolis W . 30 p-m. jsitpwt vrvpnvGG NIGHT EXPRESS MGHT EXJPRESS Train No. 35 tai . N 6 Leaves Chicago 12.00 night Leaves Indianapolis U a.m. Arrives Indianapolis 6.00 .m. Arrives Chicago 7.10 a.m. ~, , „ J , . Sleeping Cars ready for occupancy at Chi- Sleeping Cara ready in Union Station at cago at 10.00 p.m# and may be occupied at 9.00 p.m. Indianapolis until 7.30 a.m. For tickets, reservations, etc., call on or telephone Consolidated Ticket Office Union Station Main 3927-Automatic 31384 Main 4567—Automatic 24318 - - - .....m ice men with enviable records, tnelud ing a number of ex-offlcers, lieutenants, Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50 Per Cent in One Week’s Time in Many Instances A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. Philadelphia, Pa. Do you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is. real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: “I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyee do not water any more. At night they would pain dread fully ; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me.” A lady who used it says: “The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without" It la believed that thousands who wear glasses ’can now discard them 4n a reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles hf many 3-PIECE GENUINE OAK BEDROOM SUITE. Dresser, Chiffonier and Bed $99.00 Present value $152.00. Save.... $53.00 BUY AN OIL STOVE During the shortage of coal and gas, an oil cook stove is what you need in your home. We arc agents for the— Florence Perfection Boss Peerless W incroft All Standard Makes. Complete line of one and two-burner ovens. A LITTLE MONEY ON A 810 BILL. captains and even majors—have willingly joined up as troopers. descriptions may be wonderfully bene- : flted by following the simple rules. Here j Is the prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto i tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In a ; fourth of a glass of water and allow to ! dissolve. With this liquid bstbe the eyes two to four times dally. You should ! notice your eyes clear up perceptibly; right from the start and Inflammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering yoii, even a little, take steps to save them now before it Is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been ' saved if they had cared for their eyes 1 in time. NOTE: Another prominent physician to I whom th* above article was submitted. 1 said: "Bon Opto Is a very remarkable \ remedy. Its constituent lngredlenta are | well known to eminent eye socialists and 1 widely prescribed by them. The menu- i facturers guarantee It to strengthen eye- j Sight 60 per cent In one week’s time In ! many Instances or refund the money. It ; can be obtained from any good druggist and Is ons of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use In almost every family.” It Is sold in thle city by all good druggists, including the Hook and the Haag stores.—Adver tisement. Stores in New York, Newark, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Indianapolis, N:w Haven 4 W. WASHINGTON STREET Tomorrow, Saturday, We Feature A Special Purchase of High Class Suits x tThat Based on Cost of Production, Should Sed for $lO to sls More SALE PRICE THE MANUFACTURER’S LOSS IS YOUR GAIN For we couldn’t, and no other store In the country could sell suits like these for $25.00, if they had been bought at regular wholesale prices. The assortment includes a variety of smartly tailored, neatly braid-trimmed and stunning embroidered models, in sizes for women and misses. All lined with fancy Pussy Willow Silks and Peau de Cygne- All New Spring Models of Quality Serge in Navy Blue or Black V * —SALE OF COATS —, Smartly Belted Sport Models Special Special An almost unbelievable low price for coats of such fine quality. Only a limited number. Well made, polo cloths, velours and novelties. They must be seen to be appreciated. Come early. x An Event Full of Money- Saving Chances Big Clothing Sale Os Distinctive Spring Suits For Men and Young Men Hundreds of thrifty buyers *TV P are taking advantage of this most wonderful opportunity fNT sjagga to Tmy these smart spring \vl suits of undisputed quality / and newest styles at a price l&vKwffltri barely represents the jfj P l^ wholesale values. | If Jggifjp Many of these beautiful suits j 1 & igraS liave been taken from our feta lljetP higher priced lines and placed in this sale at — Hundreds of other interest ing ing values from $25 to S6O. Boys’and Children’s Suits Os dependable fabrics, stylishly cut and easily worth a third more than our price of $7.50 to $25.00 RUBENS 5R Open Saturday Nights Till 9 O’Clock < BLACK SCREEN WIRE 3*40 a Square Foot iVONNEGUT HARDWARE CO. \ ICO TO 124 SAST WASHINQTOH STRICT