Newspaper Page Text
4 WAR RACE HALTS ! FOR U. S. SEAMAN Full Steam British Ship Stops' to Aid Dying Man.— RIO DF. JANEIRO, i Mar 7.—The | story has just reached here of how a j Brazilian transport, rushing troops from : Rto de Janeiro to the scene of recent election disturbances in the Brazilian state of Bahia, was halted on the high seas to save the life of an American sailor. The transport was headed for Bahia under full steam when the wireless telegraph operator picked up an S O S call from the American freight steamer Edenton appealing for Im mediate medical aid for a fireman aboard the freighter. The Brazilian commander abruptly changed the course of his boat and responded to the appeal. When the Edenton was sighted a Brazilian arm? physician from the trans p>>H was sent aboard the freighter. The do.-tor found the American near death and decided that constant medical atten tion would be necessary to save his life. There was only one thing to x be sioue. The American was carried aboard the transport and he proceeded tc Bahia with the Brazilian expeditionary force, and under the constant attention of the army doctors. The American had passed the danger point in his Illness when the trans port reached Bahia and he was placed in a hospital. Mistakes Son for Thief, Kills Him TULSA. Okln., May 7.—Cliff W. Trice, j Tulsa fireman, was shot anil instantly j killed on the streets of Ryan.' Okla.. yes terday by his own father, Robert Trice, deputy sheriff, who mistook his son for an automobile thief. X’be elder Trice col lapsed and is in a serious condition. MOTHERS’ DAY Don’t Forget Mother Sunday, May 9th SEND SOME FLOWERS Beautiful Blooming Plants, Roses, Carnations and Sweet Peas. H. W. RIEMAN’S SONS Corner East and Morris Sts. Phones: Prospect 159. Auto. 51-452 Starr Phonograph, SfyU II A New Delight is now offered music lovers. Play any record you may select on any phonograph and then play it on the ■■. J^tarr PHONOGRAPH The vfolinist, or the pianist, can only express the perfection of his art .on the finest instru ment. And it is just as true that the full beauty of a record can only be brought out by the finest phonograph. Silver Grain Spruce—the wood of the famous Stradivarius and Cremona violins—is the wood of the &farr Singing Throat. \ The f&iarr betters all records Hearing is believing. Come here to hear the &tarr play any record, as well as the incom parable (Srnnrtt. list just out. STARR PIANO CO. MANUFACTURERS 138-140 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. Oil Stoves for Hot Weather s s Fine for winter, too, hut espe eook just as well hut are not as hot in the kitchen as a wood or coal New Perfection Oil Stoves At Prices You’ll Know Are/ ___ Reasonable. 2-Burner Oil Cook Stove $18.50 isf 3-Burner Oildook Stove., 25.00 Ish%p 4-Burner Oil Ccok Stove.... 31.50 Buying here means mors for 2-Bumer Ovens, $5.00 tO. ... 8.00 the Home. Wo will take your i n„._ oen old furniture in on new. 1-lSUmer OV6n 3.50 ALBERT HUTCHINSON 342-14-16 Virginia, Avenue. Phone*. Proa. 581. Auto. 24-560 Suit Alleges Firm Infringed Patent Infringement of patent rights is al leged in a suit filed By the Tyle-National Company, of Chicago, against the Sun beam Electric Company, of Evansville, in federal court. William H. McCurdy, William A. Car son and John P. Craft are also named as defendants in the suit. The complaint asks that all profits deiHved from the use of certain patents by the Sunbeam Company be assessed as damages to the plaintiff and that the company be restrained from further use of the patents. ' "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few eents huya "Panderine.” Aftei an application of ‘‘Danderine" yon ran not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair show* new life, vigog brightness, more color and advertisement. Trade HERE and Reduce Living Costs SATURDAY! 31 Years in This Same Location star store 360-370 St. Three blocks west—easy to find and worth finding. siriu COAT SALE For the Women j —Brief and right to the point—a radical reduction on yS women’s coats scheduled for Saturday. A sale that should bring out the women early. j y.,\j \ Broadcloth Coats Tweed Coats / \ Camelshair Coats, Velvet Coats / i J/j'! \ Gold Cloth Coats Check Coats j \ \ \ Polo Cloth Coats Plaid Coata / T \ Silvertone Coats tfcCbs.,,■ —fiSmX y Representing the very newest styles of the season—in fact, / j nTir \the NEWER models that have just been brought out. Fig II \ ured silk and satin lined; some half lined; with leather belts, / \mi cleverly styled pockets and button trimmed Every coat a J I genuine reduction. / U Coats Coats Coats I Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to ) llßfcJr s l3~ $ lB ®2 s29*®2 M f M|[ Dresses of White Nen [ o " CMsets HHi? tyffttfSt for Children t J $5 HI 111 IStwf f \ \ T HIS numbiy of /IffE| fI m / An immense showing of i \ Z 1h ? famous /it! MMI litsl „ ►*. A*A \ Nemo cornet U mad" fjlflfffflw/ white dresses for children. 6 of merreriaed air ' so 14 - VCiU s; flnP organdies (/ /im, i'ry' I 'it*' b.lfv r\ \ and voiles, laco and embroid / V '\ / onougb -for atrength I ./ \ \ ■* t< A W and tbtn to make it I / \ \ cry trimmed Daintily nave 1/ \\\ a fine summer oor I I •Av \ in very becoming styles that \ M *'' / / M Kiris like and admire— 1 SdkX ! dm mgVa'ndiri* ao jt 1 'A V 1 'lmtl tusllj dlaaolve the /X \ \i \ a* \\Am i J/l over fieahneaa ufab \_\\ cn cn C*7 Cft $gZ n ‘.tSXi*Z lf\ v 4> vJU to t / •* )U c ssfi" A % V Sn.rf< epw St(twv .-oat of ju.t corset '*wisV service alone. Size* "4 to 3-. Our Rug and Drapery Departments Feature Specials Saturday Rugs Velvet Rugs, 27x54, floral and oriental pal torus. Reg utar 3.50. Special Arf.UiV Seamless Axminster Rugs, size 9x12, extra heavy qual ity, oriental patterns, rich deep pile. Worth up to 47.50 Identically the same — Standard Brand Tires First grade —carrying 6,000 mile guarantee, at prices below all competition Met Their Our Trii-e. I'rles. Price. 30x3 plain gl | AA tread $17.60 $11.95 <PXJL*Utf These tires are from 31x4 nonskid an Akron factory; a Mine,her 33.30 26.76 brand of national *; ... 39.55 28.85 26*05 reputation; backed 30x3 non- ' “i by one of the larg- —:•••••••• 1360 1345 7^*^. est makers of high- nonskid 28.75 19.95 JLO®££) grade tires in the 32x4 straight side, ft/fl cmintrv * nonskid 37.70 27.45 couuuiy. 3 4x 4 straight side, //■ nonskid 40.60 29.45 35x4% straight side, > ft l *? Cf/P nonskid 56.85 41.85 All tires shipped by mail postpaid to any address within 300 miles of Indianapolis. fiIIARANTFF T ,'f, E StSEI UU JI ilVTlll ILL 211 and 213 h. Illinois St. 7 he Largest Exclusive Tire and Accessory House in Indiana INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920. ‘WE CLOSE AT 6 P. M. SATURDAY-NOT OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS Axrninster Rugs, >izes 27x 50, heavy quality, new pat terns. Regular €% JQ 4.50. Special. . . OiliO Brussels Rugs, size 9x12, floral and oriental patterns. Regular 19.75. 4 ff QF Special Matting Rugs, size 9x12, woven patterns, colors green, tan, red and blue; reversible. Reg- yfl QA ular 6.50. Special “THE STAR STORED Linoleums and Floor Coverings Felt base floor coverings, new patterns and colors. 6 feet wide, waterproof. Regular 85c. Special for Saturday, square yard Cork Linoleum, 12 feet wide, real pattern enamel finish, genuine cork, 1.75 quality, spe cial. square 4 Ass yard JLs^O Rug filler for around your rugs, 24 inches wide, golden oak finish, looks like hardwood floor* Regular 65c. /I fi Special, a yard ..^....x0C THE STAR STORED A Mighty Suit Sale . Beginning Saturday a! 8:30 a. m. Here Are the Facts: WT® are overstoc kcd on men’s spring suits, due to the late \ 1 spring; the weather has been cold and wet. Our stock su^ts entirely too heavy and for this reason we are cut pr^ces deep right at the beginning of the season. Lives Y/z?0 \ there a man in this vicinity who has not bought a spring */ll X ■* A EUit ’ bPre * S sr ° Ur grand oPPorfuu’fy- Highest Grade Suits A gathering that includes all the seasons wanted styles, v. y|ii |f Ifp. tbe models that have won the approval of the best dressed Ywv'yjt. k iHj jf aljf men; all made of fine fabrics in great variety, the wanted I weaves, patterns, colorings, single and double-breasted, full and quarter lined, all hand tailored throughout. Suits that have these little finishing touches that denote the best of ‘‘nS tailoring and that fit excellently. Regular slims and stout sizes, 33 to 44. In the choice of the house —fine worsted serges and fancy cassimeres. Suits for men and young men. Dp to $65.00 Up to $50.00 .rT! * suits suits I $4P $ 38I 5 /|| Up to $40.00 Up to $30.00 suits suits 11L ? 28- Our $25.00 Suits Are $18.75 Draperies Fillet curtain net, 36 inches wide, white and ivory finish, small detached figure. Special SrOv Fillet curtain net. white and ivory finish. 69c and 79c qual ity Special for Sat tZikf* urday, a yard ..osf^ Curtain scrim, 36 inches wide, white and ecru, plain cen ter, fancy hemstitched border. JE?.. 25c LONG LIST OF SYMPTOMS >4 . x- North Carolina Lady Was Nervous, Weak and Suffered Greatly, But Relief Soon Came Alter She Took Cardai Asheville, N. C.—Mrs. J. A. Sluder, of 45 Woodrow Avenue, this city, re ! cently made the following state : ment: *‘l was in a very run-down condi | tion after ... I wasn’t able to go. “I was nervous, weak and couldn't ■do my work. "I felt like, at times, no matter I what happened, I couldn’t get up a j spark of Interest. - “I was depressed, blue, and con i tlnually on the lookout for something ! to happen. “I couldn’t sleep to do any good, I and had to force myself to ?at wher ; meal time came. “I suffered some pain in my bach and sides, but the worst trouble was weakness and depression. | "I decided to try a tonic.' "My sister had gotten such fine i results from Cardui, I began using it ! “Soon I noticed I would get hun gry, and sleep at night, and this, ol course, was a great help. “I grew less nervous. "The depression left me and soon | I was well and strong. “I enj<.y good health, thanks tc 1 Oardai.” Ask your druggist about o—- * ] Curtain scrim, 36 inches wide, floral borders, plain cen ters. Special, yard dvv Floor Lamp Electric floor lamp, complete with mahogany base and beau tiful silk shade with rhain pull sockets. Regular A * ms" f3a. Special £ O Window Shades Window shades. 36x6, dark green only, mounted on depend able roller. bq _ Special, each i v THE STAR STORE’ Repeat Advice About Spring Blood Purifier Proves Many Serious Aliment* Due to Poisons In System. Say* Nothing Better Than Sulphur, Cream of Tartar and Herb Ex tracts in Tablet Called “Sulpherb Tablets.” Tbe wisdom of ages placed in a little sugar coated tablet—Sulpherb Tablet*! Remember grandma’s remedy—sulphur and cream of tartar mixed in molasses— it was a nauseous dose, but it saved thou sands of lives by purifying the blood in the Spring. " Thousands avoided rheu matism and serious fevers by taking it. Now you can get the benefits by taking a little tablet regularly containing the blood purifying, system regulating medicines that grandma relied on. Constipation, inactive kidneys are over come and catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatic piiln and many other "poison symptoms’' vanish after a course of Sulpherb Tab lets. The best medicine for spring lethargy and thick, sluggish blood Every package is guaranteed to satisfy or money back. 60c in sealed tubes of drngglßts everywhere. Ee sure,to get genuine Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets)Advertisement. EMULfjTHi \ Money back without uucabon \t If HUNT’S Salve fails io tb* , ■vM \1 treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA. ajl RINGWORM. TETTER ar /I | P 7 other itching skin disease*. Tt| LV| J A a7S cent boa ct our risk. HOOK DRUG COMPANY. TOTES WANT ADS BRING RE SUETS. Bassinettes Bassinettes, white enamel. 18x36, mounted on 6-inch rub ber-tired wheels. Just the thing all mothers should have. Reg ular 4.60. A AO Special Mattresses All-cotton mattress, 45 lbs., reversible, well made for serv ice. covered with fancy art tick. Regular 16.50. A Off Special XII*3D —Third Floor. blistered l feet There is nothing better than Resinol Ointment. It relieves that hot, dry sen sation and gently heals the,chafed and blistered spots. Bathe the feet in hat water before applying the ointment. Prescribed by physicians for eczema, and similar skin troubles. Ataizdmeclrit. Resinol HAVE RABKJN OiEEIS Be Better Looking—Take Olive Tablets * N*, To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must keep your body free from poisonous wastes. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets (a vege table compound mixed with olive oil) act on the liver and bowels like calomel —•yet have no dangerous after effect. Take one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome constipation. That’s why millions of boxes are sold annually. 10c and 25c.