Newspaper Page Text
10 INDIANA DAILY TIMES !5-!S 3. Meridian 9t. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *> Automatic ......... —... 28-351 RATES. One time 67 per Hm Three consecutive time a. .061* per ttn* Six oonaecutlve time* .06 per Mae Hale or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or feme 1; rooms to let nd board and rooms wanted— One time............... .07 per Ttne Three consecutive times. .06 per line Six consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per Una Lodge and club notices ... .......50c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or leas) 65c per insertion Over 1 inch. 5c per line additional. Death notices. 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at I p. m. v J FXJNERAL DIREOTQRS. George Grinsteiner Fur-era! director. 523 East Market. Old Phone Main 60S. New Phone. 27-298. A. U. Ragsdale. J.~Wash Prtce, John Pas‘ Ragsdale. A. M- RAGSDALE CO. *23 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON 1239 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect **i FUNERAL DIRECTORS— W'M. E. KRIEGER, New *l-154. Main 1454. 1401 X- Illinois ~ ■ UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1635 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114 UNDERTAKERS —HISEY &. TITUS. 951 North Del. New 26-564, Main 3630. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. SISTERS of Golden Rule Lodge No. 25 are hereby notified of the death of .Sister Lola Cole. Funeral from residence. 1929 West New York street, Monday a_ m. at 10 o'clock. AH sisters requested to attend * CHURCH NOTICES. . mmm WILLMI-ISSftFFEIS Evangelistic Campaign T0IU1S1! HALL MAY 23 TO JUNE 6 OPENING SERVICE SUNDAY AT2:3O ||k' • • / First Church of Christ, Scientist Meridian and Twentreth streets. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testlmcnal meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms at 806 Kahn building, are open daily, except Sunday, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and Wednesday when they close at 5 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth eta Sunday services 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 and 11 a- m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room, 611 Odd Fel low bldg.; open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. except Wednesday, when It Is closed t 5 p. m. Open Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. 3350 Washington boulevard. Sunday services 11 a. m. and * p. m. Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Wednesday eve ning testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room at 205 East Thirty-fourth, open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. in., ex cept Wednesday, when it is closed at 5 p. m. Open Sunday from 2-S p. m. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. Corner North and Pennsylvania tits.. Metropolitan School of Music. Services every Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Lecture by the REV. BESSIE MAY BELLMAN Subject will be taken from audience. Messages will be given by MRS. ANNA THRONDSEN Mr. Sherrtl Fink will sing at this serv ice. The Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Throndsen, 1633 College avenue, on Tuesday at 2p. m All spirit ualists and public are Invited and made welcome to all these services. THE FIRST SPIRITUALIST CKURCIL 608 North Liberty street, hold services Sunday at 7:40 p. m. Lecture by B. F. Hayden. followed by messages. On Wednesday at 2 and 7:30 p. m. the Ladles' Aid hold regular message services. AW are Invited and made welcome. lostYnd so unid. STOLEN—FOKI) COUPE, MOTOR NUMBER IS 3903506, LICENSE NUM BER 175728. REWARD FOR INFORMATION. FEDERAL AUTOMO BILE INSURANCE AS SOCIATION. 700 KAHN BLDG., MAIN 4456-4457. LOST—A brown striped vest, between cor ner Vermont and Massachusetts. Penn sylvania and Market. Finder please re turn to J. Mendetl. 46 North Pennsylvania. Room 15. Reward. Main 6795. LOST—On Crawfordsville road, near Elai-kville: one Racine cord tire, 34x48s ; liberal reward for its return; no question; asked. TAGGART BAKING CO. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947. or write lost agent, 18 Bald win block. Indianapolis, Ind. 1 LOST—Box containing young nursery stock on Mlllersvllle road, weighing about 90 pounds. Address on box. Re- Call Washington 2010. LOST—In Garfield park, Friday, a Senaca folding scout kodak No. 2-A; finder please return to 1605 Sturm ave. Reward. Prospect 8069. REDD T3H-YELLOW MALE COLLIE; round collar, with brass padlock: liberal reward. 550 West drive, WoodrulT. Phone W oodrufT 800. LOST —*90 in new bills at Union station or between there and Majestic building. Liberal reward for return. 803 Majestic Bldg, LOST—Pearl brooch with diamond center. and also diamond ring. Liberal rewari. North 7962. FOL*ND —Black and brown Gordon setter; dog pound. 924 East New York. ROOMS—TO LET. BROADWAY, 2110; furnished front room. gentlemen only. Call after 6 p. m. North 295. ' ONE furnished room 431 North Key stone. Woodruff 7046. SLEEPING rooms; modern; men only. 27 _East St. Joe. AP A RTM ANTED. 35.00 REWARD for information leading to my renting a 4 or 5-ronm apartment or duplex ty June 18. Irvington 3789. OFFICE AND STORES—TO LET. TO^^iTCt— light and breezy. Call Circle 332. MALE HELP—WANTED. Bearing scrapers, Block tester, Motor repair men, Machine repair men and Floor inspectors, at once. Apply to Mr. McMahan, Employment Dept. Take E. Washington car to Cruse St. and walk south. Weidley Mtr. Cos.. 1103 E. Georgia. LABORERS, PER HOUR, WORKING 10 HOURS PER DAY. AP PLY LATHAM & WAL TERS, S. ILLINOIS AND LOUISIANA STS., OP POSITE UNION STA TION. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. 810 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. PASTERS Special shift. 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. Good bonus pay. Special car service. Apply Prest-O-Lite Cos., Inc. Speedway. 15', T 5-15-20. YARD LABORERS White r colored Unloading cars at large bonus. Apply Prest-O-Lite Cos., Inc. Speedway. 157 T ' 5*15-20. MAN FOR WORK IX CREAMERY, EX PER I- E N CEP PREFERRED. THE \Y A D LEY CO., NORTH AND CANAL. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect ear to end of line. Fairmonnt Glass Works. YOUNG MAX TO R LIGHT FACTORY WORK. EBERHARDT & CO., 122 S. CAPITOL. MAIN 3273. YOUNG MEN Poetotfle* clerks, letter carriers, railway mall clerks, etc., for the government. Goo dentrance salaries with promotions certain For full paitlculars and a special course of Instruction, call or write Imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 N. Illinois st. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main 53* WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. WANTED—lmmediately, several hundred Indianapolis men-women. over IS to prepare for U. S. government positions; SIOO-1160 month. Pleasant work. Short hours. Long vacation with pay. Common education sufficient. Complete list por tions free. Write Immediately. FRANK LIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 94-E, Rochester. New York. SHEAR MAN, RIVET HEAT ERS AND BECKERS, HELP ERS AND LABORERS. INS LEY MFG. CO., OLNEY AND E. ST. CLAIR. LABORERS Ages between 20-30 years; steady em ployment. INDIANAPOLIS VARNISH CO. Monday. OHIO AND PINE STS. FIREMAN. EX PE KIENC HI) ON STATIONERY BOILERS. AP PLY CITY HOSPITAL ENGINE ROOM. WHITE AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. EXPERIENCED mat. for steady employ ment In thoroughly modern plant for tool setting; piece rate time study and production work. SUNBEAM ELECTRIC MFG. CO.. EVANSVILLE. IND. WANTED—Several hundred Indianapolis men-women. over 17. Government positions. *IOO , month up. List free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 95-E. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED —Single man on farm, $ ir.'oo per month; also 300 cords of 16-inch wood cut, SI.OO per cord; tools, hoard, lodging free. Address R. T. BROWN Huntington. Ind. MEN WANTED to unload coal, Big 4 Elevator. Sherman drive and Big 4 railroad. Prospect 6578. EX PER lENC ED machtn is ts 7 M EIiER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO., 136 South Meridian street. LABORERS Apply employment dept., IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO.. 610 S. Harding. FIRST-CLASS hand presser at once; top wages to a good man. FAVORITE DRY CLEANERS, 524 North Pennsylvania. Main 4547. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. STAIR MAN. one capable of billing out and laying oil atairwork. WM. F. JOJfIN SON CO., Nineteenth and Cornell. S BENCH MEN; experienced, in planing mill work. WM. F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO.. Nineteenth and Cornell. MEN for general factory work, steady em ployment. BURPEE JOHNSON. Sin gleton st. and Belt i illroad. SAFETY RAZORBLADES ihtrAd. TUTTLKPGE. 201 Indiana ave. WA.V®UMsn~ f clVrlcal work; Sun -208 Lemcke bldg. “I LOST MY PURSE —A TIMES CLASSIFIED AD HELPED ME TO FIND IT.” That Is the story of a woman reader. So it goes, that every cloud has a silver lining; for this woman not only found her purse through a TIMES WANT AD, but she will also WIN A FREE TICKET TO SEE “EVERYWOMAN” AT ENGLISH’S NEXT WEEK. Nearly every woman in Indianapolis has had some interesting ex perience with Times Want Ads. Tell us your experience—how a Times Want Ad benefited you. “Everywoman’s” letter published will be rewarded with a ticket admitting two persons to “Everywoman,” the great Paramount photo play at English’s next week. Don’t write more than fifty words. Send letter to ‘‘Everywoman Editor,” Classified Advertising De partment, Indiana Dally Times. Letters must be received before Thursday, May 27. HOW HAVE THE TIMES WANT ADS HELPED YOU? MALE HELP—WANTED. NOTICE Members Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect our contract and because of il legal strike. C. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER. Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Local No, 374. P E R M A N E N T POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. LEAD HOLDERS 5 p. m. to 6 a. tn. Regular night shift. Good wages guaranteed after one month s training. Apply Prest-O-Lite Cos., Inc. Speedway. 5-15-20. NIGHT WATCHMAN Applv employment dept.. IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO„ 510 S. Harding. GENERAL”BLACKSMITH J C. STARK corner of I'avidson and Pratt. Main 3292. j wanted Plasterers 736 Highland ave WANTED -porter” FLETCHER CAFK ~ ~~ SAL ES M E N—W ANTED. wanted Four men for clean work in The city. Call today. MR. STEEL. 912 MERCHANTS BANK BLDG. STOCK SALESMEN OR SALESWOMEN can make good money with us. Write or wire. HENDERSON COMPANY. 910>, Texas avenue, Houston. Texas SALESMEN —26, capable of earning *3OO u month commission COMPUTING VISIBLE MEASURE PUMP COMPANY. 154$ West Washington. AGENTS-WANTED. AGENTS—Opportunity of a lifetime, mako $6 an hour aelltng Liberty Storm Top and Motor Coat*. Wolff and Beckman average $150.00 weekly. You can do the same. We train you. No capital Invest ed. Big eommlaalons In advknee; we de liver and colleot. Samples free. Don't hesitate; write today. THE LIBERTY RAINCOAT CO.. Dept. A. Dayton. O. AGENTS—*IOO WBEK VT. A u tom ob 11 e owner* everywhere wild with enthus iasm. Marvelous Invention double* power, mileage, efficiency. Saves It* cost first day. Sensational sale* everywhere. Territory go ing like wildfire. $26 sample outfit and Ford car free. Write quick. OVEE CO., Dept. 488. Louisville. Ky. YOU EARN SIO.OO dally and more dis tributing well-known line of aoaps, toi let preparations, perfumes, flavoring ex tracts. foods, summer drlnka. Write for "Wonder Outfit" containing complete as sortment. CROFTS it REED, 284 t West Austin avenue. Chicago. INSTRUCTIONS. STAGE aots, violin; all kinds of fancy artistic steps; stage dancing acts taught and completed; for good aeaaon’a engage ment*; satisfaction guaranteed. Call PROF. RAYNO, 234 West Ohio street. Main 2069. WANTED—Names men over 18, wishing become mall carriers; SIOO-$135 month. Address A No. 1504. Times. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. YOUNG WOMEN 20 to 30 years of age, Monday Morning We have a few positions open which offer light, clean work and pay good beginning wages with as sured chances for advance ment. ELI LILLY & CO. Apply Employment Office 706 S. Alabama. YOUNG LADY to assist with clerical work In our office In exchange for a complete course in shorthand, bookkeep ing or both. This Is an excellent oppor tunity for a girl anxious to take a business course, but a little short on ready funds. See Fred W. Caie. principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, corner Pennsyl vania and Vermont streets. Next door to Y. W, C. A. OPERATORS for sewing ma chines ; experience not neces sary. Woodruff 5145. Compact Tent Cos., Greenbriar and Dar win Sts. RELIABLE WOMAN white, for gentral office cleaning work. Apply 906 Merchant* Bank Bldg. WANTED—A glil copy reader; steady work and good wages; a good, steady girl only Is wghted. ROGERS TYPE SETTINQ CO. 355 Century hldg. WOMAN or girl for general reatanrant work. Room and /board; good wage*. 1877 South Prospect 9317. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920. C .MALE H ELP—WANTED. WOMEN FACTORY WORK PAYS BEST. WE CAN USE BOTH EXPERIENCED AND INEX PERIENCED. ROCKWOOD MFCt. CO. 1801 English Ave. AN IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY IN LONG DISTANCE DEPT. WE ARE INCREASING OUR FORCE OF LONG DISTANCE OPERATORS AND NEED 25 GIRLS AT ONCE. WE WILL PAY YOU GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARNING AND WE ALSO H&VK AN INTER KSTING PROPOSITION TO OFFER THOSE WHO RECOME PERMA NENT EMPLOYES. ATTRACTIVE ROOF GARDEN. MUSIC. LUNCHES AT COST. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. COR. NEW YORK AND MERIDIAN STREETS. ROOM 522. YOUNG LADY lw classified ad vertlslng dept, to relieve on switch board and do clerical work Apply 12 in. to Ip in INDIANA DAILY TIMES. Mr. UobLson. WOMEN EBERHARDT & CO., 122 S. CAPITOL. MAIN 3273. GIRL for drapery workroom; power ma chine and hand sewing. Apply SANDER * RECKER FURNITURE CO, ELDERLY woman for light housework. 5 In family: no laundry. Prospect 6476. SITUAT IO N WAN T E D—F EM A LE. PRACTICAL nurse or companion for lady or convalescent; nr-pare proper food If necessary. Physicians reference. 618 North Meridian street. TWO ladles want responsible position with party appreciating competent comptom eter work, clerical and file. Address A No. 1503. Times. BUS INESB CHANCEB~ ~~~ ~~ OPPORTUNITY Have you SIOO or more to Invest where the risk Is small aud the profit* large! It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 010 Huine-Mansur Bldg. TO MAThH your coat and vest for a pair of troueers, see W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 Went Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right place. FEATHERS Bought. *old. renovated, mftttre*ie and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE, ill Mns\ jivf*. Main 1428. Now L’3-775. OFFERINGS BY THE STORES. Match Your Coat with a pair of / | \ TROUSERS I THE PANTS \ STORE CO. I l Two Stores u. UJ 48 W. Ohio. y. HOT weather fabrics at prices that you can afford to pay. Mohairs, Crashes, Trop ical Worsteds, etc. Coat and trousers to your measure, $32.60, $35, $37.60, S4O and up. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 33 West Ohio street. Be sure you are In the right place. ~TArLO RS AND CLEANERB. ~ H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; ladle*' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. J. SCHWA RTzl tailor and cleaner. -IT Kentucky avenue Main 2675. H ou s ~e_s—joTe t7~ I WILL pay you a better rent than what you are now getting for your property. Will pay several months’ rent In ad vance. Best of tenants with no children. I want quick possession. Address A No. 16 0L Times. # AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I MAY AUTOMOBILES As long as department stores and such have sales, why not automobile com panies? If you are looking for a good used car, that you can buy at a bargain, and be satisfied that you have pur chased a good value, why not look this list over? These cars are ready for demonstration. 1919 National sedan, blue. 1919 National sport, 4-pass, maroon. 1918 National touring, gray. 1918 National touring, green. 1917 National roadster, blue. 1917 National touring, blue. 1915 Packard touring, black. 1918 Paige touring, green. 1918 Overland closed touring, blue. 1917 Elgin touring, red. 1917 Elgin touring, black. 1917 Cole touring, green. 1916 Mitchell touring, black. 1917 Case touring, black. 1914 Chalmers touring, black. Terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser. Any information wanted can be obtained by calling on the phone. Trades will also be accepted. SUPERIOR GARAGE COMPANY 34th and Central Ave. Wash. 2149 Auto. 41-941 Indianapolis, Ind. RATIONAL AOTMTOi COMPANY 426 N. Capitol Ave. FOREWORD The following listed ears will i be found, upon investigation, to be exactly as represented. We have on hand for immediate de livery an assortment of very de sirable ears at prices that are j very attractive. You are invited 1 to come in and inspect same at your earliest convenience. STUTZ 1918 MODEL— Four-paxssngcr. recently paint ed. wire wh**!. splendid tires. This Is truly a fins car In first class condition Immsdtste de. livery at a very attractive price. REO SEDAN 1920 MODEL Practically new. flve-paaasnger Job. equipped with Royal cord tire* An exceptional opportunity to get & car at a reduction from list. PACKARD TWIN SIX 1917 TOURIN’G — A car In excellent mechanical condition. Good appearance and at a price that will Interest you. CADILLAC 1919 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring car In excellent mechanical condition. Just repainted, new top and five new cord tires. COLE 8 1920 MODEL — Driven about 500 miles. A beautiful Job that Is equipped with dlc wheel*. PEERLESS 1915 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring In good running condition. Extreme ly low price for quick sale. The cars listed above are ready for Immediate delivery and all will warrant closest Inspection. CADILLAC 8 ; LATE MODEL— Four-passenger touring; a beautiful car equipped with disc wheels; Immediate delivery may be had. COLE 8 : 1920 MODEL— Seven - passenger touring, equipped with wire wheels and five cord tires; Immediate deliv ery at a reduced price on this slightly used car. LOCAL BRANCH NORDYKE & MARMON Meridian at Eleventh. CHEVROLET —Royal Mall roadster. Just the car for a city salesman; terms over t twelve monthly payments. Dietz-James, j 334 E. Market st. Main 6716. Open eve ning* and Sunday morning. FOR SALE—Best touring car S4OO can buy; will take S3OO If sold before Sun day. Have no use for two. 932 King ave nue. Belmont 606. CHUMMY ROADSTER. mi - cylinder; terms or trade. DIETZ-JAMES, 384 East Market. Open evening* and Sun day morning. FOR speedster. 1917 model, shock ab sorber, disc wheels; will sell cheap If sold at once. 1011 North Illinois. Main 38 52. DODGE roadster, new paint; bargain price. Dletz-James, 334 East Market. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. OVERLAND 83. touring; good tires. DIETZ-JAMES, 384 E. Market. Main (716. Open evenings and Sunday morn- Inga • 1917 DODGE touring; Just like new; best offer takes it. Address A No. 353, Times. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ' mi wires 1 Gill USED CARS Pay while you ride. Investigate our easy payment plan. Buiek, 1918, light six touring, rebuilt; $350 down. balance 12 mouths. Oakland, late model touring; like new; $250 down, balance twelve months. Chevrolet touring, late model, rebuilt: $l6O down, balance twelve months. Ford roadster, late model; $lO down, bal ance 12 months. Buick 6 touring, real good buy; $l6O down, balance 12 months. Haynes, late model, wire wheels; lot of extras; rebuilt; $250 down, balance twelve months. Chalmers, 1919 tour ing; $250 down, bal ance 12 months. Maxwell touring, late model; $l5O down, bal ance 12 months. No brokerage or extra charge. ■ERffiMmE mrni oi. 125 S. Penn. St. Main 6830. Open evenings and Sundays. INVESTIGATE OUR WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN Down. Weekly. Ford touring *IOO $,OO ! Ford touring 125 4.50 Ford roadster 125 4.50 Grant Six touring....' 175 4.50 Pathfinder twelve 275 5.50 Oakland 6. speedster 175 5.00 I Dort touring 175 6.00 Maxwell coupe 195 5.50 Scrlppe-Booth 195 6.50 Chevrolet 4-90 195 . 6.ev Allen 245 6 00 Oakland 6 touring 2*5 6.00 Saxon 6 touring 245 6.00 .Overland 79 roadster 75 3.60 Maxwell chassis 75 3.50 Ford touring *5 4.00 Maxwell touring 125 4.25 And dozens of others too numerous to mention. Open evenings. Indianapolis Auto Parts 518 N. Capitol ave. MECHANICS, ATTENTION Here are a few oars that need a little mechanical work to make them bring SSO to *2OO more than we ask for them. Look them over. Marlon-Stuts. flve-paasenger. electric lights and starter. $250. Cadillac apeedster. electric lights, $275. American Scout roadster. $295. fitudebaker roadster. 1916; electric lights and starter. $350. Saxon. 1918 roadster. 4-cyllnder; elec tric lights and starter. $295. Terms • responsible parttea JONES-WHITAKER SALES CO., Dept, of Used Cara 348 N. Capitol ave. Main 2345. CADILLAC 1916. seven-paasenger touring. In fine condition; good paint, good cord tires with two new spares; painted dark tan; top and cur tains In good condition. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO.. 963 North Meridian. Main 943. Auto. 21-125. FORD. 1918. demounytble rims. 5 tires, new paint. In A-l mechanical condition. 1917 Ford touring, like new. 1918 Sedan. In A-l shape. 1915 roadster with 1919 body, A-l shape. 1915 Coupe. A-l shape. 1917 Roadster. In extra good shape. These cars are all priced for a week-end sale. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware st. Opp. Public Market. Main 1984. Open Sundays and evenings. OLDS MOBILE 8. Late model In extra fine shape. This car runs, looks and Is like new. Extra good tires, paint, top and curtains and up holstering. Owner leaving town. Will sell this car at a big sacrifice. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware St. Opposite Public Market. Main 1984. Open Sunday and evenings. NATIONAL Speedster with wedge tall body. Five good tires, demountable rims and In excellent condition mechan ically. A real speed' wagon. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware st. Opp. Public Market. Main 1984 Open Sundays and evenings. 1917 CHEVROLET 4-90. excellent condi tion. This Is a bargain at our price. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware street. Opp. Public Market. Main 1984. Open Sundays and Evenings. FORD TOURING CAR; practically new tires all around. Motor in A1 condi tion; a real buy. SIOO down, balance 12 months. WEISSMAN, 212 E. New York Btreet. Main 4446. MAXWELL TOURING —In good shape. A bargain. Terms or trade. DIETZ JAMES, 334 East Market St. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET COUPE, late model, looks like new; Just the thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMES. 314 E. Market. Main 5716, Open evenings and Sunday. AUBURN touring, completely overhauled, newly painted. DIETZ-JAMES. 834 E. Market. Main 16716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. HUDSON Super-Six touring, almost now, bargain price. Dietz-James, 334 East Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. FIVE-PASSENGER touring cay’; A1 con dltion; cheap If sold at once. JAMES WILKES A SON. 504 North Lincoln st.. Edinburg. Ind. COMMONWEALTH automo bile. DIETZ-JAMES. Market. Main 6716. Marlon couj^^^^^^-s. FOR "SALE $260 tor -quick eale. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. RENEWED MARMONS We have at this time two or three renewed Marmon 34s on our floor. Such real value can not be obtained in anew ear built to sell at a similar price. You are invited to come in and inspect them. 1 renewed sedan, 2 renewed 7 - pass, touring cars. LOCAL BRANCH Nordyke & Marmon Meridian and Eleventh NATIONAL AUTO= MOTIVE COMPANY 426-428 N. Capitol Ave. Offers for your approval a list of high-grade recon structed automobiles. These cars are ready for demon stration to suit purchaser. DODGE roadster, late model, winter and summer top. cord tires, five wire wheels; priced for quick sale. THE MOTOR MART. Opposite Public Market. 140 N. Delaware st. Main 1984. Open Sundays and evenings. OAKLAN D~~LIGHT SIX. Newly painted. A bargain at our price. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware street. Oppossite Public Market. Main 1984 Open Sundays and evenings. SE VEN-P ASSEN GER touring auto; Continental Red seal; 6- ry Under motor, perfect order; good as new extra limousine body; private owner. Phone Harrison 795 DODGE touring, 1918; new tlree. DIETZ JAMES. 334 E. Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. TR UC KS—FO R SA LE. IF YOU WANT A TRUCK One that will deliver a low-cost ton mile, see BURL FINCH. Distributor. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. A • W U A m - N ± T 0 E 5 D We want 50 cars. Drive It down or call ua up. Our man will be right out and we assure you that we will pay you all your car is worth. Largest buyer and seller of used *utoa In the state. Indpls. Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 263 8, Auto. 2 2-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It Is h**re for you. Come in or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 1579. Auto 22-063. We also buy Junk cars. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. JOB PLATING Nothing Is too large or too small for us to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 633-35 Kentucky ave. Main 2936. Main 6523. PARTS for most any make ot car. Ford parts a specialty. Bargains In tires of all sizes. Try us and ssave mopey. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. 819 N. Illinois. Main 6090. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-834 North Illlnola S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN auto tops, side curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 645. New and guaranteed batteries. 6 volt. *22; 12 volt. *33. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO SO! Mass. Ave. Main 3145, WE MAKE and repair automobile springs for all makes of cars; bring ~ln or ship to us. GUEDELHOEFKR WaGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. WE SPECIALIZE on automobile wheel re pairing on all make cars; up-to-minute equipment. THE JOHN GUEPELHOEF ER WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. BATTERIES" ’ Second Hand- Cheap. 607 Massachusetts. Main 3145. FORD rear wheels. JOHN GUEDEL HOEFKR WAGON CO., 202 Kantucky tvenue. HAVE YOUR automobile axles straight ened at the JOHN GUEDELHOEFKR WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. AUTO PAINTING Ford. $lO up. Others. sls up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. AUTOS AND AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Prlve Auto Service at lioosler Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Main 6921. MOTORCYCLES AND BICVCLES. THEY ARE HERE. 1920 HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDER. MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-52 Mass. Ave. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 534-36 Masp. Ave. Main 6404. TWIN nun very little, looks al most like new\ Price $125. Also one single, SSO. 19131 Ashland avenue. CASH paid for ajl kinds of motorcycles FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Masaachu a*tts avenue. 1 Tne beet bargajjis In automobile* are Mated Supplies In GARAGES TO LET. DOWNTOWN GARAGH Warranted and nj to data, Ww have a tew spaces for rasnlag atoragaeWMjg tomera. We cater to the corn rrtenclal trade. BTTEEEj 37KCH, STORAGE for one car; per 'zacOtij Call North 806. ¥ MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SAUL 810 RAMPIM SUET SALE %€0 gray worsted Bolt, atxe-yg.. sate. price *40.00. *6O brown striped worsted Cheviot MR, size 36; sale price *6O. 855 novelty crash, soft, else als price *4O. *6O gray striped, caotmerw Kilt, etpr Ml sale price *36. _ *75 fancy brown worsted soft, alzfr Ri sale price *66. *6O plain gray worsted, size XI: sale price *45. *55 blue striped serge, size 3*; sale price *4O. *56 gray checked caasfmere, size S3; sale price *BS. 870 fancy worsted, doable breasted raft, size 39; sale price *SO. *7O novelty sack suit, belted back, rise 39; sale price *6O. *6O plain gray worsted, double breasted coat and trousers, size 40; sale price $36. *66 blue fancy striped worsted suit, size 40; sale price $45. a. 865 blue herringbone striped serge salvrt size 41; sale price *45. *6O gray striped tweed suit, size 42; Bale price *45. *6O blue serge suit, size 42; sale price *35.00. *6O blue fancy striped worsted suit, size 43; sale price $45. $65 gray striped tweed suit, size 44; sal* price *45. *65 fancy blue silk mixed worsted, size 46: sale price $45. S7O Blue serge coat and trousers, size 36. sale price $45. S7O Gray coat and trousers, stoe U. tote price S4O. S6O Gray suit, size 38, sale price S4O. S6O Light color summer coat and trou sers. size 37. sale price $35. S7O Blue serge coat and trousers, size 39. sale price $45. S6O Grayv crash suit, size 39, sale pr;OB $40.00. W. G. SCHNEIDER, . 39 West Ohio StreeL Be sure you are in the right place. A. . Drop-Head Singer. $10; IHv-rJ”ether bargains. $1.09 per I* f i cl/ week. All makes KK fbjr PAIRED. HEMSTITCH aJX ING while you wait. 10c mKTWi PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. Ave. FURNACE, second hand, for sale. We take out many furnaces In good condi tion and Install Moncrlefs. MOXCRIEF FURNACE CO. 915 North Davidson St. Main 7880. Lawn Mowers A number of good ones In running or der at half the new price. USED GOODS STORE, 424 Mass, ave. WE have a few undelivered suits for sale at reasonable prices. They are werth seeing. LEON TAILORING CO- 11$ K. New York street. RECORD AND PLAYER ROLL EX CHANGE. TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 301 INDIANA AVE. ORDER a case of Buck delivered to your home. Telephone Prospect 303 X. LEATHER chair and lady’s suit. 2154 N. Delaware, apt. 2. Auto. 41-649, FOR SALE —One 6-foot mahogany show case. 424 South Alabama street. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. About fifty trouser lengths to your measure, SB, $9 and $lO. Values up to sls. W. G. SCHNEIDER. 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right place. WE WILL - BUY IT. If you have any household goods or office furniture to sell call a buyer from the largest, best and best rated used fur niture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. Main 3466. SELL IT to the largest and best rated used furnl | ture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. Main 3466. LEW SHANK " pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds.. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2023. ; WE will buy and pay spot cash for the furnishings of good homes, up to SI,OOO. BAKHR BROS. IF your clock is not running phone Circle 4307. M. K. SHEARN. 811 North batna. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REFRIGERATORS. 500 used Ice boxes and refrigerators, all good and guaranteed: ail standard makes, such as Alaska, Bohn Siphon, McCray. Herrick Automatic. New Iceberg, Dr. Price. Gibson's Star, Gurney and others. All sizes and the price averages about one-half the cost new. BAKER BROS. 319 East Washington St. PORCH FURNITURE! refrigerators, gas ranges, rugs, office desks. We sell and buy high-grade furniture of all kinds. USED GOODS STOKE. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KROOT & SON. 609 W, Washington Bt. RESTAURANT ranges, 8 and 10-hole coal ranges. Majestic, same as new. Cash or payments. Baker Bros.. 219-225 E. Wash ington street. 25 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at prices from *ls to $27.60. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. FOR SALE —One S-hole coal range and one round dining table. 424 South Ala bama street. __ SEVERAL large grocer's Ice boxes. Baker Bros, MUSIC A L INSTR UME N TB. " SPECIAL for this week only; anew Patfee phonograph and 16 selections of yotir own choosing. Only $lO down and $1.50 a week. No Interest. We keep your Path® oiled free of charge for one year. Both phones. PATHE SHOP. 17 East Ohio AC Hume-Mansur Bldg. COLUMBIA grafonola. You will have to hurry if you want this talking machine; snap. PATHE SHOP, 17 East Ohio SL IMPERIAL GUITAR: fine Instrument. $lO. 209 North Summit. Circle 5313. VICTOR for sale at a price that you will be surprised. Cash or terms. H. N. NESS CO.. 17 East Ohio. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. ATLAS BIRD AND PET CO. (REG,). 130 Virginia ave. Phone Main 5538. Everything in the bird and pet stock line. Phone or call. Write for price list catalogue. Open evenings until 8:30 p. m. ANGORA kittens. See the cute catlete at 4328 Washington boulevard. Phone Washington 494. COAL AND WOpn FQR SALE. Pocahontas M. R $9.00 Kentucky Lump $9.00 Illinois Lump $7.50 Indiana Lump $7.00 L. H. Bain Coal Cos. Main 3531. Main 2151. v COAL Genuine fourth vein; best for steam or domestic purposea Shoveled lump, $7. Fourth vein Linton Lump for *7.60. Nut and, slack, $6.60. We can deliver any place In city. TAYLOR COAL CO., northeast earner State and English avenue. Call Prospect 2167. MACHINERYAND TOOLS. ~ WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Pinch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land * St