Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic RATE& One time..; 07 per line , Three consecutive times. pet line '' Six consecutive times... .0* per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and hoard and rooms wanted— One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .06 per line 81x consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices. 07 per line Lodge and club notices 60c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 85c per Insertion Over 1 inch, 5c per line additional. Death notices, 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 P m. V - J ~ .- .^> l 1 |s| . ERAIL PII RECTORB. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J". Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. J. C. WILSON A939 Prospect, Auto. 51-671. Prospect 822. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. - XT ■ UNDERTAKER B , W. T. BLASENGYM 1685 Shelby St. Pros, 2570. Auto. 51-114, UNDERTAKERS—HISEY 4 TITI'S, 951 North Del. New 26-564. Slain 3650. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Smooth, black leather billhook: left on ledge of Ut.ion station ticket window Monday afternoon. containing Scottish Rite and Shrine cards of owner. Please return 1315 Merchants bank or phone Matr 4148 and receive reward. IP party who found pocketbook belonging to Adam Puckett, containing between SSO and S6O. will please return receipts and annual passes by mall to 1025 Bates street there will be no questions asked. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947. or write lost agent. 18 Bald wln block. Indianapolis, Ind. LOST—One bundle mahogany veneer on Roosevelt avenue. Reward. BROOK SIDE LUMBER CO. Woodruff 110. LOST—Wedding ring, hand carved, white gold, with eight small stones. 120 West Twelfth. Circle 6467. Reward BETWEEN Keith’s and State Life bldg one brown nutria neckpiece. North 4678. PARTY that called about skirt the 13th, please call again Frospect 3582. ROOMS—TO LET. FOR rent, part of a 7-room duplex fur nished, during summer; centrally lo cated. Circle ISO. TWO light housekeeping rooms and one sleeping toom for rent, 4 Plum str-ec CLOSE in parlor bedroom, newly fur nished; two beds. Circle 405. OS& furnished room 431 North Key stone. Woodruff 7046. One furnished and two unfurnished. *33 South New Jersey. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. BOARD and room. 427 North California. 77 BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY Hare you SIOO or more to Invest where the risk is small and the profits large? It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 910 Hume-Matsur Bldg. I WILL sell one-half interest in a flour ishing real estate business for $1,500 rash. Business now developing SII,OOO annually. My object in selling. more business than I can handle alone Party purchasing must be ambitious and willing to work hard. Address A No. 1507. Times. FIRE insurance agency. Including all supplies; excellent company to repre sent; reason for selling, must devote time to other business. Address A No. 1505, Times. FEATHERS Bought, sold. renovated, mattresses and rfiovi made to order. E F. BURKLE, W4IS Mass are. Main 1424 New 23-775. BUSjNE ss SERVICES. FOR paper hanger. Cali Jehnson, Wood ruff *716. PATCH PLASTERING. Belmont 1680. "medical. 77777 SWEDISH massage, baths and general treatments; thorough satisfaction. 12 North St., west, first floor front; hours, 10 to 9. PILES—EVERYBODY SUFFERING plies. fistula, fissures, ulcerations, constipation, bleeding, itching, write for free trial. Posi tively painless pile cure. S. U. TARNEY, Auburn. Indiana. DIABETES curable without change of diet; sure, reliable; cheap home rera edy R. No. 3. Box 54, Bloomer, Wls. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Byiand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 62*-E2 Law bids 2902. MALE HELP—WANT ED.777 PERMANENT posi tion, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. ■v DRAFTSMAN Mtch&nlcal draftsman with experience on punch and die tool designing; good opportunity for a live man in a growing concern. Apply THE JOHN LEES CO. 241 W. Georgia St. EXPERIENCED mat. for steady employ ment In thoroughly modern plant for tool setting; piece rate time study and production work SUNBEAM ELECTRIC MFG. CO., EVANSVILLE. IND. WANTED—Several hundred Indianapolis tnen-women, over 17. Government positions, SIOO month up. List free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 96-E, Rochester. N. T. MEN to work In warehouse, storing house hold goods and ether duties incident to the upkeep of the building. FRANK BHELLHOtTSE FIREPROOF WARE HOUSE CO. DRIVERS and helpers on moving vans; experienced In handling household rood*. FRANK SHELLHOUSE FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE CO. LABORERS Apply employment dept.. IMPERIAL PROP FORGE CO.. 610 S. Harding. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson, Ind. STAIR MAN. one capable of billing out end laying off atairwork. WM. F. JOHN SON CO.. Nineteenth and Cornell. BENCH HEN; experienced, in planing mill work. WM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO, Nineteenth and Cornell. FIREMEN. SOUTH SIDE icl AND COAL CO.. 1902 South East. ICE pullers- SOUTH SIDE ICE AND COAL CO.. 1002 South Bast. MALE HELP-WANTED. WANTED PLUMBERS and STEAM FITTERS OPEN SHOP GOOD WAGES Apply between 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m., Room 509, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. i Hydraulic Press Helpers Opportunity to ad vance to operators. Brazing room helpers and truckers. Sand blast operator; good starting rate and quick advance. Vo previous experi ence necessary'. Any good, willing worker can fill these jobs; good weekly attendance bon us. Apply P-lant 1. Prest=o=Lite Cos., Snc. 167 T 6-25 NOTICE Members Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect lour contract and because of il legal strike. C. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Local No. 374. THE MIDWEST ENGINE CO. NEEDS A-l BENCH INSPECTORS and BOX NAILERS. Apply Employment Office, 19th and Martindale. BOYS WITH BICYCLES For messenger work. Our steady workers are averaging $lB to $22 per week, piece plait. Have opening for fifteen hustlers. Apply Delivery Supervisor. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. E X P E R lEXCED DRILL PRESS OP ERATORS. BENCH HANDS. MODERN ELECTRIC AN D MACHINE CO. LABORERS, 45g PER HOUR, WORKING 10 HOURS PER DAY. AP PLY LATHAM & WAL TERS, S. ILLINOIS AND LOUISIANA STS., OP POSITE UNION STA TION. YOUNG MAN FOR LIGHT FACTORY WORK. EBERHARDT & CO., 122 S. CAPITOL. MAIN 32737 EXPERIENCED HAT SALESMAN FOR SAT CRD AY. APPLY L. STRAUSS & CO. ' YOUNG MEN Postoffiee clerks, letter carriers, railway mall clerks, etc., for the government. Goo dentrance salaries with promotions certain. For full paitlculars and a special course of Instruction, call or write imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL 157 N. Illinois st. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main 596 WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. LABORERS for construction work on the Imperial Drop Forge Company's new building. 510 South Harding; long Job; good pay. BEDFORD STONE & CONSTRUCTION CO. EXPERIENCED MAN on Hoffman press for men and and ladies' work. LINDEN TAILOR SHOP SIS North Illinois. WHITE “LABORERS. AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. ~SHEET METAL WORKERS First class, on auto body work. ELMORE BODY CO., 1542 W. Washington street. MEN to unload oars and drive coal wagon*. J*l Southeastern avenue. TELL WHAT TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS DID FOR YOU and WIN A FREE TICKET To See “Everywoman” at English’s . Here’s a chance for every woman in Indiana. Just write a letter of not more than fifty words, telling HOW A TIMES WANT AD HELPED YOU SOLVE SOME PROBLEM. To the writer of every letter published will be sent a free ticket to “Everywoman,” the lavish Paramount production at English’s. Address letters to “Every worn an” Editor, care Times. Tomorrow is the last day. MALE HELP—WANTED. Wanted 25 Steady, Reliable Men ' as Slickers, Pullers and Burners # High hourly rata, pro duction bonus and at tendance bonus. Apply Speedway Employment Office ready for work. Plant 2. Prest-o=Lite Cos., Inc. ' Speedway. , . 166 T 5 24-20 P E R M A N E N T POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION, BIG 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. K. Take Prospect ear to end of line. Fairmount Glass W orks. WANTED—A FEW STEEL AND WOOD'CAR REPAIRMEN. GOOD PIECEWORK RATES. ALSO HANDY MEN AT GOOD WAGES. INTER-STATE CAR CO., INDIAN APOLIS. IND. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES aharpened. TUTTLJBPGK. Ml Indlar LATHERS for tnr*e double house*. Har rison 734. ED KING. HELPERS on Ice wagon. SOUTH SIDE ICE COAL CO. 1902 South East WANTED —Ice driver • W. F.~ RALPH CO.. 93* Fowler street. SALESMEN—WANTED. NOT THIS KIND OF A SALESMAN First, infprpstrd in a big drawiug account. Does not want 1o work outside the big city of bright lights. No ambition beyond today. Can sell himself to every body, but nothing else to anybody. Will tell a big lie to make a sale when the truth would suit better. Works two hours a day, then spends the other hours figuring out why he can’t sell it. Never thinks of spending his time and thought figur ing out why he can sell it. THE KIND WE WANT A man who wants to be come valuable to us, with ambition for a future. Cannot or would not, sell our securities unless he has faith in them. Will tell the truth at all times in representing our lines and admit if he can not answer any technical question, instead of stum bling over it. Cheerful and enthusiastic, instead of singing the blues. Willing to’ stick through prosperity. We want a man to become one of our organization, and if right, can earn SIO,OOO a year, starting right now. Drop in and talk it over with us at 40 West Georgia Si. NATIONAL CITY DEPOSIT COMPANY MEN —Catholic; pleasant outdoor em ployment on sales force paying $25 to $3 weekly. Call before 9:30 or afer 4. 633 Pythian Bldg. FEMALE HELP-WANTED. YOUNG LADIES; Catholic, for local sales work; exceptionally pleasant work; expe rience unnecessary. Cali before 9:30 or after . >33 Pythian Bldg. WANTED—GirI to assist with housework; good wages. Auto. 42-234. 2127 North NAW Jersey. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1920. EM ALE HELP-WANTED. IAAAArv We. require a THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED YOUNG LIVE WIRE SALESWOMAN for Permanent Position in our high-class Millinery Dept. Apply employment bureau, fourth fioro. PETTIS DRY , GOODS CO. GIRLS WANTED HILLING PAPER RON CO. Old National Starch Works Morris and Dakota Sts. Our truck leaves 8:45 o’clock, Illinois and Maryland Sts., every momma:. Box department. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR GIRLS IN TELEPHONE WORK There are immediate vacancies in this work, where girls over lt> years of age may obtain steady employment year round, with vacation, excellent working facilities, attractive positions. You may choose telephone work for your permanent vocation. It will appeal to you. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Corner New York and Meridian Streets. Applicants information desk in lobby. THE WM. H. BLOCK CO. requires the services of Skiirtamid Dress Hands who are experienced in al tering the finer grade of garments. The positions are permanent, the salaries are sufficiently large to attract the best in the business. Ideal working conditions in light, airy workrooms. Ap ply immediately*- Mr. Pritz, sixth floor. THE WM. H. BLOCK CO. BOOICKEEPER -~TTPIKT. for "insurance company; , some experience necessary. Unlimited opportunity for advancement. Prefer one who can take dictation. Em ployment deportment. Vermont and Penn sylvania. Ask for Mr*. White. The school, name location, Ik the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fred W. Case, prjnclpal. OPERATORS ~ for light sewing on power ma chines; sl2, straight time. Wood ruff 5145. LADIES Married or single, full or part time, for clean outdoor work. You can earn while you learn. See MR. WHITSON. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. TEMPORARY STENOGRAPHERS'! CaiTs are cdmlng in now for stenographers to substitute during vacations. Those desir ing part time work register now at the employment department of the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Fred W. Case, principal. ' WOMEN EBERHARDT & GO., 122 S. CAPITOL. MAIN 3273. COLORED GIRLS FOR KITC HE N WORK. FLETCHER CAFE. THERE are several good positions open for prompt acceptance for stenographer having had some experience. Hours, 8 to 5; 12 o’.clock Saturday. Apply HURST & CO., West Fifteenth street and Big Four railroad. WANTED—Lady for night nurse; one who has had institutional .work pre ferred. Call or write HORD SANITAR IUM, Shelbyvllle. Ind. STENOGRAPHER with some experience as bookkeeper. Address A No. 883, Times. WANTED—Light colored girls for ushers and door girls. See MR. HUGHES. Rialto theater. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES entering CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE next Monday and Tuesday would Ilka homes with private families, where they can as sist with the work mornings, evenings and on Saturdays for thslr board and room. Phones, Main I*B6. Auto. 27-614. Ask for Miss Smith. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; will sew in families remodeling, tailoring, satisfae tlon guaranteed, make engagement. Ad- A No !**. T*rr,. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. t • • • . - "S/ ■ I ' MAY SALE AUTOMOBILES As long as department stores and such have sales, why not automobile companies? If you are looking for a good used car that you can buy at a bargain, and be satisfied that you have pur chased a good value, why not look this list over? These cars are ready for demonstration. 1918 NATIONAL TOURING GREEN 1918 NATIONAL TOURING GRAY 1917 NATIONAL ROADSTER BLUE 1917 NATIONAL TOURING BLUE 1915 PACKARD TOURING BLACK 1918 PAIGE TOURING GREEN 1918 OVERLAND CLOSED TOURING, BLUE 1917 ELGIN TOURING RED 1917 ELGIN TOURINO BLACK 1917 COLE TOURING GREEN 1916 MITCHELL TOURING BLACK 1919 NATIONAL SEDAN BLUE 1914 CHALMERS TOURING BLACK 1917 CASE TOURING BLACK 1919 NATIONAL SPORT 4 PASS., MAROON / TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO SUIT THE PURCHASER. ANY INFORMATION WANTED CAN BE OBTAINED BY CALLING ON THE PHONE. TRADES WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTED. SUPERIOR GARAGE COMPANY 34th and Central ave. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Wash. 2149 Automatic 43-941 NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY 426 N. CAPITOL AVE. MAXWELL. 1918 MODEL Closed roadster. Price s*',3o. Terms If desired. 418-24 N. Capitol Avo. RENEWED MARMONS We have at this time two or three renewed Marmon 34s on our floor. Such real value can not be obtained in anew car built to sell at a similar price. You are invited to come in and inspect them. J renewed sedan, 2 renewed 7 - pass, touring cars. LOCAL\BRANCH Nordyke Marmon Meridian and Eleventh ■] o COLE AERO 8. Model 850, seven-passenger touring. Price $750. Terms if desired. ifotAATEmSZAjii 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. MAXWELL TOURING—In good shape. A bargain. Terms or trade. DIETZ JAMES. 334 East Market St. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automo bile, DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market. Main 5716. Marion county dealers. HUDSON Super-Six toiling, almost new; bargain prlo*. Diets**) araea, 334 East --A 718 - open even,Utf “ and AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Mi! .us ILu.*.u. y._ .. - - u. I> “ PAIGE 6 TOtrntNG. 1918 model, seat cover*. ex tra tire, and closed top. Price $1,160. Term* if desired. fk.LATBIE@EA]]j' y /e MCFAM.AiW- o tj/ x 418-24 N. Capitol Ave, FOREWORD The following listed cars will be found, upon investigation, to be exactly as represented. We have on hand for immediate de livery an assortment of very de sirable cars at prices that are very attractive. You are invited to come in and inspect same at your earliest convenience. STUTZ 1918 MODEL— Four-passenger, recently paint ed. wire wheels, splendid tires. , This Is truly a fine car In first class condition. Immediate de livery at a very attractive prices REO SEDAN 1920 MODEL Practically new, five-passenger Job. equipped with Royal cord tires. An exceptional opportunity to get a car at a reduction from list. PACKARD TWIN SIX 1917 TOURING— A csr Is excellent mechanical condition. Good appearance and at a price that will Interest you. CADHjLAC 1919 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring car in excellent mechanical condition. Just repainted, new top and five new cord tires. NATIONAL LATE MODEL SIX - cylinder seven - passenger touring car. in first-class condi tion. This car has new tires and Is priced for immediate eala. PEERLESS 1915 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring in good running condition. Extreme ly low price for quick sale. The cars listed above are ready for Immediate delivery and all will warrant closest inspection. CADILLAC 8 LATE MODEL— Four passenger touring; a beautiful car equipped with disc wheels; immediate delivery may be had. COLE 8 1920 MODEL— Seven - passenger touring, equipped with wire wheels and five cord tires; immediate deliv ery at a reduced price on this slightly used car LOCAL BRANCH NORDYKE & MARMON Meridian at Eleventh. PACKARD MODEL. 3-3*. seven-pn*4M‘ng*r touring, nix tlr*s. bumper*. neat cover*. Price 12.00 U. Terms if desired. 'WXATIH!IS@IG,' Jjj 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. Fords If you want ’em, I have got ’em. Lots and plenty of ’em. Dealing with me is not like deal ing with most dealers, as I guaran tee every Car I sell you. Free service station at your com mand. MY TERMS ARE LIBERAL. WEISSMAN’S AUTO EXCHANGE 212 E. New York St. Main 4446. MAXWELL, 1919 MODEL TOURING. Price $760. Terms if desired ffexATmoi/V] 418-24 N. Capitol Ave, CADILLAC 1916. seven-passenger touring. In fine condition; good paint, good cord tires with two new spares; painted dark tan; top and cur tains In good condition. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO.. 963 North Meridian. Main 913. Auto. 21-125. t MECHANICS, ATTENTION. Here are a few cars that need a little mechanical work to make them bring SSO to S2OO more than we ask for them. Look them over, Marlon-Stutz. 5-passenger, electric lights and starter, $250. Cadillac speedster, electric lights, $275. Saxon 191S roadster. 4-cylintler, electric lights and starter, $295. Terms to responsible parties. JONES WHITAKER SALES CO. Department of Used Cars. 843 N. Capitol ave. Main 5646. BAKER electrlo; one of the finest electrics ever built; excellent condition through out, new battery. Price $760. Thi3 car is worth your Investigation. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO. 963 N. Meridian. Main 943. CHEVROLET 8, touring; good paint, good tires; mechanically good; cash or pay ment*. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market street. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday mornings. WAVERLEY electric; several of these ex aellent cars. In good condition; reason able guaranty on battery; choice $360. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO. 963 N. Meridian. Main 943. OVERLAND touring, good shape, newly painted: a bargain; oasn or payments. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market street. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET—RoyaI Mail roadster; Just the car for a city salesman; terms over twelva monthly payments. Dleti-Jame*. 334 B. Market st. Main 6716. Open eve nlngs and Sunday morning.' DODGE roadster, new paint; bargain price. Dletz-James. 884 Eaat Market. Main 5716. Ope* evenings and Sunday —* •*. .... . . -r AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUBURN touring, completely overhauled. newly painted. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 E. Market. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car; A1 con dition; cheap Ls sold at once. JAMES WILKES 6k SON, 504 North Lincoln st.. Edinburg. Ind. OAKLAND “6” touring, new paint; cash or terms. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Mar ket. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sun day morning. CHEVROLET COUPE, late modal, looks like new; just the thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 E. Market. Main 6T16. Open evenings and Sunday. AUTOMOBILES—-FOR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE for Ford, fine up right piano. Call evenings. Washington 8149. 343 Northern avenue. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. SERVICE y 2 -TON TRUCK. MADDEN COPPLE CO., 209 WEST NORTH ST. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. A W U A T N T 0 E S D We want 69 car A Drive it down or call us up. Our man will be right out and we assure you that we will pay you all your car is worth. Largest buyer and seller of used autos In the state. Indpls. Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 3638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It is here for you. Come in or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 1679. Auto 22-063. We also buy Junk cars. A WI?LL established real estate firm de sires to rent a first-class 7-passenger automobile with option to purchase. Will furnish high-class chauffeur. Insurance, re pairs, eto. Also pay high monthly rental. This Is Important. Answer quick. Ad dress A No. 1508. Times. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. JOB PLATING - Nothing is too large or too small for us to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto raobtle trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 633-36 Kentucky ave. Main 2936. Main 6523. PARTS for most any make of car. Ford parts a specialty. Baggains in tires of all sizes. Try us and s!**e money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO -819 N. Illinois. Main 6090. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 323-324 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN auta tops, side curtains. seat and radiator cover*. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North _545. AUTOMOBILE TOPS recovered and side curtains repaired at THE JOHN GUED ELHOEFER WAGON CO- 202 Kentucky avenue. New and guaranteed batteries. 6 volt. $22; 12 volt, $33. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO, 607 Mass. Ave. Main 3145. WRITE. PHONE OR CALL US for prices on Goodyear solid and pneumatic tires for truck and passenger cars. J. Gucdel hofer Wagon Cos., 202 Kentucky ave. " BATTERIES. ‘ Second Hand. Cheap. *67 Massachusetts. Main 3145. WE PUT on the best *ld wire tires on automobile*, trailer* and trucks. 203 Kentucky aven. AUTO PAIJfTINO Ford, $lO up. Other.**. sls up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. T.KS JOHN GUEDEL HOEFEJt WAGON CO. 202 Kentucky ave. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. THEY ARE HERB. 1920 HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDER. MERZ MOTOR CO., 4 50-52 Mass. Ave. J *ARLE Y-DAVIDSON Mc-orcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 634-36 Mass. Ave. _ Main 6464. _ CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Massachu setts avenue. ONE National bicycle, almost new. cost $45. Will take $17.50. SACKS BROS., 314 Indiana avenue. ONE unredeemed bicycle cheap, $12.60. SACKS BROS- 314 Indiana avenue. ONE bicycle unredeemed; good shape, $lO. SACKS BROS- 314 Indiana avenue. garages to let. SPEEDWAY VISITORS We have plenty of room. Finest garage in town. Fireproof. Open night and day. 320 W. Maryland St. Main 442 J. ; O FFE RI NGS BY THE STORES. f ; N Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. LADIES’ AND MEN’S PANAMA AND LEGHORN HATS Cleaned and Blocked. New Process. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHERY GEO. H. MULLER, PROP. Main 6179. 28 Kentucky Ave. INDIANAFOLIS V Match Your Coat THE PANTS \jl / —* * - ’■y >* REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. 4 FACTORY SITES j We have a good listing of switch sites, large and small. We are prepared to submit tor your consideration plats and data on some of the best sites in the city. Here is one, located north east on Belt railroad, with paved street running direct to tract. Size of ground is 180x175. Located in a district where there is plenty of first-class labor. Price la only $4,000. J. S. CRUSE REALTY Co| Realtors 128 North Delaware at. ! Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 24-361. , South Side Home Brick house, 7 rooms, gas, city . water, front and back porches, shed, naved alley and street. PRICE $2,500 SSOO cash, $23 month. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 E. Market St. [ HOME ON PAYMENTS A nice six-room house on Ral ston ave. Only S3OO cash required, balance like rent Price is only $2,000. House Is in fine condition. Has cement walks, electric lights, good well. This is a real snap for someone who wants to turn his rent re ceipts into dollars. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO, Realtors 128 North Delaware srt. Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 24-3*l. —/ Home for Colored 1717 Guffln street S rooms, well and cistern, electric lights, newly papered. PRICE $1,050 SIOO cash. $12.50 month. Dunlop & Holtegel,' Realtors 122 E. Market St 6IX-ROOM cottage on terma Dearborn st., near New York. Gas, electric lights, well and cistern. House in good condition. Price only $2,500. J. S. CRUSE REALTY COw Realtors 123 North Delaware st. Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 24-36 L 424 DEALING AVE. BY OWNER Between East Michigan and New Torll streets, five rooms, center hall and bath; all on ground floor, floored attic: full basement and laundry room; east front; ; hardwood floors; oak. walnut and white enamel finish; tile bath, four closets; built-in buffet and kitchen cabinet; Krusa & Dewenter furnace; poplar siding, back .porch, glass Inclosed; built 18 months by owner. Will sell at a bargain. Leaving city. n Double on Terms Six rooms side, gas, city water, electric lights. Price $3,200. SSOO cash, S2B month. $63-865 West Twenty-seventh Bt. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 E. Market St. MSB Investment 6n Ashland avenue. We have a thor oughly remodeled newly decorated and painted 13-room house with 3 baths, two furnaces suitable for apartment or room ing house. Price SIO,OOO. Good terms. GEORGE A. LUCAS, 208 American Cen tral Life Bldg. Circle 6600. Call for Mr. Trueblood. Evenings, Inrvington 904. ~ VACANT HOUSE, SOUTHEAST Six rooms, gas. city water, sewer con nections in house, cement porch and walks. Prospect street west of Fountain Square. Hall & Hill, 147 E. Market LOTS —Emerleigh—LOTS 4400 TO 4800 EAST TENTH ST. Inside the city, northeast, where values are Increasing today—not in a few years. Choice'large lots. $275 to $475 —$10 down, $5 month—No interest or taxes for two rears. Come out Sunday. AGENT ON GROUND. - Double for Colored South Sheridan avenue in Irvington, four rooms to a side, $2,200; S2OO cash, $25 per month. Call Mr. Berry, with Schmid & Smith, Inc., Realtors 134 North Delaware. Main 408S. INVESTIGATE our proposition of assuring you possession of a house if you have to move ard haven't got much money. We have sev eral available homes on terms. 9 Pem broke Arcade. Main 5765. r ——- - -w. SEVEN ROOMS, near A][ I Noble and Fletcher; j Y ll y j hatdwood floors, 3 bed rooms; $4,250. GEO. A. LUCAS, 208 American Central Life. Circle 6600. ' ~ 1020-1022 ORANGE ST. Double dwelling of five rooms and batll on each side. City water and gas. Pric* $4,000; SSOO cash; S4O per month. LORENZ SCHMIDT & SONS. 37 Monument Circle. $3,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ' SI,OOO down. $25 per month, 8 rooms, gas for lighting and cooking; long grape arbor; large barn and celiac. cistern and well In kitchen; lot 37x150; 700 block N. Belieview place. MR. LEE, Belmont 1580. $2,200. * S4OO down. $lB per month: double house, B rooms to side; gas for light and cooking, well and cistern; front porch and big yard. On the hill. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1586. ’ COLORED BUYERS $2,000. SB9O down, sl2 a month; move In the house <n about a week. Riverside car line. Six-room, electric lights, cellar. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. $2,300. ' ~~~ S4OO down. S2O a month, buys 5-room house and back porch inclosed: fruit trees and garage; furnace and electric lights; both water.a In house; on Hanson ave. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. * 942~5. SENATE AVE. Five-room cottage with gas. well Mid cistern. LORENZ SCHMIDT <Sr SONS. 37 Monument Circle. FIVE-ROOM house; gas for lights ~*n<s cooking: large lot and barn cheap for cash. $1,400: possession at once If you want it. West Wilkins street. Call Bel mont 1580. <lg - 5() - - S2OO down. sl6 a month, 5-room house, newly painted; city water, electric lights, gas; In the 900 block on Maple street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. FIVE-ROOM cottage, east, on Improved street; has gas, electric lights, good well of water: has full basement with new furnace. Will sell on terms. House is now vacant. Call Mr. Adams. Main 4114. * $2,300 FOR CASHI Seven-room cottage, 800 block North Oriental, city water and cistern in house, gas for cooking and lights, vacant in a few days. MR. LEE, Belmont 1580. ' ' ’ si7too, ~ ""’"’SfS SBOO DOWN and sls per month; eleetrla lights and cellar; on the hill in West Indianapolis. V.-!S|2 MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. EIGHT-ROOM modern south. close in; hot water heat; large garage, $4,500. Terms Woodruff 7024. BUNGALOW material. Delivered and erected in thirty days. Phone Circle 6766, ■ FOR SALE—A modern 6-room house# good location; moderate price. North @826. (rnelinnod OP No'H Poon) 9