Newspaper Page Text
10 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES —CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 23-351 RATER One time .07 per line Three consecutive times. .06 H per Una Six consecutive times... .08 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .08 per line I Six consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 35c per insertion Over 1 inch. 5c per line additional. Death notices. 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. V J FUNERAL PI RECTORS,. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 Last Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. 11. Ragsdale. .1. Wa*h Price, John Pau< Ragsdaie. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON 1230 Frospect, Auto. 51-171. Prospect 322. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KP.IEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. DERTAKE Rs. W. T. BLASENGYM 1835 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114 UNDERTAKERS—HiSEY & TITUS. 951 North Del. New 26-584. Main 3550. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. P. O. S. OF A.—Officers and members of Camp 12. P. O. S. of A., are requested to meet at our lodgeroom. corner of North Pershing avenue and West Michigan street. Tuesday. June 1. at 1 p. m.. to attend tue funeral of our brother. William Greiner, 515 North Goodlet avenue. CLY'DE PAD GETT. Pres; OCAR WINE BRENNER Sec. SALGE, HENRY* WM.—Husband of Ger trude Salge. nee Witt, son of Fritz and Louise Salge. passed away 11:15 a. m.. May 29. Funeral Tuesday. June 1, at 2 p. m., from residence. 315 North Denny. Burial Crown Hill. Friends Invited. WALK. ANNA—Mother of Louis. Wil liam and Emma Lancaster, died May 28, 1920. at 12 m.. age 71 years 3 months 14 days. Funeral Tuesday. June 1 at 2 p. m.. at late residence. 1129 Church st. Friends invited. Burial in Crown Hill cemetery. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—WiII the gentleman that picked up the purse between Louisiana and South street on Meridian street, please return to 370 South Illinois street. Main 8018. FOUND —Last Tuesday. ladies' gold watch. Owner can have same by identifying property and paying for ad. A. HELM, 1130 Harlan street. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals locked for. Call Main 8947, or write lost agent, IS Bald win block. Indianapolis. Ind. LOST—Wedding ring, hand carved, white gold, with eight small stones. 120 West Twelfth Circle 0467. Reward LOST —A black satin cape with a gray Angora collar at the Canoe club, Satur day night. Irvington 2255. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. TOUXG couple to share new modern bungalow. 4814 East New Y'ork street. HOUSES—WANTED. 1 WILL pay you a better rent than what you are now getting for your property Will pay several months' rent in ad vance. Best of tenants with no children. I want quick possession. Address A No. 1501. Times. ROO M S—TO LET, ONE furnished front room for rent. Wood ruff 704*5. 431 North Keystone. ROOMS—WANTED. SEAMSTRESS wants plain farni.-hed room; cleanliness and respectability; consideration. Apply' R. E. R.. 2317 Beile fontaine street. APARTMENTS—TO LET. TWO-ROOM apartment. semi-modern; nicely furnished; gas. phene; can do laundry; bed for child; $8.50 per week. WoodrufT 1895. 717', Dorman. Room 2. ONE. five-room apartment for rent. Call E. B. HOLTOM. Prospect 771 ONE three-room apartment. Cali E. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. APARTMENTS—WANTED. Apartment or duplex wanted. JlO reward for information leading to my renting a 4 or 6-room apartment or duplex north or east before June Is. Irv ington 3739. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY Have you 3100 or more to invest where the risk is small and the profits large 7 It will pay you to INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Cos., 910 Hume-Mansur Bldg. I WILL sell one-half Interest in a flour ► taking real estate business for 31.500 cash. Business now developing 311.000 annually. My object in selling. more business than I can handle alone. Party purchasing must be ambitious and witling to work hard. Address A No. 1507. Times. __ __ DELICATESSEN and short ord-r restau rant south side. nice living rooms; eheap rent. Price SBOO. Terms. H. G. MONEX. 405 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 3138. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E F. BURKLE, \* S*<u>4. eve. Main 1428. New 23-775. growing Indianapolis rorporation wishes to expand. Can show 100 c > gross profits. YVili sell small block of stock to advertise business. Postoffice box 383, Indianapolis. Ind SHOE SHOP. 3108 per week business; complete; modern. Address A No. 1807. Times. SHOE repair shop for sale at 426 East Washington street. SERVICES. CARPENTER and brick repair work done. L. C. WOOLEY*. Woodruff 883. FOR paper hanger. Call Johnson, Wood ruff 6715, P’ATCH PLASTERING. Belmont loTih TAILORS AND CLEANERS. * H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; ladies' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 2C-641. J. SCHWARTZ, tailor and cleaner. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. MEDICAL. PILES— EVERYBODY SUFFERING piles, fistula, fissures, ulcerations, constipation, bleeding. Itching, write for free trial. Posi tively painless pile cure. S. U. lARNEY. Auburn, Indiana. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Byiand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 326-529 Law bid? Main 2902. INSTRUCTIONS. STAGE acts, violin; ail kinds of fancy artistic steps; stage dancing acts taught and completed; for good season's engage ments; satisfaction guaranteed. Call PROF. RAYNO, 224 West Ohio street. Main 2069. FOUNDATION work taught on piano, children 9 to 15 years solicited. S. E. WHEELER. Irvington 4099. ;c best bargains in automobiles are Mst under Automobiles and Supplies is The” A me* Want Ad columns. MALE HELP—WANTED. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM m SAKS BLDG. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION, 810 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. PATTERN MAKER WANTED WHO CAN MAKE WOOD AND MET AL PATTERNS. BRYAN HARVESTER CO., PERU. IND. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. . WANTED—A FEW STEEL AND WOOD CAR REPAIRMEN. GOOD PIECEWORK RATES. ALSO HANDY MEN AT GOOD WAGES. INTER-STATE CAR CO., INDIAN APOLIS, IND. I YOUNG MEN Postoffice clerks, letter carriers, railway mall clerks, etc., for the government. Goo dentrance salaries with promotion* certain For full paitleuiars and a special course of Instruction, call or write Imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 N. Illinois st. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main 596. Boy to work in display adver tising department. Excellent chance for advancement. Call Indiana Daily Times. Mr. Roberts. . WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. 50 LABORERS Report Tuesday, 7 a. m. Meridian and New York. oooiTpay i offered to women of neat appearance and good address, who can devote from two to eight hours each day. See Mr. Whitson. 913 Merchants Bank Building BOOKKEEPER —Man or woman with some experience for good firm; .-xcellent opportunity for one who Is willing to work. Call on Mrs. White of employment department of CENTRAL BUSINESS COL LEGE. Vermont and Pennsylvania. Fred W. Case, principal WHITE' LABORERS. AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY. WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stoker*. Apply MR. RAT. Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. INTELLIGENT bov, about 14. office work. immcdiatelv. INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE. Dally Times Building SAFETY RAZOR BLAD ES j harp*ned. TUTTLEDGE. 2)1 Indiana ( MEN to unload car?. 1001 Southeastern ! avenue. SITUATION WA NT ED— MALE. MAN with high aehoo education and knowledge of bookkeeping desires poel j tinn. Good references. ('HAS. LOVE, col j ored. 1010 N. Senate avenue. SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN EXPERI ENCED, TO ESTAB ! LISH DEALERS; HIGH ! EST CLASS PHONO GRAPH LINE. COMMIS SION BASIS ONLY. CAN EASILY AVERAGE $l5O AND OVER WEEKLY. APPLY WASHINGTON HOTEL, MR. J.-T. WAL LACE. I FIRST class specialty salesmen calling on the jobbing trade. Have high grade ; line auto accessories, and satisfactory com missi o OFFERINGS BY THE BTOREB. Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. W 5 LADIES’ AND MEN’S PANAMA AND LEGHORN HATS Cleaned and Blocked. New Process. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHERY GEO. H. MULLER, PROP. Main 6179. 28 Kentucky Ave. INDIANAPOLIS Y / Match Your Coat TROUSERS 1 | \ I at Mil \ / THE PANTS j / 1j / STORE CO. ML 1 | l J ]J Two Stores LiJ i JO 48 W. Ohio. ! V 'J 310_E 1 _Market ; _^^^'O Time* Want Ad* find th* for ± - right pi teas ind the - for jTt r'.iint p.ople. Paono WaSmEk*. AU-P 23-351. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED GIRLS GOOD WAGES GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS Apply INDIANAPOLIS CORDAGE CO., South Meridian and Belt R. R. FACTORY WORK PAYS BEST \ We teach you to operate drill presses and do other light general work. Rockwood Mfg. Cos., 18011 English Ave. GIRLS WANTED DILLING PAPER BOX CO. Old National Stareh Works Morris and Dakota Sts. Our truck leaves 6 :4n o’clock, Illinois and Maryland Sts., every morning. Box department. GIRLS FOR LIGHT FACTORY WORK. MODERN ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. V SALESWOMEN FOR BARGAIN TABLES. Steady positions. No Saturday night work Good salary paid com petent people. THE STAR STORE. Switchboard operator. Apply Classified Advertising Dept., Indiana Dally Times. I STENOGRAPHERS—We have a numben of attractive openings for experienced. ,comp*tent stenographers. Salaries 320 to 327.20. Call on Mrs White. Employment department of the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Vermont and Pennsylvania. Fred W. Case, principal. AT ONCE job pr*s feeder? at the ROUGH NOTES CO. 222 East Ohio. CASHIER FOR FRONT OFFICE HOTEL. PREFER SOME ONE HAVING HOTEL EXPERIENCE. MIGHTY GOOD SALARY AND PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT. CALL MR MOORE. HOTEL WASHINGTON. WANTED —-Lady for night nurse; one who has had Institutional work pre ferred. Call or write HORD SANITAR IUM. Shelbyvliie. Ind. JOB press feeders; experienced. INDI ANA POU3 PRINTING COM PAN'V. WANTED—Chambermaid. GEM HOTEL SITUATION WANTED —FEMALE. EFFICIENT stenographer, employed day time. desires work evenings and Satur day affrnoop. Address A No. *B4, Times. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords If you want ’em, I have got ’em. Lots and plenty of ’em. Dealing with me is not like deal ing with most dealers, as I guaran tee every car I sell you. Free service station at your com mand. MY TERMS ARE LIBERAL. WEISSMAN’S AUTO EXCHANGE 212 E. New York St. Main 4446. OVERLAND touring, good shape, newly painted; a bargain; cash or payments. DTETZ-.JAMES, 334 East Market street. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday ; morning CHEVROLET—RoyaI Mall roadster; Just the car for a city salesman: terms over : twelve monthly payment*. Dletz-Jame*. 334 E. Market st. Main 5716. Open eve nings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET COUPE, late motfel, lookH like new; Just the thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 E. Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday. AUBURN touring, completely overhauled newly painted. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 E. Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. OAKLAND "6" touring, new paint; cash or terms. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Mar ket. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sun day morning. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automc blle, DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market. Main 5716. Marion county dealer*. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. *AAAA6VVVA^VVVNAA^VVVVVVVWVVVVVVW4 * ' ' ‘ ran ifllETEl SMS SF DUALITY We have the following list of automobiles for sale and ready for demonstra tion, and we can guarantee them to be in first-class running order and by far a better investment than a new cheap car. These ears have been completely over- I hauled, renickeled, painted and some have new tops, j They are ready for demon stration at the purchaser’s convenience. 1919 National, sedan $2,600 i 1919 National, sp. .t 2,000 1918 National, touring.... 1,800 1918 National, touring... 1,500 1918 National, touring... 1,250 1918 Overland, touring... 850 1 1916 National, touring... 1,000 1917 National, roadster... 1,000 ; 1918 Buick, touring 1,250 j 1917 Paige, touring 1,250 1917 Elgin, touring 850 | 1917 Case, touring 850 ; Jackson roadster 750 1917 Maxwell, touring.... 550 ,1917 Mitchell, touring.... 600 1914 Chalmers, touring... 500 Terms can bo arranged to suit purchaser. For any information desired, please call the address below. SUPERIOR CARACE GMIPANV S4TSH / iK a iaAL STS. Auto. & Wash. 2249 Ts riONAL A* MOTIVE #( "ANY, 426 N. OJIPITOL AYE. j RENEWED ! | MARMONS IVe have at this time two or three renewed Marmon 84s on our floor. Such real value can not he obtained in anew car built to sell at a similar price. You are invited to come in and inspect them. 1 renewed sedan, 2 renewed 7 - pass, touring cars. LOCAL BRANCH Nordyke <& Marmon Meridian and Eleventh 1 Fords, Maxwells and Over lands in extra good shape at “Drive Sunday” prices. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware St. Opposite Public Market. - Main 1984. Open evenings and Sunday. [MONROE! roadster. 1017 model; one of | those little cars that make 25 to 30 i miles on a gallon of gas. In good shape i and priced for a quick sale. THE MOTOR MART, 140 North Delaware St. I Opposite Public Market. Main 1984. \ Open evenings and Sunday. BAKER electric; one of the finest electrics j ! ever built; excellent condition through- j out; new battery. Price 3750. This car is worth your Investigation. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO. 963 N, Meridian. Main 343, WAVERLEY electric; several of these ex cellent cars, in good condition; reason able guaranty on battery; choice 3350. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO. 963 N. Meridian. Main 943. ; CHEVROLET 8, touring; good paint, good | tire*; mechanically good; cash or pay ments. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market : street. Main 5716. Open evenings and i Sunday mornings. _ ; FOR SALE—I9I4 Ford touring; engine | Just overhauled.; new tires; electric 'lights, battery, shock absorbers; Holla day’s extra front casing, three inner i tubes; at a bargain. 218 North Noble. I MAXWELL TOURING—In goocTYhape. A bargain. Terms or trade. DIETZ- 1 i JAMES, 334 East Market St. Main 5716. ! Open evenings and Sunday morning. HUDSON Super-Six touring, almost new; i bargain price. Dietz-James, 334 East l ; Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and j Sunday morning. j DODGE roadster, new paint; bargain i price. Dietz-James, 384 East Market. Main 5716. Open evening* and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET. W - model 4-90. Cali after i p. ro., 1122 SJuth Belmont avenue. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOREWORD The following listed cars will be found, upon investigation, to be exactly as represented. We have on hand for immediate de livery an assortment of very de sirable cars at prices that are very attractive. You are invited to come in and inspect same at your earliest convenience. STUTZ 1918 MODEL— Four-passenger, recently paint ed, wire wheels, splendid tires. This is truly a fine car in first class condition. Immediate de livery at a very attractive price. REO SEDAN 1920 MODEL Practically new, five-passenger Job. equipped with Royal cord tires. An exceptional opportunity to get a car at a reduction from list. PACKARD TWIN SIX 1917 TOURING— A car in excellent mechanical condltjon. Good appearance and at a price that will lntereet you. CADILLAC 1919 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring car in excellent mechanical condition. Just repainted, new top and five new cord tires. NATIONAL | LATE MODEL SIX - cylinder seven - passenger touring car, in first-class condi tion. This car has new tires and is priced for immediate sale. PEERLESS 1915 MODEL— Seven-passenger touring in good running condition. Extreme ly low price for quick sale. The cars listed above are rtady for Immediate delivery and all will warrant closest Inspection. CADILLAC 8 LATE MODEL— Four-passenger touring; a beautiful car equipped with dlso wheels; immediate delivery may be had. LOCAL BRANCH NORDYKE & MARMON Meridian at Eleventh. ! m NEED SPACE j (MM USED! MIS PRICED RIGHT SOLD ON TERMS DODGE touring. with closed Rex top. A good buy at SBSO. GRANT touring, new* paint, top and tires, SSOO. FORI) touring, 1916; all in good shape; $325. CHEVROLET tour ing, 1920; only driven 200 miles. Better than new. Terms. CHEVROLET sedan, 1917; new seat covers and all overhauled; S6OO. MITCHELL touring. 1919; can not be told from new; $l,lOO. MONROE roadster, M-2, with Dayton airless tires; S3OO. MONROE roadster. 1920 cord tires and extra tire; $1,150. 3 MONROE tourings, new paint and recon structed; one 1919, one 1918, one 1920. LIGHT SIX roadster, in perfect condition, 1919; new tires; SSOO. MONROE SALES 602 N. Capitol. Open Sunday a. m. and Evenings. Main 3871. Auto. 24-659. I ! TRUCKS—FOR SALE. I TRUCKS—Two new and on* slightly used Huffman trucks Will sell below fac tory rest Call or write, O G. RETNOLDH. 1013 Wabash avenue. T*rre Haute. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES 200 Cars at Once Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in the state. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. j 212 E. NEW YORK ST. ’ AUTOS WANTED We pay ca*h. No delay for your money. It is here for you. Come in or call. I. Vols Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Alain 1579. Auto 22-063. Wo also buy junk cars, MOTORCYCLES and bicycles. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorevcles. $150.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-52 MASS. AVE. i HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 534-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for ail kinds of motorcycle*. FLOYD PETERMAN, 6-0 Massachu setts avenue. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. JOB PLATING Nothing is too large or too small for us to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 633-35 Kentucky ave. Main 2936. Main 6523. PARTS for most any make of car. Ford parts a specialty. Bargains In tires of all sizes. Try us and save money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. 819 N. Illinois. Main 6090. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 522-334_North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry AUTOMOBILE TOPS recovered and side curtains repaired at THE JOHN GUED ELHOEFER WAGON CO., 20t' Kentucky avenue. ONE-MAN auta tops, side curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 545. WRJTE. PHONE OK CALL US for prices on Goodyear olid and pneumatic tires for truck and passenger cars. J. Guedel hoefer Wagon Cos., 202 Kentucky ave. New and guaranteed batteries. 6 volt. $22; 12 volt. $33. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO.. 607 Mass. Ave. Main 3145. BATTERIES. Second Hand. Cheap. 607 Massachusetts. Main 3145. i WE PUT on the best side wire tires on ! automobiles, trailers and trucks. 202 j Kentucky aven. AUTO painting Ford, $lO up. Others. sls up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN GUEDEL HOEFER WAGON CO. 202 Kentucky ave^ GARAGES TO LET. j SPEEDWAY VISITORS We have plenty of room. J Finest garage in town. Fireproof. Open night and day. 320 W. Maryland St. I Main 4425. I . . —— AUTOS ANO TRUCKS FOH Hi HE j AUTOS FOR RENT —Do your own drlv ! Ing. U-Drive Auto Service at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith'* tneater. Main 5921. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 2226 Kenwood Ave., $3,750 i Dandy 6-room cottage, 2 room base j mer.t; electric light.,. Ryboll furnace, j large lot. See Blood worth & Gladden In their nw location. 629 Peoples Bank Bldg (Law BldgA ] Circle 332. 3700 EAST Six-room cottage In A1 condition; has elertrlc light*, hot water system, shrub i bery and fruit trees. Lot 134x186 feet. Located three blocks from East Wash ington car line. 333 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4114. W. L. Bridges, Realtor EASY TERMS LOVELY 7*room modern home In splen did neighborhood on west hide. Artlctl *-Aily and newly decorated throughout. Beautiful wide lawn, trees and shrubbery; garage, poultry house and garden. This will go quickly; small payment down and , balance, like rent. A. C. BOHREN. aI <5 American Central Life. M -ln 3734. Might. North 4292. SELECT A HOME Let u* help ypu do the rest. Our serv ice is satisfactory Our fee for service within your reach. Try our way. as It Is the bent. Interview Manager. 9 Pembroke Arcade. Main 5765. rcv~pr' "" scy Cottage of 5 rooms, big AJf f lot. garden planted, fine |V\ *T?M\ll J j, driven well, within 14 ItUjcur:... .- —Jse mile* of city on good traction line. Price $1,350. Excellent terms. GEORGE A. LUCAS. 203 American j Central Life Bldg. Circle 66*0. Il.toe. S4OO down. S2O a month, buys 5-room fyouse and t.a'k porch inclosed, fruit trees and garage; furnace and electric light*; both v ater> In house; on Hanson ave. MR LEE. JJelmont_ 1530. " $3,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SI,OOO down. $25 per month. 3 rooms, gas for lighting and cooking; long grape *rtor. large barn and cellar, cistern and well In kitchen, lot 37x150. 700 block N. Be; eview plac* MR. LEE. Belmont W. —j— —yy. East, 4-room eottuge. I i/7 _ V !| i well, cistern, gar. $2,500. j'Ldl/M/ Term.- GEO. A. LUCAS. Life Bldg. Circle 6600. Evening* and Sunday*, Irvington 338. $1,600 CASH, balance S3O month. St. Paul. near Prospect; city water, ga-, cistern water, dry cellar, two story double with concrete center wall; eight rootna to aide. 4 bedrooms upstairs Price $4,000. HENRY SCHILLING, 2531 Prospect street. FOR the price of a city lot you can buy an were of ground near city; high and dry; Ideally located in 6he path, of rapidly growing fine residential district. Cash or payments. Call Washington 594. VACANT house. $2,000. $ 400 down, sl6 per month fi-room house. electric lights and well in house; large lot On hill. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. FOR SSOO cash and $25 per month 1 will build you a house on an acre of ground which 1 own near the city. Good road; Interqrhan service. Address Box A, 1511. k Times. b FIVE-ROOM house; gas for lights and cooking, large lot and barn cheap for cash. $1,400; possession at once if you want It. West Wilkin3 street. Call Bel mont 15 30. $1 550 S2OO down. sl6 a month. 5-room house, newly painted; city water, gas for lights, in the 900 blo< k on Maple street. MR. lee. Belmont 1550. DOUBLE, east. 5 rooms to side; corner lot. East Tenth car. Rent, S3O. Circle $3,000. This Is a bargain. / A F. ZAINEY. REALTOR 149 East Market St. Main 2814. $2,300 FOR CASH: | cottage. 800 block North Oriental, city water and cistern In house, gas for cooking and lights, vacant in a few days. MR I.EE. Belmont 1580. s2f,o CASH $250 Three-room house on Deloss street, $1,400; $250 cash, sls per month. See Howard Amos with W. H. COOPER CO., j S3S I.eineke Bldg. j- $1,700. S3OO DOWN and sls per month; electric j lights and cellar; on the hill In West ; Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1550. i i FOR SALE—Modern house on Leeds ave j nue; two squares south of Washington, 1 1 $3,200 cash. BRANDON * JAMESON, | 127 North Delaware street. Main 5762. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road blvd.. within two squares of fairgrounds; $lO j < ash. balance $1 weekly. 640 , Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. j AN a;traetive five-room modern ' bunga low In an exceptionally good neigh borhood. Can arrange easy terms. North 7476 after 6;30. SIX-ROOM semi-modern cottage on Olney street, north of Tenth, $3,150. Terms. Woodruff 247 after 7:30. $7,800. COLORED BUYERS. " ’ S3OO down, S2O a month. 5-room house, j on Blake street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. GALE and Twenty-fourth street, five rooms, semi-modern. Easy terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. 81,400. COLORED BUYERS. S4OO down, sls a month, four-room house. ! MK. LEE. Belmont 1580. BEAUTIFUL acre tract near Butler col lege. S9OO. Cqll MR. FARMER. Main I 186. or WoDdruff 7443. FOUR-ROOM cottage near East Wash ington street, $2,200. Easy terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. BUNGALOW and summer cottage for sale; new; price low. Early possession. Write E. S. C.. 1307 North Illinois street. INDI AN A TRU ST CO. Sells real estate, collects rent, writes fire Insurance. I ! FOR SALE by owner. S-room house; mod- j ern; new garage. Harrison 2187. Con- | j gress avenue. | | EXTRA nice, new modern bungalow, fine i location; largo lot. Terms. Washing ton 1079. THE mnttt beautiful acre tract you have ever seen; Ideally located; bargain for quick rale. Call Washington 894. EIGHT-ROOM modern south, close in; hot water heat, Urge garage, $4,500. Terms. Woodruff 7024. LOT on north side; will soil South port lOt, Ring i, REAL ESTATE—FO6 SALE. BELLAIRE LOTS SI.OO cash and SI.OO a week; let us show you. Telephone Main 1168 or Auto. 27-168 for appointment. A free auto ride whether you buy or not. H. C. Tuttle & Bro. 131 East Ohio street. i Attractive South Side Home Fletcher avenue near State street, six room modern. Improved street and alley, newly painted and decorated, garage; about $1,200 required, balance like rent. Lawrence J. Sexton 316 Indiana Trust Bldg. Main 4307. Prospect 2231. - 2261 S. Meridian New. modern 5-room bungalow, street Improvements all In; full size lot. Price $4,200. Terms. Call MR. ADAMS. Main 4114. Evening. | Irvington 1667. Investigate j our proposition of assuring you possession iof a house If you have to move ard i haven't got much money. We have sev eral available homes on terms. 9 Fern j broke Arcade. Main 5765. i —7~7t —YVl We*t Indianapolis, six /fb? f\ I room cottage on the hill ViLrMaf I ln the lo °P' SI,BOO. U*—• ■_ -HA Worth the money. GEO. A. LUCAS. 208 American Central Lile Bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irvington 338. $27200. S4OO down, $lB per month; double house. 6 rooms to side; gas for light and cooking, well and cistern; front porch and big yard. On the hill. West Indianapolis. _ MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. FIVE-ROOM, practically new, modern bungalow; garage, paved street, hard wood floors throughout; fireplace; many bulltln features. Woodruff 2092. FOR bargains ln south side homes, mod ern and semi-modern; some near Foun tain Square and Garfield park. Call Pros pect 6184 after 4 p. m. MODERN Irvington home, well located on paved street; shade, etc. THE SOUTH ERN LUMBER CO. REAL ESTATE—WANTED^ AT ONCE, a 6-room thoroughly modern house north, just south of creek. Also a five or six-room modern east. Cali A. R. Kim mich Main 1499. HOME SEEKERS REALTY CO., 913 Merchants Bank Building. I WANT TO BUY a home at Its cash value. Will deal with owner only. I Give full description, price, location and date of possession ln reply; option re quired. Address A No. 2998. Times. HOUSES waited. List your property with us for bale; buyers waiting. FINNEY & HILL. 2C48 Northwestern. North 949. WANTED property to sell. Have got buyers and no houses. HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MR. LEE Belmont 1830. LET 3IE sell your property. I can get quick results. S. G. BULLI'P. 1349 N. Senate. Circle 4956. Auto. 26-719. FOR cash customers, modern or semi modern houses. Call Main 142. MODERN double house for cash cus tomer. Main 107. _M ISC EL LAN EO US—FO R SALE. HAVE YOU TRIED GEM POLISH- On Your White Shoes? At your grocer's, druggists, and de partment stores. Gem Polish Mfg Cos.. 16 When b!dg. Main 367. jl. , Drop-Head Singer. *10; yB-t3*T.'a ether bargains. SI.OO per !] f “j T* week. All makes HE- V f PAIRED HEMSTITCH ING while you wait. 10c PER YARD WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto. 25-316. 312 Mass. Ave. m —■Jj Mail ’Em In ,* O.G.Klugel,P.D. k Tjpsf . ♦ 236 South Meridian L y Main 3823. %e Steel tape repairing. BUY pants dir.'Ct from the maker. _We make them to your measure from $7.50 up. LEON TAILORING CO.. 131 East New York. RECORD AND PLaVEK ROLL EX CHANGE TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 201 INDIANA AVE. . ONE library table. $7 00: one hammock swing $7.00. 611 North Tacoma MISCELLANEOUS —WANTED.^ WE WILL BUY IT. If you have any household goods or ! office furniture to sell call a buyer from the largest, best and best rated used fur niture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. _ Main 3466. "“SELL IT ‘ to the largest and best rated used furni ture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. Main 3468. LEW SHANK pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 22 • North New Jersey street. Main 20£L WE will buy and pay spot cash for the furnishings of good homos, up to SI,OOO. , BAKBR BROS_ IF your clock Is not running phone Circle 4307. M. K. SHEARN. 811 North Ala ba ma. _ WANTED—To buy bath tubs and plumb ing fixtures of any kind. Call Main 6967, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Gas Ranges Refrigerators A large selection on our floor now to choose from. Nearly all makes of standard gas ranges. Including glass and white front, side oven styles, guaranteed. Prices start at $18.50. Nearly nil standard, reliable brands of refrigerators, all sizes, every one cleaned, tested and guaranteed at about half the new cost. The earlier you buy. the better bargain. USED GOODS STORE, the fine store. 424 Mass. ave. ' REFRIGERATORS. 600 used Ice boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard makes, such as Alaska. Bohn Siphon, McCray, Herrick Automatic. New Iceberg, Dr. Price, Gibson's Star, Gurney and others. All sizes and the price averages about one-half the cost new. BAKER BROS. 219 East Washington St. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KROOT & SON. 609 W. Washington St. RESTAURANT ranges. 8 and 10-hole coal ranges. Majestic, same as new. Cash or payments. Baker Bros., 219-225 E. Wash ington street. 25 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at prices from sls to $27.50. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. SEVERAL large grocer’s lco boxes. Baker Bros. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN OAK Columbia Grafonola with 40 selections of music. A snap. H. N. NESS CO., 17 E. Ohio street. WE have on hand a number of used talk ing machines that are being closed out at a snap. PATHE SHOP, 17 E. Ohio. UPRIGHT PIANO, dark oak, SIOO. South port 101, R 1. FOR SALE—An upright piano, SIOO. Call North 5953, ~HORSES AND VEH ICLES.~ JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prlce3 for dead horses, cows and hogs. Call Main 1039. Auto. 25-778. FOR SALE—One black Jersey cow. Wood ruff 6894. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. Pocahontas M. R $9.00 Kentucky Lump $9.00 Illinois Lump $7.50 Indiana Lump $7.00 L. H. Bain Coal Cos. Main 333 L Main 3151. TRANSFER AND STpRAGE.^W IS OUR BUSINESS 1 What have you got that you want 1 moved? Where to? When? i We have several loads booked, going to J various cities where we can quote a special I return load price, on a few days’ booking! ahead. Phone or write. RED BALL TRANSIT 18 S. Capitol Ave. Phone, Main 4631, rr V7 <X 77 STORAGE CHEAPEST I \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL f V/ US. Everything at rea- I i| sonable price. Packed. [ J i| shipped anywhere. is Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4695. BAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parts of city. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO., 118 W. Wabash street. Main 1293. Main 5489. Auto, 31-261, ' CALL SHANK for the boat service in hauling, packing, thlpping and storage. ( 227-229 North New Jersey St. Main 2023. O K. TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 938 E. Washington Si. Prospect 3282 : C. F. CAIN TRANSFER. Main 7852. 116 North New Jersey street. AUCTIONS. SALE 10 o'clock. Wednesday. June 2. Ev erything in the house goes. Schiller piano. Columbia, grafonola, new; cook stove, heating stove, dresser, beds and bedding, rugs, oak library table, oak din ing table, cutlery and dishes. 609 Jefferson avenue. NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. In pursuance of the statutes for such cases trade and provided, notice is hereby given that, up to the hour of 10 o'clock ln the forenoon of Friday, the 18th day of June, 1920. the board of commission ers of the county of Marion, state of In diana. at its office in the courthouse of said county, will receive sealed proposals I for the construction of a bridge over In ! diana creek at its junction with Pendle l ton pike, in said county, the same to be ; constructed as a necessary part of the 1 improvement of said Pendleton pike, on petition of John W. Apple et al. under and pursuant to the provisions of county unit I road law. Each hid must be accompanied by a i bond and non-collusion affidavit, as by statute required. Each bid must provide for the construction and completion of said bridge, within the time to be agreed upon between the said board and the con tractor. In strict accordance with the plan and specifications for said bridge, here tofore approved and adopted by said board and now on file In the office of the undersigned. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Given by order of said board of com missioners. LEC> K. FESLEF, Auditor Marion County, Indiana. May 24 and 3L t NOTICE TO ROAD CONTRACTORS. In pursuance of the statutes for such i cases made and provided, notice is hereby given that, up to the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Friday, the 13th day of June. 1920, the board of commissioner* of Marlon county. State of Indiana, at It* office ln the courthouse of said county, will receive sealed proposals for the construc tion of the Improvement of Pendleton pike, in said county, under and pursuant to county unit road law, on petition of John W. Appie et al. Each bid must be accompanied by a bond and non-collusion affidavit, as by statute required. Each bid must be for the construction and completion of said Improvement as a whole, within the time to be agreed upon by the board and tha contractor, the same to be constructed ln strict accordance with the report, profile, plans and specifications for said improve ment, heretofore filed and approved by this board and now on file in the office of the undersigned. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Given by order of said board of corb* mlssloners. LEO K. FESLEg*-^* Auditor of Marion County, Indiana. ■ May 24 and 31. . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ' INDIANAPOLIS. Notice is hereby given that the Board of School Commissioners of the City of In dianapolis has filed with the State Board of Tax Commissioners of Indiana a peti tion for authority to Issue $50,000 of 44i per cent “School Building Bonds.” the proceeds of which are to be used for the purchase of additional school grounds. A public hearing of said application will be held at the office of the State Board of i Tax Commissioners, in the State House. In dianapolis. Indiana, atlo o'clock a. m.. Monday. June 14, 1920. All taxpayers and all persons interested are notified to be present at said hearing. BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OK THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. GEORGE C. HITT. Business Director. May 29, 1920. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF INDI ANAPOLIS. Notice is hereby given that the board of school commissioners of the city of Indianapolis has filed with the state board of tax commissioners of Indiana a peti tion for authority to issue $341,009 of 48* per cent “School Building Bonds." the proceeds of which are to be used for con structing school buildings, i A public hearing of said application will be held at the office of the state board of tax commissioners. In the statehouse. Indianapolis. Indiana, at 10 o'clock a. m, Monday. June 7. 1920. All taxpay oisnii i all persons interested are notified ‘ present at said hearing. BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OK INDIANAPOLIS. GEORGE C. HITT. May 21. 1920. Business Director. FINANCIAL. We Have the Money HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? We will loan you enough money to pay up all your blljs and have extra cash to buy what you need for sprl.-g. Pay us back ln large or small monthly payment*. See us about terms on 350, SIOO, S2OO, S3OO Loans made on furniture, pianos, Vlc- Irolas, autos or fixtures for any amount op to S3OO. Call, write or phone. State Loan Cos. SOS Odd Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and Wash. Sts. Phones. Main 4619. New 24-629. Under state supervision. Burton Jewelry Cos. : 58 Monument Place. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCK**! LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. I Third floor, Law Building. Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farm* and Improved city properties. GIB HALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 10* N. ; Delaware street. Main 1618. WE MAKE second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Trust Bldg. ; INSURANCE ln all branches AUBREY P. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. JOSEPH H." PATTISON. 1007 Law Bldg. Loans on real estate made promptly. ! INSURANCE 7n aIF branches AUBREY P. PORTER. 916 Law bldg. Main 7049. ' DON'T GBiSvS. If you really want it back, insert a email ad in the “Lost and Found" oel ■mns of The Times and U will soon 54 istsnsg. Phone Main SOM. Ante- lI4IL Thornburg Funeral Will Be Wednesday The funeral of John H. Thornburg. of Muneie, Ind., formerly identified infl the retail drug business of Indianapolis® who died yesterday at the home of hIM son-ln-lnw, R. A. Shirley, 1203 North New! Jersey street, will be held at the Newl Jersey street address at 11 o’clock oJ Wednesday morning. 3 Death followed a recent operation. I Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. R. *■ Shirley, and one son, Hugh S. Thornburg® both of this city, 1