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12 We Will Help You to Save Safely yiefcfjtr &abiitg* anb £rust <£a tuumu POLICE TAKE FIFTY IN GAMING RAIDS General Roundup Results From Race Lid Tilting. Attempts to pry off the lid In Indian apolis just before the annual automobile race met with little success, and fifty al leged gamblers and a number of other, law violators are under arrest today. Norman Riley and twenty other ne groes were arrested in a raid by the morals squad at 532 Indiana avenue. Riley Is charged with keeping a gam bling house and gaming, and the others ire charged with gaming and visiting a gambling house. Samuel Green, 2433 Northwestern ave nue, and eight other white men were ar rested in a raid on that place by Lteuts. Jones and Woollen, and are charged with violating the gambling laws. POLICE RUSH OPEN-AIR GAME. An open-air craps games at Eighteenth street and the Belt railroad resulted In four arrests. When the police were called to 300 Ellsworth street they arrested three men, charging them with gaming. Glasco Hunter, negro, charged William Dean and Clarence Wales, negro, of the Ellsworth street address, had held him up and robbed him of $10.50. hnt the police say they learned that the money was lost in a craps gim. Tom Smith, negro, and six other men were arrested in a raid at 1102 North Missouri street. George Wooley, 285S North School street, is charged with keeping a gam bling house and gaming, and seven other men caught in a raid on Station street by Sergt. Russell and the morals squad are charged with gaming and visiting a gambling house. George Kostich, 24. of 328 South West street, and three negroes were arrested in a raid on the place and are charged with violating the gambllng^laws. FAILS TO OBEY RIVERSIDE ORDER. Forty-six alleged gambling stands at Riverside park were closed by Lieut. Cox. Saturday afternoon, but Claude Oliver, 4374 Massachusetts avenue, is alleged to have tried to operate in spite of the police order. Oliver was arrested by Patrolmen Wise and Sheets. Five women and four men wer arrested on statutory charges in a raid on 230 West Maryland street. Francis Claston was charged with keep ing a resort. A raid on the Cavett hotel resulted in the arrest 'of a man and woman on statutory chargee, and of .Tames Murphy, clerk of the hotel. LITTLE DAN CUPID PRESENTS RIDDLE Bride-to-Be Has Change of Heart Crossing Sea. XEW TORK. May 31—The Travelers’ Ai<l society her* today -was trying to help Mile. Emmillenn Romeos make up her mind who she wanted to marry. Officials of the society announced she will not bo able to reach a final decision before Tuesday. Ray Hewlett, Findlay. Cb* met the 'learner I.a Savoie intent on taking h!s bride to Ohio. She came over here to marry him. but on the voyage she met Nicola Raspa, a teno l " of Brookline, Pa. Raspa said he was positive the young French girl would become hla wife. Hewlett declared he was equally posi tive she would marry him. So the society whisked the girl away from both, to await her decision. Armenian Vote Due in Senate Tomorrow WASHINGTON, May 31.—A vote at * i'clock tomorrow afternoon on the sen ate foreign relations committee resolu tion refusing President Wilson’s request that the United States assume a mandate over Armenia was agreed to by unani mous consent by the senate today, at the request of Senator Lodge. Massachu setts, chairman of the committee. Speedway Visitors You are invited to visit our ■m Treasure House For thirty-three years the House of Rost has had the reputation for square and honest dealing. It is the largest diamond and watch house in the state of Indiana, and is today enjoying the BPI confidence of the buying public. I have for sale Anna Held’s famous four-leaf brooch, made of four pear-shaped diamonds, at $7,500. It will be a pleasure to show it to our customers. Wrist Watches, #20.00 to Watches, #15.00 to #125,00. §##oo.oo Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, #5.00 Lavallieres, #5.00 to to #7,575.00 #4.500,00. Gold pined Cuff Buttons, #1.50 Real Pearl Chains, #25.00 to to #5.00, $12,500.00 Stickpins, $2.00 to #350.00. Barpins, $3.50 to SBOO.OO. Fountain Pens, $1.50 to Rings, $3.50 to $50.00. $12.50. Diamond Rings, #20.00 to Eversharp Pencils, SI.OO to $1,600.00 $10.50. Waldemar Chains, $2.00 to Travelers* Toilet Sets, $3.50 #75.00. to $15.00. Speedway visitors should make it a point to visit this store, as we will consider it a pleasure to show you our fioe line of diamonds, watches and jewelry. CARL L. ROST $ 25 North Illinois Street | THE HOUSE OF QUALITY I By the Sign of the Clock in the Middle oVhe JUock. y i NO PLATED OP RING? SOIT HEhig JS, SAY ONLY SPARK NEEDED TO SET GERMANY AFIRE Rumors of Plots and Counter plots Keep Tension at High Pitch. RUSS-POLE WAR WORRY BERLIN, May 31.—Germany was de scribed today as a powder barrel which the smallest spark might explode Into revolution. For some time a section of the press has been giving sensational color to all news. Meetings of laborers or officers, which may have been held with Innocent Inten tions. were interpreted as plots to over throw the Ebert government and substi tute “either a Lenine or a kaiser.” Asa result of this wave of sensation alism, Germany has been strained to the point of political neurasthenia. The radicals and reactionaries have been greatly impressed by the prominence given to their propaganda. READY FOR ACTION IN ANY DIRECTION. Leaders are said to have been so deeply Influenced that they have organized de tailed programs to follow In the event of a revolution, no matter on which side It breaks oat. The smallest encounter between work men and soldiers might start Into motion the tightly wound up reactionary or radical machinery. The average German Is convinced there will be a revolution, but nobody professes to know on which side it will begin. Communist leaders assert that the re actionaries plan camouflage bnlshevlst riots as a pre'ext for a military coup. The militarists are keeping silent. It is apparently a fact, however, that both sides have planned uprisings. EACH WAITS FOR OTHER TO MOVE. While the nucleus of their organiza tions are believed to be small, they have ramifications extending throughout Ger many. ' . Each side Is waiting for the other to start something. In the meantime the press supporting the various factions keep the excitement at the highest pitch. Government fflclals fear that. If the Russian bolshevik overthrow Poland, it will necessitate mobilization of the reichswehr upon the eastern border thus clearing the way for a communist rev olution in the interior. SEEKING BERGDOL AT AUTO RACE Government Agents Think Draft Dodger May Be Here. Government agents in Indianapolis are looking today for Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, millionaire draft dodger of Philadelphia, who, they believe, will be attracted to the Speedway race. Bergdoll. who evaded guards at his home In Philadelphia recently, making his escape, is known as a speed enthu siast, and it is believed he cannot re sist the temptation to attend Indi anapolis race. Bergdoll had two cars entered in the 115 race, one of which he intended to drive himself, but neither qualified. \ reward of gj,500 has been offered for his capture. It was reported that Bergdoll was seen Saturday crossing the Ohio river at Veva.v, Ind. Gov. Allen Explains Industrial Court Law WASHINGTON, May 3L-Gov. Henry Allen of Kansas today appeared before the senate labor committee to explain the workings of the Kansas Industrial court law. W. J Bryan will be before the commit tee tomorrow. Woman Swallows Dentist's Forceps LEWIS. Del., May 31. Whi’e sit ting in a dentist's chair Miss beth Wilson swallowed a small pair of forceps which slipped from the dentist’s hand when she coughed. An operatlqft-wUI be required for their removal.'- DOG HILL PARAGUAY'S It .m XU 'iw| \ - Tobe Moseley's wife sent Tobe home today with the smoothing Iron and wash-tub she borrowed from Mrs. Atlas Peck. They ought to of been taken home a month ago, but everybody loses interest in things they borrow after they get through with them. • • • The heavy down-pour of rain last week washed away some of Poke Eazley's crop, but on the other hand it tightened up his last summer’s straw hat. • • • The Bounding Billows merchant is put ting on a big reduction sale and is clos ing out his entire stock of $2.50 shoes for $0.98. • • • At some time or another everybody loses his or her glove. CAMPAIGN FUND INQUIRY RESTING Senate Committee Prepares for Further Investigation. WASHINGTON, May 31.—The senate campaign expenditures investigating committee rested today. When it resumes hearings tomorrow It expects to go fur ther into the expenditures of the cam paign for Hiram Johnson in California. Johnson's managers have testified ftmr about $-'9.1.000 was raised for him, but •hut only about $50,000 was spent in California. The committee is also planning to go further into the “mysterious McAdoo cam paign.” More light will also be sought on the “millionaire dollar campaigu fund" which A. A. Sprague. Saturday, testified had been raised In the interest of Gen. Leonard Wood. Sees No Drop in Food for at Least Year WASHINGTON, May 31.—Official* of the department of agriculture see no prospect of decline In prices of food stuffs for at Vast one year year, E G. Montgomery, head of the market section, declared today. "Although the exporta tion of foodstuffs decreased approximate ly 50 per cent during April, t s com pared with April last year," Montgom ery said, "food prices generally will not decline because of decrease of acreage planted. Interehurch Drive Will Be Continued rians for continuing the general fund campaign of the Interchurch World Movement will be discussed Wednesday at the V. W. <’. A. at a conference of rep resentatives of thirty five counties. Dr. Robert L. Kelly, a representative of the New York headquarters of the movement, will be one of the principal speakers. OiVES CFEJIT THROUGH THE (.AND Backache, lame and stiff muscles an . rhenmatte pains are often symptoms of derangfd kidneys. "I had weak blad der. bad kidneys and liver, ’’ writes Willi* Carter, Luxar, Pa. ”1 could not sleep well and my back pained me awful. I had a dizzy feeling In the morning. Since taking Foley Kidney Pills I bava been relieved of all such aliment*.” They rid the syetem of the polaonoua noils that causs acbea and Dial ns.—Advertisement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1920. wmmmm/m f When was Indianapolis laid out and how is its original plan still In evidence 7 The city was laid out In 1821. The plan was to make It one mile square, bounded by North, East, South and West streets. The streets were to cross each other at right angles, with four wide avenues pointing toward a circle. The ground was practically level, except for a small knoll, around which they decided to make the circle and call this the center. All streets north of Washington street named after states were given names of northern states. Names of southern states were given those south of Washington. What prominent Indianapolis woman organized the Local Council of Women? . Mrs. May Wright Sewall organized this body iri 1892. How is the Indianapolis Heat and Light Company in advance of other such companies in the United States? They have installed an under-water coal storage pit, the first in the country, in which is stored each summer 20.000 tons of Indiana coal as an insurance ajtaiust interruptions of the coal supply. (Series Number Twenty-six.) IRISH SITUATION PLAGUES BRITISH Press and Public Force An other Meeting of Cabinet.* LONDON. May 31. With press and public clamoring for immediate action to settle the critical situation in Ire land, keen Interest wan manifested in the meeting of the British cabinet today. The meeting will be presided over by Premier Llyod George. Viscount Lord George French, lord lieutenant of Ire land; Sir Hstcar Greenwood, secretary for Ireland, and Sir Neville Moßeady. com mander in chief of British forces In Ire land, will attend. A report was circulated today that British warships were being groomed to be sent to Irish porta. This report was not credited in naval circles. The press discredited the report that the "triple alliance of labor would lent its support to the Irish workers in re fusing to handle munitions, a Dublin dispatch today said that an attempt had been made last night to burn the town of Killmaiiok, where a hand of tOO mtn attacked the military barracks on Fri day. Crowds saturated fronts of shops and Steamship Tickets n All Pans of the World TWO NEW TOURS TO SOUTH AMERICA DURING JUNE. Call nr Address STEAMSHIP DEPARTMENT MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK FRENZEL BROS. The Tea That Has Found favor where only the best is demanded.' Packed only in Tin to keep the Flavor in. ftfdgaqysTea i Full satisfaction, or money refunded. Electric Washing Machines Guaranteed to wash 100 per cent clean, v. Sold on convenient term.. Aut* 23-123 HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. TOMLINSON HALL EVERYDAY 2:30 and 7:45 An OH Time Revival r Continuing over Sunday, June 6th. Daily, 2:30 and 7:45, under the auspices of Nazarene Churches. The Williams-Shaffer Evangelistic Campaign Rev. R. T. Williams Virginia Shaffer Prof. C. C. Rinebarger Don't Fail to Hear Miss Shaffer . Good Singing , Plain Preaching N. B.—Saturday and Sunday the services will be held in a large tent on the courthouse lawn. We are making-the move to accommodate the Advertising Clubs convention. Everybb 'y Welcome Admission Free Everybody WelcP t What’s What In Indianapolis “Know Your Own Home Town' (Sy the Reference Department, Indianapolis Fublic Library, C. E. Rush, Librarian) residences with paraffine oil and then set fire to the building, the dispatch said. The Chronicle, in commenting today upon the movement of British reinforce ments Into Ireland to put down disor ders. said it Is high time that the lnn Fein conspirators should be frankly fieate.i as rebels. DUBLIN, May 31.—President Farren of the Irish labor party told members of that organization at a meeting that he Intended to confer with leaders of the trlplo alliance of labor in London regard ing funds for continuing the strike lu Ireland. 1,542 Visitors New Record at Monument All records were broken yesterday at the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument a total of 1,542 people took the elevator to the top of the shaft, according to Col. Oran Perry, superintendent. SCIENTISTS PLAN SUMMER COI RSF-. Ten sctonllsts, headed by Dr. W. 11. Logan, state geologist, w-ii] form a party which will study physiography and nature of rocks, economic products and mineral resources during the summer field work of the department of geology. —t. Goodlnck Oleomargarine—Glossbrenner’s. w Character J GLASSES i&m Professional 1 rV— men men of dignified mien should jgk _jr. wear glasses in keeping with their call ing. We are capable of advising you correctly in every instance. The Home of the $4.50 Glasses Invisible Bifocal Far and near vision ground together (not cemented) $8 to sl2 Plus 5 per cent war tax. Hoosier Optical Cos. 148 No. Illinois St. Half block north of Terminal Station. Open Saturday Until 9 p. m. ’T&JmhkX SIMIMH L Washington ft. SI’ENN. AND WASH. STS. MADISON AND KAY. FOUNTAIN SQIABE MFRIDIAN AND MORRIS. Are your teeth loose? Have you sore or bleeding gums? Ask your dentist for FREE PRESCRIPTION for SAP HANOI. 3 e /o. For sale only by SAPHANOL PRODUCTS CO. Jtoom 3. 51 Monument Plar#, INDIANAPOLIS. Indiana Wall Paper Cos. Retail Store Wholesale Store 51 Virginia Ave. 27-29 E. Maryland MOUSE WIRING And Fixtures a Specialty. Prompt service and satisfaction guaranteed. * If It's Electrical—Call Pros. 6572. Fine Decorated /ft pm mt 42-Piece Set of ILT 7U DINNERWARE V* •! J See our open stock of Dinnerware. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. GREER-HANKINS LBR. GO. Appllera and Retailer. VULCANITE ASPHALT SHIN6LES ind ROLL ROOFING •M MASS. ATI. Main 747. Phone*. Auto. 22-213. DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO 443-5 E. Wash. iendinz TISSUE Si lE x^S£ No sewing or darning. Repairs orbing. ,11k, satin, cotton goods, rlbbona. fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, etc. Pack age postpaid, 15 cents, two packages. 25 cents. Address FENN PUBLISHING CO* Blairsville, Pa. Slay the month that -e— ---ushers in the wedding /, R season—ls the month of 7 life’s happiest photo- MM|K graphic portraits. nlFw mm Ninth Floor Kahn Bldg. You have to start with fine tobaccos to make a fine cigar. That’s the idea back of Deschler’s Monogram. We buy only the better grades of imported and domestic tobaccos, have them blended by experts, and made up by skilled workmen. Try a Deschler's Monogram today; yoh’ll be glad yon did. LOUIS G. DESCHLER CO., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Avoid imitations by using the full name— DESCHLER’S Monogram. THE MAN OR WOMAN who has the hacking of a hank account is al ways ready to grasp the golden opportunity. , Have you started to huild your “opportunity account”? Begin TODAY. ONE DOLLAR will start it in our Savings Department. \ ) We Pay 4%% on Your Savings Ask for a budget. v MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington St, (Don’t delay in presenting checks or drafts for payment,) Ward Construction Cos. We Wreck and Rebuild Everything. Repairing of All Kinds. ' . H. A. Ward 2009 Howard Street Belmont 837 $3,000 REWARD A. G. Schwab & Sons. Jewelers, of Cincinnati, 0., will pay $3,000.00 In cash for the return to them of a trunk stolen May 15, from Baggage Room, Muncie, Indiana, described as follows, with full content*! A heavy wooden, painted medium dark red, 3 feet in length, 2 feet In width, 2 feet high, bound with heavy eastiron. painted black; with heavy standard awing cover secured with two brass hinge keylocks, and one spring snap directly In the center of the cover. On each end Is painted in white letters “S-25.” Letters about five inches high with “S” painted directly over "2*." Any information secured relative to the recovery of this trunk A. G. Schwab & Sons of Cincinnati, Ohio, can be notified, or the nearest office o* the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, Neglected I eeth of deadly germs into the system. *l* 1* J? le Ninety per cent of Americans have defective, germ-harboring teeth and jaws. If that 30 per cent were to give their teeth proper care practically all of those people suffering from creeking joints, etc., would be feeling “fit as a fiddle.” Good work, properly done, insures the patient against diseases caused by the teeth. EITELJORG & MOORE, Dentists Corner East Market street and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. Let Us Do Your Family Washing - In Soft Water Each Washing Done Separately. No Marking Ink or Pins Used. Quick Delivery. FAMILY WASH LAUNDRY 831-857 E. Washington St. Prospect 6776 and 6777 BLACK SCREEN WIRE 3<4e a Square Fool VONNEGUT HARDWARE CO. 120 TO 124 CAST WASHINGTON STREET CLOTHING ON CREDIT PEOPLE’S CREDIT CLOTHING CO. 46 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. 2nd FLOOR OUR SPECIAL BANK CREDIT PLAN Allow yon to buy your home outfit at cash prices. D. N- FOSTER FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY Opposite Traction Terminal Depot. West Market street. SfacrJi CiNPIAMAMia)