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CONGRESS NOT DECIDED ON ADJOURNMENT Mondell Resolution Provides for Quitting Capital on June 5. WASHINGTON. May 51.—Congress will quit Washington for the political conven tions after five more working days if hopes of its leaders are carried ont. Rep resentatives Mondell, house republican leader, has introduced a resolution for ad journment June 5. Senate leaders are against an adjourn ment and favor a recess of a month or six weeks. According to present indications appro priation bills and a few minor conference reports are likely to be the only business transacted during the five remaining days. BONUS 3ILL VP TO SENATE. The bonus bill carrying $1,400,000,000 benefits for soldiers and practically a like *pmount in new taxes which was passed the house Saturday will probably re ceive early action in the senate. The bonus bill will be reported to the senate this week. Ii it should be brought up before the convention it could be kept from passing by a filibuster which many senators would be willing to con duct. WILSON MAY TAKE HAND. Many members would not be surprised to have President Wilson ask congress to stay in session to act on high cost of living measures which he has recom mended. Fear of some such ac tion on the part of the president is one reason senate leaders favor a recess rather than an adjournment. Another reason for senate adjourn ment is the demand of the senate pro gressive group for action at this ses sion on the packer regulation hill and other cost of living measures. The pack er regulation bill is to be taken up di rectly after the recess. 11 Nurses Graduated at Deaconess School Commencement exercises were held yesterday afternoon at the training school of the Protestant Deaconess hos pital when eleven nurses were graduated. Rev. Henry W. Vitx, president of the board of directors, presented the diplo mas and the principal address was de livered by Rev. Frederick Dariah. Those receiving certificates were: Miss Hazel Holder, Miss Margaret Meek. Miss Gladys Huffman, Miss Edith Andrews, Miss X.etha Sehopmeyer. Miss Martha Leap. Miss Maybelie VanDenßark. Miss Blanche Fitzpatrick, Miss Mabel Webele, Miss Blanche Waters and Miss Esther Keller. FIRE CAUSES $3,000 LOSS. Fire damaged the plant of the Aquos Distilled Water Company. 420 West St. Clair street, Sunday. The loss was $3,000. We want a Million House Owners equipment ever offered*. sl| f | | ~ Thousands of similar homes ijl^2ftgy gjj (HJj.®. [ Ih4 /,// jMI / have been successfully equipped, and this will 1i -_ }ji’g 4 ' :l vns-'j/jXi Ia be multiplied a hundred times when the story f of the great comfort, cleanliness, ease of "As w, NnIPV management, durability and great fuel econ- " ~""/ " , r^^^u/jjr;, i\xV Jt omy is better known to those who need and v - / >. $4 should have radiator heating in their homes. " v \ i y ggo&@® mr ' ~wA |* Write to us and get this story. It places you under no obliga- wSfr. N'J - |\l & J tion whatever—but you should know about it. U? *[*£ IDEAL-Areola heating outfit is especially made for heat- "'N ing small homes and other buildings without cellars. It is a *' N (7’jjo3S [ll ’|!il|Wi standard, miniature hot water heating outfit, made with the same great care and high quality as all of the famous products of this Company. Very easily installed in any building whatever, 4 V A 1 • without disturbing the occupants. The outfit is N* /V I A dft shipped complete ready for instant installation by vUI(A || Jff fe the dealer and in few days you will have an entirely y 9 11 J changed home with new comfort and new enjoyments. m, if j i i* ft I Mft w Better act at once as prices of these outfits are still SL &WCI&HI2£ VSULAIt, the biggest bargain in durable heating equipment. \ Don t pay the cost of doing without! Any Fitter will forniih in sire* to suit room* end climatic condition*. (No. 1-B Siro IDEAL-Arcola with. 100 sq.ft, of Radiation sl3l IDEAL-Areola Radiator-Boiler has taken its place among the For J “ 2-B “ “ “ " 150 * “ 163 most worthy inventions of the age which have contributed to the comfort j " >• " and welfare of mankind. The introduction of the IDEAL-Arcola Radiator- * [*• elb “ " “ •• 300 “ “ 270 Boiler has been attended with wonderful success in all parts of the country. [No. l-A Six* IDEAL-ArcoU with 135 sq. ft, of Rad Utica $l5O. Dwellers in every climate have given it the most thorough and practical E cr r . IV. !1 !! I! !! |OO “ “ I®l test throughout the past severe winter. They found its operation to be |*• wonderfully simple, its economy almost unbelievable, and ideal in its results. I** 5-A " “ “ “ 400 - " 327 Prices include Expansion Tank and Drain Valve. Prices do not include labor, pipe \l/_ *ll U„1 J fU„ Jrtwrs tn tK.- inur*f I~, r ~l and fittings. Radiation i* of regular 38-in. height 3-column AMERICAN Peerless, W e Will noia tne price flown to tne low est level just AS in sizes as needed to suit your rooms. EASY PAYMENTS, If desired. Outfits lrvn <7 at economic conditions will nermih Ker.inep we shipped complete f. ob. our nearest warehouse—at Boston. Providence, Worcester, long A* economic cunuiuons WIU permit, Decause we Springfield (Mas#.), Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Want tO nave a greater number Or people enjoying Washington, Richmond, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Birmingham, Detroit, IDEAL-Arcola heat in their homes. Ask for catalog Chicago. Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, St. Paul. Dt Moines, or St. Louis. “ by •“ . Americanßadiitoh Company aStr^Mi No exclusive agents. A JL——a—^l—— —■JL\—km——l—in\ tjgjaaannnesarw—s—a— Indianapolis, Ind. Public Showrooms at Chicaco, New York, Boston, Springfield, Portland, Providence, Worcester, Philadelphia, Reading. Harrisburg, Newark, Wilkesbarre, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfclk, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Peoria, Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta. Birmingham,New Orleans, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth. Sc Louis, Kansas City, Dea Moines, Omaha, Denver, San Franciaco. Los Angeles, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Toronto 245 Holdup Gangs Mix Signals; Exit Victim CLEVELAND, 0., May 31.—Max Mattehy escaped robbery last night when three pairs of holdup men mixed their signals, each claiming the right to rob him. During the argu ment Mattehy ran away. BUTLER COLLEGE PLAY A SUCCESS *Stop Thief!* Excellently Done by Dramatic Club. After one of the most sucessful sea sons in its career, the Butler College Dramatic club is turning toward the coining year with high hopes. Two plays have been produced this spring at downtown theaters, in addi tion to several vaudeville shows at an Irvington theater and the college chapel. “Stop Thief!” a farce in three acts, was presented Saturday night at the Masonic Temple, as the last production of the 1919-1920 season. It was conceded to be the best play given this season by the club and was excellently staged. The leading roles were taken by Ger aldine Schwartz, Daniel McKinney, Wayne Harriman and Dorothy Wilson. The last two made big hits as two crooks. Jack Doogan and Nell. Wendell Brown was a success as the absent-minded William Carr, as was Mason Layman as Dr. Willoughby. Dorothy Rhoades played well as Mrs. Carr and Betty Matthews was good as Joan Carr. Griffith Thompson and Major Harri son were convincing in their roles of po lice chief and business man. Other members of the cast, which was an exceptionally good one. were: Helen Belle McLean, as Caroline Carr; Glenn Keach as a clergyman, Frederick .Taehne, Wyatt Strickler and Durbin Day. as po licemen. The success of the performance was largely due to the efforts of Melvin Mas ters, president of the Dramatic club, who acted as assistant director. He was in charge at rehearsals, and perfected a smooth working organiza tion, despite the fact that the date of the presentation had been advanced sev eral weeks. The executive staff of the play, in ad dition to Masters, included James Har ris, director: Walter Portteus. business manager; Wyatt Strickler, property manager; Herbert R. Hill, director of publicity. Profits from the play will be diverted to the scholarship fund of the Butler Bi ology club. „ MAY OPEN OIL FIELDS. Several new oil fields may be opened up In Indiana In the near future, accord ing to an announcement of the stare geologist, following art investigation con ducted by b;m In several counties !n the southern part of the state, where he declares lndleatlons of oil and gas have been found. TRAIN CRUSHES AUTO, KILLING 2 AT CROSSING Machine Catches Fire and Vic tims Burn in Crash Near Valparaiso. 5 LOSE LIVES IN OHIO VALPARAISO. Ind., May 31.—Two more victims were added to the list of those killed at Moux's crossing when Dr. John Borowik and Mrs. Gus Benzlk, 3(1, both of Chicago, met death there last night. The two had spent the day at Flint i lake with a picnic party. Returning they were in the last auto mobile of five which had made the trip. The other four machines had crossed The reason for this is that during the wintertime, shut up within doors, eating too much meat and too little green vegetables, one heaps fuel into the system which is not burned up and the clinkere remain to poison the system —a clogging up of the circulation— with inactive liver and kidneys. Time to put your house in order. For an invigorating tonic which will clarify the blood, put new life in the body, sparkle to the eyes, and a wholesome skin, nothing does so well as an herbal extract made fyom Blood and Stone root,‘Oregon grape root and Wild Cherry bark, which has been sold for the past fifty years as Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. By reason of the nerves feeding on the blood, when the blood is pure the nerves feel the effect, and neuralgia or other nerve pains disappear because such pain is the cry of the starved nerves for food. Milwaukee, TFis.—“For the last twenty years I have used Dr. Pierce’s Medical Discovery, at times, as a general tonic, with excellent results. One bottle in the spring and one in the fall is usually all-sufficient. It has given me added strength and en durance and has greatly aided me in following the strenuous life of a freight handler. I have also found the ‘Pleasant Pellets’ very beneficial and mild in action. “I have been through Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., and have found everything as repre sented. The pictures given of their building l ? are genuine.” —John H’. McLain, 18K Wisconsin St. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1920. the Pennsylvania and Nickel Plate tracks J which run parallel at this point. Dr. Borowik waited for one train to pass and then started across the tracks, j driving In the path of a westbound pas- | senger. When the other members of the party ] heard the crash and returned to the scene, the Borowik machine was on fire. The bodies were burned beyond recog nition and it was necessary to poll the group to learn who was missing. INTERURBAN KILLS FIVE NEAR AKRON AKRON, 0.. May 31.—Five persons were killed when an interurban car struck an automobile at Springfield Center, about three miles from here, early today. The dead are; Miss Eva Rafferty, 18; Albert Rafferty, 38; Sylvester Rafferty, 22. and Elmer Rafferty, al! of Grampian, Pa., and Miss Lucinda Barcus, 19, of Akron, O. Miss Catherine Rafferty, also of Gram pian, the Bixth passenger in the automo- Build up for the Spring Attack! Put the body in condition for an invasion of the germs of grip, pneu monia or “Spring fever.” At this time of the year most people suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches and sometimes “pimply” or pale skin and white lips: bile, was injured- so severely that she may die. The engine of the machine went dead on the tracks, it was said. 9 KILLED , 20 HMRT AS TRAINS CRASH TULSA, Oklai, May 31.—Nine passen gers were killed, three seriously injured and twenty injured in a wreck of Frisco passengers trains near White Oak, Okla., shortly after midnight, according to a long-distance telephone message received fiom Vinltin, Okla., early today. Fivo of the dead, according to word here were identified as: . Harry Dunham, engineer, Ft. Scott, Kas. Jim Randall, engineer, Monett, Mo. Burns, mail clerk. Kansas City. News agent, name undetermined, Ok lahoma City. Albert Martin, negro, Oklahoma City. Four, unidentified, were said to be two white men and two negro women. Stewart Motor Truck Sales Increase 100% First Five Months Over Same Months Last Year 50% of Our Sales are Repeat Orders Indiana ('ondenspd Milk i‘o. have purchased their. lfith Stewart, 1y 2 & 2-ton capacity Schlosser Bros., Indianapolis, have purchased their 13th Stewart, %-ton capacity. Hurst A Cos.. Indianapolis, have purchased their 6th Stewart, 1 and 2-ton cap. F. Hilgemeier & Bros.. Indianapolis, have purchased their.. 6th Stewart, 1-ton capacity. Kobt. Baushack Sons Cos., Shelbyville, have purchased their. 6th Stewart, 1-ton capacity. ('has. Minnix, Flora. Ind.. has purchased his... 4th Stewart, 1 V-i-ton capacity. Kreis Transfer Cos.. Indianapolis, have purchased their.... 4th Stewart, a 4. I 1 /-*, cap. Quill Trucking < 'o., Indianapolis, liave purcliased their.... 4th Stewart, %, IV2, 2-ton cap. •John Tilley, Greensburg. Ind., has purchased his 4th Stewart, 1 1 2 ,2, cap. Central Transfer Cos.. Indianapolis, have purchased their.. 3rd Stewart, 1-ton capacity. F. L. Hartsoek. Indianapolis, has purchased his 3rd Stewart, 1, lV^-ton capacity. Smeltzer & Cos.. Indianapolis, have purchased their 4th Stewart, %-ton capacity. Lilly Hardware Cos., Indianapolis, have purchased their... 2nd Stewart, 1-ton capacity. N’ohlesville Milling Cos., Noblesville, have purchased their.. 2nd Stewart, 1, I'j-ton capacity. F. D. Gardner & Cos . Indianapolis, have purchased their.... 2nd Stewart, 1-ton capacity. Meier Packing Cos., Indianapolis, have purchased their.... 2nd Stewart, Tj. 1 -ton capacity. Hoosier Box Cos., Indianapolis, have purchased their 2nd Stewart, 1. 2-ton capacity. W. H. Hartman, Hobhs, Ind., has purchased his 3rd Stewart, 11,4,l 1 ,4, 2-ton capacity. Century Biscuit Cos., Indianapolis, have purchased their... 2nd Stewart, '34-ton capacity. L. G. Desehler Cigar Cos,, Indianapolis, have purchased their. 2nd Stewart, :5 4-ton capacity. National Kefininp Cos., Indianapolis, have purchased their.. 2nd Stewart, l’/o-ton capacity. W. C. Caldwell. Muncic, Ind., has purchased his 3rd Stewart. '*.j, 1 1 capacity. Stewart Motor Trucks and Martin Truck Company Service Bring Repeat Orders Ask Stewart Owners 3 -^° n Chas f's . 91.350 Electric lights, starter and m m yj. B magneto ignition. Martin Truck Cos. magneto ignition. Indiana Distributors 5-inch cord tires. \ QUAffTITY / 328-330 North Delaware St. 2 -ton Chassis $2,975 x SJ/a-ton Chassis $3,995 Main 1886—PHONES—Auto. 31-672. F . o. B. Buffalo Vmited A Strutted tobetti **/-> Oats t° ac * the* UNITED CEREAL MILLS, Ltd. William Didn't Play It Strong Enough NEW YORK, May 31.—Although William McAlpin, 17, knocked him self unconscious, be couldn't get a story of assault and robbery across. He was charged with stealing $340 from his employer. The trains collided head on. One train was north bound from Ok lahoma City and the other traveling south from St. Louis. TWO KILLED IN PENNSYLVANIA WILKESBARRE, Pa., May 31—J. G. Laux. engineer, and Frank Douglass, firemen, both of Sayre, Pa., were killed and a score of passengers were cut and bruised when Lehigh Valley train No. was wrecked at Van Etten. twenty miles east of Ithaca, N. Y., early today. Brake rods on a freight car on a par allel track broke and fell in front of the speeding passenger train. Turkey Given More Time to Study Pact PARIS, .May 31.—The allied supreme council has decided to grant the request of Turkey for extension of the time for discussing the terms of pea:e. It was announced that this time was extended to-July IJ. Announcement has also been made here that the conrerence scheduled for June 21 will not be postponed, A formal note to this effect will bo sent, to the Rome government immedi ately. AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING HIS LUMBAGO IS GONE Well-Known Kokomo Contractor Had a Lame Back, Full of Rheumatic Pains, Muscles Were Sore and Joints Stiff. EVERYTHING FAILED. Now He Wants Everyone to Know That All These Aches and Pains Are Gone and the New Medi cine Dreco Gets Full Credit. “For six years I've had a sore, stiff back and have suffered creatly from lumbago and rheumatism. Even though I took lots of treatments T got no relief till I took Dreco. and there's a different story to tel)." said E. A. Richards, the well-known contractor of 733 South Pur dmu street. Kokomo, Ind. "My trouble started in ray kidneys I'm sure, and probably neglect on my part in not taking something for them has closed me lots of pain and suffering since. .My joints were full of rheumatk pains. My back was lame from lumbago and ray muscles ached. Time and again I'd take some little treatment, but It did me no good. "Three bottles of Dreco have knocked out every pain In my body. I feel like I used to. fufl of energy, ready for a hard day s work when I get out every morn ing. Tt is a great feeling to be healthy and well again, and Dreco gets the credit from me." Dreco Is made from the juices and ex tracts of many herbal plants which act on the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and the blood. It relieves constipation, eases rheumatic pains, aids digestion, over comes gas in the stomach and quiets the nerves. Mr. Williamson, the well-known Dreco expert, h.y, headquarters at the Oaypool Drug Cq*patUG to meet the local public and exyain *he merits of this Meat rem edy Sfie h|m today.—AdverUs<*icut. TENSE PRESSURE ON HER HEAD ‘‘My Sides, Back and Head Pained Me Jnst AH the Time,” Says Alabama Lady, Who Took CarJui aai Got Well. Uniontown, Ala. —“After tlie birth of my baby, I came near dying," writes Mrs. Maude Felts of Union, town, “I was in an awful condition, ... It just looked like I would die. “I couldn’t bear any one to even touch me, I was so sore, not even to turn me in bed. My sides, back and head ali rained me, just all the time. "We had the doctor every day and he did everything he knew how, it looked like. Yet I lay there suffer ing such intense pains as seems ] can’t describe. “Finnally, I said to my husband, let us try Cardui . . . He went foi it at once, and before I had taken the first bottle the . . . came back, the soreness began to go away, and I began to mend. The intense pres sure seamed all at once to leave my head, and before long I was up. “I took three botlles and was wel! and strong and able to do my ■syorlc I believed Cardui saved my life ... I can not praise it enough foi what it did for me.” If you are a woman, and need f tonic — Take Cardui, the Woman’s Tonie —Advertisement Tells Fa! People Perverted Craving For Wrong Foods Must Be Over come. / Says Arfcolone Tablets Does This and Reduces Weight, Too. The person who is too fat is told to diet and the very things that a per verted appetite craves are the ones “you must not eat.” Obesity is un natural. It is like an endless chain. Eating wrong foods In the wrong way produces a perverted appetite. Them the appetite demands and craves the wrong foods and converts them into needless, embarrassing fat. Tablet* Arbolone stops the perverted craving for the wrong foods, gives a normal appetite, eliminates the fat-forming elements through kidneys and bowels, dissolves the fatty surplus and sends it back through eliminative channels, tauslng improved health and strength. One or two tubes will convince any fat person that Arbolone is what they need to reduce safely and successful ly. Sold by thirty thousand druggists la sealed tubes with full directions. —Advertisement. After you eat—always use FATONIC MPvTOff YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) —one or two tablets—eat like candy. Ins tan tly relievesH eartbum. Bloated Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion, food souring, repeating, headacheand the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONICis the bestremedy, it takes the harmful acids and gases right out of the body and, of course, you get well. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drug gist. Cost a trifle. Please try it! Face Peeling Habit _ Becoming Fashionable Women of fashion and refinement seem to hare been acquirius the mercolized wax habit, depending less and less upon I'osmetics for their complexion difficulties. It does seem a lot saner to just peel off the wornout skin when it loses its youth ful color and appearance—now that this can be done so easily, safely, painlessly 1 * i rally. , u rn< ts no trouble getting mercolized wax at any drue store tan ounce will doi. since its virtues have become gener ally known here, and there's no trouble using it—just as you use cold cream, applying at night, washing it off next morning. The wax takes off the old srnrf skin, in tiny flakes, a little each dav. The new under-skin which gradu ally apnears, is velvety soft and beauti fully white, radiant with girlish loveli ness. Anv surface trouble like pimples, red or vellow patches, etc., van ishes of course with the discarded cuticle. —Advertisement. TER-GAIVI-FO Is the f?ess for Children and Groftn People For Cold in the Head or Chest, Cough, Sore Throat. Headache. Catarrh. Neu lalgia. Suuburn, Tonsilitls, Inflamma tion, Pimples, Burns, Rheumatic Pains, Kt<\’ Gives wonderful relief to tired ana aching feet. Men apply it after shav ing; it keeps your skin in a smooth and' healthy condition. Sold at all good drug stores. Price r>oe. Ask for and insist on getting Ter- Cam-Fo. —Advertisement. TUBERCULOSIS tr. Glass has posi ttve proof he any climate, with > no return of the kj? disease. For further \ IjfitsS Information address. THE T. F. GLASS w \g^ fornia. Advertise- j ment. Money bsck witaout question \ ) if HUNT'S Salve fail* in tbs . - ,CVk 1| trestment ofITCH, ECZEMA ill ,RINGWORM. TETTER os /if s py other itching skin dui-aae*. tw LVs J A •75 oest boa scour liak. HOOK OSLO COAIPAJMY. 3