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LaS>4xi^s&Cb- JUNE marks the logical end of the spring selling season for silks and it is our habit to recognize this fact by a sale at reduced prices of all surplus at this time. Not always, however, have we extended these reductions to in volve what may be termed summer silks; this year we have. Not a piece of silk in stock today carries its regular price, in fact, mark-downs are not only universal, but drastic in the ex treme. You can’t buy any silk, plain or fancy, heavy or sheer, delicate in color or dark, that is not truly a bargain. \ Choose as you will, what you’ll be asked to pay in this June event will be surprisingly little. Nothing has been reserved. The Finer Georgette Crepes—39 to 40 Inches Wide —100 Shadings—Reduced to SI.BB Silk Broadcloth and Crepe de Chine Shirtings—the Very Choicest —Reduced to $2.98 Exclusive Novelty Silks —36 to 40 Inches Wide —American and Imported—Now $1.98 Striped and Plain Silks, Sale Price $1.68. Yard-Wide Foulards, Sale Price SI.BB NOVELTY WEAVES VESTINGS, checks, stripes, tinsel brocades; 22 and 24 inches wide, 98£ the yard. STRIPES AND PLAIDS, satin and taffeta, stripes, yard wide, $1.68 the . yard. , / PRINTED PONGEE, Florentine and Mysore, 32 inches wide, $1.48 the yard. , V v SILK SHIRTINGS, Japanese sch&ppe, striped, 32 inches wide, $1.68 the yard. PEKIN STRIPES, black and white, yard wide. $1.68 the yard. MOIRE VELOURS, dark tones, 36 to 40 inches wide, $1.68 the yard. FOULARDS, in dark grounds, standard qualities, yard wide, SI.BS the yard. MOIRE POPLIN, white crepe poplin moire, 40 inches wide, SI.9S the yard. SILK SHIRTINGS, colors and stripes, 32 inches wide, $1.98 the yard. NOVELTY SILKS, imported satins and, taffetas, 36 to 40 inches wide, $1.98 the yard. GEORGETTE CREPE, in a hundred shades, 39 and 40 inches wide, SI.BB -the yard. GEORGETTE CREPES GEORGETTE CREPE, dark and light shades, 39 and 40 inches wide, $1.58 the yard. GEORGETTE CREPE, white and flesh only, excellent quality, $1.38 the yard. PLAIDS AND STRIPES, ehiffon taffeta, satins, moire and others, yard wide, $2.48 the yard. WHITE POPLINS, extra tailoring weight, 40 inches wide, $2.48 the yard. FOULARDS, best qualities, exclusive designs, 40 inches wide, $2.88 the yard. SATIN BROCADE, ideal for fine linings, 36 inches wide, $2.98 the yard. PRINT-WARP TAFFETAS, for afternoon gowns, 36 inches wide, $2.98 the yard. SILK SHIRTINGS, many fine fabrics, pin stripe and sports effects, $2.98 the yard. TINSEL VESTINGS, in Persian designs, 20 and 23 inches wide, $2.98 the yard. ' y . SUITING SILKS 1 SUITING' POPLINS, silk poplins, extra weight,.dark shades, 40 inches wide, $2.68 the yard.^ C REPE DE CHINE, in fourteen colorings, 40 inches wide, $2.88 the yard. SATIN MESS A LINE, dress or foundation satins, 35 shades, yard wide, $2.48 the yard. TAILORING POPLINS, for shirts and suits, dark shades, 40 inches wide, , $3.68 the yard. PRINTED RADII'MS, in cathedral glass and Dutch chintz designs, $3.48 the yard. PUSSY WILLOW and other radiums, best qualities, 40 inches wide, $3,98 the vArd. * HASKEL’S CHECKS, chiffon taffetas, fine wearing, yard wide, $3.78 the yard. ' RADIUM TAFFETAS, street and light shades, tubbable, 40 inches wide, $3.78 the yard. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1920. Plain I l 'etrees Messalines Crepe de Chine Meteor Crepes v Crepe Satins Moon-G lo Mallinson Satins Charmense Faille Francaise Faille Sublime Pussy Willow French Radium Crepe Faille Silk Poplins Ilabutai Shantung Gros de Londres Tub Satins Georgette Crepe Tricolette Voiles Velvets Duvetvnes ' r Novelty Silks French brocades Tinsel Novelties Embroidered Georgette Tinsel Voiles Crepe Brocade Brocade. Charmense Persian Novelties Shepherd Checks Black Plaids Stripe Satin and Taffeta Novelty Plaids Tinsel Vestings Pompadour Prints Print-warp Taffetas Pussy Willow Prints Prints Mysore Prints Florentine Prints Chippendale Prints Radium Prints Foulard Silk Shirtings Novelty Velvets '‘' / J _ - "V* . * V ~V. v '* - :-t • >- - M*.-. ■ MAKKET conditions at this time are peculiarly fortunate for a cut-price sale of silks. A few weeks ago it wasn’t a matter of selling, but of getting silks, which troubled us. Then it looked like the upward price trend would continue. But half way around the globe, in Japan, source of raw silk, the ten , sion lightened; the New York market responded and several lines of silks not only ceased to advance, but fell a fraction in price.' So now we feel free to “go the limit” on a clearance, believing it possible to replace depleted stocks when needed. We’ve done so —marked down unflinchingly every yard of silk in stock. To serve you speedily and pleasingly extra counter space has heen provided and an increased salesforce will be in attendance. HE A VY SILKS OXFORD JACQUARDS, gray mixtures, soft quality, yard wide, $3.98 the yard. SATIN DUCHESSE, chiffon satjns and Imperial, yard wide, $3.48 the yard. AWNING STRIPES, extra heavy, grosgrain silks, 46 inches wide, $3.68 the yard. BROCADE SATINS, two-tone and multi-color, 36 inches wide, $4.48 the yard. PRINTED GEORGETTES, wide range of patterns and colors, 40 inches wide, $1.98 the yard. EMBROIDERED GEORGETTES, self colored or metallic embroidery, $6.48 the yard. PRINTED SATINS, lovely hand-painted effects, 40 inches wide, $5.98 the yard. PRINTED BROCADE, in striking color combinations, $5.98 the yard. SOFT SUITINGS DUVETYNE, silk duvetyne, taupe and navy blue, 50 inches wide, $3.98 the yard. DUVETYNE, silk duvetyne, brown, black, navy, 40 inches wide, $7.48 the yard. METEOR SATIN CREPES, dressiest of the satins, 40 inches wide, $3.7S the yard. " - CHARMEUSE SATIN, brilliant, mirror finish, 40 inches wide, $5.28 the yard. TAILORING POPLIN, heavy weight, dark shades, 40 inches wide, $4.48 the yard. \ FAILLE FRANCAISE, tailoring w ight, blues and browns, yard wide, $3.98 the yard. CHIFFON TAFFETAS, street and light shades, yard wide, $3.78 the yard. TRICOLETTE, fiber silk, plain and drop stitch, yard wide, $2.88 the yard. TRICOLETTE, best quality dark colors only, fancy weaves, yard wide, $3.98 the yard. BARONETTE TRICOT, white jersey satin effect, yard wide, $3.48 the yard. BARONETTE SATIN, Belgian blue and old rose, also novelty sports checks, yard wide, $3.48 the yard. TINSEL BROCADES, finest importations, 36 to 40 inches wide, $9.48 to $24.50 the yard. VELVETS, good color range, all types, 18 and 20 inches, $1.68 and $1.98 the yard. # ’ CORDUROY, all qualities, 28 and 36 inches wide, $1.28 the yard. NOVELTY BLACK SILKS BLACK MOIRE VELOURS, for skirts and suits, yard wide, $1.98 the yard. BLACK STRIPE TAFFETA, chiffon finish, with line stripe, 36 inches wide, $2.48 the yard. FRENCH MOIRE, moire stripe taffeta, novelty silk, yard wide, $5.28 the yard. COIN-DOT SATIN, chiffon finish, with large coin dots, yard wide, $2.48 the yard. , . - —Ayres—Second floor. 7