Newspaper Page Text
10 MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. JL_jWk Drop-Head Singer. $10; other bargains. SI.OO per r>- 1 sTsa -week. AH make* MK BJ hi 7 PAIRED. HEMSTITCH g*<r* r LS ING while you wait. 10c *"• PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main <00; Auto. 25-116. 812 Maw. Are. BUY pants direct from the maker. We make them to your measure from $7.50 up. LEON TAILORING CO.. ISI East New York. RECORD AND PLAYER ROLL EX CHANGE. TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 801 INbIANA AVS. BLUE white half carat diamond ring; $l6O cash; bargain. North 7864. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. WE WILL BUT IT. ' If you have any household goods -or office furniture to sell cail a buyer from the largest, best and best rated used fur niture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. Main 3466. SELL IT to the largest and best rated used furnl ture store in the state. BAKER BROS. Auto. $3-166. Main 3466. ; LEW SHANK pays best prices in city tor household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2023. WE will buy and pay spot cash for the furnishings of good homes, up to |I,OOO. BAKBR BROS. IF your clock le not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. SHEARN. 811 North Ala bama. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Gas Ranges A large selection of nearly al! standard makes in both high and low oven styles, IIS.oO up. Refrigerators Good, sound boxes, cleaned and tested; all sizes at about half price. Good Rugs Room size and extra large ones, hall runners and carpets; the very best In Indianapolis at about half the new prices. Fine Furniture Anything you need; every piece made like new at half the new price. Better goods and cheaper prices than you will find elsewhere. USED GOODS STORE THE FINE STORE 424 Mass. Ave. REFRIG E RATORS. 500 used ice boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard makes, such as Alaska, Bohn Siphon, McCray. Merrick Automatic. New Iceberg, Dr. Price Gibson’s Star. Gurney and others. All sizes and the price averages about one-half the cost new. BAKER BROS. 219 East Washington St. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KROOT & SON. 609 W. Washington St. RESTAURANT ranges, 5 and 10-hole coal ranges. Majestic, same as new. Cash or payments. Baker Bros., 219-225 E. Wash ington street. 86 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at pricea from *l6 to $27.50. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. ONE light oak bedroom suite. North 2199. 1058 West Twenty-ninth street. One library table. $7.00; one hammock swing $7.00. Call Woodruff 3997. SEVERAL large grocer's Ice boxes. Baker Bros. T 3TOCKTNp POULTRY. FOP. SALE —Rabbits and hutches. 752 Shelby. HORSES AND VEHICLES. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, cows and hoge. Call Main 1039. Auto. 35-778. MACHINERY .AND TOOLS. WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Finch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land St. AUCTIONS. FRIDAY, 9 A.- M. at storage house, 823 N. Senate ave. Take (Northwestern ave. car. We will sell a lot of unclaimed furniture, consisting of 1 up right piano. 1 square piano, davenport, dressers, beds, springs, mattresses, side boards, tables, chairs, rockers, rugs, lino leums. gas range, refrigerators, coal ranges, heating stoves, kitchen cabinets, dishes, cooking utensils, garden hose, lawn mowers and a lot of other goods not listed. NTSSEN AUCTION CO. GEORGE HIL.ES, AUCTIONEER. _ LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. The undersigned, executor of the last will and testament of Henry Anderson, deceased, and trustee under the terms of said will, hereby gives notice that by vir tue of the power conferred In said will he will at the hour of 10 a. m. on the 2d day of July, 1920, at the place of business of the undersigned, 402 East Washington street. Indianapolis, Indiana, offer for sale, at private sale, all of the Interest of said decedent and said trustee and executor In and to the following described real estate, towlt: Lot forty-nine (49) In Sturm & Keller’s addition to the city of Indianapolis. Lot one hundred and thirty three (133) In Johnson A Hogshlre's East Washington street addition to the city of Indianapolis. Said sale will be made sub ject to the approval of the probate court of Marlon county Indiana. at private sale and for not less than the full ap praised value of said real estate, free and clear from all Hens and Incumbrances ex cept taxes for the year 1920. payable In 1921, which shall be assumed by the pur chaser'-opon the following terms and con ditions: At least one-third of the purchase money cash In hand, the balance In two equal installments, payable In not to ex ceed nine and eighteen months, evidenced by notes of the purchaser, bearing 6 per cent Interest from date, without j relief, providing attorneys' fees and secured by mortgage on the real estate sold, or for cash. Said real estate Is to be sold aeparatsiy. ANDREW STEFFEN. Executor and Trustee. 65-17074” " NOTICE TO HEIRS, CREDITORS. ETC. In the matter of the estate of Louisa Vciker. deceased. In the Probate Court of Marlon County. May term. 1920. Notice is hereby given that Walter H, Velker. as administrator of the above named estate, has presented and filed his account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the s&mo will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 26t.i nay of June, 1920, at which time all helrt.. creditors or legatees of said estate are re quired to appear In said Court and show c*u*e. If any there be. why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heir ship. CLARKE & CLARKE. Attorneys. RICHARD V. SIPTE. Clerk. NOTICE TO HEIRS, CREDITORS. ETcT In the matter of the estate of William H. HufT, deceased. In the Probate Court of Marlon County. May term, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that Rosena E. Huff, as administratrix of the above named estate, has presented and filed her account and vouchers In final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the exp.m!natlon and action of said Probate Court, on the 2Sth day of June. 1940, at which time all heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate are re quired to appear In said court and show cause. If any there be. why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And the heirs of said estate are also required . to appear and make proof of their heir ship. CLARKE & CLARKE, Attorneys. RICHARD V. SIPE. Clerk. 52-15967. NOTICE TO HEIRS. CREDITORS. ETC. In the matter of the estate of Mary A. Chambers, deceased. In the Probate Court of Marlon County, May term. 1920. Notice U hereby given that John A. Chambers, as administrator of the above named estate, has presented and filed his account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Probate Court, on the 26 th u*y, of June, 1920, at which time ad heirs, creditors or legatees of said estate ere required to appear in said court and show muse. If any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved. And ‘.he heirs of said estate are also required to appear and make proof of their heir ship. JOSEPH COLLIRR Attorney. RICHARD V. SIPE, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the | board of echool commissioners of the city j of Indianapolis at the office of the busi ness director In the administration build- j lng, southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio streets, Indianapolis, Indiana, until 4 o'clock p. m., Thursday, June 24, 1920, and then opened, for furnishing and In stalling the heating, ventilating and plumbing systems in public school No. 40, In Indianapolis, Indiana, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file j in the office of the engineers, Messrs. [ Snider £ Rotz, 703 Merchants Bank ; building, Indianapolis. Indiana. All the bids must be made on blanks ; prepared by the board, which blanks will be supplied by the engineers or business director, upon application. These pro posals must be accompanied by a check for three (3) per cent, of the maximum bid. The checks must bo drawn payable to the order of the Board of School Commissioners of the city cf Indianap olis and must be certified good by a re sponsible bank or trust company of Indi anapolis. In case a bidder, whose bid shall be accepted, shall not within five days after notice of such acceptance perform his bid | by entering Into a written contract with j the board. In the form made part of the specifications, to execute the work and I construct and oomplete the Installation I and within that time secure the perform- , ance of his contract by a bond. In the form made part of the specifications, with surety or sureties to the approval of the board, his certified check and the pro ceeds thereof shall be and remain the ab solute property of the board as liquidated damages for such failure It being Im possible to estimate the amount of dam ages such failure would occasion to the board. The contractor shall. In his bid, offer to execute a contract and give a bond, forms of which contract and bond are made a part of the specifications so on file with the engineers. The right is reserved by the board to reject any or all bids. GEORGE C. HITT. Business Director. Indianapolis. Ind.. June 2. 1920. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of School Commissioners of the j city of Indianapolis at the office of the : business director in the administration , building, southwest corner of Meridian and > Ohio streets, Indianapolis, Indiana, until j 4 o'clock p. ra., Thursday, June 24, 1920. and then opened, for the construction of cement sidewalks at schools Nos. 7, 13. 15, 29. 31 and 39 in Indianapolis. Indiana, ac cording to plana and specifications there for. on file in the office of the engineers, Snider & Rotz, 703 Merchants Bank build ing. Indianapolis. Indiana. All the bids must be made on blanks prepared by the board, which blanks will I be supplied by the engineers or business j director, upon application. These pro- j posals must be accompanied by a check j for 3 per cent of the maximum bid. checks must be drawn payable to the i order of the Board of School Commis sioners of the city of Indianapolis and must he certified good by a responsible bank or trust company of Indianapolis In case a bidder, whose bid shall be ac- i cepted, shall not within five days after notice of such acceptance perform his bid by entering Into a written contract with the board, In the form made part of the specifications, to execute the work and construct and complete the sidewalks and within that time secure the performance of his contract by a bond, tn the form made part of the specifications. with surety or sureties to the approval of thg board, his certified check and the pro ceeds thereof shall be and remain the ab solute property of the beard as liquidated damages for such failure. It being Impos sible to estimate the amount of damages such failure would occasion to the board. The contractor shall in his bid offer to execute a contract and give a bond, forms of which contract and bond are made a part of the specifications so on file with the enginsera . . The right Is reserved by the board to reject any or all bids, and bidders are al lowed to bid on the work' to be done at any one. or more, or all, of the buildings mentioned. GEORGE C. HITT. Business Director. Indianapolis. Ind.. June 2, H2O. ! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. KURTZMANN UPRIGHT piano; beautiful plain mahogany case, like new; big value at $350. Convenient terms. # E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 North Meridian St. FINANCIAL. We Have the Money HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? We will loan you enough money to pay up all your bills and have extra cash to buy what you need for spring. Pay us back In large or smal' monthly payments. See us about terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO, S3OO Loans made on furniture, pianos, Vlc trolas autos or fixtures for any amount BP to |3OO. Call, write or phone. State Loan Cos. 305 Odd Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and Wash. Sts. Phones, Main 4619. New 24-629. Under state supervision. MONEY TO"LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY €O. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARK PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WM PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Proa. Third floor. Law Building Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farm, and improved city properties. GIB- I HALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 10* N. Delaware street. Main 1618. WE MAKE second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Trust Bldg. ! INSURANCE In all branches AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. I Main 7049, j__ INSURANCE In all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Uw bldg. Main 7049 LOANS ON DIAMONDS~ *447c per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 53 Monument. DON'T GBTKYE It you really want It back. Insert a small ad In the "Lost and Found" oet •mm of The Times nd 1 —lll soon b* retarded. Phene Mala ISO*, lota n.UL WEATHER AT 7 A. M. Station. Bar. Temp. Weath. Indianapolis, Ind. . 30.10 fil Cloudy Atlanta. Ga 30.10 70 PtCldy Amarillo, Tex 30.00 58 PtCldy Bismarck. N. D 30.22 44 Clear Boston, Mass 29 80 78 Clear Chicago, 111 30.22 58 Clear Cincinnati, 0 30.12 04 Cloudy Cleveland, 0 30.14 80 Cloudy Denver, Colo 30.04 48 Cloudy Dodge City, Kas... 30.18 54 Cloudy Helena, Mont 30.24 38 Clear Jacksonville, Fla. . 30.04 70 Clear Kansas City. M 0... 30.20 58 PtCldy Louisville, Ky 30.12 04 Cloudy Little Rock, Ark.. 30.00 08 Rain Los Angeles, Cal... 29.94 58 Cloudy Mobile. Ala 29.90 70 Cloudy New Orleans, La... 29.94 74 Cloudy New York, N. Y... 29 94 72 PtCldy Norfolk, Va 3008 70 Cloudy Oklahoma City ... 30.08 02 Cloudy Omaha, 'Neb. ...... 30.24 58 Cloudy' Philadelphia, Pa. . 29.98 74 Clear Pittsburg, Pa 30.00 00 Rain Portland. Ore 29.98 50 Clear Rapid City. S. D.. 30.24 48 Cloudy Roseburg, Ore. ... 30.00 48 PtCldy San Antonio, Tex.. 29.94 70 Clear San Franicsco, Cal. 29.92 50 Clear St. Louis. Mo 30.10 62 Cloudy St Paul. Minn.... 30.28 52 Cloudy Tampa, Fla 30.02 70 Clear Washington, D. C.. 30.02 76 Clear WEATHER SYNOPSIS. —June 3, 1920 • The western field of high pressure now covers the northern states from Montana to the Great Lakes and extends south eastward to tho soutfa Atlantic roast. It has caused lower temperatures from the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys northward, but there is now a torn to slightly warmer weather over the entire northwest. Showers and thunderstorms have occurred from the west gulf states northeastward to the southern region, and the falls werr heavy In som'q localities In tbg south. Scattered show-) ers also have fallen in the great plains region, but Id other parts of the country the weather has been fair. -J. H. ARMINGTON. Meteorologist. GRADUAL RISE IN STOCK PRICES Advance Gains Momentum as Trading Progresses. NEW YORK, Jjine 3. —The stock mar ket displayed a firm tone at the beginning of business today, with fractional gains general throughout the list. Dealings were* very quiet. The covering movement which started in the last hour of trading Wednesday continued at today's opening, and stocks like Crucible and Baldwin touched new high marks on the movement. Crucible quickly moved up to 138. Rail securities were In good demand under the leadership of Rock Island, which advanced to 38%. Trading was lifeless during the first thirty minutes and prices fluctuated in an extremely narrow range, and with even specialty movements wanting. Improvement was shown by active stocks toward the close of the first hour, and leading Issues showed substantial gains at tills time over lows of pre vious sessions. Entrance of the Morgan interests into General Motors financing was reflected in a persistent demand for automobile Studebaker moved up to 88%, up 4 points over Wednesday’s low, while Gen era) Motors gained 1 point to 27 and Pierce-Arrow was up % to 49%. Ameri can Locomotive sold at 98%, up 1%. Trading to 1 o’clock was only Blightlv more active than in previous sessions, but the market displayed a firm undertone and net changes were practically all on the higher side. There was a slight rally in the trac tions, apparently based on nothing but the sold-out condition of this group, as there were no new developments. Brook lyn Rapid Transit gained a full point to 12% and Interborough was up %. Baldwin touched 116 in the early aft ernoon, while Steel common went to 93% and Mexican Petroleum to 178. Persistent accumulation appeared !o lie in progress In low priced rail shares, which were taken steadily during the morning, with scarcely a fractional re action. Missouri Pacific sold at 44%, up 2%. and Baltimore & Ohio at 32%, up %. United Retail Stores made anew high on r he movement at 79%, up %. The market closed steady, with re cessions from the highs noted in many issues. Government bonds were unchanged and railway and other bonds steady. Total sales of stocks were 477,500 shares; bonds, $14,258,000. MOTOR SECURITIES. (By Thomson 4 McKinnon.) —June 3- —Opening- Bid. Ask. Briscoe 48 50 Chalmers com 4 8 Packard com 20% 21 Packard pfd 88 91 Chevrolet 2-V) COO Peerless 42 45 Cont. Motors com 9% 10 Cent. Motors pfd 97 1)9 Hupp com 18% 17 Hupp psi 98 102 Keo Motor Car 22 22% Elgin Moton* 8% 9 Grant Motors 8% 6% Ford of Canada 300 370 United Motors 45 65 Federal Truck 29 31 Paige Motors 29 31 Republic Truck 41 43 CHICAGO STOCKS. (By Thomson 4 McKinnon.) —June 3 Open. Close. Armour pfd 98V* 96 [ Cudahy Packing Cos 91 91 Diamond Match 105% 106% Libby 23% 23% Montgomery Ward 32% 32 Sears Roebuck 218 217% Stewart Wuruer 41% 41 Swift 4 Cos 110% 110% Swift International 37 56% j United Paper Board 23% 23% | Union Carbide 86% 66% ACTIVE OIL STOCKS. (By Thomson 4 McKinnon) —J unc 3 —Opening— Bid Ask ! Anglo-American Oil 21% 23% ; Atlantic Refining 1250 1350 Borne-Scrymser 450 475 Buckeye Pipe Line 85 87 : Chescbrough Mfg. Cons 213 230 Cosden Oil and Gas 6% 7 ’ Crescent Pipe Line 30 32 1 Cumberland Pipe Line 128 135 I Elk Basin Pete 7% 8 Eureka I‘lpe Line 97 100 Galena-Signal oil, pref 90 96 Galena-Signal Oil, coin M 55 Illinois Pipe Line 155 ICO Indiana Pipe Line 87 90 Merritt Oil 15% 16 Midwest Oil 1% 2 Midwest Rf* 143 145 National Transit 160 185 New York Transit 160 165 Northern Pipe Line 97 101 i Ohio Oil 300 310 i Penn.-Mex 43 46 ! Prairie Oil and Gas 560 580 j Prairie Pipe Line 210 215 Sapuha Hefg 5 5% i Solar Refining 345 370 ; Southern Pip** Line 110 115 I South Penn OU 295 305 'Southwest Penn ITpc Lines. 65 70 ! Standard Oil Cos. of Cal 323 326 ! Standard Oli Cos. of Ind 685 700 Standard Oil Cos. of Kns 540 570 Standard Oil Cos. of Kv 365 380 Standard Oil Cos. of Neb 425 475 Standard Oil Cos. of 0hi0.... 385 390 Swau 4 Finch 85 95 Union Tank Line 108 112 Vacuum Oil 370 380 Washington Oil 25 SO In the Cotton Markets NEW YORK, June 3. —The cotton mar ket had an Irregular opening today with ! first prices 8 points lower to 15 higher. At the end of tho first twenty minutes | new crop deliveries were about 5 points ; over last night's close. Prices advanced rapidly in the after j noon on heavy buying. Final prices were | 60 to 87 points net higher. Open. High. Low. Close. ! July 38.00 38.62 37.95 38.60 ’ October 38.50 30.30 35.37 36.34 j December 34.42 35.28 34.33 35.24 I January 33.80 34.05 33.75 34.62 j March 33.33 34.18 33.30 34.10 NEW ORLEANS, June 3.—The cotton [exchange was closed today; holiday. LIVERPOOL, June 3.—Spot cotton, quiet; prices steady; sales, 4.000 bales, at 12:15: American middlings, fair, 32.0 M; good middlings, 20.94d; fully middlings,*)(i; middlings, 27.4e<1; low, |24.14d; good ordinary, 20.94(1; ordinary, | 19.94d ; futures, quiet. WHOLESALE PRODUCE. Wholesalers are paying the following : prices In Indianapolis for eggs, poultry ; and packing stock butter: ! Eggs—Fresh, 37c. Poultry—Fowls, 30cl broilers, 1(4 to | 2 lbs, 50c; cocks, 18c; old tom tur keys, 20c; young tom turkeys, 12 lbs and | up, 30c; young hen turkeys, 8 lbs and up, 35c: cull thin turkeys not wanted; ducks, 4 lbs and up, 22c; ducks, under 4 lbs, i 18c; geese, 10 lbs and up, 18c; squabs, 11 | lbs to doz, $7.50. Butter—Clean packing stock, 33c lb; fresh creamery butter. In prints. Is sell ing at wholesale at 59060 c; In tubs, sc. Buttcrfat-e-Indianapoliß buyers are pay ' Ing 600,61 c. Cheese (wholesale selling prices) ! Brick, 29<®30r lb; New York creatn. 33c; \ Wisconsin full cream, 34035 c; longhorns, 34035 c; limburger, 38c. CHICAGO PRODUCE. | CHICAGO, June 3.—Butter—Receipts, 9,955 tubs; creamery extras, 52Vjc; stand ard, 52c; firsts, 47@51%c; seconds, 410 i 40c; packing stock. 34040 c. Eggs—Re -1 ceipts, 28,785 cases; miscellaneous, 370 39c; ordinary firsts, 35Vi6'30M>c; firsts, 39040:;; extras (storage), 41(4@|42%c; checks, 30033 c; dirties, 30@34c. Cheese —Twins, new. 25%020c; dairies, £o@27c; Y'oung Americas, 26(£@27c; longhorns, 2DO'29 1 4e; brick, 28@28V 2 c. Live poultry —Turkeys, 35c; chickeus, 34c; springs, broilers, 45055 c; roosters, 20c; geese, 20c; ducks, 30c. Potatoes—Receipts, 10 cars; Minnesotas, Dakotas and Ohios, $8.50. CLEVELAND PRODUCE. CLEVELAND, June 3.—Butter—Cream ery, in tubs, extra, 58V4059c; extra fancy, 59(40<)0c; firsts, 56 Va(3.57c; prints lc higher; seconds, 50053 c; packing, 34%c. Eggs—Fresh gathered, extras, WOc; fresh extras, 45c; northern Ohio firsts, fresh new cases, 42c; old cases, 4xfc; western firsts, 41c. Poultry—Capon chrikens, 45c per lb; light fowls, 360 37cAsprlngers, 40c; broilers, 50056 c. H> JL>JU*I*A JL>AILI iiiUUO, i.jdLciAtbiiA'ky jijixiii 6, 13iO. Local Stock Exchange STOCKS. —June 3 Bid, Ask, Ind. Ry. & Light com 55 Ind. Ry. 4 Light pfd 95 Indpls. 4 Northwest, pfd 75 Indpls. & Southeast, pfd 76 •Indpls. St. Ry 54 05 T. H„ T. 4 Light pfd 88 T. 11., I. 4 E. com 12% T. H„ I. 4 E. pfd 9 12% U. T. of Ind. com 1 U. T. of Ind. Ist pfd 10 U. T. of Ind. 2d pfd 2 Advanee-Rumely Cos. com... 33 Advance-Rumely Cos. pfd.... 63 Amer. Central Life 235 Ainer. Creosoting Cos. pfd... 97 Belt "Railroad com 9!) 110 Belt Railroad nfd 47 Century Building Cos. pfd... 98 Citizens Gas Cos 29% ... Cities Service pfd 64% 65 Citizens Gas Cos 29 .. .6 Dodge Mfg. Cos. pfd 99% ... Home Brewing 55 Indiana Hotel com 80 ... Indiana Hotel nfd 64 Ind. National Life 4% ... led. Title Guaranty 63 70 Ind. Pipe Hue 83 94 Indpls. Abattoir pfd 47 54 Indpls. Gas 48 54 Indianapolis Gas 48 53 Indpls. Tel. Cos. com 2 Indpls. Tel. Cos. pfd 75 Mer. Pub. Util. Cos. pfd VI National Motor Cos 15 20 Public Savings 2% ... Ruah Fertilizer pfd 50 ... Standard OU Cos. of Indiana.. 690 Sterling Fire Insurance .... 8% 9% Vap Camp Hdw. pfd 97 ... Van Camp Tack, pfd 97 Van Camp Prod. Ist pfd.... 97 Van Cnmp Prod. 2d pfd 97 Vandalla Coal com 5 Wabash Ry coin 7% . Wabash Railway pfd 22% ... /.*Ex-divldend. BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Aetna Trust 100 Bankers Trust 118 City Trust 82 85 Commercial National 65 75 Continental National 112 Farmers Trust 200 Fidelity Trust 120 Fletcher American National. 256 Fletcher Sav. 4 Trust C 0.... 183 Indiana National 272 290 Indiana Trust 195 Live Stock Exchange 382 Merchants National 288 National City 114 People's State 178 ... Security Trust 120 States Savings 4 Trust 85% 90 Union Trust Cos 340 Wash. Bank 4 Trust C 0.... 140 ... BONDS. Broad Ripple 5s 45 Citizens St. Ry. 5a 74 80 Ind. Coke 4 Gas Cos. 6s 88 Ind. Creek Coal 4 Min. 0.... 98 Ind. Northern 3a Ind. Union Traction ... Indpls., Col. 4 South. 55.... 88 Indpls. 4 Greenfield 5s 90 Indpls. 4 Martinsville 5a.... 38 Indpls. 4 North. 5s 3.3 40 Indpls. A Northwest. 5s 60 Indpls. 4 Southeast. 5s 44 Indpls.. Shelby. 4 S. S. 5s 90 Indpls. St. Ry. 4s 36 60 Indpls. Trac. 4 Ter. 55..... 64 Kokomo, M. A W. 5a 82 85 T. H . I. A E. 5 Union Trac. of Ind. 5s 53 63 Citizens Gas 5* 72 2 Ind. Hotel C. 2.1 6s 93 100 Indpls. Gas Cos. 5s 72 80 Ind. L 4 11. 5s 75 82 Indpls. Water 5s 87% 01 Indpls Water 4%a 70 80 M. H 4 L. ref. 5 87% 93 New Tel. Ist 6s 91 New Tel. Long Dial. 5a 93% ... South. Ind. Power 6s 90 ... LIBERTY BOND*. Liberty 3%s 89 90 91.18 Liberty first 4s 85.*6 Libert v second 4s 85.06 Liberty first 4%* 86.38 86 66 Liberty second 4%s 85.38 85.64 Liberty third 4%s 89 38 80.68 Liberty fourth 4%s 85.84 86.12 Victory 3%s 95,16 93.44 Victory 4%a 95.24 96.32 Local Bank Clearings Thursday $2,324,00.) 8.1 me day last year 2,404.000 Increase over last year...... $ O'jO.Oft) Foreign Exchange Declines Slightly NEW YORK, June 3. Quotations eased off slightly at the foreign ex change opening today. I*mand Sterling, at $3.92%, was off 1 cent; franc checks weak at 12 87, off 15 centimes; lire che-ks, 16.92, off 30; marks, demand, .0222, cables, .0224, off .0017; Canadian dollars, .886, The foreign exchange market closed steady. Demand sterling after reaching 3.03, eased off to 3.92%. Prenc checks lost five centimes more to 13.02; lire (■necks were down 5 to 17.02; marks, de mand, were .223, cables. .0235; Canadian dollars, demand, were .8888. Housewives’ Market LATF.KT PRICES. The following prices ar tne general prices charged at the city market, ob tained by striking an average of the prices charged at various stands: Apples, choice, per lb $ ,10<315 Asparagus, home-grown, ac cording to size ot bunches . .03(310 Bananas, Doz 2OOMO Beans, string, lb 10(320 ! Carrots, bunch 03@05 ! Cabbage, lb 04005 Celery, nuricb 05:310 Cucumbers, hothouse, each.'.. .10(320 i Cucumbers, southern ©5(310 [ Grapefruit, each 10(320 Kale, home-grown, lb 15(320 Lemons, per doz 20M30 Lettuce, leaf, per lb 15020 lettuce, head, each 05(315 Onions, lb 06 007'A Onions, Texas Bermuda, 1b.... .15 Onion, green, bunch 05007 ((ranges, doz 30075 Parsley, 2 bunches .05 Peppers, green, Florida, bunch .05007% Pineapples 15030 Potatoes, peck 1.00(31.30 Potaoes. Ih .10 Potatoes, new, lb .12 Potatoes, sweet, 3 lbs .25 Radishes, 305 bunches 10 Rhubarb, 203 bunches .05 Spinach, lb tOOIS Strawberries, qt. box 25(340 Tomatoes lb 50(305 Green peas, lb .... .23 Scotch peas .12(4 Split pens, yellow .12(4 Spilt peas, green .18 Beans, navy, It, .11 Beans, lima, lb .17 Sugar, soft A .20 Sugar, granulated 2(1 <££34 Beans, Colorado plntas, 1b.... .10 Beans, kidney .18 RETAIL MEATS. The following prices are on first qual ity No. 1 government inspected meats only. Lamb chops 55000 Leg of (atub ,3u Fresh ham .50 Boiled ham, per lb .75 Smoker hams, per lb 60005 Round steak, per lb .40 Fresh beef tongue .40 Rib roast 37(4040 Chuck roast ,30 Flank steals .35 Beef tenderloin .70 Pork chops .40 Pork tenderloin .75 Porterhouse steak 80 Chuck steak .05 Bolling beef 18020 Bacon 40000 Loin steak .40 Hams, whole .40 Lard, lb 27% Lamb stew 15@23 Sparerlbs, lb 25 Shoulders, fresh beef .30 Shoulders, fresh pork .35 Beef liver .15 Veal, breast .30 Veal chops 35040 Veal steak .50 Calf liver 30035 Beef liver .15 Country, bulk .23% Bologna 17(4019% Frnnkfurts, hog casings .19(4 PRODUCE. Hens, full dressed, lb 53055 Live hens .40 Live springers .75 Eggs, fresh, select, doz ,43@45 Duck eggs, doz .50 Butter, creamery, lb 60(065 ACTIVE DEMAND SENDS HOGS UP Cattle Also Work Higher, but Calves Meet Setback. RANGE OF BOG PHICEB. Good Good Good May Mixed. Heavy. Light. 28. $14.76 0 15.00 $14.00@14.50 $14.60014.75 29. 14.5061)14.85 14.00014.50 14.50014.75 31. 14.50014.85 14.00014.50 14.50014.75. June 1. 14.50014.75 14.00014.26 14.00014.50 2. 14.50014.85 14.00@14.25 14.00014.50 3. 14.50014.75 14.00@14.50 14.00014.75 Receipts. 9.900, with 2,100 left over; market 10 cents higher. An active demand for hogs was effec tlvfe in advancing price a dime on the hundred this morning, with a consider able portion of the day’s purchases being made for the account of eastern packers. The desirable quality of the stock of fered was accountable to a great extent in the higher level of prices. The bulk of good hogs sold at $14.75, with quite a few choice lots bringing $14.90. tattle. Receipts, 800; market strong. Active dealings featured the cattle division, and on a good demand from out side sources prices were marked up 50c 4/.11 all the way around. As has been the case of late, good to choice steers were wanted most, but this morning common stuff, which has not met with much Inquiry in the last few days, also moved briskly. Prime heavy steers ranged from sl3(@ 14.50, while the good to cholco lighter grades sold at flY^ll. Calves. Receipts. 900; market 50c lower. Increased supplies caused a setback In the price of calves, although the mar ket was featured by considerable ac tivity and a firm demand. While today’s run Included a larger percentage of light and common calves, taken as a whole the quality was good. Sheep and Lambs. Receipts, 250; market steady. Little change was noted in the mut ton division, prices holding close to the levels of the preceding day. Buyers report a fair demand for good fat grades, but current receipts have not been of the desired quality. lIOGS. Beet light hogs, 100 to 250 lbs average $14.50((f 14.75 250 to 300 lbs average 14.00(^14.75 Over 300 lbs average 14.25(fi14.73 Bulk of good hoga 14.75 Beet pigs, under 140 lbs 10.00@12.50 Bulk of good hogs 14.65 Top 140 CATTLE, —Steers— Prime corn fed eteers. 1.300 lbs and up 13.00(3143)0 Good to choice steers. 1.500 lbs and up 13.50^114.00 Good to choice steers. 1-100 to 1,300 lbs 12.5<V313.00 Good to choice steers. I.oft) to 1,100 lbs 12.00<312.50 Common to medium steer*. 900 to 1,000 lbs 0.00(312.00 —Bulls and Calves— Good to chotce butcher nulls. 9.0010 no Bologna bulls Light common bulls 6 75(g 7 T*> Choice veais 15.50 Good veals 14.00<??,1<VOO Medium veals 14.004t15.50 1 Lightweight veals 10.00<U 14,00 --Stockers end Deeding Cattle — Good to choice steers, 800 lbs and up 10.00<312.00 ; Common to fair steers. 800 lbs and up..; 8.50<310.09 1 Good to choice steers, under 800 lb* Koo{* 9.00 Cotnon to fair steers, uuder 800 lbs TJSQ MB Good cows 7.25 m Boi Medium to good cows 6.254{ 7.00 Good heifers 8.754 1 9.75 Medium to good heifers 7.75(3 8.25 Good milkers Medium milkers 60 me* 100.60 Stock calves, 250 to 450 lbs... —Heifers aud Cows— Good to choice heifers 12 00(313.50 Merlnm heifers 10.00^11.60 Common to light heifers..,. 9.U"U 10.50 Choice cows 10.50*12.00 Good to choice cow* 9 oo® 10.50 Fair to medium cows 7.50 Cd 900 Cannera 6.o<i<h 6.00 Cutters 6.00(3 800 SHELF AND LAMBS. Good to choice sheep 7.50fq 8,00 Fair to good sheep 6 .'slit 7.50 Common to medium sheep... .VOO'/’t 6.50 Buck* 5.00'(t 6.00 Good to choice yearlings.... 7.003 5.50 Good to choice clipped O.OO'fJ 8.00 Good to choice spring lambs. 12.CJ315.00 Other Live Stock | CHICAGO, June 3.- Hog*- Receipts, 32,000; market 10c lower; bulk, J1.’.V,;.;, 14 65; butchers, $13.6601450; packer*. $12.35(313.25; lights $13.50014.00; pigs, $11.25013.75 ; roughs, *11.75012 35 Cat tle Receipt*, 25.000; market 25c higher; 1 beeves. $7.25041.25; butcher*. $8013.25: j canners and cutters, $507.75: stockers and feeders. s*ol2; cows, $7.85011 50; calves, $12.75015. Sheep -Receipts, 1.600; market lower; lambs, $13,500; 10.50; ewes, $6 5000.50. CINCINNATI, June 3. nogs Re j ceipts. 0,000; market steady to 25c lilgh ler; mixed and medium, $14.75; light, ! sl3 75; pigs. $11.50; roughs, $11.50; stags, $8.50. Cattle—Receipts, 400; steady to strong; bulls Bteady; calves, $15.50. ; Sheep weak; lambs strong; top $18.50. ! SOUTH OMAHA. June 3.—Hogs—Re- I ceipts, 12,000; market slow and uneven; I bulk, $13.10(013.60; top, $13.75. Cattle - Receipts, 4.200; strong- veals 25c higher; other classes generally steady; l>est yearlings, $13.75. Sheep Receipts, 2,50<>; market 23050 c lower; best native spring lambs, $16.50. CLEVELAND, June 3.—Hogs—Re ceipts, 3,500; market 15c higher; york ers, $15.25; mixed, $15.25; medium, $l4O 14 25; pigs, sl2; roughs, $11.50; stags, $8.25. ! Cattle—Receipts, 200; market strong, j Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 500; market slow; top, sl7. Calves—Receipts, 500; j market $1 lower; top, $lO. PITTSBURG,. June 3. Cattle -Receipts, light; market steady; choice, $13013.25; good, $12.25(012.75; fair, $12(0.12.50, veal calves, $lOOl7. Sheep and lambs—Re ceipts, light; market slow; prime wethers, $9.2509.75; good, $809; fair mised, S7O 7.75; spring lambs, $8(017. Hogs Re ceipts, 25 double decks; market higher; prlftie heavies, $14.50014.75; mediums, $15.25016.35; heavy yorkers, $15.25(0.15.35; ! light yorkers, $13.50013.75; pigs, SIOO I 11.25; stags, S7OB. | EAST BUFFALO, June 3.—Cattlef Re- I ceipts, 50; market active, steady; shlp- I ping steers. $13014.25; butcher grades, $10013; cows, ssOll. Calv *s—Receipts, 400; market active and 25c higher; culls, choice, $0010.50. Sheep and lambs—Re ceipts, 1.000; market slow, steady; choice lambs, $17(0117.50; culls to fair, $10010.75; i yearlings, $14015.50; sheep, $5012. Hogs —Receipts, 1,600; market active, steady, 10c up; vorkers, $15015.60; pigs, $12013; mixed, $15.40(0115.50: licavi-s. $15015.25; roughs, $11012.45; stags, $709. WHOLESALE FEED PRICES. Ton Sacks. Cwt. Ac. bran $62.00 $3.15 Ac. feed ( 65.00 3.30 Ac. middlings 09.00 3.50 Ac. dairy feed... 79.25 4.00 E-Z dairy feed 70.00 3.55 Ac. H. & M 84 50 4.25 C. O. & B. chop 74.00 3.75 Ac. stock feed 70.50 3.55 Ac. farm feed 75.50 3.80 Cracked corn 75.00 4.30 Ac. chick feed 73.75 4.30 j Ac. scratch 80.75 4.10 ; E-Z scratch 77.75 3.95 i Ac. dry mash 83.25 4.20 Ac. hog feed 81.50 4.10 I Ac. barley corn 85 00 4.30 Ground barley 85.50 4.30 Ground onts 80.00 4.05 Homllk white 82.00 4.15 ltolley barley 85.50 4.30 Alfalfa mol Oil meal 83.00 4.20 Cotton seed meal 80.00 4.05 GRAINS. Shelled corn, small lots $ 2.10 Shelled corn, large lots 2.09 1 Shelled corn, bu sack 2.16 Onts, 3 bu sack 1.27 Oats, bulk, large 1.19 Oats, less than 100 bu 1.20 Chicken wheat, cwt. sacked 4.50 CORN MEAL AND FLOUR. Corn meal, cwt net $ 6.05 E-Z bake bakers’ flour, 98-lb sacks 14.95 On Commission Row TODAY’S PRICES. Apples—Barrels, sS.sO@ll; boxes. $3.50 @4; baskets, $3.50@4. Asparagus—Fancy home-grown, dozen, So@4oe. Bananas—Pound, B<@&c. Cabbage—Fancy Texas, barrels, 2%@ Sc; Mississippi, 3@4c. Beans—Michigan navy, in bags, per lb, B%@9c; California llmas, In sacks, 13%@14c; marrowfats, per lb, 10c; fanpy.. IToridt;, green, per hamper, $2.50(g3; fancy Mississippi, 53.25. Beets—Fancy Mississippi, per hamper, $2.50. Carrots—Forty-lb. basket, $2. Celery—Florida, per crate, $2@2.25. Cucumbers —Fancy hothouse, per doz, $1.50; fancy Florida, 5-doz. crate, $3.25. Dates—Box 3 doz, $8.75. Grapefruit—Extra fancy Floridas, $4.50 @6.60. Honey—Fancy 1919, white, extracted, 60-lb can, 24c lb. Kale —Per bu, $1.25. Lemons—Extra fancy California, ss@ 5.30. Lettuce —Home grown leaf, per lb, 10@ 15c; Iceberg head lettuce, per crate, $4.50 @5. Mangoes—Fancy, 2-doz basket, $1.25. Noodles —Ten-lb box, $1.20. Nuts—Filberts, per lb, 30@31e; Eng lish walnuts, 37@41e; pecans, 70c; Bra zils, 28@30c; nut meats, pecans. 90c; walnuts, 75c; almonds, 65c. Oranges—Extra fancy California na vels, $3.50(0,4; Valencias. 24.73(0!0: extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, ss@7. Onions—Fancy new Texas white, 50- lb crate, $2.25; same yellow, $2.50@2.75; homegrown, green, 10@15c doz; fancy spring, per doz. 15@20c. Parsnips—Fancy, 05-lb hamper. $1.05. Parsley—Fancy homegrown, 35c doz. Peanut Butter —Pails, 15 to 50 lbs, 20@ 22c. Peas—Faiycy Mississippi, per hamper, per hamper, $3. Pieplant—Fancy homegrown, 25@40e doz. Pineapples—Ripe Havana, ss@o. Potatoes—Northern whites. $s per 100 lbs; bags, sl2; new Texas, $12.50 per 100 ibs: fancy new Florida Rose, per barrel, $6.50; per 55-lb basket, $5.75. Radishes —Homegrown, button, doz. bunches, 25@35e: southern, long, 15@20e. 20c; southern, long, 15@20c. Rice —Per lb, 14(g15c. Spinach—Fancy, per bu, $1 Strawberries —Tennessee. 24-qt case, $3.50<g4; Tennessee, 24-qt case, sß@7; Kentucky Aromas, 24-qt case, $8.50. Seed Potatoes —Irish Cobblers, Maine, per 100 lbs, SB. Sweet Potatoes —Fancy Jerseys, s3@ 3.25 per hamper. Seed Sweet Potatoes—lndiana grown yellow Jerseys, per bu. $1.25. Tomatoes—Basket. $222.50. Wholesale Meats The latest prices for hams show a slight rise from lust Monday, and the same is true of veal, while for fresh beef the market has been marked down from 1 to 2 cents. FORK. HAMS— - Regular, 14 to 16 lbs .42 Skinned, 12 to 14 lbs .44 Fancy boiled v.CI BACON— Fancy breakfast, 5 to 7 lbs.. .52 Fancy sliced, 1-lb carton.... .57 Sugar-cured, 4 to 6 lbs av... J>l PICNICS-- . Sugar cured, 5 to 7 lbs .26 SALT MEAT— Dry salt Indiana bntts .1“ LARD— Refined, tierce basis .22% Open kettle, tierce basis 236323% FRESH t'ORK— Snare ribs 22 Shoulder bones .07% Tenderloins 80^64 Dressed bogs .23 SAUSAGE— Fresh links .26% FRESH BEEFS. Medium steers, 400 to 50 lbs.. .18% No 2 heifer. .20 Native onws ,18@19 Medium cow* .16% LOINS— No. 3 .31% RIBS— No 1 .29 No. 2 2 No 3 .24 ROUNDS— No. 1 .26 No. 2 .24% No. 3 .24% CHUCKS— No. 3 .14% PLATES— Cow .10 VEAL. No. 1 quality 20%@2'l No. 2 quality 14%@17 NFAV YORK METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, June 3.- Copper—Steady; spot offered Ib'vc; June. 18@18%c; August. 18%@18%c. Lead—Quiet; spot, June, July and August offered Spelter—Easy; spot, June, July and August, 7.40@7,60e; September, 7.45<<j 7.05 c. LOCAL HIDE MARKET. Green bides —No. 1,16 e; No. 2,15 c. Green calves No. 1. 25c; No 2, 23%c. Horsehidea— No. 1, $9; No. 2, SB. Cured bides No. 1,18 c; No. 2,17 c. J. F. WILD, JR. BROKER 315-320 Lemcke Bldg. High-Grade Speculative Investments Opportunity for Salesmen Phones: Main 1734, Auto. 21-733. Will You Buy Industrial Stock to Yield 14 % If I can prove to you that it is safe; that my corporation has actual assets nearly 2 to 1 back of the present issue? My offering is a cumulative participating preferred from a firm in the combined toy and auto accessory field. The investor’s rights have been thoroughly protected. The issue is not large. Par value SIO.OO. To be sold at par. Dividends payable February and August. If you have only a few dollars to invest investigate what I have. Fill out the coupon and mail it today. Btj II A FUMO v’j gq.i.jiiJß ftt m nj vwwsaaaaaaaa(Vws^aaaaa^wwwßA^aaaaa^a^a • AJL JA4TaLJL ;! lam interested in the above issue, and ■ . _ , : without obligating myself, would like 517-518 Peoples Bank Bldg., more particulars. 134 E. Market St. : Name Phone, Main 1396. I 1 Street GRAINS FIRM UP AFTER SELLING Favorable Planting Weather Is Bearish Factor. CHICAGO, June 3.—Grain futures de veloped a firm tone after a weak opening on the Chicago Board of Trade today, and sold up on good buyiDg and light receipts. The markft was off at the start on scattered selling and favorable weather reports from the grain belt. July oats maintained its early gain, but September oats, off at the start, de clined further on heavy selling. July corn opened down %c at $1.74%, and later gained %c. September corn opened at $1.69%, down %e, and later gained l%c. July oats opened up %_c, and advanced l%c further. September oats opened at 79%c, unchanged, and later lost %c. Provisions were steady. CHICAGO GRAIN. * —June 3 CORN—Open. High. Low. Close. July 1.74% 1.76% 1.72% 1.73 / 3 Sept 1.60% 1.63 1.59 Vi 1.60 *l% OATS— July 94 94 % 93 93 • % Sept 79% 80% 75% 78% * % PORK— July 33.80 34.00 33.75 33.87 * .07 Sept 35.15 35.15 34.85 35.00 • .30 LARD— July 20.95 21.02 20.87 20.87 * .05 Sept 21.90 21.92 21.77 21.77 * .05 RIBS— July 18.25 18.37 18.22 18.37 * .07 Sept 18.45 19.15 18.95 19.10 t -10 •Decrease, flncrease over yesterday's close. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. CHICAGO, June 3.—Wheat—No. 3 red. $2.93; No. 3 northern spring, $2.95. Corn No. 2 mixed. $1.96%; No. 2 white. $1.97 @1.99; No. 2 yellow, $1.97@1.99; No. 3 mixed, $1.96; No. 3 white, $1.98; No. 3 yellow, $1.06@1.97%; No. I mixed, $1.92. Oats—No. 2 white. $1.12@1.14%; No. 3 white, $1.12; standard, SI.OB. TOLEDO CASH GRAIN. TOLEDO, June 3.—Cloverseed —Cash, $25: October, $23.75; December, $22.75. Alsike—Cash, $25; October, $26.10; De cember, $25.10. Timothy—l9l7, 1918 and cash. $5.40; 1919, $5.50; September, $5.82%; October, December, $5.70; March, $5.55. INDIANAPOLIS CASH GRAIN. —June 3 Corn—Strong; No. 3 white, $2.04%; No. 3 yellow, $2.01%@2.02; No. 3 mixei, $2.02. Oats—Strong; No. 2 white, $1.15@ 1.15% ; No. 3 white, $1.14%; No. 3 mixed. $1 12% @1.13. Day—Firm; No. I timothy, $41.50@42; No. 2 timothy, s4o.f>o@4l; light clover mixed, $-10.50,it41; No. 1 clover, s4o<& 40.50. —lnspections - Corn No. 2 white, 14 cars; No. 3 white, 6 cars; sample white. 1 car; No. 2 yellow, 27 care; No. 3 yellow, 6 cars; Transportation Building Southeast Corner Delaware and South Sts. Directly Across the Street From the New York Central and Pennsylvania Depots. New Traffic Headquarters in the Heart of Things MODERN OFFICEROOMS Open for Inspection WILLIAM F. WO CHER, Agent Eighth Floor, City Trust Building. Main 3998. Auto. 24-806. IMPORTANT NOTICE Train known as the Kokomo Special will, beginning June 6th, be extended to and from Logansport. I-eavlng I.oganport at 7:20 a. m., arriving at Indianapolis at 10:10 a. m. Returning, leasing lntlianapoll* at 5:00 p. m., arriving at Logansport at 7:40 p. m.. git lng an additional fast train between Logansport and Indianapolis, slopping at Kokomo, Tipton and Noblesvllle In each direction. UNION TRACTION COMPANY OP INDIANA. Second Mortgage Real Estate Loans MADE ON GOOD FARMS AND IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. GIRALTER FINANCE CO.v 108 N. Delaware. INDIANAPOLIS Main 1618. INVESTORS, INVESTIGATE We offer for immediate acceptance what Is considered one of the country’s safest and most profitable securities. He recommend an immediate investigation, and purchase of these securities. Further details gladly given. I. M. TAYLOR & CO., Inc., BANKERS 7 Wall St., New York T. H. COREY, Mgr. 208 Hume-Mansur, Indpls. We are pre- I OARJQ on farm and pared to make fc-WMIIO city property THOS. C. DAV & CO. 7 Trust s ßul?dmg Alcohol, Turpentine, Benzol, Rosin ALL GRADES—WHOLESALE. ADVANCE PAINT COMPANY IMS STREET 11 STOCK •" Sell 415 Lemcke Building TODD Give Up Trade Hope With Soviet Russia WASHINGTON, June 3.—The United States has dismissed all thought of trade with soviet Russia in the near future, it was learned today. There Is no prospect that the embargo on shipments from the United States to bolshevik Russia will be lifted, It was* made known by officials who know Pres ident Wilson’s mind on the subject. The allied agreement to allow trade through the Russian co-operative socie ties was not accepted by the gevernment because it was held to involve relations with the soviet government. No. 6 yellow, 4 cars; sample yellow, 1 car; No. 2 mixed, 3 cars; No. 6 mixed, 1 car; total, 63 cars. Oats—No. 1 white, 3 cars; No. 2 white, 22 cars; No. 3 white, 2 cars; No. 4 white, 3 cars; sample white, 1 car; total, $1 tars. Hay—No grade, 1 car. PRIMARY MARKETS. (Thomson & McKinnon) —June 3 —Receipts— Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 117,000 327,000 283,000 Milwaukee .. 14.00) 27,000 81,000 Minneapolis . 156,000 23,000 28,000 Duluth 114.000 2,000 St. Louis 74,000 79.000 24,000 Toledo 3,000 8,000 12,‘W" Detroit 2.000 2.000 6.oft) Kansas City. 96.000 39,000 10.0001 Peoria 5,000 55,000 38,000i Omaha 34.C00 56,000 10,0301 Indianapolis... 3,000 74,000 56,000* Toals • 618,000 690,000 556,000 Year ago... 336,000 899,000 814,000 —Shipments— Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 72.000 72,000 198.000 Milwaukee .. 6.000 7,000 23.000 Minneapolis . 157.000 26,000 85.000 Duluth 218,000 2.000 St. Louis 64,000 33,000 113,0)0 Toledo 17.000 1.000 3,000 Kansas City. 157.000 26.000 10,000 Peoria 4,000 16.000 72.000 Omaha 42 000 53,000 28.030 Indianapolis... 1,000 20,000 30 000 Totals 738,000 255,000 570,000 Year ago... 427,000 266,000 527,000 —Clearances— Dom. W. Corn. Oats. Philadelphia.. 52,000 New Orleans. 112.000 Totals 164.000 Year ago... 946.000 18,000 HAY MARKET. The following are the Indianapolia prices of hay by the wagon load. Hay—Loose timothy, $37@38 a ton; mixed, s37<g3B; clover, s33@3fl; kale, $35<a37. WAGON WHEAT PRICE#. Indianapolis elevators and mills are paying S2.SO for No. 1 wheat, $2.77 for No. 2 and $2.74 for No. 3. All other grades aht'utding (n quality.