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He to Experiment W in Quail Hatching Kitzing, superintendent of ■Uverslde park, is the first to respond Fto an appeal of the department of con servation for persons finding good quail eggs In abandoned nests to send them *to the state game experiment station, where an attempt will be made to hatch the eggs under bantam hens. Men engaged in mowing the park dis covered a nest and when the quail fallen to return, gathered and forwarded the thirteen eggs to the station. George N. M3nnfeld. superintendent' ot fisheries and game, hopes to raise a number of quail for the state in this way, which otherwise would be lost by the eggs spoiling after the nests are so disturbed that the adult quail abandon them. The eggs should be sent to Frank Has stlman, 6tate game experiment station, Waveland, Ind.. and donor should give his name, address and position where eggs were taken. The state will endeavor to return some mature quail to the donors of eggs. Indiana Now Owns Real Italian Bees r The state of Indiana is now the owner of six full colonies of pure bred Italian bees, all located in Jumbo hives with supers for the whole amount and one extra hire including queen excluders and bee escapes. The bees were purchased from R. H. “Buy IKE n Your Dollar at RITE'S” ONE DOLLAR DOWN ft Mm will buy Skm ■ dress tomorrow ■ From a choicer group of E N x^ # charming Georgette, Satin p/>7i VM ll\ iJSrrfcf and Taffeta dresses for sum- J \| \ \![ \Ft rnrr mer wear we are choosing !. \J q— iff U/1 7 i several models specially 1 ~~ AN H V}'lf i priced for this sale at — Bfyf hi *24— t '! II Bubject to our most liberal fi-fjtfk ~E?v58 ( " payment plan. Cash payment HbHN S \ \ j / for these purchases will bring j' //G\- // the prices of each dress down p#' ts X ' (V to J 22.50 —but we will be most | t 10)1 happy to have you choose the ** L dollar-down plan, paying as ~ you wear these dainty gar ments. Sport Skirt Special —Accordion pleated, light seree skirts in "all shades FOR TOMORROW, $12.50 Fiber sweater .iaackets at most reasonable prices and on the easiest of terms. sl2^o “Your Dollar Buys MORE at RITE’S” V r.o-A New Bright Wall Paper will make the love of home stronger. Brighten up the room in which that boy sleeps. In years to come he will think with pleasure of the cozy room he occupied at home. See that your wall paper comes from us. We are closing out a fen- 1019 patterns at the old prices. Bsfhard Wall Fapsr Oa. !. Main 7523. —PHONES— Auto. 24-626 Why Itch and Burn With Skin Diseases? There Is a Way to Get Rid of the Torturous Suffering. Those who rely upon. local treat L|6Qt such as ointments, salves, lo- Hons, washes, etc., which, are applied the surface of the skin, will never from agonizing skin diseases, they are gomg about the just backwards. They are Seating the results of the disorder, and not the disease itself. They are attempting to boil water by applying the heat in the wrong place. These terrifying skin irritations, eczema, tetter, boils, pimples, etc., have their origin in a disordered condition of the blood. They come from a colony of tiny germs which get into the blood and multiply by the million. Webb of new Ben Dsvls by Richard Lieber, director of confervatlon in In diana. and were transferred by auto truck to Turkey Run state park in Parke county, where they will “work” for the state. C. O. Yost, state apiary inspector for the department of conservation, who transferred the bees, says there are ap proximately 500.000 bees in the six col onies. The state will endeavor to demon state with these colonies that scientific beekeeping is a profitable business, espe cially in these days of sugar shortage and continuosly mounting food prices. France Drained by Three Great Rivers PARIS, June 10.—The three great riv ers that flow from the heart of France to her three seas have each a character of their own. The gray and rapid current of the Rhone, swollen with the melting of the glacier snows, rolls past the imperish able monuments of ancient empire, and through the oMve yards and vineyards of Provence, falls Into the blue waves ol the southern sea. The sandy stream of Loire goes west ward past the palaces of kings and the walled pleasure-gardens of Touralne, whispering of • * * royalty. But the Seine pours out his black and toil-stained waters northward between .rugged banks, hurrying from the capital of France to bear her cargoes through the Norman cliffs into the English chan nel. t Do not expect to 4>e cured of any form of ekm disease by the use of lotions, salves, ointments or other local treatment, as such remedies can not possibly reach the source of the trouble, which is the blood. When any of these symptoms ap pear on any part of your body, you should take prompt steps to rid the ■blood of the germs which cause them. And the one remedy which has no equal as a blood cleanser is S. S. S., which is sold by druggists every'- where. ' Begin taking S. S. S. today, and write a complete history of your case to our Chief Medical Adviser, who will give you special instructions without charge. Write at once to Medical Director. 613 Swift Labora .ory, Atlanta, Ga. —Advertisement. 1 Yes, Gold Seal Congoleum Art Squares gp —~ V ’ll'' 11' 1' as they don’t gather grime or dirt and to keep iK them clean all you do is go over them with a mop. They don’t curl up at the edge and even the Ifj kiddies will not kick them up. They come in 1 I various sizes and patterns so that you can find a * ®Hx9*!v.v".v:::::::::::::::: £j C |, ail g e Yo Ur Old Piano for Two Instruments in One ] ess il —A Standard Upright Piano on which the children can take lessons . I || ' —-4 Modern Player Piano that the whole family will enjoy. S One of Our Most Popular Come in and investigate this offering. Bring a musical friend with you. for the more W ashing iV^achinSS you know about pianos, the more keenly you will appreciate this splendid offer. Hundreds of thesTmaohines are in use and no dtfubt one of your friends or neighbors Tjz . AS A PIANO it ip a true toned, artistically designed upright, on which the SbouiMt* 8 on ® and wlu b ® glad to teU you Combination children can take their music lessons and do their practicing. The lnalde and bottom of tub are cor _ _ r ° rugated and the dasher rotate* a tbree \/_ quarter revolution each way. 18 Lessons Free With Each Instrument *™*u*lX f/nT mlchVne^ 6ave Your Strength and Clean House 1 v " a 1- r ivii aiioli llfMCfll brass patterns In the Sanitary, Cleanly Way. - This machine will give “rood service,” and AS A PLAYER it is a modem, up-to-date COME, INVESTIGATE this offer. Then let this we mean ait that the term implies d-Tndn dusVTnd^dirt 1 ' instrument with all the improvements and us send our expert to your home and ap- special sati boat, ten out of rug* and carpet* by vacuum features ordinarily found in players priced praise your old piano, which we will accept Cvl if 4 .A Ufa “v-? carpet sweeper that picks yp . ork much higher. as part first payment. ■ w up tiio lint and surface sb4aO!/ * . PAY THE EASY WAY. dtrt bpe.- ai -r worth of Q. R. S player rolls, bench and Three years to pay the easy way—no See Oar Kl*>an well Eli-ctrio Washer for .T-s BAHT TO PAY the rr.oeLK- wav j| scarf given free with each instrument. ' extras. I nno °- J Furniture is the Key to the Situation 1 . . *s I Attractive 3-Piece Porch Set Beginners in housekeeping are especially [*** v ;| Comfortable and Attractive sehes that even though their means are i'WWW /g**;. Iw. ‘ v\ / turlr-if /jyßßt'f ,’f Too will thoroughly enjoy your porch with a set of this Vtofe r froni n whtcVVhl-j >f ca n n n make 1 tSI VI 7 / I 1 character. It. Is well made and will stand the extremes in Win admire 5 your Judgment" wh/c I ** ' I oak - Special Saturday $14.88 I ' , •v#* 0 * 'ilV’iUjiuh ' |7/ chair or Rocker, $4.95. swing, $4,98. s^pSt^r^” 1 ~ L ® 9 ‘ J 'T’S EASY TO PAY THE PEOPLE'S WAY. v rr-rr. : r==rr—Li't . ■t-.=a - -.w .. • .■■..■■. J XL :: . * pfelilfc—mH Refrigerators Coaster Wagons Lace r~7Tvpj m il\\ 0 Not only a coast- f lir^Ams •• n■‘ j, MBjnM'<i~7i 1 Porffirf J* efricrer/itinn er waon * but a BLC*aIJ-J ENv'S •“ ; -ai b/y/il R <! I I m 1 l rt Ke J rt Z eratlon household necessi- Hf In Means a ' t y and an aid to Ready for the Rod ' | Irß lit I 1| Btg Savmg m Food c”ST I. JtoS - K L .'in fed With food at the present prices daya of casbnnd ‘ Those who were unable to se- f L'“v-:'!? P \ — ■ o‘j ILj @ a good refrigerator more than carry groceries, f l,re wo “f ertu , l curtal ? B >'.•••• tgilai.lyl :• • ,-l m pays for itself. It. will Insure ice, etc. Any boy last Friday will welcome tfie ' \ n J. m yo „ pure food the year round, emi earn the cost opportunity tomorrow. Each ft C|! W m In addition to savihg time and of h,R master strip represents a pair wth a b IK A ~ ~ W steps. See our Top leer special an times flounce made with loops ffiSjaßi jfcl • . N j IJ ]M Saturday— over) by going ready for the rod. The pattern ii| \ / >.<%_ h-l "wagon errands” is unusually attractive. Spe- >'L.: \ - cial Saturday— r H "• - tunute neighbors. “• ..> .;iO JL < Vh-w Strong, durably made, of hard wood, Ao no £f> <m *m SA ; ':pr’:-- ; 'S-©Bh| ->-y-.>NSB / It’s Easy to Pay the People's braced with Iron; Saturday special.. O JK J JJ Way. It’s Easy to Pay the People’s Way. 'r Centennial Display G a ti/f Centennial Display in West Window. f \ j\§ A 1 /if / / SIJs U 8 I /w 8/ $ § jEjP in West Window. Look to the East. F r g • Look to the East. L^Uslr ° o;;i - I 133-135 West Washington Street 0 ilingßoom. / INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1929. 13