Newspaper Page Text
20 INDIANA DAILY TIMES s#-! a Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED AEV. DEPT. Main *6OO Automatic 28-151 RATES. One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .OVi per line Six consecutive times... .06 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .06 per line 61x consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or le U ) S3c per insertion Over 1 inch, 6c per line additional. Death notices, 25c per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FONERAL piRE CT °RS- George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Wash Price. John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAG3DALB CO. J. C. WILSON 2280 Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Prospect 822. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER. New 21-154, Main 1454. 2402 N. Illlnola UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1625 Shelby gt. Proa 2570. Auto. 81-114. UNDERTAKER'S— HISET & TITUS, 861 North Del. New 26-564. Main 2830. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Large bull pup, dark brlndle and white, ears trimmed to point; long tall, white tip, small scar on right side of neck, white stripe down center of head. Ik>st down town district; 810 reward. HOSVARD SHANK, SS9H Illinois street. ACME TIRE AND RUBBER CO. LOST—White Indian's hat to Redman's suit, on E. Washington, between Bradley and Tuxedo. Reward. Woodruff 3707. or return 66 S. Tuxedo. LOST—Brown fur piece, at Penn, and North streets, while getting on car; will the boy seen taking same kindly return to 616 North Pennsylvania street. No. 6. Circle 4742. Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947. or write lost agent, 18 Bald win block. Indianapolis, Ind. LOST—Black and white young setter dog, about 6 months old. Scald on left side of back. Reward. Finder please call GIB SON. North 1470. LOST —Lady's black and gold brocaded handbag; lost In or near Circle theater. Call Irvington 26L Reward. LOST—GoId wrist watch at Riverside park. Call Prospect 61 between 8 and 5, or BESS WEARS. North 2260 evenings. SILK watch fob with gold pendant mono gram. Initial C. C. H. Reward. Under pi ease call Main 1695. ■ LOST —One Goodyear plain tread tire and rim 82x4; 9 miles north of Carmel road. Main 9005. ______ LODGES AND CLUBS. NOTlCE—Harrtr Lodge No. in, I. O. O.F. and the Myrtle Rebecca Lodge wJli hold memorial aervlcea at the 5\ eat Park Ave' nue Christian church. West Washington and Addison streets at 1:30 o'clock. Sun day afternoon. June 13. Grand Master William Earhard of Greensburg will officiate. Lodge members are requested to be at the lodge halt at 2 o'clock sharp. All are invited to attend. _~personals7~ 77. TTT IF Mr. James F. Fuston will call the Grammer Lost Agency's office. 1& Bald win block, he will receive Information that will lead him to an estate worth money. Main 6947. FRANK - FITZGERALD. LAWYER. Gen eral lajy practice; also soldiers' and widows' pensions. Office 7 North Alabama street. FLATS, APARTM ENTS—TO~LET. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-room apart ment; walking distance no-th from Monument; rent reasonable. Address A No. 1622. Times. ROOMS—TOLET. ATTRACTIVE front room In modern home, adjoining bath, for gentleman Harrison 1337. NICE light housekeeping rooms for rent. 4 Plum street. MRS STERLING. TWO unfurnished rooms. 633 South New Jersey street. TWO nice light housekeeping rooms. 35. 205 North Traub avenue. TWO connected sleeping rooms, suitable for two gentlemen. Circle 5603. ONE furnished front room. 131 North Keystone. Woodruff 7046. LARGE froht room for light housekeeping; downstairs. 116 W. St. Clair street. OF F ICE AN D STO~R ES—TO L ET. OFFICE ROOMS. Attractive office rooms In the new TRANSPORTATION BUILDING (being remodeled), -southeast corner Delaware and South streets. WILLIAM F. WOCHER. Sole agent. City Trust building. Main 3038. Auto. 24-806, ROOMS—WANTED. WANTED—Two furnished rooms by young couple with 19-month-old baby. Have baby bed and linens. Call North 6684. NG to exchange five-room modem house for double or cottage; not modern. Belmont 650. MALE HELP—WANTED. Rivet Heaters HELPER AND LABORERS IXSLEY MFG. CO. Steady Work Olney and East St. Clair LABORERS, MACHINIST HELP ERS; GOOD WAGES. INDIANAPOLIS CAST ING CO., 131 S. HARD ING ST. : MAN WANTED FOR HANDLING LUMBER. REPUBLIC CREOSOT ING CO., 736 MILEY AVE. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. Wanted —Shipping clerk, ex perienced in wholesale grocery business; reference required; state salary. Address A No. 1523, Times. FITTER" GOOD AIL VAN CEMENT FOR RIGHT PARTY. APPLY MR. LOVINGER, L. STRAUSS & CO. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 2)1 Indiana ava. MEN to unload cara and drive coal wagon*. 1001 Southeastern avenue. MALE HELP—WANTED. Experienced wood worker oe wagon re= pairs. Steady employment. Peter Bernd and Son, 144 E. Morris St. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. WAITED, COMSTRIBimOIS labor eh STEADY WpK ALL TEA! Shelby St. and Troy Ave. End of Shelby St. Car Line. H/ft-L COIOBTRIIOCTIIQM m, A-l LATHE MEN AND EXPERI EXCED J. & L. OPERATORS. MODERN ELEC TRIC & MACHINE CO. LABORERS, WHITE OR COLORED. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO., VAN BUREN AND DRAPER STS Take Shelby ear. Get off at Belt, walk three squares east. Employment office. PERMANEN T POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. BIG 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. NIGHT WATCHMAN White or colored; one who understands boilers. Ap ply RocKwood Mfg. Cos., 1801 English Ave. MEN WANTED BIG 4 ELEVATOR COMPANY Big 4 Railroad and Sherman Drive Prospect 687$ YOUNG MEN Postoffice clerks, letter oarrters, railway mall clerks, stc.. for the government. Goo dentrance (salaries with promotions certain. For full paitlculars and a special course of Instruction, call or write Imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 167 N. Illinois st. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main 393. LABORERS White or colored. employment dept. IMPERIAL DROP FORGE CO.. 610 Soutn Hardin*. WANTED^LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. BOY WANTED 16 years or over. Piece work; boys now averaging 315 to 320 per week; with bi cycles. Apply DELIVERY SUPERVISOR. WESTERN UNION Young man; must be steady. Komstohk, 5 S. Illinois St. EXPERIENCED MAN on Hoffman press. Men's and ladies’ clothes. LINDEN TAILOR SHOP, 315 North Illinois. WANTED, YOUNG MAN with light car to drive; experienced salesman and learn the trade. Position good for 31*40 per week or better. Apply 40 West Georgia street. WHITE LABORERS. AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. EXPERIENCED colored presser on Hoff man pressing machine. Good wages to the right person. FRANCO-AMERICAN CLEANING CO. WANTED—Maintenance man on pipe ma chinery and electrlo equipment. Apply 18 North New Jersey street. TAGGART BAKING COMPANY. _ MACHINE HOLDERS. ~ ELECTRIC STEEL CO. OF INDIANA. SPEEDWAY. HOLDERS' HELPERS. ELECTRIC STEED COMPANY OF INDIANA, SPEEDWAY. WANTED —Experisn ed drill press opera tor. MODERN ELECTRIC AND MA CHINERY CO.. 938 Wayne a/enue. WANTED—TaiIor to work on repairing; steady work, good pay; come at once. 356\East Washington street. WAITED —Experienced firemen .on chain graV stokers. Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. BALE S MEN—W ANTED. SALESMEN Two high-grade salesmen want ed on salary and commission by big local • corporation. Permanent place for reliable men who can Interest Investors In a safe and growing legitimate business. Ad dress A No. 1625, Times. OIL STOCK SALESMAN Large eastern financial house wants local representative to handle hlgh-clase oil stock. Good man can make big money. Address A No. 885, Times, , ~ FEMALE HELP—WANTED. 'permanent POSITIONS FOR GIRLS IN TELEPHONE WORK There are immediate vacancies in this work, where girls over 16 years of age may obtain steady employment year round, with vacation, excellent working facilities, attractive positions. You may choose telephone work for your permanent vocation. It will appeal to you. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Corner New York and Meridian Streets. Applicant’s Information desk in lobby. EXPERIENCED salesladies to handle complete line of toilet requisites, stationary, etc. Must have had experience selling the above lines. This Is an unusual op portunity. Apply between 8 and 12, HURST & CO., West Fifteenth and Big Four. WOMEN" Do you believe in equal pay for equal service? So do we. Therefore, we will place you where you can earn that which you are en titled to and be on equal basis with men. Secure your appointment with Mr. Whitson, 913 Mer chants Bank Bldg. A i "SPOTTER IX DRY CLEANING PLANT; GOOD WAGES AND PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS. FRANCO AMERICAN CLEANING CO., 2935 CENTRAL. EXPERIENCED PRESS ER OR GIRLS TO LEARN, ALSO GIRLS IN OUR SHIPPING DEPT. FRANCO - A M E RICAN CLEANING CO., 2935 CENTRAL. Wanted—Forewoman, experi enced In packing grocer's sun dries; capable of taking full charge of department. In an swering give experience and wages wanted. Address A No. 1521, Times. TAIL ORESS7 GOOD WAGES. STE AD Y WORK. APPLY MR. LOVINGER, L. STRAUSS & CO. GIRLS FOR LIGHT FAC TORY WORK. MOD ERN ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. BOOKKEEPER" - - STENOGRAPHER. We have an Interesting position open for one who can take charge of books and do light stenographic work Call at once at the employment department, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Ask for Mrs. White. The school, same location is CENTRAL BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Fred W. Case, principal. Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145. WANTED —Girls over 16 years of age for work In packing and Icing departinenta Apply 18 North New Jersey street. TAG GART BAKING CO. WANTED—Lady for night nurse; one who has had Institutional work pre ferred. Call or write HORD SAN'ITAR IUM, Shelbyvllle. Ind. WOMEN and girls; several over 16; per manent employment; good wage.,. The Overall Laundry, 2520 East Twelfth st. Woodruff 294. ' WOMAN, white, as an assistant cook and general kitchen work. HIGHLAND GOLF CLUB. North 201. COOK; good; or man and wife to take oare of place; good man. good wages. Washington 1377; Auto. 77-942. WANTED —Girls and women to operate sewdng machines; good pay while learn lng. Main 1674. WOMEN to iron ladles’ garments. FRENCH STEAM DYE WORKS, 49 Circle. GIRL 14 to 15 years for housework and care for child 4 years old; IGper week. Washington 1301. 1829 Central avenue. CASHIER and grocery clerks; must be ex perienced. Call Main 7599 during the day. North 9017 after 6 p. m. GlßLS"wanted. CBNTTJRY~ BISCUIT CO. WANTED—Laundry woman. North 5346. BUSINESS SERVICEB. If you want the best fitt’ng and the best made clothes you ever wore, see W. G. SCHNEIDEIt 39 West Ohio Street To your measure, $45, SSO, $55, S6O and up. Be sure you are In the right place. FOR paper hanger. Call Johnson, Wood ruff 6716. WANTED—-Rugs and wall paper to clean. Call Prospect 3785. PATCH "PLASTERING" Belmont 168 o! TAILORS AND CLEANERS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; ladlea’ work a specialty; work called for ar.d delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 2G-641. J. SCHWARTZ, tailor and cleaner. 31 Kentucky avenue. Main 2678. DID YOU SELL ITT Hi not. try the automobile columns •( The)Times Want J *. unDiAXA dAjlLi TiMihl, jeidDAY, JLiNE 11, ltfZO. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ANNUAL SWEEPSTAKES SALE OF RECONSTRUCTED CARS Like the race, this sale is the greatest ever held. Fifty cars that have been painstakingly recon structed in our own special shop go in this sale at much below their real worth. It wUI certainly pay you to read these offerings and to “See Us Before Buying” any car. Terms if desired. 1920 Maxwell touring car, completely gone over, refinished maroon. Price $925. 1918 Peerless seven-passenger touring, refinished Rolls-Royce blue. Price $1,475. 1917 Cole 860, seven-passenger touring, refinished pearl gray with white wire wheels. Price $1,350. 1918 Maxwell roadster in ele gant shape. Price $635. 1919 Oakland sedan, wire wheels, tires all good. Price $1,350. ✓ 1918 Cole Aero 8, Model 870, seven-passenger touring, refin ished dark blue, black fenders, car equipped with five cord tires. Price $2,250. 1917 Maxwell touring car, re finished Hudson blue. Price $495. 1916 Marion-Handley 6, refin ished dark green with cream wheels. Price $625, 1916 Buick roadster, Model D44. This car is in A-l condi tion ; new top. Price SBSO. 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. BARGAINS USEDCARS Most of these cars have boon rebuilt, repain tod and retopped. Down. Weekly. Grant roadster 375 14.56 Saxon roadster 75 4 50 Regal touring 100 5.00 o"#rl*nd *3 touring 115 5.50 Maxwetl touring 125 6 50 Dort touring 145 6 Allen touring 145 6.00 Briscoe touring 145 6.00 Scrlpps-Booth touring 145 8 50 Chevrolet touring 176 8,0 Reo touring 175 6 63 Empire touring 295 7.09 Bulck 6 roadster 235 8 00 Cadillac 8 roadster, I*l9. 1,600 And many other* too numerous to mention. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Company 518 N. Capitol. Opn evenings. RECONSTRUCTED AUTOMOBILES A full list of pood used ears that have been completely over hauled and repainted. Terms to suit the pur chaser, NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY 426 N. Capitol Ave. FORD Roadster, with small box on rear; good for city or county salesmen; price $560. NATIONAL AUTOMOTOR CO., 426 N. Capitol ave. Main 4758. CHEVROLET TOURING. A good light car at the right price; $425. NATIONAL AUTOMOTOR CO., 426 N. Cap.tol ave. Main 4758. CHEVROLET, 1919, 4-90; sedan; new cord tires; paint unexcelled; motor Al. See this at once. JONES-WHITAKER SALES CO. Department of Used Cars. 843 N. Capitol ave. Main 6646. FORD BARGAINS" Twelve Ford roadsters, eight Ford touring cars, all models. Cash or pay ments. ALLEN, 919 Virginia. INTERSTATE touring; new paint; live good tires. Will sell reasonable or trade for small business or larger ear. HADLEY. Main 6778. 312 Indiana Trust building. 1919 CHEVROLET~ coupe 4-90, In good mechanical shape: has good tires and paint; a bargain. Dletz-James Sales Cos., 834 East Market. Main 5716. MONROE TOURING, almost nw, bargain prljje; terms or trade. Dletz-James, 334 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sundhy morning. FOR SALE—WiII sell my 1918 Ford touring for $350 this week; Al Condi tion. Have no use and no room for two. 933 King. MAXWELL touring, 0325. Owner leaving city. Woodruff 7526. 1919 TOURING car~~FwT 2352 Cornell avenue. Telephone North 5634. BARGAIN ills Ford lourlhg cnr; for quick sale. Call Main 4074. OVERLAND roadster; good shape, S3OO. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. OVERLAND roadst^rTin good shape, $350. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. CHEVROLET touring, good shape, $345. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. AUTOMQBILES FOR SALE. MU mm YARD UNDER THE TENT N£) HIGH RENT 336 North Illinois St. Cars bought for cash and sold on the easy weekly payment plan $2 to $lO per week, with initial payment dewn, to reliable par ties with reference. NO BROKERAGE We handle our own paper without interest if paid when due. Light touring Empire ~..5195 Buick roadster /. 185 Hupmobile 32, light touring..., 225 Oakland touring 190 Monroe roadster 250 Overland 83, touring.... 350 Seven-passenger Studebaker ... 450 Cole touring 600 Empire light touring...’ 175 Maxwell 1918 400 Open Sundays CHEVROLET 8, touring; good paint, good tires; mechanically good; cash or pay ment*. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evening* and Sunday morning*. AUBURN touring, good shape, newly painted; a bargain; cash or payments. Dietz-James, SB4 E. Market st. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morn ing. OVERLAND touring, good shape, newly painted; a bargain; cash or payments. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET COUPE, late model, looks like jjow; Just th* thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 E Market. Main 6719. Open evenings and Sunday. OAKLAND '‘6" touring, new paint; cash or term*. DIETZ-JAMES. 834 East Mar ket. Main 8718. Open evenings and Sun day morning MAXWELL TOURINO—-in good shape. A bargain. Tormi or trade. DIETZ JAMES. >B4 East Market St. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automo bile, DIETZ-JAMES. >34 East Market. Main 6718. Marlon county dealers. automobiles^-wanted 7 WANTED AUTOMOBILES SCO Cars at Once Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in tho state. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money ia wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST._ ~ AUTOS WANTED W* pay rash. No delay for your money. It Is here for you. Com* In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. <l* N. 11 Inols st. Vain 1679. Auto 21-063. Ws also buy Junk car*. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES." THEY HAVE ARRIVED. 1m EXCELSIOR TWIN. y.ERZ MOTOR CO., 450-62 Mass. Ave. HAKLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle# and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES CASH paid for all kinds qf motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 300 Massachu setts s van 3*. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES; JOB PLATING Nothing Is too Inrge or too small for u, to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 613-36 Kautucky ave. Main 2934. Main <623. PARTS NEW and USED FOR 300 CARS. Axles, ring and pinion gears, transmission snd everything. 85 to 90 per cent oft. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO- StJ N. Capitol ave. Circle 2600. Batteries recharged, repaired, rebuilt. Guaranteed new batteries for any cgr. Second-hand batteries cheap. Open until 9 p. m. battery distributing co„ PARTS for most any muko of car. Ford parts a specialty. Bargains In tires of all sizes Try us and •save money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. 819 N Illinois. Main 6090. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-834 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN autJ tops, side curtains seat and radiator covers, PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 545. WRITE PHONE~Ok'a7ALL US for prices on Goodyear solid and pneumatic tires for truck and passenger cars J. Guedel hoefcr Wagon Cos., 202 Kentucky ave. AUTOMOBILE TOPS* werered and side curtains repaired at THE JOHN GUED ELHOEFER WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN GUEDEL HOEFER WAGON CO. 208 Kentucky ave. WE PUT on the best side wire tires on automobiles, trallors and trucks. 202 Kentucky aven. AUTO p^Yn TING Ford, $lO up. Others, sls up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. AUTOS AND^T^UCK^^FOR^HirHIk AUTOS FOR RENT —Do your own driv ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Main 6921. MI SC E LLANEOUS— FOR SALE. ~ BUY pants direct from the maker. We make them to your measure from $7.50 up. LEON TAILORING CO., 131 East New York. ONE quartered oak standing bookkeep er's desk; practically new; 8 feet long with ledger shelf. Ask for Mr, White. J. D. ADAMS & CO., 217 South Belmont. LARGE DR AFTING TA BLE. MAIN 6947. FOR SALE Second-hand Umber and kindling for sale. Eleventh and Capitol avenue. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR BALE, BIG , , Cleanup Sale on Sample and Uncalled for Suits 260 gray herringbone worsted suit, size 35, sale price 840. 370 gray checked unfinished worsted coat and trousers, size 35, sale price 345. 390 gray striped casslmere suit, size 30, sale price 335. 260 striped brown cheviot suit, size 86, sale price 330. 250 light gray cheviot suit, size 88, sale price SBS. S6O blue serge coat and trousers, size 36. sale price 385. 366 striped dark gray worsted suit, size 36, sale price 340. $75 striped brown Saxony finish suit, size 37, sale price 545. 365 striped dark gray worsted coat and trousers, size 37, sale price 835. 350 light gray crash coat and trousers, size 37, sale price S3O. $65 dark green unfinished worsted suit, size 37, sale price $45. 360 gray merge suit, size 38, sale price 340. S6O Oxford gray -unfinished worsted suit, size 38. Bale price S4O. $66 blue unfinished worsted suit, size 39, sale price 237.50. 360 blue and white striped worsted suit, size 89, sale price 335. $76 tan unfinished worsted suit, size 39. sale price SSO. 850 gray checked casslmere suit, size 39. sale price $32.50. 870 gray worsted check suit, size 39, sale price 355. 350 brown checked worsted suit, size 39, sale price 845. 265 fancy silk strloed suit, belted model, size 39, sale price $45. $65 blue serge suit, size 40, sale price 346. 366 plain gray worsted coat and trous ers. size 40. sale price 335. 360 green and brown mixed suit, size 40, sale price 34C. 350 brown checked worsted suit, size 41. sale price 340. 265 fancy blue striped worsted suit, size 41, sale price $45. 360 blue serge suit, size 42, sale price 235. 365 gray striped worsted suit, size 42, sale price 845. 860 gray slrlped tweed suit, size 42, tale price S4O. 180 gray striped tweed suit, size 44, sale Ijrlce $4 0. 260 blue silk mixed worsted suit, size 16, sale price S4O. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street Be sure you are in the right place. JL—, i/a Drop-Head Singer, 310. "TTTm other bargains. 31.00 per it jf — i Tjr week. All makes KE PAIRED. HEMSTITCH- L 5 ISO while you wait, 10c PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. Ave. Mail ’Em In , * O.G.Klugel.P.D. \ *36 South Meridian gXr Main 3328. Steel tape repatrin*. RECOKD AND PLAY Ell ROLL EX CHANGE TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 301_INDIANA AVE. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. About fifty trcuaer lengths to your measure. SB. $9 and $lO. Values up to sls. W. G. SCHNEIDER. 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are in the right place. wb~wlLl bUt~Tt! If you have any household goode or office furniture to sell call a buyer from the largest. best and beet rated used fur niture store In the etate. BAKER BUOa Auto. 28-188. Main 3488. SELL IT ! to the largest and beet rated used fural- I ture store In the etate. BAKER BROS. LEW SHANK pay* beet prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 3021. WE will buy and pa> spot cash for the furnishing* of good homes, up to SI,OOO. gAKUR BUOK_ _ It v ur clock V" not running phons CIM* 4307. M R. till EARN. *ll North Ala bama _ _ " HOUSEHOLD C.00D5.~’~77~ Gas Ranges A largo selection of nearly nil standard makes in both high and low oveu styles. : 113.60 up. Refrigerators Good, sound boxes, cleaned and tested; I all sizes at about half price. Good Rugs Room sire ar.d extra large ones, hall runners and carpets; the very best In Indianapolis at about half the new prices. Fine Furniture Anything you need; every piece made like new at half the new price. Better good, and cheaper prices than you will find elsewhere. USED GOODS STORE THE FINE STORE REFRIGERATORS. 609 used tee boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard makes, such a* Alaska. Bohn Siphon. McCray. Herrick Automatic, New Iceberg. Dr. j Price, Gibson's Star. Gurney and others All sixes and the price averages about one-hulf the cost new. BAKER BROS. *l* East Washington St. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper hero and easier terms. KROOT A SON._ tO3 W. Washington SC RESTAURANT ranges, 8 and 10-hole coal ranges. Majestic, same as new. Cash or payments. Baker Broa. 219-225 13. Wash ington street. 25 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at prices from sls to $27.60. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. SEVERAL Urge grocer's Ice boxes. Baker Bros. FOUR rooms of furniture for sale cheap. Will deliver. 251 South Oakland avenue. . COAL ANC) wood for sale." POCAHONTAS M. R $9.25 KENTUCKY LUMP ....$9.25 ILLINOIS LUMP $7.75 INDIANA LUMP .$7.25 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 3631. _ MAIN 2151. detlctTves. Quigley-Byland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 126-629 Law bldg Main 2902. HORSES AND VEHICLES. JOSEPH HAAS pave highest prices for dead horses, cows and hogs. Call Main 1039. Auto. 2S-77& HORSE platform, wagon, harness outfit; good condition; honest bargain; private owner. 1251 Standard avenue. Belmont 1814. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. IT STORAGE CHEAPEST // ( W/ RATES IN CITY. CALL // I I If US. Everything at rea l •y-, I I I] sonable price. Packed. U /( 1J II shipped anywhere. IS Locked room If desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4699. BAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parts of city. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO.. 118 W. Wabash street. Main 1298. Main 5489, Auto. 31-201. CALL SHANK for the best service la hauling, packing, shipping and storage. 227-229 North New Jersey Bt. Main 2028. 6. K. TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 938 E. Washington St. Prospect 8282. _ __ REAL ESTATE—ROW SALE. ~~ FOR SALE—One double two story frame on Relsner near Morris street; modern throughout. In first-class condition. Price Belmont 1661. EIGHT-ROOM modern south. close In; hot water heat, large garage, $4,590. Terms. Woodruff 7024. I 4 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. AM building several nice new homes of four to six rooms. Just scuth of Bethel avenue, north of Albany street; within walking dis tance of Beech Grove shops. Three blacks to good common school, high school and street car with service from early morning until about midnight. Churches, stores and bank nearby; only short distance from paved street all the way to city. Electrio lights, cut glass fixtures; good well water, cement porches and walks; gable roof sheds; yards nicely fenced; Just the place for garden, chickens and V fresh air. More ground adjoining at 'rate of orie dollar per week If desired. Will sell to satisfactory parties with smgll amount cash who can pay from 325 to S4O per month including interest. Take Beech Grove car to Ninth avenue; go north two blocks. Houses open for inspection all day Bundav. HORACE T. FRANKLIN 1014 Peoples Bank Building. Main 1924 or North 610. Kenwood, South of Creek Immediate possession of this modern single; hall living room, dining room and kitchen down stairs; two large bedrooms up stairs; large convenient closets throughout; full basement with cement foundation; garage. Own er is leaving city immediately on sale; 35,600 cash. See Berry. SCHMID & SMITH, INC. REALTORS. 134 N. Delaware. Main 4088. Home s —Home s —tlomes —Homes— NORTH—SOUTH—EAST—WEST It makes no difference what part of city you with to buy or locate in. it will pay you well to see our listings. Bloodwortk & Gladden 629 Peoples Bank bldg. Circle 332. LET US WRITE YOUR FIRE INSURANCE. 1400 Block on Pleasant St. Four-room cottage, electric lights, gas, furnace and hardwood floors. Price $3,590. Terms. 800 Block on Olive St. Four rooms, gas for lighting and cook ing, city water in kitchen. Price 31,800. Terms. See Mr. Halls, with J. G. McCullough, Realtor 105 North Delaware. Main 1700. 1 Six-Room Bungalow Sun porch, long living room, fireplace, French doors, dining room, kitchen, pan try. Three bedrooms and bath on hall; full basement, laundry, double garage. Near Thirtieth street. Payments; $1,500 cash required. Co., Realtors 111 Monument Circle. Main 3991. Harrison 1754. Circle 6541. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a good 6-room house and three lots, northeast: electric lights, fruit. cellar, large attic, top on back porch; straw berries and plenty of other fruit now bearing. Good place for chickens and farden. Price $2,800. easy terms. Main 765. LOTS—Emerleigh—LOTS 4400 TO 4SOO EAST TENTH ST. Inside the cit). northeast, where values are Increasing today—not In a few years. Choice large lots, $275 to $475 —$10 down. $5 month—No Interest or taxes for two years. Come out Sunday. AGENT ON GROUND. WEST SIDE Attractive, modern home on terma; 7 light, airy rooms; porches; fruit and gar den; garage. A splendid buy. A. C. BOHREN, 416 American Central Life. Main 3734. Night. North 4292. *1,640 IMM EDI AT B POSSESSION. SI,OOO down. $25 per month, 8 rooms, gas for lighting and cooking; long grape arbor: large barn and cellat. cistern and well In kitchen; lot 37x160; 700 block N. Bellevlew place. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. $1,600 CASH, balance terms, buys two story residence. Three bedrooms, large living and dining rooms; kitchen, pantry; hardwood floors; beamed celling, bath, fur nace. A rare bargain at $4,000. Call North 1586 —i ■ -yy. 918 North Sheffield, slx ift™ /v 2 II room cottage. electrio IrUZLruLs I' lights, gas. city water. Jv $2,260; SSOO cash, bal ance *l9 per month GEO. A. LUCAS, 203 American Central Life Bldg. Circle 6800. ONE hundred block South Rural, semi modern double; eight rooms on* side, four rooms on# side; price $2,650; easy terms; rents for $32 per month. Wood ruff 2092. FIVE-ROOM house; gas for lights and cooking, large lot and barn cheap for cash. $1,400; possession at once If vou want It. West Wilkins street. Call Bel mont 1680. $2,206. S4OO down. $lB per month; double house. 6 rooms to side; gas for light and cooking, well and cistern; front porch and big yard. On the bill. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. LASALLE street. 2863; four-room cottage two lota with all kinds fruit and berries! Price $1,800; part terms. H. G. MONEN, 405 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 3138. FOR SALE—One four-room one story frame; one flve-room one story frame, on Minerva street; one six-room house one story frame on South Senate avenue. Pay ments. Belmont 1861. $1,850. S2OO down. sl6 a month. S-room house, newly painted; city water; gas for lights; In the 900 block on Maple street. MR. LEE. Belmont 15E0. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road blvd.. within two squares of fairgrounds; $lO cash, balance si. weekly. 640 Lemcko Annex. Main 1409. SUBURBAN home; all four lots for $l6O cash; on Eighth street, block 16. Cypress park, Houston, Hotwell, Texas, 1332 S. Alabama street, Indianapolis Ind. I HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments. From four to eleven rooms. For parilcu lara call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. FIVE-ROOM, practically new. modern bungalow; garage, paved street, hard wood floors throughout; fireplace; many bulltln features. Woodruff 2092. COFFEE STREET, just off of Oliver ave nue, seven rooms, modern, hardwood floors. Price $3,250. A. F. ZAINEY. 149 East Market street. IMMEDIATE possession, four-room house, $1,300 cash. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 15S0. KEALING avenue, north of Tenth street. 6-room modern, full lot. first-class con dltlon; will sell on terms. Main 6765. sTs?o! ‘ S4OO down, S2O month, 5-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. SIX-ROOM semi-modern cottage on Oiney street, north of Tenth. $3,150. Terms. Woodruff 247 after 7:30. SI,BOO. COLORED BUYERS. SBOO down. S2O a month. 5-room house, on Blake street. MR. LEE. Belmont 15S0. INDIANA TRUST CO. ‘ Sells real estate, collects rent, writes fire Insurance. MODERN Irvington home, well located on paved street; shade, etc. THE SOUTH ERN LUMBER CO. EXTRA nice, new modern bungalow, fine location; large lot. Terms. Washing ton 1079. GALE and Twenty-fourth street. five rooms semi-modern. Easy terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. $1,400. COLORED BUYERS. S4OO down, sls a month, four-room house. MR. LEE, Belmont 1580. FOUR-ROOM cottage near East Wash ington street, $2,200. Easy terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. FOR SALE—Large lot, Emerson and Thirty-eighth. Call Belmont 4 4 03. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HOUSES wanted. List your property with us for sale; buyers waiting. FINNEY & HILL. 2048 Northwestern. North 949. SVt r Wanted—About 10 acres \V on the Belt east, between Washington and East A Tenth, for distribution plant. Bert Essex, 208 American Central Life Building, WANTED property to sell. Have got buyers and no houses. HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MB. LEE. Belmont 1580. REAL ESTATE—WANW LET ME sell your property. I quick results. S. G. BULLUP. iMtgEwagL Senate. Circle 4956, Auto. LIST your property with~~ SEXTON & CO.. 316 Indiana g, Mai n 4317. FOR cash customers, modern or modern houses. Cali Main 142, XSffi MODERN double house for cash tomer. Main 107. FARMS—FOR SALE. ' ’ FOR SALE or trade, 10 farm* from sls ? per acre up to S4O. Como end look them over. R. F. BRAMMER. Owene burg, Ind. ; jF A RMS—FOR SALEY>RTrA DgT FOR EXCHANGE—I6O acres level. Im proved, well located farm for merchan dise business. All kinds of deals. Write us your wants. STAUFFER REALTY CO., Seymour. Ind. ' ~ INSTRUCTIONS. | PROF. RAYNO’S old reliable school fo* I the stage. Established 1880. Thousands ! of pupils who are playing the best of j theaters. Violin; all kinds of fancy stage j dancing acts taught and completed fop I good season's engagements. Ladies' and I gentlemen wishing to start In and learnfl call PROF. RAYNO, 224 West Ohio street.! Main 2069. ' HUNDREDS railway mall clerks wantsdj Indianapolis examination* soon; 3IE9M month. List positions free. FRANKLIN! INSTITUTE. Dept. 95 F, Rochester. N. Y^ iOUNDATION work taught on pidqgfl children 9 to 15 years solicited, a WHEELER, Irvington 4099. J WANTED —Names men over 16, wishing become mail carriers; SIOO-3135 month, Address A No. 1504, Times. ~ ~ bUsI NESS Jc HANG EB. OPPORTUNITY Hare you 3100 or more to Invest where the riek is gmall and the profits larger 1$ will pay you to . liijUSßm INVESTIGATE The E. B. Cassatt Co* 910 Hume-Mansur Bldg. \ TO MATCH your coat and rest for • pair of trousers, see w. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street ’Hi Be sure you are In the right places FOR SALE—Art store, complete line books, stationery, fine art picture frames, showcases, bookcases, tables, chairs, office desks. typewriters; living rooms connected. Phone Main 3296. "FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. OFFERINGS BY THE STORES. ' Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. LADIES’ AND MEN’S PANAMA - AND LEGHORN HATS Cleaned and Blocked. New Process. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHEFtY GEO. H. MULLER, PROP. Main 6179. 28 Kentucky Ave. INDIANAPOLIS V. —J Match Your Coat with a pair of / | \ TROUSERS 1 I •t \ I THE PANTS \f JL STORE CO. r Two Store* l. UJ 4S W. Ohio. Ar no E. Market. V' HOT weather fabrics at prices that yo* can afford to pay. Mohairs, cranhs% tropical worsteds, etc. Coat and trousers to your measure $32.50, $35. $37.50. S4O and up. W. G. SCHNEIDER 39 West Ohio st. Be sure you are In the right plaoa. : MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. HIGH-CLASS phonograph, $150: mahogsj any; used 4 weeks and record*. ITS* 3137 Ruckle. J FINANCIAL WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE READ ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS MORTGAGES. BONDS AND BTOCK* LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Third floor. Law Building. Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farm* and Improved city properties. GIBs RALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 108 X Delaware street. Main 1618. WE MAKE second mortgages on farm of city property. AETNA MTG. AND UfW CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Trust Bldfc INSURANCE In all branohes. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bid*, Main 7049. INSURANCE In all branches. AUBRE? P. PORTER. 916 Law bldg. Main 70411 LOANS ON DIAMONDS; 3H% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO- 53 Monument. JLEQAL fN~qTTCEBT~_U~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ISSUJir BONDS OR OTHER EVIDENCE INDEBTEDNESS. Stats of Indiana, State Board of Taat Commissioners. In the matter of the petition of the city of Indianapolis to Issue bonds or other evidence of indebtedness for the sanitary district of Indianapolis. To the taxpayers of the city of Indlanap oils; Notice la hereby given that the city of Indianapolis, by Its mayor, Charles W. Jewett, and Its city controller, Robert H, Bryson, and the board of sanitary com missioners for the sanitary district of Indianapolis, by Its president, Frank CJ. Lingenfelter. has filed with the Stats Board of Tax Commissioners of the stats of Indiana a petition to Issue bonds og othei_, evidence of Indebtedness for the purpose of making a temporary loan of five hundred thousands dollars ($500,000) for the sanitary district of Indianapolis, la anticipation of a bond Issue of said sani tary district, for a period not exceeding Dec. 31, 1920, and at a rate of Interest not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, for the purpose of raising money to par tially pay for the construction of a disposal plant as provided by law. A public hearing on said petition will hfl held In Indianapolis at the office of State Board of Tax Commissioners In statehouse on the 25th day of June, at 9 o'clock a. m. CITY OF INDI VNAPOLIS. CHARLES W. JEWETT.. Mayor. P.OBERT H. BRYSON, City Controller. BOARD OF S..VITARY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE OANITARY DISTRICT OF INDIANAPOLIS. LUCIUS S. SWIFT, President. SAMUTL ASHBY, Corporation Couns*J< (Continued on Next-Page)