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g|Se BUZZARD’ RELIEVED DEAD V From Virginia to Peru Since 1812. W. Va., June 11 ■he famous “belled buzzard,” known all Hvr the country, and said to have lived Kore than 100 years, Is believed to be IP.',. i' ■ A few days ago this buzzard was seen p the farm of W. H. Leach, near the mouth of Second creek. West Virginia. It looked to be greatly emaciated and roady to give up Its career. When the bird was seen, other bus tards were flying overhead, as If keep ing their suffering mate company. This buzzard has a small sleigh bell attached to Its neck. The bird had got Its beak fastened be hind the bell attachment which bowed ita neck In a curve, and seemed unable to release itself from this position. Members of the Leach family went to the buzzard’s aU, but when they ap proached, It flew away with the rest of the flock. It is felt certain the bird has since died. The sleigh bell was tied around the hazard’s neck in the war of 1812. bird has been seen as far south though its summers were al ways spent In the mountains of south ern West Virginia. During the Mexican trouble several years ago the bird was on the border for two consecutive summers. Says Bunch Can’t Obtain a Parole According to Floyd J. Mattice, as sistant United State district attorney, efforts to obtain a parole for Rollin H. Bnnch, former mayor of Muncle. now serving a prison sentence In the federal prison at Atlanta, Ga., for using the malls to defraud, will be useless. It is understood that relatives of Bunch will make appeals to Frederick VanNuys for a parole for Bunch in order that he may visit the bedside of Dr. Frederlch Bunch, of Muncle, his brother, who recently underwent an •aeration for cancer of the stomach. Mr. Mattice said another Indictment charging Bunch with conspiracy to use the mails to defraud Is still pending against him and that the policy of the parole board has always been to refuse i parole under such circumstances. Two Groups of Men’s Suits at Rock Bottom Prices -GROUP I- -GROUP ll— sso and $551 £*!!! S6O, $65 and I Suits | $75 Suits | Sizes 36,37,38 predominate. Other sizes represented.^ There will be more in the new Pettis clothing de- touched by the many sensational sales now being partment than can be put in by the carpenter. advertised. mers W and’sfw!r ethmg not bUllt by ham ' MANY OF THESE SUITS ARE LESS THAN It will be the confidence of the men of Indianapolis, THE REGULAR WHOLESALE PRICE built by four-square dealing and out-of-the ordinary Every suit is in the best qualtiy of tailoring, cut and va, m! e - S ‘ • materials. They are thoroughbreds in every respect. This sale is an examp eof what we mean. We can Come in and see them tomorrow. offer the men of this city values which can not be _ Pe tti 6 men -, dotting, mw noor The Silk Shirt Sale is Going Big 4&\ The Best Silk Shirt of the Season 4 vW Scores Heavily with Wonderful Qual- M / ’ A ity Shirts ; ® i!| Plus War Tax, 28c . j 1 1 11 j “l’m right here to tell you/’ said one enthusiastic citizen, “that I’ve shopped the town and I ibijPW y ’ i haven’t seen anything to touch this sale.” > We believe he’s right. We couldn’t have held this sale ourselves if we hadn’t been in position to jJf a I take advantage of the opportunity caused by the recent slump in raw silk prices. , I \ \2joi) The shirts are well made, full cut and show excellent workmanship in every detail. The patterns ill ‘ ° are all most desirable. Here is what we offer at $5.79: j/j Crepes de Chine in solid colors, Crepes de Chine in stripes, Tub Silks, Habutais, Pussy Willows, // Radium Silks in solid colors—white, pink, blue, green and lavender. I —Pettis shirts, street floor, east 1 aisle. PETTIS nm GOODS CO. HVhb: new vqpk store mimih Two Boys Killed by ‘Unloaded’ Guns WILKESBARRE, Pa., June 11.—Nel son Vaughan, aged 13, of Pittston, and Paul Young, aged 14, of Nantlcoke, are dead as a result of playing with a pistol and a shotgun that they did not know were loaded. The Vaughan boy found a pistol In his home. He took it to play with other young sters. He pointed it at one and pulled the trigger. There was no report. Then he placed it to. his temple, gave the trigger another jerk, and a bullet went into his brain. He died in a few seconds. The Young boy visited his aunt, Miss Clara Young, at Alden. In the attic of her home he found an old shotgun. He gave It to a companion, and they started to play Indian. The companion took aim and fired and sent a load of shot into the abdomen of Young. The latter was dead in half an hour. Cali Schoolboys Who Are Camp High school pupils who are to attend the summer camp of the reserve officers’ training corps at Camp Custer, Mich., are requested to at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon in the Caleb Mills hall, Short ridge High school, to receive final in structions from Capt. E. L. McLenden, military training instructor at Manual Training High school. The party will start for Camp Custer next Thursday morning at 7:30 o'clock. Two hundred forty boys are expected to take the trip this year, whereas only seventy-four went last year. City School Bonds Bids Come Up Today Bids for the sale of $1,615,000 of city school bonds were to be received at a meeting of the board of school commis sioners this afternoon at 2 o’clock. The proceeds of the bonds will be used for the construction of a machine shop and power plant at the Arsenal Technical school, and for the erection of school buildings at school No. 26, Mnrtindale avenue and Sixteenth street, and school No. 22, Illinois and Kansas Streets. Bids for the construction of the school buildings at schools Nos. 26 and 22 will he received at the meeting. Economics School Again to Be Opened A ten-day school of home economics will be conducted again this fall at the state fair. Mrs. Charles Lindley of Salem, Ind., will be manager of the school. Mrs. Lewis Taylor of Indianapolis and Mrs. Charles Sewell of Otterbeln will act as her assistants. Illinois Is the only other state to con duct such a school. Every county In the state will send girls to attend. The study of household problems and the care of children will be taken up sci entifically. All Instruction will be under the super vision of the best trained teachers of home economics In the state. Jamaica to Ask for Limited Home Rule KINGSTON, Jamaica, June 11.—Estab lishment of an extended constitution In Jamaica, which will Include a modified form of self-government, Is to be asked of Great Britain. The legislative council has appointed a committee to draft an address to King George In. which these requests will be set forth. LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents —Try it I Squeeze the juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautlfier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never Irritates. —Ad- vertisement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920. Shortridge Alumni to Meet Tonight The Alumni association of Shortridge High school will hold Its annual meet ing at the school tonight There will be a dance after the meet ing. V John Hollett, Albert Coffin and James Glpe have been nominated for the presi dency of the association. The Manual Training High school alumni also will meet tonight. Canadian Unionists Have Break in Party OTTAWA, Ontario, June 11. —The first breakaway from the ranks of the union ist party, at any rate on the question of the budget, occurred when H. O. Wright, member for Battleford, Sas katchewan, and W. A. Buchanan, a newspaper proprietor and member sot Lethbridge, Alberta, in the course of their speeches, announced tbelr intention of voting against the government Neither defection came as any surprise, as Mr. Wright is a farmer by occupation Use Your fCREDIT 1 j jj In Buying Jfi&Vi * j CLOTHING® GOOD VALUES—PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE. M PEOPLES CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY 46 North Pennsylvania Street, Second Floor. and while a conservative Is a free trader, In the course of his remarks Mr. Wright said that he stood four square with the tariff question as contained in the farmers’ platform and that he was a subscriber to the farmers' political campaign fund. He added that he had been elected to support the present gov ernment for the period of the war and demobilization, and he considered that he had performed his duty along those lines. , Strange Hues Mark Paris Decorations PARIS, June 10.—Never has the fad for interior decorating been as great as at present. Velvet wall coverings, among other things. In strauge futuristic hues, are all the rage. Mine. Edmond Rostand, widow jot the great poet, has jilst completed the ar rangements of her new house, and her reception room Is paneled in peacock green velvet, hand-painted, with panels of deep purple and silver. The curtains are made of ostrich tips sprayed with silver dewdrops and bor dered with purple velvet. SQ C Standard Instrumental Player Rolls All Will O’Wisp Girl of Mine I Baby Heaven’s Artillery * ■ Melodious Jazz Dreamy Alabama Carolina Sunshine Waiting • When the Preacher Makes You Mine mmrnw Kfff Tell Me Chong Beautiful Ohio I’ll Say She Does £ Golden Gate Kentucky Dreams When You’re a Million Miles From Nowhere Let the Rest of the World Go By Beautiful Hawaiian Love W Mary Till We Meet Again M I Theßaldwin Piano Cos. ■ of Indiana 50c 18 No. Pennsylvania St. jQ Q RUGS! RUGS! Many rugs in many sizes, colors and assortments, beautiful in design. Shown in Indianapolis’ largest Daylight Carpet Department. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS SCook In safety and comfort with a Clark Jewel Up to $37.50 One like cut — $32.50 Cash or Easy Pay ments. One 100- i On Easy Payments I FANS Western Electric at the Regular Cash Price. EASY PAYMENTS National Furniture Cos. “Out of the High Rent District” 335-343 West Washington Street The G. E. Conkey Company of Cleveland, Ohio, Guarantees Conkey’s Buttermilk Meat & Grain Laying Mash to contain not less than 4.0 per cent, of crude fat, 18.0 per cent, of crude protein, not more than 6.0 per cent, of crude fiber, and to be compounded from the following ingredients: Corn Meal, Corn Feed Meal, Whestt Bran, Wheat Mid dlings, Ground Barley, Bean Meal, Linseed Oil Meat, Bone, Meat Scraps and But termilk. eur Jewelry Department. This full Nickeled ALARM CLOCK Good timekeeper. Shutoff alarm. Extra s*. _ _ special, Sat- VC'B -JQ urday only Just Received Another Carload of Conkey’s Laying Mash -For Herts— READ THE STATE ANALYSIS Prominent poultry men consider this one of the best mash foods on the market today. Call us up. We will deliver to all parts of the city daily. DAWSON & CO. 23-25 NORTH ALABAMA STREET. Wholesale and retdll distributors for the G. E. Conkey Company A/ of Cleveland, Ohio. Th. BI. Hi. of the Day A portable standard-made talking machine. Take one in your machine for a day’s out ing, canoeing or to your summer home. It’s light, yet durable. One like cut — $ 42' 50 * Including 6 latest Records—l 2 selections. Baby Carriages In Many Colors and Kinds Reed’s Folder and Sulky Cash or Easy Payments. 5