Newspaper Page Text
8 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-89 8. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASS! FIED ADV. DEPT. ftmlr, 1500 Automatic 28-351 RATES One time 0? per line Three consecutive times. .o*>* per line Six consecutive times... .00 per line Mate or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 07 P r I,n ® Three consecutive time*. .08 per line Six consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Lekel notices 01 per line Lodge and club notices 56c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or IlD) 35c per insertion Over 1 inch, 5c per line additional. Death notices, 25c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner funeral director. 522 East Market. Old rhone Main 508. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Waeh Price, John Pam Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. J. C. WILSON 8 Proepect. Auto. 51-871. Prospect 822. PT7NERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER. New 21-158. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1883 Shelby St. Proe. 2570. Auto. 51-118. UNDERTAKER’S—HISEY A TITUS. 951 North Del. New 28-561. Mein actlh qIaTH AND FUNERAL~NOTiCES. WORTH—MINNE K. (nee Kruger)—Be loved vile oi Fred A. Worth, passed away June 14, 1920, 1:10 p. m.. age 31 years. Friends may cal! Tuesday after noon and evening at the home of her par ents. 936 Pleasant Run boulevard. Fu neral Wednesday. 2:30 p. m. Friends in vited. Burial Crown Hill. LOST AND FOUND- LOST—Large bull pup. dark brlndle and white, ears trimmed to point; long tall, whits tip. small scar on right side of neck, while stripe down center of head. Lost down town district; JlO reward. HOWARD SHANK. 359 Illinois street. ACME TIRE AND RUBBER CO. LOST —Card case containing Remington typewriter certificate. Big Four annual pass. Sullivan’s Dancing Academy pass. Pkpers of no value other than owner. _ Re ward. Finder please call Woodruff 7786. LOST —Brown alligator canteen bag. North Illinois car, Sunday evening. 919 North Pennsylvania, apartment 4. Circle 3050. Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947. or write lost agent. 18 Bald wln block. Indianapolis, Ind. LOST or strayed. Water Spaniel. Just been dipped, reward 3721 North Meridian street. Harrison 2184. FOUND —Pass book and money. Call Prospect 3728. LOST—Brooch; can identify; keepsake. North 4754. LOST—On Illinois ear. tan georgette waist. Call Circle 3453. Reward. PERSONALS. FRANK FITZGERALD. LAWYER. Gen eral law practice; also soldiers’ and widows’ pensions. Office 7 North Alabama street. ROOMS—TO LET. SLEEPING room; good condition; light and airy; gentleman preferred, prospect 10*4. 1145 Woodlawn avenue. FIRST-CLASS modern sleeping rooms. Prospect 6705. 1034 Elm street. APARTMENTS—TO LET. SWO-BOOM apartment. semi-modern, . nicely furnished, gas, phone, refrigera tor, bed for small child; can do washing, $1.50 per week. Woodruff 1395. 711 ’m Dormtn street. Room 2. DESIRABLE apartment of two rooms, bath and sun parlor; can be rented if party buys handsome furnishings; close in. Address A No. 836. Times. OFFICE AND STORES—TO TeT. OFFICE ROOMS. Attractive office rooms in the new TRANSPORTATION BUILDING (being remodeled), southeast corner Delaware and South streets. WILLIAM F. WOCHER. Sole agent. City Trust building. Main *99*. Auto. 24-806. PRIVATE office, furnished or unfur nished; lights and phone included. Main 67*5. OFFERINGS BY THE STOREB. Match Your Coat with a pair of / | \ TROUSERS 1 THE PANTS ' | STORE CO. Two Storet u. LJ 4S W. Ohio. ft BUSINESS SERVICES. FOR paper hanger. Call Johnson, Wood ruff *716. PATCH PLASTERING. Belmont 1680. BUSIN ESS C HAN CE 8, FOR SALE—Leading taxi line in :ity of 11.000. Established, having been oper ated under same management for last six years. All Veils cars in excellent condi tion. Best location and earning good profits. Address A. F. SMITH. Bedford. Ind. IF TOU want a grocery, confectionery, fruit stand, barber shop, talior shop or other business, see INDIANA BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 513 Indiana Trust. Main 2674. “ FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BL'P.KLB, 414 Mass ave. Main 142*. New 23-775. MALE HELP—WANTED. MEN WANTED BIG 4 ELEVATOR COMPANY Big 4 Railroad and Sherman Drive Prospect 6878 YOUNG MEN Post office clerks, letter carriers, railway Stall clerks, etc., for the government. Goo dentrance salaries with promotions certain. For fall paitlculars and a special course of instruction, call or write Imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 N. Illinois at. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main 595 WANTED LABORERS’ 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. WHITE LABORERS. AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEE.VTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. WANTED A practical man nurse to take care of MS aped and Infirm man. Address ROY WARMOTH, Stlleevlle. Ind. WANTED —Skilled labor for piano fac tory 1 all department#. Piece work; fine location; rents low; steady work all year. Apply to MEISTER PIANO CO , Monroe villa. Ohio. LABORERS” day and night. INDIANAPOLIS CASTINGS COMPANY, 131 South Hard in v street. DRIVER and helpers on moving van; ex perienced on handling household good*. FRANK SHELLHOUSE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO. VAMTXD— Auto mechanic. MAPLE ROAD ■■ ' MALE HELP—WANTED, UMBERS ■ffl J, RiIIKER cupin ■ 602 W. McCARTY ST. STEADY WORK ALL UNDER COYER. BEST WAGES. STEADY, PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT. WANTED 50 UNSKILLED MEN. POSITIONS AS GRID MOLDEP.S, HELPERS AND TRUCKERS. 8-HOUR SHIFT, FROM 3 p. M. TO 11 P. M. BEST WAGES AND GOOD PRODUCTION AND ATTEND ANCE BONUS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EASY TO LEARN UNDER TRAINED MEN AS INSTRUCTORS. APPLY AT ONCE. 63 S. ILLINOIS OR SPEEDWAY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. , PREST-O-LITE CO INC. SPEEDWAT. PLANT 1. I*9T. • -14-20. WANTED A LADY WITH SELLING EX PERIENCE TO TAKE CHARGE OF OUR CO LUMBIA GRAPHONOLA RECORD DEPT. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE PARTY. AD DRESS A 1527, TIMES. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. WANTED. (SiKJSTKTM LAME IS STEADY WORK ALL VEM Shelby St. and Troy Ave. End of Shelby St. Car Line. HAIL'CONSTRUCTION 00. LABORERS, WHITE OR COLORED. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO., VAN BUREN AND DRAPER STS Take Shelby car. Get off at Belt, walk three squares east. Employment office. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION, BIG 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. A-l LATHE MEN AND EXPERI ENCED J. & L. OPERATORS. MODERN ELEC TRIC & MACHINE CO. WHITE LABORERS. ASSEMBLERS. TRUCKERS. We need a number of good handy white men. about 26 years old, for work for which they are adapted. Modern plant and equipment. Apply employment office. J. D. ADAMS & CO.. 217 South Belmont ave. WANTED HIGH-GRADE . MILLWRIGHTS AND ELECTRICIANS. PREST-O-LITE CO., INC. SPEEDWAY. 17IT. 6-14-20. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY. Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. WIRE workers, framers and weavers at HOLLENBECK'S. 120 South Liberty street. AUTO trimmer* and top builders. ECON OMY AUTO PAINTING CO., 44* North Capitol. Main 3486. WANTED—Man for bookkeeper and cash ier. Must have had previous experience. Address A No. 887. Times. MEN for milk plant; good wages, steady work. Telephone Prospect 6182. Key stone and Minnesota streets. WANTED—Colored janitor. Apply to James Courtney, CITIZEN'S GAS CO., first floor. WANTED—YoukA man to work id gio ery, 2101 Pleasant street. ' BAKER wanted; nrse class. KESSLER BAKERY, Greenabyg, Indiana. LABORING men. W.UL HUFFMAN CO.T &L CMs mA -ouujX MALE HELP—WANTED. FOUNDRY LABORERS Steady Employment EITEMISE MU WORKS 24th and Yandes THE PREST-O-LITE CO., ' INC.. SPEEDWAY PLANT 1, NEEDS 15 HUSKY MEN AS HELPERS AND TRUCKERS IN PLATING AND POLISHING DEPARTMENT. APPLY 63H S. ILLINOIS OR SPEEDWAY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 170 T. 6-16-20. WANTED BOARD HAMMERMAN LAKESIDE FORGE COMPANY, ERIE, PA. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. A-l MOTOR ASSEMBLERS MIDWEST ENGINE CO. Come Prepared to Go to Work 19th and Martindale GRINDERS ; experienced, for rough work. Apply m --j ployrr.ent department, IMPERIAL DROP l FORGE CO., 610 South Harding. ! COMPOSITOR —THE INDIANA PRINT ING CO. of Crawfordsvllle. Ind., want* | a union Job compositor dealring a steady I situation. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 241 Indiana avs. SALESMEN—WANTED. WANTED Hlgh-clasa salesmen for country proposition. Men with car pre ferred. Posatbliltler depend upon ability to produce Territory now open in all sec tions of state. Present force are aver aging over *SO per week above road ox* pensea For further details write Sales manager. 5603 Julian avenue. Indianapolis, Ind. TRAVELING salesmen: splendid paying positions BUSINESS MEN’S SERVICE BUREAU. 433 Lemcke Bldg. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. WOMEN To iron women’s garments and fancy articles; experi ence preferred, but not nec essary. French Steam Dye Works, “The Garments Cleaners,’’ 49 Monument Circle. permanent POSITIONS FOR GIRLS IN TELEPHONE WORK There are Immediate vacancies in this work, where girls over 16 years of age may obtain steady employment year round, with vacation, excellent working facilities, attractive positions. You may choose telephone work for your permanent vocation. It will appeal to you. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Corner New York and Meridian Streets. Applicant’s information desk in lobby. WANTED—Another girl to assist our office secretary with clerical work at $2 .50 per day in exchange for a course in shorthand or bookkeeping, or both. See Fred W. Case, principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, third floor Uni versity Park Bldg., corner Pennsylvania and Vermont streets. One door north Y. W, C. A. GIRLS WANTED In spreading department on white muslin underwear: good salary, steady employ ment. Apply In person, H. B. FERGUSON CO., 11l West Raymond street. Prospect 3212. WANTED—Young lady, good reader, to assist In the dictation department In re turn for a shorthand or bookkeeping Course. See Fred W. Case. principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. third floor University Park bldg., corner Penn sylvania and Vermont streets. One door north Y. W. C. A. GIRLS FOR LIOHT FAC TORY WORK. MOD ERN ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. WANTED TWO COLORED WOMEN FOR CLEANING. APPLY MATRON CITY HOS PITAL. Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145. WANTED—Lady for night nurse; one who has had institutional work pre ferred. Call or write HORD SIANTTAR IUM, Shelbyvllle. Ind. NURSE maid; private family. Telephone Belmont >42. \ T liiini Iflil* to\ylrt| In housework. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145. WOMEN and girls; sevsral over 16; per manent employment; good wages. The Overall Laundry, 2520 East Twelfth st. Woodruff 294. TAILORESS, EXPERIENCED ON MEN’S CLOTHING ALTERATIONS; STEADY POSITION. RUBENS, 39 WEST WASH INGTON ST. GIRLS over 16; upstairs over 458 South Meridian. HONEY DEW BUTTER SCOTCH CO. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. CALL' Circle 1361 for high-grade office help. BUSINESS MEN’S SERVICE BUREAU. 433 Lemcke Bldr. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CENTENNIAL SALE Mr. Prospective Buyer: We have a few more cars that we would like to dispose of this following week in order to make room for more trades. If you want to buy a good car, see these first. National sedan, 7-passenger. 1919; reg ular price, 92,600; today’s price, 82,500 net. National touring, 7-passenger, 1918; regular price 11,800; today’s price, f1.500 net. National touring, 1917; regular price, 81,500; today’s price, 81.200 net. National touring. 7-paasenger, 1917; regular price, 81.500; today's price, 81,200 net. National touring. 7-paseenger, 1916; reg ular price. 81.200; today's price. 81.000 net. National roadster. 4-passenger, 1917; regular price, 81.200; today's price, 81.050 net. National touring. 7-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 81.000; today's price, 8850 net. Cole touring, 7-passenger, 1917; regular price, 8850; today's price. 8600 net. Packard chassis, 6-ey!lndr; regular price, 81.000; today's price, iB6O net. Case touring, 7-pussenger, 1917; regular price. 8550; today's price, 8800 net. Overland touring. 5-passenger, 1917; reg ular price. . 8850; today's price, 8700 net. Jackson roadster, 2-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 9850; today's price. 8600 net. Mitchell touring. 7-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 8550: today's price, 8600 set. Chalmers touring, 7-paeoenger, 1915: wire wheels; regular price. 87 50; today's price. 9600 net. Some of these cars are being painted and some are ready to drive away. Look this list over. 40% down and the balance in one year. SUPERIOR GARAGE 34th and Central Ave. Wash. 2149. Automatic 41-941 National Automotive Cos. 426 North Capitol Avenue. Indlanapois, Ind. BARGAINS used' n cars Most of these cars have been rebuilt, repainted and retopped. Down. Weekly. Orant roadster 876 84.50 Saxon roadster 75 4 60 Regal touring 100 5.00 Overland S3 touring 125 5,50 Maxwell touring 195 6 60 Dort touring.... 145 6.90 Allen touring 146 6.00 Brlacoe touring 145 6.00 Scrtppa-Booth touring 145 6 50 Chevrolet touring 175 6.0 Reo touring 175 6 50 Empire touring 195 7,0 Bulok 6 roadster 2S 500 Cadillac 1 roadster, 1919... 1.600 And many othera too numerous to mention. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Company 618 X. Capitol. Open evenings. RECONSTRUCTED AUTOMOBILES A full list of good used cars that have been completely over hauled and repainted. Terms to suit the pur chaser. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY 426 N. Capitol Ave. CHEVROLET. 1919, 4-90; sedan; new cord tires; paint unexcelled; motor Al. Se this at once JONES-WHITAKER SALES CO. Department of Uaed Cara. 343 N. Capitol ave. Main 5646. CHEVROLET 8, touring; good paint, good tires; mechanically good, each or pay ments. DI ETZ-JA M ES. 334 East Market street. Main 571*. Open evening* and Sunday morning*. AUBURN touring. good shape, newly painted; a bargain, cash or payments Dletz-Jame*, 234 E. Market *t. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morn- In* OVERLAND touring, good shape, newly painted; a bargain; cash or payments DIETZ-. 1 A MES. 324 East Market atreet. Main 5716. Open evening* and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET COUPE, late mode), look* like new; lust the thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 E Market. Main 6716. Open evening* and Sunday. OAKLAND "6" touring, new paint; cash or terms DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Mar ket. Main 6716. Open evening* and Sun day morning PEERLESS 8. 1919; 7 passenger. This car lt\ good a* new. Owner leaving town. THE MOTOR MART. 140 Delaware St. Main 1984. ONE 1918 Ford touring, *375; one 1917 For.d touring, 1826; must be een to appreciated, (lree-claaa condition, private owner. 317 South Balmont. INTERSTATE touring; good tlree, in ex cellent meohanica! condition. THE MOTOR MART. {4O N, Delaware St. Main 1984. MAXWELL TOURING—in good shape. A bargain. Term* or trade. DIETZ JAMES. 234 East Market St. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. CHEVROLET touring; here 1* a bargain, *365. THE MOTOR MART. 1919 CHEVROLET” coupe 4-90, in good mechanical shape; ha* good tlrea and paint; a bargain. Dletz-Jamee Sale* Cos., 384 Eat Market. Main 5716. MONROE TOURING, aimoat new, bargain price; terms or trade. Dletz-Jame*. ;{34 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evenings nnd Sunday morning. DODGE rnadeter, {650. THE MOTOR MART. 140 N. Delaware St. Main 1984. COM~M UN WEALTH Four-Forty automo bile. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market. Main 5716. Marlon county dealers MAXWELL touring, a* good as new, *460. ‘ THE MOTOR MART, 140 N. Delaware St. Main 1984. FORD touring, {BOO. THE MOTOR MART, 140 N. Delaware St. Main 1984. MAXWELL touring, {325. Owner, 2204 _ Eait Now JYork. DETROITER 6, touring; good condition, {450. Call Washington 4035. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIED 1 JOB PLATING Nothing ie too large or too ■mall for u* to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 638-85 Kentucky ave. Main 2936. Main 652*. \ Batteries recharged, repaired, rebuilt. Guaranteed new batteries for any car. Second-hand batteries cheap. Open until 9 p. m. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO., 607 Mass. Ave_Maln_Bl4s. PARTS for most any make of car. Ford parts a specialty. Baigain* in tire* of all sizes Try us and save money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., 819 N. Illinois Msln *O9O. FORD rear wheels JOHN OUBDEL HOBFER WAGON CO„ 29* Xanluaky auto Repairs AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 823-334 North Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN auto tops, side curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 646. WE MAKE and repair automobile springs for all makes of cars; bring in or ship to us. GIIEDELHOEFER WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. WE SPECIALIZE on automobile wheel re pairing on all make cars; up-to-mlnute equipment. THE JOHN GUEDKLHOEF ER WAGON CO., 202 Kentucky avenue. HAVE YOUR automobile axles straight ened at the JOHN GUEDELHOEFER WAGON CO„ 202 Kentucky avenue. AUTO PAINTING Ford. 910 up. Others, 815 up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES 100 Cars at Once Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in the state. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST._ AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay tor your money. It is her® for you. Came in or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois at. Main 1679. Auto 22-063. Ws also buy Junk cara TR UCKB—FO R SALE. IF YOU WANT A TRUCK One that will deliver a low-cost ton mile, see BURL FINCH. Distributor. ONE and one-hs!f-t<>n truck, good condi tion; take team and harness In trade. Main 3120. AUTOS AND TRUCKS VoK hirtt AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Hooaier Laundry. Rear Keith* theater. Main 5*21. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. THEY HAVE ARRIVED. EXCELSIOR TWIN. ’ MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-52 Mas*. Ave. HARLEY DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 634-36 Ms** Ave. M*ln 6404 CASH paid for all kind* of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 509 Massachu setts avenue. M I SC E L L A N EOUS—FOR 3AL£~ s , •jn-. Dr>p-Hed Singer. *l6, other bargains. II 00 per si week. All makes HK hj i-W PAIRED. HEMSTITCH -ING while you wait, 16c MSM—PER YARD WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main CuO. Auto. 25-216. *l* Ma— Ave. buy pant* direct from the maker. vv make them to your measure from 17.50 up. LEON TAILORING CO„ 131 East New York. RECORD AND PLAYER HULL EX CHANGE TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP 301 INDIANA AV*. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. WE WILL BUT IT. If you have any household good* or office furniture to eel! call a buyer from the largest, beet and beat rated used fur niture a tors In the state. BAKER UROa Auto. 2 3-166 Mein 3466. SELL IT to the largest and beat rated u*ed furni ture store la the state. baker np.oa Auto. 33-166. Main 846*. LEW SHANK pay* be< price* in city for household good* and fixture* of all kind*. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 3023. WE will buy and pay spot cash for the furnishings of good home*, up to *I,OOO. BAKRK BRUk IF your clock 1* not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. BHEARN. *ll North Ala bama. WANTED—A load of good, rich dirt for flower bed. Call Circle 4298 HOUSEHOLD uOODS. Oas Ranges A large selection of nearly all standard makes In both high and low oven style*. $18.50 up. Refrigerators Good, sound boxes, cleaned and tested; all size* at about half price. Good Rugs Room and extra large ones, hall runners and carpets; the very best In Indianapolis at about half the new prices. Fine Furniture Anything you need, every piece made like new at half the new price. Better good* and cheaper price* than you will find elsewher*. USED GOODS STORE THE FINE STORE 424 Mas*. Ave. REFRIGERATORS. 600 used ice boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard make*, such a# Alaska, Bohn Siphon. McCray. Herrick Automatic, New Iceberg. Dr. Price, Gibson's Star. Gurney and other*. All size* and the price average* about one-haif the cost new. BAKER BROS. 219 East Washington St, Furniture GAS STOVES. GIL STOVES. * Cheaper hero and easier terms. KROOT & SON. 609 W. Washington St. 26 GOOD cabinet gas ranges* at prices from *ls to {27.60. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Weiler Upright piano In late style mahogany case, big value at $225, payments $2 per week. E. L. Lennox Piano 00. 16 North Meridian st. GOOD piano and Italian harp. Rent or Bell. 14 South New Jersey. I CqAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. POCAHONTAS M. K 19.25 KENTUCKY LUMP {9.25 ILLINOIS LUMP *7.75 INDIANA LUMP $7.25 L. M. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 3581. MAIN 2151. HORSES AND VEHICLES. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest price a for dead horses, cows and hogs. Call Ma.'.n 1039. Auto. 25-778 FOR SALE—Good driving horse. buggy and harness. Corner Thirty-sixth and Whcalar. FRESH cow and calf for sale. Two blocks east of Arlington avenue on Twelfth at, did you sell rrr X 4 TWtl WBMm M 3 TRANSFER AND STORAGE. G7VT<\/7 storage cheapest ( \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL ( \ f US. Everything at rea- I U sonable price. Packed. II II shipped anywhere. Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4699. BAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parts of Cltv. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO„ 118 W. Wabash street. Main 1293. Main 6489. Auto. 31-261. call SHANK for the best service in hauling, packing, shipping and storage. 227-229 North New Jersey St. Main 20i|jl. O K TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 93S E. Washington St. Proepect 3282. TAILORS - AN P CL £ AIM £R S. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing, ladles' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. J. SCHWARTZ, tailor and cleaner. 21 Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. MACH INERYANDTOOLsU WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Finch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land St. DETECTIV ES. Quigley-Byiand Agency CiviUand Criminal Investigators 626-529 Law bldg Main 2903. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. WELL marked collie puppies. 1014 Temple avenue. East Tenth car. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. READ THIS OVER. Five-room cottage; newly painted and papered. Paved street, northeast. On car line. Price 81,700. Terms. 2200 cash. Six rooms on Union street. Worth 93.600. Price 22.250. One-half cash. Coffey street. Just off Oliver avenue. Seven rooms, bath, hardwood floors. Price 23,250. One-half caah. Tibbs avenue, near Michigan. 5 rooms; extra good. Newly painted and papered. Price 23.600. 21.000 cash. Good avenue. Irvington. 6 rooms, mod ern. Lot 66x205; fruit; garden. Garage. Price 23.600; 21.500 cash. Modem double, on West Michigan st. Six rooms to side. House is lined and well built. Baih and furnaces Extra lot with It. Rents 245 a month. Price 23.700. Rockwood avenue, close -o Illinois (Fairvlew) car. Five-room modern bun galow. Price {3,750. Terms. SI,OOO cosh. Double on Bellsfontalne street, close to Twentieth. Five rooms to side. New roof. Rents S4B. Price $3,800. Macpherson avenue Seven rooms, mod ern. with hardwood floors all over. Pri vate water system. Lot 41x166. Paved atreet. This is a bargain at $4,000. Belifontaine street. 2000 square. Seven rooms modern. Garage. Price $4,006. Terms. S7OO cash. Four acres at Beech Grove. Just off of Pike road (Bethel ave). Seven-room house. Plenty fruit, berries and shade. Price 14.600. Terms, SI,OOO cash, balance five years. New bungalow, north on Broadway. Paved etreet. Strictly modem In every way. Tile floor in bath room. Laundry. Price $6,250. $2,000 <-a*h. Maple Road boulevard, near Capitol ave. Steven rooms, modern, with full basement. Price $7,600. Terms. $3,000 cash. A. V ZAINEY. REALTOR. 149 Fat Market atreet. Main 2814. North Indianapolis Home West 35th at.; beautiful location; seven rooms and bath; furnace; large basement; garage One of the prettiest home* in this beau tiful section of the city. Price la only $6,200. Shown by ap pointment only. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO., Realtors, 128 N. Delaware st. Main 6840. Phones: Auto. 24-361. Suburban Home Southport on main etreet. lOlx 190; 8-room house, al! conven iences except bath; fruit and shade. Outbuildings, convenient to church, school and interurban line. PRICE. $4,500. SI,OOO cash payment balance easy. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 E. Market st. South Side Home on Payments Four rooms and large pantry, city water, gas, cement walks, paved street; close to oar lino nnd school; price Is only $2,100; $350 cash, balance $13.00 per month. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO., Realtors, 128 N. Delaware st. Main 6840. Phones: Auto. 24-361. Owner Leaving City Beautiful home, located north; 8 rooms and bath; strictly up-to date in every respect; double ga rage; beautiful lot, 80x186. PRICE, $11,500. This Is a real bargain. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 *K. Market st. On Payment Plan Six rooms, cottage, gas, electric lights, paved street; fine loca tion on Lexington ave. A dandy home at a very low’ price. Our price only $3,000. A reasonable cash payment, balance same as rent. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO., Realtors, 128 N. Delaware st. Main 5840. Phones: Auto. 24-361. $300.00 Cash, Bal. $25.00 per Month buys a dandy 6-room cottage on King ave.. between Michigan and Tenth; large lot with plenty of shade and ilowers; paved street. Bloodworth & Gladden 529 Peoples Bank Bldg. Phone, Circle 332. Let us write yo.ur fire insurance. South Side Six-room modern home in good neigh borhood. near school: first-class condi “*“**• c * u * REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. We have property for in vestment and for homes listed below at right prices. Two double houses, N. Belmont, 500 block. Rent for S3O, Price $2,800 each. Double house on Grace St.; 5 rooms a side. Price $3,500. Double house on Eastern Ave.; 6 rooms a side. Price $3,200. Double house on Finley; 5 rooms a side. Price $3,000. 6-room modern cottage, Temple Ave., north. Price $4,800. Semi modem cottage, S. Grace, $3,500. 5- semi-modem cot tage, N. Rural, $3,500. 6- semi-modem cot tage, N. Temple. Price $2,750. Semi-modem cottage, N. Beville, 6 rooms, $3,500. N. Tacoma, 9-room semi modern house, $4,500. N. Sheman drive, 8-room modem, $4,500. GILL REALTY CO. Main 1646 Auto. 28-236 AM Ouildlng several nice new homes of four to six rooms. Just south of Bethel avenue, north of Albany street; within walking dis tance of Beech Grove shops. Three blocks to good common school, high school and street car with service from early morning until about midnight Churches, stores and bank nearby; only short distance from paved street all the way to city. Electric lights. cut glass fixtures; good well water, cement porches and walks; gable roof sheds; yards nicely fenced; Just the place for garden, chickens and fresh air. More ground adjoining at rate of one dollar per week If desired. Will sell to satisfactory parties with small amount cash who can pay from 225 to 240 per month Including Interest. Take Beech Grove car to Ninth avenue; go north two blocks. Houses open for inspection all day Sundav. HORACE T. FRANKLIN 1014 Peoples Bank BtiUding. Main 1924 or North 618. WEST Semi-modern cottage In Warman ave.; 5 rooms, electric lights, well and clsterrff newly decorated; $2,400; S3O cash. See J. W. Eider. Schmidt & Smith, Inc., Realtors IMMEDIATE occupancy; two fine doubles, in 700 block. Grove street; one has 5 rooms to a side and the other six; these houses have gas and city water and are in excellent condition throughout: here is an opportunity to secure a fine double at a low price; these can be bought on easy terras. (3.500 for the 5 rooms and $3,750 for the 6 rooms; these bargains will not last long. Apply H. G. DAHLIIAM. Main 5070. 1605 Merchants Bt nk bldg. 351 North Addison, $3,000 Six room*, electric lights, gas for cook ing. newly painted and decorated. This is a dandy little home for somebody. Bloodworth & Gladden 619 People* Bank Bldg. Phone. Circle 332. Let us write your fire insurance. Seven Rooms, East Semi-modern, three bed-ooms. good, lot. good location, paved street. (3.000; SSOO cash, balance monthly. See Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N. Riehie & Son, Realtors 151 E. Market. Main 620. After o p. tn. call Irvington 3597. COLORED BUYERS Strictly modern home of seven rooms, Cornell avenue at Twenty-first street. Terms to suit to responsible party. Lawrence J. Sexton & Cos., 316 Indiana Trust Bldg. Main 4307. Prospect 281. 2200~BLOCK. IVIXTEK AYE. Five-room cottage; electric lights, cis tern and well, cement walks; fruit and shrubbery. House in good condition. Price $2,800; *3OO cash, balance monthly. F. H. COOPER, with W. H. COOPER CO.. 328 Lemcke Bldg. SSOO Cash and S2O Per Month English ave.. near Shelby. 6-room cot tage on car line, with gas, electricity, cellar, cistern, city water in yard; good sized rooms. Price $2,200. STATE SAVINGS * TRUST CO. Main 4617. ~ $8,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SI,OOO down. $25 per month. 8 rooms, gas for lighting and cooking; long grape arbor; large barn and celiac cistern and well in kitchen; lot *7x150; 700 block N. Bellevlew place. MR. LEE, Belmont 1680. FIVE-ROOM house; gas Tor lights and cooking, large lot and barn cheap for cash, $1,400; possession at once if you want It. West Wilkins street. Call Bel mont 1580. __ 32,200” S4OO down. *l* per month; double houee, 6 rooms to side; gas for light and oooklng, well and cistern; front porch and big yard. On the hill. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. ‘ ST.*6IY S2OO down. sl6 a month. 5-room honse, newly painted; city water; gas for lights; tn the 900 block on Maple street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road blvd.. within two squares of fairgrounds; sl# cash, balance *r weekly. 640 Lemoke Annex. Main 1409. I HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments. From four to eleven rooms. For particu lars call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. ORIENTAL. Just south of Washington, cottage, gas, well, cistern, paved street and alley. $200.00 cash, $20.00 per month. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. SOUTH ORIENTAL, 11 rooms, bath, fur nace. electricity, city water. paved street. Ideal house and location for room ing house. Price $2,200. Woodruff 2092. SEVEN-ROOM completely modern home on West Washington car line. Prioa $3,500.00: $500.00 cash, $25.00 monthly. Woodruff 7024. WHY pay that July rent? New three room house, one acre of ground for $1,500; S6OO cash and sls per month. Owner evenings, Prospect 1493. FOR SALE—Cottage on Fletcher avenue, newly papered and* painted; vacant. Call at 684 Lemcke Bldg., between 12 and 1 p. m. or 6 and 6 p. m. WHY pay that July rent? New three room houee, one acre of ground for $1,600; S6OO cosh and sls per month. Owner evenings. Prospect 1493. FOR SALE—One story frame, 6 rooms and bath. Condition Al. Located on Wil cox street near Belmont. Call Belmont 1661. $2,300. S4OO down, S2O month, 5-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. ONE ACRE EAST; excellent” location; just what you want; easy payments. Washington 894. CUT THE COST of living; buy two acre* near city. Will build you a house for S6OO cash; rest like rent. Woodruff 7443. juuT* REAL ESTATE—FOR gALSMjjja OLNET, north of Tenth Btreet, six gas. city water In yard, cistern, naved street: $1,150.00 cash. |20.00 ly. Woodruff 247 after 6:30. IMMEDIATE possession, four-room house* 21,300 cash. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. 11,800. COLORED BUYERS. 9300 down, 220 a month, 5-room house, \ on Blake street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. INDIANA TRUST CO. Eells real estate, collects rent, writes Are Insurance. 81,400. COLORED BUYERS. 9400 down. 915 a month, four-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. FIVE-ROOM MODERN bungalow, well located on fine lot. Easy terms. North 7476 after 6:30. FIVE-ROOM HOME. Gale, "near 24th; lot 40x170; 82,650.00. Terms. THE SOUTH ERN LUMBER CO. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, gals, electricity, well, cistern, garage; 82,650. Terms. Woodruff 247 after 7:30. REAL ESTATE---WANTED. HOUSES wanted. List your property with us for sale; buyers waiting. FINNEY & HILL. 2648 Northwestern. North 949, WANTED property to sell. Have got buyers and no houses. HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MR. LEE Belmont 1580. LET ME sell your property. I can H| quick results. 8. G. BULLUP, 1349 Nil Senate. Circle 4956, Auto. 26-719. . / HOUSE, five to seven rooms, not neces sarily modern. Will pay spot cash. Main 142. '! LIST your property with LAWRENCE J. SEXTON & CO., 316 Indiana Trust bid*.' Main 4307. ■ i MODERN HOME for cash customer. Main, 107. ( FARMS—FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Hardwood farming land. An opportunity for the working man. Come ana work for us in sawmill, planing mill,' chemical plant, yards or woods and at same time pick out and start making payments on your own farm. Near town;' first-class soil; land easily cleared; good roads, churches, schools and market handy. Land rapidly Increasing In value.' Now selling at 915 to 920 per acre. Come or write us for information. HACKLBY PHELPS LUMBER CO.. Phelps (Vila Cos.), Wls. FOR SALE: —At once. 36 acres. house, barn; 600 peach trees, full budded fruit, apple orchard, berries; one mile from school and church, 3% miles from Mar tinsville. Needs attention at ones Price, 92.600. Information, 607 West Pike street. Martinsville. Ind. • FOR SALE or jrade, 10 farms frem 215 per acre up to 20. Come and look them over. R. F. BP.AMMER, Owens burg, Ind. ' FINANCIAL, MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY CO. ; Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 i WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS!. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Third floor. Law Building. Second Mortgage -* Real estate loans made on good far r 7ij and Improved city properties. GIB-! KALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 108 N.l Delaware street. Main 1618. INSURANCE In all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7043. WE MAKE second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 608 Fidelity Trust Bldg. LOANS ON DIAMONDS; 3H% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 63 Monument INSURANCE in all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Law bldg. Main 7049. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all property belonging to the Pan-American Lumber and Investment Company, consisting of furniture and rooming will be offered for eale at 2 p. m.. Wednesday. June 23, 1930, at 302 Saks building. Indianapolis, Ind.. to the highest bidder for caßh. All goods then unsold, including one Ford runabout, red barn paint, fence posts and certain equities in real estate will be offered for sale at private sale from day to day until sold at the office of the undersigned. Xo property sold for less than appraised value and for cash. LEO X. SMITH, Receiver. 1541 Lemcke Annex, Indianapolis. \ Dies From Wounds Received at St. Mihiel BALTIMORE, Md., June 15.—The body of Lieut. Robert Forrester of At lanta, who died at Hebrew hospital, this city, from wounds received in action while with the Eighty-second division, was taken to Atlanta today. Lieut. Forrester who had been at the hospital for seven months, was wound ed at St. Mihiel in the fall of 1918. / He was a member of a number of prominent Atlanta clnbs. Court Asked When ‘Cloth’ Is ‘Clothes’ NEW YORK, June 15. Following' quashing- of an Indictment against the' American Woolen Company and Presi dent Wood, a writ of error today was asked by government officials. This move on the part of the govern- . ment will bring the question as to what constitutes wearing apparel and manu-' factured cloth to the supreme court. A decision was expected In October. President Ebert Threatens to Quit BERLIN, June 15.— -President Ebert la threatening to resign unless the leaders of the various political parties unite soon In the formation of a coalition cabi net. according to a newspaper report current today. The latest leader commissioned to < form a ministry la Karl Trim bom of the centrist party. Labor Men Will Ask Hiram to Run Anyway; RICHMOND, Va., June 15.—Ropreten- < tatlves of labor organisations are ob taining signatures to a petition asking Senator Hiram Johnson to repudiate the republican platform and announce him self as an Independent candidate for the presldenejr. It was declared today that thousands of persons already had signed. Sentenced 24 hours After Murder Arrest ASHLAND, Wls., June 15.—Justice works fast In Wisconsin. Within leas than twenty-four hours after he was ar rested on a charge of murdering a 5- year-old girl near here, Ed McLeod, 45, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the state penitentiary. Now Judge Is HI; Continue I. W. W. Case CHICAGO. June 15.—Hearing of the cases of “Big Bill” Haywood and nine ty-three other members of the I. W. W., scheduled to take place before the fed eral circuit court of appeala today* was postponed indefinitely because of that 1 ianew--*r ! 'f&e- t