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2 IROOPS QUIET DULUTH WHEN MOB LYNCHES 3 Crowd Storms Jail and Takes Six Negroes Held in At tack on White Girl. DULUTH, Minn., Jpne 16.—Minnesota state miiitiamen restored order in the streets of Duluth today, following a night of mob rule which resulted in the lynching in one of the main streets of the city of three negro circus roustabouts who had been arrested for attacking a 17-year-old white girl. The girl was reported to have died as the result of her experiences. Following the news of the attack, which spread quickly through the city, the mob, numbering some 5,000 men, broke Into the jail where the negroes were confined, and took them from the cells. ■ Six negroes had been arrested in con nection with the crime. ► Three of the accused were found "'not Juilty” at a mock trial before the lynch fags. t J* Not a shot was fired In the mob demon strations. •• The three negroes hanged were Isaac JttcGhie, Elmer Jackson and Nate Green. Hoosier Is Boosted for Rotarian Chief * Indianapolis will be represented by about thirty-four Rotarians at the an nual convention of International Rotary clubs, to be held at Atlantic City next Week. ■ Some of the wives and other members 6t their families will accompany some kotarians to the convention. i Indianapolis Rotarians are boosting <Tohn N. Dyer of Vincennes, Nlnd., as president of the international organiza tion. : v Births and Dora Lee, 3292 North jElovey, boy. . John and Maude Hughes, 643 North Parker, boy. Harrison and Nellie Rowland, 942 North Temple, boy. Cecil and Clara Chambers, 2509 West Tenth, boy. Bernard and Katie Gallagher, 2402 Stuart, boy. * Oral and Laura Steen, 2520 Walker, boy. Forest and Ina Kalney, 3220 Roosevelt, girl. Charles and Cecil Carter, 2046 LaSalle, girl. George and Elva Garland, 20 Lansing, girl. ' Frank and Harriet Fort, 429 East Court, girl. Raymond and DQrothy Bell, 322 Leeds, boy. Monroe and Mary Johnson, City hos pital, girL . Robert and Bessie Alums, City hos pital, girL * Henry and Florence Newmeyer, 430 North Moreland, girl and boy, twins. ’ Louie and Bannie Chilton, 1565 Shel ly, girl. - John and Catherine Titus, 102 Lansing, girL ; Louis and Caroline Stonnage, 765 North Holmes, boy. Bert and Vernette Wado, 1939 West Vermont, boy. - Simon aud Minnie Smith, 2001 Alvo J, J>oy. Otto and Frieda Gray, 918 South New •Jersey, boy. James and Pearl Higgins, 126 Ful ton, boy. * Ezra and Mary Williams, 1409 East Market, boy. * Frederick and Mag da line Galloway, IWI South Holmes, girl. Hubert and Murley Stokes, Methodist hospital, girL Deaths Mary L. Pauli, 54, 327 N. Davidson, -multiple cyst of kidney. Henderson George, 81, 3055 N. Merl- Mian, acute lobar pneumonia. Jantes Levi Hail, 15, Long hospital, glioma of brain. Jessie Adele Hammei, 58, 2250 Central, jphronic myocarditis. r. William IS. Taulman, #7, City hospital, Internal hemorrhage. * Alex A. McDaniel, 62, 91S W. New York, (cerebral hemorrhage. William Rico, 12, Oliver avenue and -White river, drowning (accidental). J Henry Rhodes, 78, 2206 Winter, arterio Jelerosis. , Claud Taylor. 1. 2024 Brighton boule vard, acute gastro enteritis. s Lydia Emery, 30. 1236 W. Washington, kmlmon&ry tuberculosis. c Paul B. Pasch, 71, 353 Caven, chronic myocarditis. •• Grace M. Kittle. 29, Deaconess hospi tal, acute myocarditis. i Robert Thompson, 81, 843 Indiana, * Caroline M. Parsons, 77. 522 East Fif teenth, cerebral hemorrhage. I. Robert Metgzer, 54, 610 Lexington, lobar pneumonia. ? Mary C. Evans, 57, Methodist hospital, Jaxcine’na. -w- , AT a moment when the JYIL problem of domestic help 13 most acute, National iMfrsrleo MyBWB Bread comes as a welcome daily visitor to the house- \ With hold. Its delicious milk fla- t\ a /fit fifiPp; v° r is irresistible. Keeps 4 ilYlllß better, too, because of the |il , / longer time necessary to 1 i bake it in the convenient pound-and-a-half home size * yiy y * oa ** a toda y- NATIONAL biscuit The Red Eagle Wrapper Means National Bread CENTRAL STATES AGENCIES Incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana Financial Brokers and Underwriters Market Price Paid for Liberty Bonds Phones %£££? 127 E. Market St., Iniianafotit U 1)7Cl the comforts of home, tl k ia Is 1, 431*1 S Hlf fireproof. Rooms sl, $1.25 land $1.50 Corner Market and New Jeraey Sta. Vleekly Rate on Application. -Continued®; frorn Page 1 attempted to clear himself, but also did not involve Chief Schmitt, but admitted that he heard that liquor had been trans ported into Evansville. Both Freidle and Trautwein testi fied they made an attempt to catch the booze runners. “How many catches did you make in the police boat?" the court asked Freidle. ’ One,” answered Freidle. Trautwein admitted that a tip came to headquarters from a minister at Hen derson, Ky., that a shipment of booze was coming into town by a certain road. Trautwein stated that the chief or dered -him to remain at police head quarters instead of going out and hunt ing for the booze runners. “Yo uwere to arrest them If they hap peqpd to come to headquarters?” asked District Attorney YanNuys. The witness was silent. ' CONGRESSMAN USED AS 1 CHARACTER WITNESS. | O. R. Luhring, congressman from Ev | ansville, appeared as a character witness for Fred Ossenberg. On cross-examination by District At torney VanNuys, Luhring admitted that i Ossenberg’s place of business is in the colored district and that Luhring and Ossenberg often had conferences. “You mea nthat Freddie Ossenberg is a political boss down there?” asked the district attorney. “Not a boss from the standpoint of being corrupt,” snapped Luhring. VanNuys asked, “if a political boss means a man who can control enough votes to swing an election, then Ossen ; berg is a political boss?” | “Yes,” answered Luhring. Luhring explained to the court that he was just a viistor and was suddenly called as a witness. Those introducing a defense in an at [ tempt to refute the evidence introduced by the government are Edgar Schmitt, police chief of Evansville and the central figure of the alleged conspiracy are: i Fred Ossenberg. republican factional leader at EvansvlUq, who is alleged to have influenced the sheriff of Vander burg and bis deputies not to interfere with the “whisky runners” between i Henderson, Ky., and Evansville. SHERIFF INCLUDED IN BUNCH. Herbert Males, sheriff of Vanderburg county, whose alleged obedience to Os senberg allowed the favorites of Chief , Schmitt unmolested access to roads leading to Evansville. Abe and Moses Klyman, former whole sale liquor dealers of Henderson, Ky., whom government witnesses claimed they purchased whisky from for trans portation into Indiana. Charles J. Ruhl, deputy sheriff, al leged to have been a part of the whisky transportation conspiracy. Andy Freidle, captain of police; Enoch J. F. WILD, JK. BROKER 315-320 Lemcke Bldg. High-Grads Speculative Investments What Have You to Sell? Phone*: Main 1734, Auto. 21-733. DECAYED TEETH Will Mar Your Appearance sail Impair Your Health, Let our dental experts make them sound and attractive so you will re tain your good appearance and health. Our charges are reasonable and our terms easy to pay. New York Dentists 41 East Washington Street 204 SAKS BUILDING What’s What In Indianapolis (< j Know Your Own Home Town ’ ( Ey Itie Rejerenct Department, lndianaptlii Public Library, C. E- Rush, Librarian ) When was Indianapolis first connected by telegraph with another city? In 1848, to Dayton, O. Where does Indianapolis foster its art? In the John Herron Art institute the city has one of the noted art museums of the United States. It was organized by t(ie Art asso ciation of Indianapolis iu 1883, and Incorporated the same year. In 1895, John Herron, an Indianapolis man, left a bequest of $250,p00 with the stipulation that an art museum should be built and an art school conducted which should bear his name. For what fine piece of art is Indianapolis noted? The Soldiers' and Sailors' monument, which is recognized as one of the most noteworthy monuments in thelTnited States. It is said to be the greatest monument in the world erected to commemorate the services ot its citizen soldiery and the first ever erected directly in honor of the private soldier. Designed by Bruno Schmidt, it was erected at a cost of more than $500,000 and dedicated in 1902. (Series Number Thirty-three.) Weir, William Fuchs and James Traut wein, all members of the police depart ment at Evansville, and according to the government witnesses made no in terference with the alleged wide open transportation of liquor Into the state. Carl Dreisch, inspector of weights and measures. / Arthur R Booth, city councilman. Charles Smith and William Morris, po lice officers. OTHERS ENTERED GUILTY PLEAS. The others of the seventy-eight de fendants with the exception of two men, who have not been arraigned, have en tered pleas of guilty. Efforts of the defense to meet the evi dence of the government are centered in an effort to refute evidence submitted against Chief Schuiltt, Ossenberg, the Kiymans, Sheriff Males aud Deputy Ruhl and Enoch Weir. Arthur Booth, during the trUI cross examined a government witness in his own behalf and this examination appar ently cleared up the situation in the opinion of Booth. Refore the defense began introducing evidence, Judge Anderson had repeatedly slated that no irrevelant matters will be allowed to be Introduced os defense, as the case is being tried solely under federal law with no consideration of INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1920. the state laws or any injunctions Is sued by a state court to prevent the prosecutor from enforcing the state pro hibition low. The last dozen witnesses for the gov ernment were introduced for the ap parent purpose of corroborating previous testimony given by the principal nit ucsses for the government. Richard Pennington, a defendant who pleaded gulltj', testified to buying whisky from the Klyman Brothers at Hender son, and of seeing Fred Ossenberg, Cir cuit Judge Gould, Ben Bartlett, a police officer and others together. Charles Thompson, a defendant, who has pleaded guilty, testified to having had others bring whisky Into him and testified that he gave SSO while a case was pending in the city court age last his wife and stated that Schmitt ac cepted the ''gift." "My wife gave City Judge Ireland a fountain pen for Christmas and I gave him a pen and a box of cigars,” testi fied Thompson, "Did Judge Ireland give you the pen back?" asked Judge Anderson. “No," replied Thompson, in explaining that he gnve Chief Schmitt the pens to give the city Judge. “And did the chief do it?” asked Judge Anderson with a smile. "Yes, he did because I heard about it,*' LAST CALL! V The Rushing-the-season Sale comes to an end Saturday! Buy this week and get 20% Discount \ on all 5-piece fancy Kuppenlieimer and other good clothes THIS announcement of the close of the Schloss “Rushing the Season Sale,” will, we feel sure, bring as great a response as did its opening two weeks ago—a rush to get the best clothes made at prices expected at the end of the season. Our purpose was to right stocks, and to give more men a chance to get acquainted with Schloss clothes and Schloss service. Our aim has been accomplished—and so we give you the “last call”—you can save exactly 20% from the fair, plain-figure prices if you buy before Saturday night. For your own good take advantage of this saving! schloss Pros Cos Outfitters for Men and Boys STATE LIFE BUILDING Indiana's Finest Hair Cutting, 25c Boys’ Store —Second Floor , Children Barber Shop llfl ji replied Thompson. Thompson testified that he considered the SSO he gave Schmitt money for "killing trouble.” Charles Schave, formerly of the Evans ville police department, testified an em-. ploye of the police station came out of the chief's office and gave him a check for $l5O and told him to have it cashed. Tex Roberts testified that Chief Schmitt called him to his office and stated that he (the chief) understood that Roberts wanted to give SSO to the family of James Boner, who was then ser-'-'ng a sentence imposed by the federal court for violat ing the federal liquor laws. “I had it cashed and came back and gave It to the chief,” said Schave, “and the chief asked me what it was for, and I told him I was instructed to have, it cashed. “The chief then said it was a check that Boner had left,” testified Schave. REDUCED FOR TELLING PRESS. Schave testified that a woman, alleged to be the operator of an immoral house at Evansville was with Boner at head quarters at the time the check was Writ ten. Schave slated that he was after ward reduced from the rank o fan officer after he had told the press about the transaction and that Chief Schmitt after ward reduced from the rank of an officer but talked too much.” Schave was not indicted and was only a witness of the government. Roberts testified that Schmitt told him to give the SSO to John Boner, a brother of James Boner, and stated that he did. John Boner substantiated the evidence of Roberts and said the money was used in the interest of the family of his brother. , David Wolf, former saloon keeper, terf tifled that Chief Schmitt "borrowed” SSO from him to go to Hot Springs, and that he talked to Schmitt about transporting booze into the state. SAYS CHIEF DOESN'T PAY BILLS. Abram Cohn, who operates a grocery at Evansville with his brother, Sol Cohn, admitted having beer brought into the stateyin large assignments and tes tified th/t Chief Schmitt ran a grocery bill at his store and never paid the bill during 1918 and 1919. On cross-examination, Attorney John W. Spencer attempted to force Cohn to admit that Schmitt paid his bill every Saturday night. “No, he didn't," answered Cohn. “Why last Saturday night didn't be come in and buy two chickens and pay for them?” asked Attorney Spencer. “Schmitt asked me for two chickens but I didn't let him have them,” an swered Cohn. A colored boy was introduced as a witness and testified to hauling a trunk said to contain whisky from the L. A- N. depot to a lonely countrw road and then leaving it there on Instructions from some officer at headquarters. Fred McDaniels, assistant Inspector of tile L. A N„ who was not indicted, tea lifted of seeing the trunk containing whisky and seeing City Judge Ireland of Evansville and Enoch Weir drive up to the station. McDaniels testified that he and Weir, who is a police officer tinder Indictment, followed the truck containing the trunk full of whisky, to police headquarters. "At police headquarters,” testified Mc- Daniels, “Weir told me that I was no longer wanted.” McDaniels said that this remark made him so angry that he forgot to watch where the p-uek went to with the whisky after it left headquarters. J. Cavins, a police officer, who was not Indicted, testified that he saw the trunk containing the whisky at the de pot and reported the fact to Captain of Police Andy Freidle. “Freidle over the phone told me ‘not to see too much, as I knew what tomor row was.’ ” “And what was tomorrow?” asked Mr. Slack. “Election day,” answered Cavins. Cavins testified that he “didn’t see any more,” left the atatlon and when he re turned the trunk waa not there. FINAL ARGUMENTS LATE TODAY. Clarence Wilhelm testified that he at one time engaged three taxicabs to bring whisky into Evansville for Otto Klein and maintained tht he saw as high as ten to fifteen automobiles loaded with whisky going trr Evansville. Frank J. Diehl, Ed Schearer and others testified for the government. There is every indication that final ar guments will begin late today or early in the morning. -Cpntinued(g) from Page 1 took them to Zionsvllle, from which they came to Indianapolis In a taxicab. They said they had no Idea how the men reached Indianapolis with the car after the accident. Miss Durbin said her purse containing SSO was misfiling. Mrs. Meyers' purse was found in the car. The women said they knew the man, giving his name as Blaffey, as William Blnssey, and that he lived at 1210 North Randolph street. Grove was arrested on a charge of operating a blind tiger and driving an automobile while under the influence es liquor and Blaffey was charged with operating a blind tiger. Grove's condition Is said to be the most serious. Jailed When He Fails to Give SI,OOO Bond Earl S. Poore of Botb Bend, charged with the theft of S3OO worth of Liberty bonds and $lO in War Bavings certifi cates, was placed In the Marion county Jail today upon failure to give SI,OOO bond. ■■■? Ued frQm Paqe 1 provement of Capitol avenue from Mc- Carty street to Morris street was ap proved and asphalt was ordered used. The total amount of -this bid was $28,069.31. A bid of $3.20 a lineal foot for side walks and curbing on Cnadwick street from Wilkins street to Morris street was entered by the Marlon County Con struction Company. Abel Bros, bid $2.06 a lineal foot for the grading and pavement of sidewalks on Rochester avenue from Michigan street to Walnut street. The resignation of Miss Helen Lowe, assistant clerk In the engineering de partment was accepted and Mrs. Grace L. Huchison was appointed to fill the vacancy to be left by Miss Lowe. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Hector Blondln, 38, farmer, Isle La Motte, Va., and Lena Clark, 26, 2023 Boulevard place. Henry Fivecoats, 39, farmer, Hope, Ind., and Mabel S. Stucker, 29, telephone oper ator, Hope, Ind. Isaac B. Williams, 31, traveling sales man, St. Louis, Mo., and Mary E. Lock head, 24. 1202 North Pennsylvania street. Russell Fleetwood. 27, clerk, 834 Bu chanan street, and Gladys M. Silvery, 21, 812 Pine street. Gustav A. Roth, 34, pattern maker, Louisville. Ky., and Grace M. Keifer, 21, 1738 Nortn Delaware street. Charles E. Fleming, 34, painter, 817 Coffee street, and Thelma J. Champion, 20, chocolate dipper, 1153 Laurel street, ASPIRIN Name “Bayer” on Genuine I “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” is gendine Aspirin, proved safe by millions and pre- i scribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an unbroken “Bayer package,” which contains proper direc tions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab-! lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell i larger “Bayer packages. ” Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono-1 acetieaeldester of SaUcyllcacld.—Adver tisement. Thursday —in th& Millinery Section Banded and Sport * Just the thing for summer wear, keeps the sun off the face. A splendid assortment of very becoming styles in ribbon and straw in all most wanted shades with striking color combinations also included, white, navy, jade, melon and many other colors —for sport, business and general wear at 51.98. Untrimmed Shapes, 39c A lot of untrimmed hats in large and small shapes, all col ors, including white (the white shapes are slightly damaged), all good styles, shapes that originally sold up to $3.98, special, at 39£. Children’s Hats, 59c In large or small shapes, black and straw color, some have streamers, special at 59# —Goldstein’s, Third Floor. VACATION TIME WITH ITS SUNBURN MOSQUITO BITES . RED BUGS CHIGQERS ■ DO I SOX IVY m Don’t let these things worry you; take along a bottle of Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil It Btops the itching, takes out the poison, heals the bites and kills the insects. 30c per Bottle. OVER THREE SCORE YEARS OLD BUT IS FEELING FINE NOW Si Indianapolis man suffered from rheu matism, kidney trouble, conetW pation and loss of sleep. Dreco gave him prompt relief and he now claims it to be the best med icine In the world. Mr. Geo. W. Matthews, who lives at 860 W. Maryland Are,, has lived In Indianap olis, lad., all his life. When he was a little boy, during the Civil wax, he sold papers on the streets. He worked for the Big 4 R. R. (where he is still em ployed) as brakeman in I£BS. before air i brakes were invented. “For some time I’ve suffered from rheumatism of the joints and muscles. I could not bend over except with greet pain and my joints would snap and pop with any quick movement,” said Mr. Matthews. My kidneys troubled me a great deal and I frequently had to get up during the night, my back ached al most constantly. “My bowels were so badly constipated that I had to take some kind of medicine all the time, my nerves were on edge ao that I hardly knew what a night of sound refreshing sleep was like. “One bottle of Dreco has brought abont a great change in me. The rheumatic pains are gone; 1 never have a bachacke, can stoop and bend over like I was a boy again, my sleep is sound and I rise of mornings feeling full of vim and vigor. Dreco did for me what other medicines failed to do, and I gladly praise it" The old-faehloned remedies, made from roots and herbs, are tho best for any one to take. Dreco is made from r.velve dlf- ' ferent roots, herbj, barks and leaves. These act on the' stomach, bowels and kidneys and purify the blood. " Dreco knocks rheumatism out shortly; catarrh of the head and stomach; you Bleep soundly and creates a good ap petite. Asa blood purifier nothing can equal Dreco. It puts a stop to boils, eczema and other blood affections. Mr. Williamson, the well-known Dreco expert, bus headquarters at Clark .* Cade's Clnypool Hotel Drug Store, to meet the local public and explain the merits of th's great remedy. Sea him today.—Adverti cement. “^Laxative Bromss Quinine Tablets” (o- rYSfrcnres'