■London, June 16. —The council of the
Kigue of nations wiii not undertake
(mediation between Persia and Russia,
Earl Curzon, the British foreign secre
tary, announced today.
~He explained the council’s decision was
based upon Rusia’s promise to withdraw
the bolshevik troops from Persian terri
tory. following negotiations between Mos
cow and Teheran.
Several other “wars” of varying size
and importance are In progress today in
Europe and Asia.
The most important of these conflicts
is that raging between the Russians and
the Poles.
Gen. Wrangel has taken the place of
Gen. Denikin in southern Russia, and is
making l war against the bolsheviki in
that quarter.
Beginning his campaign in Crimea,
Gen. Wrangel'e forces have fought their
way northward to the Dnieper river, oc
cupying territory about twice the size of
Crimean in extent.
Turkish rebels in Anatolia, who are
conducting guerilla warfare against the
allies, are attacking the French near
Heraelia, in Anatolia.
Greek troops and Turkish rebels ate
at grips in Thrace.
Greek forces, supported with machine
attacked and dispersed a Turkish
asnd near Kuleli-Burgas.
Proclamations have been issued by the
Sreek army of occupation In Thrace,
threatening instant death to ail Turkish
rebels who are captured.
Albanian Notionalists are on the war
path against the Italians.
According to Rome advices, quoting
the Epoeu. the Albanians are massing for
another big attack against the Italian
army of occupation in Albania.
In order to cope with the prevalent
maladies of the summer months the
Public Nursing association is organiz
ing a number of units composed of
graduate nurses to work in homes where
competent nursing care could not other
wise be procured.
The association either renders free
service or, if the family can afford It,
charges a nominal fee.
At the present time the staff Is com
posed of eighteen trained graduate nurses.
Mis.s Mary Crist is acting superin
tendent of the organization.
The nurses are assigned to their work
every morning.
Hourly nursing, which was abandoned
during the month of May on account of
an insufficient staff, has been resumed
this month, since the staff has been re
cruited to Its full strength.
"Wo hope this fall," said Miss Ethel
B. Clark, superintendent of the Nurses’
Training School at the Robert W. Long
hospital, and director in the Public
Health Nursing association, "to have a
very large staff of nurses.
“There Is room In the public nursing
staff for several more efficient nurses.
“Young women who have worked with
the association have found the expe
rience most valuable.
“We are hoping to obtain for our or
ganization some of the fine material re
cently graduated from the various train
schools of Indianapolis.”
In order to have a good supply of
surgical dressings and sick room sup
plies, such as are needed In nursing, a
sewing department has been opened in
room 27, Baldwin block, under the direc
tion of Mrs. C. F. Neu.
The work is similar to that of the Red
Cross and Mrs. Neu urges women to
spend any time they can spare helping
the association.
The supply room will be open Tues-
The Quality of
Your Service
Your telephone service is dependent on the
rates you pay. Inadequate rates must even
tually mean poor service.
The bulk of the money you pay goes to our
employees in their pay envelopes and for the
purchase of materials.
Your service is bound up in our ability to
meet these obligations.
Service—the kind you want and the kind
we want to give you—cannot be furnished
at inadequate rates.
Adequate rates alone will give you good
„ vi * ' ■ --. _ '■ . I
Years back, the vamps of those days
wore hoopsklrts In playing their game
of hearts, and they did not find the
hoops any disadvantage, as shown in
“Romance,” with Doris Keane.
day. Wednesday and Thursday morn
ings from 0 to 12 o'clock.
Mrs. Neu. or an assistant, will be In
charge of the work at all times.
Donations of old linens are solicited
by the association for use in making
bandages and surgical dressings.
In discussing the needs of the asso
ciation in order to continue Us work,
Mrs. W. W. Thornton, chairman of pub
licity, said that the association is bad
ly in need of an automobile.
“We hope,” she said, ‘'that some gen
erous men's club of the city or some
philanthropic person will find it con
venient to present a car for the use of
the nurses.
“An automobile for transportation pur
poses would at least save an enormous
amount of car fare, in addition to ths
time consumed in the slow transit of
street cars.
“Last year the nurses' car fare was
$1,142.65.” she said.
Mrs. Henry B. Haywood is president
of the organization: Mrs. W. W. Thorn
tin, chairman of the publicity commit
tee, and Mrs. George C. Hitt, acting
In addition to its nursing services
the association supervises tile nursing
of the Infants' Welfare organization nr.d
gives assistance to the Children's Ala
It also gives nursing service to pa
trons of a life insurance company and
a number of Industrial associations.
The chief support the association has
had iu the p3st has bey. from meiulx-r
---ship fees an l its in the War
Endowment plans have been discussed
nut have never been put iu operation.
Beil Telephone Company
Miss Keane In the movie makes a
charming picture with her hoopsklrt,
funny fur coat and muff.
Thought you would like to have this
picture of Miss Keane for your movie
“Romance” remains at the Circle all
“California Syrup of Figs’*
Child’s Best Laxative
Accept “California” Syrup of Figs om,
—look for the name California on the
package, then you are sure your ehtlrt
is having the best and moßt harmless
physic for the little stomach, ItTer ant
bowels. Children love its fruity uute
Full directions on each bottle. You must
say “California."—Advertisement,
Stage and Screen
Francella Billington has tho task of
winning the heart of rough and tumble
Tom Mix in "Desert Love.”
Tom In this movie Is "One Quarter
Apache,” who is determined to wipe
out a gang of cattle rustlers.
Mix has the support of Eva Novak,
Lester Cuneo, Jack Curtis and Charles
This Mix picture opened at tho Al
hambra today for the rest of the week.
-I- -!-
The lineup of movies that continue to
New goods are arriving so rapidly that our store and warehouses are becoming
congested. We must have room! There is only one way to get it quickly —
to cut prices to the limit. You will not need any argument to convince you
that this has been done if you
Choice of these S/\ (1 C
$13.85 Rockers, each U,7D
This is less than
Chairs to Match at Same Price
The space these 400 rockers and chairs occupy is more valuable to us
than they are. Our price of $6.95 is less than they cost in Japan. They
will move quickly at this price.
No C. 0. D., telephone or layaway orders taken. None sold to
Every Overstaffed Davenport, Chair and Rocker Reduced
$190.00 combination velour and tap
£7." $95.00
$895.00 Louis XV handsomely
carved suite —davenport and chair
—ln gold thread damask and
now ur :..“ $447.50
$420.00 davenport and chair In mul-
Z e % r “°. ur : $295.00
$325.00 tapestry davenport and
chair to match, are AA
now marked
$420.00 blue velour suite —daven-
port with chair to match —In a
very handsome pattern of figured
$2.25 Terry Cloth, a yard, $1.39
Boudoir Lamp Shades, V 2 Price.
Twenty-five only, boudoir lamp shades at half price, including
silk and parchment shades in blue, gold and rose. Regular prices
$2.50, $3.50, ss.oo’and $6.50. Reduced to $1.25, fytZ
$1.75, $2.50 and
flicker today are: "Why Change Your
Wife?” at the English's; Olive Thomas
In "The Flapper" at the Colonial; “The
Flame of Hellgate,” at the Isis; "Neg
lected Wires" at Mr. Smith's; Franklyn
Farnum In "The Desert Rat" at the Re
gent, and "Girl of the Sea” at the Ohio.
-I- -I- -I-
Summer vaudeville continues at the
Lyric, Keith’s, the Broadway and the
-|- -|- -I
---"Polly With a Past” is the current
offering of the Stuart Walker Players
at the Murat.
Smashing Price Reductions
throughout the store in our
Attend This Sale Tomorrow
r V.; — —-A-.. -Af.—^Tti
$325 Davenport (Illustrated)
Now $259
$160.00 Chair to Match, Sale Price, $128.00
These pieces are high grade in every way and are made by Karpen Bros., who
make the highest grade living room furniture in the country. They are covered
in very handsome tapestry, and the davenport measures 99 inches long (outside
measurement). They are made doubly comfortable by the loose spring seat
cushions and the outside backs are covered in tapestry to match.
Plain and figured Terry
cloth in floral and conven
tional patterns; the ideal
summer drapery; wide as
sortment of colors, 3G inches
wide. Regular price, $2.25.
June Clearance £*-|l
Sale, yard
Boudoir Lamp Bases,
V 2 Price
Mahogany bases for boudoir
lamps. Regular price $2.50
and $4.00. Reduced in June
Clearance Sale—
sl.2s and $2.00
All Ivory Bedroom Suites
All Fumed Oak Buffets
Wyckoff Sees Danger
of an Ice Famine
Efforts are being made today to
an agreement whereby Indianapolis ice
dealers will not ship Ice from the city
during the summer months.
According to Stanley Wyckoff, fair
price commissioner, there is danger of an
Ice famine. v
Mr. Wyckoff has before him the peti
tion of ice dealers for approval the plan
to increase their prices.
Manufacturers and dealers have asked
for an advance of 10 cents a hundred
The Taylor Carpet Cos.
No Regular Prices!
The Taylor Carpet Cos.
pounds on the retail price, brlngling the
price up to 60 cents a hundred pounds.
But They Didn’t
Raid Indiana Ave.
Six young men who were alleged to
have been shooting dice on the sidewalk
at West and South streets last night, are
scheduled to appear before Judge Priub
ard in city court this afternoon.
Those arrested gave their names a
James McKeever,, 23 years old, 43S W'sl
South street; William Corridan, 22. 023
Abbott street; Ed Sullivan, 419 South
Final Clearance of / /
NEPONSET, sq. yd. 0/ 2 C
Only a limited quantity of this
high-grade linoleum substitute is
left after our recent tremendous
Neponset sale. To clear our
floors of these short lengths (just
enough for a room in most cases)
we have marked every pattern at
a quick clearance price of 67Hc
a square yard.
Come early. Please bring
room measurements
$1.60 Figured Crex
Runners, 1 AT
a yard... <PI.U/
The ideal floor covering for
porches and halls.
The colors are brown and green, both plain and with figured border,
27 inches wide. Will be cut any length to suit.
Other widths are 24, 36, 54 and 72 inches. All reduced one-third.
Seamless Velvet Rugs, $69.50
These are exceptional values because of
their excellent wearing quality combined
Real Bargain in Grass Rugs
Size 9x12 Feet
Rugs which have been discontinued from our regular lines. Just the
rug for summer use. Plain colors in brown and green. Figured borders
in the imported Japanese kind.
200 Rugs, 36x72-inch; regular $4.50 275 Rugs, 27x54-inch; regular $2.00
and $5.00 fkQ and $2.50 (J*-i
kinds kinds J.e'Uor
Missouri street; John Rochford, IS, 436
Abbott street; Ray Ward, 17, 421 West
Merrill street, and Blanchard Evans, 21,
529 Kentucky avenue.
No raids were made on any of tlw
gambling dives on Indiana avenue last
night by the morals squad.
Five Canoes Stolen
at Riverside Club
Five canoes are missing today.
The boats are the property of Harry
Nicoll. and have been stolen from the
Riverside Canoe club during the last
three weeks, he told the police today.
Bm pggfsr
$295.00 davenport; big. full-length
piece, with loose square pillow
arms, covered in an excellent qual
ity of tapestry, Ass AA
is priced at vlwWiVv
$495.00 davenport, rocker and chair,
£ £,r ry - $395.00
$128.00 overstuffed chair in tapes
try; an unusually comfortable
design, is to be
sold for
$240.00 davenport with flat pillow
cushioned arms, in a very attrac
tive tapestry, is fl* 'g (Thjft
marked sl.
$850.00 suite davenport, wing
chair and big armchair —made up
in combination velour and tapestry,
£.”“ w .. m "!“. d .....5595.00
(Trade-Mark RegUtered.)
Your guarantee that any bar
gain bought in this sale will
give perfect satisfaction.