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4 Jntata smhj (limes INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Daily Except Sunday. 25-29 South Meridian Street. Telephones—Main 3500, New 28-351 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. \Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, G. Logan I'ayue & Cos. Advertising Offices {s ew York, Boston. Payne. Burns & Smith, Xnc. —“THIS IS THE YEAR”— JUDGE COLLINS must he starting an innovation-in Marion county. He has forfeited the bonds of two men who didn’t come to trial when ordered. PERHAPS Doc Morgan could give us some reason why White river and Fall creek should contain raw sewage—if he were not so busy writing warnings. THE GUESSERS who made such a miserable dope sheet for the Chicago convention seem to be recuperating at French Lick previously to getting out form sheets for San Francisco. HAVING UNCOVERED what ailed the Muncie and E/ansville police departments it is almost up to the federal court officials to come back home and do a little cleaning up in Indianapolis. THE REALTORS have again called Mayor Jewett's attention to the routing of street cars. But no one has heard anything of that expert survev the mayor promised in his campaign speeches. To Clip Hays' Wings The announcement from Chicago that G. O. P. leaders are to hold a conference soon for the purpose of appointing a “campaign manager to take the burdens of the Harding campaign off the slender shoulders of Will H. Hays and leave him free to look after the regular republican or ganization is not surprising. Even though Mr. Hays has defined the official duties of his position with the republican party as including “the election, not the selection, of candidates, it is unlikely that Senator Harding will be so foolish as to trust Mr. Hays with his presidential campaign. The truth about the gentleman from Sullivan is that he has been much overrated, the overrating having been done principally by those who were deceived through the volume of publicity concerning Will Hays that has been released through the Hays use of national organization money. Hays is very accomplished in the art of making things seem as they are not. The preliminaries to the republican convention demonstrate that. But the rather astute backers of Senator Harding are not likely to allow the slippery national chairman to build up any more reserve organi zations for the advancement of himself at their expense. Adherence to Principle The republican party appears to be obsessed with the idea that roo.s form a majority of the independent voters of this nation. Only on that theory can* its platform framers' absolute disregard ©f facts be explained, for from the very first sentence of the platform through out it is apparent that the writers believed they could say what they pleased and obtain credence therefor. The opening sentence of this platform, which Senator James E. W at son’s committee produced, says: “The foreign policy of the administration has been founded upon no principle and directed by no definite conception of our nation s rights and obligations.” If this were the truth, if the foreign policy of the T’nited States had not throughout the Wilson administration been based on a “principle” this nation would never have entered the world s war. - -If we did not go to war to maintain the principle on'which rests our civilization, perhaps James Eli Watson can tell us why we did enter the war. Perhaps, however, Mr. Watson and his senatorial colleagues have digested so much anti-Wilson spleen that they are prepared now to tell us that we entered the war merely to satisfy the vanity of the president! The truth is, of course, that adherence to principle, not only before and during the war, but afterward on the part of President Wilson was so exact, so faithful and so complete that it has driven the republican party in a desperate search for a campaign issue to assume a position that prac tically denies that the United States has any principle at all in its inter national relations. Democracy Saved Again! It now seems definitely established that we are not to have matrons as part of the personnel of our postoffices; and “pacifiers,” and long vistas of baby cribs and perambulators as part of postoffice equipment. Children may not be transported as parcel post, according to a ruling by First Assistant Postmaster Koons, in passing upon two applications re ceived at the Washington city postoffice for transportation of children through the mails. He said that children clearly did not come within the classification of harmless live animals that do not require food or water while in transit. If the decision had been that children could be transported as parcel post—just sticking a few stamps on ’em and being lid of their responsi bility er. route, a long series of possibilities would have arisen. Should the stamps be fixed on a small tag, which in turn should be fixed to the child; or should they be fixed to the clothing, or merely gummed to its young hide? Should they have gone by weight or years? And if they could be reg istered, how should their value be judged—by the eyes of sentiment or by the cool, calm judgment of a pair of scales? And how should they have been packed—in gunny sacks of approved design; in box-board cartons conforming to their general contour, or tinned, with an area of holes appropriate to the area of the child? If no provision had been made for matrons, would it have been required that in each postoffice there be created the position of principal of the kin dergarten under the immediate charge of seme reliable "daddy” who under stood through personal experience the vagaries of a child’s ways? Os course’ it would have been neither humane nor feasible to run them through a canceling machine to deface the stamps, and this brings to one’s attention the most horrific thought of all. Just visualize a small stamped child, a bit colicky anyway, being can celed on its little “tummy” by a big-fisted man with a rubber stamp. A Proper Course The recent action of a majority of the members of the school board in accepting a big discount in order to float 4% per cent bonds for a school building in Indianapolis is indicative of a realization of a duty to the children of this city. Indianapolis has neglected her school housing program for so many years that it has become a serious problem. Now, at the peak of high building costs, the city is confronted with only two solutions. v Either the school city will build new school buildings at tremendous costs or it will continue to allow its children to attend school in unsanitary, unsafe and wholly inadequate buildings. Two members of the board evidently were of the opinion that further suffering on the part of the children was preferable to building during the era of high prices. Fortunately for the children of Indianapolis there were three com missioners who had the courage to insist that the health and comfort of future citizens is of more importance than a record of economy, to be obtained only at the sacrifice of school efficiency. Meaning Who? Says the News of the Chicago convention: “It harkened to William Randolph Hearst and his newspapers while turning a deaf ear to other supporters whose work in behalf of the best interests of the party had been consistent throughout a long term of years.” If w r e were not informed that along about the time the News was desperately trying to read Theodore Roosevelt out of the republican party it was three-fourths ownett by Charles Warren Fairbanks we might almost suspect that it had reference to someone near home when it spoke of “other supporters," etc. ' -!*- * •* ' The Republican Ticket and Platform AND the next day It rained". Last week the republican na tional convention saw the hot test week Chicago has produced for thirty-two years, both in climate and politics. The convention closed Sat urday evening and on Sunday it rained. That the bosses knew on Friday at least who was going to be nominated, and when, was quite evident from the fact that their spe cial trains and sleeping accomoda tions were on Friday arranged for their return home Saturday evening. It was quite apparent from the be ginning of the convention that the United States senate combine had concluded to put one of its own mem bers over. The senators worked it through a process of elimination and by stringing out the convention to hurt the candidates who were to be skinned so nicely. So they let Wood and Lowden and Hearst’s can didate, Johnson, vote their full strength until the last day. Then the senators put through their own pro gram. Harding and Coblldge no doubt will be acceptable to the great mass of republican voters, and will be subject to less criticism than any other team that could have been named, standing on the platform adopted by the convention. The platform as adopted was not one wanted by many republicans. It was said that Henrst’s man, Johnson, agreed not to run as an independent if he were permitted, to dictate the platform. Our cartoon on the front page illustrates the four rejected planks which no doubt will become the issues to be fought over from now until Tuesday, Nov. 2, election day. On each one of these issues the republicans are more or less split up. Never at any time in the history of the United States has there been a time when there was ns much po litical unrest and uncertainty as to what the voters will do. Let us dis cuss the four rejected planks The League of Nations The big men and taxpayers of this country would like to see the United States government enter or join the league of nations. Some believe the terms agreed to by President Wil son went too far." Others are willing that we should accept our president's program because we would be bound Ivy it only so long as we desired to remain in the league. Any nation can get out of tt at any time that It wants to. The taxpayers specially are anxious that we join the league of nations becaase we hare loaned Bu rope ten bfTlion dollara (*lO,- 000,000.000'! and there is little chance of getting it back unless we—by be ing a member cf the league of na tions and working from the inside can prevent those countries that owe us from using up all their resources in the future by fighting each other. The man or woman in tills country who does not believe In war Is anx ious for us to belong tq any league that will prevent war. People in this country who arc against a large army and naTy realize that the league of nations would limit the sizes of sll armies and navies and that if the league kept on reducing the armies and navies of the world It would in that way ultimately do away with war. Had the league of nations not been favored by the president of the United State*, a democrat, no doubt the republican senate would have been in favor of it, hut it became a political question nr.d the real bene fits to be derived from the league were lost sight of. Had the repub lican senate indorsed the league it would hare been the same a* an In WHEN A GIRL MARRIES A New Serial of Young Married Life CHAPTER lAV. “Veal, you’re right You and I have different standards. We aren't new fash ioned city folks, but simple, homey coun try people—and I'm proud of It and I'm going to be what I am, as honestly as I can. Now, put the robe away, dear. I'll tel! my husband about it as soon as he comes in, and thn he and I together will send It back to Mr. Mason." Neal kissed me, hogging me tight. “You need someone to look out for you, Babbsie- someone who understands you. Maybe It's going to turn out for the best that I came.” This disquieted me. Did Neal mean to insinuate that .Tim didn't understand me? And why should not his coming to New York not turn out well?” I tied his tie, helped him smooth down the rebellious waves of his flamboyant red hair, and sent him off to Join hla “Lady Evelyn." Then I got out my mending and etiched a little of my love Into the criss-cross of Jim's socks. At noon I put the roast of lamb into the oven. At 1 I began peeling the potatoes and carrots- a fine hot dinner should be awaiting my boy when he returned—that would refresh him and help him over disappointment perhaps. But there was no dlsapplntment. Even my boy's limp had lost some of its weary drag, for as he hurried in a few moments later he shouted boyishly that he had a job. “Tomorrow Neal and I start off for the workingman's life together," he cried, enveloping me in a bear hug. "Little TRAVELING BAGS, SUIT CASES, TRUNKS, LADIES’ HAND BAGS AT POPULAR PRICES. UMBRELLAS —Don't wait fora rainy day to buy your umbrella; buy it now and have It ready when you need it. We have the moat complete line ever shown in this city for men, women or children, at. 81.50 to 820.04) Umbrellas. “ * TRUNKS—LKATHER GOODS—UMBRELLAS 80 N. Pennsylvania St. BRINGING UP FATHER. Nf? JKiCVI HAVE r - - ' HE -* RO that P£ OPle VOU HAVEN'T ANT ONE WHO DIDN'T- ~ ✓*T BUT ANY ONE THAT I SOME ON <it IN THlb K)Y/N THINK HEARD THE KNOW ME MIC(HT SAY THAT"b A? . DOEb KNOW YOU " gJ j INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1920. See Page One. dorsement of the democratic admin istration and that would have as sured the election of another demo cratic president. The life of the re publican party depended upon the prevention of an indorsement of the democratic war policies. On the question of a league of na tions the republieans are thorough ly spilt up and the plank upon the subject which was adopted was forced upon the convention. The grent majority of the delegates would have preferred a plank that provided for a league of nations with certain modifications sufficient to have robbed the president of the credit of being the father of the league, yet which would have pro duced the same results H3 the league which he favored. There fore the element in the republican party which favored a league of na tions in some form got skinned when their party declared in Its platform against a league. The Armenian Question It Is seldom that any political party touches upon a religious ques tion. It is always a dangerous thing in a campaign. This is a Christian country. Armenia is a Christian country. Our sympathies, naturally, are with Armenia and not with the Turks. The countries sur rounding Armenia —Persia, Arabia and parts of Turkey—are now pretty thoroughly taken over and handled by France, England, Greece, Italy and Russia. These countries are all Jealous of each other. So they agreed among themselves that the best solution of the Armenian ques tion would be to have some coun try, like the United States, which is not mixed up with other Christian nations governing the countries sur rounding Armenia to look after the interests of Armenia until It could get on its feet. In other words, the plan was for the United States to accept a mandate for Armenia. In this connection the word “mandate” means that the Armenians them selves and their Christian-controlled neighbors agreed that they are so weak and inexperienced in up-to date governmental matters they haven't had a government of their own for hundreds of years—that the United States should organize a gov ernment for them, from and of Ar menians, and stay on the Job until they were able to run their own gov ernment. As this policy had been advocated by President Wilson it became a political question, and if the repub lican senate had Indorsed It, that would have been an Indorsement of a democratic policy, which in po litical ethics would have been a social error. Tbi* is a question rep resenting Christian sentiment and Is In line with the question of main taining the liberty of the world which drove us into the European war. On this polut the churches got skinned in the Armenian mandate plank of the republican platform. The Labor Question The labor plank in the republican platform, however, represent* the genuine position of the party and on this question the leaders of the party with very few exceptions have de cided to go to bat. Os course, they would like to make It appear that they are hitting only at organized labor. Some of the members of the plat form committee, however, opposed the plank as it was adopted and gave as their reason that while the party might successfully oppose organized union labor, the unorganized em ployes, both the wage carders and the salaried people In this country. By ANN LISLE brother has nothing on me. I'm Inspec tor in a cap factory. Don't know noth ing about caps-or Inspecting, but this pays a year and may lead right to the presidency.” After our first rejoicing was over, ! pulled Jim down at my side on the big couch and told him the story of the blue robe. At first I didn't dare raise my eves to his face—the words came stum bling out In cold panic. I sat starting out ahead bf me with cold bands clasped —then, for comfort, I reached over and seized the lapels of Jim's cent and dragged my eyes up to his. He was smiling. “Y'ou aren’t angry?” I gasped. Neal had been so very angry. “Angry?” Jlrn swept his hands down and caught my wrists he lifted them and laid a kiss in each palm. "Poor lit tle frightened girl did she think her big tyrant husband had shut her up in a Bluebeard tower?” "Y'ou’d lot me accept presents from other men?” I gasped in a whirl. Jltn threw back his head and fnlriy shouted. “Take all you can get—kiddie That's tho law of society. Ot course, 1 wouldn't hare you push that to extremes. But the robe was right here in the apartment and Tom threw It In ns part of the rent. He’s rich it won't hurt him to be a lltttle generous to us." I drew away—offended. Jim s words hurt me. Had my husband no real pride for me—or for himself? (’npyrlght, 11)20. (To Be Continued.) The Young Lady Across the Way The young lady across the way says she considers it a pretty poor reconi mendatlon of a baseball team to say that it excels on the attack, and If they can't win without assaulting their op ponents they'd better lose. realized that the unions have been holding an umbrella over them nnd that their wages or salaries would not have been increased but for the lights put up by union labor. One member of the republican national committee who also was a member of the platform committee took the position that the laboring tnau has had a clear mind since tfle passing of the saloon and could see and think and understand Mr liluiaelf and that while he might not be a union man, he was not opposed to the institution that hail helped him to get better pay. As an illustration he stated that it Is almost impossible now to hire strike-breakers. On this issue the next president of the United States will be elected. Republican delegates to tin* national convention who live in labor dis tricts were of the opinion that they would lose these districts to the democrats if this plank was Inserted in the platform. However, they were skinned. The Soldiers' Bonus * Men who volunteered, or were forced through the draft, to give up steady employment at big wages to go to w-ar have felt that they not only tong their lives in their hands, but that they lost financially. They have felt that a country rich enough to lend ten billion dollars <110,000.- 000,000) to its allies could afford to dig np something to at least mak up to them their loss in pay while they were away, which in the aggregate would amount to about one and a hnlf billion dollars (*1.500,000,000). Os course this meant Increased taxa tion. Soldiers who interviewed their individual congressmen and senators were le-1 to believe they favored do Ing the right thing by the returned soldier and that his claim was rec ognized. Yet nearly two years have passed since the war ended nnd con gress ha* done nothiug and ad journed without passing any of the numerous bill* on the subject which had been introduced. Tt has been a question of passing the buck eve since the first bill providing a bonus was Introduced. The real milk In the cocoannt has beep that this back pay. or bonus, bad to be made up through increased taxation and the corporations which made big money out of the war did not want to come across with part of their profit*. The omission of thi* plunk from the republican platform was not an oversight. It was thoroughly dls cu*ed and voted down. The re- Avalanche of Pure Hate Perhaps the next proper thing to say is, to follow the conventionalities, that Lodge's speech was a conflabers tlon of "glittering generalltle*"- but it wasn't. It was a well organized compendium of partisan sophistries and asltdnltles: Just another aval anche of ant! WUs .n bate, b .rn of the Jealousy which inferiority always pays ns a tribute to merit. Nothing could be plainer, even in the very tone of the senator’s voice, than his innate madness because someone, not a re publican, had played a big part In the shaping of world history, and that because he was not a republican, the republican must forever disdain any approval of his undertak ings. Republican egotism, as voiced by Senator Lodge, has ripened into madness, after much the same man ner as did that of Wilhelm Hohen r.ollern, leading him to plunge the world into the great war.—John TTonry Zurer In South Bend News- Times. Tho Umbrella Store 30 North Pennsylvania Street publican party, however, will, in my judgment, realize sooner or later that it made a mistake in not rec ognizing our four million (4.000,000) returned soldiers. —W. D. Boyce iu the Saturday Blade, Chicago. With Thanks to Lodge for the Issue Editor Daily Times—Sir, I covet a lit tle space in The Daily Times just to ven ture the opinion that no man in America has rendered so great service to the dem ocratic party, In preparation of it for the approaching presidential campaign, as has Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Mas sachusetts. Months ago he dowered the democracy with the most desirable issue upon which it could wish to make the campaign, when the bitterness of his spleen, poured out upon the "Wilson treaty” and "Wil son league of nations,” steeled republican All Silk Yard Goods 20% to 30% Reductions ANNUAL JUNE SALE This store strives daily to present the best values obtainable and to offer to its patrons the utmost in service and satisfaction. But there are certain events, and the June Sales are listed with them, scheduled throughout the year when we concentrate our efforts and offer merchandise from all departments at prices considerably below that justified by the existing market conditions. e are in the midst of these sales now. * Summer Dresses in Dainty Profusion TO $5.98 up to $20.50 all alterations free Corsets and Muslin Underwear sßc MUSLIN SKIRTS, embroidery m£* trimmed, special £ <tsC $1.25 MUSLIN SKIRTS, embroidery or qa lace trimmed, special $1.50 ENVELOPE CHEMISE, lace aa trimmed, ail sizes, special JfOv $175 TO $1.98 ENVELOPE CHEMISE £4 OR SLIPOVER GOWNS, special $1.25 NETTING OR BATISTE CORSET, farr topless, with elastic, special ' */C>C $1.50 WAISTLINE CORSETS, in white £4 4 or flesh, or low bust in white, special.... JLr $3.00 ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS, white ba tiste, low bust, long skirt, free hip; £>4 AO sizes 20 to 26, special 59c MESH BANDEAUX, front hook, ftn in flesh, special 89c BRASSIERES, in flesh, shoulder straps, trimmed with lace and insertion, special .' All Other Corsets, Except Nemos, Less 20 Per Cent. Dainty Undersiiks In New and Lovely Designs Whether it be camisoles, envelope che mises or bloomers needed to complete milady’s underwear chest—women will find much to interest her in our ini tial showing of sheer silk undergar ments for summer service. Perfectly safe to buy, too, for no woman need he afraid of careless work or skimped patterns. 98c quality 79<? , $2.25 quality. sl.69 $1.25 quality... B9c j $2.48 quality. *l.79 $l4B quality.. .98 1 $2.9S quality .Bl.9B - $3.4S quality. 82.25 $1.69 quality. sl.2s ?3 ( , ua iitv. B2.9B $1.75 quality. 81-25 54.50 quality. B2.4B $1.98 quality .81.48 j $4.98 quality. s2.Bß $5.39 to $5.48 qualities 84.25 $5.98 to $6.50 qualities 84.79 $6.98 to $7.50 qualities 85.59 $8.50 to SS.9S qualities 86.79 $9.98 to $10.50 qualities. 87.98 $12.50 qualities 89.98 $15.00 qualities 841.48 opposition to the noblest idea that has engaged American thought in more than a half century. In his last will and testament, read to the assembled executors thereof, at Chi cago, he bequeathed or “assigned” to the democracy its strongest and most-loved candidate for the presidency, William G. McAdoo. Will somebody please keep feeding the senator the strong and indigestable stuff, and administer a proper hypodermic to make him talk up now and then along through the campaign? We democrats want to win. We can’t win if we don’t fight, but we’ll fight as long as Henry keeps coming back. SBZEE. Woman’s Pipe Sets Bed on Fire; Dies CHICAGO, June 16.—Mme. Roche, 70, was burned to death in her home in Richmond. Her bedclothes caught fire when she put down her lighted pipe. Wash, and Alabama Sts., Just East of Courthouse. Read Our Ads 'With Confidence Play Days Are Twice as Enjoyable in a Pretty, Pleasing Play Dress Here are play dresses that will convince the most thrifty mother of the folly of making up dresses for daughter for summer play days. These dresses are of materials and styles of such practical and sturdy design that they will give a long season’s satis faction. Gingham White Dresses Besses Ages 6 to 14, Ages 8 to 14, Mm Is slap $1.98 fflfcr I $2.98 UP TO fc,. AND UP TO ( $4.48 Can ad ian Lum berwj - Firms jn Mefl OTTOWA Ontario, June 16. port,ant lumber merger has recently place In Ottawa affecting two of largest pulp and paper the country. 11 The interests of the W. C. Company, Ltd., and the Gilmour and Hughson companies become part of thq concern known as the Riordon Pulp ami Paper Company. The amount involved is in the neighborhood of $60,000,000 and the area controlled by the company (i* 12,000 square miles, which contains map?] million feet of timber and pulpwood.l | To give on id.-*a of the extent of area controlled by the new company M might be mentioned that it is larger thH Belgium and almost us large as HollanH Belgium has an area of 11,373 squaH miles, Holland being a little larger al containing 12,630 square miles. Here is a never ending story of all that is new and lovely in the world of frocks that women love. The new materials— gingham appears again—more styl ish and favored than ever in new and lovely frocks of cliec k and stripe. Voiles re turn with charm refreshed the printed voiles in soft, shadowy pat terns in light and dark colors to of fe r excuse for many a little aft ernoon dress. Ginghams and Percales SPECIAL DRESS GINGHAM, 27 inches wide, new checks and plaids, for aprons and dresses; 2^C 32-INCH DRESS GINGHAM, all new plaids and checks for spring and summer /a £ dresses; a yard DRESS GINGHAM, 32 inches wide, beautiful color combination plaid for street and house _ dresses; our special, a yard f TISSUE GINGHAM, 32 inches wide, assorted checks and plaids for women’s and chii dren s dresses; a yard , STANDARD PERCALES, yard w'de, neat figures and stripes on light and dark grounds; special, a yard DRESS GINGHAM, extra fine quality in all up-to date plaids, fast colors, for women's and children's dresses; a yard IT’S ALL IN THE KNOWING. Bargain Table RIBBONS WARP PRINT RIBBONS, fl iral patterns, satin euiim 5 inches wide; spe cifil, yard MOlitF. RIBBON, 4i inches wide, white, pink, rose, red, black and navy; spe- QQ, cial sale, yard y7L Children’s Hosiery Such a decided value has not been offered in children’s hos iery section for several sea sons. We recommend a pur chase of several pairs of these dependable stockings while present supply is to be had. 50c to 75c Hose Children’s plain lisle, silk lisle or cotton stockings, Ir regulars of “Wayne-Knit,” in black or white— Special, 45c 39c Children’s Hos? An extra good stocking for children; black or white; all sizes, reinforced at wearing points— Special, 29c