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Pag river for |f BODY OF YOUTH Kompton Way, 14, Drowns f When Canoe Upsets. The body of Compton Way, 14-year-old Sbortridge High school hoy who drowned In White river last night, had not been recovered today although the police had dragged the stream for hours. The water of the river Is rising because of the recent rains and this makes drag ging difficult. ay’s death is the fifth this year as the result of accidental drow.ring, Eagle creek claiming three and White river two victims. Compton Way is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Way, 714 East Twen tieth street. The boy met his death near Twenty sixth street in White river at Riverside park. Accompanied by B. P. Osbon. 220S N'orth Meridian street, a teacher of mu sic at Shortrldge High school, the boy got into a canoe and the two started south from the boathouse at 5 o’clock. While attempting to turn the boat In - shallow water the canoe tipped over and h fell into the river which was only (faoout two and half feet deep. They turned the boat back and then looked for their paddles. One paddle had iioated down stream and Way waded after it. When he reached deep water he started to swim for the paddle. Osbon told the police that after the boy had gone some distance he colled for him to return and let the raddle go. but that the bey continued to swim. The current was swift and the boy had gone about 400 feet south of where the boat overturned when he sank. Osbon then summoned help but the body had not been found when the police stopped dragging at 10 o’clock last Bight and other officers renewed the dwgging at 4 o’clock this morning. Barry Way, father of Compton, Is an accountant employed by the Grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, and has lived In Indianapolis fourteen years with the Mc*ptl°n of" eighteen months spent at No Phone, Mai!, C. 0. D. Orders or Layaways on Friday Specials i- —i Children’s $1.49 Sateen Bloomers, 95c White sateen bloomers, in sizes 2 to 18 years. —Pettis infants' shop, second floor. Girls’ Tub Dresses, $2.25 Figured voile, gingham and dotted swiss dresses in light and dark colors. Sizes Bto 16 years. —Pettis Junior dejit.. second floor. Girls’ Middy Skirts, $3.19 Navy blue serge and plaid middy skirts. Sizes 6 to 14 years. —Pettis Junior dept., second floor. 65c Mercerized Marquisette , 35c Double thread, fully mercerized, yard-wide marquisette, in white, cream and ecru. One case (1,000 yards), ail perfect goods to sell at this price Friday. Limit 30 yards to customer. —Pettis draperies, third floor. 49c Hem&iiched Voile, 27Vzc Sheer hemstitched woile, 36 inches wide, in quality that launders beautifully. Limit 30 yards to customer. —Pettis draperies, third floor. Misset ’ and Children’s White Pumps, $1.95 White canvas ankle strap pumps, In sizes 8)4 to 11 and 11 Vi to 2. —Pettis shoes, street floor, east aisle. 40c Stick Candy, Pound, 25c Delicious peppermint stick candy. —Pettis candy, basement. Toilet Goods Specials 60c Creme Elcaya 420 60c Elcaya vanishing cream 420 60c Elcaya witch-hazel cream 420 50c Djer-Kiss compact powder 390 50c Djer-Kiss compact rouge 390 25c Mavis talcum 170 25c Talcums —Djer-Kiss, Spielher’s, Babcock’s, etc 190 Croft & Reed’s toilet and bath soap, and other standard brands of soap, cake . 50 Small size cakes of toilet soap, while a limited lot lasts (limit 12 to customer), 12 cakes Palmolive soap, 12 cakes . 850 —Pettis toilet goods, street floor, front. Boys’ SI.OO Blouses , 69c Buy half a dozen and fix the boy up for the summer. We can’t buy more wholesale at this price. —Pettis boys’ clothing, third floor. Mens Overalls, $1.75 Fine, full cut overalls of strong blue denim or striped overall ma terial, at less than today’s wholesale cost. —Pettis men’s clothing, third floor. 50c Jelly Beans, Pound, 25c Jelly beans at half price for Friday only. —Pettis candy, basement. Feather Fans, Hall Price A delayed shipment of feather fans in pink, coral, shell, white and black, marked at one-half price for Friday. —Pettis fans, street floor, aisle four. Children s $1.50 Silver Drinking Cups,9Bc Sheffield silver plated cups with plate gold lining. —Pettis silverware, street floor, front 25c Leather Belts, 10c Narrow leather belts, in black only. —Pettis leather goods, street floor, aisle three. Misses’ $4.00 Pumps, $2.95 Tan calf and black calf ankle strap pumps with turn soles. Sizes 11% to 2. —Pettis shoes, street floor, east aisle. Women ’s Pumps and Oxfords, $3.95 White canvas colonial pumps oxfords with turn soles, French or Cuban heels, black vici kid oxfords with Cuban heel, and patent colt and dull kid colonial pumps. No exchanges, no refunds at this price. —Pettis shoes, street floor, east aisle. $3.50 Pettis Special Corsets, $2.79 Pink brocade models with elastic top for slender figures; also plain coutil model for medium figures. —Pattis corsets, second floor. 85c Sanitary Napkins, Dozen, 69c Extra large sanitary napkins; 12 in a box. —Pettis corset dept., second floor. Redskin Breaks Old Tradition; Ends Life OKTAHA, Okla., June 17—A rec ord was broken here the other after noon when Jeff Oliver, SO, a full blooded Indian, ended his life by hanging. According to Indian agency officials this Is the first instance ever re corded wherein an Indian indulged in the act of self-destruction. Ladoga, Ind., which city he left and returned to Indianapolis last March. The family was packing to start for California within a few days. 250 Localßoys on Way to Camp Custer Two hundred and fifty Indianapolis high school boys left by special train to day for the R. O. T. C. camp at Camp Custer, Mich., where they will begin at once a six weeks’ course of military training. The boys are under the charge of Lieut. Col. Arthur J. Perry, in charge of the R. O. T. C. units of the Indianapolis high schools. • The special train carrying the boys left the Union station at 7 o’clock this morning. They were routed through Michigan City, Ind. You’ll Pay Dime More for Ice Tomorrow An increase of 10 cents per hundred pounds for ice will become effective in Indianapolis tomorrow. The increases in the wholesale and re tail rates will bring the new price standards to 60 cents a 100 pounds re tail, 40 cents a hundred pounds whole sale, and 35 cents for the platform rate. A number of requests received by Stanley Wyckoff during the week from local ice manufacturers asked for in creases from 22 to 26 per cent. 3 of 233 ‘Y’ Men in War Made Big Sacrifice Two hundred and thirty-three men for T. M. C. A. war service work were provided by the Indianapolis association, according to a history of the war activi ties of the association, sent to J. W. Oliver, director of the Indiana Historical association, by A. H. Goddard, secretary. This report will be included in the Marion county war history. More than 2,000 men were examined by the personnel committee of the associa tion and 256 of this number were ac cepted. Os this number 192 saw service, 177 went overseas and fifteen served in camps and cantonments in the United States. Three of these men, Thomas I. Scott, Hugh S. Lawmlll and Avery K. Pot tenger, were killed in service. More than 200 entertainments were given for the soldiers by the local “V” and more than 60,000 persons attended. Two New Political Parties on Ballot Two new political parties probably will appear on the ballot in Indiana this fall. T. A. H. Hopkins, chairman of the committee of forty-eight, and James E. Ferguson of Texas, candidate for presi dent of the American party, have asked Ed Jackson, secretary of state, how they may place the names of their candidates on the ballots. The matter has been turned over to Attorney General Ele Stanabury for so lution. More Roads Added to State Highway Plan A number of additional roads have been designated by the state highway commission as parts of the state high way system. The selections have not been made pnblie. pending the approval of Gov. Goodrich. PE'^TISC^GOCgSCOi 15c Jap Tissue Toilet Paper, 12 for SI.OO 100-sheet rolls of fine tissue. —Pettis basement. 9c P. & G. or Fels Naptha Soap, 10 Bars, 75c No deliveries. —Pettis basement $6.98 Traveling Bags, $4.85 Black cowhide traveling bags with fancy plaid lining. —Pettis basement $85.00 Electric Washers, $69.50 Happy Day electric washer and wringer; economical, labor saving, practical. —Pettis electrical dept., basement. 45c Coffee, 2 Pounds, 68c B. & 3.; a coffee of quality. Limit 2 pounds to a customer. —Pettis coffee dept., basement. SI.OO Mixed Tea Pound, 75c Mixed tea for making iced tea. —Pettis tea and coffee dept., basement. Women ’s Sport Skirts, $1.19 Made of corduroy and khaki materials. The colors are rose, gold and khaki. —Pettis skirts, second floor. Women’s Skirts, $4.50 Women’s black and navy blue serge or silk skirts, made with fancy belts, and button trimmed. —Pettis skirts, second floor. Girls’ $14.95 Spring Coats, Half Price Velour, wool poplin ana serge coats in colors of navy blue, rose, tan, Copen and brown. Sizes 8 to 14 years. —Pettis junior dept., second floor. Hair Goods Specials 3ln 1 cap shape hair nets, regularly 2 for 25c; dozen, 900. $2.50 separate stem hair switches, 81*98. —Pettis hair goods, fifth floor. Girls’ $3.95 Khaki Middy Suits, $2.50 Ideal for hikes and vacation trips. Made of khaki in attractive models. Sizes 6 to 14 years. —Pettis Junior dept., second floor. Children’s $1.49 Union Suits, 90c Union suits of cross barred nainsook, made in loose and bloomer knee style. Sizes 3 to 12 years. —Pettis infants' shop, second floor. Children’s Spring Coats, Half Price Children's spring coats, in light and dark colors. Sizes 2 to 6 years. —Pettis infants' shop, second floor. $1.69 Long Gloves, $1.29 Above the elbow length lisle gloves in white only. All sizes. —Pettis gloves, street floor, aisle four. 59c Novelty Voiles, 39c One hundred different styles and colors. All the season’s newest patterns, all forty Inches wide. —Pettis wash materials, street floor, west aisle. 5c Wall Paper Borders, Yard, 3c Cut out floral borders to match paper. —Pettis wall paper, third floor. 40c Varnish Tile Wall Paper, 29c • Washable paper for kitchen and bathroom walls. —Pettis wall pnper, third floor. Women ’s $1.49 to $1.75 Bloomers, 95c Plain and figured crepe bloomers, made with ruffled knee. —Pettis undermuslins, second floor. Blue and White Rag Rugs Good heavy quality rag rugs in blue with white band borders, in the following size3 to match : Size 24x36, regularly SI.GS, Friday, 81.35. Size 24x48, regularly $2.00, Friday, 81.65. Size 27x54, regularly $2.65, Friday, 82.25. Size 30x60, regularly $3.40, Friday, 82.85. % —Pettis rugs, third floor. $8.95 and $9.95 Crepe de Chine Gowns, $6.95 Heavy crepe de chine gowns in regular and sleeveless styles, beau tifully tailored or lace and ribbon trimmed. • —Pettis lingerie, second floor. 5c Skeins Royal Society Floss, 2c , Royal Society floss in discontinued shades. —Pettis art goods, fifth floor. 20c and 25c Wall Paper, 16 2-3 c ’Florals, stripes and allover designs in bedroom wall papers. —Pettis wall paper, third floor. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. ‘White Mule’ in Oil Can Leads to Arrest "White mule’’ whisky in a grocer’s oil can was to form an exhibit used as evi dence in City bourt this afternoon. The oil can containing about three quarts of “white mule” was found by Sergt. Russell and his morals squad in n raid on Steve Rapla’s grocery, 546 West _ _____ "’-"i .u_ ' y * n fl our for ertry purpose. Always highesim/^ VZy'^y^Z] Sage Milk for infants & invalids l ASK . FOR and Substitutes. For Infanta, Invalids and Growing: Children I Rich Milk, Malted Grain Extract in Powder The Original Food-Drink For All Ages | No Cooking —Nourishing — Digestible Eleventh street, and resulted in the ar rest of both Mr. and Mrs, Rapia on charges of operating a blind tiger. They told the police that the whisky was made in Clinton. William Givens was arrested at the St. Charles hotel by the same officers on the charge of operating a blind tiger. j The police say they found four quarts of real whisky, a whisky glass and a flask in Givens’ room. Children’s $1.25 and $1.49 Coverall Aprons, 89c Checked and striped scout percale aprons, in slip over and button front styles with belt and pockets. Sizes 4 to 14 years. —Pettis aprons, second floor. Women s 35c Extra Size Vests, 24c Swiss ribbed vests of fine gauze texture made with taped neck and arm. —Pettis knit underwear, street floor, aisle fiv*. $3.95 to $5.00 Ruffled Net Flouncing *, $2.39 Ruffled flouncings of plain and esprit net in an assortment of charming patterns. —Pettis laces, street floor, aisle two. 25c Veils, 15c Slip-on veils in an assortment of desirable styles in black, navy, brown and taupe. —Pettis veils, street floor, aisle two. Women’s 7c to 10c Handker chiefs, 5c A clearance of odds of women’s fancy handker chiefs, prettily embroidered in one corner, in white or colors. —Pettis handkerchiefs, street floor, aisle two. Children ’s $1.25 White Pique Hats, 69c White pique wash hats, trimmed in pink or blue. —Pettis infants' shop, second floor. 35c Bucilla Crochet Cotton, 12 l /2c Bueilla Perle crochet cotton in yellow-, lavender,’ p.nk and blue. (Limit 10 balls to a customer.) —Pettis art goods, fifth floor. Porch and Canoe Pillows, 89c Cretonne covered pillows, in extra large size in round or oval shape. —Pettis art goods, fifth floor. Children’s 98c to $4.25 Stamped Dresses, Hal f Price A small lot of children’s white and colored dresses, made up in sizes from 6 months to 10 years. —Pettis art goods, fifth floor. 60c Pillowcases, 39c Plain nemmed pillowcases in 42x36-inch size. —Pettis beddings, fifth floor. $3.50 All-Silk Crepe de Chine, $1.98 Heavy four-ply crepe de chine, all silk, In a full line of the wanted staple shades. —Pettis silks, street floor, west aisle. $2.50 and $3.50 Lingerie Blouses , $1.98 Blouses of fine voile, organdy and batiste, beautifully trimmed with lace, embroidery, tucks and ruffles. —Pettis blouses, second floor. $3.00 All-Wool White Serge, $2.35 All-wool white serge, 44 Inches wide, sponged and shrunk. —Pettis dress goods, street floor, west aisle. 55c White Pajama Cloth, 37c Yard wide, small check pajama cloth, in soft nainsook finish. —Pettis white goods, street floor, aisle two. 35c White Outing Flannel, 26c A good quality of well fleeced outing flannel In white. —Pettis domestics, street floor, aisle two. 35c Toilet Brushes, 25c Brushes for cleaning toilets, etc. —Pettis basement. 35c Tungsten Lamps, 5 for $1.39 First quality Tungsten lamps. —Pettis electrical dept., basement. 50c Writing Paper, Pound, 39c "Pettis Linen,’’ linen-finish writing paper. One full pound of 108 sheets. —Pettis stationery, street floor, aisle four. rHB NEW ’V'ORK STORE EL ®T. 1853 Spur's “Brown-and- $ aHuMf4sjimtodt ifiilak* v Silver” Package. . / / keeps Spurs fresh and / / y f (or the cigarette that is not nch * JL M merely anew brand-name, k ut a decidcdl y new idea S m cigarettes. Spur fits in r ight dierc -—a slower-bum* ment of a choicer tobacco ett eg FcTtisCtyGooosCo ■* MM VOWK gTOHfi $1.98 Ice Tea Glasses, Dozen, $1.25 Colonial shaped glasses of good pressed glass. —Pettis basement. 17c Cups and Saucers, Pair, 10c Plain white cups and saucers, slightly imperfect —Pettis basement. $1.50 Kodak Albums, 89c Loose leaf kodak albums in 7xll inch size, containing 50 leaves. v —Pettis books, street floor, aisle four. Notions Specials 10c Paper shopping bags .58 5c Snap fasteners, 4 cards 100 5c Hooks and eyes, rustproof, 4 cards 100 10c Inside dress belting, white only, yard 50 60c Sanitary aprons 478 60c Dress shields, nainsook covered, sizes 2,3 and 4; pair ..350 10c Pearl buttons, sizes 20, 22 and 24, fine ocean shell; 6 on card.7o 10c Fisheye pearl buttons, 12 for 70 —Pettis notions, street floor, west aisle. 18c Dustpans, 12c Strong, well made, black japanned dustpans. —Pettis basement. 59c Brooms, 39c Five-sewed carpet brooms, all corn, good weight. _ . j m —Pettis basement. $2.50 Portable Ovens, $1.95 One-burner sheet steel portable ovens for use on gas hotplates. —Pettis basement. $1.19 Ice Cream Freezers, 89c Size tor making two quarts of ice cream. ’ —Pettis basement. $1.75 Mercerized Wash Satin, $1.35 Highly mercerized white wash satin, full yard wide; makes ex cellent summer skirts. —Pettis linings, street floor, west aisle. $3.49 to $7.50 Lace Curtains,Pair, $1.98 One and two-pair lots of fine lace curtains. —Pettis draperies, third floor. 79c to $1.25 Cretonnes, Yard, 25c Short lengths—from 1 to 5 yards. —Pettis draperies, third floor. Cretonne Pillows, 98c Two hundred cretonne pillows, 18 inches in diameter, filled with silk rapok and trimmed with neat edging. Cretonne covering is of excellent quality. , —Pettis draperies, third floor. 3