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■SYS TO BETTER W business given Ridiana Dry Goods Men Let in f on Secret by Sales Expert. f ''•'The most Important part of business is getting the right kind of salespeople,” • ie’larod Mrs. Genevieve Held, educa tional director for the Marshall Field Company, before the convention of the Federated Betsy Dry Goods association, at the Sererln hotel, In discussing the fundamentals of obtaining better busi ness policies. Mrs. Reid had charge of a demonstra tion of salesmanship given by Miss Fan nie Arms of Chicago, and Miss, Adeline Davis of L. S. Ayres &. Cos. "In hiring salespeople we should look for certain characteristics and qualities, namely: practical and sensible people. “Asa rule I have found that the wearer of high heqttr is not filled with a desire for labor, and she does not exert herself I>ecaue of her impractical wearing ap parel.”" Mrs. Reid said the best men that can befoand are delegated to hire the sales people of the Marshall-Field Company, land while expensive-, it more than pays. 'THE THREE BIC. CHARACTERISTICS. "There are three inherent character istic* In salespeople,” said Mrs. Reid: 1. Personality. 8. Industry. 3. Dependability. “Granted they have these characteris tics, the question is what to do to make them more effective.” Mrs. Reid declared an efficient sales man must have an accurate 1 knowledge of the store system, be interested in his job, be attentive to customers and know the merchandise. “We study our salespeople while we are giving them training, and learn how attentive, how patient they are, and what their associations have been. “We find that a trio through the store has a psychological effect on indifferent persons, giving them an interest In their job through knowledge of the extent of the store. REFERENCES TO SOLVE PERPLEXING QUESTIONS. “In connection with our training sys tem, we have a library which contains a large collection of books and magazines by which a perplexing trade question can be answered.” Mrs. Reid declared a close bpman sympathy is the main factor In big business. “After cIU" she said, “the human equation between the company and the salespeople is the only way to reach the customer. “People make mistakes because they forget the development of the personal element In the individual.” Speaking of methods of selling, Mrs. Reid said there are only two kinds of sales: the mechanical and the spiritual. “To make an effective sale yon must sell yourself with every article you sell over the counter; Sell your brains with that sale. THE SALESMANSHIP THAT DRIVES 'EM AWAY, do not want our salespeople to approach a customer with a ’Do yon want anything?’ or a ‘Have you got waited on ?* for such salesmanship will drive away a customer who had Intend ed to make a purchase. “There are three classifications for customers.. First, the customer who knows what she wishes, which Is the most difficult one to please. “Then, the one who does not know ex actly what she desires. She must be helped In her decision by the ssales woman. “Lastly, special attention and expert salesmanship mast fce given to the one who cornea to look and does not Intend to buy.” Mrs. Reid said she was of the opinion that good salesmanship had overcome, to a large percentage, the amount of re turned goods, for if the person were satisfied fully at the time of the pur chase he would not be likely to become displeased with the article after de livery. frpoms Competitive Turners to Stage Annual District Tournament Here Sunday Ten turning clubs, members of Ibe Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky' and Indiana division of the American Gym nastic Union, will hold their auuuul com petitive meet at the South Side Turner gymnasium, Prospect and Alabama street, Sunday. An all-dav affair is carded. Each club has entered a men’s and women's team. Teams are entered from Louisville. Layton. O.: Cincinnati, Chicago, Dan ville, III.; Evansville, Ft. Wayne, South Lend and Indianapolis. The South Side Turners captured first prize in the district meet held at Louisville last year and second pri-.e in the national championships. This year’s Turner team Is practically the same one that competed under the Black and White colors in 1919 and the members -are keyed up for another vic tory. Simon Bj Box Is chairman of the reception committee and he has a coyo* of able assistants who will help him extend a warm welcome to the visitors. Cycle Cards Announced; 15-Mile Race Arranged for State Riders July 4 Two amateur bicycle race cards to be staged on the one and one-half mile liiverside park track June 19 and July 4 were announced today by Charles E. Wehr, Indiana representative of the Na tlonal Cycling association. Saturday's races will be for local riders and the card will consist of two six-mile events, one three-mile Boy Scout race and a three-mile Gipson-Kirk match race. The six-mile races will be handicaps, open to all riders in the city. -Sunday. July 4. a host of state riders v*Kl be brought here to compete for hon ors in a fltteen-mile grind against the leading riders of this city. Wear has received fifteen prizes from the national association for this card anc they will no doubt attract a large field. The scratch riders in this clash will compete for a gold watch, to be*awarded as a time prize. Looks as if Johnson Has ’Em Fooled Again ” I SAN' DIEGO. Cal., June 17.—Agents of the department of justice and immigra tion were still on watch along the bor der line between the United States and Lower California. Mexico, u few miles south of here today to arrest Jack Johnson, hegro pugilist, should he enter tats country. * Johnson is wanted under the convic tion for violation of the ManD act. The federal officers ''indicated their watch was not based on any great confi- i dence in reports emanating from Mex- | ico that Johnson would soon be de- j ported, but upon the possibility that fte might be some truth in these ru ! mors. Dave Gershon, special agent of the de partment of Justice. Baid last night that Judge Cacao of Tia Juana had denied ! knowledge of any deportation decree. j Persons in the confidence of Gov. Es- | tebnn Cantu of Lower California also 1 denied knowledge of the reported or- I der. Johnson, according to common talk here, has been in disfavor with the Mexican authorities for some time. He is aid to have resented admoni tion from the Mexican police concern ing his conduct. Where Democratic Convention Will Meet June 28 An exterior view of the great Civic auditorium in San Francisco, which will, be the scene of the democratic national convention. The convention will open June 28 and will probably be the most strenuous one in the history of the old party. CHURCH SALE TO NEGROES SCORED Proposed Deal Draws Fire of Indianapolis Board. A resolution condemning the proposed sale of the College Avenue Baptist church. College avenue and Fifteenth street,, to a colored congregation was mailed by the Indianapolis Real Estate Board today to Rev. £>. E. Webb, pastor of the church, members of the board of trustees of the church, civic organiza tions and other Interested parties. The resolution follows: “Whereas, it is rumored that the Col lege Avenue Baptist church has been ne gotiating with a colored church for the sale of their church property at College avenue and Fifteenth street and that said property would be used as a church by a colored congregation, and “Whereas, stfch a sale would. If con summated, be the cause of a property damage by depreciation of values in this ln s PICe9B of thfl T oh wortrt A or &,d P r °P e y. and indeed v.puld depreciate values for many blocks in every direction ; and ‘ hereas. such a gale, if consummated. OHM’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS Another Big Cut in the Price of Drugs _ No Mail Orders Filled at the Reduced Prices F rej h* Genuine, of the Purest and Best Quality. Price* Subject to Change With;.. - .^e 51.50 Abbott’s Saline Laxative 51.19 60c Abbott's Saline La-afire 49c 75c Abbott's Rheumatic Remedy...sac 52.50 Absorblne g*.S4 51.25 Abeorbine Jr. na r>e Abilena Water ? >- 00 ! .M ,bo,ene on "I”"”;’*4c Joe Alien's rioerine Salve lo , rb S n P1!I " (100) 49c eOc Aloin Strych. and Bel. Pills S lc iS ffi 55c Analgesic Balm 29c 7V AnM^? lqUe Baum Bengue s9c so il 25 aK!2 u (100 - 5 Rr.'.'.'t.v 51— ~ Aspirin Tablets. Bavr SBc sion”T rin T ? b Jv 1 lft c: 3 doz.cso 51 no xX ou l* . Grape Jule - I ta ♦I.OO Afhlophoris ... Bs'lem Sails ...) 4'^ 50c Badex Salts 39'' 26c Beecham PIMa 2-v Brians 7c Bel lans ,39- s*; £ e !!?' , 2j} n piaster ".y.y.y.yy.y. as* w u rin '* T;,r a! " J Honey ;tc 2cc Bai-keepcr-g f l*e ] Ji Gout and Kheu. Pills. ..84c 50c Blaud * iron Pills si c ! Liquid Iron. Lilly’s 69c *■-®0 Bitro-Phosphgte 84c Milk. 2 for 48c 51 00 Bliss Native Herb Tabs 71c ~>c Burkhardt’s Veg. Tabs 19c 30c Promo Seltzer . , 28c OOe Bromo Seltzer 51.20 Bromo Seltzer gc 51.10 Brownatone S9r 5125 Cadomere Tabs .........Me * B * onle l Tablets, 100 anT size... 10c 15c Camphor Moth Balls ioc w*c California Syr. Figs 49c 50c Camphor Spirits [ ;.Vt 25c Capsolin 19- 00c Canthrox -!!.,!!49e 35c Capudlne !.!!"!!!!. ",29c 70c Capudlne . . !59e 59 c Cascara Arom. Sweet. 3 0z.”!.!.25c 50c Cascara Bitter. 3 nz. 25c 50c Cascara Cathartic Hinkle '.?4c loc Carbolic Acid me P arter ' 8 Little Liver Pills."”l9c c, Ga ** or ou - P'ire, half pint S3e Ssc Castor Oil. pure, one pint 60c 35c Pastor OH, Kellog’s 23,. 50c Castor Oil. Kellog's 89c 51.50 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts ;*Be 25c Celery Vesce m -50c Celery Veo* ..............'.’".sil SI.OO Celery Vesce 74^ 50e Clayton's Mange Remedy s&c V- laJ ' t . on ’ 8 Hog Remedies sc Capalba and Cubeb Capt 29c 75e Qban Hair Color Res 59c 35c Coregea v, 2 o* 7 >c coiorX each 19c 15c Comp. Licorice Powd.. io 50c Calcium Wafers ’.39, B l° od * Nerve Tali 49c SI.OO Creole Hair Color Res 88c 35c Danderlae ”c 60c Danderlne SI.OO Danderine - 4 50c Darasohlnskey’s Hair'Dye! ’.'.'.'..'.390 gj 1 ’ Delost s Headache Powd ic 75c Dean’s Liquid Smoke S9 C 50c Denatured Alcohol, quart v, OOc DeWltt's Kidney Pills ' 39c 60c Doan’s Kidney Pills "45* We Drake's Croup Remedy "39c 2:io DloVogen , 9o 15c Diamond Dye, 10c; 3 for!.'!!"! ; 2 5 50c Eatonic gg j 50c Ead’s Rhenmatlc p'lli '"*9- SLOO Ead’s Rheumatic Pills 74c 25c Edwards’ Olive Tablets "l9c SI.OO Enos Fruit Salts aa r ! 51.50 Fellow’s Pomp. Syr. Hypo "*1 to 51.00 Formaldehyde 74® I 35c Formaldehyde. 4 ounces!."2Bc 60c Formaldehyde Fumlgator !!!s9~ 51.00 Grape’Juice. Armour's, pints "rOc 35c Fre“zone for Corns Sor 05c Glover’s Mange Remedv.!! *'! ‘"r,4c 35c Gets-It for Corns 20c * 75c Gl.vcotanphene !!!!" 9e 51.50 Olycotanphene '' ’Vj < 30c Glycofhymoline ’, 04!! ! Gl.vcothymoline 43- ! 51.00 GJyontbyinolino ! gj,. : 51.23 Gude’s Peptoraang "mr $1.25 Gray's Glycerin Tonic 9Sr | 80c Grove's Bromo Quinine... 'os •Ssc .Tad Salts I 50c Bicycle Cards 35c Helmet Cards iZf 35c Chamois Skin .* i 51.00 rhntnois Skin ZBr ' 52.00 Chamois Skin 7.'*148 51.00 Auto Sponge "...75c 1 51.r0 Auto Sponge ...'.*l.l*l $2.00 Auto Wool Sponge .s *l4B 52.50 Auto Sponge ! 25c Haag's Pills for Biliousness 25c ; 35c Hand's Baby Remedies 29,. j 60c Hays’ Hair Health 49,, I Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Out Prices Haag’s Pills for Indlgastlm. Slok Headaoha, Blllousnm and Constipation 26c Haag’s Water Glass Prossrvss Eggs 10 to 12 Months. Haag’s Inssot Powder Kills Bod Bugs, Pleas, Roaohos and Plant Llos. The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Storea are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis Tha Haa Drug Store at 156 N. Illinois is only Six Doors North of interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores at 27 and 53 South Illinois St. are in the Sonare South of Washington St. The Haag Drug Store, 101 West Washington St., is in the Point St jre Room of the Llngplu Hotel. The Three Other Haag Drug Stores are located 114 North Pennsylvania St., 55 Virginia Ave. and 802 Massachusetts Ave., corner College. would be In violation of the practice of common courteay and proper public spirit because It has bee na standard of prac tice that the sale of property In a white neighborhood for use by colored persons Is a disturbance of social and economic conldtlona Just as the sale of property for industrial purposes in an established residence section is held to be in viola tion of city planning codes: and z * z “Whereas, the community as a whole would be damaged by subh a sale as a precedent, and that the best interest* of both the colored and white races would be jeopardized because the better classes of both races have long main tained that the segregation of the races Is the best policy for the community as a whole. The Intent of this resolution is in no wise derogatory to the colored race; and "Whereas, ws believe that such a sale would be In direct conflict with the golden rule—for most of the members of the College Avenue Bsptlst church would likely resent strongly the inva sion of tbelr home neighborhood by col ored residences, chunches or business houses, therefore “Be it restlved that the Indianapolis Real Estate board flfraly stand against tbe rumored sale as being a serious det riment to the city of Indianapolis, and in direct opposition to the principles of j Ssc Harlem OU Caps Tilly* 29c 35c Harlem OH Caps Gold *e 25c Hill's Cascara Quinine Tabs 19c 50c Horlick's Malted MUk 39c 51.00 Horlick's Malted MUk 69c . 53.7> Horlick's Malted Milk **.9B 51-20 Herno Malted Milk 89c ! $4 00 Hem-. Malted Milk *2.98 $1.50 Hood’s Sarsaparilla ~,.8 S 75c Imperial Granum 89c i 51.25 Imperial Granum 8 1 30c Lavoris 2* 60c I.avorls 4*e 1 30c Idsterlne 1* ! *>oc Llsterlno 4*c 1 51.00 Lotus for Gray Hair 74c 30c Lysol tec j 00c Lysol 42c •We Lime Stone Phosphate 89c •25c M-talglus Polish. 19e 51.50 Maltlne. all kinds *1.19 180 c Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills 24c : sl.lO Miles' Nervine 74c 25c Mentholatum lOe | .'B)e Mentholatum S9c ! 00c Mellln's B'ood 4e i 90c Mend’s Dextro Maltose.... 64c ; 60c Milks Emulsion 45c Isl-25 Milks Emulsion 8e j 15c Moth Balls 10c . 30c Mueol S4e • 30c Mufti Gleaner 24c 30c Musterole *4o 60c Musterole c 20c Naptholene Flnkes 150 25c Nature's Bemedy 19c | 50c Nature's Remedy 89e SI.OO Nature's Remedy 74c $1.59 Neoferrura *1.19 SI.OO Nuxated Iron 690 50c Nujol 39c 51.50 Nujol 3e 50c Olive Oil, Pompeian, half-pint.,.39e 51.00 Olive Oil, Pompeian, pint 74c 85c Omega OU 29c 60c Omega Oil 49c SI.OO Ovoferrln 84c SI.OO 011 of Koreln Caps 84c 50c Pape's Diapcpsin S9c 51.00 Pepgsn 69e 15c Peroxide Hydrogen y.. 00 50c Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia......3Dc 25c Phenolax Wafers 190 50c Phosphate Soda Merck* *4c 75c Phosphate Soda Wyeths 59c 60c Plnex For Cough Syrup 490 $1.23 Pierce’s Favorite Pres 89c $1.25 Pierce's Qolden Med. Dlscov...B9e $1.25 Pinkham Veg Comp 790 SI.OO Plnolum 840 20c Quinine Capa. 2 gr., 1 dos. . ..15e Xsc Sal Hepatica *Bc 70c Sal Hepatica.. S9e $1.40 Sal Hepatica 96c SI.OO Salvltae 74c $1.50 Salvitae • *1.29 SI.OO S. 8/ S. Blood Remedy 87e I 75c Seott’s Emulsion 890 i $1.50 Scott’s Emulsion j 35c Sloan’s Liniment ...29c ! 70c Sloait - * Liniment 650 50c Stanolax 39c 35c Stero Cubes *Bc 35c St. Jacob's Oil 29c ; COc St. Jacob's Oil 49c $1.15 Swamp Root -..84c 00c Swamp Root J. .4.7 c f OOc Walnutta Hair Stain 45c : 33c Wild Root Hair Tonic 29c : 60c Wild Root Hair Tonic 40c SI.OO Vino! 74c i $1.25 Veracolnte Tablets 98c ] 75c Veronal Tablets, 5 gr.. 1 doz 600 Quality and Strength Tested Rnbber Goods Received Weekly Direct From the Manufacturers and Sold at All Times at Cut Trices: SI.OO Fountain Syringe 740 $1.23 Fountain Syringe 89c 31.50 Fountain Syringe 98c $2.00 Fountain Syringe *i.4g $2.50 Fountain Syringe *1.98 $3.00 Fountain Syringe *2.24 $4.00 Fountain Syringe $2.98 $1.75 Comb. Syringe <* Water 80t.*1.24 $2.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.51.4S $2.30 Comb. Syringe Water 80t.*i.98 $3.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.*2.24 $5.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.*3.98 $2 00 Vaginal Sfringe Spray *i.4r ; $2.50 Vaginal Syringe Spray *1.98 - 58.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray *2.21 SI.OO Hot Water Bottle 74,, j 51.23 Hot Water Bottle 890 $1.50 Hot Water Bottle 98c ! 52.00 Hot Water Bottle *1.43 ; $2.50 Hot Water Bottle *1.98 53.00 Hot Water Bottle *2.21 SI.OO Ice Cap $1.50 Ice Cap $2.00 Ice Bag, oblong gj.4 R 32.00 Throat Ice Bag $1.43 $2.00 Spinal Ice Bag.. *i. 4B Ayres’ Face Powder and Rouge $1.75 Azurea Face Powder gi -34 $1.75 Azurea Vegetal *1.39 $3.00 Azurea Eau de Toilet *3.48 1 $1.25 Azurea Sachet Powder s. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. zoning and city planning for which we stand, and \ “Be It resolved that a copy of these resolutions be sent to tbe mllnater and trustees of the College Avenue Baptist church and to various civic organizations and the press." U. S. Doctor Robbed for Spite by Mexican VEnA CRUZ, Mexico, June 17.—Dr. Carl Mitchell of the United States army, who has been put In charge of the fight against the bubonic plague epidemic, re ported today that bla roo min the Ori ent hotel had been robbed. The authorltiea believe that the rob bery wa the result of prejudice over calling In an American doctor to take charge of the plague situation. County Jail Empty BELLEVILLE, Kas., June 17.—The county Jail here is an empty human rage. Not a single prisoner now looks through Its barred windows. The Jail, which has been facing a prisoner shortage for some weeks, was entirely descried the other day when Us single remaining occupant was taken to the state penitentiary. 25c Babcock's Corylopsl* Talc 256 Bahrook * Cut Rose Talc 15c 50c Boaclila Face Powder.. 390 40c DJer-Klss Talcum 24c 75c DJer-Kiss Face Powder 56c *1.25 DJer-Kiss Face Powder 98c 75c Dorin's Brunette Rouge 49c 75c Dorin's Compact Powder 49* 50c Elcaya Face Powder.. *5 25c Freeman's Face Powder l 50c Java Rice Face Powder sso 25c J. tz J. Baby Talcum Powd ISc 60c Lory's Laßlach Powder 40c 25c Maaeota Talcum 15c Mary Garden Pov der and Rouge 35c Marls Talcum Powder S*e 50e Mavis Face Powder -*sc 25e Mennen's Talcuma 19c 50c Pompeian Face Powder 39 50c Poazoni Face Powder 390 85c Radonna Face Powder *9c OOc Sempre Glovlne 39 , *I.OO Roger & G. Face Powder 79e I Ayers Creams and Toilets [ 65c Berry's Freckle Ointment 49c I *1.25 Berry's Cremola 98c 50c Boncilla Cold Cream 39c 50c Boncilla Vanishing Cream Soe 30c Coleman's Cold Cream 2-to ' OOc Champlin's Liquid Pearl 49e 50c Daggett A Rams. Cold Cream..Bc 60c Elcaya Cream 43c 25c Espys. Frag. Cream 19e 50c Hind’s Honey A- Almon Cream..-39c 30c Holmes’ Frostllla .....24 25c Old Gib. Witch Hazel Jelly l 40c Orchard White S4c *1.50 Oriental Cream *1.19 OOc Malvina Cream ,i... 450 50c Milkweed Cream 39c 50c Nadlooln Cream 30c OOc Pompeian Day Cream 390 35c Pompeian Night Cream 29c 73c Pompeian Night Cream 59c 60c Pompeian Massage Cream 390 30c Pond's Vanishing Cream 16c 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c OOc Sea Shell Cream 390 25c Woodbury's Faclsl Cream 19c 50c Theatrical Cold Cream 89c 25c Amolln Deodorant Powder 19c 25c Bandaline 190 60c Bazin's Depilatory Powder 49c 60c BriUlantlne 89c SI.OO Dslatone 840 60c Demiracle 49c SI.OO Demtracle 89a j 75c El Rndo 590 | 75c Evana Depilatory 59c I 30c Mum 24c j sftc Non Spl 890 ! 35c Odorono 290 > OOc Odorono 490 I 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover 29c 60c Cutex Cuticle Retnorer 490 i 35c Cutex Nall White 290 ! 35c cSitex Cake. Nall White *9o | 50c Cutex Manicure Set 390 I 25c Dorin’s Lip Stick 19c ! 60c DJer-Kiss Lip Stick 43c | 50c Glazo Nall Polish R9e 35c Hyglo Cake Nall White 290 ! 35c Hyglo Cake Nall Polish 29c | 30c Lusterlte Nall Enamel 24c : 35c Jtrnlca Tooth Soap 290 30c Benzoliptus Tooth Paste 240 I 30c Euthymol Tooth Paste 240 I 60c Forhan’s Pyorrhoea Paste 88c I 50c F. E I. Pyorrhoea Paste 830 ! 30c Lyons’ Tooth Paste or P0wder.,.246- ! SI.OO 'Pyc rrhoclde 84c -50 c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 880 50c Pebeceo Tooth Paste 330 ! 35c Ruhifoam 29c 35c Sozodont 29c ! 35c Senreco Tooth Paste 28e 30c White's Tooth Paste 240 20c Armour’s Stork Castile 18c 20c Boeobella Castile Soap .....15c 35c Conti Castile Soap, Itnllnn’ 250 15c Cocoa Castile Soap, Kirk's, 3...25c 25c Cutlcura Soap, 10c; 3 for 55c 30c Packer's Tar Soap 23c 50c Packer’s Liquid Tar Soap 450 15c Palm Olive Soap, 0c; 3 for 23c 25c Germacidal Soap 190 25c Pear’s Glycerin, 18c; 3 for Bsc 25c Pear’s Unr.-ented Soap iso 15c Jergen’s Violet Soap, 3 for 250 30c Woodbury's Facial Soap jao 30c Resinol Soap ic 75c Societe Hygieneqne 48c 50c Rogers & G. Violet Soap 33c 600 Rogers & G. Lilac Soap 880 50 r Rogers A- G. Sandalwood Soap..33c COc Gillette Blades, 6 for 37c SI.OO Gillette Blades. 12 for 74c 50c Gem Junior Blades S9e 50c Kvor-Ueady Blades 35c Keen Hotter Blades 290 85c Enders Blades 29 0 $1.75 Ever-Ready Razor *1.49 SI.OO Gera Damaskeen Razor Bb o $5.00 Gillette Razor *s,oß 85c Shaving Brush 75c Shaving Brush BMaapam ! dlt.ions of tbe state institutions uiso was discussed. According to present indications, it was decided that the least damage would be done now, inasmuch as it might be possible to Jive down between now and election to some extent some of the glar ing mistakes of the Goodrich adminis tration which must certainly be accen tuated by the assembly. 1 The governor has Indicated that, if the legislature actually convenes, it will not be prevented from acting on the pro posal to build a state war memorial buildin? to house the national head quarters of the American legion, ns was the case at the last special session. The Goodrich tax law also will very likely be considered If the assembly con venes. The legislature may carry out the Mc- Cray tax plank In the republican plat form which demands that local self gov ernment. taken away from the people by tjie Goodrich administration, be re stored. GOVERNOR'S EIGHTEEN POINTS. On one of the previous occasions when Gov. Goodrich decided to call a special session he yrrote a letter containing eighteen points, which he wished taken up. This time. If a session is called, he probably will not Indicate the business he desires taken up until be reads his message on the opening day/Of the ses sion. i Some of the things he may ask are the passage of a blue sky law; the correction of errors In the county unit highway law made at the last regular session; restoration of per diem fees for county auditors and treasurers attending meet ings of board of reviews, taken from them by mistake at the last regular ses sion; amendment of election laws to take care of women voters, which the special session failed to accomplish; readjust ment of rates for legal advertising: amendment of despository laws so that all funds which come into the hands of public officials by reason of their offfice shall go into the public despository; a budget law, repealing the Jgw providing for a legislative visiting committee, au thorization of an Increase In the rate of Interest on public bonds; amendment of the registration laws to provide for per ACHING | I# ■ SAIN ANO / one FOOT CORN--. efjSr ' CA ‘- l - ous St odorous rLAT CORN VwLjfMWS SWEATING merr corn''''*" sont’huNiON END YOUR FOOT MISERY Cal-o-cide positively gives quick relief and lasting results. It penetrates the pores and removes the cause. (Piasters In each package for Stubborn Corns ) All drug stores. 3 Sc. UadcoCo.Daytoa.9bio m V. ftETU tiKAPH Secret Writing System iuvaiuatiie tor lovers and (or seeping recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other Informatics aafe and private No etranxer can read your poetals it you use the Weto Graph. Great fua for lovers or friends. Don’t miss it. fiend 13c and ws will send the Weto Graph by mall with foil lnetru'-tlons. Addre** PENN FUB t.ianTNG CO.. nlalrevlUe. Pa. Our Dollars Are Stretched to the Limit We have been dancing to the tune of “ECONOMY” for years. During the war, we cut, and cut and cut again. We have gone the limit. ] > There are new and improved practices— the Automatic telephone—Multiplex tele- t phony—using one circuit for several simul taneous conversations—but money is needed for this complicated apparatus. /• t / These improvements will save money—ulti mately—but they can’t be obtained and in troduced if the company is not paying its iyay. Would you put your money into a business that is not making a profit? - ' ' Telephone rates are inadequate. They must be made adequate to produce a high standard of service. manent registration; repeal of the 1919 drainage laws as it effects Noble, La grange and Steuben counties-; amendment >f Peru flood prevention law; enactment of a pure seed law; a law authorizing traction lines to haul produce through the .streets of cities; placing stock yards under control of the public service com mission. These are some of the things the gov ernor wishes to have accomplished, If the assembly convenes. In all probability the assembly will think of many times this number, many of which the governor will not desire. Simplicity Marks Goux-Davis Nuptials Jules Goux and Miss Ruth Edith Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, 2329 Northwestern avenue, were quietly married at 1:30 o'clock today in the Alliance Francalse rooms on North Merl Famous Mystery Play by Paul Dickey, Author of “The Ghost Breakers,” “The Misleading Lady” and Others. THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY MAN Sandy Shaw—Will Ferry—Ester Trio—Mowatt & Mullen Yule & Richards—News Films. CRJfIB IPU’C CONTIGUOUS tllULloH 5 1 UNTIL 11 P. M. CECILE B. DEMILLE’S 2™ WHY CHAN GE BIG YOUR WIFEP la Pa fcj With Gloria Swanson, Thomas Meighan, If iaiAa|\ Bebe Daniels, Theo. Kosloff and a Brilliant Cast a nerve-shattering ordeal pictured in “GIRL OF THE SEA” A Stupendous Pulsating Drama of the Deep. International News Weekly—Literary Digest Weel^y. | * UNIVERSAL COMEDY Indiana Bell Telephone Company dlan street by the Her. James D. Stanley of Christ church. Roses, snowballs and ferns were used through the rooms. The service was read before an altar of tall palms over whleh wereTTung the French and American flags. The bride wor* a midnight blue suit of Polret. twlil, chic taffeta chapeau and wore a corsage of orchids and lilies of the valley. There were no attendants. Oreste Bonteinps, violinist, and Miss Margaret Gilmore, pianist, played the “Mendlessohn Wedding March” for the processional and ‘‘To a Wild Rose” (Mc- Dowell) during the^ceremony. Only the family and close friends of tho bride were present. Following the service a dinner for the bridal guests was served at the Clay pool hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Goux will spend their honeymoon at Niagara Falls before sail ing for France where they will make their home. AMUSEMENTS. MOTION PICTURES- tom mix “DESERT LOVE” FOX NEWS WEEKLY A MUSE ME NTS. pH oy g BLOCK SOUTH RIALTO NOON TILL 11 P. M. NOW SHOWING i Big Features 3 INCLUDING THE ROYAL FOUR SONGS and LAUGHTER JACK DEMPSEY FIFTEENTH CHAPTER KAWANA JAPS £2 ORIENTAL ENTERTAINERS FISK & FALLON §gf COMEDY —SINGING—DANCING M THE NOOZE REEL MUTT and JEFF ‘SAM WARD P THE HEBREW DOUGHBOY RAINS & AVERY A NEW BRAND OF FUN WELLS it THRASHER TWO CLASSY BOYS Ladies’ Bargain Matinee Every Ks| Monday, Wednesday and Friday. rr'nm<wwr?i r~irn —rrr - ■ Vandevllle and Ploturen Let’s Go—lt’s Continuous THE COOL JOY SPOT JUST INSTALLED Big Ocean Breeze Fans GET IN THE BREEZE KEEP COOL ENJOY THE SHOW ill Feature Vaudeville Does a Husband’s Neglect Justify Flirtation? SEE Vivian Rich “A World of Folly” In which a wife, neglected by her husband, arouses his jealousy and creates a crisis vrhnn she In vites an admirer to her home. Ladies get coupon* at this theater good at the BroaHway matinees Monday, \1 odnestlay and Friday. MA T I N E E-Today 2:30 MURAT Mats., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. 2:39 sim the, t com&dq IbeAaAar j^fouxLiad, i WITH A PAST DOIfICG Evenings, 50c, *I.OO, *l*o r ftlwLd Matinees. 25c. 50c, 75c. Next Week—THE STORM BIRD. GOING ON ALE THE TIME 1 UNTIL II P. M. SforeJk CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE Whirl l-uciana t-uca niliri Busclo & Dolores f McConnell & Lockhart w* Billy Miller & Cos. Mirth Collins & Dunbar Ifiirill 7 Family Troupo Fox Film Farce. "Should Dummies Wed?” Dancing in the Lyrle Ball Boom Afternoon and Evening. DROAD RIPPLE U The Park for Happiness In Free Picnic Grounds Free Vaudeville Dancing—Restaurant Latest Rides SWlfflMlHfi POOL OPEN Sour Stomach? Adler-i-ka! “I suffered a great deal from sour stomach and gas on the stomach. After taking Adler-i-ka I was immo diately helped and a little over on bottle CURED ME.” (Signed) J. C. Bailey. i Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper and lower bowel so completely It relieve* ANY CASE gas on the stomach or sour stomach. Removes foul matter which poisoned stomach for months. Often CURBS constipation. Prevents appendicitis. Adler-i-ka is a mixtura of buckthorn, cascara, glycerine and nine other, simple ingredients. H. J‘ Huder, Druggist, Washington and Pennsylvania Sts.—Advertisement. Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that qnickiy and com pletely gyred me. Years have passed and the rur'.t -e has never returned, al though I am -iging hard work as a car penter. There was no operation, no lost time, no troub’e. I have nothing to sell, but will give full Information about hew you may find a complete cure without operation. 'if you write to me. Eugene. M. Pullen, Carpenter, 330 F, Marcellus avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show It to any others who are ruptured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupturg and the worry and danger of an opera tion. —Advertisement. TER-GAM-FO For Colds, Coughs, Headache, Sore Throat, Sunburn, Pimples, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc*. Sold good stores—soc. 7