Newspaper Page Text
W INDIANA DAILY TIMES* 25-23 a Meridian SL PHONES —CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3600 Automatic ....25-151 RATES. One time 0T per line Three consecutive times. .06 fe per line Six consecutive times... .OS per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .06 per line Six consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legai notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 35c per Insertion Over 1 Inch, 5c per line additional. Death notices. 25c per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208, A. H. Ragsdale. J.~Wash Price, John Paul Rag dale. A. M. RA-J3DALE CO. J. C. WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Prospect 822. JPUNERAL DIRECTORS— r WM. E. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. W. T. BLASENGYM 1625 Shelby St. Pros, 2570. Auto. 51-116. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY & TITUS, 851 North Del. New 26-554. Main 2630. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Small oval gold and enamel pin. pearl in center, either Central avenue car, Murat theater or Athenaeum. Re ward. GWTNX PATTERSON. Indiana National bank. __ __ LOST —Tuesday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock on West Washington street, one bar 144-inch square steel about 13 feet long. Reward. Belmont 487. J. D. ADAMS & CO. . LQST —Brown alligator canteen bag. North Illinois car, Sunday evening. 918 North Pennsylvania, apartment 4. Circle 2950. Reward MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main <947 or write lost agent. IS Bald wtn block, Indianapolis. Ind. LOST—Driver's black leather route book; name on each leaf INDIANAPOLIS TOILET AND APRON SUPPLY CO. Main 6358. LOST—On College avenue. East Tenth and Bellefontaine street, sack contain ing rough dry laundry. Woodruff 583. LOST—Black leather purse with keys, lettera tax exempt slips. Rfward. Call Prospect 3336. i ' LOST —Key*. Reward. Main 6600. Mr. Martin. PERSONALS. NEW PENSION LAWS Spanish-American war veterans If now disabled, widows of any soldier, benefited by new laws, call or write FITZGERALD AGENCY. 7 North Alabama street, second floor. HOUSES—TO LET. ANY one renting a six-room house or larger and wishing to exchange for a 5- room cottage, call North 9285 after 5 p ra. >URNISHE p HOUSES AND FLATS. TWO beautifully furnished cottages; ex cellent condition. 2518 Sherman ave. Riverside car. ROOMS—TO LET. BLEEPING room; good condilon; light. and airy; gentleman preferred. Prospect iOJ4. 1145 Woodlawn avenue. MODERN furnished front room in mod ern home; lady preferred. Woodruff 7743. BOARD AND ROOMS—WANTED. WANTED—Baby to board. Write to Mrs. Barrows, 3737 Hillside avenae, Indianapolis, : OFFICE AND STORES—TO LET. OfFICE ROOMS. Attractive office rooms in the nan TRANSPORTATION BUILDING (being remodeled), southeast corner Delaware and South streets. WILLIAM F. WOCHER, Solo agent. City Trust building. Main >998. Auto. 74-806. BUS!NESS CHANCEB. ~ dpSOMING house, eleven sleeping rooms, w four living rooms, one block from Union station. Rent fSO; income $140; S3OO cash. Reason for selling due to other business. Call Circle 4362. IF TOU want a grocery, confectionery, fruit stand, barber shop, tailor shop or other business, see INDIANA BUSINESS EXCHANGE. £ls Indiana Trust. Main *474. “Leathers’ Caught, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE, 414 Mass. ave. Main 142*. Nev.- 23-775. CONFECTIONERT and soft drink store; money maker. Don’t call unless you mean business. 4202 East Michigan. Telephone Irvington 401. BUSINESS SERVICES. FOR electrical wiring and repair work, call COLLINS ELECTRIC CO. All work guaranteed. 122 North East. Main 7388. MOUDY still cuts fair for 25c. 560 Mass. avenue. MODDY. FOR paper hanger. Call Jonnson, Wood ruff 6715. PATCH PLASTERING. Belmont 1680. INSTRUCTIONS. PROF. RAYNO’S old reliable school for the stage. Established 1880. Thousands of pupils who are playing the best of theaters. Violin; all kinds of fancy stage dancing acts taught and completed for good season’s engagements. Ladles' and gentlemen wishing to start In and learn call PROF. RAYNO, 224 West Ohio street. Main 2069. YOUNG men, women, 13-45, for govern ment clerkships. Examinations June, July. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars write RAYMOND TERRY (former civil service examiner). 555 Con tinental bldg., Washington, D. C. OFFERINGS BY THE STOREB. Match Your Coat with a pair of / I \ TROUSERS 1 [ I THE PANTS \ft / STORE CO. I [I I Two Store* l J uj 48 W. Ohio. >9 Si TAILORS AND CLEAmEHS. H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry denning, pressing and repairing ladles' work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 16-441. I* SCH WARTZ. tailor and cleaner. SI Kentucky avenue. Main 2(71. TRANSFER AND STORAGE^ STORAtJK CHEAPEST // i \Yy rates in crrr. call U If 11 \( CB. Everything at rea- V '>wl| I eonable price. Packed. V /fIUJ Jl shipped anywhere. 'ytt'K l ' u Locked room if desired. SO West Henry. Main 408, JfcJAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parte et City. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO.. 11* W. Wabash street. Main 1292. I'ain (4(4. Auto. 21-261. CALL SHANK for the ueat service in uauiing. packing, shipping and- storage. ■221-219 North New Jersey SC Main 20:rf. • O. K. TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 93* E. Washington St. Prospect 2212. •t best bargains in automobiles are Mated under Automobiles and Supplies la Ihe Timas Want Ad columns. MALE HELP—WANTED. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER FOR GROWING CONCERN. PRE FER MARRIED MAN WITH 2 OR 3 YEARS EXPE RIENCE. AD DRESS A 1528, TIMES. OFFICE MANAGERS BOOKKEEPERS . SHOPMEN We have an unusual op portunity for you to double your earuings without in terfering with your pres ent position. Give me a few minutes of your time to explain our proposition. Call after 6 p. m., Mr. Thurston, 913 Merchants Bank. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKES MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. LABORERS, WHITE OR COLORED. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO., VAN BUREN AND DRAPER STS. Take Shelby car. Get off at Belt, walk three squares east. Employment office. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. 810 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. WHITE LABORERS. ASSEMBLERS. TRUCKERS. We need a number of good handy white men, about 25 years old. for work lor which they are adapted. Modern plant and equipment. Apply employment office. J. D. ADAMS & CO.. * 217 South Belmont ave. MEN WANTED 810 4 ELEVATOR COMPANY . Big 4 Railroad and Sherman Drive Prospect 6878 Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt li. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. ’ * DESIGNERS, F URS"f- CLASS, TOOL AND FIXTURE. MODERN ELECTRIC & MACHINE CO. * WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & lIEAT CO. Firemen, permanent position with good salary and annual vacation with pay. Eight-hour work and free car fare. Apply Mr. Hogate or Ruede at Power Station, West Tenth St. and White River. WANTED—Men and boys for day and night work. Boys must be over 16 years and have age certificate. Men $4.29 day, $5.00 night. Boys $3.50 day, $4.28 night. Don't come unless you want to work. BEVERIDGE PAPfeR CO., West Pear! and White river. Firemen and boiler washers, perma nent position with good hours and salary. Free car fare. Apply Mr. Anderson, 1150 West Washington St. WHITE LABORERS? AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. WANTED A practical man nurse to take care of an aged and Infirm man. Address ROY WARMOTH, Stllesvlle, Ind. WANTED—Skilled labor for piano fac tory; all departments Piece work; fine location; rents low; steady work all year. Apply to MEISTER PIANO CO.. Monroe ville, Ohio. REGISTERED or assistant registered pharmacist: permanent position; good prospect for right man. Good salary. 656 Blake street. COli POSITOR-—THE, INDIANA PRINT ING CO. of Crawrordsvllle, Ind., wante a union job compositor desiring a steady situation. WIRE workers framers and weavers at HOLLENBECKS. 120 South Liberty street. _ ’ AUTO trimmers and top builders. ECON OMY AUTO PAINTING CO.. 448 North Capitol. Main 3436. WXNTED—Man for bookkeeper and cash ler. Must have had previous experience. Address A No. 837, Times. MEN for milk plant; good wage*, steady work. Telephone Prospect 6112. Key stone and Minnesota streets. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers; Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson, ind. LABORING men. W. D. HUFFMAN CO.. Bt. Clair and canal, * Large f norms " from small expenditure fallow Real Estate advertising In "Want Ad" colnraos Od The Ttmoa MALE HELP—WANTED. LABORERS MUCHI J, iteEiHl COMPANY 602 W. McCARTY ST. STEADY WORK ALL 'UNfrER COVER. BEST WAGES. YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK. PREFER ' ONE WITH SOME STENO GRAPHIC EX PERIE N C E. MAIN 6221. NOTICE Members Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to proteet our contract and because of il legal strike. 0. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Motor City Lodge No. 269. A-l LATHE MEN AND EXPERI ENCED J. & L. OPERATORS. MODERN ELEC TRIC & MACHINE CO. WANTED BOARD HAMMERMAN LAKESIDE FORGE COMPANY, ERIE, PA. ~YOUNG MEN Poetoffiee clerks. letter carriers, railway mall clerks, ate., for the government. Goo dentrance salartee with promotion* certain. For full p&iticulars and a specie! course of Instruction, call or write Imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL 157 N. Ilimole t. Suite 207. Open evenings. Main Sl. Laborers, colored or white. Steady positions with good hours and pay. Free car fare. Apply Mr. Miller or Anderson, 1150 West Washington St. COLLECTOR —To call on retell groceries aud restaurant*. Must be familiar with city and surrounding suburbs State age. experience and salary wanted; ref erence*. Address A So. 1330, Times. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 2>l Indiana avs. WANTED- A dellverv man For.l truck. MUELLER’S GROCERY, Thirty fourth and Central. MEN to unload lumber. DYNES-POIIL MA.I, East Twenty-eighth street and Monon railroad. WANTED—-Auto irTecha r. Ic. MAPL E ROAD GARAGE. _ BALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN High-grade specialty man between 30 and 43, to travel large and small towui calling on merchants, exclusive terri tory, to represent it large eastern man ufacturer; position permanent. The line Is readily sold, has exclusive features not possessed by competitive lines. Earnings, dependent on efforts put forth. Producers now earning over *2OO per week. Men owning automobiles pre ferred. Only men with exceptional references considered. Traveling expenses will bo advanced against liberal commissions. Apply Hotel Severln, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., w. C. Clayton. FURNACE SALESMAN A high-grade, excellent furnace sales man wanted to sell the Reliable Furnace In local territory. Applicant must have had experience selling furnaces. Apply between 9-12. RELIABLE FURNACE CO., West Fifteenth and Big Four. L. R. STEEL CORP. OF NEW YORK AND CANADA announce the opening of their Indianapolis offices and will require the services of a few high grade men. Sub offices will be opened shortly In all principal cities In Indiana. Men who can qualify will be given charge personally. I wish to state this Is an opportunity which seldom ls equaled, but I want you to Investigate and see for yourself. The cards are on the table; everything’ over and above board. Due to our Inability to secure offices In Indianapolis we are temporarily located lu especially equipped offices to meet our re quirements at 201 Claypool hotel. EDWARD P. BPUCK, Manager. WANTED A SALESMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FILL A VACANCY IN OUR ORGANIZATION. EXPER IENCE NOT NECESSARY BUT NEVERT H E L E S 9 BENEFICIAL. FOR INTER VIEW SEE MR. McINTIRE, 912 MERCHANTS BANK. m INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR GIRLS IN TELEPHONE WORK There are immediate vacancies in this work, where girls over 16 years of age may obtain steady employment year round, with vacation, excellent working facilities, attractive positions. You may chooße telephone work for your permanent vocation. It will appeal to you. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Corner New York and Meridian Streets. Applicant’s information desk in lobby. GIRLS GOOD WAGES GOOD Working Conditions Steady Light Work ~ INDIANAPOLIS CORDAGE CO., S. Meridian St. and Belt R. R. HOUSEWIVES SEVERAL LADIES, NEEDED TN A GROW ING ORGANIZATION, WITH THE BEST FI NANCIAL BACKING IN THE COUNTRY. SPLENDID CHANCE TO EARN MONEY FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION. SEE MRS. THURSTON, 913 MER- * CHANTS BANK BLDG. SCHOOL TEACHERS, ~ NURSES AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN who would like to get Into big work, will And It to their advantage to call and In vestigate steel service. A limited number will be sccepted from those who ran qual ify. W# will be permanently located In Indianapolis. Experience not neceaeary, 76Tc of our success In all parts of United States and Canada as salesman and man agers have graduated from our classes, where the very highest type of salesman ship Is taught. Inability to secure office In (Irst-eiaea building in Indianapolis be fore July, we temporarily located In es pecially Atted offices to meet our require ments at 201 Ciaypool hotel. EDWARD SPUOK. manager. WOMAN— Somewhere in Indianapolis There Is a. woman who ha* had little nr no selling experience, but la Intelligent and ainbltloua and could make good In a live selling organization If given the kind of co-operation: If you are that one and are a tiling to work under my Instructions during your spare time. I would like to meet you. See Mr. Whitson 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. W A NTED rAILOR ESS ON MEN’S CLOTHING. GOOD WAGES, STEADY WORK. CALL MR. LOV INGER, L. STRAUSS & CO. WOMEN To stein r.trawberries. W. D. Huffman Cos., St. Clair St. and Canal. 01RLS FOR LI OIITFAC TORY WORK. MOD ERN ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. WANTED—-Another girl to omlst our office secretary with clerical work at 12.50 per day tn exchange for a course in •horthand or bookkeeping, or both. See Fred W. Cnee, principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, third floor Uni versity Park Bldg., corner Pennsylvania And Vermont streets. Due door north C. A. WANTED--Young lady, good reader, to assist In the dictation department In re turn for a shorthand or bookkeeping courae. See Fred W. Case, principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. third floor University Park bldg., corner Penn sylvania and Vermont strsata. One door north X. W. C. A. Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145. Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145. WANTED—Lady for night nurse; one who has had lnstllutlona! work pre ferred. Call or writs HORD SANITAR IUM, fihelbyvlllo. Ind. TAILOREP3. EXPERIENCED ON MEN’S CLOTHING ALTERATIONS; STEADY POSITION. RUBENS. 39 WEST WASH TWO white girls for dining room work st once. Bertha Ballard apartments. 411 North Delaware. Circle 3230. Auto. 28-106. STENOGRAPHER; splendid position. BUSINESS MEN'S SERVICE BUREAU. 433 Lemcke Bldg. WANTED —Girls to work In bako shop. PITTSFORD PURITY PIE CO., 1424 N. Senate. WANTED—MhfdIe-aged lady to care for children. Prospect 4015. 14 8. Pine, t YOUNG white girl to assist In housework. North 7978. Auto. 43-080. NURSE maid: private family. Telephone Belmont 942. 8 '-T UATI ?_ N _ WANT E D—F E M ALE. CALL Circle 1361 for high-grade office help. BUSINESS MEN’S SERVICE BUREAU. 433 Lemcke Bldg. DETEcfiVES. Uuigley-Hyiand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 696-629 Law bldg Main 2902, TRUCKS—FOR SALE. AAA^AfiV^yWVWSA4WW4AAAA*9*WWWW IF YOU WANT A TRUCK One that will deliver a low-cost ton mile, see BURL FINCH. Distributor. Jll4-82 0 W. Maryland. __ ONE and one-half-ton truck; good condi tion; take team and harness in trade. Main 3120. _ THEY DO THINGS. W *lG% Ante. 29-251. JH|lSfcfgk AUTOMOBtLES FOR SALE. CENTENNIAL SALE Mr. Prospective We have a few more cars that we would like to dispose of this following week in order to make room for more trades. If you want to buy a good car, 3ee these first. National sedan, 7-passenger, 1819; teg ular price, 22,600; today's price, 82,500 net. National touring, 7-passenger, 1918; regular price |1,800; today's price, 21,600 net. National touring, 1917; regular price, 21.500; today’s price, 21,200 net. National touring, 7-passenger. 1917; regular price. 81,500; today’s price, 21.200 net. National touring. 7-passenger, 1916; reg ular price, 81,200; today's price, 81,000 net. National roadster, 4-passenger, 1917; regular price, $1,200; today’s price, 21.050 net. National touring, 7-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 21,000; today's price, 2850 pet. Cole touring. 7-passenger, 1917; regular price, SSSO; today's price, 8600 net. Packard chasels, 6-cyllnder; regular price. 21.000; today’s price, 2850 net. Case touring, 7-passtnger, 1917; regular price, 2850; today's price, 2600 net. Overland touring, 5-passenger. 1917; reg ular price, 2850; today's price, 2700 net. Jackson roadster, 2-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 2860; today’s price, 2600 net. Mitchell touring, 7-passenger, 1917; reg ular price, 2850; today's price. 2*oo net. Chalmers touring, 7-passenger, 1915; wire wheels; regular price, 2750; today’s price, 2600 net. Some of these cars are painted and some are ready to drive away. Look this list over. 40% down and the balance in one year. SUPERIOR GARAGE 34th and Central Ave. Wash. 2149. Automatic 41-941 National Automotive Cos. 426 North Capitol Avenue. Indianapolis. Ind. BARGAINS USED CARS Most of these cars have been rebuilt, repainted and retopped. _ Down. Weekly. Grant roadster J 75 *4.60 Saxon roadster 75 < 50 Regal touring 100 5.00 Overland 83 touring 125 5.51 Maxwell touring 125 5.D0 Dort touring 145 6)3 Allen touring 145 e.oo Briscoe touring 145 6.00 Scrlpps-Booth touring 145 6 50 Chevrolet touring 175 f.bO Reo touring 175 6.50 Empire touring 195 7.90 Eiuick 8 roadster 295 8.00 Cadillac 8 roadster, 1919 ... 1.50a And many othors too numerous to mention. Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Company 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. CHEVROLET 8. touring, good paint, good tlree; mechanically good; camh or pay ments. DIETZ-JAMES. 834 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday mornings OVERLAND touring, good dhapa, newly painted; a bargain; cash or payments. DIETZ-JAMEB, 334 East Market street. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. AUBURN touring good shape, newly painted; a bargain, cash or payments Diets-James. 184 E. Market st. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morn ing. MAXWELL TOURl.NG—in~good shape. A bargain. Terms' or trade. DIETZ JAMEB. 134 East Market SL Main 6716. Open evenings and Sui day morning. Chevrolet COUTE. ite eqodat. iootta like new; Just the thing for a doctor. DIETZ-JAMEB. 114 E Market. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday. MONROE TOURING, almost new. bargain pries: terms or trade Diets James, 334 East Market street. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. ioTo _ CH E VROLKT ~oou pe 4-SO, in good mechanical shape; ban good tires and paint; a bargain. Diets-James Kales Cos.. 234 Eunt Market. Main 6716. OAKLAND •'" touring, new paint; rash or terms. DIETZ-JAMBS. 384 Last Mar ket. Main 8716. Opn evenings and Sun day morning. MAXWELL touring, a* good as new. 8450. THE MOTOR MART. 140 >'. Delaware Bt._ Main 19*4. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automo bile. DIETZ JAMES. 834 Eaet Market. Main 5716. Marlon county dealers. DODGE roadster! tiSO THE MOTOR MART. 146 N. Delaware Bt. Main 1984. KoRD sodan, 1926, I llfia demountable rims; Ford starter and lights. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984 . FORD touring, 1800 THE MOTOR MART. DORT. 1919 touring car. st good as new. 140 N. Delaware Main 1994. COLE 9, chummy roadster; a bargain. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. DODGE. 1919 touring car In perfect con dition. c'-rd tlree. Auto. 42^93. DETROITER 9. touring; good condition. 8459. Call Washington 4033, MAXWELL touring, SS2S. Owner, 1204 East New York. FOR BALK~/-Dodfo touring car; bargain. Call Main 4074. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES 100 Cars at Once j Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in the state. ; Indianapolis Auto Parts and Tire Cos. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-019. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can't drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. AUTOS WANTED W# pay cash.- No delay for your monsy. It L h*rs for'you. Com* In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 819 N. Illinois st. Main 1679. Auto 12-061. We also buy junk cars. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. ( fVWwVVVVVVVVVVV> PARTS NEW AND USED FOR 300 CARS. Axles, ring and pinion gears, transmission* and everything. 35 to 90 per cent. off. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO.. 542 N. Capitol avo. Circle 25C6. JOB PLATING Nothing is too large or too small for us to handle. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimmings. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 612-26 Kentucky ave. Main 2925. Main 9521. Batteries recharged, repaired, rebuilt. Guaranteed new batteries for any car. Second-hand batteries cheap. Open until 9 p. m. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO., 607 Mass. Ave. Main 3146. PARTS for moat any make of car. Ford part* a specialty. Bargains In tires of all sizes. Try us and sakre money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., 219 N. Illinois. _ Main 6090. _ AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 922-334 North Illinois S & S Auto Laundry HAVE YOUR automobile axlee straight ened at the JOHN GUEDELHOBFER WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIED. / lij Temi=Day 20% Reduction Sals on Nationaily Known Tires and Tubes Tires guaranteed 6,000 miles. List of sizes and pHces below: List. Your Pries. 30x3 plain $16.20 $12.96 30x3 nonskid... 17.05 13.64 30x314 nonskid... 22.10 17.68 32x3V2 nonskid... 25.90 20.72 31x4 nonskid... 33.90 27.12 32x4 nonskid... 34.60 27.68 33x4 nonskid... 36.10 28.88 34x4 nonskid... 37.10 29.68 34x4*4 nonskid... 50.00 40.00 35x4*4 nonskid... 52.10 41.68 BELL=THARP SALES CO. 48 N. Senate Ave. Just West of Statehouse. WE SPECIALIZE on automobila wheel re pairing on all make cars; up-to-minute equipment. THE JOHN GUEDELJJOEK ER WAGON CO„ 201 Kentucky avenue. WE MAKE and repair automobile springs for all makes of cars; bring In or ship to u*. GIIEDELHOEFER,,WAGON CO -202 Kentucky avenue. *_ ONK-MAS auts tops, side eurtaina seat and radiator cover*. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 110 T Udell street North 546. _ _ _ KORD rear wheels. JOHN GUEDKL HOEFER WAGON CO., 262 Kantucky avenue. AUTO PAINTING Ford. $lO up. Others. fIS up. D. D. FLEMING, 20 W, Wabash. autos~ and Trucks for nine WVWW A- AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing U-Drtve Auto Ssrvics at Kooeier Laundry. Rear Keiths theater. Mala 8921. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $150.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., 1 __ 4 56.62 MASS. AVE. HARLEY-DAVID3ON Motorcycles and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheel* ERNEST HUOHES 684-86 Mass Ave. Main 6604. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PRTERMAN. 606 Maasadhu setts avenue. TWIN EXCELSIOR, single epeed with side car; good tires. Prio* 875. Cali evenings. North 6950. ONE bleycl*. first-class shape. <l2 56. BACHB BROS , 314 Indiana avenue. GOOD unredeemed bicycle, cheap, $19.00. SACHS BROS. 314 Indiana avenue. " REAL ESTATE—FOR&ALE. X. Arsenal, 5-room house, east front, electric lights; well, cistern. Price $2,000. Comer Shelby and Har rison, 9-room splendidly built house; water, gas, electric ''lights, cellar; in first-class condition. Price $4,000. Semi-modern cottage; S. Grace St, $3,500. GH.L REALTY 00. Main 1646. Auto. 28-236. For Sale—New six room house. North Fall creek. Washing ton boulevard. Ad dress A 1531, Times. SIX' ACRES ~ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Ground al ready broke and partly planted. Ooud seven-room house, newly papered and painted, electric lights, cellar and good well, garage, barn, good fencing and extra good ground. Thie place on an Improved street In | Greenwood. Madison road to Greenwood now being built by government aid Only J 6.500. Terms If desired. If you want a real on* act quick. RALPH E. CRAWFORD. Greenwood. Ind. VACANT Immediate Possession Six-room cottage on Fletcher avenue; newly painted and papered Call 634 Lemcke Bldg., between 12 and 1 or 6 and (. imp-—ps. East, well located. We /yv A f fj have an 8-room strictly a. *Ol /~AV /|j modern home. newly k.* 1 . ’TCVJJy painted, newly dec , orated, large, beautiful lot 60x192; beeu i tlful maple shade trees In front, nice fruit | trees and flowers around house and In the i rear. Priced to sell 17.500. Call for ap ! polntment. Geo. A., 20* American I Central Life Bldg. Circle 5600. Call for j Mr. Vance. * ! IMMEDIATE occupancy; two line doubles. In 700 Grove street: one has 3 j rooms to a Mde and the other six; these ! houses have gas and city water and are In excellent condition throughout; here Is an opportunity to secure a fine double at a low price; these can be bought on easy terms, $3,600 for the 6 room* and ! $5:760 for the 6 rooms; these bargains will not last long. Apply H. G. DAHLMAN. >Hln 6070. 1606 Merchants Bank bldg. j r'Kis: —r7F*i North Sheffield ave., 8- iilr / i I room cottage, gas, eleo .L, J]/''nll yI I trie lights and _ city U 1 jxr GU water. Priced, to eelt Tgrms. Geo. A. Lucas, 308 American Central Ltfo Bldg. Evenings. Irvington 338. m FIVE rooms, almost 2 acres rich level land. 5(4 miles from city limits, on in terurhan and a highway that ls being paved. Immediate possession. $2,600 Terms. C. TOM CLARK & BOYCE, 15' When bldg. $3,300 IMMEDIATE - POSSESSION. $1,001) down, $25 per month. 8 rooms, gas for lighting and cooking; long grape arbor: large barn and celiac, cistern aid well In kitchen; lot 87x160; 700 block N. Bellevlew place. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. ~ JUST VIIE PLACE FOR YOUK CHILDREN. One aero near good school; fine loca tion; within 30 minutes’ ride of Monu ment. Main 186. Evenings, Washington 894. _ FIVE-ROOM houss; gas for lights and oooklng, large lot and barn cheap for cash. $1,400; possession at once If you want it. West Wilkins slraet. Call Bel mont IGBO. ATTRACTIVE semi-modern four-room bungalow, north; good neighborhood; $2,760; SI,OOO cash. A. C. BOH REN, 416 American Central Life. Main 3714; night North 4 292. $1,960. ~ S2OO down. sl6 a ’month. 6-room house, newly painted; city water; gas for lights; In the 900 block on Maple street. MR. LEE. _ Belmont 1680. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road blvd.. within two squares of falrgrounde; $lO cash, balance $x weekly. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. LOOK at 2215 Winter ave., for $2,300; payments. See F. H. Cooper, with W. H. COOPER & CO., \ 838 Lemcke bldg. I HAVE 97 homea on south ss#r; modern and semi-modern; cash and paymenta From four to eleven rooms. For particu lars call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. FIVE-ROOM MODERN bungalow, wait located on fine lot. Easy terms. North 7476 after 6:30. FIVE-ROO9if~COTTAOB, gas. eieotrtdtyT wall, cist ora, garage; $2,656. Terms. Woodruff 247 after 7:30 REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. - ' V AM building several nice new homes of four to six rooms, just south of Bethel avenue, north of Albany street; within walking dis tance of Beech Grova shops. Three blocks to good common school, high school and street oar with service from early morning until about midnight. Churches, stores and bank nearby; only short distance from paved street all the way to city. Electric lights, cut glass fixture?; good well water, cement porchee and walks; gable roof sheds; yards nicely fenced: Just the place for garden, chickens and fresh air. More ground adjoining at rate of one dollar per week If desired. Will sell to satisfactory parties with ■mail amount cash who can pay from *25 to S4O per , month Including Interest. Take Beech Grove car to Ninth avenue; go north two blocks. Houses open for Inspection all day Sunday. HORACE T. FRANKLIN 1014 Peoples Bank Building. Main 1924 or North 610. 3204 Graceland, $5,600.00 Six rooms, modern; beautiful decora tions; Ideal hot water heating plant. Lot 66x122 fest with beautiful shade trees. Don’t wait untH tomorrow If you want this home. It won’t last long at the price. Bloodworth & Gladden ■i— w, West Indianapolis. on ff jy A [ 7 the hill on Relsner st., wTH r\ | f I above Morris. We hkve rv-=F~: „ — — a 7-room sem -modern home, electtdc lights, gas, water, cletern, furnace, bathroom with no fixtures; nice basement, large lot 49x160, fireproof gar age. Cedi us for price and terms. Geo. A. Lucas, 208 American Central Life Bldg. Clrole 6600. Evenings, Irvington S3B. HALF-ACRELOTS - We have four lots In an addition near traction line for sale. Prices $450 to $750. Terms $6 cash and $1 to $1.60 per week. Fruit trees on each lot. -Hall & Hill, 147 E. Market 757 BeUview, $3,000.00 Five rooms and large pantry. Why not go out and see this one? Bloodworth & Gladden dV’y—- "TTV; —W #l® N. Sheffield, 6-room (T 2 A I 111 cottage. electric light*. 1 **• clt Y water. $2,250; UL3i, r :. -GL SSOO cash, balence sl9 per mAhth. Geo. A. Lucas, 208 Am. Can. Life bldg. Clrole 6609. Do’/ble In West Michigan street. near Yihbs are., 6 rooms modern to side; hAth, furnace. Well built and lined; ex tra lot with It. Rents $45. Price $2,700. Terms SI,JYO cash. A. F. ZAINEY, REALTOR 149 East Market St. Main 2*14. KV>L>.' '/’JP YVI Vorthv. est." 28 43 [mf! atT I (T=n A(I l| apoUs ave., 7 room*. y j! modern, trarage, full lot, ■’T” - ■ 1 ■ - J"*' 4 full basement, cement rorch, 94,000; SI,OOO cash. Geo. A Lucas 0* Am. Cen. Life bldg. Circlo 6600. IX. >O6! ‘ S4OO down, sls per month; double house, I rooms to side; gas for light and cooking, well and cittern; front porch and big yard. On th* hill. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. SOUTH naoe. electricity. city water, paved street. Ideal house and location for room ing Price 82.200. Woodruff 2092. SEVEN-ROOM completely modern home on West Washington car line. Price $8,500.00; 8500.00 cash. $25.00 monthly Woodruff 7024. FOR SALE—One story frame, 6 rooms and bath. Condition Al. Located on Wll -1661 ne * r Call Belmont ORIENTAL, just south of Washington, cottage, gar. well, cistern, paved street and auiey, $290 09 cash. $20.00 per month. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO! OLNEY. north of Tenth street, six rooms gas. city water In yard, cletern, deep lot! paved street; $1,150.00 -ash. $20.00 month ly. Woodruff 247 after 6;30. IMMEDIATE possession, four-room house, SI,BOO cash. West Indianapolis. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. *I.BOO. COLORED "BUTERR ‘ S3OO down, S2O a month, 6-room house. on Biake street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. INDIANA TRUST CO. Salle real estate, collects rent, writes lire lneurance. $1.400." COLORED BUYERS. $460 down, sl6 a month, four-room house, MR. IKS, Belmont 1680. $2,800. S4OO down. S2O month. 6-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. FIVE-ROOM HOME. “Gale, near 34th; lot 40x170: $2,650.00. Terms. THE SOUTH ERN LUMBER CO. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HOUSES wanted. List your property with ue for sale; buyers waiting. FINNEY Sr. HILL. 2948 Northwestern. North 949. WANTED property to sen! Have got buyers and no housaa HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MR. LEE Belmont IHO. LET ME tell your property. 1 can get quick results. 8. <3. BULLUP. 1349 N. Senate. Circle 4969. Auto. 26-719. HOUSE, live t<> seven rooms, not neces sarily modern. Will pay apot cash. Main MODERN HOME for cash customer. Main 107. FARMS—FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Hardwood farming land. An opportunity for the working man. Come and work for us In eawmlll, planing mill, ohemical plant, yards or woods and at same time pick out and start making payments on your own farm. Near town; flret-clasa soil; lr.nd easliy cleared; good roads, churches, schools and market handy. Land rapidly Increasing In value. Now selling at sl6 to S2O per acre. Come or write ue for information. HACKLEY PHELPS LUMBER CO.. Phelps (Vila Cos.), Wist FOR SALE-—Fine all level. 107-acre farm, mostly all bottom land. three and one-helf miles from Columbus, Ind., on paved pike; good farm house, fine barn, shade and buildings, young orchard, four room furnished summer cottage on the place, Included; near White river; high grade place; must be seen to appreciate. Price $250 per acre. Address Paul W. Vandersdall, 487 Washington st. Columbus. Ind. FOR SALE—At once, 26 acres, house. barn; 600 peach trees, full budded fruit, apple orchard, berries; one mile from school and church, 3(4 miles from Mar tinsville. Needs attention at once. Price $2,500. Information, 607 West Pike street, Martinsville. Ind. * FOR SALE—BOO acres, cut-over land In south Mississippi, suitable for stock raising or general farming: will trade my equity for small farm In Indiana. ELLS WORTH TILDEN, Collins. Miss. FOR SALE or trade 10 farms from sls per acre up to S4O. Come and look them over. R. F. BRAMMER, Owens burg, Ind. FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRADE. FARMS for exohange, 40, 80, 160. 200 seres for rentals or merchandise; all kinds of deals. Write me your wants. STAUFFER REALTY CO.. Seymour, Ind. MISC eLLAN EO SALE. tAAAArVSj^AiVWWWWVWWWVWWN^ 4k . uea Drop-Head Singer. $10; ether bargain*. 21.09 per Jj r J l |tv week. All makes RK PAIRED. HEMSTITCH i c—A INO whllo you watt. 10c **■ PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto. 26-216. 312 Mae*. Ave. BUY pants direct from the maker. We make them to your measure from $7.60 up. LEON TAILORING CO., 131 East New York. RECORD AND PLAYER ROLL EX CHANGE. TUTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 2 61 INDIANA AVIS. FOR " SALE—CoaI oil range stove. Call 835 North_ Alabama street. i __ WATER power washer; good condition. Call Woodruff 3640. “COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. ~ POCAHONTAS M. R $9.26 KENTUCKY LUMP $8.25 ILLINOIS LUMP $7.76 INDIANA LUMP $7.25 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 3631. MAIN 2151. _ MACHINERY AND TOOIY VVYW>^VWVV^V^WWS4SA/WWWV^V9 WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Pinch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land St. 7 ,M.SC el L A NEO US -W ant £ D. WE WILL BUT IT. . If you have any household goods or office furniture to sell call a buyer® from the largest, beat and beet rated used fur niture store In the state. BAKER BROa . Auto. X3-IS6. Main 8466. SELL rr to the largest and best rated used furni ture store In the state. BAKER SP.OS. Auto. 33-166. Main 8466. LEW SHANK pays beet prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 337 North New Jersey street. Main 2023. WE will buy and pa apot cash for the furnishings of good homes, up to SI,OOO. BAKBR BROS. . IF your clock Is not running phone Circle 4307. Ms R. SHEARN. *ll North Ala bama. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Ge,s Ranges A large selection of nearly all standard makes in both high and Kiw oven styles, $18.66 up. Refrigerators Good, sound boxes, cleaned and tested; all sizes at about half price. Good Rugs Room size and extra large ones, hall runners and carpets; the ' very best in Indianapolis at about half the new prices. Fine Furniture Anything you need; every piece made like new at half the new prlca Better goods and cheaper prices than you will find elsewhere. USED GOODS STORE THE FINE STORE REFRIGERATORS. too used Ice boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard make-, such as Alaska, Bohn Siphon. McCray, j Herrick Automatic, New Iceberg, Dr. Price. Gibson’s Star, Gurney and othera ,AH sizes and th* price averages about one-half the cost new. BAKER BROS. j 219 East Washington St. Furniture GAB STOVEB, OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KF.OOT £ BON. 609 W. Washington Bt. 25 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at prices from sl6 to $27.60. Cash or payments. BAKF.R BROS. _ GOOD piano and Italian harp. Rent or sell, 14 South New Jersey. HORSES AND VEHICLES. JOSEPH HAAS pare highest price* for dead horeea. oowa and hogs. Call Main 19*9. Auto, 36-77*. I MILK wagen, horse and bar new, cheap; sell separate. 1129 Holliday, near Shelby. . 'yp FRESH cow and calf for sale. Two block* east nf Arlington avenue on Twelfth st. AUCTIONS. FRIDAY, 9 A. M., 82$ N. Senate ave., we will sell a lot of unclaimed furniture consisting of player piano, davenport, li brary table, rockers, chiffoniers, dressers, washstands. beds, sprlnrs, mattresses, one folding bed, a lot of pillows, side boards, tables, chairs, gas ranges, coal range*, refregerators. a lot dishes, cook ing utensils; a one-ton Ford farmer truck (stake body) and a lot of other goods not listed. Nlseen Auction Cos. GEO. HIKES Auctioneer. - FINANCIAL* - MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY CO. Maiu 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKB REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. Wl PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES COL FRANK K. SAWYER. Prea. Third floor. Law Building. Second Mortgage Rea' estate loans made on good farina and Improved city properties. GIB* RALYER FINANCE COMPANY, 108 M. Delaware street. Main 1618. INSURANCE in all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 911 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7045._ WE MAKE second mortgages 6n farm, or city property. AETNA MTG. AND I NY. CO. Main 7101. *OB Fidelity Trust Bldg. LOANS ON DIAMONDS; 8 549 C, par month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 63 Monument. INSURANCE In aIF branches! AUBREY D. PORTER, ru Law bldg. Main 7049. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by tho board of school eoinmiesloners of the city of Indianapolis, at the office of the business , director In the administration building, southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio street*. Indianapolis. Ind.. until 2 o'clock i p. m„ Wednesday, July S. 1930. and then i opened, for heating and plumbing work In i public schools Nos. 52 and 72; for electrlo wiring and plumbing at public schools Nos. i 7 and 16, and for plumbing , at public schools Nos. 2,3 and 61. In Indianapolis, i Ind., In accordance with the plans and : specifications on file In the office of the i engineers, Messrs. Snider & Rots. 70S i Merchants Bank building, Indianapolis. | , ’ All the bids must be made on blanks prepared by the board, which blanks will ! be supplied by the engineers or business j director, upon application. These pro ; posals must be accompanied by a check for three (3) per cent of the maxim bid. The checks must be drawn payable to the ' order of the “Board of School Coramls , sloners of the City of Indianapolis,” and must be certified good by a responsible tank or trust company of Indlapapolia. In case a bidder, whose bid shall be ac cepted. shall not within five days after notice of such acceptance perform his bid by entering Into a written contract with the board, in the form made part of the specifications, to execute the work and construct and complete the Installation and within that time secure the performance of his contract by a bond. In the form made part of the specifications, with surety or Burettes to the approval of the board, his certified check and the proceeds thereof shall be and remain tho absolute property of the board as liquidated dam ages fpr such failure, It being Impossible to estimate the amount of damages such failure would occasion to the hoard. The contractor shall. In his bid. offer to execute a contract and give a bond, forms of which contract and bond are made a part of the specifications so on file with the engineers. The right ls reserved by the board to reject any or all bids. Bids shall be In sealed envelopes, plain!? marked so as to Indicate the character of the work bid upon and the number of the school where the work is to be done; as, for example, “Bid for Plumbing at School No. 2." GEORGE C. HITT, Business Director. Indianapolis. Ind.. June 16. 1920. NOTICE. The undersigned, executor of the last will and testament of Henry Anderson, deceased, and trustee under the terms of said will, hereby gives notice that by vir tue of the power conferred In said will he will at the hour of 10 a. m. on the 2d day of July. 1920. at the place of business of the undersigned, 402 East Washington etreet. Indianapolis, Indiana, offer for sale, at private sale, all of the interest of said decedent and said trustee and executor in and to the following described real estate, towit: Lot forty-nine (49) in Sturm & Roller's addition to the city of Indianapolis. Lot one hundred and thirty three (183) In Johnson & Hogrhire’a East Washington street addition to the city of Indianapolis. Said sale will be made sub ject to the approval of the probate court of Marlon county, Indiana, at private sale and for not less than the full ap praised value of said Teat estate, free and clear from all liens and Incumbrances ex cept taxes for the year' 1920, payable In 1921. which shall be assumed by the pur chaser upon the following terms and con ditions: - At least one-third of the purchase money cash In hand, the balance In two equal Installments, payable In not to ex ceed nine and eighteen months, evidenced by notes of the purchaser, bearing 6 per cent lnbreet from date, without relief, providirg attorneys’ fees and secured by mortgage on the real estate sold, or for cash. Said real estate I*. .to be sold separately. ANDREW STEFFEN, Executor and Trustee. (Continued on Next Page) 9