Newspaper Page Text
10 REAL ESTATE—FOR BALC. /Cottage House, South, f on Payments Nice little home of 5 rooms on Lincoln st., near East; gas, well and cistern, large pantry, cement k walks; 1500 cash will give you possession, balance like rent. Price is only 12,500. J. Ss Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors 128 X. Delaware st. Phones, Main 5840. Auto. 24-361. Home Bargain Near College car line; six rooms and bath; all modern con veniences; large lot. Price, $4,500.00 Dunlop & Holtegel Realtors 122 E. Market st. GREAT BARGAIN Modern home, seven rooms. Near No. 60 school. Owner leaving city. Math er, 34 Union Trust Bldg. BYRAM AYE. One square from Fairview car. Four rooms, electric lights, city water and gas. sink in kitchen. Can be bought for $1,900. Part cash, balance on terms. See Mr. Mclnteer. with I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 115 East Market. Main 520. After 6 p. m. call Irvington 3597, ‘ MODERN 5-room bungalow, less than year old, 3800 block east, near Tenth street car. Must ■all, therefore the price of $4,200. $1,250 cash, balance $25 per month. Call Mr. Barnard, with W. L. Bridges, Realtor $6-ss9 K. of P. Main 4114. It/Ol Aft [/! the hill on P.eisner st.. H above Morris. We have i^r**.a 7-room semi-modern home.' electric'lights, gas. water, cistern, furnace, bathroom with no fixtures; nice basement, large lot 40x160. fireproof gar age. Call us for price and terms. Geo. A. Lucas. 208 American Central Life Bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings. Irvington 333. 600 BLOCK lOWA STREET. Four rooms, gas, city water, electric lights, sewer connections; newly dec orated; $1,500; S3OO down. S2O per month. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4517. - REAL ESTATE—WANTED. I HAVE from $7,000 to SIO,OOO cash cus tomer for 6 to 9-room house; strictly modern throughout; between Capitol ave nue and College avenue, north. Nobody but the owner need answer. Full details by mail. M. M., 45 North Capitol avenue. WANTED property to sell. Have got buyers and no houses. HOOSIER REAL ESTATE OFFICE MR. LEE Belmont 1590. LET ME sell your property. I can get quick results. S G. BULLUP. 1349 N. Senate. Circle 4956. Auto. 26-719. FARMS—FOP SALE. Brown County Farm of 40 acres: good 4-room house; ever running stream. We are giv ing this away for only SI,OOO. Home Seekers Reaty Cos. 913 Merchants Bank bldg Main 1499. FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 FARMS for exchange. 40. 80. 160. 200 acres for rentals or merchandise, ail kinds of deal?. Write me your wants. STAUFFER REALTY CO.. g Seymour, Ind. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. . tft. Drop-Head Singer. $10; ether bargains. *I.OO per lIP ** iTJf week. All makes RE bY PAIRED. HEMSTITCH —A-r—X—A ING while you wait. 10c PER YARD WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main <00; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. Ave. BUY pants direct from the maker. We make them to your measure from $7.50 ■p. LEON TAILORING CO.. 131 East New York. RECORD AND PLAYER ROLL EX CHANGE. TCTTLE MUSIC SHOP. 301 INDIANA AVE. DICTAPHONE, shelf room only: first class. new> model, eight cylinders Terms. Address A No. 1609, Times. MORRIS CHAIR: good condition; from clean home Phone North 2034. FOR SALE —Water power washer; good condition. Cali Woodruff 3640. USE GEMPOLI&H m I scellaneou s-want ed7~ WE WILL BUT IT. If you have any household goods or office furniture to sell call a buyer from the largest, best and best rated used fur niture store in the state. BAKER BROa y Auto. 23-166. Main 346 C SELL IT to the largest and best rated used furni ture store la the state. BAKER BP.Oa Auto. 33-166. Main 3466. LEW SHANK pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2023. WE will buy and pay spot cash for the furnishings of good homes, up to SI,OOO. BAKSR BROS. WANTED —To buy bath room fixtures or plumbing fixtures of any kind. Main (947. IF your clock Is not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. SHEARN. sll North Ala bama. HQUSEHOI - D j GOODS. Gas Ranges A large selection of nearly all standard makes In both high and low oven styles. ' M-M up. Refrigerators Good, sound boxes, cleaned and tested; all sizes at about half price. Good Rugs Room size and extra large ones, hall runners and carpets; the very best in Indianapolis at about half the new prices. Fine Furniture Anything you need; every piece made like new at half the new .price. Better goods and cheaper prices than you wiil find elsewhere. USED GOODS STORE THE FINE STORE 424 Mass. Ave. REF KIG ERA TORS. 500 used ice boxes and refrigerators; all good and guaranteed; all standard makes, such as Alaska. Bohn Siphon. McCray. Herrick Automatic. New Iceberg. Dr. Price. Gibson’s Star. Gurney and others. All sizdb and the price averages about one-half the cost new. BAKER BROS. 216 East Washington St. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. KROOT A SON, 6Q9 W. Washington St. 26 GOOD cabinet gas ranges at prices from sls to $27.55. Cash or payments. RAKER BROS. FURNITURE for sale. 714 Mlley avenue. Take West Michigan car. PIANO for sale, -714 Mlley avenue. Take West Michigan car. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE.~ POCAHONTAS M. R $f.25 KENTUCKY LUMP $9.25 ILLINOIS LUMP $7.75 INDJANA LUMP A $7.25 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN *6ll. MIAIN 2151. HORSES AND VEHICLES. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, cows and hoga Call Main 1019. Auto. $5-775. WAGON and harness; best one-horse dray in city; bargain, $35. Main 6785. PET STOCK AN D PO U LTRY. COLLIE puppies, thoroughbred, 1014 J. Temple. East Tenth car. Woodruff 983. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOR SALE—A good square piano for be ginners. Woodruff 973. 118 North Key stone. GOOD piano and Italian harp. Rent or sell. 14 South New Jersey. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Pinch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary 1, land St. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Grr V7*ri TJ storage cheapest ) \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL [ Y/ US. Everything at rea sonable price. Packed. J II shipped anywhere. iS Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4698. BAGGAGE called for and delivered to all parts of city. TRACTION TERMINAL BAGGAGE CO.. 118 W. Wabash street. Main 128$. Main 5489. Auto. sl-261. CALL SHANK for the best service in hauling, packing, shipping and storage. 227-229 North New Jersey Bt. Main 20341. O K TRANSFER CO. for local and over land hauling. 928 E. Washington St. Prospect 3282. financial MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Reeuritv SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY CO. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYER. Pres. Third floor. Law Building. Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farms and Improved city properties. GIB RALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 101 N Delaware street. Main 1618. INSURANCE In all branches AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. WE MAKE second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO Main 7101. 505 Fidelity Trust Bldg. INSURANCE in all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Law bldg Main 7049 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. 3%% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 53 Monument LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as administratrix of estate of Jessie R. Hammel. deceased, late of Marion county. Indiana. Said es tate Is supposed to he solvent. HAZEL MORRISON. CLARKE A CLARKE Attorneys. No. 18286. On Commission Row TODAY’S PRICES. Apples—Barrels. $I0@12; boxes, $3.50 @4.50; baskets, S4.SO@L Asparagus—Fancy home-grown, dozen, 35@40e Bananas —Pound, B@9c. Cabbasre—Fancy Texas, barrels. 2%@ 3%c; Mississippi. $3.50@4.25 Feans—Michigan nsvy. in bags, per !b. %@9c; California Htnas. In sacks. 13%@14e; tnsrrowfats. per lb. 10c: fancy Tennessee green, per hamper. $3.25@3.50: fancy Mississippi. $3.25. Beets —Fancy Kentucky, per hamper. $2; home grown, doz. $1 Cantaloupes—Crate. $5.50@6J0. Carrots—Forty-lb basket. $2.50. Celery—Florida, per crate. $7@7.50; fancy trimmemd. oer doz. $2.25. Cucumbers—Fancy hothouse, per do*. $1*0; fancy Florida. 5-doz crate. $3.25; home-grown, doz. $1.50 Grapefruit—Extra fancy Florldaa. $4.50 $5 75. Kale—Fancy hom’ grown, per on, fl. Lemons —Extra fancy California, $5.75 @6.25. Lettuce —H"me grown leaf, per lb, 13@ 15c: Iceberg head lettuce, per crate, $4.50 @5. Mangoes—Fancy. 2-do basket. sl. Noodles—Ten-lb box, $1.20. Nuts—Filberts, per lb, 30@31c; Eng lish walnuts. 374|41:; pecans. 70c; Bra zils, 2S<B3le; nut meats, pecans. 00c; walnuts. 75c; almonds, 65c. Oranges—Extra fancy California na vels. $3.75(56.50: Valencias, $4.25(03.30; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets. $5(57 Onions—Fancy new Texas white, SO IL crate, $2; same yellow. *175; home grown. green, 10(gl5c doz; faDcy spring, per doz, 15@25c. Parsnips—Fancy. 60-lb hamper. $1.05. Parsley—Fancy homegrown. 35* doz; southern, SI doz. Peaches—Fancy Georgia, bu, $1.25. Peanut Butter —Palls. 15 to 50 lbs. 203 22c. i’eas—Fancy Mississippi, per hamper. $333.50. per hamper, $3. Pieplant—Fancy homegrown. 25@40v.- doz. Piueaprles—Ripe Havana, ss@6. Potatoes—Northern whites, $8 per 100 lbs; bags sl2; new Texas. $12.50 per 100 lbs: ’ancy new Florida Rose, per bbi, $15.50; per 50-lb basket, $5 50. Radishes —Homegrown, button, doz. bunches, 25335 c; southern, long. 15(g20c. Seed Potatoes—lrish Cobblers. Maine, per Kiu ids, ss. Sweet Potatoep—Fancy Jerseys, s3@ C. 25 per hamper. Seed Sweet Potatoes—lndiana grown yellow Jerseys, per bu. $1.25. Spinach—Fancy, per bu, $1 Strawberrlts—Tennessee. 24-qt case, $3.5034; Tennessee, 24-qt case, s6@7; Kentucky Aromas. 24-qt case, $8.50; home-grown. 24-qt cise, $6; Indiana Aromas, 24-qt case, $7.5038. Tomatoes—Bagkct. $2; fancy Texas, 4- bnsket crate, .$3. Watermelors —Fancy Florida, $1.15@ 1.35. WHOLESALE FEED PRICES. Ton Sacks. Cwt. Acme brand $50.25 $3.00 Acme feed 62.25 3.15 Acme middlings 66.25 3.35 Acme dairy feed 78.25 3.05 E-Z dairy feed 69.25 3.50 Acme H. & M 84.25 4.25 C. O. & B. chop.... 70.25 3.55 Acme stock feed 70.00 3.55 Acme farm teed 72.25 3.65 Cracked corn 83.75 4.25 Acme chick feed 83 25 4.20 Acme scratch 50.25 4.05 E-Z-scratcb 60.25 3.50 Acme dry mash 80.25 4.05 Acme hog feed 80.00 4.05 Acme barleycorn 83.25 4.20 Ground barley 84.75 4.30 Ground oats 85.75 4.35 Homlik white 80.75 4.10 Rolled barley 84.75 4.30 Alfalfa mol 73.00 3.70 Cotton seed meal 80.00 4.05 Kafir corn meal 68.25 3.45 GRAINS. Shelled corn, small lota * 2.05 Shelled corn, large lots \ 2.04 Shelled corn, bu sacks V. 14 Oats, 3 bu sack \rf4 Oats. hulk, large ites Oats, less than 100 bu Chicken wheat, cwt. sacked 4.5A CORN MEAL AND FLOUR ’ Corn meal, cwt. net $ 4.00 E-Z bake bakers’ flour. 98-lb sacks 14.70 NEW YORK METAL MARKETS. NEW YORK, June 2. —Copper—Dull; spot, June and July offered at lSVic; August offered at 18%e. Lead—Nominal; spot, June, July and August offered at Bc. Spelter—Quiet; spot and June, 7.40 c bid: July, August and September, $7.30 A NARROW CHANGES FEATURE STOCKS Market Tone Improves in Late Forenoon Dealings. NEW YORK, June 22.—Dealings in the stock market were qu4et and unin teresting at the opening today. Price changes were small, however, and consisted of trifling losses and gains. . . , It was fifteen minutes before a sale of Steei common was made. The stock solrt off 14 to 92%. . Crucible Steel rose % to 143‘4 and then fell to 142%; Baldwin Locomo tive was % higher at 118 and Vanadium Steel % up at 86. National Annillne rose 1% to 72T4, while UDited Retail Stores dropped 1% ’to 77. „ . . . Pan-American Pete fell a point to 101% and Trans-Continental Oil rose a point to 17. ... Fractional losses were sustained in Roval Dutch at 114% and Mexican Pete at 176%. . . Motor and railroad issues were estab lished fractionally lower. Although the market tone continued Irregular, many stocks met with gocd demand at advances. Cuban Cane Sugar was a strong feature and there was a good demand for Industrial Alcohol. Chemicals also were strong. In the early afternoon trading the market was so narrow that recessions ot two or more points were common. ” hen stocks were brought back the narrow ness of the market was still apparent, and prices recovered the loss easily. A sharp decline in prices, affecting the entire list, occurred at the near close of today’s trading. Call money was quoted at 11 per cent just before the decline started. . , Steel common was forced 9- on tbe decline and Vanadium to off 4 points from Monday's high. General Mo:ors sold at 22%. anew low. and Studebaker got under 69. Despite the slump offers were reported as not particularly large. The market closed steady with in creased pressure in the late dealings and nearly all the leading issues falling to new low levels for the day. United btates Steel was in supply, dropping to 91% ; Baldwin sold down to 116% and Republic to 91%. Motors continued weak. Government bond* closed unchanged, while railway and other bonds were steady. MOTOR SECURITIES. —June 22 (By Thomson & McKinnon.) Bid. Ask. Briscoe 51 54 Chalmers com * ® , Packard com Packard pfd ™ Chevrolet 250 500 Peerless 36% 38 Continental Motors com % RJH Continental Motors pfd 0* 97 Hupp com * I Hupp pfd I°- Reo Motor Car 22 22% Elgin Motors 7% 8% Grant Motors G% Ford of Canada 3SO 400 United Motors 52 60 National Motors 16 2>l Federal Truek 29 31 Paige Motors 29 31 Republic Truck 51 53 ACTIVE Oily STOCKS. {By Thomson A- McKinnon.) —June 22 — —Opening- Bid. Ask. Anglo-American OH 23 25 Atlantic Refining 1150 l-2o Borne-Scrymser 425 4i5 Buckeye Pipe Line k’ Cbesebrough Mfg. Con 220 2-70 Continental Oil, Colorado .. 110 115 Cosden Oil and Gas 7 % Crescent Pipe Line 28 30 Cumberland Pipe Line 130 140 Elk liasln Pete 71% 8% Eureka Pipe Line W 101 Galena-Signal Oil (new— 90 ■* Galena-Signal Oil. com 4> Illinois Pipe Line 155 lflo Indiana Pipe Line 85 KS Merritt OH 15% 16% Midwest Oil 1% ; Midwest Refining . 142 14 > National Transit 25 26 New York Transit 152 !5> Northern Pipe Line 02 96 Ohio OH 295 300 Oklahoma P. & R l l ‘74 Penn.-Mex 42 Prairie Oil ood Has '*V Prairie ripe Line 205 21< Sapulpa Refining _ Solar Refining 3--> 3’? Southern Pipe Line 113 118 South I’enn. Oil 270 280 Southwest l’enn. Pipe Lines. 61 68 Standard Oil Cos. of Cal ... 310 31.* Standard Oil Cos. of Ind. ...660 673 Standard Oil Cos. of Has 520 540 Staidard OH Cos. of Ky - 350 3.0 Standard Oil Cos. of Neb.... 420 4-21 Stnndird OH Cos. of N. 5.... 3k 390 Standard Oil Cos. of 0hi0.... 420 440 Swan & Finch "O' 90 Union Tank Line P>7 111 Vacuum OH •*.< 3SO Washington Oil 30 CHICAGO STOCKS. (By Thomson A McKinnon I June 22 Open. Close Carbide and Carbon 64% 61% Libby 13% 13% Sears-Roebuck 20* 2<>.>% Stewart-Warner 40% 40 Swift A Cos 107% 107% Swift International 35% 35% Armour pfd 84 84% National Leather 11 11% Montgomery-Ward 33% .'l3 Hupp Housewives’ Market LATEST PRICES The following prices are tne general prices charged at the city market, ob tained by striking an average of the prices charged at various stands: Apples, choice, per lb $ .10(815 Asparagus, 'home-grown, ac cording to size ot bunches.. ,03310 Bananas, Doz 20040 Beans, string, lb 10320 Carrots, bunch 03itk> Cabbage, Po 04305 Celery, bunch 05@15 Cherries, qt. box .35 Cucumbers, hothouse, each 10@20 > Cucumbers, southern .05310 Grapefru't, each 10@20 Kale, home-grown, lb 15320 Lemons, per doz 20330 Lettuce, leal, per lb 15320 Lettuce, head, each 05315 Onions, lb Qs@o7Vi Onions, Texas Bermuda, 1b.4.. .15 Onion, greeu, bunch (6307 Oranges, doz 30Q75 Parsley, 2 bunches .05 Peppers, green. Florida, bunch .05007*6 Pineapoies 15030 Potatoes, peck 1.00(01.30 Potaoes. IIJ .10 Potatoes, new, lb .12 Potatoes, sweet, 3 lbs .25 Radishes, 335 bunches 10 Rhubarb, 203 bunches .05 Spinach, lb 10315 Strawberries, qt. box 25335 Tomatoes lb .50365 Green peas, lb .25 Scotch peas , .12ft Split peas, yellow .12^4 Spilt peas, green .18 Beans, navy, ID .11 Beans, lima, lb .17 Sugar, soft A *26 Sugar, granulated.,.. 26334 Beans. Colorado pintas, 1b.... .10 Beans, kidney .18 1 ItODUCK. Hens, full dressed, lb .53355 Lire hens .40 Livo springers .75 Eggs, fresh, select, doz .43(®43 Duck eggs, doz 50 Butter, creamery, lb 60365 Foreign Exchange Advances Further NEW YORK, June 22. —The foreign exchange showed a strong tone today. Demand sterling moved up to $3.99% and marks to 2.75 c. Franc cables were 8.16; checks, 8.15; Pelgigp cables, 8.55; checks, 8.54; lire cables. 6.55; checks, 614*4; guilder cables, 36c; checks. 35%. CLEVELAND PRODUCE. \ CLEVELAND, June 22. Butter Dreamery, in rubs, extra, 61ft@62c; ex tr\ fancy, 60*4@61c; flrsts, 59ft@60e: ppmnts, 7c higher; seconds, 56@57c;-pack ingASOc. Eggs—Fresh gathered, extras 47c;Vresh extras, 46c; Northern Ohios freshlnew cases. 43c; old cases, 41*4(6 42c; western flrsts, 41c. Poultry—Roost ers, 20321 c; light fowls, 30331 c; sxtras 40c; bßoller*, KB<floc, INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1920. Indianapolis Stocks STOCKS. —June 22 Bid. Ask. Ihd. Ry. & Light com 55 Ind. Ry. & Light pfd 85 Lndpls. & Northwest, pfd.. ..4 75 Ind pis. & Southeast, pfd 75 Indianapolis Street Railway 50 65 T. H., I. &E. pfd 9% 16 T. H„ I. & E. com 1% T. H., T. & Light pfd 65 85 U. T. of Ind. com U. T. of Ind. Ist pfd 10 U. T. of Ind. 2d pfd 2 Advance-Rumel.y Cos. coni Advance-Uumely Cos., pfd Amer. Central Life 235 Amer. Creosotlng Cos. pfd 100 Belt Railroad com 100 115 Belt Railroad pfd 47 55 Century Building Cos. pfd.... 98 Cities Service com Cities Service pfd Citizens Gas Cos 29 Dodge Mfg. Cos. pfd 99% ... Home Brewing 55 ... Indiana Hotel com 60 Indiana Hotel pfd 94 Ind. National Life 4% ... Ind. Title Guaranty 63 70 Indiana Pipe Line ••• Indianapolis Abattoir pfd... 49 5_ Indianapolis Gas 48 lndpls. Tel. Cos. com _2 lndpls. Tel. Cos. pfd 75 ... Mer. Pub. Util. Cos. pfd 53 National Motor Cos 15 20 Public Savings 2% ... Rauh Fertilizer pfd 50 Standard Oil Cos. of Indiana 060 ••• Sterling Fire Insurance S% 9% Van Camp Hdw. pfd 97 Van Camp Pack, pfd 97 Van Camp Prod. Ist pfd..... 97 ... Van Camp Prod. 2d pfd 97 ... Vandalia Coal com ® Vandalia Coal pfd 1° Wabash Rnilwny com ••• Wabash Railway pfd BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Aetr.a Trust I*lo ... Bankers Trust 118 City Trust Cos 82 Commercial National 82 Continental National 112 ••• Farmers Trust 200 Fidelity Trust 120 ... Fletcher American National 257 Fletcher Sav. & Trust C 0.... 163 ... Indiana National 280 290 Indiana Trust 195 ... Live Stock Exchange 450 Merchants National 272 National City 114 118 People State 176 Security Trust 120 State's Ravings & Trust.... 84 95 Union Trust Cos 340 370 Wash. Bank & Trust C 0.... 140 BONDS. Broad Ripple 5s 45 Citizens St. Ry. 5s 72 80 Ind. Coke & Gas Cos. 6s 89 Ind. Creek Coal A Min. 65... 98 Ind. Northern 5s Ind. Union Traction lndpls. & Col. South. 5s 88 ... lndpls. A Greenfield 55..... ... lndpls. A Martinsville 55.... 58 lndpls. & Nortn. 5s 34 40 lndpls. A Northwest. 5s .'. 60 lndpls. A- Southeast 5s 44 lndpls., Shelbyv. AS. B. ss. ... 9<t lndpls St. Ry. ♦* 55 60 lndpls. Trac. & Ter. 5s ... 64 T. H„ I A E 5s Union Trac. of Ind. 6s 65 Citizen's Gas 5s 72 82 Ind. Hotel Cos. 2d 6s 96 100 Ind. Gas Cos. 5s 72 SO lndpls. L. A H 5s 75 82 lndpls. Water 5s 87% 92 lndpls. Water 4% 70 so M 11 AL. ref ■> 87% 97% New Tel. Long Dist. 5s 93% ... South. Ind. Power 6s 90 ... LIBERTY BONDS. Liberty 3%c 92 00 Liberty first 4s 85.50 .... Liberty second 4s 85.50 .... Liberty first 4%5. 85.98 .... Liberty second 4%5. 85 50 .... ILlberty third 4%s 89 14 .... Liberty fourth 4% 85.80 Victory 3%s 05.60 05 80 Victory 4%* 98.70 96.00 Today’s Market Gossip (By Thomson A- McKinnon.) STOCKS—Cuba cane sugar may pay a dividend on the common stock this year, according to an Interest In the company. Payment will not be derided upon for several months, though, he says. It Is stated by an eastern attorney, said to be in a position to he well in formed as to details associated with the prospective combination, that National Analine Is good for a 20 point upturn. Committees of the Marland Refining and Kay Comity Gas Companies have reported favorshly on the proposal to consolidate the companies. During May exports from the United States increased $55,000,000, while imports decreased $64,060,000, It la stated by the Baldwin locomotive works that orders are on hand for $50,- 000,000 of locomotives for foreign roads, GRAIN Five weeks sgo cash corn sold as high as $2.17 a bushel at Chi cago. while July was around $1.78. Yes terday the highest on cash corn was $1.91, with July nt $1.83. This condition suggests the avoidance of the buying | side of deferred deliveries for the reason that depleted supplies In distributive centers are being replenished to some extent. Primary receipts of corn recently have : been above the ordinary movement. This fact seems to have been overlooked and all attention centers on premiums In the Chicago market. Shipping de mand apparently Is In for a check, due to new labor troubles on eastern roads. In the Cotton Markets .- NEW YORK, June 22.—Selling pres sure In the cotton market was renewed with considerable vigor this morning and prices sustained further sharp losses. First prices were 10 to 30 points lower and at the end of the first fifteen minutes had fallen 27 to 30 points below the previous close. Liquidation of July was a feature, the offerings being absorbed by spot Inter ests and the trade. The close was steady nt a net decline of 40 to 68 points. Open. High. Low. ’ Close. .Tulv 30.55 36.60 36.00 36.20 October ....34 00 34.25 33.56 33.64 December .32.98 33.12 32.45 32.48 January ...32.35 32.48 31.87 31.88 March 31.80 32.01 31.45 31 50 NEW ORLEANS, June 22.—Futures opened 25 points higher for July and 26 to 30 points lower for other options and advanced % to 47 points on better cables and good Duyltig from New York. Bear ish weather reports later broke prices 21 to 35 points tinder opening levels. The ciose was around the low points of the day, net unchanged for July and 42 to 50 points lower for other futures. Open. High Low. Close. July 36.00 86.98 36.25 36.32 October ...33.75 34.15 33.50 33.54 December .32.60 33.07 32.43 32.48 January ...32.12 32.50 31.88 31.96 March 31.60 31.99 31.39 31.42 LIVERPOOL, June 22.—More Inquiry existed for spot cotton today, mainly for export. Prices were easier. Sales, 5.000 bales. American middlings, fair, 31 .32(1; good middlings, 28.57d; full mid dlings, 27.32d; middlings, 26.07; low mid dlings, 27.77d; good ordinary. 19.57d; or dinary, 18.57d. Futures were quiet. Local Bank Clearings Tuesday $3,211,000 Same day last year 2,230,000 Increase $981,000 WHOLESALE PRODUCE. Wholesalers are paying the following prices In Indianapolis for eggs, poultry and packing stock butter: Eggs—Fresh, loss off, 35c. Poultry—Fowls, 27e; broilers, t*4 to 2 lbs, 45c: rocks, 16c; old tom turkeys, 30c; young tom turkeys, 12 lbs and up, | 35c; young hen turkeys, 8 lbs and up, I 35c; cull thin turkeys not. wanted; I ducks, 4 lbs and up, 20c; ducks, under 4 lbs, 17c; geese, 10 lbs and up 16c: squabs, 11 lbs to doz $7.50. Butter—Clean packing stock, 33c lb; fresh creamery butter, In prints, Is sell ing at w holesale at 50(060c; In tubs, 58c. Butterfat paying 60061 c. Cheese (wholesale selling prices) Brick. 30033 c lb; New York cream, 35c; Wisconsin full* cream, 34035 c: long horns, 34@35c ;lUnburgar, 34<0S8e. HOGS RISE ON ACTIVE DEMAND Top Price of $16.25 Reached— Calves 50 Cents Higher. RANGE OF HOG FKICEB. Good Good Good. Ju> Mixed. Heavy. Light. 16. $15.25015.60 $15.00015.50 $16.50 17. 15.25® 15.50 15.00015.50 15.50 18. 15.50015.85 15.25 ® 15.50 15.00 19. 15.50@16.00 15.25@15.75 15.50@15.85 21. 15.20015.85 15.00015.50 15.50015.8S 22. 16.00@16.10 15.50016.00 16.00016.15 Receipts. 7,000, with 250 left over; mar ket strong. Heavier demand from both local and eastern packers was effective in estab lishing swine prices 25c above the pre vailing level of Monday today. Reports of higher prices at other im portant points, including Chicago, with an advance of 25c in the early market, also was a factor In favor of s U.ers. Good light and mixed lots of liogs sold at $16@16.15, with the bulk of good hogs going at $16.10 and the mar ket top, $16.25 Offerings were somewhat better In quality than has been the case in the Inst few days, and competition was active for the more choice stock, which was taken quickly. Pigs and sows also displayed a better tone, sales of extra good pigs being made at $13.75, while good sows sola at $13.50. Cattle. Receipts, 800; market weak. Trading in the beef section was ex ceedingly dull, with practically all grades of killing cattle being offered at concessions. While of fair quality as compared with recent days’ runs, receipts were not of grades that would serve to arouse the enthusiasm of buyers, grassers form ing the greater portion of available sup plies. Calves. Receipts, 550; market strong. A general upturn of about 50 cents all the way around for goood to choice veal calves featured dealings In this division. Better demand from the east, coupled with receipts of more desirable quality and finish, caused most of the trading to be done around $14.00, although sales of fairly good calves were made as low as sl3. The top price paid for fancy calves was sls, but more calves went at that figure than has been the case for several days. Sheep and Lambs. Receipts. 200; market steady for sheep, firm for lambs. Demand was light for good fat Bheep and prices held around s4@6. The majority of lambs changed hands at practically the same levels ns in the preceding session, but a lot of extra fancy spring lambs sold at $16.50. HOGS. Best light hogs, 100 to 250 lbs average $16.00@16.15 250 to 300 lbs average 15.75'n 16.00 Over 300 lbs average 15.25@15.75 Best pigs, under 140 lbs 12 75@13.75 Sows 12.50@13.50 Bulk of good hogs 16.10 Top 16.25 CATTLE. —STEERS— Prime eornfed steers, l,:ioo lbs and up 15.00@ 15.30 Good to choles steers. 1,300 lbs and up 14.50@15.50 Good to choice steers. 1,100 to 1,300 lbs 14.00@14.50 Good to rnolcp steers 1,000 to 1.100 lbs 13 00@14 00 Common to medium suers. 90 to 1.000 lbs 10.00@12.00 —Bulla and Calv*.#.— Good to choice butcher bulls B.oo@ 900 Bologna bulls 7.00% 8.00 Light common bulls 6.0041 7 no Choice veals 13.5d@14.30 Good veal* 12.50@13.50 Medium veals 11.00@ 12.00 Lightweight veals 5.00@11.90. —Stockers and Feeding Cattle- Good to iholce steers, 800 lbs and up ... 10.00@ 12.00 ' Common to fair steers, SOO lbs and up 9 00010.00 Good to eholre steers, under 800 lbs B.oo@ 9.00 Common to fair steers, under 800 lbs 7 25@ 8.25 Good cows 7.250 800 Medium to good cows 6.250 7.00 Gud heifers 8 'J 75 Medium to good heifers 7.75@ 8.15 Good milkers 100no@!A*oo Medium milker* 60 00@100.00i Stock calves. 250 to 450 lbs f1.75@ 10.75 —Heifers and Cows— Goed to choice heifers.. .... 12OO'jil40O Medium heifers 11.30@13.00 Common to light heifers .... 10.00@12.00 Choice cows 10.50@12.50 Good to choice cows 9 00'-tll.oo Fair to medium cows 7.50@1000 Cannefs 7.00 i 9.00 Cutters 6 oo@ 800 SHEET AND LAMBS. Good to choice sheep 6.000 7 00 Fair to good sheep 5.500 0.50 Common to medium sheep ... 5 00@-6.00 Bucks 4AO@ 5 00 Good to choice yearlings... 5.00@10.00 Good to choice clipped 5.00@ 7.00 Qood to choice spring lambs.. 12 00@15.50 Other Live Stock CHICAGO, June 22.—Hogs Receipts. 32,000; market. 250HD higher; bulk, $14.80015 90; butchers. $14.15016; pack ers, sl3 35014.75; lights. $14.15015.80; pigs. $12014; roughs, $13.35013.85, Cattle —Receipts, 8,000; market steady and strong; beeves, $11017; butchers, s4.2siff 14.25; canners mid cutters, $4.2508; stockers and feeders, $6012; cows. sllO 17; calves. $13014 75. Sheep -Receipts. 5.000; market. 25(&50e up; lambs. $10.50 @l7; ewes, $5.2507.75. CINCINNATI, June 22—Hogs—Re celpts, 3.700; market steady to 25c high er; heavy, mixed and medium, $15.10; light. sls; pigs. $11.60; roughs. sl2 35; stags. $9 25. Cnttle —Receipts. 4.(MX), with 1,029 left over; market weak; bull* steady; calves, sl4. Slieep—Receipts, 3,000; market steady. EAST BUFFALO, June 22 Cattle Receipts. 900; market fairly active; ship ping steers, $15,500 17,50; butcher grades, $10(015; cows. $4011.50. Calves Re ceipts, 1,000; market for good active, oth ers slow and 50c lower; culls to choice. $5(015. Sheep and lamb 1,000; market slow, 50c lower; choice lambs, $16.50@17; culls to fair, sllO 10.25: yearlings, $13014.50s ;heep, SS(O 9. Hogs—Receipts, 3.200; market active, 25@40c up; yorkers, $10(017; pigs, $15.50; mixed, $16.75016.90; heavies, sl6 500 16.75; roughs, $12(013.25; stags, $8(010. CLEVELAND, June 22.—Hogs Market 15(0 20c higher; yorkers, $16.50; mixed, $16.40; menbim, sls; roughs, $12.25; stags $8 50. Cattle —Receipts, 300 ; market slow. Sheep and lambs—Receipt!*, 4(H); market slow to lower; top, $10.60? Calves—Re ceipts, 404; market slow; top, sl6. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., June 22.—Cattle Receipts, 6,000; market slow; native beef steers. $9(813; yearling beef steers and heifers, $10(815; cows, $8.25(811 ; stackers and feeders, $9(8,10.75; calves, $12(014.75; canners and cutters, $4.25(07. Hogs—Receipts, 10,500; market 15(u25c higher; mixed and butchers, $15.60(016; good heavies, $15.35015.70: rough heavies, $11.50(012.75; lights, $15.75(015.95; pigs, sll @15.35; bulk of sales, $15.65(015.90. Sheep—Receipts, 5,500; market, prospects lower; ewes, $6.75(07.50; lambs, sl-1.50(8 15.50; canners and cutters, $5(08. PITTSBURG, .Tune 22.—Cattle Re celpts fair; market slow; choice, $15.50 @l6; good. $14@15; fair, $10(012; veal Valves, $14.50@15. Sheep and lambs— Receipts fair; market steady; prime wethers, $10@10.25; good. sß@9: fair mixed, s7@B; spring lambs. $12(810. Hogs—Receipts. 15 doubles: market higher; prime heavies, $15.50(015.75; me diums, $16.60@16.75; heavy yorkers, $16.60 @16.75: light yorkers, .$15(8:15.50; pigs. $14.50(3)14.75; roughs, $11@12.50; stags, sß@B.oo. WHOLESALE MEATS. Wholesale meat prices are quoted by Indianapolis packers as follows; Hams—Regular, 14 to 16 lbs, 4054 c; skinned. 12 to 14 lbs, 4254 c; fancy boiled, 1C to 13 lbs, 60%c. Bacon Fancy breakfast 5 to 7 lbs, 49c: fancy sliced, 1-lb carton,' 57c; sugar cured. 4 to 6 lbs average, 23%0. Salt Meat-Dry salt Indiana butt3. 17fto. Lard—Refined, tierces basis. 22 Vie; open kettle tierce basis. 23@23%c. Fresh Pork—Spare ribs, 21c; shoulder hones, 7VjC; tenderloins, 58@62c; dressed hogs. 24c. Sausage—Fresh links, 25c. Beef—Steers, medium, 400 to 500 lbs. 23*< i c: No. 2 heifers, 21c; native cows, VljnSVCc; medium cows. 19@19*. 2 c; loins. No. 3.35 c; ribs No. 2. 26.-1; No. 3.24 c; rouu’d*, No. 2, 27%c; No. 3, k'ftc; chuck*, No. 3,17 c; plates, cow, 9Vic. CORN LOWER ON GENERAL SELLING Liberal Receipts and Lack of Support Are Factors. CHICAGO, June 22.—A1l grain fu tures broke sharply on the board of trade today under fairly liberal re ceipts, lower spot prices, favorable grow ing weather and the weight of yester day’s heavy liquidation. July rye alone showed any resistance to the decline, being aided by renewal of export demand. Buying against bids and profit taking gave about the only check to the de cline in the rest ol the list. Covering by early sellers rallied prices about one cent from the low at the close. July corn opened at $1.81%, down %c, and declined further to $1.79 at the close. September corn opening lale at $1.79 was down 2c and later last %c. July oats was %c off at the opening, $1.94, and before the close lost another %c. September oats was one cent lower at the opening at 86%c, later dropping another cent. CHICAGO GRAIN. —June 22- CORN—Open. High. Low. Close. Loss. July 1.81% 1.81% 1.78 1.79 3% Sept LTO 1.71% 1.08 1.60% 2% OATS— July 1.04 1.04% 1.02% 1.03% 1% Sept 86% 80% 84% 85% 2% PORK— .TuIv 34.52 34.52 34.40 34.45 .05 Sept 36.25 36.35 36.10 30.20 . .TO LARD— July 20.70 20.70 20.60 20.65 .05 Sept 21.70 21.72 21.57 21.62 .13 RIBS— July 18.40 18.40 18.15 18.22 .20 Sept 19.25 19.40 19.17 19.25 .11 (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —June 22 — increasing offerings of old wheat and impending movement of the new crop, to gether with a reduction in export busi ness, had something to do with shaping corn market today, but the Important thing has been the easy tone in cash market. Some weeks ago contract grades sold at extreme premiums of 39 cents over July. These premiums have slowly dwindled until today mixed corn of de liverable grade sold at 5%c to 6c over July. This wearing down of premiums, to gether with primary receipts, consider ably in excess of last year, give reason to the idea that the urgent necessity for cash corn at the consuming points is dis appearing. „ , . What seems to be a general easing up In cash situation should bring about a period of liquidation In deferred months and dragging lower of prices. Moderate liquidation appeared in sym pathy with the action of corn, but the undertone of the market has been com paratively steady. Cash premiums are slightly easier, but contract grades are still 14c to 15c over the July. , . Very Utile Is heard of any Increase In offerings from the country. Prevailing temperature* together with recent rains are distinctly beneficial for *the growing crop. . . One of the leading packers has been a seller of lard and ribs thought to be In anticipation of liquidation of July hold ings. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. CHICAGO. June 22.—Wheat—No. 2 red, J 2.87 : No. 3 hard winter, $2.81012 85; No. 5 northern spring, $2.75; No. 2 spring $2..80. Corn —No 2 mixed. $lB4 ~ 1 Ng; No 2 white. *1.8101.92; No. 2 vel |.,w $i ss%'*i 1.87; No. 3 mixed. sl.S3%@ t 84'; No. 3 vellow, $1 S4@l.S6. Oats No. " mixed $1.16%: No. 2 white. $1.16@1.19; No. 3 white. $1 12@1 15; No. 4 white. slll% @l-13. TOLEDO CASH GRAIN. TOLEDO, June 22- Corn—No. 3 yel low, $1.90. Oats -No. 2 white, $1.24(0 125. Barley No. 2, $1.52. Rye—No. 2, *2.20. Cloverseed —Cash. $25.50; October. 825.90; December, $24.90 Timothy, 1917 and 1918, cash, $5.50; 1919, cash, $5.70; September, $6; October and December. $5 7(i; March, SS,So. PRIMARY MARKETS. June 22 (Thomson & McKtnnon.) . —Receipts— Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 15,000 537.000 310,006 Milwaukee 9,000 115,000 44,000 Minneapolis.. 121,CM) 20,000 12,000 Duluth 01.000 St. Louis 72,000 92.'*00 38.001 Toledo t’.uuO U.OOO 4,000 Detroit 2,000 Kansas City. 120,000 49.000 12.000 Peoria 4,000 92,000 38, 000 omaha 10,000 160,000 Oo.Oot Indianapolis.. io,ooo 141,000 42, omo Totals 568.000 1,219.000 460,000 Year ago... 211.000 508,000 1,058,000 —Shipments— W heat. Corn. Oats Chicago 63,<(0 56,000 103,000 Milwaukee ... 1,000 1.000 2,0>0 Minneapolis.. KM.OOO 25,000 52,004 Duluth 41>.XX) Bt. Louis 62,000 73.000 59.000 Toledo 8.000 2,000 9.000 Detroit 1,000 6,000 Kansas City. 142,000 11,000 5,000 Peoria 12,000 47,000 66,tK>i Omaha 60.000 95. is i 22.000 Indianapolis.. 1,000 31,(**0 10,000 Totals 503.000 347,000 327 000 Year ago... 272,000 359,000 475,090 —Clearances Doni. W. Wheat. Oats. New York.... 162,000 Boston 6,000 Philadelphia.. TI.OOO Totals .... 239,000 Year ago... 300.000 371,000 INDIANAPOLIS CASH GRAIN. —June 22 Corn—Easy. v oats Easy; No. 2 white,' $1.20-%@ 1.21*4; No. 3 white, $1.19%@1 20. Hay—Firm; No. 1 timothy, $38(038.50; No. 2 timothy, $37(8,37.50; No. I light clover mixed, $37(037.50; No. 1 clover mixed, $30.30@3i. —lnspections Wheat No. 3 red, 2 cars. Corn No. 1 white, 7 cars: No. 2 white, 42 cars: No. 3 white, 3 cars; sample white, 5 cars; No. I yellow, 8 cars; No. 2 yellow, ::0 cars; No. 3 yellow, 4 cars; sample yellow. 4 ears; No. 1 mixed, 2 cars; No. 2 mixed, 6 cars; No. 3 mixed, 1 car; sample mixed, 2 cars; total, 114 cars. Oats—No. t white, 1 car; No. 2 white. 21 cars; No. 3 white, 4 cars; No. 4 white, 1 car; total. 27 cars. Rye—No. 2, 2 enrs. Huy—Standard timothy 1 car; No. 2 timothy, 1 car; total, 2 cars. WAGON WHEAT TRICES. Indlauapolis elevators and mills are paying $2.70 for No. 1 wheat, $2.67 for No. 2 and $2.04 for No. 3. All other grades according to quality. WEATHER AT 7 A. 51. Station. Bar. Temp. Weather. Indianapolis, Ind... ‘29.89 57 Cloudy Atlanta, Ga 30.02 68 Clear Amarillo, Tex 29.96 58 PtCldy Bismarck. N. D GO. 14 54 (Teur Boston, Mass 29.80 06 PtCldy Chicago, 111 29.80 60 PtCldy Cincinnati, 0 29.90 62 Cloudy Cleveland, 0 29.86 Ml Rain Denver, Colo 30.08 54 Cloudy Dodge (*ity, Kas... 30.04 00 Cloudy Helena. Mont 29.82 56 PtCldy Jacksonville, Fla... 30.0S 78 Cloudy Kansas Clt.v, M 0... 30.00 60 Cloudy Louisville, Kv. .. 29.94 02 Clear Little Rock, Ark... 30.02 08 Cloudy Los Angeles, Cal... 29.94 58 Cloudy Mobile. Ala 30.08 74 PtCldy New Orleans. La... 30.08 78 PtCldy New York. N. Y.... 29.80 60 Clear Norfolk, Vn 29.92 70 Clear Oklahoma City 29.98 06 Rain Omaha, Neb. ...... 29.98 60 Cloudy Philadelphia. Pa.... 29.84 08 Clear Pittsburg, Pa 29.86 60 Cloudy Portland, Ore 30.18 .54 Cloudy Rapid City, S. D... 30.16 50 Clear Roseburg, ore 30.18 52 Cloudy San Antonio, Tex.. 30.02 74 PtCldy San Francisco, Cal. 29.92 52 Cloudy St. Louis, Mo 29.92 62 Clear St. Paul, Minn 29.92 54 PtCldy Tampa, Fla. 30.08 80 .PtCldy Washington, D. C.. 29.88 66 f PtCldy WEATHER SYNOPSIS. Since Monday morning showers have continued in many local it lea from tlie upper and middle Mississippi valley east ward to the Atlantic cqfhst. As n rule. In other parts of the njjjfintr.v fair weather lias prevailed. It It* somewhat warmer over most of the western plateau, due to a depression trouglf traversing that re gion, but etsewtlere the temperature changes have nofcf been decided over large areas, although the readings are a little higher In many places from the Great Lakes to the gntf, , J. U. AK AH NOT ON, Meteorologist. Washington Phone Cos. Asks Higher Rates Declaring that the present subscrip tion rates are not sufficient to care for the increased cosf£ of equipment and maintenance, the New Washington Tele phone Company, in a petition to the state public service commission yesterday, stated that it must increase its rates in order to provide additional revenue with which to pay operating expenses, and to Who is he? What is he buy ing? How does he manage his investments? How can you make money on stocks by following his plan? All this is told in our book let, “The Biggest Man on Wall Street-” It is a story of fundamental condi tions in the stock market ■e ad it- It mditions. ay to in 'U gladly. Transportation Building Corner Delaware and South Streets Now Ready for Occupancy Modern Office Rooms at Reasonable Rents Complete in Every Detail A Few of Our Tenants Metropolitan Life Insurance Cos. (Southeast Division). New York Central R. R. The Western Horseman. Centra! Publishing Company. Evard Brothers, Jewelers. Ottumwa Serum Company. Central Trading Company, Cincinnati Time Recorder Company. Emil Martin, Wholesale Tobacco.# WILLIAM F. WOCHER, Agent Bth Floor City Trust Bidg. Main 3998. Auto. 24-806. i buy QUALITY TIRE AND NEWTON A"® REVERE MOTOR STOCK Tnnn 415 LEMCKE BUILDING I UlfV We are pre* g on f arm and pared to make city property THOS. C. DAY & CO. , - 7t AMUSEMENTS. ■ Dalton & Craig—“ Aladdin’s Lamp” j ! John T. Doyle, Marion & Willard Cos. I MACK & LANE—CLIFFORD WAYNE TRIO HEWITT & MITCHELL—ROYAL SIDNEYS KINOGRAMS AND DIGEST FOTO FILMS CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE LYRIC Loinc On All tlir X 1 mc* 1 Tlll II r. m. Morrison £ Daly | jll Almont & Dumont Broughton All” Weber AilP/tfl * Westfield flllvUU Haltns Trio A Speedy ! Taeshl * Yoslii Revue of | fox Farce, I Music and Girls I Monkey Business. dancing in the lyric ball ROOM AFTERNOON & EVENING MW—— 1 j&wad/iW' A Clean Classy Performance of 1 8 Big Features fjJU I*adies* H.-u-Riiin Matinee Every Ul Monday, Wednesday and Friday. .MOTION PICTURES. MBIBH Marge O’Doone” All This Week. & Made Sennett Comedy J ameS Oliver ClirWOOd “YOU WOULDN’T * w BELIEVE IT” Another great story of the Northland by The Circlette of News the author of “Back to God’s Country” Circle Orchestra and “The River's End.” Added Feature for Tuesday and Wednesday MLLE. THEO HEWES AND BALLET OF TWENTY Including Frederick Renoff and the Ballet Russe EHf*l CONTINUOUS HII Lid 11 0 I UNTIL II P. M. THIRD AND POSITIVELY LAST TRIUMPHANT WEEK . CECIL B. DE MILLE’S WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE? With Gloria Swanson, Thos. Meighan, Bebe Daniels and a brilliant cast. Afternoon, 15c and 25c Evenings, 250 and 5&; [A| MARJORIE RAMBEAU in "The Fortune Teller” allow depreciation and return on uatlon of the property. uH The company points, out that it loses approximately SIOO a month. V New rates submitted to the board sl cM an Increase of from 75 to 250 per cent. ) The rates of the company have not been Increased for more than ten years, according to the petltio'n. INDIANA cYn'Blß FOR TWO. WASHINGTON, June 22.—The census! bureau today announced the following 1920 census figures: Montieello, Ind., 2,536; Howard county, Indiana, 43 965. J. F. WILD, JR. BROKER 315-320 Lemcke Bldg. High-Grade Speculative Investments What Have You to Sell? Phones: Main 1734, Auto. 21-733. Murat hi m s week EVENINGS 8:30 Mats.—WED., THURS. & SAT. 2:80 The Stuart Walker Cos. The OTORM OiRD’ Anew play by Dion Calthrop and Roland Pertwee. First time on anj- stage. PPIPCQ Evenings 50c. SI.OO, $1.50 rniutu Matinees 25c, 50c, 75c Next Week THE SHOW SHOP RIALTO Let’s Go—lt’s Continuous A DOWN TOWN BEACH THE COOL JOY SPOT ECATITDF Vaudeville rMIUKLi Pictures Ladies get coupons at tills tlicaten good at the Broadway matinees Monday, Wednesday and Friday.