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12 We Will Help You to Save Safely Jftocfjer feabings anb (Trust da ISMMMIXO Program for Epworth League Year Given Memorial services for deceased minis ters will be beld by the Indianapolis Epworth league at Crown Hill cemetery July 11. The program outlining the work of the district cabinet has been announced as follows: July 11—Memorial services at Crown Bill cemetery. July 14 —Bethany booster meeting at the East Tenth Street M. E. church. Aug. 9—Service of life workers. Aug. 11—Bethany echo meetiug. Aug. 21—District picnic. Kept. 11—Hike to Old Bethel. Sept. 13—Second class of fourth de partment. October—Bally of district life work ers during the entire month. November—Evangelistic classes Thurs day. Friday and Saturday evenings; ■unrise prayer meetings Sundays. Dec. I—Third department rally. Dec. 22—District Christmas special en tertainment. Jan. s—District bobsled ride. Jan. 12, 19 and 26—Series of lectures ■a social service. Feb. 2—Second department rally. Feb. 11—Class In missions. March —During the mouth Bible study Masses. March 23—First department rally. April—Out-of-town rally at West Newton. May ■ 13, 14 and 15.—District conven tion at Fletcher Place M. E. church. Boy Loses 3 Fingers Playing With Cutter Harlev Moriarity, 14, 507 East Wash iarton street, lost three fingers yester day afternoon while playing with a pair of scissors used to cut iron in Selig's Junk shop at 23 South East street. The hoy, accompanied by three other boys, entered the rear door of the junk ■bop and began to play with the big cut ting machine. One of the boys let the blade down on Moriarlty’s hand. The police took the boy to the City hospital in an automobile. Propose Evansville Man for Legion Berth EVANSVILLE, Ind., June 22 district delegates to the American le gion state convention at Vincennes, June 28 and 29, have pledged them selves to boost CaTins Baughman, adjutant of the Funkbouser post of this city, for state adjutant. They will ask the support of other districts over the state to obtain Baughman’s election. The First district delegates will not ask for the 1921 meeting of the le gion and they will go unpledged as to their support of a state com mander. 10,000 Persons Given Anti-Plague Virus VEKA CRUZ, June 22.—The sanitary authorities announced today they are making satisfactory progress in their fight against the bubonic plague. Ten thousand persons have been vac cinated with anti-plague virus since ' Saturday. The schools have been reopened and railway passenger service has been re newed with Mexico City. Two new cases of the plague and one death were reported Monday. Burglars Steal $lB and Suit of Clothes Burglars entered the home of Pearl Payne, 531 Agnes street, last night. The thief carried away ?18. Hyman Epstein, a tailor, 2911 West Washington street, reported a burglar entered his store and carried away three cults of clothes. Hostesses Named for League Card Party Hostesses for the card party to be given tomorrow at the Propylaeum by the League of Women Voters for the benefit of the local league treasury, will Include Mrs. Meredith Nicholson, Mrs Walter Marmon, Mrs. Edward J. Hecker, Mrs. Wllmer Christian, Miss Sara Lauter, Miss Eldena Lauter, Mrs. Isaac Born, Mrs. John F. Barnhill, Mrs. Jacob P. Dunn and Mrs. M. E. Foley. Mrs. Edward Harmon, chairman of the finance committee. Is directing the gen eral arrangements. Parties and Meetings The Holy Rosary Altar society will give an open air card party Thursday afternoon In the school yard, 533 Stevens atreet, for the benefit of the church. • • * Only Euchre club will give a card party tonight in the Musicians' hall, 143 East Ohio street. ... B. W. Bennett Circle Ladles of the G. A. R. will meet tonight on the fourth floor of the courthouse. Just Arrived 100 New White These hats were especially purchased at an un usually advantageous price, which enables us to make this extraordinary offer. Early Selection Is Highly Advisable. AFRICAN OSTRICH FEATHER CO. Fourth Floor State Life Bldg. IRISH FACTIONS RENEW FIGHTING Sniping Continued as Troops Patrol Streets. LONDON. June 22.—Sanguinary fight ing between Sinn Felners and unionists was renewed at Londonderry today and three Sinn Felners were wounded in one clash, said an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from Londonderry. It is now established that seven per sons were killed in the fighting at Lon donderry Monday. British troops are patrolling the streets, but sniping is continuous from buildings. Two thousand soldiers were rushed from Curragh to reinforce the troops at Londonderry, but no word of their arrival had been received up to noon, and it was supposed they had been held up en route. All passenger trains nearing London derry are searched by British soldiers and constables, to prevent Sinn Felners from approaching the city from sonth Ireland to mobilize against the union ists. It is reported in Dublin that the Brit ish government contemplates suspension of railway traffic in central and northern Ireland to prevent the concentration of Sinn Felners. Leaders of the Irish railway unions declared they were ready to extend the strike which already is in effect If the government attempts to carry out such * decision. Assistant Inspector-General Roberts of the Royal Irish constabulary was wounded in the head when an attempt was made to assassinate him, another Dublin report said. The official* accompanied by three con stables and a chauffeur, was en route for Dublin castle in a motor car when, they were fired upon by assassins who were hidden behind the pillars of a railway bridge. In addition to the injuries to Roberts, the chauffeur was wounded in both legs. New Berlin Cabinet t° Take Office Soon BERLIN, June 22.—Personnel of the new German cabinet was reported today to have been decided. Conferences were held between leaders of all parties after which it was an nounced that the new government would shortly take office. The pr 'table lineup will be: Chan cellor, Konstantins Fehrenbach; foreign minister, Herr Simona; home secretary, Herr Koch; minister of defense. Dr. Gessler; finance minister. Dr. Wlrth: minister of ports. Herr Giesberg; trans portation minister, Herr Stegerwald; minister of justice. Dr. Heinze. Rotarians Hold First Session of Convention ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 22.—The first business session of the eleventh an nual convention of the International As sociation of Rotary Clubs was held to day. Delegates from nearly a dozen coun tries were In attendance. Perfeetlon Eggs—Glossbrennor's. < . One Form of Pain that no one should neglect is itching, bleeding or pro truding piles or hemorrhoids. Pyramid Pile Treatment should give relief no matter how badly you suffer. Ask any druggist any where in the U. S. or Canada (or a 60 cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment and don’t accept a substi tute. L - --- - , Jg WARNING Its kwslif year how.U ravlar do net a btcoza* addicted to arrekenlag parsad'aa I or mineral laxattvaa: hut try KOKOLAX: I •ate. gentle, oholeaome. Beat and goat ■ farthest. Obtainable at busy druggists, every- ■ where. Kerelas It relief for many aliments. I including constipation, headaehe*. gllry ■ •sells, baleblag. gaa. heartburn, torpid Urer. I bad breath, nenrouaneaa. dyspepsia, lndlgee- I tloo. obesity, mental and physical Collates, f TER-CAM-FO For Colds, Coughs, Headache, Sore Throat, Sunburn, Pimples, Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc. Sold at all good stores —50c. —Advertisement. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS Raa Barlow walked from here to Tlck vllle this week. He meant to catch a ride as soon as he started out, but, of course, everybody is always coming when a fellow is going. see Washington Hocks has been put at the head of a committee at the Hog Fora church. Yam Sims is wondering how Wash can be chairman of a standing committee. • • * Sim Flinders says it is a great saving and a big convenience for the same road to be used for both going and coming. Strike Oil in Well on Mt. Comfort Farm Special to The Times. MT. COMFORT, Ind., June 22. While drilling for gas on the Dr. C. K. Ewings farm, two miles north of Mt. Comfort, oil was found. The well will be shot tomorrow morning. This is three miles southwest of the wells brought in by the Fortville Gas Company a few weeks ago. Aluminum Preserving Kettle a——asai 10-quart f , j $2.48 "jf Brass, Nickel Plated Tumbler O Holder Up $1.12 One of those attractive tum bler holders will save you much trouble and worry in looking for a glass when you most want one—and then, too, you’ll soon save the price of one in the prevention of broken tumblers from shelves. Lilly Hardware Company 114-118 E. Washington St. oo Your Eyes Carefully Examined (llusses complete or new lenses for your frames accurately made and guaranteed to give satisfaction at special low prices. Dr. L. H. RATLIFF 417 Occidental Bldg. Hours, 8:30 to S:30; Sunday, 9 to IL. USE [7] 1 e "Z ? Best W LS *& 7 flEßvousNE^::; ® ™ lorui, let us send you our free booklet "Effects of the Stratus of Modern Life L'pon the Nervous System.” Explaining iiotv Roszell's Sedutlvs Restorer Acts. THE ROSZELL LABORATORIES. CO2-4 Ind. Trust Bldg.. Indianapolis, Ind. ARMY and TENTS WAGON COVERS Cheap; all sizes; new and used. 815 S. Delaware Prospect 4558 WETO GRAPH Secret Writing System invaluable for lovers and for aeeplns recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other Information safe and private. Ns stranser can read your postals If you use the Weto Graph. Great tun for lovers or friends. Don’t miss it. Send 10c and we sarin send the Weto Graph by mail with Ifcril instructions. Address PENN PIH jjEjIHING CO.. BlairsrtUe. Pa INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1920. JAPS RAISE HOWL AT PROPOSED LAW California’s Land Control Measure Doesn’t Please. WASHINGTON. June 22.-.Tapap nas lodged what amounts to an Informal protest with the state department against proposed legislation tn California pro viding for absolute prohibition of owner ship or lease of land by Japanese, it was learned today. Serious complications may arise should the proposed measure be made a lnw. It was feared here In official and diplomatic clr<-les. Kijuro Shldeliara, the Japanese ambas sador here, has brought the proposed California law to the attention of the state department in Informal conversa tions with officials lately. The ambassador has been anxious to determine whether the state department is alive to the situation and his Infor mal representations have been construed as a protest. It is contended the Mikado's govern ment has done everything to meet ob jections of the United States In connec tion with Japanese In this country and only recently placed a ban on the pic ture-bride practice, In response to agi tation In California. In supplementing the California alien land law, which merely prohibited own ership of land by Japanese, the pro posed law imposes sweeping prohibi tions of the enjoyment of virtually all land rights by Japanese, they contend. UNEARTH COLORED WOMAN'S BODY. EVANSVILLE, Ind., June 22.—The body of Bertha Kelly, a negro woman, formerly of Indianapolis, and who dis appeared three weeks ago, was found here today In a vault by police. William Board is under arrest charged with killing the woman. ■■■BawMMi—— | " The Only Electric I Washing Machine I With a Sediment Zone The Sediment Zone in a Washer is as Essential as the Sanitary Plumbing in a Your release from washday troubles awaits you i; when you buy an EDEN. Now is your opportunity to own one. I The Favorite With • | I Thousands of American I" I Housekeepers \ li Thousands of women throughout the country BkyJu 11 have learned to appreciate the many advantages ; \ !; and economies of washing clothes the EDEN / / A \ | way. The EDEN is handy to operate, easy to / V , BafiW; l J- keep clean. The EDEN saves clothes, hard work, S \ worry, time —and, enough money to make its I I cost seem small compared to its years of de- | \|j ! Cost of operating—less than two cents h ' jp 7 $ an hour. Call for demonstration. m & ; (jr The House Electric ” Main 123—Cor. Meridian and Maryland Sts.—Auto. 23123 Gas For Heating In June Sunday was a rainy, cool day. Nobody wanted to start up liis furnace. Owners of apartment houses never expect to run their heating plants in midsummer. The central heat ing stations could not be expected to start up. What more convenient or cheaper to take off the chill than gas! Early Sunday morning the send-out was 750,000 cubic feet per hour. By ten o’clock it rose to over 1,000,000 cubic feet per hour. After dinner it continued at the same rate. Then we stopped it by reducing the pressure. If we had continued to send out gas as the people wanted it, Sunday would have been about the big gest day in the history of the company. The people wanted 15,000,000 cubic feet. We gave them 9,000,000. On the preceding Sunday they wanted only a trifle over 6,000,000. Sunday’s heating demand made us use 6,000 gallons of oil and 35 tons of coke. Neither should be used now because they will be badly needed next winter. Incidentally, the extra gas which we produced cost us S3OO more than we shall get for it. The public pays very little attention to our warnings, blit we deem it our duty to continue our efforts to let the people know that they are invit ing disaster for the whole community by attempting to use gas for heat ing. It can’t be done. Citizens Gas Company BUY NOW There is a growing shortage of diamonds. Prices are continually increasing. These brilliant diamonds are being offlered at far under the present mar ket value; they represent an Investment which is certain to bring you con siderable profit. Diamonds bought now will certainly mean a saving of 25 per cent or more during the coming year. J. P. MULLALLY Diamond Merchant, 28 Monument Circle. # Cane Granulated m SUGAR All You Want Hurst & Cos. Penn, and Georgia Sts. WINDOW SHADES FOR LESS R. W. Durham Cos., 147 Ea.t Market, Main 5829 A photograph Isn’t good Ju.t because It bears f ,m oar name—but because f it has t be good to Ninth Flaw Kahn Bldg. V Big, Hearty Slices of Bread Well buttered and spread with just oodles and oodles of jam or sparkling sugar! Bread is every child’s best friend— They like its deliciousness. They grow strong on its nourishment. Mother gets biggest food value for the money spent. Ask for American Beauty Bread —the children’s own loaf, 100% pure and delicious. Every Grocer Sells It Indianapolis Baiting Cos., Inc. Bread is your Best food—eat more of it. During Our CLOSING OUT SALE Extra Special Wednesday J£l 5.:.52L65 Boys' and Obis* Dept, An Entire Floor of Rare Bargains. Every Pair of Children’s Bhoea to be Closed Out at Coat. Feltman & Curme Shoe Stores Cos. 38 East Washington St. Service and Satisfaction TRUSSES t| § ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, BRACES FITTED BY EXPERT CompUtm Line Sick Room Supplies WE H. ARMSTRONG CO. f'ffiL s4 WEST OHIO ST. t < . • • y v -‘ : • • RFADY TO DO YOUR REPAIR WORK-™/ DO IT RIGHT. f Hayes Bros. bIMrH'K ' HfACINO-. AND VLNTILATiNO MAIN 2493 AUTO 27-493 Office Furniture We have one of the |— y ‘ : assortments of every style LfitaMtßijSsd desk needed for the office. Let tpr'l ■■■ us help you in the proper se- L_l—_ lection. Fire and burglar proof n # _ > safes and vault doors. n || Ik.—.— Safes for home or office. • • FIXTUREB FOR STORE, OFFICE AND BANK. AETNA CABINET COMPANY Display Rooms, 321-29 W. Maryland St., Indianapolis Memorial Park “ City Offlo* Perpetual Care Cemetery. Ea *y Terms *t?uS ■?dl. r The Wise Man Provides lor the Inevitable Mam 122s ®*MMAMAPOUg .Mag