Newspaper Page Text
f INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25*29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 1500 Automatic ...28-851 * RATES. One time 07 per line Three consecutive times. .05% per line Six consecutive times... .05 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 07 per line Tiree consecutive times. .0* per line Six consecutive times... .05 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 07 per line Lodge and club notices 50c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 85c per Insertion Over 1 Inch, 5c per line additional. Death notices, 25c per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERALDIREGTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main *OB. New Phone, 27-208, A. M. Ragsdale. J. Wash Price. John Paul Ragsdaie. A. M. RAG3DALE CO. 823 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 51-071. Prospect 822. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— * WM. E. KRIEGER New 21-154. Main 1451. 1408 N. IlllnolA UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1025 Shelby St. tPros, 2570. Auto. 51-110- UNDERTAKER&— HISEY A TITUS. 951 North Del. New 26-554. Main 3630. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. donahue. Julia Holland—wife of Edward L Donahue, died Monday. June 21. a. m. Funeral at the residence, 1719 North New Jersey street. Wednesday. June 23, 9 a. m. Funeral and burial private. LOST’ ANP FOUND. LOST—Cameo breastpin on gold chain In 800 block on Massachusetts avenue or 1800 on Commerce, Saturday night, June 19. Reward. Woodruff 491. LOST—Monday. 30x31* Diamond tire. squeegee tread. Broad Ripple cross road, near Noblesvllle pike. Call Washington 2722, ring 2. LOST—Coral ring In ladies’ washroom. second floor Washington hotel. Sunday afternoon. Please return 527 Merchants Bank bldg. Phpne Main 6306. Reward. MISSING fIrIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947, or write lost agent, 18 Bald win block. Indianapolis, Ind. LOST—Brooch: small white gold with blue sapphire, value small, keepsake. Mr. Falvey. Main 4551. Reward. LOST—GoId Scottish Rite charm some time Monday, June 21. Return to Hugh J. Baker. 918 Majestic bldg. Reward. LOST—A bunch of keys, with a mono gram and No. 9882 on It; reward. Call North 8577. LOST—Cat. light yellow Persian Angora; answers to name Nellie; reward. 518 East Wabash. Circle 2326. FOUND—Money In West Indianapolis. Call/Belmont 4489. PERSONALS. NEW PENSION LAWS Spanish-American war veterans If now disabled, widows of any soldier, benefited by new laws, call or write FITZGERALD AGENCY, 7 North Alabama street, second floor. NOTICES. NOTICE —Viola Kress. 180 Bright street, missing since early Sunday morning When last seen was wearing a gray apron. Age about 27, height 5 feet 3 inches; weight about 190. If seen notify JOHN KRESS, 180 Bright street and receive re ward. HOUSES—TO LET, ANY one renting a six-room house or larger and wishing to exchange for a 5- room cottage, call North 9285 after 5-p. m. EAST street, 914 North: furnished rooms; three connecting. Main 8906. ROOMS—TO LET. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 1113 Prospect street. Pros pect 932. TWO beautifully furnished cottages; ex cellent condition. 2618 Sherman ave. Riverside car. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET NICELY furnished modern rooms with board. Irvington 3085. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. rent, July and August; elegantly furnished house, 8 bedrooms, sun par lors, dining room and kitchen, garage. Lights and gas furnished. North 4136. TWO-ROOM apartment, semi-modern. nicely furnished, gas. phone, refrigera tor. bed for small child: can do washing. 28.50 per week. Woodruff 1895. 717 5s Dorman street. Room 2. OFFICE AND STORES—TOILET, OFFICE ROOMS. Attractive office rooms in the new TRANSPORTATION BUILDING (being remodeled), southeast corner Delaware and South streets. WILLIAM F. WOCHER, Sole agent. City Trust building. Main 8998 Auto. 24-806. BY THE TORES." Match Your Coat with a pair of / \ TROUSERS I ] THE PANTS \ STORE CO. 1 Two Store. It W 48 W. Ohio. JO h ______ HO E. Market V V MALE HELP—WANTED. Laborers 45 Cents Per Hour. Bonus Paid for Steady "Work. Apply - At Once. Hugh J. Baker & Cos. 602 W. McCarty. LABORERS for construction work at the Midwest En gine Cos.. 19th and Martindale. Long Job, good pay. BEDFORD STONE & CONSTRUC TION CO. MEN TO DO TRUCKING. PACK ((NO DEPT.. THOMAS MADDEN SON & CO., BIG FOUR AND FLETCHER AVE. ONE reliable man in each factory, garage. machine and printing shop In Indianap olis. Here Is an opportunity for extra money eyery week acting as our repre sentative. SOFTOLA PRODUCTS CO. North 1860. ■WIRE workers, framers and weavers at HOLLENBECK'S. 12# South Liberty etreet. MALE HELP—WANTED. -- VARNISH RUBBERS WOOD PATTERN MAKERS METAL PATTERN MAKERS SHEET METAL MEN SAMPLE BODY BUILDERS PIPE FITTER HELPERS LABORERS NORDYKE & MARMON CO., KY. AVE. AND MORRIS ST. Laborers Manufacturing season now on at Rauh’s; beginning June 19th our ratee will be 50c per hour. Meet our truck at Ills, and Wash. st. Comfort Station, at 6:20 a. m. E. Ranh & Son Fertilizer Cos. Rear Union Stock Yards. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER FOR GROWING CONCERN. PRE FER MARRIED MAN WITH 2 OR 3 YEARS EXPE RIENCE. AD DRESS A 1528. TIMES. LABORERS, WHITE OR COLORED. HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO., VAN BUREN AND DRAPER STS Take Shelby car. Get off at Belt, walk three squares east. Employment office. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION, BIG 4 R. R. 615 M UTESTTC BLDG. EXPERIENCED ELEb VATOR OPERATORS FOR HIGH-SPEED CARS. WHITE ONLY. APPLY MR. SUTTON, MERCHANTS BANK BLDG. EXPERIENCED DRILL PRESS OPERATORS, LATHE HANDS AND TOOLMAKERS. MOD ERN ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO. WANTED 25 CARPENTERS High hourly rate, with additional at tendance bonus. Absolutely steady work. Apply THE PREST-O-LITE CO., INC. Speedway. 173-T. 6-30-1920. MEN to build safety guards for machines. MIDWEST ENGINE CO. 19th and Martindale. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. MEN TO UNLOAD LUMBER. DYN ES- P()HL MA N LUMBER CO., EAST 28TH ST. AND MONON RAILROAD. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. • Firemen, permanent position with good salary and annual vacation with pay. Eight-hour work and free car fare. Apply Mr. Hogate or Ruede at Power Station, West Tenth St. and White River. Firemen and boiler washers, perma nent position with good hours and salary. Free car fare. Apply Mr. Anderson, 1150 West Washington St. WHITE LABORERS. AMERICAN HOMINY COMPANY, WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET AND BELT RAILWAY. 'WANTED —All-round machinist. MEIER ELECTRIC AND MACHINE COMPANY, 136 South Meridian street. MALE HELP—WANTED. A-l MOLDERS, GISHOLT MEN, LATHE MEN, INGERSOLL MILLING MACHINE MEN, FOUNDRY MACHINE REPAIR MAN. Midwest Engine Cos. 19th and Martindale. The Prest-oLite Cos., Inc. Plant No. 2 Wants ‘ 50 Battery Grid Molders and Helpers Any one of three eight-hour shifts open; good attendance bonus as well as production bonus. Apply at once, ready for work. South Illinois or Speedway Employment Office. 172-T ts-22 NOTICE Members Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect our eontract and because of il legal strike. C. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Motor City Lodge No. 269. Motor Assemblers, Lathe men. Gtaholt men. Drill and Cutter grinder men. Molders. Midwest Engine Cos. Nineteenth and Martindale. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR THE BIG 4 R. R. AT CLEVELAND, OHIO. 1 APPLY ROOM 404 SAKS BLDG. WANTED BOARD HAMMERMAN LAKESIDE FORGE COMPANY, ERIE, PA. FIVE MEN FOR UNLODING CARS; OTHER GEN ERAL LABOR WORK OPENED. AMERICAN CAN CO. TAKE GARFIELD CAR TO SOUTH EAST AND BELT. MEN WANTED BIG 4 ELEVATOR COMPANY Big 4 Railroad and Sherman Drive __ Prospect 6878 FIREMAN WANTEDAT ONCE; (K)OD WAGES. APPLY AT THE AMER ICAN GLUE CO., 539 W. 14TH ST. DESIGNERS, F1 R ST CLASS, TOOL AND FIXTURE. MODERN ELECTRIC & MACHINE CO. YOUNG MEN Poatofflce clerks, letter carriers, railway mall clerks, etc., for the government. Goo dentrance salaries with promotions certain. For full paitlculars and a special course of Instruction, call or write imme diately. INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 N. Illinois st. Butte 207. Open evenings. Main 596. LABORERS For work in field yard. Apply em ployment dept. IMPERIAL DROP FORGE. 510 S. Harding Laborers, colored or white. Steady positions with good hours and pay. Free car fare. Apply Mr. Miller or Anderson, 1160 West Washington St. Foreman Wanted. A man who understands veneers. To take charge of veneer and glue room in plant making two hundred veneered doors a day. Address A No. 1533. Time*. DRIVERS and helpers on moving van; ex perienced In handling household good. FRANK SHELLHOUSE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE COMPANY. MACHINE MAN. experienced In general planing mill work. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO., Nineteenth and Cornell. WANTED —Experienced firemen on chain? grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. SAFETY RAZOfi BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE 111 Indiana are. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1920. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED 25 White or Colored Coal Unloaders. High hourly rate. Guaranteed good attendance bonus, as well as piece rate bonus. Apply ready fqr work Monday morning. The Prest-O-Llte Cos., Inc. SPEEDWAY. 172-T. 6-22-1920. BOYS to work in bindery. Apply SCHNABEL BOOKBINDING CO.. 324 West Tenth street. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. BOOKKEEPER, has spare time after 6 to keep a small set of books; flrst-class service. Address A No. 1608, Times. SALE SM E N—W ANT ED. L. R. STEEL CORP. OF NEW YORK AND CANADA announce the opening of their Indianapolis offices and will require the services of a few high grade men. Sub offices will be opened shortly In all principal cities In Indiana. Men who can qualify will be given charge personally. I wish to state this Is an opportunity which seldom is equaled, but I want you to Investigate and see for yourself. The cards are on the table; everything over and above board. Due to our inability to secure offices In Indianapolis we are temporarily located In especially equipped offices to meet our re quirements at 201 Claypool hotel. EDWARD P. Manager. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR GIRLS IN TELEPHONE WORK There are immediate vacancies in this work, where girls over 16 years of age may obtain steady employment year round, with vacation, excellent working facilities, attractive positions. You may choose telephone work for your permanent vocation. It will appeal to you. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE CO. Corner New York and Meridian Streets. Applicant's information desk in lobby. SALESWOMEN We Have Unusually good opportunities for two wom en of intelligence and adaptabiD ity to earn an income between $2,500 and $4,500 a year in a dig nified profession, with advan tages of suitable territory for weather conditions. To women who possess executive ability in addition there is unlimited pos sibilities for managerial position. See Mgr. Ladies’ Sales Dept., 910 Merchants Bank Bldg. GUILS GOOD WAGES GOOD Working Conditions Steady Light Work INDIANAPOLIS CORDAGE CO., S. Meridian St. and Belt R. R. SCHOOL TEACHIERS, NURSES AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN who would like to get Into big work, will And It to their advantage to call arid In vestigate steel service. A limited number will bo accepted from those who can qual ify. We will ha permanently lo ated In Indianapolis. Experience not necessary, 7t% of our success In all parts of United States and Canada a* salesmen and man ager* have graduated from our danse*, where tha very highest type of salesman ship I* taught. Inability to secure office In first-class building In Indianapolis be fore July, we temporarily located In es pecially fitted offices to meat our require ment* at 201 Claypool hotel. EDWARD RPUCK. manager. Twenty-five Dress and Skirt Hands for Women’s Alteration Dept. Previous alteration room expe rience not essential, but a thor ough knowledge of sewing or dressmaking Is necessary. The position* re permanent, the sal aries attractive; Ides! Vorklng condition* In light, airy rooms. Apply M. S. Block, second Hoot. THE WM. H. BLOCK CO. FACTORY WORK PAYS BEST We can use several women above medium height. Machine and gen eral work. Rock wood Mfg. Cos., j 1801 English Ave, EX PERIENCED WHITE WOMEN FOR GENER AL OFFICE CLEANING. NIGHT WORK. 906 MER CHANTS BANK BLDG. WANTED COAT FIN ISHERS ON MEN’S CLOTHING. APPLY MR, LOVINGER, L. STRAUSS & CO. FIRST-CLASS LADY PRESKKR WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF SPOTTING ON LADIES' GARMENTS. STEADY POSITION AND GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. STATE EXPERIENCE AND SALARY WANTED IN FIRST LET TER. ELKHART-OOSHEN CLEANING AND DYEING CO., ELKHART. IND, Power machine operators, sl2. Compac Tent Cos., Woodruff 5145, WANTED —Lady for night nurse; one who has had institutional w-ork pre ferred. Call or write HORD SANITAR IUM, Shelbyvllle. Ind. GIRLS to work In bindery. SCHNABEL BOOKBINDING CO., 324 \Ve*t Tenth st. WOMEN—-White? for kitchen work? Cali Belmont 2600. DETECTIVES. ” Ouiglay-Hyiand Agency Civil ana Criminal Investigators m-629 Law bldg Mala 2*62. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. THE CHILDREN’S AID ASSOCIATION. Employment Bureau. 88 Baldwin Block. Phones: Circle 3784. Auto. 22-034. No Charge. Call between 8 and 12 m. Wanted—Position as nurse maid for young colored girl, 18 years old. Wanted Opportunity for middle-aged white woman to care for children in family going away for summer. Wanted—Position as chauffeur for young colored man; experienced. Wanted—Opportunity for young white girl to care for children evenings and Saturday afternoons. Wanted—Factory, store and office work for hoys from 14 to 18 years. Wanted—Office, grocery or drug store work for 16-year-old boy. Wanted—Work on farm for boys. Wanted Switchboard for experienced operator. Wanted Switchboard for experienced operator In Institution where board will be furnished. Wanted—Office or store work for young girls. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REBUILT USED CAR BARGAINS Most of these have been re painted, retopped* and overhauled. Down. Weekly. Chevrolet touring... $75 $4.50 Saxon roadster 76 4.50 Grant roadster 75 4.50 Regal touring 100 5.00 Maxwell touring.... 100 5.00 Empire 33. touring. 115 5.25 Briscoe touring 116 5.25 Paige touring 115 5.25 Reo touring 136 6.50 Pullman touring.... 145 5.50 Dort t0uring........ 145 6.50 Chevrolet Baby Grand 165 6.75 Vim delivery truck. 165 5.75 Maxwell delivery truck 166 5.75 Allen touring 165 6.75 Maxwell roadster... 165 5.75 Inter-State touring. 185 5.75 Saxon 6, touring.... 200 6.00 Cole 8, touring 245 7.00 Grant 6, touring.... 245 7.00 Hudson Super. touring 395 8.00 And many others too numerous to mention. Come down and make your own terms. No brokerage. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., 618 N. C-.pitol. CHALMERS TOURING A wonderful bargain, palmed black. electric starter; light seven - passenger with special Marmon body. wire wheels. Sale price SSOO NATIONAL AUTO MOTIVE CO. 42*J N. Capitol ava. Main 4765. Auto. PULLMAN THREE PASS. ROADSTER. / In good condition. S4OO. , THE BUCK CO.. sl6 N. Penn. Main 301. JACKSON ROADSTER A sporty little t o-p*#enger car that any one would be proud * to own. Palmed green, with five good tires Price $606 NATIONAL AUTO MOTIVE CO. 426 N. Capitol ave. Main 4758. Auto. 28-658. KINO 8. New paint, new top. good tlrea. Drlced at S6OO. THE BUCK CO 315 N. Pennsylvania. Main 308. OVERLAND CLOSED TOURING A sporty little light touring with closed top. In wonderful shape. Bargain at S7OO. NATIONAL AUTO MOTIVE CO. 426 N. Capitol ave. Main 4758. Auto. 28-658. CHEVROLET 8. touring; good paint, good tires; mechanically good; cash or pay ments. DIETZ.I AMES. 334 Eat Market street. Main 5716. Open evening* and Sunday mornings. OLDS FOUR-CYLINDER. Good mechaulcal condition. S3OO. THE BUCK CO., 815 N. Penn. Main 308. MONROE TOURING, almost now. bargain price; lirma or trade, Dletz-Jamea. 334 Kant Market street. Main 6716. Open evening, and Sunday morning. MAXWELL. 6-PASS. Good condition. good tires; priced to sell at SSOO THE BUCK CO. 316 N. Pennsylvania. Main 308. 191a CHEVROLET coupe 4 90, tn good mechanical shape, has good tires and ?atnt, a bargain. Dietz-James Sales Cos., 84 liaat Market. Main 5719. BEST running tight touring car in town for $175. Dietz lames, 334 East Market st. Main 5716. , Open evening* and Sun day morning. FORD touring, good tires, shock absorb ers; bargain price. Dfetz-James, 334 R. Market at. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. SAXON 6. touring, newly painted, good tires. Dietz-James. 334 E. Market st. Main 5716. Open evenings and Sunday morning. MAXWELL TOURING; new tires, new paint. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 E. Market st. Main 6716. Open evenings and Sun day. OVERLAND 1918, roadster; extra lire and rim, bumper; good condition, $425. Main 3120. OVERLAND roadster for sale; first-class condition. Call Belmont 1700. Ask for Gruello Sargeant. MITCHELL, 1919, roadster; run less than 3,000 miles; a bargain at $1,075. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. COMMONWEALTH Four-Forty automo bile, DIETZ-JAMES, 334 East Market. Main 6716. Marion county dealers. CADILLAC 8; easy payments. Call B. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. Prospect 5024. BRISCOE touring; late model; a bar gain. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. DORT. 1919, touring car; as good as new. 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. NE W M AXWELL. by owner. 1919; quick sale. SBOO. Circle 4472. DID YOU SELL ITT 12 not. try the autoA.coli* columns ot Tha Times Want 41a I AUTO MOB I L ES—W ANT ED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CA.RS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY. 618 N. CAPITOL. MAIN 2638. AUTO. 22-019. I WANT YOUIT CAR r and will pay Vou cash for it, Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It is here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st Main 1579. Auto 2^063. We also buy Junk cars. TRUCKS— FOR SALE. USED TRUCKS FOR SALE Two-ton Master. Stake body and cab. Just rebuilt and in splendid condition. A good bargain. One and one-half-ton International. One-ton Federal chassis. One-ton Ford, worm drive with stock rack. Used only four months. Smith Form a-Trucks from $350 to S6OO. Three and one-half-ton Federal. Dump body and Hydraulic Hoist (only run 4,000 mile3), new tires. This truck is almost as good as new. A bargain. Come in to see it. The price is right. Three one-half ton Schacht chas sis. A hill climber and a dandy for log hauling or transfer. Twoton Federal. Stock rack and enclosed cab. New tires, used about one year. Two-ton Gramm-Bemstein. Stock body Rj good condition. Two-ton International; just taken back because the owner could not pay for it. Will sell for the unpaid notes. CARTIN'IIOUR-BOWMAN CO. Indiana’s Largest Truck Dis tributors. 619 North Capitol. HARFORD TRUCKS “ Delivers a low-cost-toa mile. BURL FINCH. Distributor. 312-20 West .Maryland St. ONE and one-half-ton truck, good condi tion. take team and harness In trade. Main 3120. _ AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. JOB PLATING Nothing Is too large or toe small for ua to bandte. Special equipment for repairing auto mobile trimming*. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 633-86 Kentucky ave. Main 2936 Main 6528. Batter!®* recharged, repaired, rebuilt. Guaranteed new batteries for any car. Second-hand batteries cheap. Open until 9 p. m BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO.. Maas Ave Main 8146. PARTS for moat any make of car. Ford parts a specialty. Bawains In tires of all si sea. Try ua and ts> money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO, 819 N. Illinois Main 6090. _ AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 831-814 North lUlnola S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN auto tope, aide curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 648 WE MAKE and repair automobile springs for all makes of cars; bring In or ship to us. GITEDELHOKFKR WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. WE SPECIALIZE on automobile wheel re pairing on all make cars; up-to-mlnute equipment. THE JOHN GUEDKLHOEF EIt WAGON CO, 202 Kentucky avenue.' HAVE TOUR automobile axles straight ened at the JOHN GUEDELHOEFER WAGON CO, 202 Kentucky avenue. FORD rear wheels. JOHN GUEDEI,- HOEFER WAGON CO, 202 Kuntucky avenue. AUTO PAINTING Ford, $lO up Others, sls up. D. D. FLEMING. 20 W. Wabash. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEsT THEY HAVE ARRIVED. 1920 EXCELSIOR TWIN. MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-52 Mass. Ave. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 634-88 Mass. Ave. Main 8404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Massachu aetts avenue. * HARLEY-DAVIDSON. three speed elec tric and side car. 632 East St. Clair st. Main 7281. THOR motorcycle for sale. 823 Warren avenue. Phone Belmont 1129. FOR SALE—lndian, single; good run ning order. 874 Roache street. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIKE AUTOS FOR RENT —Do your own driv ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith’s theater. Main 5921. " ■ ■ BUSINESS services. FOR electrical wiring and repair work. call COLLINS ELECTRIC CO. All work guaranteed. 122 North East. Main 7898, NOTICE TO PUBLIC " Vault, sink and cistern cleaned. My barrels are the largest In city. Call Main 9081. WANTED —Paper hanging to do Cali Woodruff 7484. H. F^JACJCSON. MOODY still cuts hair for £3c. 500 Mass, avenue. MOUDY. PATCH PLASTERING. Belmont 1680. BUSINESS CHANQEB. Fire Insurance Agency ' Wanted at Once Will pay cash for good, live agency. Address A No. 1534. Times. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. SMALL grocery and meat market; cooler, shelving, counter belongs to room; rent sl2. Apply at West Side hotel 17 South Senate avenue. LADY or gentleman of means; help finance small business; correspondence solicited. Address A No. 889, Times. PEOPTjES shoe repairing shop with clean ing and pressing parlor. 425 E. Wash ington. TAILORS AND CLEAnERsT^ H. G. FITE Practical Tailor and Cutter Dry cleaning, pressing and repairing; ladies’ work a specialty; work called for and delivered. North Capitol avenue and Ohio street. Automatic 26-641. CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called for) FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1035 Fletcher ave. Prospect 488. J. SCHWARTZ, tailor and cleaner. 3l Kentucky avenue. Main 2679. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 4441 HOYEY ST. A five-room cottage. having electric lights, well water in kitchen. Located on two lots 82x 147. Good garage and chicken house; also nine cherry. 3 apple, one plum tree, grapes, black berries and raspberries In full bearing. This must be sold to settle an estate and Is cheap at $2,200. Shown by appointment. B. R. Meredith. Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Auto. 28-295. Evenings, call Woodruff 7958. MODERN New six-room house. North Fall creek. Wash ington boulevard. Address A-1531 Times. 302 S. Sherman Drive An eleven-room house and about half arre of ground, good barn, street paved, gas and water to property line. This house needs repairs, but is a good buy at 52.500; 5500 caah and 520 per month. See B. H. Meredith. Realtor. Gregory & Appel. Inc. Main 995. Auto. 28-295. Evenings, call Woodruff 7958. RAINBOW RIDGE One of choicest lots. Will sell equity of $4lO for S3OO. Call A. R. KIMMICH. Main 1499. \ —■ ————yy. North Lin wood avenue; ,j A i H 6-room modern bunga -llf IL "fl/AI / II low type home; long llv < JU lng room, 3 bedrooms, $5,000. GEO. A. LUCAS. 203 American I Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irvington 318. " $2,200? S4OO down. $lB per month; double house, 5 rooms to side; gas for light and cooking, well and cistern; front porch and big yard. On the bill, West Indlanapolla MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. ONE story frame. 5 rooms, semi-modern. One double. 6 rooms to a side; modern throughout. Boulevard place, close to Thirtieth street. Price Is right. Belmont 1661. evwjSK; —. _ vv North Holmes ave.. two j ((Si A 1 5-room cottages In first- I \1 JJ M\ 4 I class repair. Terms, UL>=-=-==--H J GEO. A. LUCAS. 208 American Centra! Life bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irvington 338. $1,850. S2OO down. sl6 a month. 6-room house, newly painted; city water; gas for lights; In the 900 block on Maple street. MR. LIB. Belmont 1550. $8,500 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SI,OOO down, $25 per month. 8 rooms, gas for lighting and cocking; long grape arbor; large barn and cellas. cistern and well In kitchen; lot 87x150; 700 block N. Belleview place. MR. LEE. Belmont 1680. FIVE-ROOM house; gas for lights and cooking, large lot and barn cheap for cash, $1,400; possession at once If you want It. West Wilkins straet. Call Bel mont 1580. SOUTH Oriental, 11 rooms, bath, furnace. electricity, city water. paved street; ideal house and location for rooming house Price $2,200. Woodruff 2092. rfW*e, "a tt ~YVI Northwest. 2849 Indlan | A J apolis ave., 7 rooms, I w, TIMVIi t I modern, garage, full lot. tWJSc— -H** full basement. cement porch. $4,000; SI,OOO cash. Geo. A Lucas, 208 Am. Cen. Life bldg. Circle 6600. THREE-ROOM coltngo on acre tract neur Interurban stop, $1,200; S6OO cash and sls per month. C. E. FARMER. Main 186. Evenings Woodruff 7 443. NEW 4-room bungalow on acre tract east. near Interurban stop. $1,600; S6OO cash and sls per month MR. FARMER. Main 186. Evenings Washington 894. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road bivd., within two squares of fairgrounds: $lO cash, balance $i weekly. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. I HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments. From four to eleven rooms. For particu lars call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. THREE-ROOM shed house, garage, elec tric lights; good well; lot 40x172, rents $7.00 per month. Price $725. Call 2312 West McCarty street. OLNEY. north of Tenth street ; six rooms. gas, city water In yard, cistern, deep lot, paved street, $1,150 cash, S2O monthly. Woodruff 24 after 6 80. ORIENTAL. Just south of Washington; cottages, gas, well, cistern. paved street and alley, S2OO cash. S2O per month. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. FIVE-ROOM house, semi-modern. 1213 E. Tenth street; SSOO down, balance like rent. Prospect 8966. $1,400 COLORED BUYERS. * S4OO down, sls a month, four-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. SEVEN-room completely modern home on West Washington car line. Price $3,500; S6OO cash. $25 monthly. Woodruff 7024. ——— S4OO down, S2O month. 5-room house. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. HOUSE, five to seven rooms, not neces sarily modern. Will pay spot cash. Main 142. IMMEDIATE possession, four-room house. $1 ,300 cash, West Indianapolis. MR. I.EE. Belmont 1580. FIVE-room cottage; gas, electricity, well, cistern, garage. $2,650. Terms. Wood ruff 247 after 7:30. ------ COLORED BUYERS? SBOO down. S2O a month, 5-room house, on Rlltke street. MR. LEE. Belmont 1580. FIVE-room home, Gale near Twenty fourth. lot 40x170. $2,660. Terms. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. FOR sale’ by owner, Columbia avenue, double 6 rooms to each side; electric lights. Irvington 2325. * INDIANA TRUST CO. Sells real estate, collects rent, writes fire Insurance FIVE-room modern bungalow; well lo cated on fine lot. Easy terms. North 7476 after 6:39. REAL ESTATE and Insurance. LAU RENCE J. SEXTON & CO., 316 Indiana Trust bldg. REAL ESTAIVI and building. A. F. 7. AINEY, 14 9 1 East Market. Main 2514 MODERN horn# for cash customer. Main 107. / REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. We have property for in vestment and for homes listed below at right prices. Two double houses, N. Belmont, 500 block. Rent for S3O. Price $2,800 each. Double house on Grace St.; 5 rooms a side. Price ; $3,500. Double house on Eastern Ave.; 6 rooms a side. Price $3,200. Double house on Finley; 15 rooms a side. Price $3,000. 6-room modem cottage, Temple Ave., north. Price $4,800. Semi modern cottage, S, Grace, $3,500. 5- semi-modem cot tage, N. Rural, $3,500. 6- semi-modem cot tage, N. Temple. Price $2,750. Semi-modem cottage, N. Beville, 6 rooms, $3,500. N. Tacoma, 9-room semi modern house, $4,500. N. Sheman drive, 8-room modern, $4,500. GILL REALTY CO. j Main 1646 Auto. 28-236 2303 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. Eight-room modern home. Price $5,76#, $750 cash. 40 S. DEARBORN. S"ven-room semi-modern. Price $3,65#; SSOO cash required. TACOMA AND NEW YORK STS. Southwest corner. 7 rooms and bath. , Price $3,750; $350 cash. BELLEFONTAINE ST.. NORTH OF TWENTY-FIFTH. Eight rooms, strictly modern, with dou ble garage; paved street. Price $5,000; SSOO cash required; early possession. 3719 KENWOOD AVE. New five-room bungalow, just com pleted. Price $5,700; $1,200 cash required. 2626 CORNELL AVE. 7 room. hath, toilet, gas, city water; full lot. Price $3,150; S3OO cash. 2001 PARK AVE. Seven-room modern cottage. Prlc# $5,250; $650 cash. 2855 CORNELL AVE. 7 rooms, bath, toilet, gas. city water; full lot. Price $3,150; S3OO cash. 302 TROWBRIDGE ST. Four-room cottage, electric light* newly painted and papered. Price $1,25#; $l5O cash required. 3454-56 W. MICHIGAN ST. Five-room modern double. Price $4,20#; j terms. 275-77 N. ELDER AVE. Five-room double. Price $3,000; ss## i cash required. .ORVAL E. MEH RING. 431-2 Lemcke bldg. Main 3115. Sunday and evenings. Wash. 286, ring L Park Crest Addition, $4,750.00 Near Garfield park and Parker Tire Cos.; 5-room frame bungalow; modern; built 14 months; Imme diate possession. 823 West Thirtieth st.. $4,080; S rooms modern; has 2 smalt buildings on rear of lot renting for sl3 per month; immediate pos session. 102 North Miiey avenue. $2,580; $ rooms. 2 story frame; large ’lot. 351 North Addison. $3,000; six rooms, newly painted and papered, electric lights. gss for cooking. There isn't a better buy in Indi anapolis. 1321 Wilkins street; 4-room cottage. SI,OOO. Bloodwortli & Gladden 529 Peoples Bank bldg. Phone Circle 332. Modem Home, Nor - la. oil Terms Fine Morton Place home, Ala bama st. Avery desirable and complete home; city heat; also furnace; beautiful lot. Very rea sonable terms can be arranged on this property. Property In excel lent condition. Price only SB,OOO. Immediate possession can be had. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors 128 N. Delaware at. Main 5840. Auto. 24-181. Double on Terms six rooms side, gas, city water, electric lights. Price $3,200; sso* cash. S2B month. 853-565 West Twenty-seventh ft. Dunlop & Iloltegel, Realtors 122 E. Market at. New Modern Bungalow 2261 South Meridian street; 5 room* modern, high lot. full basement, paved street near Pleasant Run boulevard. Prioe $4 ,200. Terms. W. L. Bridges, Realtor 336-39 K. of P. bldg. Evening, Washings ton 1749. Main 4114. Caven Street Home Caven at. home; five room* gas. well, cistern, cement walks, paved street. Price only $2,300: SSOO cash, balance S2O per month. An opportunity to escape high rent. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos., Realtors 128 N. Delaware *t. Phones, Main 5840. Auto. *4-361. . w. South side 7-room mod -11 /f^ 3 A I ern, hardwood floors, ** ! y bedrooms In flrst-class Lil3=£i£2t±£Jll condition inside and out. $4,250. GEO. A. T..UCAS. 208 American Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Ifvirtgton 338. _____ 2Vi ACRES ea.vt; excellent location* bars gain. Evenbngs Woodruff 1535. (Contiriued on Next Page) 9