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IgLcßqcjety sj| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weed, who have bn the gneats of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Linton, 3008 Park avenue, have returned i to their home In Chicago. • • • v Miss Bather Knox of Lafayette ar- j rived today to he the guest of Miss Ruth Balaton of “Horsier Home” and j Miss Marian Wheeler, 2946 North Illinois j street. a • • Miss Christine Wilson, 321st Washing ton boulevard, will entertsln Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Neva Rhode wald of California, who Is ‘he house guest of Miss Wilson. • • • Mrs. Wilbur Atkinson, 3001 Park ave nue, is spending the week at Lake Ment ion. Mr. SDd Mrs. Milton Valodin, 2714 Shrlver avenue, who have been in Nash ville, Ind., for several days, have re turned home. ♦ * • Mr. and Mrs. John J. Giesen announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anna Marie, to Frank Neumann of Balti more, formerly of Honolulu, which took place Saturday at the residence of Bev. Henry Vltz. • • • lid gar S. Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Perry, 1322 Bellel*ntaine street, has returned from New York City, where he is treasurer of the Princess theater. Mr. Perry will return to New York City at the opening of the Princess theater for the coming season. • • • Miss Edith Graham, 1053 North Penn sylvania street, has gone to Los An geles, where she will spend the summer. She will visit In San Francisco, Portland and Seattle before returning home. • • • Mr and Mrs. Homer Wiegand. 133 East Nineteenth street, and Mr. and Mr*. Charles Balluf, 1221 Broadway, motored to Chicago Saturday, where they will spend a few days. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lehman of the Knickerbocker apartments, have as tbeli bouse guests Stephen Stalcut of Elnora, £}d. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman and Mr. Stal •et spent the week-end at the Lehman summer home In Danville, Ind. * • • Miss Dorothy Curnlck, 2361 North Dela ware street, will entertain tomorrow afternoon In honor of Misses Marian and Beatrice Bruce, who will go to New York City for residence next week. The guests will Include Miss Marianne Holmes, Miss Isabelle Matthews. Miss Martha Gettle, Miss Mildred Cox, Mist Florence Brewer and Miss Marie Boyle. • • • Miss Lois Elliott of Pittsburg, who has been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eliott, 3203 North Pennsyl ■ vania street, will return home today. • * * Sigma Delta Phi girls will meet with Miss Hazel Cottrell, 2163 Central avenue, tomorrow night. . • * • Mrs. Arthur Broomell of Cincinnati is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Oarey, 821 East Thirteenth street. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Craven and Mrs. Samuel M. Ralston and family spent the week-end and Independence day . with Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hogate in Dan ville, Ind. • Kokomo Man Helps Employes Get Wives KOKOMO, Ind., July 6—Vern Wil liams, farmer, conducts a matrimonial bureau for the benefit of single men who apply to him for work on his farms, who claim they can not find a woman who I will marry them. Mr. Williams prefers married men in his employ and when a single man ap- t plies for work he is always advised to marry and after ascertaining the wishes of the applicant in the matter of a se lection, he advertises and awaits results. From his latest advertisement he re ceived 1,100 replies and from this list three of his men were married. ~ AMUSEMENTS. MURAT ft II This Week BVIWIIrI ■ Evenings 8:30 £0 Mats.Wed.,Thur*..Sat. 2:30 §1 THE STUART WALKER CO. —The— I Gypsy Trail A Romantic Comedy by Robert Housum ■ PfiIPEQ. Rvea., 50c, Sl.oo. $1.50 f rniuca. zsc, soc. ise. ®— NEXT WEEK— TEMPERAMENTAL HENRY 1 RIALTO Let's Go—lt's Continuous A Downtown Beach THE COOL JOY SPOT U Feature Vaudeville Spß Reiter's Dancing Kewpies Gladys Brockwell ■■ I Ladies get coupons at this theater 1 ‘EM good at the Broadway matinees I 9 Monday. Wednesday and Friday. I CONTINUOUS NOW SHOWING 8 Big Features Cle an, Classy Vaudeville Ladles’ Bargain Matinee Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE I LYRICI G<4f>e on All the Time. I Until 11 P. M. John F. Kuhn Sisters Conrov Gilbert and Saul . 3 Hart and Helene fl ana Cy and Cy Sister Three Ambler % World’s Brothers Greatest Franeis Water Experts Dougherty 5 FOX COMEDY 'JAZZ BEAUTIES’ I Dancing In the Lyric Ballroom I Afternoon and Evening MOWER'S FRIEND. ■Expectant Mothersgs^^ A Speedy Recovery j At AH Omgglßit J ; IEAPrHELP REGULATOR CO-Pett S-C AtxaxT/C<U. j Favored J. W. Davis wg \ y*sdd- -J ■ . , ‘ ' . - B B \ SIRS. PHIL M. WATSON AND MISS KATHERINE LEWIS WATSON. One Indianapolis woman. Mrs. I’hil M. Watson, 1442 North Delaware street, was • pulling” for the nomination for presi dent of J. W. Davis, ambassador to AMUSEMENTS. STEP LIVELY With Mildred Rogers In a Dance Cycle LCRLN2. & WOOD Tulip and Pansy—Comedy Song. Talk. Dance and Plano WATSON’S DOGS The Act Different MORRISON, NASH & WILLIAMS A Comedy Offering _ — CORTEZ SISTERS International Entertainers McGREEVEY& DOYLE Up-to-date Comedy Cycle KINOGRAMS Foto-Fllm News DIGEST TOPICS Pithy Paragraphs Keep Cool at Keith’s. Matinee at 2:30. Evenings at 7:30 and 9:00. POPULAR PRICE**. MOTION PICTURES. WILLIAM S. Adapted for the Screen by Lambert Hillyer from the Story, “Dan Kurrie’s Inning,” by Russell A. Boggs. In love—and accused of robbery! Only one way out—to find the man who cracked the safe it was Dan’s duty to guard. You know Hart on the war-path! When he “horned in” on that big train hold-up by Mexican bandits, and saw who was there—some surprise, YOU’LL say. Also some picture! A WILLIAM S. HART PRODUCTION OUuimlr W UNIVERSAL COMEDY FOX COMEDY ~~ Last Times Today—Dorothy Gish in “Remodeling Her Husband” “ Great Britain, during the deliberations and voting of the democratic delegates to the convention in San Francisco. Mrs. Watson is sister-in-law of the distinguished ambassador, and only re cently returned to Indiana from Lou don, where she was a guest at the em bassy. Miss Katherine Lewis Watson, daugh ter of Mrs. Watson, Is still a guest In London, visiting her mother’s sister, wife of the ambassador. During the early balloting, Mrs. Wat son anxiously awaited the- outcome of the nomination. Mrs. Watson and her daughter are both intensely Interested in Americanism and pollrlcs. Anderson Fireman Explosion Victim ANDERSON, Ind., July 6.—Charles Oliver, 28, a city fireman, Is suffering from severe burns as a ?esult of a premature explosion of a three-inch cannon. He was Investigating, after the cannon had refused to explode, when the gun proceeded to let go. Oliver's eyes were filled with pow der and he may lose his sight He was a member of the Rainbow divi sion of the world war, sarving In the heavy artillery. Will Tell Kiwanians About Handling Mail How big quantities of mall are handled (iaily by the Indianapolis postofflce will be jtelated to the Kiwanis club at Its weekly luncheon at the Hotel Severin to morrow noon. Postmaster Robert E. Springsteen will address the club If he can attend or will have one of his officials on hand to give the talk. < Cecil Crabb. secretary of the Kiwa nians, will tell about the International Kiwanis club meeting at Portland. Ore., recently held. Secretary Crabb, who has just returned, thinks Indianapolis may have the 1922 in ternational meeting if the city wants it. He says the total international Ki wanis membership is now 32,000, compris ing 175 clubs. ENGLISH'S continuous 1 UNT,L 11 p - M - W A NEW MARK TWAIN-PARAMOUNT BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE .'?< OTHER DIVERTISEMENTS. NORMA TALMADGE Mack Sennett * n •wtSSSt- “YES OR NO” - . A play of married life with Mias The Clrclette of News Talmadge in a remarkable dual role Circle Orchestra as the “Yes" girl and the “No" girl. Mfrt lH My thebestof k luck INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1920. Owner of Varied Spoils Awaited A wheelbarrow, I®o pounds of sugar and an overcoat are waiting at police headquarters for the owner to claim them. The police found them In a shed at 2135 Hovey street, and they are believed to have been stolen. Painful Sensations In the muscles, “neuralgia**, soreness, aching back, pimp les, boils, rashes and other eruptions, usually result from self-poisoning by pro ducts of imperfectly digest ed or non-eliminated food. help to restore activity of liver, neys, and skin, and so count eract cause and relieve symp toms. Ur*~t Sl oi Amr *.4UW * *• W-U> Sold .wunkf - I® b——. *©- *•*- Open Now at 8:30 Notions You Need Every Day If you would stop to count the innumerable little things that are absolute necessities in keeping up personally and “householdly” day in and day out, you would undoubtedly have as long a list as this, if not longer. It is more than likely, too, that in using so very many small things, that you are hardly ever fully equipped—that you have every one you need all the time. It’s more than we can do sometimes, what with the scarcity of certain “lines” now and then, so you, too, must know the same inconvenience. But here is a comprehensive collection of notions from which you may supply yourself with household sundries for a number of weeks to come—if you wish—and they are every one high-grade and every one lower priced than usual. These Are Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale Tapes, Beltings, Braids White cotton tape, best quality, 6-yard bolts; sizes 44, % and % Inches; S? the bolt White cotton tape, 36-yard rolls. Sizes *4 and % inches, 75? the rolL White bias tape, 6-yard bolts, cambric, sizes 1, 2 and 3, 9* the bolt; sizes 4, 5 and 6, 12? the bolt. White stlckerei edge, extra quality, 4-yard bolts, 29* the bolt. Lisle corset laces, flesh color, 5 yards for 10c. Lisle corset laces, white, 10 yards, 22? each. White skirt belting, French boned belting. Size 1% Inches, 25* the yard; size 144 inches, 23? the yard; size 2 Inches, 35* the yard. Silk grosgraln belting, 144 Inches, 39* the yard. White wash belting, heavy cord edge; sizes I*4, 2 and 244 Inches, 15* the yard. Red rick-rack braid, 4-yard bolts; sizes S3 and 87, 16* the bolt White featherstitch braid, 19* the bolt Sateen tape line, 60 inches, 2 for 25*. Pins, Hairpins, Sundries Pin cubes, black, white and assorted; 100 count; lO* the t cube. Crest toilet pins, needle points, 3AO count; 8C the paper Black and white headed pins, 12 on card; 3 cards for 10*. Gripit safety pins, 12 on card; sizes 1, 2 and 3; He the paper. Defiance safety pins, 12 on card; sizes 1, 2 and 3; 7 cards for 25( Patricia box pins, 44 pound; 33e the box. Gilt safety pins, 12 on card; sizes 00 and 1; lO* the card; 3 cards for 25*. July White Goods Specials For the summer seamstress, this offering will be of un usual interest. There’s the St. Gall white dotted swisses, both pin and cushion dots, that make up into charming dresses, or blouses with that delightful air of distinction. Besides, here’s the organdy of extra fine quality, and gratifying be cause of its permanent finish. No limit to the extent of one’s wardrobe is defined when one utilizes originality and takes advantage of our special offering. Dotted Swiss, $1.25 the Yard Organdie, 80c the Yard —Ayres*—Second floor. Lav Linoleums Now c/ Conditions are ideal these hot days for laying lino leums. During hot weather linoleum is most pliable and if it is put down now it will the more readily adjust itself to the floor, new zest to your u kitchen; cool colors that flatter white tile for the bath room ; pretty ones, even for the bedroom or where milady sews. They are priced as follows: Printed linoleum on burlap foundation, as low as sl.lO up to $1.50 the square yard. Inlaid linoleum on burlap foundation as low as $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 up to $2.75 the square yard. If it is possible, kindly bring your room measure ments. Values in Small Rugs These are velvet rugs, in the oriental and floral pat terns. , 27x52, only $3.50 36x63 0n1y.... 55.75 And Summer Rugs For the porch, sun parlor and bedroom use, there is an ex tensive showing of Imported and domestic grass rugs in all sizes. 9x12, only 811.00, 810-50. up to 825.00. Bxlo, only 88-75, 816-00, up to 821-00. 6x12, only up to 515.00. 6x9, only 85.75, 812.00, up to f15.75. 4 6x7.6, only 83.76, 88.75 and up to BH-00. —Ayres—Fourth floor. L.S. Ayres &yCo. Gilt invisible hairpins, assorted sizes, 20* the box. Black and bronze invisible hair pin3, assorted sizes; lO* the box. Black hair pins, assorted sizes, 5c the box. .Fashionette hair nets, dark, light, medium, blond and black; caps and allovers; 2 for 25*. Cap hair nets, dark and medium brown only; 89* the dozen. Tailors’ chalk, assorted colors, 12* the box. Rit flake dye, lO* the package; 3 for 25*. Lustoria hat dye, 23* the bottle. Shoe trees, 8* the pair. Roy mothproof bags, size 24x37 inches; 25* each. Rubberized household aprons; black or white; 59* each. Rubberized aprons, children’s size, 29* each. Thread, Buttons, Scissors Basting and sewing cotton, Star brand cotton thread, size 60, white, 6c the spool; 6 spools to a customer. Brook’s glace thread, 600-yard spools. Sizes in black are 70, 80, 90 and 100. Sizes in white are 100, 110 and 120. 15* the spool. White basting cotton. 250-yard spools, 9* the spool, 95* the dozen spools. Small jet butt s. a dozen on card, 8* the card. Pearl buttons, white, smoked and colors; 3, 4 and 6 on a card, 8* the card. Ivory buttons, black; 4, 6 and 12 on a card; lO* the card. Pearl buttons, white, assorted sizes; 4* the card. Scissors in three sizes, large, medium and small, 29* the pair. 9 Preferable choice and leisurely choosing go to early morning shoppers; come as soon after 8:30 as you conveniently can. —Ayres—Street floor. =— THE GRA Y SHOP ===== - -JJ Summer Voile Dresses And Pretty Morning Models A dress is not practical to a stout woman unless it with stands the strains of certain parts that are apt to wear out more quickly than the rest of the dress, unless it is comfort able and stylish without being too tight. And it must give service for a normal length of time. This is only reasonable to expect But, does every stout woman have the satisfaction of these things being actual qualities of a dress, ordinarily? Hardly, unless the dress is specially cut to secure those pristine and essential qualities. Sveltline dresses are especially designed, reinforced and sewed to that successful end. inexpensive or costly. Only Sveltline dresses are carried by the Gray Shop. Summer Voile Dresses At $13.95 and sl7f>o Are available in several good-looking styles, and figured in several pretty color combinations. The main thing, they are made to become the stout woman. Sizes from 4244 to 6244. And So —Porch Dresses There is a lot of these, fresh, roomy and appealing; made of gingham, percale and striped lawns. Trimn-ou simply and effectively. Sizes from 42 44 to 56. Prices are 85.25, 57.50 and 89.95. —Ayres—Third floor. Wide Organdie Flouncing Laziness is a virtue nowadays. This is perfectly all right to read' if you will only go on further. For lazy people, manu facturers invent schemes to humor them further. New organdie flouncing is one of these that indeed works—for Frocks Are Nigh Made Before Begun The flouncing is 39 inches wide, regular skirt lengths, finished with duckie tuckings, ruffles or hemstitched neatly. And the delectable colors! You’re hungry for a frock when you but see such inviting tinctures. Blue, rose, tan, orchid, watermelon pink, lavender, buff, nile green and white, too. The lace section is the proud possessor, any they ask but from 82.00 to 86-06 the yard. Ayres—Street floor. MOTORING NECESSITIES That Are an'Aid to Pleasure Driving and Economical Upkeep of Car Havoline oil, 6-gallon cans, 83.95. Auto washer with hose connection, which makes the launder ing of the car a matter of only a few minutes and saves clothes, 53.50. Folding chairs, to be used for additional passengers or for the picnic lunch, 82.50. SURE, RELIABLE TIRE PUMP that will make the inflation of a tire as easy as possible, 82.50. Running board luggage carriers, 5-4.00 and 85.00. >-• —Ayres—Basement. 5 Close Now at 5:00