lu&rawa sailii Uimtß
Daily Except Sunday, 25-29 South Meridian Street
Telephones—Main 3500, New 28-351.
_ _ (Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, G. Logan Payne & Cos.
Advertising Offices (New York, Boston, Payne. Burns & Smith, Inc.
Mr. McAdoo Is Happy
Mr. McAdoo says he is £lad he was not nominated for president of
the United States. The Times is glad he Is glad.
He withdrew as a candidate before the San Francisco convention, but,
as he stated during the convention, he could not control people who had
made up their minds to vote for him anyhow. ' w
Many of the delegates who were selected at McAdoo conventions may
not honestly have been McAdoo men and they took the first opportunity
they saw to Jump him. But they had a good excuse. (
Mr. McAdoo told The Times six months ago that he expected to have
the state of New York with him, but if he did not have his own state he
would not be a candidate. He did not have New York and his decision
was perfectly consistent with his previous statement
All’s well that ends well. Mr. McAdoo is happy.
Cox and Harding
Last January the big Wall street republicans, who don’t care who the
candidate is so long as he answers their purposes, met in Chicago and
called in a few Chicago millionaires who always have contributed liberally
from the same highly political and moral standpoint.
At that meeting, around the dinner table in a private room in the
Chicago club, the inside bunch from the east told the inside Chicago bunch
that in order for the republicans to win this fall they had to carry two
states in particular, Ohio and Minnesota.
Minnesota is pretty badly shot to pieces by the Nonpartisan league,
and in Ohio more than thirty thousand white democrats had come from
the south in the, last five years and live in manufacturing towns. The
republicans figure the white men from the south as democrats.
No doubt the nomination of Harding had in view the campaign in the
state of Ohio.
We do not think the republicans would have nominated Harding if they
had known he was part owner of a brewery, and they never figured the
democrats would dare nominate Cox, because he was known to be quite
liberal on the question that really will influence more votes than any
other issue in the campaign.
A wise Bible character is quoted as having said: "O.Jtaat my enemy
would write a book.” As both Governor Cox and Senator Harding are
newspaper publishers, they are in the awkward position of having written
‘‘many books."
So far in the campaign many of the quotations from the Marion Star,
published and edited by Candidate Harding, wouldjiot Beem to have a
tendency to please the bull moose element, although they may have pleased
the standpatters at the time they were written.
Governor Cox’s newspaper files are now being searched by the enemy,
and the things he has said in the past that he now wishes he had never
written will soon appear in public print.
Results of Goodrichism
To say the tax situation in Indiana has been put into a c has tic condi
tion by the decision of the supreme court, holding the tax board's hori
zontal increases in valuations to be illegal, is putting It mildly.
The Goodrich administration, with its previously all-powerful "cen
tralized” tax board, built up an unnatural tax system, based on unsound
principles, which has crashed, and as a result every township, city and
county, as well as the state, must extricate itself from the ruins the best
way it can.
How this may be accomplished it is Impossible at this time to aav
Certainly it will be necessary for the legislature to remedy in some
way the damage done bv the monster it created In the passage of the
Goodrich tax law, which made possible the appointment- of a board which
believed it had power to do anything.
The law itself was not parsed on by the supreme court. The court
simply held that the legislature did not convey to the tax board the power
to levy such increases as the board ordered. But at the same time the
administration and the administration-controlled legislature are respon
sible for the tax board.
Complexities of taxes and taxation are net the easiest things in the
world to understand and the full significance of the decision of tbe su
preme court may not be appreciated by the casual reader until some of
the results are felt.
The situation at present is just this:
The legislature in passing the Goodrich tax law repeated the provi
sions of the old law that all property should be assessed at its full
cash value.
It placed in power a board which was to enforce this provision and
which was to have almost boundless power, so the board thought, in
administering this and other provisions of the law.
Assessors throughout the state, on explicit instructions from the
tax board, were supposed to have assessed all taxabWproperty in the
state at its full cash value.
Then the tax board received these assessments and arbitrarily de
cided that they were not high enough.
To accomplish its purpose the board ordered blanket or horizontal
increases in each taxing unit, the increases ranging from 10 per cent
to SO per cent.
In many cases this increased the valuation of property far above
its true cash value and in every case it increased the valuation over
the figures set by local assessors.
Thereupon the tax board Vailed in all townships, counties and cities
and got them to estimate the minimum to which they could hold their
expenses. " ,
With these minimum figures at hand the tax board fixed levies so
that only these amounts and no more would be collected on the basis
of the valuations, after the horizontal increases had been put into effect.
Now the horizontal increases have been removed by the supreme
court, but the low levies of which the administration boasted remain
as they were.
This means that the actual revenue from taxation to be paid the
townships, cities, counties and state will be reduced, in proportion to the
reduction in the valuation of taxable property by the removal of the
horizontal increases.
It means that every taxing unit in the state, unless given some other
relief, must curtail its expenses to a figure far below that which it con
sidered absolutely the lowest on which it could subsist.
It means that unless some relief is given the taxing units, they must
pass interest payments and that in some canes they will not be able to
redeem bonds. '
For all of this the Goodrich administration with its tax law wjiieh
was "the best that could be devised,” and its tax board, is directly
On With the Dance
The bolshevists of the ballroom are to receive their quietus—not in
the sense of complete extermination, but in a sort of quieting down —
according to news from London.
For in that city of decorum and impassivity one hundred teachers
of dancing are meeting to make the ballroom a safer place for those not
athletically inclined.
No word has been given out that they are planning to do away with
the one-step, the fox trot and the hesitation waltz, or that the old-fa3hioned
■waltz and polka are coming back into their own; but it is sort of whis
pered in prominent circles in London that there is to be a pruning and
trimming out of some of the exemplifications of athletic that
fcave crept into dances through a love of novelty and a desire to excel—
ttiat the dance of tomorrow will be a thing more of rhythm and beauty
♦an of physical culture.
Where (lid Wall street, Ngjv York’s
financial district, get its name? This de
partment of The Times tells you. If
you have a question to ask, send it with
a two-cent stamp to The Indiana Dally
Times information bureau, Frederic J.
Haskin, director, Washington, D. C., and
the answer will be mailed direct to you.
Q. Where did Wall street get its name?
A. Wall street, New York City, fol
lows the line of the early city wall across
Manhattan island, hence its name.
Q. What country has a flag most near
ly like ours? E. V. S.
A. The flag of Liberia is identical with
ours except for the fact that it has a
single star upon its field. In fact, our
flag was taken as a model for theirs.
Q. Who was it that addressed an aud
ience at a distance of more than 200
miles? D. E. E.
A. By the use of an army device which
magnifies the voice 100,000 times. Ad
jutant General Harris, in his office in
Washington, D. C. t addressed a group
of school children in New York City.
They were the prize winners in a nation
wide contest on the subject: “Benefits of
Army Life.”
Editor The Times—The moon's phases
are produced by its position, or relation
to the sun. As stated in The Times of
July 5, the face of the moon is always
round and illuminated by the sun, but
that side is revealed to us only as the
moon travels eastward from the change,
or “new moon,” as It Is called, to the
full, where it has reached a position
directly opposite the son. When under
certain conditions It passes thcough the
The Young Lady
Across the Way
The young lady across the way says
this has been a very hard year for the
bees and no wonder njaple syrup's so
high.—Copyright, 11*20.
No. 8 in the story of tht
Indianapolis Foundation
A BEQUEST to the In
dianapolis Foundation
is combined with all other
gifts into a permanent, grow
ing trust fund. The princi
pal remains—the income it
earns is devoted permanent
ly to the advancement of the
community, in broad fulfill
ment of the donor’s desires.
Through the Indianapolis Foundation friends of
Indianapolis may contribute for all ti-no to the
moral, physical and educational advancement of I lie
city ana its people. Every source does <-<iual and
powerful work for the moral, physical and educa
tional advancement us U*e city and Us people the
identity of each donor Is preserved.
Write to any one of the three companies
below for a booklet explaining The
Indianapolis Foundation in full.
The Indianapolis Foundation
The Union The Fletcher Savings The Indiana
Tru*t and Trust Company Trust
Company Company
f \ V/ONOER (F THEY HAVE f'•‘b MX COt)TOME RE/\OY - \\AJZ THAT HER ] 'CEP. 1 ‘bHf'b) i 1 \,\ J
- p* the
© 1820 T INTI rCATUKt BKVltt.
earth’s shadow an eclipse of the moon
Q. Please explain the expression “in
cluding the Scandinavian” found on the
title page of books stating that the right
of translation is reserved. Why are the
Scandinavian languages particularized
and no others? C. M. L.
A. The United States copyright office
states that the phrase does not give the
copyright owner any additional protec
tion, since the United States law gives
■him the exclusive right to translate the
work into any language.
Q. What voting right has a resident
of Washington, C. ( in either local or
national elections? H./F.
A. The residents of the District of
Columbia, which includes the city of
Washington, have no vote in national
elections; no local elections are held.
Q. Does the solar system jis a whole,
have a motion? E. C. D.
A. Astronomers agree on the fact that
the sun is moving through space to
ward a point in Lyra, with a velocity
of about twelve miles a second. The
whole solar system is necessarily In
volved in this motion.
Q. Is there as much silver In a Ca
nadian quarter as there Is in one of the
United States? B. M. G.•
A. The Canadian quarter contains 83.25
grains of fine silver. The United States
quarter contains 86.80r> grains .of fine sil
ver. The silver in Canadian coins is a
little finer than that in our coins, there
fore the value of silver in each is about
the same. Canadian bullion is .925 fine
and United States bullion is .900 fine.
Q. Which of the Dakotas was ad
mitted to the union first? V. T. M.
A. There was considerable Jealousy
about their ndmisalon. When the papers
were laid before Pr< sldent Harrison for
hi* signature, the state names were con
cealed. Afterwards the papers were
mixed, and no one knew which was
signed first.
Q. How many illegitimate children
are born In the United States? R. S. A.
A. The latest available statistics are
for 1917, and at that time the rate of
illegitimate children in the birth regis
tration area in the United! States was
17.9 per 1,000 Infants born.
Q. How many motor cars are regis
tered in New York state? R. W.
A. In 1919 the registrations amounted
to 571,622. and it is predicted that 700,000
will be registered before the close of
the present year.
CITIES IN 171*0.
Q. What were the ten largest riri.-K in
1790? W. if F.
A. New York. Philadelphia, Boston,
Baltimore, Providence, ib, I.: Richmond,
Va.; Albany, N. Y.; Cambridge, Mass.;
Worcester, Mass.; Louisville. Ky.. in the
order named, were the cities of the day.
New York led with a population of
49.401, and Louisville made a small tenth
with only 200 Inhabltanta.
Q. What provision has San Fran
ciseo made to guard against such a Are
ms one which devastated the city in
1906? R. O. Y.
A. San Francisco has an auxiliary
high pressure tire protection system
which cost $7,500,000. It Includes a res
ervoir 760 feet above the level of the
harbor with a capacity of 11,000,000 gal
lons, two pumping stations and seventy-
two miles of high-pressure mains. A
pressure of SOO pounds is obtained.
Q. What is the meaning of pone, dix
and talon, ns used in' pinochle? W. A. *r.
A. In a forty-eight-cardj deck, tlhe
dix (pronounced deece) is the nine of
trumps; in a sixty-four-card deck, the
seven. In two-hand pinochle, pone is
the person not dealing and the talon is
the pack of cards remaining after the
Q. Did Theodore Roosevelt have any
English ancestors? T. C.
A. An examination of his genealogy
shows many Dutch ancestors, some
Scotch and Irish, some French Hugenot,
but no mention is made of any English
Q. What is the origin of the name
“California?” D. V. H.
A. The name was first applied to
Lower California, and probably was
taken from the name of a fictitious
Island abounding in gold and precious
stones, which was described in the Span
ish romance, "Las Sergas de Esplan
dlan,” published in 1010.
Q. What is the origin of the term
“porterhouse steak”? T. K.
A. A porterhouse was a house where
porter and other malt liquors were sold
and this cut of beef was made popular
by the proprietor of a porterhouse.
Q. Is French Guiana well settled?
N. A
A. French Guiana is tbe penal settle
ment of France. Its surface rises gradu
ally from the unhealthful coast to the
mountain border on the south. Only
a small part of the country is known.
Just When You Need Them!
On Sale at
Wo do not wait until the season for refrigerators has passed until we
reduoe the price, but do it right when you can get months of use from
it this slimmer. Every refrigerator in stock, including the famous Seegers
are sharply reduced. You can not afford to do without one at these prices.
| kaaJgwi.jj
Other refrigerators reduced are:
$29.00 90-pound refrigerator, white'enameled food
chambers, top ieer style, is QOQ
$36.U0 refrigerator, same as shown <!> Q O O ,77
with 75 lbs. ice capacity, is now... . O. OO
sl3-50 top ieer refrigerator, 100-lb. ice capacity, with
white enameled food chamber, fS A Cl pr
is now t|)OT. / O
Deltox Grass Rugs
Low Priced
Becanse of their beauty, because of their econ
omy and because they are sanitary they have
attained a marvelous popularity the world over.
The eolor possibilities are endless. See the va
riety of designs and color treatment.
Size 9x12 feet. 821.50
Size Bxlo feet §518.50
Size 6x9 feet $13.00
Size feet $8.50
All Reduced!
Every Couch Hammock, Canopy and
Stand. All Xaltcx and wooden swings
are reduced in this sale.
During July and August This Store Closes Daily at sp. m. Saturday at Ip. m.
Fevers, particularly yellow fever, deci
mate tbe region and have proved so fa
tal to French convicts that their white
prisoners have long been sent elsewhere.
The He du Diable, off the coast, be
came famous through the imprisonment
there of Alffed Dreyfus.
Q. What is the correct name of the
game known as "mumble-ty-peg?”
I. M. C.
A. “Mumble-ty-peg” is really the
name of this children’s game. “Mumble
the peg,” another designation for the
game, derives its name from the fact
that the must drag a peg from
the ground with his teeth after it has
been driven in by the winner. The
game consists of a specified number of
plays performed with a Jack-knife.
Q. What is dross. A. A.
A. Dross is the refuse resulting from
the oxidation of metals or from impur
ities originally in the metals.
Q. What is the postage rate on parcel
post packages to South and Central
America? A. M. L.
A. The rate is 12 cents a pound or a
fraction thereof. Each package must
hare a customs declaration attached, ex
cept those to Argentina, Colombia and
Salvador, where two declarations are re
quired, and to Venecuela, where four
are required.
Q. Name in sequence tbe wives of
Henry VIII. T. R. O.
A. Catharine of Aragon, the first wife,
was divorced by Henry, who tfien mar
ried Anne Boleyn. She was beheaded
in May, 1536. Jane Seymore was the
next wife of the king, and she died the
uext yea? at the birth of her son, later
—This Refrigerator, $24.85
pur regular price s3lfoo. Made of hardwood, well finished with an
iee capacity of 60 pounds and white enameled interior. A good re
frigerator such as this will-save enough in ice and food to pay for
itself in two summers, and will continue to give good sendee for
many years to come.
The Taylor Carpet Cos.
Edward VI. Anne of Clevea’ marriage
with Henry followed, but the marriage
was annulled, and Catharine Howard
succeeded her as Henry’s’ wife, only to
meet the fate of Anne Boleyn on the
block. Catharine Parr, Henry’s last
queen, had the luck to outlive the king.
Os Henry’s * numerous marriages only
three children survived him—Mary, the
daughter of Catharine of Aragon, Eliza
beth' Anne Boteyn’S daughter, and Ed
ward VI, Henry’* successor, Jane Sey
more’s’ son.
Q. Where is the yield of sugar the
highest according to acreage?
R. F. Z.
A. The Planters’ association of Ha
waii employs a large staff of experts
in chemistry, entomology, and scientific
agriculture, with the result that the
yield of sugar per acre is the highest
in the world.
Q. Is the government of the United
States going to co-operate with Canada
in building tbe St. Lawrence ocean ship
canal? W. H. E.
A. This canal was to have been built
by the United States and Canada, but
the project was investigated by Canadian
and United States engineers and disap
Q. How much money did the United
States owe Great Britain before the
world war? C. B.
A. The division of public moneys of
the treasury department states that al
though a great many American securities
were owned by residents of Great Britain,
the United States did not owe Great
Britain any money—that is, the govern
ment had not borrowed any money from
that country.
$76.00 porcelain lined refrigerator PI (Y Q 77
140-lb. ice capacity, is now fy O c/.00
Buy a Seeger and end your refrigerator troubles.
All are reduced in this sale. 1
Seegers that have sold for $80.00,. $85.00, SIOO.OO,
$120.00, $145.00 and up to $280.00, are now marked
$6*1.00, $68.00, SBO.OO, $96.00, $116.00
and $224.00,
for Cool Porches
Aerolux splint fabric provides the ideal ma
terial for shading equipment. Constructed of
lindenwood splints, woven together with a
twist seine twine. The narrow spaces between
the splints allow a free circulation of air and
provide perfect ventilation.
Aerolux porch shades are equipped with "no
\#iip” cords. Easy to hang. Colors are brown
and green. Sizes—
-4x7.6 $3.75 each. 6x7.6.... 57.00 each.
5.4x7.6.. each. 8x7.6... .$9.00 each.
I —Colonial Rag Carpet
98c Per Yard
*SOO yards of real rag carpet, made of the best
new materials, in beautiful colors; 3 feet wide;
makes a beautiful old-fashioned floor. Per
yard, —Third floor.
Jilted Suitor Nabs
Couple’s Furniture
more than one way for the uniuiM
suitor to “get even” with the lucky
This was proven here by
kin, a machinist, who told the
it was he who removed all the
from the home of newly-wedded Mr.
Mrs. T. B. Semlar.
Larkin sought the hand of Mrs. Sem
lar before her marriage.
.When the bride went away on her
honeymoon he had a van drive to their
home and took all the bright new fur
Boy Lies Dead in
Street Unnoticed
NEW YORK, July B.—Although a ball
game witnessed by hundreds was going
on in a lot a few feet away and many
persons were watching it from tenement
house windows, the body of 4-year-old
George Marshall remained in the street
some time until a passing chauffeur
saw it.
No one snw the child killed, but an ex
amination disclose a V-shaped wound In
the forehead, and police think the boy
was killed by an automobile.
William in a car, saw
the child's body resting In a pool of
Speed Up!
(Trade-Mark Registered)