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PAGEANT TO TAKE FORM OF FANTASY Seasons Will Be Featured in Children's Play. By KATHLEEN' M’KEE. Dream flower* ftVm fairyland will come to life in the musical fantasy of •‘The Four Seasons,’’ which will be pre sented by the school children of Indian apolis at Brookside park on the evening 1 Aug. 13. Myriads of brilliantly colored flowers, impersonated by the children, will flit before the eyes of the audience, weaving In and out in airy dances. Languorous spring breezes, sparkling summer visions, blazing autumn colors SI chill winter figures will be repre ted in tur by the performers. JKtas Alice C. Mescall. who is both or and director of this year's open ] S4v pageant, was very successful in stag mg a similar production last year. CHORES OF OVER ONE HUNDRED. Over 400 children, who will participate, lu the spectacular scenic effect, are now j practicing and drilling in sectional groups. Stage scenery for the occasion has been designed by Barrett McCormick, formerly j manager of the Circle theater. The central effect in the background | will be a huge hour glass thirty feet j high, representing the passage of time. \ The chorus of oue hundred voices, tin- j der the direction of Sirs. Murrie Carr, j which will introduce each of the sea- ■ sons with an appropriate song, is one of the- big features of the pageant. The opening number on the program will be a drill by the chorus winding up i in the formation of the word “Seasons” ; and the figures “1920" below in smaller : type. Following the introduction of summer | by the chorus song, a group of flower dnnces, depicting the different features ; of summer time, will be given by children costumed to represent the varieties of flowers. At the close of the number the dis- ! ferent groups will form a huge flower; ; each variety constituting one separate portion of the composite flower. The light, playful winds of the fall | will be characterized in the dances ofl ‘•Autumn.” A ballet dance by Miss Jane Sickles and Miss Gertrude Hacker, students of Mme. Theo Hewes, will be one of the most artistic numbers on the program. MAY DAY DANCES FART OF “SPRING.” “Ye oldtime" May day dances will ; ferm an interesting part of the “Spring" i presentation. Throughout all the numbers Miss Dorothy Springer will impersonate ths j spirit of the springtime. The May queen, who will be Miss ! Annette Moncrief, will hold her court with her lovely attendants. A grand march of all the characters | In the entire production will be the flnai ; number. The May queen will hold the central position in the final tableau. In discussing the pageant, R. Walter , Jarvis, director of the recreation depart- ! meat, said that there is a splendid spirit j It's Easy Now to Curl Hair to Stay Curled To curl the hair to stay curled, noth ing equals the simple silmerine method. If a little liquid silmerine be applied with a clean toothbrush before doing up the hair, the loveliest wavy effect imaginable will be in evidence in three hours, and this will last a long time, re- ! giirdless of temperature or humidity. This harmless method is not to be compared with curling by means of a hot iron because, instead of injuring the hair, it is really beneficial. A few ounces •if liquid silmerine, which may be pro- j cured at any drug store, will last for months The lest way is to divide the hair into strands and" moisten each of them from root to tip. The curliues will look perfectly “natural,” and the hair will be beautifully glossy, yet with out the least greasiness or stickiness.— Advertisement. THIS WILL ASTONISH INDIANAPOLIS PEOPLE The quick action of simple witch hazel, hydrastis, camphor, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash, will sur prise Indianapolis people. One girl "with weak, strained eyes was pmlped by a single application. Her pnother could hardly sew or read be gse of eye pains. In one week she was benefited. We guarantee a ill bottle of Lavoptik to help r CASE weak, strained or ia ■flftiaefl eyes. Aluminum eye cup J?B22E. Henry J. Huder, Druggist.— Advertisement. f FRIDAY SNAPS 17 Corsets, white, well ■ boned, 21 to 26. $2 corsets I I White smocks and voile peplums, colored embroid- ; ery, up QQ to $4.00 Tricolette and Georgette blouses, all col- &Q AQ ors, up to s6.oovOvO $1.50 lace trimmed envel-j opes, all sizes vOv 35c cotton hose, black, | limit 6 4 pairs , A zl X -15 , Jap silk waists, up! to $3.00; CQ limit 2 5 silk fiber sweaters, i soiled, up QQ to sls • 41 lingerie waists, up to $1.50. soiled; limit 3 vv j Spring check coats and lin en auto coats, QQ up to $15.00.. O $1.50 gingham petticoats, 79c 50c silk fiber hose, pink, j sky. helio; limit 6 L House dresses and overall j suits, up $4 Q to $4.00 Hargrove’s! Ave. and Del. St. of co-operation among the playground instructors. “The children are working fine, and are progressing very rapidly,” he said. Mr. Jarvis declared that the pageant this year would surpass that of last year. Miss Mescall is very enthusiastic over the outcome of the pageant. “The children are Just crazy about practicing, and are never late at re hearsals," she said. "The pageant last year was received very well by the Indianapolis people, and the one this year should be even more successful, since we have had some previous experience. “I have every reason to believe that It will turn out splendidly.” PARTIES GIVEN FOR MRS. ARTMAN Leaves Soon for International Women’s Council. A number of farewell parties are being given in honor of Mrs. S. R. Art man. who will leave Aug. 2, for New York, prior to sailing for Christiania, Norway, where she will attend the Inter national council of women in September. Tomorrow night, the young women workers of the Central Christian church will give a dinner at the home of Miss Flora Thiemann, 1209 Sterling street. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Alice French, 901 North Middle drive. Woodruff Flaee, will entertain the members of the pioneer mothers’ memorial committee, In Mrs. Artmnu’s honor. Yesterday, the board of directors of the local council of women gave a lunch eon at Ayres* tea room. Mrs. Artman is president of the council. Mrs. Allan T. Fleming, vice president, acted as toastmistress. Humorous responses in the nature of advice on such subjects a. sea sickness, souvenirs, foreign tongues and baggage were given by various members. Asa parting gift, Mrs. Artman was I resented with an umbrella, and a "make B Music and Entertainment at your cottage on the lake. Select your records from this list. No. 203* (Brunswickl, sac— No. MU i Brunswick>. *l.oo— I Venetian Moon. Paul Bieae's So Lon.. Oolong. (Fox sS Phonographs I Novelty Orchestra. Trot.) Isharn Jones Ralnbo In One S? Mystery. Paul Blese'. Nov- Orchestra. In ° n ® w elty Orchestra. '"J 1 *- <£?? K Tr ?fc> I sham Jones itaiubo Or- No. 2025 (Brunswick), Me— chestra. e—— M —mm . Come to the Moon. (Fox No. 5012 (Brunswick), Sl.oo — Trot.) Gene Rodemieh’s Or- Jean. (Fox Trot.i Plano . . chestra. passages by Alfred Eltlrldge A Companion N pH° d , r Kn °nV S ?v.°^ ho ?f e Jones * with piano.) Ruby ledoeft. u,| n bo Orchestra. a t~ < • No. 2027 (Brunswick), *sc No. 2030 (Brunswick), #Be— /I 11 h ntprtmnpr I Want a Daddy. (Fox Home One. (Fox Trot.) All 1 1 I—truer ILlirttr Trot.) Palace Trio. Star Trio. „ „ „ , ~ , Whose Baby Are You? (Fox Some Day Down tn tarolln’. Trot.) All Star Trio. and the highest prized posses- No ,i®S*d fu sion of any of your lake cot- * ah^ 3 Bin™"*;®™!’ phone Xyl "' . . . . Musical Comedy “Irene.”) On Miami Shore. Carl Fen tage furnishings. After a Sung by Irene Williams. ton's Orchestra. , . , . Alexandria. (From "Aphro- *•;*> - Vgood plunge in the surf you diter. sung by william Tr l n “ Bo Pn B I f l m g*^ t B ,c : Vo^J can complete the day’s pleas- No. 20S (Brunswick), Mr- i&wWow. (One-Stop.) Gene , , . , Desert Dreams. (Fox Trot.) j Kodemich's Orchestra, ure by dancing to the tunes Ruby Wledoeft’s Palace i No> 20U (Brunswick), 550... ... . ~ Trio. _ Just Like the Rose. (Fox of this ma3ter of all phono- Mlsst. (Fox Trot.) Rudy Trot.) All Star Trio. Wledocft's Palace Trio. | Echoes. All Star Trio, graphs. Brunswick records can be played on any phonograph with fiber or steel needle. Just come in and select your V ~'/xY k fA/Iftpjc 3 Brunswick. Pick out the rec- 1 Ww*J ords you desire and we will k g—■ ship same to you without fur ther inconvenience or charge. . _ ... ~ _ . *- ' Perm. St. A Store —and More Keiths Flour Facts JpL The goodness of your bread depends upon the / right amount and quality of gluten in the flour I you use. \ Wheat crops, from year to year, differ in the amount 1 U and quality of gluten. j The only way to overcome this natural difference is to scientifically blend different wheats, insuring |g II the proper amount of gluten. la W If you want a flour that is always good, always uniform, with the same amount of gluten, regardless of seasonal differ f! ernes in the wheat- ' ~ The baker buvsfrom us a ' flour especially adapted AV L r 770 D to his work. Profit by ■ti LJ J\. I vJf\ his example—buy tke flour especially adapted to home C * hak,n *~ m 1 EVANS’ F.-Z-BAKE Ah# yr Jt a flour rags believe" traveling bag, packed with steamer letters written by the council members. Baskets of pale gold snap-dragons and Shasta daisies, with a miniature steam er for the center piece, made an at tractive luncheon table. Covers were laid for eighteen, includ ing Mrs. Artman, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. A. E. Butler, Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Mrs. Eva Baker, Mrs. David R. Ross, Mrs. C. L. Mcllvaine, Mrs. E. A. Williams, Mrs. B. S. Gadd, Mrs John Downing Johnson, Mrs. E. G. Ritchie, Mrs. E. I’. Brennan, -Mrs. Philip Zoercher, Mrs. W. S. Norris, Mrs. C. L. Stubbs, Mrs. Alice French, Mrs. Everett A. Hunt and Mrs. W. H. Blod gett. R. C. Jessup of Atlanta, Ga., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Antrim. 3020 North Meridian street. * • • Miss Jessamine Barkley, 534 North East street, will leave Saturday for Pe toskey, Mich., where she will spend sev eral weeks. • • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott entertained a group of friends last night with an informal niuslcale in honor of their guest, George Thompson, concert pianist of Washington, T>. C. Mr. Thompson will return tonight to Washington, where he will Join a concert company, shortly to make an eastern tour. * * Fred Scanling and son William of Atlanta, Ga., are spending a few days with Mrs. W. A. Valodln in the Harrison apartments. • • • George C. Veatch of Philadelphia is the guest of his uncle. Rev. E. H. Wood, 2330 North Delaware street. • • • Miss Amelia Ssndborn of the Buck ingham apartments, will entertain to night with a dancing party at the Wood stock club in honor of Miss Dorothy Hol land of Danville, Vn., and Miss Minerva INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920. Powell of Ft. Thomas, Ky., who are the house guests of Miss Josephine Har mon, 1654 Park avenue. Mrs. Edward Harman gave a “bridge" yesterday aft ernoon for the young women. * * * Mrs. Joseph E. Bell, 3736 North Me ridian street, and son Laurence have gone to Chicago, where they will be at the Edgewa er Beach hotel for the remainder of the summer. • * * The announcement of the engagement of Mrs. Daisy Noe and Joseph Wes leyan Capron of New York was made at a luncheon given by Mrs. John Oxen ford, 2322 North Illinois street, yester day. Baskets of daisies were used through the room and the dining room appointments carried out the daisy de sign. The guests included the members of the Aftermath club. *• • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Y’onnegut, 4011 North Pennsylvania street, and Mrs. Charles Krause, 733 North Pennsylvania street, have gone on a motor trip to Hamilton and Toledo, O. • * * Miss Marie, 822 North New Jersey, will leave Saturday for Mackinac Island and Petoskey, where she will re main a month. • • • Mrs. Walter S. Grow and daughter, Bernardine, 4241 Park avenue, will leave Saturday for Chicago, where they will spend several days. They will take a boat trip and visit various lakes before returning home. • • Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Heuderson, 3533 Washington voulevard. who have beeu the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Small at Atlantic City, have returned. pi doefe &Co* Open At 8:30 Ayres July Sale Men’s Underwear —A Bargain Event When We Say “Bargain ” We Mean Just Exactly That —Real Old-fashioned Bargains. Extra Space aud Extra Salespeople Will Add to Our Quick Service for This Occasion . At sl.lO 3 Suits for $3.00 Fine athletic union suits of checked nainsook, elastic waist band. Sizes 34 to 46. It will profit you to buy 3 suits for next season. At $2.75 3 Suits for SB.OO Extra fine Superior union suits, quarter sleeves, in ankle and three-quarter lengths. Reg ular and stout sizes range from 34 to 50. They're fine. aJlie Circle, Special Something New Every Day j Two Hundred New Hats White and Navy Georgette Sale QO QC V; Price That they are worth more, goes without saying. All summer sport* N hats will he included, also several models in duvetyne and velvet in ' street shades. Extraordinary values, every one. \ —Ayres—Millinery Section —Second floor. s Nightgowns and Chemise, r Cambric and nainsook, with embroidery I and lace trimming. Choice, while they last, ks at $1.95 \ Muslin Petticoats Are Reduced jFy jrS. to 95c Values you don’t meet every day, while they last, at 95<t. {Nh —Ayres—Third floor. STOCKINGS—Cotton and Silk Priced Surprisingly Low rurc-thread silk stockings, glove-silk stockings and cotton stockings—and your every n<;ed is met, at' special prices. The cotton stockings you may wear for morning wear and about the house, not to mention for swimming; the pure thread models for street wear and sports, and the glove silk for dress. At $1.65 the pair, women’s pure-thread silk stockings, silk lisle, garter top with stop-ravel hem; black, white, navy blue, gray, brown and Russian calf. At $5.50 the pair (shown first at Ayres), glove-silk stock ings with knitted silk full fashioned foot, in plain black. Also at $4.50 the pair, special. At SI.OO the pair, or two pairs for $1.75, are women’s full fashioned cotton stockings, flare top, double sole. —Ayres—Street floor. Charming Dresses of Silk—of Dotted Swiss—of Organdy—of Gingham There Are More Than a Hundred to Choose From Your Choice/ even at we are *° sn £s est at y° u ma^e an \Your Choice / early choice. Asa usual thing—dresses such as these are quickly j s*/vl ie P” c d named. Some hav-e accordion pleated skirts j _ lidjl JS k| 11 —some are in graceful tunic effects —some have lace collars and I|L iAj ■>ll jgg| m<J\J 1 cu fl? g Thg trimmings include silk sashes, ruching, cunningly [U/ H M ■ J applied organdy conceits and insets—in fact, as charming a col- \ / H f H ■■■ H K ■ \ lection of dainty and practical summer dresses of silk and tub ) ■ J | H I fabrics as we have shown this season in the Basement Apparel / H i Sho A . A dress for every summertime occasion—the vacation trip, 1 Jk f the golf links, tennis court, garden party and practical dresses for 1 D j porch and house wear. All in the sale at one price—and that 1 nasement \ a ver y ( very small one when compared to their real worth. I . Jjasement Apparel Shop \ —Ayres—Basement Apparel Shop. / Apparel Shop ■J l 1 At $1.35 3 Suits for $3.75 Wilson Bros, union suits, athletic style, of checked nain sook and featherweight madras. Three styles and all sizes in the assortment. At $3.95 3 Suits for $ll.OO Superior lisle union suits, long and short sleeves, ankle length. Regular and stout sizes, 34 to 50. Our finest summer un derwear at reduced prices. At $2.35 3 Suits for $6.50 Wilson Bros, extra quality athletic union suits of fine sol sette, sleeveless, knee length, pure white. Sizes 36 to 46. Every suit a bargain. At 85c 4 Garments for $3.00 Men's athletic undershirts and drawers of fine checked nain sook. All sizes in the lot These are very exceptional values. Bargains every one. / Prices Are Cut on Bathing Suits that comprises every suit in stock, of all-knit wool va riety, in exciting colorings, trimmed contrastingly. Included are the famous Annette Kellerman make, in both two-piece and sin- A! \ gle garments and the slip- ftl. J I\ /f/yi over style. Both colors Jl / I Jr df and sizes are presented In ( /‘43gf comprehensive assortment. v , / Simple in silhouette as r [ ‘ they are, to facilitate /k [ / swift swimming, they are %rA, m nevertheless possessed of M X ' a style which is charming. y ' jbl yJftO The revised prices are: . ipA tel $5.50, $7.95 and $12.50 —Ayres—Third floor. At $1.85 3 Suits for $5.00 Wilson Bros, fine union .suits of white cotton crepe, athletic style, sleeveless, knee length. Ideal for warm summer days. A bargain. At 75c 3 Garments for $2.00 Odd lots of llama and mixed natural wool undershirts (no drawers). Summer weight, long sleeves. Priced for a quick cleanup at 75 * the garment —Ayres—Men’s Store —Street floor. Against the Days of Hot Weather— Timely Toilet Goods Against the days of extreme heat supply yourself with plen ty of protective cosmetics — creams, powders, soaps, toilet waters, deordorants and tal cums. Many of these to fol low are more temptingly priced than regularly. Sans Odeur, a deodorant, 25£. Assorted toilet waters, Olivia liquid shampoo, 45£. Orris tooth powder, 19f. Borine tooth paste, 19<L Assorted toilet soap, dozen. Military brushes, SI.OO the pair. Liquid nail polish, Quietus, a deordorant, 15£. Peroxide cream, 25<. Regal cleansing cream, large size, 45f. Large cans of talcum, 2 for 25*. Olivia bay rum, 50*. L. S. Ayres’ Hardwater soap, SI.OO the dozen. Venetian bath soap, 85* a dozen. Ideal toilet water, SI.OO the ounce. Sweetheart talcum, 2 for 17*. Smelling salts, 25*. Creme of Cucumber lotion for sunburn, 39*. —Ayres—Toilet goods, dept., street floor. 5 Close At 5:00