Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED x ADV. DEPT. Main 8300 Automatic 28-331 RATES. * One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times .07 per line Male or female help .wanted, situa tion'wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — One time 0* per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consevutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion i Church notices (1 Inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 Inch. .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. V I-/ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. 014 P_hone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale A. M. RAGSDALE CO. __ 123 North Delaware street. “TI^rWILSON 1230 Frospect, Auto. 61-S7l. Prospect 322. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— V.’M, K. KRIEGER, New 21-154, Main 1454, 140? N. Illinois. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1635 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY 4c TITUS. 931 North Del. New 26-564. Main S6S6. OEATH AND FUNER A L NOTI C_EB. JOHNSON, MINERVA"' A.—Wife of the late George P.- Johnson, died July 21 at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Frank P. Plummer, 1341 N. Illinois st.. age 83 years. Funeral Sunday, July 25 at Nevada, la. LODGES AND CLUBS. O. E. B.—Naomi Chapter No. 131. Stated meeting In Masonic Temple tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o’clock. Conferr ing of the" degrees. Members of the order welcome. ELLEN BUCHANAN. Worthy Matron. LIZZIE J. SMYTHE. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Wednesday on either Ayres ele vator or Meridian. street entrance to Ayres store, one man’s white silk shirt; size 15. Call North 806. Reward. LOST—Wheel; black wire demountable, 34x4 *£. mounted on old tire, on Three- Notch road, between Dalton and Stop 4 road. Prospect 8262. Reward. / MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947, or write lost agent. 18 Bald win block. Indianapolis. Ind. LOST—Wednesday afternoon, lady’s dark leather purse containing 331. in sunken garden. Garfield park; 310 reward. MRS. F. TORIA-V. Woodruff 957. LOST—Pin. black enameled. diamond center, four-leaf clover, gold back. Pin Is treasured as an heirloom. Reward. Call Washington 4570. _ LOST—Pay envelope. containing 321. name on envelope. Main 5238. 339 Douglass street. Generous reward. LOST-*-Dark brlndle Boston bulldog, fe male. screw tall, upper shod; week ago Friday. Call Circle 4529. Reward. LOST—GoId Co-Op. plir~ Notify T. E. ROOT. 4240 Rookwood avenue. Tele phone Washington 4094; 32 reward. LOST—A cameo pin. Liberal reward. 1306 East New York. __ NOTICES. NOTICE We are agiin open for business. If In need of any of our products give us a trial. MALT-ADE SUPPLY CO., 4681a West Washington street. I WILL not be responsible for any debts made by my wife. Leafy Dell Fislier. STEPHEN S. FISHER. PERSONALS. NEW PENSION LAWS. Spanish War Veterans penslonad for present disabilities contracted since service. FITZGERALD CLAIM AGENCY. 7 North Alabama street, second floor. ROOMS—TOLET. TWO modern rooms for rent, one small room, 35 weekly; one large room, 37.60 weekly. MRS. P. PALMER. 422 S. Rural. ONE modern room, adjoining bath; very desirable. 1916 E. Washington street. Prospect 7281. COLLEGE. 1410; furnished rooms. Call • Circle 5731. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. ROOM, board and home privilege, for gentleman. Woodruff TS93. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS opportunity; established elec trical .fixture concern; good chance for one or two electricians or fixture men. Rapidly growing city. International Harvester Cos. and other large concerns locating here within next few months. Means 32,000,000 building In Ft. Wayne In next year or two. Store and shop $3,500. Store alone, 32,600. ”G. V. N., 1421 Calhoun street, Ft. Wayne, Ind. irRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORE ■ WITH LINE OF GROCERIES. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, CLEAR ING ?175 MONTH INDIANA BUSI NESS EXCHANGE, 513 INDIANA TRUST BUILDING. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and Sllows made to order. B. F. BURKLB. 4 Mass, ave. Main 1438. New 23-776. (Business Chances) (18 words) Advertise —18 words In 109 monthlies, |l. 109 weeklies. $3; 20 big dallies, $7.50. COPE AGENCY. Et. . Louis, Mo. AUTOMOBILE business; $27500 buys In terest in established business; salary SSO per week. Address A No. 1618, Times. FOR SALE—Up-to-date grocery store. CaH Woodruff 1429. BUSINESS SERVICES. THU IMPERIAL LAUNDRY. We make a specialty of family, finish, tough dry and wet washings. Two-day service. Give us a trial. A THOROUGH accountant prepa-ed to audit, open and close books where a bookkeeper Is not employed. Systems in stalled. C. A. MELOY. 18 Marion bldg. Main 1599. Carpenter Contracting .All kinds old Jobs; screens made and repaired. THQYIA. Belmont 1804. NOTICE to the public. Call Main 9081. Have your vaults, sinks and cisterns cleaned. Largest barrels In city. DOWNTOWN tire shop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that gives satisfaction. 35 Kentucky avenue. VIOLET Ray and Swedish maseage. MISS DE VERB. 17 H W. Ohio. Main 8378. USE GEM POLISH ON YOUR WHITE SHOES AT YOUR GROCER OR DRUQv GIST. " IF rcur clock Is not running phone Circle 4197. M. R. 6HEARN. 811 North Ala- ' "Os you want your roof and tin work re paired. call me. Prospect 4015. FOR paper hanger. Call Johnson. Wood ruff 6715. OFFERINGS by the stores. MALT ADE SUP PLY CO. AQAJN OPEN FOR BUSINESS, 468 J W. WASHING TON. _ es. ~ Quigley-Hyiaud Agency Civil aad Criminal Investigators ' 126-619 Law bldg Main 2993. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED FIFTY CONSTRUCTION LABORERS Permanent work, the year around; good starting wage with rapid advancement. Apgly at once, ready for work. Speedway Employment Office. Prest-O-Llte Cos., Inc. , \ Motor Assemblers Working conditions exception ally good. Take East Wash ington car to Cruse st., walk two squares south to Weidley Motors Cos. t Laborers Msnufacturlng season now on at Rauh’s; beginning June 19th our rates will be 10c per hour. Meet our truck at Ills, and Wash. et. Comfort Station, at 6:20,a. m. E. Rauh & Son Fertilizer Cos. Eevr Union Stock Yards. NOTICE 7 Members Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect our contract and because of il legal strike. C. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Motor City Lodge No. 269. WANTED MILLWRIGHTS AND HELPERS Apply employment office, CITIZENS GAS COMPANY, Prospect street and Belt railroad. Packer on electrical fixtures, glassware and furniture. Apply at once to superintendent. Hurst &. Cos., 323 W. Fifteenth st. MAN WITH SEVERAL YEARS’ EXPERIENCE ON LEES-BRADNER, BARBER-COLE MAN AND BROWN * SHARP GEAR HOBBER, FOR NIGHT SHIFT. MIDWEST ENGINE CO.. NINETEENTH AND MARTINDALB. MAN Middle aged, thoroughly experienced as truck driver. Apply at once to eupt. HURST & CO.. 828 West Fifteenth St. Pattern Makers Floor and machine molders Core makers MIDWEST EMOTE m . Nineteenth and Martindale. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP MEN Apply A. J. Yawger & Cos., 450 N. Belmont Ave. LABORERS 736 Miley Ave. WANTED LABORERS'. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. __ WANTED—FOUR YARDMEN; MIDDLE AGE. APPLY CITY HOSPITAL. WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER Apply employment offloe, CITIZENS GAS COMPANY, Prospect street and Belt railroad. DISHW ASHER AT ONCEI GOOD WAGES. KAHN BUILDING CAFETERIA. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted, one who knows how to manage a store; S6O per week. KLEINMAN’B PHARMACY, Indiana Harbor, Ind. WANTED—Experienced firemen on chain grata etokere. Apply MR. RAT, Uhlan Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. J * MALE M^LP—WANTED. Molders Another new furnace is about ready and we can use more experienced malleable Iron molders. We want real me*' -good, strong—who want all-year-round work. These are all-right jobs, and we want to fill them with all-right men. Apply at employment office, l'.eimont ave., south of West Washington st. Link Belt Cos. Belmont Plant. 1 HIGH- GRADE TOOL MAKERS WITH SEV ERAL YEARS EXPERI ENCE; ONLY THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE ALL KTNDS OF TOOL AND FIXTURE WORK NEED APPLY. MODERN ELEC TRIC & MACHINE CO. PERMANENT POSI TION, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. BIG 4 R. R. 615 'r A.TFSTTC BLDG. Men, boys and colored women wanted. S. Key stone Ave. and Belt R. It. Take Prospect car to end of line. Fairmount Glass Works. _ RAILWAY malt decks are offered $1,60# entrance salary with promotion* to $2,300. For full particulars and a course of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois Street. Suite 207. WANTED—AII-round machinist or mill wright; steady Job. INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC CO. 610 Century Bldg. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. T UTTi.KDUK. 291 Indiana avs. ; SALESMEN—-WANTED. WANTED REAL MEN. A salesman is prosperous In proportion 1 to his Tort, his capacity and hi merit of his proposition. If you can furnish ef fort and capacity we will furnish a nm t meritorious proposition, superior to anv i thing of the sort offered In Indianapolis. 1 If you are accustomed to selling your ; proposition, you will not ned a salary or drawing account. If your salesman ship Is confined to selling the r ile-, nan ager. we will not need you > MAI FINANCE CORPORATION. 1051 Lem ke Annex. EXPERIENCED salesman. A manufac- • turer of a food product with an established business In Indiana can use the services of a man to call upon the retail trade. Only an exp*r:en. •-■i man need apply. See J. B. McLAUGH LIN, Ciaypool hotel. Friday afternoon AGENTS—WANTED. INTER-TIRES astonish buyers. Money back guarantee. Half profit. Exclu sive. Write HARKN* ESS-TOW LEH, 105 W. Main, Louisville, Ky. _ INSTRUCTIONS. DANCING—AII kinds taught; day or eve nings; violin, stags dancing acts taught, completed for good engagement*, fall PROF. RAYNO, 224 W. Ohio st. Main 2061 b _ FEMALE HELP—WANTED. GIRLS—WOMEN* from 18 to 35 years of age. On account of increasing our pres ent force we can uso at T'ant 30 more girls? we invite you to visit our factory, where you will be shown what the work consists of, and the working conditions, which are ideal, will be explained to you. LINK BELT GO. Take W. Michigan car to Holmes j Ave. and ask for employment dept. Girls to Learn Telephony We pay for your education In the fasci nating profession of telephone uervloe. ! And we also pay you well while you are | learning. Permanent position guaranteed. Minimum salary 316 a week for begin ners. Clean, sanitary working quarters. Three rest periods a day. Hot lunches st cost. Vacations with pay. Free health and death insurance and many other In viting features. Only girls over 16 years of ge are eligible. Make application to main office, New York and Meridian streets Employment Desk. In Lobby. Indiana 801 l Telephone Cos. WANTED —GIRLS BE TWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 35 FOR OUR WINDING DE PARTMENT; GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARNING; AT TRACTIVE PIECE RATE EARNINGS IN A SHOUT TIME. EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, F A Idl B ANKB - & CO.. TWENTY FIRST AND NORTHWEST ERN AVE. TEACHING POSITIONS OPF.n! Manuel training and athletics 33,009 Home economics 1,800 Grades—departmental ,1,200 Public speaking " 1,800 EBLE TEACHERS AGENCY. 433 Lemcke Bldg. % Circle 1361. WANTED —-Experienced colored cook to go to Lake Maxlnkuckee for summer. Call Main 8220. $ TAILORS ANDCLEANERS. CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work o*fled for) Gents’ suite cleaned and pre55ed....31.25 Ladles’ suits cleaned and pressed $1.60 All work guaranteed. FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1085 Fletcher ave. Project 468. Time* Want Ads find the right people for the rikht places and the right place* for the right people. Phone Main SSOSt Auto. 38-I*l. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1921). AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DEALERS. ATTENTION. Will trade / CADILLAC 8. 1919, touring, 7-passenger, dls eteel wheels, new cord tires, double spot lights, bumpers and other extras, for some light used cars. S ALSO will trade a modern duplex, repainted and redecorated; brings In SIOO per month rent, for some light used cars. Will pay or take cash differ ence. 618 N\CAPITOL. Main 2638. Auto. 27-019. V * L MAXWELL ROADSTER l!)2i> model, completely gone, over and can be bought for $925. ’]W LAT EMMEfiJU 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. Most of these have been repaint ed, retepped and overhauled Down. Weekly. Faxon roadster 8 75 34 50 Maxwell touring 100 5.09 Chevrolet louring 125 5.00 Chevrolet touring 150 5.00 Ford roadster 125 5.00 Studebaker 6 touring.. 195 6.00 Regal 100 5.00 Paige touring 115 5.26 - Ren touring 135 6.50 Ford touring. 135 6.50 Vim delivery truck.... 185 5.75 Maxwell delivery truck 165 6.76 Inte.-State touring 165 6.76 Saxon 6 louring 200 4.00 Grant 6 touring 245 7.00 Hudson super, touring, 395 8.00 And many others too numerous to mention. Come down and make your own terms. No brokerage. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AS U TIRE CO. ill N Capitol Open evenings. Main 2638 Auto. 22-019. MITCHELL 6 ROADSTER 1919 model, reconstructed and refinished Napier green. Price sl,loo. 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. 3175 DOWN BUYS INTER STATE TOURING. 518 N. Capitol Balance year. Open evenings. NATIONALS A complete line of re built' Nationals at all times. National Automotive Cos. 426 X. Capitol Ave. Main 4758. ‘ 3895 DOWN - BUYS HUDSON SUPER SIX. 518 N. Capitol. Balance year. Open evening*. CHALMERS 6 TOURING 1917 model in first-class shape and a real bargain at $775. 418-24 N. (lapitol Ave. DEALERS ATTENTION. Will trade CADILLAC 8. 1919, touring, 7-pasesnger, dts teel wheels, new cord tiros, dou ble spotlights, bumper* and other extras, for some light used cars. ALSO will trade a modern duplex, re painted and redecorated; brings 3100 per month rent, for some light used car* Will pay or take cash differ ence. 618 N. CAPITOL, Main 2638. Auto: 22-019. CHEVROLET 4-90 Slightly used. Fully equipped. Will demonstrate by appointment. Call Irvington 3363. 3145 DOWN BUYS DORT TOURING. 618 N. Capitol. Balance year. Open evenings. MONROE touring, several late models; renewed in our shops; bargains. 602 N. Capitol ave. 3145 DOWN BUYS DORT TOURING. 618 N. Capitol. Balance year. Open evening*. $125 DOWN BUYS Ford roadster. 518 N. Ci.pltol. Main 2638. No brokerage. VisUdown BUYS Stufiebaker 6 touring. 518 N. Capltot. Main 2638. No brokerage. MONROE, 1919, touring car; flrst-cla* condition. North 546. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. COLE AERO 8 Model * 870, 7-passenger touring, reconstructed and refinished Rolls-Royce blue with white wheels, equipped with 5 cord tires. Price . $2,250. 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. 375 DOWN BUYS SAXON ROADSTER. 618 N. Capitol. Balance year. Open evenings. CLEARANCE SALE OF SLIGHTLY USED CARS Fords t open and closed, tourings and roadsters, all in A-l shape. Buick, late model, closed, two passenger. Excellent shape. Buick Speedster $250.00 Marion Speedster $200.00 Chalmers touring, rebuilt and repainted SS7S 00 Lexington Sedonette, 1919. .$2 500.00 Chevrolet 490, 1919 $575.00 Maxwell, 1919, as good as new $750.00 Colo 8 Chummy SBOO.OO THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. Open Sundays and Evenings. 3136 DO XV S BUYS FORD TOURING. 518 N. Capitol. Balance year. Open evening*. FORD COUPE This is a dandy salesman’s ear. It is equipped with starter, seat covers, shock absorbers, etc. Price $450. 7W/LATMM©EfiJ 0 ! IB _r T „J A 418-24 N. Capitol Ave. 3245 DOWN BUYS Grant 4 touring. 518 N. Capttol. Main 2638. No brokerage. MAXWELL ROADSTER, 1919 for sale or will trade for real estate Must sell at once, 3660. Owner, 2015 Kucklo. North 6495. 3125 DOWN BUTS Chevrolet louring 518 X. Capitol. Main 2438. No brokerage. MONROE touring ears, two M 4 19175, one 1919 and one 1920. Monroe Sales, 602 N. Capitol. 3100 DOWN BUYS Ragal touring 818 N Capitol. Main 2688. No brokerage. COMMONWEALTH four forty touring demonstrator at factory cost. DIETZ- JaM ES. 734 East Market street. Main j 6715. Tirmi If desired. 3150 DOWN BUYS Chevrolet touring. 518 N. Capitol. Main 2688. No brokerage. 1200 DOWN BUYS Saxon 6 touring 618 N. Capitol. Main 2688. No brokerage FIV E-P A o SENG FI t a u tom obi I e for sals or trade. Will consider light roadster or equity In city property. Owner. Prospect 8195. -jjjj £>OW’N~BUyIT Rco touring. 518 N. Capitol. Main 2638. No brokerage. 1115 DOWN Burn Paige touring. 518 N. Capttol. Main 2628. No brokerage. iTeo DOWN BUYS " Maxwell louring. 6IS N. Capitol. Main 2631. No brokerage. AUTQMQ B! L E S—W ANT E p . WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PA RTS AND TI RE COMPANY. 11l N. CAPITOL. MAIN 1611. AUTO. 12-019. AUTOS -WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. \ ~ I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can't drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It is here for you. Come in or rail. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 11l N. Illinois at. Main 1579. Auto 2S-OSS. We ttleo buy Junk car*. M 6 TORCYCLE S AN D BI CYCLE s7 EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $150.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-58 MASS. AVE. HARLBY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 534-88 Mass. Ave. Main 4404.. TWO unredeemed bicycles, $lO each; cheap; very good shape. SACHS BROS., 814-16 Indiana avenue. CASH paid for all kind* of motorcycle*. FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Maasachu setts avenge. ONE btoycle unredeemed, sl2; a bargain. SACHS BROS,, 314 Indiana avenue. AU TOB AN D TRUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR RENT—-Do yotir own driv log. U-Drtve Auto Service at Hooaier Laundry. Rear Keith’* thaater. Mala 6421. GARAGEB TO LETT FOR RENT—Garage, street entrance, $6 per month. 2080 North Alabama street. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. AAA^VVVVVVVV\AAA^^V\/V>AA*VVVVkA/VVVVV GARFORD TRUCKS Delivers a low cost-ton mile. BUHL FINCH, Distributor. - $165 DOWN BU Y3 Vim delivery truck. 518 N. Capitol. Main 2638. No brokerage.- sl6', down' buys Maxwell delivery truck. FORD truck, stake body,. $250. cash or payments. Main 3120. 425 Bird street. 1918 F. truck for sale or trade for tour ing car. North 545. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. PERSONAL To Car Owners; i Motorists in this locality will learn something distinctly to their advantage by communicating with ua Immediately. i State the name and year of your car and size of tires used. Don’t lost any time—attend to this mat ter today. Address A No. 1652, Times. LCANIZED TIRES (|K COME GET YOUR PICK AT 1 VYt 20c a pound. \\ft STEAM VULCANIZER CO. 611 North Capitol Ave. PARTS for most any make of car. Ford part* a pcU!ty. Bargains In tiro of all sizes. Try us and save money. CAPITOL AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO„ 016 N Illinois Main 6090. AUTO WASHING Our Bpcclaity. 322-334 North Illlnola S & S Auto Laundry WE BPRCIALIZB on auiomoDlle wheel re pairing on all make cars; up-to-mlnuie equipment. THE JOHN UUEDELHOEK BR W A I IN CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue^ WK MAKE and repair automobile springs for all makes of cars; bring in or ship to u Gl EDKLHOEFKR WaGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. ONE-MAN nut* top*. *ld* curtalna. seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 645. ( HAt E YOi’H sutnmoblle xle etratghl ened at the JOHN GUEDELHOEFER WAGON CO.. 202 Kentucky avenue. S/mONIZE station, w her* they make old cars like new. 839 West Thirtieth street. North 5 417. FORI) rear wheels. JOHN GUEDKL HOEFEK WAGON CO.. 201 Kantucky avenue. REAL ESTATE—POH SALE. BUNGALOWS WE HAVE TWO MODERN JUST COMPLETED FOR PALE ON TERMS. N. TEMPLE AVE. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE HOT WATER HEAT. PRICE $5,000. TERMS. 6-ROOM HOUSE NOT MODERN. $3,000. SSOO CASH and $25 PER MONTH. N. DEARBORN. BRICK BUSINESS HOUSE, RENT FOR $l6O PER MONTH CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $14,000. TERMS. TWO DOUBLES ON N. BELMONT. $2,800 EACH. TERMS. GILL REALTY CO. MAIN 1646. AUTO. 28-236. ONLY ONE LEFT of These Nice Little Caven St. Homes Four rooms. cement fropt porch and steps, gas, city water, cistern, cement walks and paved street. Price only $2,100; S3OO Cash, balance sl7 per month. Do not delay if you want to take advantage of this opportunity. T. S. CRUSE REALTY CO. Realtors 128 North Delaware st. Main fMo—Phones— Auto. 24-351. No. SIOB Tibbs Ave. M PAYMEUfI A five-room house In excellent • condition, newly decorated. Cor ner lot, east front; SSOO cash. S3O per month. Price $3,600. Call Mr. Kimmich. Main 1499. HOME SEEKERS REAI.TY CO.. 913 Merchants Bank Building. HALF-ACRE LOTS” We have four lots within five miles of center of city near traction line. Price* S4BO to $750. $6.00 cash. $1 to $1.60 per week. Fruit and shade trees on each lot. Evenings call North 1440. Hall & Hill, 147 E. Market IA-yr-—, —vy Five-room double. East- I ((2* A\ 11 ern avenue between New VS/yl J I York and Washington. $4,500. This Is a first class buy. GEO. A. LUCAS, 208 American Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. Evenings, Irvington 338. SI.OO cash, SI.OO weekly payments, north west corner Southern avenue and State street. Price reduced to $lB6. 1. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 161 E. Market St. CARROLLTON ave.; a live-room, new, nover-occupled, strictly modern bunga low; hardwood floors; good lot; big base ment and builtln fsatilkes. Washington 1079, FOR SALE —Anew. never-occupied, Seven-room colonial style homo; fine lot; paved street; double garage; a beautiful homo In a high-grade district. Washlng ton 1079. \ BY owner, 1139 Tibbs avenue, four-room brick front and side porch; electric lights, cement walks; good well, goot lot, rear shed; one and one-half squares north West Tenth car line. A SPLENDID proposition in a four-room to-eide, almost new semi-modern double bungalow; good terms. Washlng ton 1079. I HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments From four to eleven rooms. For partlou lar* call Prospect 6134 after 4 p. m. A SPLENDID proposition la a four-room to-alde, almost n#w ssml-modern double bungalow; good terms. Washing ton 1079. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. I Homes on Payments 119 N. EUCLID-AVE. Seven-room modern. Price $5,700, $750 cash required. 40 S. DEARBORN. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Seven-room semi - modern. Price $3,650; S4OO cash required. 2845 MePHERSON. Seven-room home. Price $2,700; $350 cash required, balance like rent. Will decorate and repair' to suit purchaser. 668 ARCH ST. An elegant four-room cottage. Newly papered and painted. Lot 37)4x125. S3OO cash, balance like rent. 1175 W. 27TH. Five rooms, gas. electric lights, well and cistern. Price $2,300. S6OO cash required. - 415 W. 27TH. Good six-room house, gas and city water. Price $2,700. S3OO cash re quired. 3118 E. NEW YORK. Six rooms. Price $3,300. SSOO cash required. 1502 BRIGHTWOOD AVE. Four-room cottage and two lota Elec tric lights, well and c :tern. Price $2,500. S3OO cash. 225 V.’. 21ST ST. Six-room modern cottage, full lot. ga rage. Price $4,500. SSOO cash. Early possession. 2004 N. CAPITOL. Seven-room modern home, full lot. Price $4,500. SSOO cash required. 2425 BELLE FONTAINE. Nine-room rnoderi), with two-car ga rage. Price $5,000. SSOO cash required. 1706 gimber st. Four-room, qottage. Price $1,750. S2OO carii. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SHELBY AND EDWAP.DS STS. Four-room cottage, lot 100x125. Price $3.00Q. S3OO cash required. 2015 W. NEW YORK. Good five-room cottage. Price $2,300. S2OO cash, balance monthly. 332 S. WALCOTT. Five-room bungalow. Price $2,500. S4OO cash. 1121 PLEASANT ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. OWNER. LEAVING CITY. Six-room modern, beautiful lot. Price $3,600. $1,200 cash required. 715 S. HARDING ST. Six-room cottage. Price $1,850. S2OO cash. 121 S. BOLTON. Seven-room house. Price $3,830. SSOO cash required. 470 HAUUH ST Five-room cottage. Price $1,850. S2OO cash required. • 64 4 ELWOOD ST. Six-room house. Price $1,600. Will repair and decorate to suit purchaser. $201) cash required. 304 TROWBRIDGE ST. Four-room cottage. Price $1,250. SIOO cash, balance like rent. 716 N. PINE ST. Six-room house. Price $1,700. $250 cash required. LEO K. CLINE 431 Lemcke Building Main 3116. Sundays and evenings. Washington 286. ring 1. Beautiful Irvington Home Six rooms and bath. New and up-to-date bath and electric fixtures. Large front and back porches. Large lot. 50x180. and plenty of shad*. One of the coziest little homes we have seen for a long tltne. Close to car line and school. Price $3,7w0. A Wonderful Bargain See Us At Once. I. S. CRUSE RExVLTY CO. Realtors 12$ N. Delaware st. Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 2 (-361. SSX ROOM MODERN s£oo EAST Beautifully decorated. beam ceiling. French door*, excellent furnace, full basement, garage, wonderful front porch, glass en closed rear porch. A rare bar gain at our price of $5,500. Gall Mr. Kimmich. Main 1439. v HOME SEEKERS REAI.TY CO., 913 Merchants Bank Building. GOOD BUY One-half block north of Thirty-eighth street boulevard on paved etreet; seven rooms, garage, nice lot; owner leaving city. Price $5,260. Terms If desired. WM. F. WOCHER Eighth floor City Trust Bldg Auto. 24-806 Main 3988. Ask for Mr. Davis. SEVEN-ROOM house, Oxford street, near Morris park; gas. city water, sewer, large lot. Might consider terms. Seven-room house, Gale and Twenty fifth; gas, electric lights. iewer, city water; lot 76x190. Hall & Hill 147 E. Market FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Farms city property and stocks of merchandise. List with us for prompt service. Describe price and locate what you have. STAUFFER REALTY CO., Seymour. Ind. Double, 1500 Block E. Vermont Six roomie each side; modern except has hard pino floors, property in good re pair. Price $5,500. Call Mr. Nicoson. iUaln 1804. Evenings. North 5495. Security Trust Cos. MODERN house on Leeds avenue near Washington street. Price $3,400. BRANDON & JAMESON, 127 North Delaware street. Main 5762. CHOICE large lot near Maple Road blvd.. within two equaros of fairgrounds; $lO cash. balanre $i weekly. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. BUY my four-room house on payments; S3OO down, sl6 per month. Call owner. Woodruff 6085. ‘ INDIANA TRUST CO. Sells real estate, collect* rent, writes fire Insurance. " real estate—suburban. LARGE, beautiful lots in Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which is being paved; $1 down. $1 week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LBE. 1002 City Trust. Main 915. CLOSE In. desirable lots, SI.OO cash and SI.OO per week; no taxes or interest for two years. Price $240. Ricliie-Davis Cos., Inc. HALF acre, home on North Emerson near Thirty-eighth street boulevard, near car; improved street; 4-room house, new ga rage. $3,000. Payments. W. H. COOPER, S3B Lemcke bldg. ”~ ■ FARMS—FOB SALE. SO ACRES, half mile of railroad station. Brown county; all good, level land; good buildings; no Incumbrance. Will trade for city property. CRIDER. 18 When bldg. Circle 896. FOR SALE—BI acree 6 miles south on Meridian; finest sugar camp and 'build ing spot in state. Address A No. 1616, Times. " coal and wood for bale. ~ INDIANA LUMP 7.T1 ILLINOIS LUMP $.26 POCAHONTAS M. R .16.66 KENTUCKY LUMP .16.25 L. H. BAIN COAL CO- Matn 81il. Main MIL MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE,^ Match Your Coat with a pair of / I \ TROUSERS l I THE PANTS \I / STORE CO. 11l Two Store* l„ Ul 48 w. Ohio. a ©t A , iffk Drop-Head Singer. $10; frfrrqs other bargains. *I.OO per week. All makes HE CJ \\ PAIRED. HEMSTITCH ING while you wait, 100 PER YARD WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 600; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mas*. Ave. BUV pants direct from the maker. Wo make them to your measure fyo*n *7.56 op. I.EON TAILORING CO., It, East New York. THRFE unredeemed Eastman cameras. Will sell at a bargain. SACHS BROS., 314-16 Indiana avenue. , BEGINNERS’ violins, mandolins, guitars; bargains. TUTTLE, 201 Indlana Ave. DIAMOND ring; two carats; perfect w-hlte. $440 per carat. Address A No. 1617. Times. TWO sets new genuine leather boxing gloves. $6. SACHS BROS.. 314-16 In diana avenue. MEDIUM size brown broadcloth suit; like new. Call 62 X. Sheridan avenue. LEAVING city; -drop head Singer, sls. 221 Indiana avenue. MI SC E LLA NE O U S—W ANTED. LEW SHANK pay* best prices In city for househoM goods and fixture? of all kinds. 227 Nortti | New Jersey street. Main 2022. WANTED—BaIed rye straw. sls par ton. ! Telephone Main 41. INDIANAPOLIS | SADDLERY CO. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. • NO INTERRUPTION TO BUSINESS We are cutting out ail dividing walls on lower floor of our store and adding on a great deal more space. When fin ished we will have by far the largest display space, all on ground floor, of any used furniture concern in the city. Need less to say this space will be given only to the highest grade goods, than which no new store in Indianapolis can shew ymi better, even at double our prices. , tall and get acquainted. Used Goods Store—The Fine Store, 424 Mass, ave. FOR SALE—24 opal light tables, 2 steam tables, G urns, 24 stools, 3 cash registers. ; soda counter. 3 large ice boxes. 2 small i counters. 150 chairs; complete outfit sos restaurant. BAKER BROS. Largest used furniture dealers in the world. Auto 23-166. Main 3466. Furniture GAS STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier terms. JCROOT & SON. 609 W. Wanhington Sil FOR SALE—Baby crib, good condition; fine mattress, reasonable. Also Jewel baxeburner, large size, good condition; some heater. 408 North Keystone avenue. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL KINDS bF AMERICAN AND FOI|- BIGN COLUMBIA RECORDS OF SONGS AND MUSIC IN THE FOLLOW ING LANGUAGES; Arabic-Syrian. Lithuanian. Armenian. Mexlcan-Spanlsh. Bohemian. Norwegian. Bulgarian. Polish. Croatian. Roumanian. Danish. Russian-Ruther.ta®, Finnish. Servian, i German. Slavish (Slovak). Greek. Slovenian (Kralnerl. i Hebrew-Jewish. Spanish, i Hollandish. Swedish. ; Hungarian. Turkish. Itallan-Neopolltan. Welsh. VANGEL n. shishcoff. - \Repalrs All Kinds of GraphopiiOßSA ■ Work Guaranteed. ' Open hours. 8 a. m. till 9 p. m. 530 W. Washington st. Auto. 22-lit. Mason Player i piano, in beautiful late style mahogany case, with bench and 20 music rolls; big bargain at $295. Payments, $2.50 per week E. L. LENNOX PIANO CO 1 16 N. Meridian st. ONE clarinet, low pitch B. in case. $12.50; bargain. SACHS BROS., 814-16 In diana avenue. OPERALO player and muelc. 955 West Twenty-ninth street. North 9502. Call ! after 5 p. m. I UPRIGHT PIANO, will sell on easy pay ments to ge.od party. Belmont 2098. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLEB. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, cows ar.d hogs. Call Main 1039. Auto. 35-778. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Grj VTCI TT STORAGE CHEAPEST ( \Y/ RATES IN CITY. CALL ) \f US. Everything at rea- II sonable price. Packed. I J || shipped anywhere. VisJ IS Locked room if desired. 80 West Henry- Main 4699, CALL SHANK for the oeet service in hauling, packing, shipping ands )rage. $27-229 North New Jersey St. Main 20j8. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. AYONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl i Finch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary | land St. FINANCIAL- ~ MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILB REALTY CO. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARK PREPARED To’maKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES COl FRANK K. SAWYER. Prea. Third floor. Law Building. Second Mortgage Real estate loan* made on good farms and improved cltar properties. GIB* RALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 168 N. i Delaware street. Main 1618. INSURANCE In all branchee. AUBREY D. PORTER. 616 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. / WE MAKE second mortgages on farm of city property. AETNA WTG. AND INV, CO. Main 7101. 668 Fidelity Trust Bldg. LOANS on Diamonds; 5%% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 6* Mona- I ment. DID YOU SELL ITT ’ K not. try the automobile columns of The Times Want 4 ' Lost Amendments Now Up to Goodrich All that now awaits the restoration of the ten amendment* to the county unit road law, which were lost in the senate enrolling room during the regular ses sion of 1919, is the algnature of the gov ernor. House Bill No. 511, providing for the restoring of the amendments and passed by the house, passed the senate Wednesday afternoon, under ÜBpen6ion of the rules, by a vot eof 35 to 0. Condition Critical * Special to The Times. LEBANON, Ind., July 22.—Eugene Stanley, aged 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley, living one mile north of Pittuboro, who was brought to a hospital here with his left arm sev ered at the elbow and his right hand hanging by a ligament as a result of having been run over by a reaper, Is ia a critical condition today. j 9