RAILWAYS WILL SELL BONDS TO BUY EQUIPMENT $400,000,000 Worth to Be Dis posed of in Next Three or Four Months. MAY PAY HIGH RATES WASHINGTON. Aug. s.—Bailroads will offer approximately $400,000,000 worth of securities to the public in the next three or four months, it was learned here today at the bureau of railroad eco nomics, unless present prices are upset. Interest rates will be at least 7 per cent. Quick sales of the securities will re sult in more being put on the market, it w&i said. The proceeds will be applied on pur chase of new equipment of which more than $610,000,000 worth will be needed In jhe next twelve months, according to present, plans. Part of the money for equipment will come from the revolving fund admin istered by the interstate commerce com mission under the transportation act. Railroad officials now are conferring with investment brokers to arrange for sale of the securities. Conferences were held several days ago in anticipation of the rate increases al lowed railroads -by the interstate com merce commission. MAY PAY MORE THAN 7 PER CENT. A hitch developed, however, which hag not yet been overcome. The investment bankers made clear to the railroad officials the securities might "have to pay more than 7 per cent If their proposal was to be assured. The interstate commerce commission officials, however, let the rail officials know the government would view the 7 per cent dividends with displeasure since the government Is to get but 6 per cent on Its revolving fund advances. This conflict now is being worked out between the commission and rail offi cials. Reports that the rail-roads would spend before Jan. 1. sums ranging from $6,000,- 000 to $7,000,000 for new equipment, were scouted here by rail officials. “So much equipment could not be de livered in such a short time,” said Di rector Parmaiee of the bureau of rail road economics, “There would be no point in placing orders for such a huge amount of equip ment far in advance of actual delivery. "Most plants for the manufacture ot equipment now have enough orders to keep them busy for the remainder of 1929. „ “Repair of equipment will be the big item of expenditure for the remainder of the year. “This is the quickest way to decrease the car shortage.” THRASHER LOSES ARM. EVANSVILLE, Ind., Aug. s.—Ernest Eubanks, while feeding a thrashing ma chine near here Wedensday, had his right arm so badly mangled that it was neces ary to amputate it. aiwmj/L xmti at ihilojz - - for Highest Possible Quality at jQpwest Possible ‘Price Ci^kreiteJ I '' H ere is the topmost cigarette the highest point of smoking enjoyment and satisfaction the spur cigarette. Studied “from the ground up”—in seed, soil, plant and culture. Studied in blending, studied in making, studied in packing. <&> Spurs are blended in a new way from American and Oriental tobaccos, bringing out to the full that good old-time tobacco taste. The satiny imported paper is crimped, not pasted, making an easier-drawing, sfower-burning cigarette. <* You’ll approve of the smart brown and silver packet, three-fold, that preserves Spur's taste and fragrance. Liggett fc HmilWEwth MAN, LATE TO BED, FINDS PROWLER Several Homes in City Visited Late at Night. R. 51. Hastings, 254 North Keystone avenue, returned home at 3 o'clock this morning and went to bed, but before he was asleep he heard some person walk ing in the downstairs part of his home. Hastings reached the first floor of his house in time to see a man run out of the front door. In the darkness he was unable to tell if it was a white man or negro, but he S Keep Your Skin Clear By Using Cuticura The Soap, for daily use in the toilet, cleanses and purines, the Ointment soothes and heals little irritations, roughness or pimples. Cuticura Talcum soothes and cc#!s the skin and overcomes heavy per spiration. Delicate, delightful, distingue. B*nt>’e tKh Ftm by Mill. Andrew: “CoUcrt* labor.torlet. * FAMSwi, Sold every where. Soap2sc. Ointment 25 aodfiOe. Taleum 25e, JPVr’Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Doctors * Use Adler-i-ka! “I use Adier-i-ka in ALL bowe! cases with great success. Some cases require only ONE DOSE.” (Signed) Dr. W. A. Line, Westbaden, Ind. Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper and lower bowel so completely it relieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach or soar stomach. Removes foul matter which poisoned stomach for months. Often CURES consttpaiton. Pre vents appendicitis. Adler-i-ka is a mixture of buckthorn, cascara, gly cerine and nine other simple ingre lients. H, J. Huder, druggist, Wash, md Penn- Sts.—Advertisement found that the prowler had unlocked the door to enter and was probably in the house when Hastings arrived home a few minutes earlier. Nothing was stolen, he told the police. Harry C. Hersey, 1523 North Capitol avenue, saw' a negro looking into the window of his borne early this morning, but the prowler escaped before the police arrived. .Toe Jlichael. 3135 Washington boule vard, at 1 o'clock this morning dis covered a man trying to force an en trance into the home of Ray W. Adams, 3131 Washington- boulevard. The prowler escaped. Vernon Wilson, living at the Dobbins No. 16 in tht story of tht Indianapolis Foundation A CERTAIN pioneer phi lanthropist bequeathed his fortune to the assistance of compatriots in crossing the “Great American Des ert.” The desert was con quered soon after. Had he willed his gift to a commun ity foundation, a vital need might now be served instead of one which has long since passed. Through the Indianapolis Foundation, friends of In dianapolis may contribute for ail time to the moral, physical and educational advancement of the city and its people. Large and small gifts join in one large, common trust fund —every dollar of the fund's earn ings does equal and .powerful wort for a better In dianapolis. Write to any one of the three companies below for a booklet explaining The Indianapolis Foundation in full. The Indianapolis Foundation The Union The Fletcher Savings The Indiana Trust and Trust Company Truat Company Company tin WAN AB'AiLT TliilliS; THTTRSijaT,'AUGUST a, 1920. hotel, 433% East Washington street, re ported to the police that a thief entered hl3 room and carried away three rasors and a pair of shears yesterday. Three boys attempted to force an en trance into tbe "Walter Keith grocery store, 21 East Twenty-third street, early today, but were frlgb ened awny. JAWS LOCKED; HOT MAY STARVE. SHELBYVILLE, Inc., Aug. 6.—Rich ard Smith, small son of Nicholas Smith of this city, is suffering a serious at tack of lockjaw. His Jaws are closed and unless physicians are able to open his Jaws soon he will starve. Tomorrow, Friday, Our Bargain Day / ' siava .... Store closes TrjT WSH RI Afl{ fO ®! os ! s Saturday I \IL VI .it DIXJ\J\ V,T. Saturday at I , Hart Schaffner & Marx guaranteed clothes for men, young men and boys (8 to 18). jj 31 1 Sale of Notions UNICUM HAIR NETS, cap and allover styles 2 for 15? CAMEO HAIR NETS 3 for 25? RICHARDSON’S SPOOL SILK, 100 yards to jspool 15? BABIES’ RUBBER PANTS 39? ETON DRESS SHIELDS 89? FITALL BODICE LININGS, dambrlc 75? SHIRT COLLAR BANDS lO? SHOE TREES, pair 5? DRESS SHIELDS, Nos. 2 and 3, pair 37? TWINE SHOPPING BAGS 48? EMBROIDERY EDGING, 6 yard bolts, bolt 19? CHILDREN’S GARTERS, pair 90 GYM SUPPORTERS, pair 59? EMBROIDERY EDGING.. \ DRESS FASTENERS ] CORSET LACES 1 O MIDDY LACE I O DARNING COTTON \ r SHOE LACES / *° r BLACK OR WHITE TAPE,! <• (\ 3-yard bolts I I Ilf* REMNANTS OF ELASTIC ) REMNANTS OF BELTING From Our Model Grocery CREAMERY BUTTER, Sunlit delicious, fresh sweet churned, pound .....59? COFFEE, Blue Ribbon, fresh roasted in the bean or ground (3 pounds, 95c), pound 32? NAVY BEANS. choice white handpicked Michl gans .3 pounds, 25? PEANUT BUTTER, Sunlit made from fresh roasted No. 1 peanuts, pound. 23? RED KIDNEY BEANS, Joan of Arc (3 cans, 40c), can 14? Women’s and Misses’ Apparel These prices are for Friday only. No mail, phone or C. O. D. orders. CLEARANCE OF Wraps, Novelty Coats and Suits For Women and Misses d* p 7 C S3O to $65 Qualities , | 4 ° Sale Price — JL \ .jgjtk Sent from our second floor. There are only a few models of a kind—early choice is very essential. Included are — SILK PAULETTE WRAPS, CAPES OF sIrGE, accor- IIj I half or full silk lined. dton pleated. II 11 J G ABERD,NE WRAPS, silk WRAPS, silk Bf Htuii I CH A R MEUSE WRAPS, wool gtC( j gkgcfcs velour, gaber -11 ■lllli ! P aulette trimmed. dine, novelty mixtures, M Jj MOIRE SILK WRAPS. some are lined with silk. IfyOf (One) VELVET CAPE. (One) DUVETYNE COAT. A (One) SILK TRICOLETTE SUIT, size 36. l/l/> , (One) PONGEE SUIT, size 36. Ia" (Four) TAFFETA SUITS, sizes 3S, 40 and 42. Garment* that formerly sold for S3O, $35, SSO, $55 and a few at even $65, sale price 819.75 (Nine) SPORT COATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES, of good quality tweed mixtures. Collars, cuffs and large but tons of leatherette materials. Large patch pockets, $18.50 A QQ quality (Two hundred) LINGERIE BLOUSES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES, of voile, corded stripes, etc. Clearance of broken lots; $1.50 and $2.00 qualities (limit 4 to customer), AQr* oach v 7 v/U Domestics and Beddings (Twd thousand yards) NAVY BLUE PERCALE, yard wide; navy blue, stripe patterns, for aprons, houses dresses, etc. (none to dealers), 48c quality, QQr yard UUt (Nine hundred yards) DRESS GINGHAM, 27 and 32 Inches QQr wide, yard OOv FAST COLOR APRON' GINGHAM, all size blue checks, 30c 0 0 quality, yard ... 4jOt UNBLEACHED MUS LIN, yard QQr> wide.s yards for£/Ov/ Knit Underwear UNION SUITS FOR WOMEN, low neck, sleeveless, narrow shoulder straps, cuff knee, gauze cotton, broken A O n lines of 85c quality, suit rrOU UNION SUITS FOR WOMEN, fine gauze, low neck, sleeveless, tailored band or bodice top, cuff knee, rein forced, pink or white, irregulars of $1.50 quality (3 suits, $1.89), suit UfJU ATHLETIC UNION SUITS FOR WOM EN, various fabrics, broken OQa lines of $1.50 quality .O CLOTH WAISTS FOR CHILDREN, re inforced from the shoulder, double row of taped buttons, broken OQr* lines of 50c quality dJZsLi Housefurnishings 111 [I BROOMS, of ail broom corn. 5 sewed, smooth handles, 70c A (V ff quality FRUIT AND VEGETA //H I *££ ,CEK *:. 15c *ll ii\ FURNITURE CAS TERS, for beds, tables, etc., brown, 4 in a set; 35c 4 Q„ quality, set 1 yU EVAPORATED MILK, Van Camp's (4 for 43c), can 12>/2? CATSUP, Van Camp's or Snider's, made from red. ripe tomatoes. 8- ounce half pint bot tle (3 for 60c), bottle 17? CREAM CHEESE, rich yellow Wisconsin. full cream, pound 35? SHREDDED WHEAT BIS CUIT, packages. 2 for 29? CUIT, packages. 2 for 29? ■wonder...3 packages 25? BASEMENT STORE (Fifty) KIMONOS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES, of ehallis, Paisley designs, collars and cuffs, satin A A trimmed; $2.98 quality I. \s (Forty) SILK DRESSES FOR WOM EN AND MISSES, clearance of broken lots and slightly imperfect garments from our intensive season’s selling. Os taffeta, crepe de chine, messaline in the season's most wanted colors. Earlier in the season these were $15.00, $18.60 and QQ $20.00 / .V^O (Fifteen hundred yards) DRESS VOILES, 27 inches wide, neat figure designs, for women’s and children's waists, dresses, etc.; 39c c\ A quality (Five hundred yards) LONGCLOTH, yard wide, soft even thread for un derwear, launders nicely (limit 10 yards to cus tomer), OQ n yard dJZJKj (Eight hundred yards) WHITE OUTING FLAN NEL, soft and fluffy, double fleeced, extra 24c BREAKFAST BACON, lean, sweet cured, ma chine sliced, pound 35? CORN, delicious sweet evergreen (dozen, $1.69), can . 14? SALMON, fancy Alaska river pink, 1-pound can 19? BRICK CHEESE, fancy Wisconsin Holstein, rich and creamy, p0und...33? LARD, Sunlit pure open kettle rendered, one-pound carton 25? —Fifth Floor. (Four hundred vards) BLEACHED COTTON FLANNEL, soft, fluffy nap, twilled weave back, 49c quality, Qf) yard Ot jC (One thousand yards) STRIPE OUTING FLAN NEL, Assorted color stripes on light grounds, extra spe- Or cial, yard dLs t/G (One thousand yards) DRAPERY CRETONNE, 60c quality, Ssc (Two hundred) BLEACHED PILLOW CASES, hemmed, size 36 x 36 inches, ex|?a Qn special, each*... .Od> jC Hosiery No Mail, Phone or C. O. D, Orders. ONYX PURE THREAD SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN, full fashioned, silk lisla garter tops; black, white and cordo van, $3.00 +C\ QC quality NOVELTY SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN, seamless foot, fashioned leg, lace clock or lace boot effect; black, cordovan and navy; $2.00 -4 A Q quality QJ> 1 .40 FANCY ROLL TOP SOX l-OR CHIL DREN, a number of patterns to QQ choose from; up to 65c qualities. o*7 C BUSTER BROWN STOCKINGS FOR CHILDREN, fine ribbed, seamless, fully reinforced, black or white, 45c quality (3 pairs .for $1.00), Qr„ Curtains and Draperies REMNANTS OF CURTAIN AND DRA PERY MATERIALS, yard wide, lengths suitable for small windows and doors. Various colors; nets, voile, marquisette, madras and colored fabrics included. Up to $1.50 OfT quality, yard suoL' TAPE EDGE SCRIM, yard wide, fin-, ished on both edges, launders white and cream, 25c 4 rOfl quality, yard DOUBLE FACED TAPESTRY TONNES, yard wide, heavy Jo r!r,r■ ; a: -v roaring*, bird and taHHB patterns, washable, r^EMB $1 35 quality, yard vSH| CURTAIN AND PORTIERE REI&3 inches wide, can be split and width, mercerized, rose, blue. mullH|B and brown, washable; -j $2.75 quality, yard t£> 1 .(H DOUBLE FACED TERRY CLOTH, yX| wide, beautiful patterns In colorings rose, blue, black, green and tan, able, a material with a plusb<£ 4 face. $1.85 quality, yard FILET NET CURTAINS, 2% yards long, durable double thread nets, neat' border patterns, strong edges, white, $2.50 quality, flfT pair 1 .yj —Third boor. NEW HATS For Women and Misses Special Friday at *2.00 VELVET CROWN AND GEORGETTE BRIM HATS GEORGETTE HATS WHITE SATIN HATS , Only Bargain Friday, coupled with the value giving policies of the Basement store, could bring about such a sale of mil linery! EveVy hat is new in style— charmingly trimmed in many ways, appropriate for mid summer wear. There are just two hundred in the group and all have been taken from our regular stock. Special.. $2.00 Boys’ Clothing BOYS’ CORDUROY SUITS, sizes 8 to 17 years, dark drab color, new fall styles, excellent for school wear. Full cut lined pants, rv fT/v $ll.OO quality *7.ov/ BOYS’ OVERALLS, sizes 3 to 11 yeaus, of dark blue denim, Steifel dye, fast color, front and back pock ets, bib. Special 1 da C WASH SUITS FOR BOYS, sizes 2 to 6 years. Oliver Twist, middy and belt all around styles, light or dark colors, all fast colors, T~l£r $3.00 quality sl. / O Men’s Furnishings WORK SHIRTS FOR MEN, of med ium blue chambray. flat laydown col lar attached, fast color, double stitched, cut large and roomy, well made. Sizes 14H to 4* A 17- $1.65 quality • GUARANTEED HOSE FOR MEN, sizes 10, 10% and 11, 6 pairs guaran teed by the manufacturer to wear 6 months; assorted, 2 gray and 4 tan (limit, 2 boxes to customer), QT^ ATHLETIC UNION SUITS FOR MEN, slee’eless, knee length, of nainsook, elaotic belt in back, sizes 40. 42, 44 and 46 (3 for QC. $2.50), garment 01/O 11