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59c Curtain Swiss, 27c “Just the materials they want to make dainty ruffled' curtains.” Thirty-six inches wide, in all the new dainty pat terns. —Pettis drapery dept, third floor. Put Soaps In —They Al ways Want Them ordered the king of the Mill End Sale. 10c Toilet and bath soaps, different odors, dozen 60<*. Wrisley’s olive oil castile soap, 5 cakes. 39<^. Kirk’s Jap Rose soap, 6 cakes, 42 Venetian bath soap, 6 cakes, 42<*. 50c Pepsodent tooth paste, 33£. 50c Neet depilatory, 33c. —Pettis soaps, street floor, front $4.25 Stamped Blouses, $2.00 “That will give them something to do for a little while, and how the dear wom en do like to be busy,” laughed Mr- Lock hart as he held up these blouses, stamped on rose and yellow. —Pettis art dept, fifth floor. Children’s 98c Stamped Dresses. 69c Dresses for little tots, made up and stamped with neat, simple designs for embroidery. The material is blue checked lawn. —Pettis art dept, fifth floor. 40c Stamped Center pieces, 21c There’s a dozen different patterns to choose frcm, all simple, but very effec tive, when embroidered. —Pettis art dept, fifth floor. Buy Wall Paper Now, for Fall Use Mr. Lockhart advises, and his advice is usually good and sound. 50c Decorative paper, oil blends, grass cloth, tapestries and engravures, 30c -25c Bedroom paper in stripes and all over floral designs, 15<*. 5c cutout floral bedroom borders, s<*. —Pettis wall paper, third floor. $5.98 Couch Covers, $4.44 “Just the thing for the den, or to hide that old, ugly couch,” remarked Mr. Lock hart as he casually reduced the price. Tapestry and oriental stripes and pat terns. Size 50 inches by 2% yards. —Pettis drapery dept., third floor. 55c Curtain Voiles, 27c At the tap of the gong, there’ll be a mad rush for this forty-inch curtain voile, in ecru color, double thread quality and will launder perfectly. Because it is so cheap we must limit 20 yards to a customer. —Pettis draperies, third floor. 65c and 69c Pillow Tub ing, 47c Bleached pillow tubing in 36 and 40- inch widths. Contains no dressing. Hurry, you housewives, if you want this, for it’s a great bargain. —Pettis domestics, street floor, aisle two. $2.35 Wool Wadding, $1.63 Nicely packed in one-pound packages. Just what you want for your quilt and comfort linings. —Pettis domestics, street floor, aisle two. Children s Sandals, $1.48 Misses’ and children’s tan leather bare foot sandals. Sizes 8% to 11% and 11% to 2. Just the thing for kiddies to wear during the hot August weather. —Pettis shoes, street floor, aisle six. Children’s Canvas Oxfords, SI.BO "Just like giving them away,” said the Mill End Man; “they’ll simply eat them up.” White canvas, welt sole oxfords iu sizes 8% to 11 and 11% to 2. —Pettis shoes, street floor, aisle six. Women ’s Oxfords, $2.95 “Get extra salespeople; you’ll need them when they read this item.” White canvas oxfords with Neolin soles and low heels. Splendid for sports v r ear. —Pettis shoes, street floor, aisle six. 59c Bust Confiners, 39c Pink mesh and repp bandeaux. —Pettis corsets, second floor. PETTIS DRY GOODS CO THE. NEW VQRK STORE. E ST. i853 •THE IMMENSITY of my sale is the outgrowth of real labor. The * * very money that you will save in buying the Friday bargains to morrow is the result of the labor you are willing to put into it by gent shopping. Your patience, your efforts and your insight will all show you have a devout nature that will conquer all obstacles in life. C. A. LOCKHART. $5.75 (( Woolnap” Blankets, $3.98 They’ll be mighty nice to have on hands, to snuggle under when the first tangy days of autumn come. Gray cot ton, with heavy twilled body. Large size assorted borders and ribbon bound. —Pettis bedding, fifth floor. 98c Huck Towels, 69c Figured huck towels, with hemstitched ends and wide damask border with space for initial. Get them by the halt dozen, women, you’ll save money if you do. Fettls towelings. street floor, aisle two. $1.25 White Skirtings, 58c “On my word, that’s less than half price,” mused the kindly little man, “but let it go, tney deserve bargains.” White oxford suiting with fancy stripes- Thirty six inches wide. —Pettis white material*, street floor, aisle two. Infants’ 79c Shirt Dryers, 48c Made of wood and sc-ih a convenient article for mothers to have. Pettis infants’ dept, second floor. Infants ’ 39c Hose Stretchers, 25c They keep the hose in good shape. —Pettis infants’ dert., second floor. Infants’ 59c Hose, 39c Mercerized hose of good quality. Bet ter buy enough to last for several months, you good, kind mothers. —Pettis infants’ dept, second floor. Women ’* $3.95 Blouses, $1.98 “Won’t they come in a hurry for these, though,” and they’ll be glad they did, when they see what wonderful bargains they are —plain and checked voiles in both long and short sleeve models. —Pettis blouses, second floor. Women ’s $8.95 Petti coats, $4.95 You big women are in luck this time — all right These petticoats are of all silk jersey and have deep pleated flounces. Just what you want, for fall wear and made In extra sizes. Pettis petticoats, second floor. Women’s $1.98 Bloomers $1.39 Satin striped dimity bloomers, in flesh color. Have double elastic knee and full reinforcements. Pettis lingerie, second floor. Women’s $6.95 Night gowns, $3.95 Just exactly $3.00 saved, and then think of the luxury of having a couple of crepe de chine nightgowns. Beautiful quality and daintily made. —Pettis lingerie, second .floor. Women *553.95 Envelope Chemise, $2.69 You women, who fancy silken under garments, want to get in on this item. Heavy silk crepe de chine chemise in tailored styles. —Pettis lingerie, second floor. $2.50 to $3.50 Corsets, $1.50 Prices are certainly going to smash this Friday—observed Mr. Lockhart as he calmly reduced these corsets. Pink or white coutils of well-known makes, in models for the slender and average figure. —Pettis corsets, second floor. $1.50 Silk Poplins, $1.19 Self colored medium stripes in brown, tan, Copenhagen, navy blue, rose and white. All 36 inches wide. —Pettis silks, street floor, alsl? one. $2.00 Satin Messaline, $1.39 Black satin messalines of beautiful quality; 36 inches wide. Come early if you want a dress or skirt pattern, for there are just two pieces. —Pettis silks, street floor, aisle one. $1.39 Venetian Cloth, Beautiful satin luster, heavy weight, 36 inches wide, and comes in white only. Just 2% yards, madam, will make you a skirt. —Pettis linings, street floor, aisle two. PeTTKCsrCae'sca' ac MEM YOMt STOMA No Phone, Mail, C. O. D. Orders or Layaways on Friday Specials INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1920. $1.25 Printed Taffeta, 98c Mercerized printed taffeta, 36 inches wide. Black and colored grounds. Par ticularly suitable for petticoats. —Pettis liniugs, street floor, aisle two. $2.75 Lace Panels,sl.B7 Fifty inches wide and 2% yards long. You can use just one to a window. Come early, for we only have a limited quan tity. Pettis drapery dept., third floor. $4.50 Men's Wear Serge $3.25 What an opportunity, with fall so near at hand—and serge always the leading material; 56 inches wide, all wool and in dark navy blue only. —Pettis woolens, street floor, aisle one. Apron Ginghams, 26c What a picnic for housekeepers—for they all wear gingham aprons—the big, motherly kind—joked Mr. Lockhart as he measured off these mill end lengths of ginghams in lengths of 3 to 10 yards. —Pettis ginghams, street floor, west aisle. Notions 69c Kitchen aprons, rubberized, 45<L 85c Kazoo garter waists, sizes 4 to 14 years, s<*. —Pettis notions, street floor, aisle one. 29c and 39c Picot Edge Ribbon, 19c and 29c Pure silk picot edge ribbons, No. 3 and No. 5; all the wanted shades. —Pettis ribbons, street floor, aisle three. $4.50 Sandwich Trays, $2.79 Triple plate bread and sandwich trays in different styles. “How about ono for a wedding gift.’’ suggests Mr. Lockhart. --Pettis silverware dept., street floor, front. $2.98 Pearl Beads, $1.69 French pearl beads in 15-inch graduated style. Have solid gold clasp. —Pettis Jewelry, street floor, aisle four. $1.25 Barpins, 79c White stone barpins in long, narrow style. A dainty dress accessory for any woman. —Pettis Jewelry, street floor, aisle four. $3.98 Beauty Cases, $2.69 Box style and covered with real leather. Nicely fitted with mirror and toilet ac cessories. - Pettis leather goods, street floor, aisle three. Women s $1.98 Silk Mitts, SI.OO Long elbow length lace mitts; very nice for hot weather wear —Pettis gloves, street floor, aisle four. Women ’s 59c Lisle Stockings, 41c Gauze' lisle stockings, with seamed back, double solos and high spliced heel. Black, white and brown. —Pettis hose, street floor, aisle five. Women’s $1.50 Hose, $1.05 Full fashioned silk and fiber silk hose. In black and white, navy blue and brown. Some are very slightly irregular. —Pettis hose, street floor, aisle five. Men’s $1.50 Union Suits, 97c There’s a nice little saving for you, men! So come early and get In on it. Made of soft finish nainsook, crossbar type. Have closed crotch and cut in ath letic style. —Pettis furnishings for men, street floor, aisle six. Men’s Balbriggan Under wear, 43c Short sleeves and ankle drawers. —Pettis furnishings for men. street floor, aisle six. Boys ’ Up to $4.75 Hats and Caps, $2.00 This is your chance, boys, I’ve reduced all hats and caps, including straws for this Friday. —Pettis clothes for boys, third floor. $1.25 Wash Trousers, 85c Extra well made, and cut full. Made of good materials and will blunder n’cely. —Pettis clothes for boys, third floor. Children’s Petticoets, 79c Soft cambric petticoats, that will laun der nicely. "My treat to the kiddies,” commented Mr. Lockhart. —Fettls infants’ dept., second floor. Infants ’ 98c Shoes, 69c Made of white canvas with soft soles, to make little tots’ feet comfortable. Pettis Infants' dept., second floor. $3.57 Buster Brown Cameras, $2.30 Os course, you want one to take with you on your vacation. $2 box camera, in size, 2%x3%. —rettls kodaks, street floor, aisle four. 35c to 89c Books, 19c Odd lots of books, of various subjects. —Pettis books, street floor, aisle four. Women ’s SI.OO Union Suits, 69c Fine gauze lisle in white and pink. Have tailored or taped top, loose or tight knee styles. - Pettis knit underwear, street floor, aisle flv-!. Boys ’ 95c Union Suits, 77c Made of crossbar nainsook, and cut in the popular athletic style —Pettis knit underwear, street floor, aisle five. Bookfold Percales, 25c Whew! What a bargain—27-lnch per cales of good patterns in both ight and dark colors. Seems like a before-the-war price. —Pettis percales, street floor, aisle one, American Print Calicoes, 20c Fast colors light and dark, full lengths of 10 to 20 yards. —Pettis calicos, street floor, aisle one. $3.95 Figured Georg ettes, $1.95 An extra fine quality of Georgette in an assortment of the newest patterns and colorings. Just the patterns all of the fancy blouses aro heitig rtade < ut of. —Pettis trimmings, street floor, aisle two. Men’s 18c Handkerchiefs 6 for 65c Get your hubby a dozen—he is always wanting a clean one—these are of nice quality materials and neatly hemstitched. —Pettis handkerchiefs, street floor, aisle two. 59c Net Collars, 23c Several very attractive styles. —Pettis neckwear, street floor, aisle two. sl.lO Wash Boards, 75c 12x13 inches, with zinc rubbing sur face. —Pettis basement. 19c doz. Matches, 3 doz. 20c 36 boxes safety matches for 20c. Three cartons safety matches, each containing 1 dozen small boxes. —Pettis basement. 5c Soap, 6 for 23c Lenox soap; a good grade of laundry soap; no deliveries; limit 6 to a customer. —l’ettls basement. $6.50 Dinner Sets,s3.9B Bluebird decorations, service for six people. Sets consist of 6 cups. 6 saucers, 6 large plates, 6 fruit saucers, 1 meat platter and 1 vegetable dish. —Pettis basement. 43c Fish Bowls, 32c 1- size. —Pettis br.sement. 75c Fish Bowls, 58c 2- size. —Pettis basement. $1.48 Fish Bowls, 98c 3- size; large globe shape. —Pettis basement. $5.00 Auto Vacuum Freezers, $3.98 Freezes cream in 30 minutes without turning or mixing, 1 —Pettis basement. $1.25 Wool Wall Mops, 63c Lamb’s wool, long and short handle. —Pettis basement. Needles, Parts, Attachments, Oil. All Makes of Sewing' Machines Repaired. sXjßCarCaorsca Just $4.85 for a Pair of Low Shoes You’ll Wear All Fall! $9 to sll Low Shoes $4.85 |grP In all the desired styles and leathers, including French heels and military Step This Way for Low Shoes at $3.95 If we have your size, you’re going to get the greatest bargain of your life. Broken lots, of course, but your size may be right here. Oxfords, pumps, colonial pumps in many different leathers and heels. Better get up a little bit earlier than usual and get here Friday before the crowd, then you’ll be sure of getting good choice. —Pettis shoes, street floor, aisle six. Here’s Unhoped for Luck “Hope” Muslin 32c Mill End Lengths YARD 53c Outing Flannel, 41c 2,000 yards of white outing flannel, splendid heavy quality. 50c Outing Flannel, 33c Fancy striped, extra wide; blue and pink stripes. $1.25 Bleached Sheeting, 87c Same count and weight as PeppereU, 2!4 yards wide. $1.39 Pequot Sheeting, 97c Half bleached sheeting, 2*4 yards wide. The best quality of sheeting we carry. 1,500 Men’s SHIR TS Go In This Sale at Or 3 for $8.25 It is said that politeness smooths out wrinkles. There may be nothing to the saying that clothing does not make the man, but it certainly does ease the jolt when you meet a well-dressed man. lam giving some wonderful values in this tremendous shirt sale Friday. The shirt buyer in this store has been silently shifting around among the shirt manufacturers, gathering to gether this great lot of splendid shirts. There are 1,500 crisp, clean, new shirts of high character. You may choose from corded madras and dussetine shirts in guaranteed fast colors. The patterns are wonderful and the se lection is very large. All have French cuffs and are finely made. —Pettis men’s furnishings, street floor, east aisle. 47c Outing Flannel, 36c White outing flannel, heavy body and well fleeced. 65c Berkley Cambric, 43c For lingerie use and general house hold. 37c Unbleached Muslin, 26c Medium weight, yard wide, good quality. 67c Pillow Casing, 49c Full bleached, 42 inches wide. No dressing. —P ettis domestics, street floor, aisle two. 3