Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 1500 Automatic 28-351 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consevutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices. 35c per insertion. ' The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funoral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908 New Phone. 37-208. A. M. Ragsdale, ,T. Wash Price, John Patti Ragsdale A. M. RAGSDALE CO. ~ J. C. WILSON -1289 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 222. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. K. KRIEGER, New 21-164. Main 1454. KOI N. Illino'.a UNCTFiT AKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 16*5 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114. 'UNDERTAKERS—HISEY * TITUS, 551 _ North Del. New 26-564. Main 2630. OEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. DONAHUE. CATHERINE—Age SO years. died at her residence. SCI S. West st.. Wednesday * Aug. 4. Funeral Saturday, Aug. 7, S:3O. at residence. 9 a. m. St. John's church. Burial Holy Cross ceme tery. Friends invited. She was a member of the Living Rosary society and the Altar society. FITZGERALD. CATHERINE C.—Wife of Edward Fitzgerald, died at the residence 2932 Park ave., Wednesday. Aug. 4. Fu neral Saturday, Aug. 7, 8:20 at residence; 9 a. m. SS. Peter and Paul cathedral. Burial Holy Cross cemetery. Friends in LOST ANPFOUNP. LOST—Lady’s black leather purse con taining money, cameo pin, and keys, on Kappes, Morris, Treraont or Ray streets. Call Belmont 291 or 3475. Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives Itraced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947, or write lost agent, 18 Bald win block. Indianapolis. Ind. STOLEN—Last Friday at Millspaugb fine American bicycle, brown with white stripes. Reward for any information for Its return. Phone Prospect 7439. LOST—Mink neckpiece, left on Anderson road car Tuesday evening, about 6:30. Call Main 4542 before 5. Reward, LOST—Black plush coat with fur collar between Martinsville and Gosport. Call Prospect 6445. LOST—GoId brooch on Riverside car or downtown district. Reward. Harrison 2665. LOST—Black silk umbrella in front of Citizens Gas Cos. Reward. Auto. 41-573. ROOMS—TO LET. FURNISHED sleeping room: also 1 apart ment for sleeping and light housekeep ing. 719 North Alabama. CENTRAL ave.. beautifully furnished room in modern home, to gentlemen or man and wife. North 5991. FURNISHED rooms for sleeping and housekeeping. 206 H North Meridian, FURNISHED rooms for sleeping and housekeeping. 206 V 4 North Meridian. BROOKSIDE ave.. 1872. large airy room upstairs; private. Woodruff 1596. FURNISHED room, modern, for one or two. 201 North Belmont ave Due. FURNISHED room, strictly modern l in walking distance. Circle 33*4. NICELY furnished room at 126 North Alabama. Main 2018. HOUSE S *—WANTED. Modern cottage or half double north of Fall Creek. Two children of school age. Call Dolph E. Moore, Hotel Washington. Main 4283. BUSIN ESS SERVICES. Are You Sick—Tried Everything and Failed ? W can Vtelp you. Write for booklets. Natural Therapeutics Institute, Suite 59, When Main 9017. f NATUREOPATHY. Swedish massage, baths and general treatment; thorough satisfaction. 119 E. Vermont st.. flrst floor front, llim to 9 p. m. DOWNTOWN tire shop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that gives satisfaction. 35 Kentucky avenue. SAFETYIraZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 211 Indiana st*. contractor! Work of all kinds. DAILY. .Phone Prospect 5173. IF your clock is not running pnon* Circle 4807. M. R. SHEARN. 811 North Ala bama. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. M 163 DE VERE, 17H W. Ohio. Main 8873. ALL kinds of roofs repaired; tin gutters repaired and painted. Prospect 4015. JUNK for sale! J. H. BARNSTELV, 401 South Ea3t street. TAILORS AND CLEANERS. CLEANING —PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called for) Gents* suits cleaned and pressed. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteec.. FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1035 Fletcher ave. Prospect 4*S. MALE HELP—WANTEP. PERMANENT POSI TION, ,HIGK SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. BIG 4 R v R. 615 ’vr A TP’STTC BT.DG. Wanted—Good, reliable man for , track driver and to work in side also; steady position; good salary. Call MAX KATZ BAG CO. 132 S. Peiln. y WANTED—AN ENGINEER OR PIPEFITTER, 8 HOURS, GOOD PAY. APPLY CITY HOSPITAL ENGINEER. FIREMAN FOR RONEY STOKER, SHORT HOURS, GOOD PAY, FREE CAR FARE. APPLY MR. ANDERSON, 1150 W. WASHING TON ST. ALL classes of machinists. machine hands; steady work; good pay; 48 hours weekly; also capable unskilled men. Call on J. M. ALTENBACH, Oneida hotel. WANTED—At once, experience weather strip Installer. CaU Circle 1371. MALE HELP—WANTED. -.~i.-ii-r.-1.-.-. -i ~i LABORERS " Beginning .Saturday morning, August 7 th, we will pay 55c per hour, including bonus. Meet, our truck at Illinois and Washington St. comfort station. E. RAUH & SON FERTILIZER CO. Sample Body Builders, Sheet Metal Workers, Metal Pattern Makers, Tinsmiths,. Laborers, Experienced Craters, Carpenter for Rough Carpentry, Die Makers. Panelers and Metal Finishers on Closed Bodies. Up fitters. Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Ky. Ave. and Morris St. Molders Another new furnace !• about ready and we can use more experienced malleable iron molders. We want real men —good, strong—who want all-year-round work. These are all-right Jobs, and we want to fill them with all-right men. Apply at employment office. Belmont ave., south of West Washington st. Link Belt Cos. Belmont Plant. I NOTICE Menders Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect our contract and because of il legal strike. C. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. T. J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Motor City Lodge No. 269. First-class tool makers, lathe men, drill press operators and milling machine hands. Mod ern Electric and Ma chine Cos., 936 Fort Waj'ne ave. MEN WANTED Big Four elevator, Sherman drive and Big Four R. R. Pros pect 6878, WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. RAILWAY mall decks are offered $1,40* entrance salary with promotions to 82,300. For full particulars and a course of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois street. Suite 207. LABORERS - Fifty repair men, Maae. ave. and Cornell, Thursday 7 a. m. INDIANA ASPHALT PA VIVO CO. WANTED —Men for shift work, day shift II hours, night shift 13 hom-s. Good wages. Don’t call unless yoir want to work. BEVERIDGE PAPER CO., West Pearl and White river. ISTRUCTORB, capable, for machine shop; good salary, steady job. Foreman can fill these positions. Call on J. M. AL TENBACH, Oneida hotel. MEN who are experienced In packing china and crating household goods. FRANK SHELLHOUSE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO. WANTED—First-class non-union plumber. Steady work. No labor trouble. CHAM PAIGN P. & H. CO., Champaign, Illinois. WANTED —Experienced firemen on chain grate stokers. Apply MR. RAY, Union Traction Power House. Anderson. Ind. SIX good strong laborers to wreck houses. Call 718 East Maryland street. CANDY MAKER'S. HOMER J. WILLIAM SON, 641 North East street. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. CONSTRUCTION superintendent; also drafting, designing and estimating buildings, etc. North IX9B. WANTED—Position as truck driver by young man. Phone Waehlngton 118. SALESM EN-WA NT ED. WANTED—Experienced salesmen to rep resent a reliable firm. Reference re quired. J. A. LAUER, 120 North Penn syivanla Second floor. INSTRUCTIONS. DANCING—AII kinds taught; day or eve nings; violin, stage dancing acts taught, completed for good engagements CaU PROF. RAYNO. iM W. Ohio et. Math 204*. SHE’S READY ' She’s a capable' woman—one who has made good in other lines. For very good reasons she went into a business school at the be ginning of th'J summer term and studied stenography. Now she's ready to accept and satisfactorily fill a stenographer’s position. And you want a woman like that? . If her ad isn’t under* “Situation Wanted” in tonight’s Times you can reach her through a “Help Wanted” ad in The Times tomor row night. Try it! V ! ) FEMALE HELP—WANTED. FACTORY CLERICALS Special training not absolute ly required. Several good machine open ings which offer steady work and advancement. ROCKWOOD MFG. CO. 1801 English Ave. \ LADIES We can use three ladies of convincing personality who are desirous of better ing their positions in the business world. To those who can qualify we will place in a permanent posi tion where you will be em ployed the year round. See manager ladies’ dept., 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. Attractive Employment for Girls Become a telephone operator. You can speedily advance to toll operator, clerical worker, supervisor, assistant chief, chief operator, etc. Hundreds of higher posi tions for those who qualify. Besides, we pay for your instruction In this modern profession and pay you while yovT are learning. In a few weeks’ time yoi are qualified as a bona fide employe with a permanent position. Least you ran then earn is 816 a week. Ideal working condi tions. Vacations with pay and many other unusual advantages. Apply- at main office. Meridian and New York els. Employment desk In lobby. Indiana Bell Telephone Company WANTED— GIRLS BE TWEEN AGES OF 20 AND 55 FOR OUR WINDING DE PARTMENT; GOOD WAGES WHILE LEARN INO; AT TRACTIVE PIECE RATE EARNINGS IN A SHORT TIME. EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, FA I R B ANKS MORSE & CO.. TWENTY FIRST AND NORTHWEST ERN AVE.. Girls for light factory work. Modern Electric and Machine Cos. WANTED—Young lady, good reader. to assist. 1n the dictation department In re turn for a shorthand. bookkeeping or combined course. See Fred W. Case principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COL LEGE, third floor University Park Bldg.. Pennsylvania and Vermont. WANTED—Houeekeeper. Call Prospect 272 after 6 p. m., or address A No. 158*. Times. ROOM and board to a motherly woman for care of home and child. Call Clrole 2307. ___ GOOD woman or girl for general house work. North 4204. 1 BUS IN ESS C H ANC EE. TEXAS OIL We are direct from the oil fields of Texas and have had years of practical experience. We will be In town a few days with a gilt edge proposition. If you are Interested in oil we would be glad to talk to you. Phone MR. LEACH. North 9251 after sp. m. for appointment. FEATHERS” Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLB. 418 Mass, ave. Main New SB-778. A THOROUGH accountant prepared to audit, open and close books where a bookkeeper is not employed. Systems In stalled. C. A. MELOY. 18 Marion bldg. Mai n 15 99 GROCERY and delicatessen; reasonable; other business. 140 North Alabama. ~7 DETECTIVE*. Ouigley-Byiand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators 121-629 Law bldg • _ Main 2101. AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE. CLEARANCE SALE OF USED CARS SPECIAL 20'/o off regular prices; 50% cash, balance in one year. On display at our sales room. , Open nights and Sun days. No sale without satisfac tory demonstration. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 426 N. Capitol Ave. Main 4768. Auto. 28-668. COMMONWEALTH four forty touring demonstrator at factory cost. DIETZ JAMES. 884 East Market street. Main 5716. Terms if desired. FOR SALE—Grant 4 roadster7~~|l3S; motor in good condition ; serve for speed ster ; reason for sale need of ready cash. Call after 6 p. m. _6SS North Bevllle. LIGHT 5-passenger, electrically equipped. In good condition; good tires, top and seat covers, 3350. 237 North Addison. Belmont 2180. CHEVROLET TOURING. 8818. Monroe Salsa, *OO North Capitol, MONROE 1918 TOURING, Monroe Sales, 600 North Capitol. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SATISFACTION AND SERVICE in contrast with the amount of money paid for the following automo biles: Hupmobile Practically new 1920 five-passenger touring car; only run 1,000 miles. This is a rare bargain. Hudson Sedan 1917 model in excellent mechanical condition. This offers an exception-' al opportunity. Dodge Coupe 1917 model, just he! repainted in our shops. This ear is in first-class mechanical condition. % “Cole Aero 8” 1920 model five-passen ger, Disteel wheels. Only driven 700 miles. A bar gain. Mitchell Seven-passenger tour ing; excellent condition; tires, upholstering and top in A-l condition. A bar gain at the price we ask. National 6 1917 model, just re painted. This is a chum my roadster that will bear close investigation. It is to lx* sold at a bar gain. * Packard Twin Six 1917 model, seven-pas senger touring; excellent condition; good tires, top and upholstery. You will have to see this ear t > appreciate same. National 6 1919 model in excellent mechanical condition; just repainted. See this car and have a demonstra tion in it. 0 Peerless Seven-passenger touring in good mechanical condi tion. A rare opportunity to get a high-grade car at a bargain. Note We can arrange terms to responsible parties and will consider your old car as part, payment, at its actual cash value at this time. BOCAL BRANCH Nordyke & Marmon Cos. Meridian and Eleventh. 8100 BUYS A GOOD USED CAR. WILL CONSIDER YOUR OLD CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT. _ . Down. Weekly. Bulck touring flOu 16.00 Font touring 100 6.00 Ford touring 125 ‘ 6.00 Saxon roadster 100 5.00 Ford roadster...., 126 *O9 Willys-Knight touring 150 6joo Overland Club 150 6.00 Grant touring 100 5.00 Maxwell touring 150 6.00 Hudson touring 330 9.00 AND ABOUT FIFTY OTHERS. THIRTY DAYS’ FREE SERVICE. NO BROKERAGE. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO., 665-57 N. Capitol nve. Telephone Circle 1464. “ bargains - Most of them have bean repaint ed, retopped and overhauled. Down. Weekly. Maxwell touring 3100 35.00 Chovrolet touring 125 6.00 Chevrolet touring...... 150 6.u0 Ford roadster 125 6.00 Studebaker 6 touring.. J.9S 6.00 Ford touring 135 6.60 Inter-State touring 1* 6.76 Grant 6 touring 245 7.00 Hudson super, touring. 395 8.00 And many othors too numerous to mention. Come down and make * your own terms. No brokerage. • INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 618 N. Capitol. Open evenings. Main 2688. Auto. 22-018. Chevrolet Ccupe This cur Is in fine mechanical chape. Will make elegant oar for doctor or sales man. Prices at $550 as owner Is leaving city. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. Marion Speedster in A-l shape; priced so you can speed tonight if you buy it today; 3228.22. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware et. Main 1984. FOR SALE—Maxwell touring oar! com pletely overhauled, including now bat tery in flrst-clase condition; for further information during the day call Wood ruff 188; at night call Woodruff 8633. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. MAXWELL TOURING Electric starter and elec tric lights. Brand new Permalife batteuv. This car is in A-l shape. Good top, tires and paint. Motor in fine shape. Will gladly demonstrate this car to your satisfaction. Call North 6223 or come to 48 W. 24th St. Hupmobile,* Model K touring in a U-buy condition; guaranteed mechanically perfect. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware st. Main 1984. MONROE DEMON-STATOR. Monroe Sales, 600 North Capitol. MONROES, TWO M 2 ROAIIFTETtI! Monroe Sales. 600 North Capitol. OVERLA NdT-PASSENG ER.*34o! Monroe Rales, 600 North Capitol. ~ Delivers a low cost-ton mile. BURL FI Sell, Distributor. West Maryland St. SERVICE truck, two-ton. 191 X model, aii weather cab. 12-seat stake bod>. new tires. Prospect 359. 801 E. Market st. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY.' 1 . 11l N. CAPITOL. MAIN 2688. AUTO. 82019. AUTOS WANTED "We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. I “WANT YOLK CAU and will pay you cash for It. Don’t forget your money u wait ing for you. If you can’t driva in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will he given. 212 E. NEW YOKK ST. ~ AUTOS WANTED We pay caeh. No delay for your money. It te her* for you. C.ime ir, or '-all. I. Wolf Auto Paris A Tire Cos. (II N. Illlnole st. Main 157* Auto :2-S(L • We also buy JmtH cara AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. AUTO WASHING Onr Specialty. 822-884 North Ullcola 8 & S Auto Laundry WE SPECIALIZE on automocile wheel re pairing on al! make <*sr*; up-to-minute equipment THE JOHN UUEUKLHOEF KR WAGON CO.. 203 Kentucky avenue. ONE-MAN aut> tope, side curtain* seat ard redls'or cover*. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1197 Udell street. North WE MAKE and repair automoolle sprli.ri for all makes of care, bring In or ship to u* UUEDEJ HOKFKR WaGON CO, 803 Kentucky evenuO. FOR SALE -Continental Red .-eal motor practically new. HOOSIER AUT<> UCXI-'H I Have; YOUR autom ibtio a-- straight* ened et the JOHN GUKDKLHOEFKR WAGON CO.. 302 Kentucky avenue FORD rear wheels. JOHN OL'EDkT HOEFER WAGON CO.. 20 £ Kontucky avenue M OTO RCYC LEB ANP BICYCLEB. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, .$150.1*0 MERZ MOTOR CO., 460-52 MASS. AVE. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheal* ERNEST HUGHES 6*4-86 Mom. Ave. Mala 6404. FOR SALE—Ladles' or glrle' bicycle; A-l condition; practically new. Phone Harrison _2BTS. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcyclea. FLOYD PETERMAN. 600 Maaeochu aetta avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOH HIRE AUTOS FOR KENT—Do your own drlv lhg. U-Drlve Auto Service at Booster Laundry. Rear KeithA theater. Main REAL ESTATE—-FOR SALE. 418 Parkway Ave., $6,500 Immediate Possession Two etory fram" house. 1J rooms, mod ern, newly painted and in perfc-t oondl than, two etory garayc, beautiful ihado tree*. You will have to soa this place to appreciate It. Bloodwortli & Flood 629 Peoples Bank bldg. Phone, Circle 332. Le, us gall your real aetata. EAST Raven room*, electric lights. citv water nnd gas, oink and ciatern in kitchen; good lot, paved street. price 33.000; 3506 cash. balance easy teMffh. See Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N, Richie & Son, Realtors 161 East Market. Main 620. After 6 p. in., call Irvington ;>. r >97. 'BOO BLOCK WUK JUT ST ' Five-room double, electric lights, gas j for cooking; sewer connections, city : water and cistern in kitchen. Renting for i 318 a aide, 33,500, $1,250 cash, 330 per month. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., Main 4517. VACANT 906 Maple street, 5 rooms, lights and city water; good condition, $250 cash, sl3 monthly. Russe H. Hartman, Realtor SEVEN-ROOM house. Oxford street, near Morris park; gas, city water, sewer, large lot. Might consider terms. Neven-room house. Gale and Twenty fifth; gus, electric lights, sewer, city water; lot 76x100. Hall & Hill, 147 E. Market •A--3X, —. " n 1 vq, East, between New York /fj* /5\ | and Washington, 4-roora Vk TANARUS) M\ t cottage, full lot; gas - for iv cooking. electrla lights, well and ciatern, $2,600; $250 cash, bal ance like rent. GEO. A. LUCAS, 208 Amerloan Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot. half square of Maple road boulevard (38th st.), only two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fine investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; $lO cash, $1.50 weekly. Price only $525. Get busy. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. I HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments. From four to eleven rooms. For particu lar* call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. TIBB9 ftve., near Michigan, $3,000; five roomes; semi-modern. Phono Circle 332. FOR BALE —By owner, 7-room oottage. 812 North Oriental street. RE AL ESTATE—FOR SALE. THE SPLENDID BARGAINS OFFERED BELOW ARE WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. 53 KENMORE ROAD FRAME STUCCO BUNGALOW; WILL BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 25TH FIVE ROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, MODERN THROUGHOUT. PRICE AND TERMS REASONABLE TWO DOUBLE HOUSES 12%% INVESTMENT BELMONT AVE. NOW VACANT, AN 8-ROOM MOD ERN DWELLING ON KENWOOD AVE. PRICE REASONABLE. WE HAVE 1 MODERN BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED PRICE REASONABLE AND TERMS. ON TEMPLE AVE. CAN BE SEEN SUNDAY. WE HAVE TWO DOUBLES ON E. VERMONT ST. RENT FOR ?40. PRICE $4,000. REASONABLE TERMS. WE HAVE 6-ROOM HOUSE, NOT MODERN. GOOD CONDITION; ON DEARBORN ST. PRICE $3,000; SSOO DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH. GILL REALTY CO. MAIN 1 >S4S. J AUTO 28-230. INVEST S3OO and let the rent buy a good four-room double on Eaat North street. Price $2,600; only four years old, electric lights, good well; lot 40x140. , ; Kents for S2B per month. Only S3OO down and $2 4 a month like rent. Shown only by appointment. Call Paul V. Matkin. Realtor, Gregoiy & Appel, Inc. Main 995*. Auto. 28-295. Evenings, call Ninth 7013. Sulbisriban Bungalow Five rooms, bath, furnace, city water end electric lights. House Just 1 year old and In firsL-r-lasa condition. In -High way Park addition, Just north of Thirty eighth st. House painted white with a ted shingle roof. Price $3,800. See J. W. Elder. ' Schmid & Smith, Snc. Realtors 134 N. DELAWARE. MAIN 40SS. INDIANA TRC ST CO. Sells real estate, collects rent, write* Ore insurance. SIX-ROOM house bam. electricity, both waters, fruit. $2,300. One-half pay ment. Woodruff 6194. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. HALF-ACRE LOTS We havo four lots within five miles of center of city near traction line. Prices $4 0 to $7„0; $,.00 cadll. $1 to 11.60 per week. Fruit and shade trees on each lot. Eve: t igs call North 1440. Hall & Hill, 147 E, Market LARGE beautiful loes In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, whl h Is being paved; $1 down. $1 week. Will you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City True- Slain 915. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. WE GET YOU CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE We have clients Interested In every location In this city. Yours 1* the property they want to buy. It is to your Inlercat to see our real estate department today. MEVKR-KIFKR BANK. r fA!? SA LE ’ -_n.rt u $1 000 HI YS 259 acres of good farm land underlaid with coal; 175 acres tiled and In wheat, corn, oats and clover this year; 30 acres of woods; located on B. O. it. R near Lnogontee, Ind. Address 619 Merchants Bank bldg. FA It NfH. all sizes, large lisF'raailed free. lIABIG AGENCY. Greensburg. Ind. FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE—I2O acres clear. Marlon county, Arkansas. Midst xtuc producing mine*. Near county seat. What ■ have you 7 629 I.emcke Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. Match Your Coat with a pair of / I \ TROUSERS [ I THE PANTS \ / BTORE CO. 11l Two Store* V, LJ 4S W. Ohio. M % 110 K. Market. V Close 6P. M. Saturday 9P. M. Ae—Drop-Head Singer, tioT ether bargklna. 81.00 per week. All makes HB- Y* PAIRED. HEMSTITCH- Ojt ING while you wait. 190 per YARD WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main *OO. Auto. 26-216. 818 Moss. An, POULTRY FEED— Have you tried Egg- Fetcher ? The feed your chickens will eat. No leavings. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO.. 117 North Ala bama. _ DIAMOND owner was offered $245 cash by a dealer. Wants S3OO. This is a bar gain for anyone who wants a beautiful stone. Address DIAMOND, care Times. BUY pants direct from the maker. We make them to your measure fram $7.60 up. LEON TAILORING CO.. I*, East New York. ________ BUTTER fat dairy feed. Once tried, nl vvaye used. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO.. 117 North Alabama st. KBXTUCK Derby horse feed. There’s quality there. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO.. 117 North Alabama st. SECOND-HAND full dress' suits; "any Size. Phone 27-640. MI SC F. LLAN EOU B—W ANTED. LADIES CALL OUR LADY BUYER. Pleasant, courteous. A member of the firm liberal t ffora for your furni ture, oriental and domestic rugs, dra peries. anything of value. USED GOODSWTORE —THE FINE STORE lain 88 Auto. 22-288. LEW SHANK pays best prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 237 North New Jersey street. Alain 2028. ; WANTED—Second-hand clothing. Will pay best price. 1131 North Tremont Belmont 3883. .-.-.-. MACH , I . rg L F !Y..A, N , DTOO L s ; * WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. All sizes carried in stock. Burl Finch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land St. i —q - - TRANSFER AND STORAGE. aTORAGB CHKAPEB7 ( j \y/ RATES IN CITY. CALL / j\f US. Everything at rea- I I sonahle price. Packed. IJJ II ahlpped anywhere. Locked room If desired. 20 West Henry. Main 46*8. SNAP? STORAGE HOUSE Plenty of storage, 3Vi cents square foot; man look after goods In and out build ing. Circle 336. 311-319, W. Pearl street. CALL SUA-NK for tho ueat service in hauling, packing, chipping and a mage. 227-329 North New Jersey St. Main 2023. ~PET STOCK AND POULTRY. RED Carneaux pigeons, geod stock. Coll Prospect 8108. HOUSEHOLD GO ° DS . FOR SALE—24 opal light tables, 2 steam tables, 6 urns, 24 stools, H cash registers, soda counter, 3 large ice boxes, 2 small counters, 150 chairs; complete outfit for restaurant. BAKER BROS. Largent used furniture dealers in the world. Auto 23-166. Main 3466. GET OUR PRICES before you buy any rugs, refrigerators, gas ranges, fine furniture or other household and office fixtures. The best rates, larg est used furniture store in the state will naturally sell cheaper than others. Cour teous, prompt attention to all phone calls. BAKER BROS. Auto. 23-166. Main 3466. SEE OUR RUG DEPARTMENT. Daylight to see by, finest collection of high-grade used ruga In the city. Priced about half the cost of Inferior new goods. USED GOODS STORE. THE FINE STORE. 424 Mass. ave. FURNIT URE. Modern up-to-date desks, tables, filing cases, chairs, etc., refinDhed same as new at about half the new price. Also a fine selection of rugs in all sizes. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Mass. ave. Furniture GAS STOVES, OIL STOVES. Cheaper hero and easier terms. KROOT *_ 52 N- 69 W. Washington 3t. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTB. ORCHESTRIAN. electrL player piano, piano, electric harp and Italian harp. Bargain price, and easy payments. All *in good condition. LESLEY, 10 South New- Jersey. BEGINNERS’ violins, mandolins, guitars; TUTTLE, 201 Indiana Ave FINE player piano, S4O down and $4 per week. North 4221. AND WOOD~ FOR SALE. ~ J-S H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 2151. Main 3185. LIVE STOCK ANDVEHICLEB. JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horses, costs and hogs. Call Main 1039. Auto. 25-771. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Separate sealed bids will be received by the board of school commissioners of the city of Indianapolis at the offices of the board, southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio streets, Indianapolis. Indiana, until 4 o’clock p. m.. Thursday, Aug. 19, 1929, and then opened for the followir^: General contract on an addition to pub lic school No. 43, Fortieth street and Capl- I tol avenue, in accordance with plan-; and specifications on file In the offices of Rob ert F. Daggett, architect, 961-962 Lerneke Annex, Indianapolis. Heating and ventilating, plumbing and gas fitting and electric wiring for said ad dition to school No. 43. and certain alter ations. according to plans and 'specifica tions on file In the offices of Sfilder & Rotz. engineer* 793 Merchants Bank building, Indianapolis. Each proposal shall be In sealed en velope with writing thereon plainly indi cating the character of the work and the number of the building to which such proposal relate*, as for example. ’’Bid for General Contract, Addition 1 to School No. 43.” All the bids must be made on blanks prepared by the board, which blanks will be supplied bv the architect, engineers or business director, upon application. These proposals must be accompanied by a check for SUe of the maximum bid. The checks must be drawn payable to the order of the “Board of School Commis sioners of the City of Indianapolis," and must be certified good by a responsible bank or trust company of Indianapolis. In cose a bidder, whose bid shall be ac cepted, shall not within five days after notice of such acceptance perform his bid by entering into a written contract with the board, la the form made part of the specifications, to execute the work and construct and complete the building and within that time aecOre the performance of his bulidlr.g contract by a bond, in the form made part of the specifications, with surety or sureties to the approval of the board, hla certified check and the proceeds thereof shall be and remain the absolute property of the board as liqui dated damages for such failure. It being Impossible to estimate the amount of damages such failure would occasion to the board. Ths contractor shall In his bid offer to execute a contract and give a bond, forms of which contract and bond are made a part of the specification} so on file with lhe architects or engineers. Eseh contractor receiving from the architects or engineers copies of the plans and specifications will be required to deposit, as security for their return in good order, the sum of $25.09. The right is reserved by the board to reject any or all bids, and to refrain from accepting or rejecting bids not more than elx (Si days. GEORGE C. HITT, , Business Director. Indianapolis. Ind.. July 29, 1920. NOTICE. State of Indiana. Marlon county, ss.t Probate estate of Ida Jonea, deceased. Th# undersigned, administrator of the estate of Ida Jones. deceased, hereby gives notice that by virtue of an order of the Marlon probate court, he will at the hour of 9 a in. of the 18th day of August. I*2o. at 50 North Delaware street. Indianapolis, Ind.. and from slay 1 to day thereafter until sold, offer for sale at private sal* all th* Interest of said de cedent In and to the following described real estate, tovrlt: Lots 29 and 30 in Butler Grove addition to the city of Indi anapolis, Indtsna. Paid sale will be made subject to the approval of said court for not less than the full appraised value of said real es tate and upon the following terms and conditions: Five hundred dollars (SSOOI cash In hand and the remainder In nine months from date of sals, deferred pay ments to he evidenced by notes of the pur chaser bearing 6 per cent interest from their date, waiving relief providing for at torneys - fees and upon confirmation of sale, secured by mortgage on the real es tate sold. The purchaser at such sale will be further required to give bond to secure the payments according to its terms of a certain mortgage lien upon said real es tate in favor of the Railroadmen’s Build ing and Saving association upon which Is due In principal $3,682. said mortgage, appearing In record at page 2* mortgage record 679 in the recorder's office of Ma rion county. Indiana and subject to which said real estate Is to be sold. , JOHN T. BARNETT. Administrator. 60 North Delaware street. JAMES H. BARNETT. JR., Attorney. NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX LEVIES. Bee. 3. Chap. CV„ Acts of 1599 Expenditures and tax levies for the year 1921. The trustee of Washington township. Marion county, proposes for tne yearly ex penditures and tax levies by the advisory board at Its annual meeting to be held at trustee's office. Broad Ripple, on the Tth dav of September. 1929. commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following estimates and amounts for said year: 1 Township expenditures. $3.67. and township tax. 1 cent on the hundred dol lar*. .. 2 Local tuition expenditures. s2l.i>Bo. and tax 12 cents on the hundred dollars. f Special school tax expenditures $80,970. and tax 18 cents on the hundred dollars. , Total expenditures, $56,425, and total tax 31 cents on the hundred dollars. CHARLES U. WRIGHT. Aug. 5, 1920. Trustee. NOTICE ' PLIES AND MATERIALS. The undersigned has publicly posted on the bulletin board of the board of school commissioners of the city of Indianapolis, at Its offices. Meridian and Ohio streets. Indianapolis. Indiana, specification*/ for ’divers school supplies ami materials need ed by the said boad; also for certain items of repairs and alterations, and sealed bid: will be received by the undersigned for the sale to said board for such supplies and materials, until the respective dates named in said specifications. GEORGE C. HITT, *” Business Director. Aug. 5, 1929, ~T~ FINANCIAL- MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage ' Securitv SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY CO. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY'. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER, Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market, Second Mortgage Real estafs loans made or. good farms and Improved city properties. GIB- R ALTER FINANCE COMPANY. SOB N. Delaware etreet. Main J g. INSURANCE In all t* .chea. AUBREY D. PORTER. 1 ft plea Bank Bid*. Main 7949. FINANCIAL. - •We Have it Money on personal property. If yo 4 are keeping Rouse and have furniture) piano. Vlctrola or auto, see ua for finanl clal assistance. Quick service, courteotll treatment. Ask us about terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO or S3OO You don’t have to give an excuse ci reason tor borrowing money. That 14 our business. We are under state super) vision and will give you the lowest legal rate. Stste Loan Cos. 305 Odd Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and- Wash. Sta. Phones: Main 461 V New 24-629. LOANS on Diamonds; 3V4% per montk. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. q3 Monu ment. , WE MAKE second mortgages on firm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV CO. Main 7JOI. 608 Fidelity Truat Bldg. HOOSiER MOVIE TO FILM FAIRY TALES Work Will Be Begun as Soon as Stock Is Sold. Fairy talcs and other stortea dear t the childish heart, and to those grown ups who happily have retained their spirit of youth are the kind that are to be produced by the Oourtlandt Pictures corporation of Indianapolis, according to an announcement that has been made. The pictures, it is explained, will b made in California, but the headquarters of the company, which has been incor porated. will be In Indianapolis at 522 Ilume-Mansur building. Production of films will be begun, it is explained, as soon as a sufficient quan tity t>f the stock has been subscribed. As the greater part of the cast wIU t>e composed of children, the expense of the cast will not be as heavy a* for other large productions, It is said. The officers of the company are: Presi dent, Cortlandt J. VanDeusen, profes sional motion picture director; rice president and general counsel, Alvah J. Rucker; secretary, C. R. Hamilton; treasurer, Otto L. Klauss, state auditor. Indianapolis Candy Man New Trade Head A ball at the Hotel Severin closed the three-day session of the tenth an nual convention of Commercial Jobbing Confectioners’ association. ■ John XI. Laughner, Indianapolis, w*t elected president. Other officers elected were: H. A. Barber, Detroit, flrst vice president; Harry Bueggemeier, Chicago, second vice president; Homer J. Williams. Indi anapolis. treasurer; Herman A. Roehr, Cincinnati, secretary, and C. C. Bouvler, Detroit, sergeant-at-arms. The next convention will be held at Detroit. Sells Valuable Oil Rights for $1,500 .‘(ptclal to The Times. PRINCETON, Ind., Aug. s.—Ed Christ man, a cripple, owned three acre* of ground in Washington township ia I:”art of the oil fields of Gibson county,' on which he was barely able to make a llTing. An Indianapolis oil company recently paid him 51,500 for bis oil rights and Wednesday a 270-barrol producer was drilled in. Had the farmer accepted the usual royalty of one-sixth of the oil, he would have received his ?1,500 ten day*. Bedbug Hunt Results in Burns for Woman While searching for bedbugs today. Mrs. Augusta G. Moore, VSO North Ala bama street, was burned. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. J. O. Jolllff. who live at the North Alabama street address, had been cleaning house. Mrs. Moore poured gasoline on the bed. “1 feared there might be bedbugs on the bed," she explained, “and I lighted a match to see if the gasoline would fore* any of the bugs out.” Mrs. Jolliff was not burned. Marriage Licenses Henry A. Fnbrmsn. 95S W. Tibbs sb.. 24 lsophine Jelf, 022 Goodlet ave 'SI George Leonard. 420 E. Wabash 5t.... \!% Freida Hilldridge, 433 15. Wabash st... 20 Earl H. Smith. 33S N. West st Pearl Hall, 172S Parker are -A Lenard Moore. 1032 Maple 5t.......... 21 Margurit Smith, 1534 Maple st 18 William Niece. UCS Blaine ave 24 Helen Tompkins, 146S Blaine ave 20 Samuel T Chandlersville, 111—... 43 Elizabeth Eoman. 621*3 N. Illinois... 45 Harry Campbell. 018 E. Market st... 28 Margaret Bradford. 121 N. Davidson.. 2S Charles Griffith, 523 E. Vermont st... 56 Daisy Woodworth, 4603 C011ege'...... 43 Arthur Silber. 817 Dayton st 22 Carrie Johanning, 1073 Wade 5t...... 21 Lester Bohannon, 20 Virginia apts 27 Clara Bohannon, 315 E. South st 2ft Hubert Hill, 2238 Bellefontaine st... 23 Donna Lee, 223S Bellefontaine st 23 Louis Short, 217 Va N\ Illinois st kl Mary Denehue. 1110 English ave 21 Joseph W. Capron. 2206 N. Illinois St. 27 Daisy Ern Noe, £IBB N. Capitol ave... SI Harvey Ensley, 313 W. Ohio st 84 Fannie F. Green, 515 E. Ohio st 26 Harry Goodwin. 33 N. Healing ave.... 29 Jewel Jacobs, 12*4 E. Washington st.. 24 John Barrett, 647 X. Pine st 2% Celia Sfreit, Bertha Ballard Home 2t George Book, R. R. I l* Flora Brown, 1819 Sugar Grove ave... 19 Frank Carr. 27*9 James st 64 Manda Payne, 1743 James st 76 Mike Krist, 703 N. Holmes ave 29 Minnie Clark. 816 Eugene st 22 Thomas .T. Moore, 2080 S. Bellmont... 25 Mary Wood, 1553 Thalman ave 18 Delbert Arthur, 118 N. Bradley st... 23 Miua Clftghorn, 3156 Graceland ave.... 19 Deaths Mary A. Slider, 68, 435 Douglass, car diac dilatation. America Roney, 87, 1533 Boulevard piece, apoplexy. Henrietta Colvin, 71, 1410 South Hard ing, pulmonary tuberculosis. Agnes A. Keudley, 57, ISI7 Jones, cere bral hemorrhage. Franklin Harris, 3 months, City hos pital. acute gastro enteritis. Rossetti Knelp, 53, 2049 Broadway, anemia. Births Denzel and Zora Starkey, 411 St. Peter, girl. Carl and Gayle Wildey, 1338 Lexington, boy. Willis and Mary Blank, 218 South War man, boy. Donald and Laura Foster, 120 South Traub. girl. Donald and Hazel O’Reilly, 55 North Gale, boy. Albert and Rosa Cleei, 3110 English, boy. \ Martin and Christine Broderick, 621 Maxwell, girl. Eisworth and Mildred Neal, St Vin cent's hospital, boy. Roy and Auice Huddleston, St. Vin cent’s hosiptal, boy. Louis and Flora McKee, 4415 Park, girL Wallace and Elsie Carr, Methodist hos pital. girl. Carson and Hannah Seihert, Methodist hospital, boy. Benjamin and Goldie Austin, Methodist hospital, boy. Charles and Leta Miller, Methodist hos pital, boy. .Otto and Frona Marsischke, 1505 Mon tana, boy. Hershe.v and Mary Cline, 941 West Twenty-eighth, girl. Claude and Margaret Rockford, 142 West Twenty-sixth, girL Oran and Edna Wilson, 1548 Hoyt, boy, Victor and Barbara Houston, 2627 East Michigan, boy* 9