Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *SOO Automatic 28-351 BATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male -or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male hr female; rooms to let and beard and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive time3.. .07 per line Six consevutive times OS per line Contract rates on application! Legal notices.... OS j%r line Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 60c per Insertion Over 1 inch. 07 per line additional. Death notices. 35c per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phono Main 908. New Phone. 27-208, Ail. Ragsdale. J. Wash Price, John Paul* Ragsdale. A- M. RAGSDALE CO. North Delaware street. __ J. C. WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. FUNERAL directors— . WM K. KRIEGER, New 21-154, Main 1454, 1402 N. Illlnola E RS. W. T. BLASENGYM less Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-11A UNDERTAKERS—HISEt 4* TITUS, 51 North Del. New 26-564, Main 3650. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICEB. KING, HENDPICKS PELF—Son of A. H. and Mary King, passed away at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Berry Self. 2055 North Talbott street, Tuesday morning. Funeral Thursday, Aug. 12 at 2 p. m.. at the above resi dence. Friends invited. McMATH, LOUISE BURNHAM—Wife of Thomas -Brodie McMath of Golden Hill died in Detroit Aug. 10. 1920. Funeral notice later. SMITH. HANNAH (TOLLE) —Widow of Otis Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Tolle, Monday, Aug. 9. age 35 years. Funeral Thursday. 2 p. m.. Aug. 12, at late residence, 1731 Boulevard place. Friends Invited. Burial Crown Hill. CARD OF THANKS. CARD OF THANKS- —We desire to thank the relatives, neighbors and friends for the consideration ad floral tokens ten dered us at the death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Charles Kendiey: especially Fathers Webtn and Phelan, Dr. M. C. Leet.h and the undertaker. Heydon W. Buchanan and wife. CHARLES KEXD- JjEY, AND ME. AND MRS. WILBUR HOTZE. V . LOST ANP~FOUND. LOST—Broad Ripple car Tuesday morn ing, package containing suede slippers, sweater and skirt. Finder please call Prospect 387. or Washington 975. Liberal reward. • LOST—Package of finished kodak pic tures and Sims pit West Michigan car or'between 406 Blackford and New York streets, McKelvy envelop. Beech Grove 111. MISSING FRIEXD3 and relative* traced everywhere; no looked for. Cali Main 6947, or write lost agent. It Bald win block. Indianapolis. Ind. LOST —$39, one $lO and one S3O. on Pennsylvania and Washington or on second floor Fletcher Trust bldg. Re word. Call Circle 3464 __ LOST—Salesman's black portfolio be tween Michigan and Union station, con taining data on Packard truck. Reward. FISHER AUTO CO. LOST—GoId watch chain, iton's head pat tern with small diamond in Jaws; lib eral reward to finder. Telephone Main 370. Mr. Brown. LOST—Small toy poodle, clipped, in auto accident, corner Michigan and _ Senate eve. Sunday. Reward. Circle -051, LOST—-Small purse, containing about $5. on E. New York st., near Colorado. P.e wen,. Irvington 631. __ " LOST—On “market Saturday, umbrella with initials M. B. B. Reward. Call North 4595. ROOMS—TQ LET. MERIDIAN, 543 North; extra large front room and alcove for four young men, electric lights, tub and shdwer bath; other rooms; men preferred; three squares north of postoffice. Circle 3413. ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern with gas furnished. 530 East New York street. _ FURNISHED rooms fr,r sleeping and housekeeping. 206 4 North Meridian. TWO furnished rooms for rent; $S per week. 205 North Traub avenue. CAPITOL, 915 NORTH—Sleeping rooma Ltirena Dow. Main 8110. HOUSES—TO LET. SEVEN-ROOM bungalow with two and one-half acres ground, $35. Thirty-fourth and Arlington. Call A, A. Marcy, Circle 732. . ~ ~ HOUSES—WANTED. Modern cottage or half double north of- Fall Creek. Two children of school age. Call Dolph E. "Moore, Hotel Washington. Main 4283. WANTED —To rent 6 or 6-room house; three adnlts. Permanent. Address A No. 1624, Times. BUSINESS SERVICE®. Are You Sick—Tried Everything and Failed? We can help you. Write for booklets. Natural Therapeutics Institute, Suite 69, When bldg. Main 8017. PILES—-Everybody suffering plies, fis tula, fissures, ulcerations, constipation, bleeding, itching, write; free trial; pleas ant. painless pile cure. S. U. TARNEY, Auburn, Ind. DOWNTOWN tire snop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that give* satisfaction. 35 Kentucky avenue. SAFETY RAZOK BLADKB sharpened. TUTTLEDGE. 231 Indiana eve. IF your clock Is not running phone Circle 4807. M R. SHEAKN. 811 North Ala bama. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS DE VERE. 17 74 W. Ohio. Main 8873. ALL kinds of roofs repaired; tin gutters repaired and painted. Prospect 4015. CELLAR digging and trasll hauling.' Prospect 895. BUSI NE S S CHA NC £6. LAP-GE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen; S3OO to $2,000 neces sary; handle your own money. Exclusive rights: patented article; money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address MR. OLEMMER. sales manager, 603 N. Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. fEathersT" Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. EURKLE, 416 Mae* ave. Main 1428. New 28-778. MOVING picture machine and atereopti con; bargain or will trade for camping tent or motorcycle. T. J. QUINCY, high diver, World of Mirth Shows, South Pennsylvania and Morris streets. FOR SAI/E—Ten shares International Moving Pictu e and Film Cos. stock, sllO share. Addres-, C, G. Ryan, Birmingham, iAla. >. oicrECTiyE®. _ Quigley-Byiand Agency Civil aad Criminal Investigntors $26-621 Law bid* Main 2902. MASSAGE. t'TASSAGE—SuIphur vapor baths, violet \ rays. JENNIE FISLAB, * W. Ohio. MALE HELP—WANTED. LABORERS Beginning Saturday morning, August 7th, ws will pay 55c per hour, including bonus. Meet our truck at Illinois and Washington St. comfort station. E. RAUH & SON FERTILIZER CO. NOTICE Members Brotherhood of Rail* way Trainmen: Big Four railroad employing experienced switchmen. Good seniority. Brother trainmen should apply in order to protect our contract and because of il legal strike. G. H. RENO, General Chairman, B. of R. TANARUS, J. L. BAKER, Local Chairman, B. of R. T. S. V. LONG, President Motor City Lodge No. 269. PERMANENT POSI TIOX, HIGH SENIOR ITY STANDING, EXPE RIENCED YARD CON DUCTORS AND BRAKE MEN FOR INDIANAPO LIS TERMINAL DIVI SION. BIG 4 R. R. 615 MAJESTIC BLDG. WANTED—First-class lathe man for gen eral repair work. Call Belmont 400. YOUNG MAN Energetic, reliable, 1* years old. for general office work. Good salary. Apply at once to HUGH J. BAKER & CO. 91$ Majestic Bldg. FIRST-CLASS J. & L. OPERTOR. MOD ERN ELECTRIC MACHINE CO. PORTER. Colored; middle-aged mar; steady work, good hours; salary S2O per week; refer ences required. , THE STAR STORE. \ WANTED LABORERS. / 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. Cabinet Makers , Four first-class men experienced on high-grade furniture work. Furnace Office Furniture Cos.. 124 S. Liberty st. SWITCHMEN. Wanted, switchmen to report at on£* for work on the Big Four railway at Cleveland. By reason of shortage of men, opportunities for seniority standing are exceptionally good at this time, with fine for rapid promotion. Report to local representative of the Big Four Ad he will furnish transportation. T.l N. REYNOLDS, superintendent, Indianapolis terminal. v CANDY MAKERS Hard, good wages; must be experienced. Walker Candy Cos., 23 E. Maryland. FIREMAN FOR RONE SHORT HOURS, GOOD PAY, FREE CAR FARE. APPLY MR. kANDERSON, 1150 W. WASHING TON ST. WANTED—COLORED BOY OR MAN FOR SHOP WORK IN TERNATIONAL ELECTRIC CO., 605 CENTURY BLDG. RAILWAY mall decks are offered $1,60S entrance salary with promotions to $2,300. For full particulars and a course of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois street. Suite 207. FIREMEN for pony stoker; short hours; excellent working condition: free car fare; good pay. Apply Mr. Hogate or Mr. Reude. Power station, 1700 West Tenth street. ASSISTANT yardman, capable of grading all kinds of lumber. Apply Mr. Williams, WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER -CO., Nineteenth and Monon railroad. WANTED—IOO track laborers for work between Indianapolis and Cleveland; $5 per day; board $7 week. Free transporta tion. Apply 42 Jackson Place, city. MACHINE MAN. experienced in general planing mill work. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO- Nineteenth and^Cornelk YOUNG man to deliver and learn type writer repairing. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP. 18 W. Market street. cxaqwA MALE HELP—WANTED. 3 MACHINE REPAIR MEN Take E. Washington car; get off at Cruse st. ; walk 2 blocks south to Weidely Motors Cos. MAN to -work in oreamery. Apply WEBER MILK CO. Talesmen-wanted: WANTED—Experienced' salesmen- to rep resent a Yeliable firm. Reference re quired. J. A. LAUER, 120 North Penn sylvania. Second door. INSTRUCTIONS. DANCING —All kinds taught; day or /eve nings; violin, stage dancing acts taught, completed for good engagements. Call PROF. RAYNO, £24 W. Ohio t. Main 2069. _ ~TImALE HELP—WANTED. Girls At Least 20 For our silent chain assembly depart ment, those having had previous expe rience preferred. Link Belt Cos. Take W. Washington car to Holmes ave. and ask for employment department. Youug Women between the ages of 18 and 33. We are now Increasing cur working force and have fifteen positions open in our man ufacturing departments. These places pay good beginning wages and offer perma nent employment. Eli Lilly & Cos. Apply Employment Office, 70S 8. Alabama. We have several open ings for girls; press and other machine operators; also some light general work; experience not ab solutely required. ROCKWOOD MFG. CO., 1801 English Ave. Attractive Employment for Girls Become a telephone operator. You can speedily advance to toll operator, clerical worker, supervisor, assistant chief, chief operator, etc. Hundreds of higher posi tions for those who qualify. Besides, we pay for your instruction in this modern profession and pay you well while you are learning. In a few weeks' time you are qualified as a bona fide employe with a permanent position. Least you can then earn is sl6 a week. Ideal working condi tions. Vacations with pay and many other unusual advantages. Apply at main office. Meridian and New York st*. Employment desk in lobby. y, Indiana Bell Telephone Company STENOGRAPHER OR TYPIST. Need not be an experienced stenographer, but must be able to make neat report*. In reply state age. experience and how soon available. Apply PREST-O-LITE CO., INC.. Speedway. 193-T. 8-11-20. -YOUNG GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK W* offer you a chance to learn a trade and steady employment the round. Indianapolis Bleaching Cos. West Wabash and Blake. PRESSERS SCHOEN BAOS. Main 4141. Auto. 27-555. WOMAN of dignity and refinement for position of industrial teacher training girls; permanent employment. In answer give age, experience and telephone num ber. Call Belmont 97, or address Box 873. R. R. HI, Indianapoli* WANTED —Lady nurse for night work: one with hospital or sanitarium experi ence. Write or call HORD -SANITARIUM, Bhslbyvllle, Ind. WANTED —Whits girl for second work; no washing or Ironing; good wages. 4207 N. Pennsylvania street. New phone 77-521. _ LADY, middle-aged, for general house work, who would prefer good home to high wages. Prospect 6039. WANTED —White girl for general house work. Inquire IS3I North Meridian st. S!TUATION WANTED—FEMALE. EXPERIENCED laundress wants wash- Ings to take home. Woodruff 7187. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. .. Swedish massage, baths and general treatments; thorough satisfaction. 119 East Vermont St,, first floor, front. Hours 10 'a. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS. Stephens Model 75, 5 cord tires, wire wheels. , Buick Roadster, 1919, like new. Buick Tourtng, 1918; new paint, top and tires. Chevrolet 4-90 Sedan, run very lit tle, like new. Dodge Roadster, 1918; perfect condition. Mar* well Touring, 1921; justjdriven from factory. Mitchell Roadster, 1918; hlg bar gain. Stutz Sport Model, perfact running condition. , Scripps-Booth Roadster, big value, very Classy. Studebaker 6 Touring, biggest buy in town. Cash or terms. Open Sunday and evenings. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. Main 2246. 235 North Penn. *IOO BUTS A GOOD USED CAR. THIRTY PAYS FREE SERVICE. Down. Weekly. Patterson touring $75 $5.00 Oakland 4, touring ...... 75 5,00 Buick touring 100 #IOO Ford t0uring........ 100 6.00 Ford touring 125 6.00 Saxon roadster 100 5.00 Ford roadeter 125 6 09 Willys-Knlght touring 150 6.00 Overland Club.y 150 6.00 Grant touring./.. 100 6.00 Maxwell touring 150 6,00 Hudson touring 860 9.00 AND ABOUT FIFTY OTHERS. THIRTY DAYS’ FREE SERVICE.. NO BROKERAGE. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO., 665-57 N. Capitol ave. Telephone Circle 1464. Bargains. Most of them have been repaint ed, retopped and overhauled. ■Down. Weekly Saxon roadster .... $75.00 $5.00 Maxwell touring IDO 5.00 Chevrolet touring 125 5.00 Chevrolet touring 150 6.0 Ford roadster 125 6.00 Studebaker 6 touring.. 195 (.00 Ford touring 135 6.50 Inter-State touring 165 6.76 Grant 6 touring 246 7.00 Hudson super, touring. 39$ 8.00 And many others too numerous to mention. Come down and make your own terms. No brokerage. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 618 N. Capitol. Open evenings. Main 2638. Auto. 22-018. Chevrolet Coupe This car is in fine mechanical shape. Will make elegant car for doctor or sales man. Priced ut $550 as on ner is leaving city. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware st. Main 1984. DODGE TOURING: MECHANICALLY .PERFECT: ORIGINAL PAINT; FIVE GOOD TIRES I*6 K TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. PHONE NORTH 1314. Speedster In A-l shape, priced so you ran speed tonight If you buy it today; $222.23. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware st. Main 19*4. ' VIM TRUCK" In A-l shape; closed delivery body, good tires and completely overhauled; a bargain at ss*s. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Open evenings. I HAVE a 5-passenger touring car in good running condition; three almost new tires, new battery, motor; Just been overhauled. This car can be bought cheap. A. H. PATTERSON. Htop Dan ville line. Phone B 369 X. Call after 6 p. m. . COMMONWEALTH four forty louring demonstrator at factory cost. DIETZ JAMES. 334 East Marks* street. Main >716. _T*r;n If derlrrd. AUTO FOR KALE—Sedan, excellent ton dition. fully electrically equipped; new tires and tubes. Call Circle 86*. OVERLAND car for sate; No. 80; good as new. 708 Elder avenue. MONROE DEMONSTRATOR. Monroe Sales. 600 N. Capitol. FORD TOURING 191*.' S3OO. MONROE SALES, 00 N. Capitol. OVERLAND. T-PASSENGER. S4OO. Monroe Sales. 600 N. Capitol. IC)NROEI9 , f foußlxiT Monroe Sale*. 600 N. Capitol. FORD starter and new battery for any model. Woodruff 23*7; $65.09. TRUCKS—FOR SALE. DODGE truck, 1919 model; run 6 000 miles; first-elaas condition. 403 West Washington street. fORD chassis. $165 and Smith form , truck, 8225. 960 King avenus. AUTO MOB IL E B—WANTED. “ WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS ADTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY. 11l N. CAPITOL. MAIN SOIL AUTO. U-Olk, AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. i want'Your'car and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED Wa pay cash. No dslay tor your money. It la here for you. Came In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. •1* N. Illinois st Main 167*. Auto 23-063. We also buy Junk cars. ‘'motorcycles and icycles. THEY Aitb HERE. 1920 HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDER. MERZ MOTOR CO., 460-62 Mass. Ave. EARLEY DAVIDSON 5 Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheel* ERNEST HUGHES 684-16 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcyol** FLOYD PETERMAN. 800 Massachu setts avenoe, BICYCLE; good condition; cheap! Call -after 6 m. __ . T aYIORS ANDFuEAwERsT"" CLEANING—-PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called tor) Gents’ suits cleaned and pressed. Ladles’ suits cleaned and prsesed. All work guarantees. FLETCHER AVE, GARMENT CLEANERS. JJS4J,Fletcher ave. Prospect 488, REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Look at These-Pretty Little Homes. Elder ave., north of Michigan, 5 rooms, new, 33,000. Centennial street near Tenth; terms; 6 rooms, |£,400. River ave., 7 rooms, *2,000. Bellevlew place, near Tenth, 6 rooms, *2,800. Raymond street, 5-room double, *3,600. Tibbs ave., near Michigan stnyt, live rooms, *3,000. * These places are real bargains and if you are looking fas a place and can use a house their size, look them over. Bloodworth & Flood. 529 Peoples Bank bldg. Phono, Cirolif 833. Woo Cash, Balance Mike Rent. 1447 Southeastern avenue, 6-room semi modern story and a half cottage. Elec tric lights, city water, furnace adn sewer connections. Call Mr. Bose. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. 436 American Central Lite Bldg. Circle 436. Auto. 27-436. Night, Wash ' ington 4165. 1128 Lexington Here Is an excellent chance to buy a five-room cottage In good condition; newly painted, electric lights, cistern In house, on good car line. This property can be' bought for a Small Payment Down and balance on Easy Payments . like rent. Let us show you thl3 real bar gain for a quick sale. John W. Roberts & Cos. 745 Lemcke Annex. Main 4743. $250.00 Cash7~ Balimiie Like Rent. 124 South Arsenal ave,. four-room cot tage, newly decorated, electric lights, city water, sewer connection and well lo cated. Call Mr. Bose. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. 436 American Central Life Bldg Auto. 27-436. Circle 436. Night. Wash COTTAGE, NORTII Four rooms, electric lights, city water and gas, sink In kitchen, good basement. Near good car line. Can be bought for *1,800; SSOO cash, balance like rent. Call Mr. Melnfecr, with I. N. Richie '& Son, Realtors 151 East Market. Main 530. After 6 p. m. call Irvington 3397. $250 Cash, Balance sls per Month Five-room cottage, newly painted, new roof and newly * decorated, in the pink of condition In every respect; located at 831 Chase mreei. Price *1.850. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. Circle 436. Auto. 27-436. N’lghU, Wash- VACANT 906 Maple street. r> rooms, lights and city water; good condition. $250 cash. sls monthly. . Russo H. Hartman; Realtor 224 North Delaware. BEAUTIFUL* high, large isvel lot. half square of Maple road bosslevarfl <3Sth st.), only two squares southeast of fair grounds Fine Investment or butldtcg site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; $lO cash. $1.50 weekly. Price only $525. Get busy. 640 Lem eke Annex. Main 1 409, SEVEN-ROOM semi-modern h<*nt, lo cated on Dearborn street; garage. Price $3,630. S4OO cash. Schmid & Smith, Inc. Realtors. Mln_4oßl__ _ 181 N. Delaware Bt. Axr; —r-c; —YVi E.t-tt. on I> rt; •tt near /r_2 At ft If Nsw York; 6-room mod \L*3LrMy *rn double, $1,750 You U4JBBSL.f=s>s4 can’t beat this. GGORGE A, LUCAS. 208 American Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. A FINE new never occupied six-room colonial style home, a big lot. double garage, built-in features. hardwood floor*, full laundry equipped, basement. A beautiful home in a liteh-grnde district. V*ry__llb*r*l terms. Washington 10T9. CHOICE acre lota norths at: t of Irvington. Each acre faces a street. Properly re stricted to keep - out. Price S7OO each; $lO cash. $lO uioothly. W. 11. COOPER & CO.. S3B Lemcke Bldg. DANDY south Ids bungalow; 4 rooma; near Bt. Catherine church. SI,BOO. terms If desired DY.M.6 REALTY CO.. 127 North Delaware. Office, Main 57*2; resi dence. rrospect 4172. ' A FINK hew five-room bungalow Includ ing break far. t room, built-in features, big wooded lot. An Ideal home in a high-grade district. Very libera! terms can be made. Washington 1078. I HAVE 87 homes on s.>uth side; modern and *emi-modrn; cash and payments. From four to eleven rooma For particu lars call Prospect 6184 after 4 pm. I Al. K r. park; full cellar with furnace, corner lot. Price $3,600. Terms. A. F. ZAINEY. 149 East Market street. INHANA TRUST CO. Sells real estate, collects rent, write* lire Insurance. _ SIX-ROOM house, burn, electricity, both waters. ' fruit. $2,390. One-half pay ment. Woodruff 6194. foe's Ki S for truck, a large lot In Ben Davis. Prospect 8323. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Suburban Acreage Bargain 20 acres, located northeast on Saved road, only 9 mile* from ionumeat. Good level land, 6- room house and outbutldng*. Fruit and beautiful maple shade trees. Special price. This is a bargain. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 182 E. Market sL LARGE, beaut I ftjfl loi In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; $1 down. $1 week. Will take you out in our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City Trust. Main 9)6. FARMS—FOR SALE. I WILL sell tny 80-acro farm, 6H mile* east of MitrtlufrvUle. four miles north of Morgantown on Martinsville and Morgan town pike. 70-acre tillable. 10 acres sugar camp and pasture, running water in pasture, well at house, can't be pumped dry. New bungalow house and barn. 48x0 cribs, garners, garage and outbuildings. Well fenced This land lies fine; corh made It bushels, wheat 30 bushels ti> acre; fIW orchard. If you want a nice farm don't let this get away. Price $125 per acre. Address owner, Otto Afflerbach, Martinsville. Ind. __ _ FA fill R aIT sixes, large list mailed fre*. HABIO AGENCY. Greensburg. Ind. • AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. LOOK—LOOK Do not throw your Old tlrea away; bring them to us and save 50 per cent by having us completely, rebuild thorn, backed by a 4,000-mlle -guarantee. It wilt pay you to Investigate DOWN TOWN TIKE SHOP. 86 Kentucky ave. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 323-884 North IlUnot* S & S Auto Laundry AUTOMOBILE TOPS reoovered and side curtains repaired a! THE JOHN OUKD ELHOBFER WAGON CO., 20i' Kentucky avenue. WRITE, PHONE OR CALL US for prices on Goodyear solid and pneumatic tlrea for truck and passenger car*. J. Guedel hoefer Wagon Cos„ 202 Kentucky ave. ONE-MAN auto tops, side curtains, ssat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO., 1107 Udell street North *46. _ GET - OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN GUEDBL HOBFER WAGON CO. 202 Kentucky ave. WfiTpUTon the best side wire tire* on automobiles, trailers and truck*. 312 Byeqtucky aYen. • AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR RENT —Do your own driv ing. U-Drive Auto Service at Hoarier LAundr*. Rear Keith's it,eater. Mala *2L Don’t Walt Till September to btiythat house. It maj be too late then to get what you want. The prices seem high, but they are not apt to be lower for a long time to come. DuHng the summer dullness there are always some good bargains. See what Times Want ADS say. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. Match Y our Coat^^r with a pair ot / jj \ TROUSERS If I “ 1 \ I THE PANTS \ / STORE CO. 1 1 I Two Store* 111 48 W. Ohio. M % 110 E. Market W '9 Close 6 P. M. Saturday 9P. M. Quit Wearing Ready-Made IPIiTS-Sg-OQ We make them to Ajj —— your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. NEW YORK. Up one flight. *i—t 1A Drop-Head Singer. Ill; ether bargains. >I.OO per 5.1/ week. All makes KK ■£*?—lNG while you wait I*o PER YARD WHITE BEWING MACHINE CO„ Main 602; Auto. 16-816. *lB Mass. Ave. POULTRY FEED—Ha>i you tried Egg- Re tcher 7 The feed your chickens will eat. No leavings. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO.. 117 North Ala bama. , FOR SALE —White Leghorn hen*, young and old; klso oats In shock one mile east of Six Points. Take lane at corner Shade'.and and Thirty-fourth streets. ND; beautiful i Hue white. *BOO. Liberty bond* taken at market price. You buy from the owner at a bargain. Address Diamond, The Times. TWO rteam Jacket rendering kettles and one 15 H. P. stationary steam engine; first-class condition. 408 West Washing ton street. BUTTER fa“dairy ~f eed.~OncsTtrTedTaU ways used. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO., 117 North Alabama st. KKNTUCJC Derby horse feed. There’s quality there. INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO., 117 North Alabama St. -Large sideboard; good as new. Circle 3344. 1130 Park ONE-EIGHTH H. P. alternating current motor. 3657, *20.00. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED^ ft a* LOOK / / What Schneider Wants P / ' You to Do. BUY IT NOW While the August Reduction Sale Is On S4O coat and trousers to your measure now $33.50. $g -out and trouser* to your maasur* now $36. SSO coat and trouser* to your measure now S4O. SBO coat and troueers to your measure now $43. $75 suit to your measure now S6O. S7O suit to your measure now $46. $65 suit to your measure now ssl. S6O suit to your measure now s4l. $55 suit to your measure now $44. SSO suit to your measure tow S4O. $45 suit to your measure now $34. Trousers and overcoats In proportion. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be . sure you ar* In the right place, LEW SHANK pays best prices In elty for household goods and fixtures of all kind* 187 North New Jerssy street. Main B*BB. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SALE!—24 opal light tahlaa. 2 steam fables. 6 urns. 24 stools, S cash registers, soda counter, 3 large lc* boxes. 3 small counters, 150 chairs; complete outfit for restaurant. BAKER BROS. Largest used furniture dealers in the world. _ Auto 23-166, Main 146*. .VE WANT TO BUY good furniture, rugs, office and store fix ture* We pay more than other dealer* Call Cooperlder. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2288, Furniture GAB STOVES. OIL STOVES. Cheaper here and easier term* It ROOT b BON. 668 W. Washington St. UOOdT’BED RUGB. We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade used rugs; alt slxek. at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. WATER power washer aftd wringer, eom plete for $lO, for quick aale. Wood ruff 3640. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT®. - BEGINNERS’ violin*, mandolins, guitars; bargain*. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana Av* FINE player piano, S4O" down and $4 per week. North 4221. v PET STOCK AND POULTRY. THREE good heavy WORK HORSES for sale. MARTIN-PARRY CORP.. Henry and Hotly ets. CALL Frank Alderson poultry house if you have poultry to sell and can’t bring it in; we come after It. Main 4100. SEVENTY-FiVR head of ' fine rabbltsT reasonable price; big bargain If you take the bunch. Belmont 2136. FIFTEEN pair home-comer pigeons; will sell cheap. Prospect 1236. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLE®! JOSEPH HAAS pays highest prices for dead horse* coses and hog* Call Main 1028. Auto, 26-771 7 COAL AND" WodoFQR ALir~ ILLINOIS LUMP $8,50 1.. J. BAIN COAL CO. Main 2151. M,aln 8581. DRY KINDLING. Call Main 7451, TRANSFER AND STORAGE^ /7VVT ITCI Ts STORAGE CHEAPEST // {W/ RATES IN CITY. CALL // j \l UR Everything at rea -11 <*, I 1) tonabl* price. Packed, U / Jl ]| shipped anywhere. Is Locked room ts deaireA 30 Went Henry. Main 4499. Call SHANK for the beet service m hauling, packing, shipping and sway* 227-22$ North New Jersey BL Mala 202 . j NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. July 31. 1920. Office of township trustee of Guilford township of Hendricks county, State of Indiana, Plainfield, Indiana. Sealed proposals will be received; at this office until Aug, 26, 1920, at 2 o’clock p. tn., tor the purchase of thirty thousand dol lars (*30,000.00) of bonds of Guilford school township of Hendricks county, In diana. Bonds to be in the denomination of one thousand dollars (*1,000.00) each, all dated Aug. 15. 1920, and shall bear in terest at the rate of 6 per cent per an num, interest payable semi-annually; said bonds shall be due and payable as fol lows, towit: Three bonds Aug. 15, 1929; two bonds Feb. 15, 1930; three, Aug. 15 1990; two, Feb. 15, 1931; three, Aug. 15, 1931; two, Feb. 15, 1932; three, Aug. 15, 1932; two, Feb. 15, 1933; three, Aug. 15, 1938; two Feb. 15, 1934; three, Aug. 15, 1934; two, Feb. 15, 1935. Notice is also given that sealed pro posals will be received -at this office until Aug. 26, 1920 at 2 o’clock p. m. for the purchase of twelve thousand dollars (*12,000.00) of bonds of Guilford school township of Hendricks county, Indiana. Said bonds to be in denomination of five hundred dollars (*500.00) each, all dated Aug. 15, 1920, and*shall bear interest it the rate of 6 per cent per annum, Interest payable, semi-annually; said bonds shall be due' and payable aa follows, towit: One bond, Aug. 15, 1923; one bond, Feb. 15, 1924; one bond, Aug. 15, 1924; one bond, Feb. 15. 1926; two bonds. Aug. 15, 1925, two bonds, Feb. 15, 1926; two bonds, Aug. 15, 1926; two bonds, Feb. 15, 1927; two bonds, Aug. 15, 1927; two bonds, Feb. 15, 1928; four bonds, Aug. 15, 1928; four bonds, Feb. 15, 1929. All of said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder for not less than their par value. Bidders gre required to Btate the num ber of bonds bid for, and the gross artount they will pay for the bonds bid for and accrued interest to date of transfer. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. A. P. BARLOW, Trustee GuHford township, Hendricks County, Indiana. _ FINANCIAL, . TOD CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bopded firm, for use in paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service, LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 • t legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all the lime you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual dime you have the money. Fair Isn’t It? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a moath and Interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COST. IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day, and through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal interest,-, w# can serve you ana your friends as you wish to be served. In these unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual Understandings and co-operation are real asseta to all st us. We are ready to go three-fourths of the way. Now it is up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO. 106 E. Market St. W I E ARE PREPARED "TO iAkOEAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Tree. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bids. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. Second Mortgage Rea! estate loane made on good farm* and Improved city properties. Glß palter finance company, m n. Delaware street. Main 1118. INSURANCE in all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 116 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. WI MAKE second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. ca MarnjTOl. 608 Fidelity Trust Bldg. LOANS on Diamonds; i%% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO„ 68 Monu ment. Marriage Licensee Camlet Peere, Pana. Til 28 Ernestine Baroen, Breedene, Belgium. 25 Elijah Jordon. 802 Maxwell sL 27 Willie Reed. 1142 Fayette st 20 Dennis Kocher, R. R. D 25 Agnes Presley, U. R. R. ...1 21 Adolph Meyer. 5241 R. Morris st 29 Clara Meyer, 2645 Madison nve 28 Eddie PJeramana, 2525 N. Talbott st... 28 Leana Cooper, 1035 W. New York st... 19 John Chavis. 1448 Kapper st 25 Florence Palmer, 1433 Sheppard st... 24 George Walker, 716 Ogden st 30 Fannie Anderson, 716 Ogden st 33 lieonard Kernel, 214 Sanders at 23 Mary Kirholfc 12 S. State st 20, Martin Crehaugh. 1222 Woodlawn ave. C>n Jennie Slerp, 1222 Woodlawn are.... 58 William Higgins, Indianapolis 22 Mary Boyd, Indianapolis 28 Robert Bourmas. 1143 Roache st 33 Tna Croucher, 1147 Roache st 22 Theodore Madden. 2025 N. Capitol ave. 19 Teresa Kessler. 267 E. Minnesota 22 Edgar Perry, 1322 Bellefontain st... 28 Mary Weller, 1236 Xordyke are 21 Edwin Nicholas, 1209 8. State 5t.... 42 Lucella Holland, city 37 Births „ John and Mary Gallagher, 862 Bu chanan, girl. / Howard and Hazel Dubamell, 3517 E. Walnnt girl. Paul and Mary Topmlller, 811 N. State, girl. Andrew and Anhle Carrol, 125 N. Elder, boy. Frederick and Edna Kafader, 1130 Lamrel, boy. James and Echo Daugherty, 1511 Saulcy, boy, Alex aad Anna Bradley, 1437 Madison, boy. George and I.atlle Cash, 646 Agnes, boy. Alfred and Nellie Greig. Vinceni’g hospital, boy. Virgil and Cllfly Wright, 340 E. St. Joe, boy. Joseph and Annie Walsh, 323 N. Elder, boy. Charle3 and Wedad, 1515 Steele, boy. Willard and Jessie Mathews, 241 N. Ad dison, girl. Charles and Rnth Foreman, 419 W. Fortieth, girl. k Harvey and Hazel McKinney, 969 Hos brook, girl. Willie and Nora Ingram, 1149 Vande man, boy. .Tay and Ida Deen, 506 W. New York, girl. James and Dolly O'Congor, 1351 DeLoss, girl. Fred and Agnes Haynes. St. Vincent’s hospital, girl. James and Margaret Raikas, 519 W. Court, girl. Deaths Union B. Grimes, 57, 2230 Broadway, typhoid fever. Charles Burk, 8 months, 5(59 Dorman, acute enteritis. Albert Francis Greig, 8 hours, St, Vin cent’s hospital, premature birth. lufant Smith, 5 hours, 1135 Garfield, premature birth. Caroline Miller, 3, 750 West North, pulmonary tuberculosis. Infant Cised. 12 hours, 1208 Standard, premature birth. John Hotseller, 1 month, 114 South Davidson, broncho pneumonia. Lizzie Stanley, 40. 458 West Sixteenth place, pulmonary tuberculosis. Until Hazel Mercer, 1. 1724 Fast Mary land, acute gastro enteritis. 2 Children Bruised When Struck by Auto Dorothy, 8, and Margaret, 3, daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hause. 262 South Temple avenue, were injured last night when they were struck by an automobile _ driven by Earl C. Miller, 22, of 1925 Prfspect street, ut South eastern avenue and Trowbridge street. Witnesses told the police that the girla aMempted to cross the street and Miller,; B 9 trig driving alow, struck them. the children suffered slight cuts WOMAN’S DEATH MYSTERY CLEARS Suspect Tells Authorities She Fell From Boat. DETROIT. Aug. 11.—Part of the ffiN tery surrounding the death of Mrs. M*r gnret Callle, whose body, was found Ui thp Detroit river near'Wyandotte, Mon day. was cleared up today when Prank Hildebrandt. 25, arrested yesterday, told the police that Mrs. Callle fell Into the river from his motorboat. Hildebrandt said he met the woman In the company of her brother-in-law, Fred Hulgate, Sunday afternoon, In a drinking place on the, river front and took her for a ride on the river. Later he met her again and took her on the river again and when they were about 300 feet from the shore she pitched suddenly over the side of the boat and fell Into the water. Hildebrandt said he made no attempt to rescue the woman as he could not swim.' He said he was afraid to report the matter because be might “get In wrong.” Chemists are now- making aa analysis of the woman’s stomach in a search for possible poison. 45 COUNTIES CERTIFY ACTION Seven Refuse to Approve State Board’s /Order. Forty-five counties have certified action of their boards of review to tha state board of tax commissioners under tbs provisions of the Tuthill-Klper tax law. Os these forty-five counties, thirty eight have sanctioned the horizontal in creases ordered by the state board In its order of Aug. 23/ 1919, and seven have refused to approve the state board's ae* tion. i According to word from the office of the state board, many counties ap proving the horizontal increases because of realization of the confusion that would result from a reduced tax valuation. Farmers of many counties are asking that the horizontal Increases be allowed to stand, in order that farm lands may be assessed on a parity with city prop in jr. l.i those counties that have refused to j sanction the horizontal Increases, ths state board will in all probability order county-wide horizontal increases. Those coupty boards of review that have approved the horizontal raises ot the state tax board, have adjourned alne die, and their work is now completed, ac cording to the state board. LEGION SAVES MUCH POSTAGE ‘Heart o’ Trade’ Has Interest ing Boost for City. A number of Interesting article* with good Illustrations appear In the August numbef of the “Heart O’ Trade,” which Is published monthly by the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, and one of the most interesting of these relates to the pavings in postage effected by the Amer ican Legion since It removed Its head quarters from New York to Indianapolis. It is stated that the Legion’s postage bill for parcel post delivery during the month following the removal of head quarters to this city was 40 per cent leas than during the preceding month, and that its postage bill. Including that for first-class matter, was more than 20 per cent less. An officer of the legion, says the cr ude, visited the Indianapolis postoffice ! In quest of an explanation of this ssv mg. and it there was explained to him that: Within the third and,.fourtli zones out of Indianapolis . esc be reached probably more of the members of the legion than from any other large post office in the country. The fourth xope out of New York covers merely the eastern states in ad ditit n to a large part of the Atlantic ocea:-.’’ / In other words, the saving was ef fected by the removal of the office from New Yor: to a central location. Other leading Articles In the magazine ere: State Fair Should Interest Retail ers, What Tony Teaches the Grocer on Turnover. Practical Ideas for Retailers, ’study th* Human Mind If You Would Sell, If, War-Time Orders Are Unfilled, Economic Functioning of Advertising, Co-ordinate Advertising and Selling, How to Order Engravings, Serving the Retail er, General Review of Conditions, The South American Exposition, Ta Learn Price Customer Will Pay. FARMERS PLAN NEW CAMPAIGN To Make Drive for Member ships in Farm Organization. The meeting of the live stock com mittee of the .Indiana Federation of Farmers' Associations, scheduled for to day, was postponed, according to Lewi* Taylor, general secretary of the federa tion, until next week. The committee consists of George P. Stahl, ScjMfcour; C. E. Paul, Winamac; George M. Brown, Angola; H. W. Ma lotte, Petersburg; W. J. Lawson, Bos well; Lewis Carr, Vincennes; W. H. Set tle, Petroleum; Fred Bell, Rushvllle, and C. C. Fisher, Union City. Transportation problems, live itock census, stock yards and marketing con dition matters will be brought np by the committee at its next meeting. .Tomorrow and Friday the federation will conduct a short course in farmers’ organization work in order to train twenty-five organizers who will have charge of the drive this fall to increase the membership of the federation. SUBJECTS FOR DISCUSSION. John G. Brown, president of the or ganization. will dicuss banking and markets; Lewis Taylor, general secre tary, will tell of the scope of the fed eration work; E. E. treasurer, will outline the office system and ad ministration, as well as explain the pol icies of the Hoosler Farmer, the official publication of the federation; P. C. Ohler will talk on the program at the stock yards; Harry Myers will tell of the ad vertising plans; Blaine Patton will speak on publicity work; T. A. Coleman has been assigned to cover county organi zation. and George Bryant will exp’ain live stock reports. The executive committee of the federa tion, composed of John G. Brown, presi dent; Maurice Douglas, second vice presi dent, and E. E. Reynolds, treasurer, is co*isldoring plans for the annual conven tion of the American farm bureau federa tion, to be held here Dec. 6. attended by delegates from thirty-five state*. FARMERS’ DAY AT STATE FAIR. Fanners’ day. Sept. 7. at the Indiana state fair this year will be boosted by the federation, co-operating with th* fair administration to make the day a suc cess. A subcommittee consisting of M. P. Hill, Francesville; J. 8. Hinch, Chalm ers; James K. Mason, Milton; Ward F, Parnell, Greenfield; O. H. Pate, Auroras Arthur J. Anglin, Leesburg; Frank Tipp, E. G. McCulluna, Indianapolis, sec retary of the Farmers’ Grain Dealers'; John G. Brown, Monon, and Lewis ’Jfrr lor, has been named to investigate gbe proposed establishment of a local graifl commission house In Indianapolis *d / will report later in the month to t-h* general executive committee. , 9