Newspaper Page Text
4 Jmiiaua flails Slimes INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Daily Except Sunday, ?5-29 South Meridian Street. Telephones— Main 3500, New 28-351. MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. . . (Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, G. Logan Payne Cos. Advertising Offices j >- ew York, Boston, Payne, Burns & Smith, Inc. IS THERE any officeholder in the courthouse whose .office is conducted on the same high plane of “efficiency” as that *of Leo K. Fesler? NOW that we have a comparison as to the cost of courthouse janitor ing with that of an office building, what will be done about the $9,200 waste ? EVIDENTLY the duties of “inspecting” for the city do not interfere materially with the occupation of soliciting for an illicit liquor manufac turer. HAVING ACTED as state examiner, state representative and speaker of the house at the same time, Jesse Eschbach Is reported to be willing to take on a fourth job as fuel director. ' Where the Money Goes No one who has had occasion to transact business within its portals will be particularly surprised by publication of the fact that it cost the taxpayers of Marion county $9,200 a year more for janitor service in the courthouse than it costs the owners of an office building containing -10 •Sice rooms for far better service. The explanation lies in the fact that the janitors employed by the owners of the office building are engaged to do janitor s work, not for their political influence among the negroes of Indianapolis on whose votes depends the political destiny of the republican party. The obvious fact is that the taxpayers of Marion county, are, in this one instance, paying $9,200 for the doubtful privilege of permitting their government to remain in the hands of officeholders whose administration is no better than the janitor service in the courthouse. The wonder is that a community composed of men and women, with the business acumen that has made this a great city, is so indifferent to Its pocketbook as to permit this kind of waste when it could be 60 easily stopped. The excess cost of janitor service in the courthouse is only an inci dent in the reign of inefficiency that has marked the incumbency'of the “good government and clean politics” advocates who swept into office seven years ago and have devoted most of their time to the perpetuation of their dynasty. It is, however, a rather sad example of indifference, gullibility and actual foolishness on the part of the taxpayers. No stockholder in a corporation would tolerate such waste of money as this. No corporation that permitted its managers to dissipate its revenues with such reckless abandon would long survive In the keen competition of this community. It becomes daily more and more of a wonder that the taxpayers of Marion county, stockholders in the largest corporation in the county, are so insensible to their financial interests as to tolerate the waste that political plunder demands of public money. The Days of Hobinson Crusoe Maybe it was ten, twenty, forty, or more, years ago, but of course-you can remember of the boy day dreams you had of being a second Robinson Crusoe —even now you probably can visualize just the sort of raggedy suit he wore, and his queer cap, and his man Friday. Remeiftber how, lying in the cool shade of the trees fringing the creek “back home,” with your flshin’ pole lying in the grass beside you, weighted down with a rock, and the "bob,” almost forgotten, swinging lightly in the slight current of the stream, you dreamed of the day when you, too, would be shipwrecked on a desert isle. Starve? Sure you wouldn't, for there’d be plenty of cocoanuts and bananas and birds and fish—and you’d cast a rather drowsy eye toward the "bob” In the stream —and- all sorts of shells with things in them a fellow could eat in a pinch. , Maybe you even had the temerity to run away sbme time, on your way to the sea, and didn’t have Time to get much beyond the curve in the road, way past Jud Parker’s yellow barn, when darkness overtook you and with it the strange sounds of the night and a sort of fullness in your throat, the ache of which could quieted only by mother—and then you turned and fairly beat it back for home, with your bare feet'pattering swiftly in the warm dust of the road, regardless of ruts or possible -stone bruises, for you were going home. And all this comes back vividly through the story of the visit of Dr. William Alanson Bryan, professor of zoology and geology of the University of Hawaii, to the island of Robinson Crusoe, and the cave on the island, in which Defoe’s hero lived for four years and which is still habitable and unchanged. Patriotic, Isn't It? "The Brightwood Gazette," a handbill bearing the name of El C. Boyden as editor, in its issue of Aug. 14, prints the following example of the high-class political arguments to which the party of "intellectual aristocracy and kulture" has been forced to resort so early in the cam paign: The Indianapolis Times; that lying democratic 6heet that can’t tell the truth when it comes to politics, keeps harping about high taxes in this city and county, and never says a word about the millions and billions of Indebtedness heaped upon the people b£j‘he who kept us out of war"— the late war with Germany—which was- all uncalled for, and which we could have kept out of only for the bull-headedness of the "Country School Teacher." It is all right what he does in the eyes of The TimetfT and should be endorsed by the people, which will not be in November. Put a pin there. If our taxes have increased, which they no doubt have, the increase has been caused by putting "John Barley Corn” out of business, which was done by democrats and republicans, and not by the mismanagement of affairs by the republican party. • the national administration at Washington and the taxes will be reduced and we’ll get back to normal once more and have better times, arfd the only way to do this is to elect Harding and Coolidge. Hurrah. Why, Mr. Tucker! On Aug. 12, The Indiana Daily Times duly chronicled the fact that the Lenoir Coal Company, in which Gov. Goodrich’s son has a SIO,OOO interest, has been allotted the privilege of furnishing $10,400 worth of coal to a state institution under the control of Gov. Goodrich. On Aug. 13, under an Indianapolis date line, the Ft. Wayne Journal- Gazette and the Evansville courier both reprinted the story as it appeared in The Times the day before, both crediting it to their “bureaus" in the Star building at Indianapolis. Imitation isjthe sincerest form of flattery and The Times is glad it was able to produce so desirable a story for these newspapers. But what we can not understand is why Bert Tucker, who dictates the political policies of the Star league and is employed by the Journal-Gazette and the Courier as their special correspondent in Indianapolis, did not cause the same story to be printed in the Indianapolis Star, the Muncie Star and the Terre Haute Star. / If the story was good enough to send to Ft. Wayne and Evansville surely it was good enough to be printed in the Star. Is the Star league intentionally depriving its readers of the truth about the Goodrich administration? Unusual, hut Usual The reversal of the position of the city court relative to the legality of passing a street car on the left hand side was a very unusual pro ceeding and sufficient to break the routine for all court attaches and others. But it was also quite passe in one respect. The defendant who escaped a fine at the time the court ruled it was legal to pass a street car on its left was a negro. The defendant who paid a fine the time the court ruled it was Illegal to pass a street car on the left was a white man. ' Perusal of the records of the city court throughout the present republican administration reveal that there is nothing unusual about this feature- ... * \ _ . WHAT THE NEWS DID NOT QUOTE! It having become the fashion of our more or less literary contempor ary to quote for the edification of its readers the products of the New York Times, usually with such comment as would indicate that great minds run together, we can only interpret the failure to reproduce the following as an oversight; UNPARAMOUNTING PARAMOUNTCY. “It’s a fine day,” an indiscreet acquaintance once ventured to remark to Martin Vanßuren. “It appears to be, so far,” replied that model of caution and moderation. Our republican friends now find that they hara been too rash. They welcomed joyfully "the great and solemn referendum” on the league of nations. That was the cardinal, the "clear-cut” issue, roared by a hundred organs. Only last Monday the Chicago Tribune was saying: Gov. Cox Wccepts the covenant of the league of nations as the para 's mount issue in this election and republicans will be glad that he has done it. Evidently the republican mall collections of republican opinion have been unsatisfactory./The issue on which the Lodgeites and Borahites and Johnsonites planted their firm feet, swearing to prevail or perish, is sud denly whisked away by a conference of republican sages. Mr. Chairman Will Hays, who has been at Marion, absorbing wisdom and corrupting Ms style, has confabulated with Mr. Harding. The cardinal issue, like Mr. Hays’s earlier manner of speech, is suddenly unhinged. In a wild word spout that will surprise and pain Mr. Meredith Nicholson and all other admirers of Indiana literature, the chairman cries: It is squarely up to the electorate to indorse or repudiate the last seven years of democratic maladministration in Washington, which to the vast majority of the citizenry of this country stands for a simple squandering of our great resources, a saturnalia of extravagance, a catclysm of perverted purposes and broken promises, and, finally, an absolute betrayal of American rights and American interests. Such is Mr. Hays’s agitation that, in giving the order to right-about face, he mixes Swinburne and Sir Bbyle Roche qpd that once famous document of doom, the Ocala Platform, in a fearful and wonderful com pound. He even so far forgets himself aq/to speak the word “citizenry,” once used by the abhorred Mr. Wilson, to the Irritation of all the republican faithful. The Hoosier literati may be trusted to remonstrate with Mr. Hays and ask him not to expose himself too often to the dangers of Marlon phraseology. Meanwhile, it Is clear that something like a panic has seized the gods of the republican campaign. In less nervous moments they must know that issues are made by the voters, not the candidates or the managers. Mr. Bryan’s unhappy experience in paramounting issues oan not be "forgotten, save temporarily, in Marion. Moreover, this lightning change proves that the senatorial grandees are finding that they misread badly the republican mind. The republican friends of the league of nations are discovered to be so numerous that the issue of issues must be put, in the background, veiled. The Harding-Hays prime policy and hoped-for watchword of harmony is merely. In effect, a republican adaptation of Mr. Charles A. Dana's “Turn the Rascals Out.” it is an effort to unite a wrangling and divided party on the noble platform of "Give the republicans the offices,’’ st lesst such of them as civil service reform, that evil work of Mr. Simon Cameron's "damned literary fellers.” still leaves open to laborers In the political vineyard. The administrative record of Mr. Wilson is one of so m&ny undeniable and rruitful achievements that tl\e democrats need have no fear of re publican attacks on It. His constructive part in the league of nations is a splendid part of that record. There la a great body of independents and republicans who regard that league and the adherence of the United States to It as the preponderant Issue. This shifty bit of political con juring in Marion will not change their deep-seated opinion and conviction. And how about the “bitter-enders”? Who is going to make the harm ful necessary Hiram Johnson relent his rage against the league as the si>m of all villainies? Who Is going to put a hook in the jaw of that leviathan? Who will can the thunders of Borah. Brandegee. Moses, Knox. Lodge, and the whole corps of Implacable anti-covenanters? Trying to heal division, the Marlon doctors have only Inflamed It more, wisdom seems to have departed from the republican machinists. They are uncertain, weak, flabby, quick to put on gooseflesb. As for that republican Benjamin, Mr. Hays, the same fatal day shows him nlaying a queer political game and clothing his once engaging style in fustian.—New York Times T. P. A. Holds Picnic Broad Ripple Aug. 21 Indianapolis traveling man. together ■with their wive* and families, will attend the anneal picnic anti outing of Post B, Traveler*' Protective association, at Broad Ripple park Aug. 21. About 1,500 traveling mn and their families are expected to attend the out ing. Good News for 'P 1 M Men Who Want Fine Neckwear ra The WHEN August Sale uW brings you neckwear of the finer * ?|@l' JW grades away less than regular ™prices. Come in and look over these neckwear specials now, while the assortments are com ✓ plete. Speciah in Four-in-hands of the liner Trousers grades, a good range of choice, —Men ’s white each, $1.15. gaberdine trous- Another assortment of "fancy ers four-in-hands, offers remarkable * 7,60 value at G9<*, 3 for $2.00. —Men’s white Wash four-in-hands of pure flann K ; lk are f eatu red at 55?. “ Yo-San” neckwear, a good assortment, is specially priced at BRINGING- UP FATHER. C~ I IF l HAOA TANARUS” I’M AFRMO lTHlN<f>o- WHY DON’T FOR MF HO VS J .-V THOUSAND TANARUS" THAT t> TOO I " i * TOO t>TART l TH,i? 'VrvfZ'JV, LIVE-, TO 3 L, HWH ■ ,1 J W,TH FWE fe/n 2 uve-ro4wu * n > 1 honored? 'V -j - —) J J |§y j - I© *o r> Am ni SnvMC, inc. ~i n &•)L INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1920. Creds Club to Meet at Chamber Tonight [ A meeting of the Credo club, a Junior organisation affiliated with the Indianap olis Association of Credit Men, will be h!d this evening at 6:80 at the Chamber of Commerce. The club la Jtiat being organised and Is for men who are interested In the study of credits and collections. THE WHEN STORE INDIANAPOLIS AlvsT'.iigyou.v Manufacturing fits* available MANY CITIES GO TO HIGHER CLASS Hammond and Muncie Now in Second Division. Indiana now has one first-claae. eight second-class,, seven third-class, twenty one fourth-class and sixty-one flfth.class citjys, as a result of the 1920 census, ac cording to announcement of the Indiana legislative reference bureau. Two cities, Hammond and Muncie, moved from the thlrd-clasa to second class cities, and one municipality, East Chicago, leaped from fourth-class to second-class. Four cities, Elkhart, Logansport, Ko komo and Marlon, went from the fourth class rating to cities of the third class, while cities went from th€' fifth to fourth class. Under a law passed In 1915 the state's seven third-class cities, Anderson, Elk hart, Marion, Lafayette, Loganaport. Ko komo and Richmond, may become cities of the second class by reason of property valuation, provided the citizens of those cities vote for such change. Several transitions of cities Into high er classes are made possible through property valuation. The date of transition Into the higher class has not been determined, although state officials hare been using the new classifications in determining the status of cities of the state. Indiana cities are divided by law into five classes on the following basis: Cities of the first class, cities having a population of 100,000 or mors; cities of the second class, cities having a popula tion of 35,000 or more and less than 100,- 000; cities of the third class, cities hav ing a \populatiou of 24.000 or more and less than 35.000; cities of the fourth class, cities having a population of 10,000 or more and less than 20.000 and having ta*. able property to the amount of $5,000,000 or more, also alt cities having a popula tion of less than 10.000 and having tax able property of not less than $7,500,000; cities of the fifth class, cities having a population of 10,000 or more and less than 20,000. whose taxable property is less than $5,000,000, also all cities having a popalation of lesa than 10,000. Methodist Meeting Will Begin Tonight Orville B. Roberta of Forest, Infl.. wtH deliver the iiermon opening the eighty first annual conference of the Methodist Frotctant churches of Indiana tonight at the Victory Memorial church. The conference will continue until Monday, Ang. 23, with morning, after noon and evening sessions. Tomorrow morning candidates for the ministry will be examined and in the afternoon lectures will be given to them. In the evening speeches will be made by L. Shelton and Thomas C. Day. The sermon will be preached by George 8. Henninger. HOROSCOPE “The stars Incline, but do not compel.” TUESDAY. AUG. 17, 1930. The planets rule for good thie day, according to astrology. . This Is a away most favorable for all who project altruistic or progressive ideas, since it makes for practical de velopment. It is a lucky day for commercial en- Washington and Alabama Streets—Just East of Courthouse / READ OUR ADS WITH CONFIDENCE Standard Patterns, Clearance Sale of VOILE DRESSES For Women and Misses New colored voile frocks. Styles that are especially be coming to the young miss of 15 to 18 years—made with ruffles, tunics' or with simple tucked skirts—sashes, wide belts and dainty collars and cuffs in white or contrasting colors make them attractive to the young girl. \ SIO.OO value 94.98 $15.00 value $7.48 $20.00 value • $9.98 Stout Size Dresses Pretty voile or gingham dresses, in stout sizes; prettily trimmed. $15.00 value • $9.98 $17.50 value \ $11.95 $24.50 value • .$14.50 Wash Skirts Reduced We have reduced every cotton wash 6kirt in stock and offer you unrestricted choice of any white cotton skirt in stock at the following reduced prices: $4.08 skirts for $2.98 $5.98 and $6.98 aklrts for $3.98 $7.50 and SIO.OO aklrts for • $4.98 sl.lO Pepperel Sheeting 79c a Yd. Lets Than Wholesale Coat Bleached, 2>/i yard* wide, well known foe Its wearing quality; heavy weight, full pieces, no mill end lengths (Mnnlt 5 yards). No C. O. 0., Mall or Phone Orders. Domestics 450 Cambrio Mualln, 29# Yard wide, soft finish, for fine un derwear and general use. 360 Percales, 24# Standard quality, in navy, cadet, gray and ’ light grounda, neat figures, cheeks and stripes to select from. Table Oilcloth, 59# Best quality, assorted patterns, light-and dark, also plain white, full piece#, no seconds. Corded Madras Shirting, 59# Yard wide, neat stripes on light grounds; fast colors for waists and shirts. Barber Towels, Dor., $1.19 Bleached, extra soft finish, hemmed, ready for use, red border. 98c Novelty Suiting, 69# Yard wide, assorted plaids, for' children’s school dresseß. Bargain Table $1.25 and $1.50 Silk Corset Covers or Camisoles, in white or flesh ?OC $1.25 to $1.50 MusMn Envelope Chemise, lace or em broidery trimmed No Phone, C. O. D. or Mail Orders. terprises and for whatever depends on navigation. There is a peculiarly fortunate direc tion this day for all who seek prefer ment. Political candidates should bene fit by planetary forces that stimulate energy and encourage right effort*. Speech is subject to influences that seem to presage a return to popular ity of orators and all who use the power of spoken argument. Lawyers should benefit greatly during this rule which is most helpful to wom en as well as men. SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE Children’s DRESSES WHITE DRESSES Ages 2 to 6 Years $1.25 to $1.48 kind 98# $1.98 to $2.48 kind • $1.48 $2.98 to $3.48 kind $1.98 $3.98 to $4.98 kind „ . . • $2.98 $5.98 kind $3.98 Ages 8 to 16 Years $3.98 kind $1.99 $4.48 kind $2.24 $5.98 kind • $2.99 $6.98 kind • $3.49 $9.98 kind $4.99 GINGHAM DRESSES Ages 6 to 14 years $2.48 kind $1.98 $2.98 kind $2.48 $3.48 kind .. - $2.98 $3.98 kind $3.48 Education now will assume a great importance and will be of concern to milllonalrss, and leaders of thought In the United States. Persons whose blrthdate it Is should not speculate or go to law. eßusiness may be rather perplexing and should 1 be carefully watched. Children born on this day are likely to be quick and well balanced In mind. These persons do not take kindly to business.—Copyright, 1920. New Neckwear ATTRACTIVE LACE AND ORGAN GANDY COLLARS, in TuxMo and round neck styles, ranging in price from £<•} ["SI 98c to WHITE AND COLORED ORGAN* DY COLLARS AND CUFF SETS, 49c and aOC COLLAR POINTS, in colored or gandies and lace, £-f fffk 49c to SXC>U WHITE LACE TRIMMED COL LARS, with sash ff A to match slsuv Aprons of Many Styles in Most Desired Fabrics The need of aprons Is a mattes known to economical and thrifty housewives. Here are aprons that will prove themselves worthy, for theY are fashioned of excellent ma terial and will give satisfactory service. $1.98 to $2.98 Stout Size Coats Light weight, full length coats in serges and tricotine, semi and belted effects. Black or navy. $29.50 kinds $23.50 $32.50 kinds $25.00 $34.50 kinds $26.50 $39.50 kinds $29.50 $42.50 kinds $31.50 Short Sport Coats Late spring and summer coats, short sport models, suitable for early fall wear. We have an ex cellent assortment of models, regu lar $19.50 to $42.50 kinds, on sale at $9.75 to $21.50 JIGGS SPOILS IT AGAIN. Designer, 20£ Standard Quarterly, 25<?