Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Ualn 3606 Automatlo 88-361 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .0* per line Six consecutive times 0T per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time OS per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consevutive times OS per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices ?5o per insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 500 per insertion Over 1 Inch, .07 per line additional. Death notlcee, ISo per Insertion. The Business Office closes at * p. m. FUNE RA L DIRECTORB. George Grinsteiner funeral director. 622 East Market. Old Phone Main 90S. New Phone. 27-30*. A. U. Ragadal*. J. Wash Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. J. GWILSON H 9 Prospect. AUto. 61-671. Prospect 322. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. K. KRIKGER. New 21-154. Main 1464. 1402 N. HUnola UNDERTAKERS? >WWVWWWWS/V*^AAA/VWWWhAAAAAA W. T. BLASENGYM 3635 Shelby St Pros. 1570. Auto. 61-114. UNDERTAKERS—UISEY sTYTtUS, 951 North 43ei. New 26-564, Main 3630. OEATH AJNP FUNERA.L. NOTICES. SMALLWOOD, EDGAR N—Beloved hus band of Lena Smallwood (nee Lena Cole) passed away at his home, 79 North Addison at 5:25 a. m., Tuesday, Aug. 17. Funeral will be held at home at 2:SO p. m., -Thursday. Burial will be made at Crown Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. CARD OF THANKS. BLACKBURN, NELLIE—Wo wish to ex press our alnoere thanks to Dr. Stocker, the Holiness church and the Rev. MoCune for their kindness during the sickness and death of our dear sister, Nellie and also the Progress Laundry and relatives for their beautiful floral offerings. MOTHER, FATHER. SISTER AND BROTHERS. LOST AND FOUND. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere: no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947, or write lost agent. II Bald win block. Indianapolis. Ina. LOST—Pair of gold rimmed double lens glasses on Brightwood car or between Pennsylvania and Washington. Call Woodruff 4917. LOST—Black bill fold containing $63 In bills and SIOO draft, by poor man. Re ward. WM. HENDRICKSON, 1111 Bates street. STOLEN —1917 Har'.ey-Davtdson motor cycle and side car; license No, X 1441, Ind; motor No. L17T5736. Call Main 8339 or notify police. LOST—One gold key ring, holding three keys. Reward. Circle 1744 or 1537 Cen tral. ___ LOST OR STOLEN —Orphan boy's ooat at Lyric. Return to 117 Concordia street. Reward. - LODGES AND CLUBS. BEN-HUP. BASKET PICNIC. Falrview park. Snuday afternoon, Aug. 22. Members, their families and friends will assemble at 2 o'clock. Dinner will he served near bandstand at 4 o'clock. ROOMS—TO LET. TWO NICE light rooms suitable for office; all modern conveniences. Address A No. 1628, Times. TWO unfurnished light housekeeping rooms; private entrance. 616 Highland avenue. _ CAPITOL, 915 North; sleeping room for rent. Call LURENA DOW. Main 8110. ~ ROOMS—-WANTED. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms. modern, for young married couple. Call Cr&nd hotel, room No. 130. HOUSES—WANTED. •VW. '■/WVWWWW^<WWVV^f^^^^ Modern cottage or half double norm of Fall Creek. Two children of school age. Call Dolph E. Moore, Hotel Washington. Main 4283. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS DE VERE. 17 H w. Ohio, Main 8*73. BUSINESS CHANCEB. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. EIJKKLB 416 Malta ave. Main 143*. New 33-77*. SSO BUYS a collection business with ac counts of over $1,000; good prospects for (live wire. Address P. O; box 1021, Indi anapolis. FOR TRADE!—Maxwell touring, 1918. For equity in small property. Address A No. 1561, Times. [WANTED —Hustler to handle new drink In Indianapolis; S4OO cash required. Real opportunity. Address A No. 1639, Times. BUSINESS SEKVtCES~ Auto repairing and laundry work guaranteed. It pleases us to please you. Give us a trial. 2928 North Capitol, rear. COLLECTIONS—Expert collection service. Old and bad accounts solicited. If rou have one or a hundred bring or send hem In. It costs you nothing unless we collect; then but a reasonable commls ilon. GENERAL MERCANTILE CREDIT ASSOCIATION. 31* Hume-Mansur bldg Haln 6216, DOWNTOWN tire enop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that gives iatl3faction. 35 Kentucky avenue. SAFETY RAZOK BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDOE. 2 Indiana ave. IF your clock Is not running pnone Circle 4307. M. R. SHEARN. *ll North Ala bama SILK shirt* made to measure. Circle 6561. ILL kinds of roofs repaired; tin gutters repaired and painted. Prospect 4015. MALE I lELP—WANT£d7 ~ Holders We are still Increasing our force and need more malleable iron molders. Men experienced on bench squeezer and floor work, who want steady alt-year-round, jobs. Apply * -at employment office, Belmont ave., south of W. Washington st. Link Belt Cos. Belmont plant. SWITCHMEN. Wanted, switchmen to report at once r work on the Big Four railway st reason of shortage of men, portunities for seniority standing are ceptionaiiy good at this time, with fine ances for rapid promotion. Report to representative of the Big Four and will furnish transportation. F. N. 2YNOLDS, superintendent, Indianapolis •mine!. ACHINE MAN, experienced in general Jlaning mill work. WILLIAM F. IHNSON LUMBER CO., Nineteenth and Cornell. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WIND ARMA TURE COILS, EXPER IENCED. CARMAN & FRYER, 113 N. NOBLE STREET. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. FIREMAN FOR RONEY STOKER, SHORT HOURS, GOOD PAY, FREE CAR FARE. APPLY MR. ANDERSON, 1150 W. WASHING TON ST. RAILWAY mall decks are offered $1,60* entrance salary with promotions to $2,300. For full particulars and a oourse of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois street. Suite 207. MEN who ars experienced in packing china and crating household goods. FRANK BHELLHOUSE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO. ASSISTANT yardman, capable of grading all kinds of lumber. Apply Mr. Williams, WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO., Nineteenth and Monon railroad. JOB PRESSMAN —One familiar with Miller feeder. The H. C. COOK C©., printers and binders, Steubenville, O. TAILOR wanted; man or woman. Apply at 426 West Washington street. PROFESSIONAL electric tattoo artist. 29 Kentucky avenue. LATHERS for double houee. ED KING. Harrison 734. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. NIGHT watchman Job wanted. Address A No. 1623, Times. SALESMEN—WANTED. #VVS/VVVV%^VVV>AAA^AfVVW , <W>^VVVN>VVVV<s WANTED SALESMAN Grocery, drug, hardware, auto accessory, steady position, good pay with bonuses. Call at once, room 930 Hotel Washington. Ask for Mr. Plant. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hyiand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigator! 638-529 Law bldg Main 3*06. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Attractive Employment for Girls Become a telephone operator. You can speedily advance to toll operator, clerical worker, supervisor, assistant chief, chief operator, etc. Hundreds of higher posi tions for those who qualify. Besides, we pay for your Instruction In this modern profession and ' pay you well while you are learning. In a few weeks' time you are qualified as a bona fide employe with a permanent position. Least you can then earn is sl6 a week. Ideal working condi tions. Vacations with pay and many other unusual advantages. Apply at main office. Meridian and New York eta. Employment desk In lobby. Indiana Bell Telephone Company GIRL WANTED FOR STEAMING GAR MENTS. Apply FRENCH STEAM DYE WORKS, 318 CHESAPEAKE ST. SEE MR. BETSCHEY. STENOGRAPHER, PERMANENT POSI TION FOR EXPERI ENCED GIRL. INTER NATIONAL MACH INE TOOL CO. INSURANCE SOT.ICITORS. Would $5 to $lO a day Interact you? We can use several good men in our insurance depart ment. Mr. Klmmlch. 913 Mer . chsnts Bank Bldg. Main 1499. Call in the morning. LADIES wanted at once; married or single; for full or part trtne; good compensation to workers. See manager ladles' dept., 913 Merchants Bank bldg. WOMEN SOLICITORS, can make from $6 to $lO daily In our insurance department. Ask for Mr. Klmmlch. Main 1499. HOME SEEKERS BUILDING CO. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED tors on pants. ' Leon Tail oring Cos., 131 E. New York st. WANTED—GirIs over 16 years of age to work in factorv. CEN TRAL STATES ENVELOPE CO., E. Washington and Sher man drive. Stenographers $lB to $25 Typists sls to sl* File elerks , sls Call for interview. No charge until placed and no fee over $lO for our tervices. BUSINESS MEN’S CLEARING HOUSE. 305 Merchants Bank Bldg. Main 6337. Main 6333. Hand Sewers Wanted. Stegman Skirt Cos., 32 E. Georgia St., Room 424 LADIES to attend day and evening classes of co/nplete course, hair dressing and manicuring. Price reasonable. Central Beauty College. 208 I. O. O. F. Cirdle 21*1. WANTED—Lady nurse for night work; one with Hospital or sanitarium experi ence. Write or call HORD SANITARIUM, ShelbyrUle, Ind, WANTED Housekeeper for general housework. 1114 Wcsc Thirty-fourth. GIRL for house work; also nurse girl. 1881 North Meridian street. North 4171. AUTOMOBILES FOR ALE.~ SIOO BUYS A GOOD USED CAR. WILL CONSIDER YOUR OLD CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT. Down. Weekly. Buick touring SIOO $6.00 Ford touring..., 100 6.00 Ford touring 125 0.00 Pullman touring 100 6.00 Case touring 100 6.00 Oakland 4 100 6.00 Willys-Knlght touring 150 6.00 Grant touring 100 6.00 Maxwell touring 160 6.00 NO BROKERAGE. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 557-69 N. Capitol ave. Open evenings. LEXINGTON MINUTE MAN SIX, 1920. Run only 2.400 miles, five cord tires, bumper, etc.; a saving of nearly S4OO, Act quick. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO. 1027 North Meridian St. Telephone Circle 67*. Terms If desired. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. * CARS RECONSTRUCTED RIGHT Every customer satisfied. People like to get used ears they can depend on. That is why our recon structed car business is growing so fast. Our PRICES don’t SOUND any lower than many others, but the CARS are RIGHT. All cars are painstakingly put in good condition. You can depend on them for service. Suoh a poliov is bound to SATISFY the CUSTOMER. 1920 Maxwell touring, $925.00. 1920 Cole Aero 8, seven-pas senger touring, $2,750.00. 1919 Mitchell six, roadster, $1,095.00. 1919 Oakland six sedan, $1,350.00. 1920 Chevrolet sedan, $1,600.00. 1919 Maxwell touring, $725.00. 1917 Cole 8 touring, $1,260.00. 1918 Maxwell roadster, $650.00. 1920 Davis coupe, $2,250.00. 1920 Maxwell roadster, $950.00. 1919 Cole Aero 8, 4-passenger sport model, $2,350.00. Terms if desired. teasel' “It pays to see Us before buying.” DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS. Stephens Model 75, 5 cord tires, j wire wheels. Buick Roadster, 1919, like new. Buick Touring, 1918; new paint, top and tires. Dodge Roadster, 1918; perfect i condition. Maxwell Touring. 1921; Just driven from factory. Mitchell Roadster, 1918; big bar gain. Stutz Sport Model, perfect running i condition. Scripps-Booth Roadster, big value, I very classy. j Studebaker 6 Touring, biggest ! buy in town. Interstate Sedan, in fine shape. Ford Coupe. A fine all weather car. ! Cash or term*. Opan Sunday and evening*. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. 1 Main 2246. 225 North Penn. HONEST VALUES in used cars. Wo want you to ho the ! Judge. KING FOURSOME. ■ Sport model, thoroughly rebuilt, refln- Ished In our own shop. It * a beauty, CHEVROLET BABY GRAND. Reflnlshed. rebuilt, new top, a dandy light car; looks like new and priced right. lIOLLIER 5-PAS. Just ready for delivery, light weight with plenty of power. Terms If desired. * DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO. 1027 North Meridian St. Phone, Circle 673. I SIOO, $126. $l5O down will buy a good used car. We have Fords, Maxwells, Bulcka, Dodges and others, In fine shape: that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 61$ N. Capitol. Open evenings. MAXWELL ROADSTER In A-l shape throughout. Priced to sell. THE MOTOR MART. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. Open evenings. MONBOB touring, ISIB model; In line condition throughout; has had the best i of care; good tires, good top and good I paint. Will take SI,OOO or trade for good lot east. Call Harrleon 586 evenings from 5:30 to 8 for Information. Speedster in A-l shape; priced so you can speed tonight If you buy It today; $222.22. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware st. Main 19*4. FOR HALE—Grant roadster, electric starter and equipment, wire wheels, good tires, motor In A-l condition, new leather top, cheap. Prospect *462. v CHEVROLET 4-90 1919 model,\ in perfect condition. Let us show you this car. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Open evenings. COMMON WEALTH four forty touring demonstrator at factory cost. DIETZ JAMES. 334 East Market street. Main 6716. Terms If desired. Hupmobile, Model K touring in a U-buy condition; guaranteed mechanically perfect. THE MOTOR MART 140 N, Delaware st. Main 1984. OVERLAND ooupe, 1920. driven 60 miles; factory guarantee, at a big discount. 602 N. Capitol. FOR SALE—At a bargain, Premlor speed ster In good mechanical condition. 618 Udell street. North C 597. MONROE tourings and roadsters, all over hauled. MONROE SALES, 602 N. CAPITOL. FORD touring; good condition; a bargain. $235. 1215 Keallng avenue. Woodruff 8011 b . MONROE DEMONSTRATOR. Monroe Sgles, COO N. Capitol. OVERLAND touting; 6-cyllnder; A-l con dition, $400; terms. 602 N. Capitol. MONROE li * TOURING] ‘ Monroe Sales, 600 N, Capitol.. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNEpAY, AUGUST 18,1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DODGE TOURINGj MECHANICALLY PERFECT; ORIGINAL PAINT; FIVE GOOD TIRES. 166 E. TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. .'PHONE NORTH 1684. AUTQB AND THUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. IJ-Drlve Auto Service at Hoealer Laundry Rear Keith’s theater. Mala 662 L . TRUCKS—FOR SALE. MARION truck for sale, $276. 821 Massachusetts avenue. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED! “ WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY. 010 N. CAPITOL. MAES *OBO. AUTO. 22-016 AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. Nq delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It is here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts ft Tire Cos. 61* N. Illinois st. Main 1676. Auto 81-661. Ws also buy Junk oars. AUTO REPAIRBAND UPPLIIi" ' AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 828-884 North llllnola S & S Auto Laundry 6UTOMOBILK TOPS recovered and side curtains repaired at THE JOHN GUED ELHOEFKR WAGON CO.. tr Kentucky avenue. WRITE. PHONE OR CALL US for price* on Goodyear solid and pneuinatio tires for truck and passenger cars. J. Ouedsl goefer Wagon_Co., 202 Ksntucky avs. ONE-MAN aut> top#, aids curtains, seat and radiator oovers, PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1167 Udell .treat. North 645. GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN GUEDEL HOEPKR WAGON CQ. 22 Kentucky ave. WE PUT on the beet Hide wire tires on automobiles, trailers and trucka 111 Kentucky aven. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. THEY 4Kb HERB. 1926 HENDERSON FOUR CYLINDER. MERZ MOTOR CO., _____ 4SQ.62_Mase.Ava HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES s•s Mass. Ava. Main 6464. CASH paid for all kinds of motoroyelsa FLOYD PETERMAN. $66 Masooeha svtta evenae. MOTORCYCLE and side ear In good run nlng order. 1717 North Arsenal. BICYCLE; good condition, cheap Call altar 5 SO p. m.. _7II South Merldtan.__ IAiLOKb AND CUtAMbHU. CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called for ) Gents' suits cleaned and pressed. 'Ladles’ suits cleaned ana pressed. All work guaranteed FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 168$ Fletcher eve. Prospect 461. REAL BALI. $4,500. 5-Room Modern, East Improved street. $4,600. Five-room modern bungalow, south. Im proved street; terms. $4,000. Six rooms, bath, sast; SBO6 cash, $46 per month; street being Improved. East Tenth car line. $6,400. East, modern. 6-room bungalow, La salle street; terms. $4,606. Double northeast. A rooms, toilet, gas, sewer, water, electrlo lights new; terms. $3,600. Double southeast, 6 rooms; terms; S6OO cash. S3O per month. $1,200. Three rooms, gas. electrlo lights. W. L. Bridges, Realtor 336-9 K. of P bldg Main 4116. TTY/VT! SSOO Cash, IMsM'W Balance Monthly Two brand new 6-room modern brick veneer bungalows north; Immediate pos session; SSOO down. Price $4,760 each. One strictly modern bungalow 6 rooms: large lot, 2516 Boulevard place, $6,000; SSOO cash. One 4-room cottage east, $3,840 Robson street, $2,600; $350 cash. One seven-room strictly modern home north; fine .condition; three-car garage, $4,750; SI,OOO cash, balance by month or $4,500 cash. One 6-room semi-modern home, located at 32 North Oakland uvenue, one-half square from East Washington car 'lne, $3,260 cash. Call for Mr. Vance, with GEO. A. LUCAS. 208 American Central Life Bldg. Circle 6600. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS In Ideal home northeast; cash or terms. For quick deal call owner. Woodruff 2419. A Real Buy Near New Augusta, three acres land. 10-room house, garage and electric lights. Price $3,676. Bloodworth & Flood, 629 Peoples Bank Bldg. Circle 832. PAYMENTS 1909 Charles st.; 5 rooms, electric lights, newly painted, etc.; S3OO cash, balance like rent. Russe H. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware. Want to Buy a Home? See Bloodworth & Flood 519 Peoples Bank bldg. Phone, Circle 832. Bargain Two Capitol avenue lots north of Thirty fourth street, east front. For sale at bar gain. Call Mr. Davis. WM. F. TOCHER, Mxin 3998. Auto. 24-806. 805 City Trust bldg. _____ 3 LOTS ON SOUTH RURAL; 2 ON ENGLISH AVENUE, FORREST PARK ADDITION. HARRISON 2187 FOR TERMS. * Double, modern, up to date. 1720-22 West Washington §L Harrison 2187 for terms. REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. Immediate Possession given to a dandy 4-room cottage on paved street, south side. Only $250 oash payment required. House has city water, gas, large pantry, cellar, vement walks, etc. Price only $2,100. A J. S. Cruse Realty Cos. REALTORS. 12* N. Delaware st. Main 5840—Phones—Auto. 24-361. Modem Home East. Has reception hall, living room, dining room with built-in china closet. beautifully finished In quartered oak; three nice bed rooms and bath on second floor, hardwood floors throughout; ce ment basement with laundry room; has A-l furnace; cement porch across front of house. Price only $5,750. Terms. In a nice neighborhood of homes. Mr. Gwgrtney. Main 1499. Evenings Ilrvlngton 2305. Homeseekers’ Realty Cos. 918 Merchants Bank Bldg. We Want an Oiler on a nice six-room, semi-modern, IrVlngton home place. This prop erty. located In one of tho pret tiest spots In Irvington; large lot shaded with forest trees; only 1 block from car line; house has new bath and electrlo flxturee, Is sqwer connected, and we can sell st suoh a low figure that makes It a wonderful bargain. Bee Us at Once. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos. REALTORS. 128 N. Delaware at. Main 6840. Phones: Auto. 24-361. Reasonable Terms. Four-room cottage. beautifully deoo rated, electrlo lights, gas, water, baek porch, located In good neighborhood on South East street. Price $3,200; S7OO cash and S2O per month. Four-room cottage, In good condition, eleotrtc lights, gas. water *nd a real bar gain at $1,400; SSOO cash, balance $lB per month. CaU Mr. Ridgeway. Tibss-Bose Realty Company. circle 486. Auto. $7-436* Nights, North South Side Home on Payments. Seven-room residence on good south side street; gas, electrlo light*, city water, ete.; price Is only $2,750; $506 cash, balance S3O pgr month. J. S. Cruse Realty Cos. * REALTORS. 12* N Delaware et. Main 6840—Phones—Auto. 24-361. 423 Patterson St. Five-room cottage with gae for lights and oooktng, well and cis tern. nice cellar. Lot 37x120. Price $2,200. Terms, SSOO down and sl7 per month. See B. B. Meredith, realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 9*3. Auto. 21-tft. Evening*, calt Woodruff 7168. VERY CHOICE DOUBLES ON EASY PAYMENTS ON RAY MOND ST. 9*. 506; only $660 cash, balance S6O per month. Let the rent buy your home. See us at, J.S. CRUSE REALTY CO. Realtors, 111 N. Delaware st. Main 6*4o—Phone*—Auto. 24-361. $250 Cash, Balance sls per Month Five-room cottage, newly painted, new roes nd newly deoorated. In the pink of oondltion In every respect; located at 181 Chase street. Price $1,360. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. Circle 436. Autor- 27-434 Nlg*hts. Wash ington 4165. EIGHTROOM on S, Grace st., semi-mod ern. 3 lots, terms. Five-room houee on Dorman et. Four-room house on Valley ave., not modern. Five-room brick bungalow, 100x360, Southport. Five-room double on Macpherson and oresk, not modern. Six-room modern on Winona et.. east of Fslrvlsw park; 2 lots. poultry house, fruit; dandy fine home. Main 1974. 725 Lsmck*. Washington SOIL EAST Seven rooms, electrlo lights, eltv water and gas, sink and cistern In kitchen; good lot, paved street. Price $3,000; SSOO cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. Mclnteer. with I. N. Richie & Son, Realtors 151 East Market. Main 620. After 6 p. rn.. call Irvington 1597. Home North Pennsylvania near Art Institute, Mod ern 6-room house at the bargain price of $7,600. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Marion County State Bank BEAUTIFUL high. Urge level lot. half square of Maple road boulevard (3*th st.). only two square* southeast of fair grounds. Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; $lO cash, $1.60 weekly. Price only $525. Get busy. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. * Home Southeast Trowbridge street near Southeastern avenue, * rooms, hot water heat, bath, lights, gas, large lot with fruit. Price $3,300; payment*. Marion County State Bank A FINE new never occupied six-room colonial style home, a big lot, double garage. bullt-ln features, hardwood floors, full laundry equipped, basement. A beautiful home In a high-grade district. Very liberal terms. Washington 1079. ““8-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE; GARAGE. 939 CON GRESS AVE. HARRISON 2187 FOR TERMS. A FINK new five-room bungalow Includ ing breakfast room, bullt-ln features, big wooded lot. An Ideal home in a high-grade district. Very liberal terms can be made. Washington 1079. 1 HAVE 97 homes on south side; modern and semi-modern; cash and payments. From four to eleven roome. For particu lars call Prospect 6184 utter 4 p m. gpVEN rooms and bath, well, cistern, chicken house, garage, lot 201x10: leav ing city Sept. 1. Owner, 618 West Thirtieth street. Harrison 216. INDIANA TRUST CO. “ Sells real estate, collects rent, write* Are Insurance. _ _ REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Suburban Acreage Bargain 20 acre*, located northeast on paved road, only 9 miles from Monument. Good level land. 6- room house and outbuilding*. Fruit and beautiful maple shade trees. Special price. This Is a bargain. Dunlop & .Holtegel, Realtors . / 132 K. Market et. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which Is bslng paved; $1 down, tl week. Will take you out In our automobile st your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1003 City Trust. Main 016. FOR SALE—Good Improved $0 acres, 3 miles west of Lewisville, Ind.; fruit of all kinds, good drilled well, good fencing and priced right. See W. T. Margason, % mile south of Stop 100 on the T. H., I. & B. (Eastern division) R. R. Address Lewisville. R. 1. . TRANSFER AND STORAGE. - Gl7 TTC\ IT storage cheap ESI ( \V/ RATES IN CITY. CALL j US. Everything at rea sonable price. Packed. II II shipped anywhere. IS Locked room If desired. ao West Henry. Main 4090, CALL SHANK for the nest service in hauling, packing, shipping and t >rag. 127-229 North New Jersey Bt. Main 20To. HQUSEHOLD GOODS. First CaM off Winter Our rebuilt stoves cost less, wear as well, look as good and can be bought on same terms as new stoves. Our line in cludes all standard makes, such as: Florence Hot Blaste. Nubian Hot Blasts. Buck Hot Blasts. - Garland Hot Blast*. Palaae Hot Blasts. Jewel Hot Blasts. Golden Hot Blasts. - Clermont Hot Blasts. Coles Hot Blasts. - Model Hot Blasts. Radiation Home Baseburners. Garland Baseburners. Cannon Stoves, Furnace Heaters, Drums atld all kinds and sizes of stoves. Cash or payments. Baker Bros. 219-225 E. Washington at. STOVES All kinds; good as new at one-half price. DICING ROOM SUITES $150.00 suites. SIO.OO. Furniture of all kinds at reduped prices. KROOT & KROOT 607-9 W. Washington. Circle 2943. WE WANT TO BUY good furniture, rugs, office and store fix tures. We pay mors than other dealers. Call Cooperlder. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2218. GOOD USED RUGS. We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade used rugs; all sizes, at price* that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Massschueet* ave. CUT glass Havlland china. Vlctrola, two sets of encyclopedia, davenola, brass bed, library, table, davenport, machine and other things. Main 6690, ““MISCELLANEOUS—FOfi BALET" Match Your Coat with a pair of / V \ TROUSERS Irt ] THE PANTS \ / STORE CO. Ilf Two Store* l. L J 48 W. Ohio. S 110 E. Market. V ' Close 6P. M. Saturday 9P. M. Quit Wearing Ready-Made KITS SS;®O We make them to j) your measure for LEON TAILORING £O. 181 E. NEW YORK. Up one flight. A . us Drop-Head Stager, lit; > w r.~*;,u ether bargains. 11.06 per week. All makes RK vU Ilf PAIRED. HEMSTITCH ' INO while you wait. 16s •’ per yard WHITE BEWINU MACHINE CO, Main 666; Auto. 26-216. 612 Via Are Street - brick for sale, 1102 w'et Washington. Belmont 646. Calt 8 a. m. or 7 p. m. A NO. 1 National cash register; four drawer. E. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. DIAMOND RING, Isdy's. 1.66 karats, per fect, cheap, rash or trade. Address A No. 1C27, Times. TWO second-hand furnaces. 2666 Central nvenue. North 9071, DRKPB suit; stout party. Price $25. Woodruff 2145. Auto. 61-116. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. LEW SHANK pays best price* la city for household goods and fixtures of all kind*. 337 North New Jersey street. Mala **2*j MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ®ALI, KINDS OF AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN CO LUMBIA RECORDS OF SONGS AND MUSIC IX THE FOLLOWING LAN- GUAGES: Arablc-Syrlan. Mexlcan-Spanlsh. Armenian. Polish. Bulgarian. Roumanian. Croatian. Russlan-Ruthenlon Finnish. Servian. German. Slovenian (Kralner). Greek. Spanish. Hebrew-Jewlsh. Swedish. Hungarian. Turkish. Itaiian-Neopolitan. Welsh. VANGBL N. SHISHCOFF. Repairs All Kinds of Graphophones. Work Guaranteed. Open hours, 8 a. m. till 9 p. m. 530 W. Washington st. Auto. 22-I*6. Tolumbia Graphophone In golden oak case, $175 Mke, with 14 records; big bargain at $145; payments $1.60 per week. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. BEGINNERS' violins, mandolins, guitar*; bargains. TUTTLE, 201 Indians Avs. FINE player piano. S4O down and $4 per week. North 4221. LIVE STO C K AND V E H IC L , E3. FOR HALE—Car load lowa horses and mares, weighing 1.250 to 1.400 pounds; several matched pairs, all 5-yenr-old*. Inquire hay scales. Union Stock Yard*. WANTED—2O nice, smooth mares. 4 to 6, 1.000 to 1.200 pounds; must be fat; will pay highest market price for nice ones. M GREGORY. 319 South Alabama street. FOUR-year-old horse. broke; 1,200 pounds. 1239 North Tacoma. po VhT RY .\. UNMATED pair of canaries: female Is also singer, $11.50. Main 2811. COAL AND WOOD FOR BAUL~ e vw-w\e--wwwww^vwvwvMWV, ILLINOIS LUMI $9.00 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 2161, Main 3531, FINANCIAL. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP end on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bonded firm, for uso In paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICKS that every on* should take advantage of our eervlce. LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 Bt legal rate:;, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all the lime you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the money. Fair Isn't It? . You Can Afford lo Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month artid interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COST. IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hour* a day, and through, personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal interest, we can serve you and your friends as you wish to be served In these unusual times business friendships, close relation*, mu tual understandings and co-operation are real assets to all es US. We are ready to go three-fourths of the way. Now It is up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO. 106 E. Market St. FINANCIAL, WE ARB PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS Lusted and unlisted. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest ebrner Delaware and Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farms gad Improved city properties. GIB RALTER FINANCE COMPANY. 10$ N. Delaware street. Main 161*. WB MAKB second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 60* Fidelity Trust Bldg. Insurance m *ll branches, aubrby t>. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. LOANS on Diamonds; 854% Pr month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 68 Monu fxent- * " legal notice! NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. July 81, 1920. Office of township trustee of Guilford township of Hendricks county, State of Indiana, Plainfield, Indiana. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Aug, 26, 1920, at 2 o’clock p. m.. for the purchase of thirty thousand dol lars ($80,000.00) of bonds of Guilford school township of Hendricks county, In diana. Bonds to be In the denomination of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each, all dated Aug. 15, 1920, and shall bear In terest at the rate of 6 per cent per an num. Interest payable semi-annually; said bonds shall be due and payable as fol lows, towlt: Three bonds Aug. 15, 1929; two bonds Feb. 15, 1930; three. Aug. 15. 1980; two, Feb. 15. 19*1; three. Aug. 15. 1981; two. Feb. 16, 1982; three. Aug. 15, 1882; two, Feb. 15, 1933; three, Aug. 15, 1988; two Feb. 15, 1984; three. Aug. 15, 1934: two, Feb. 15, 1935. Notice is also given that sealed pro posals will be received at this office until Aug. 26. 1920 at 2 o’clock p. m. for the purchass of twelve thousand dollars ($12,00. .00) of bond* of Guilford sohool township of Hendricks county, Indiana. Bald bonds to be In denomination of five hundred dollars ($500.00) each, all dated Aug. 15, 1920, and shall bear Interest at the rat# of 6 per cent per annum. Interest payable semi-annually; said bonds shall be due and payable as follows, towlt i One bond, Aug. 15, 1823; one bond, Feb. 16, 1924; one bond, Aug. 15. 1924; one bond. Feb. 15, 1926; two bonds, Aug. 15, 1926; two bonds. Feb. 16, 1926; two bonds, Aug. 16. 1926; two bonds. Feb. 15. 1937; two bonds, Aug. 15. 1927; two bonds, Feb, 15. 1923; four bonds, Aug. .15, 1923; four bonds, Fsb. 16, 1929. All of said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder for not less than their par value. Bidders are required to state the num ber of bonds bid for, and the gross amount they will pay for the bonds bid for and aocrued Interest to date of transfer. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. A. P. BARLOW, Trustee Guilford township, Hendrioks County, Indiana. No. 7935. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America. District of In dians, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed in the district oourt of the United States for the district of Indiana, on the l’Jth day of August. 1920, by Frederick Ynn- Nuys, United States attorney, on behalf of the United States, against 122 packages, more or leas, of a drug "Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills.’’ seized at said district In violation of the inter state commerce law, and claiming dan - ages In the sum of $ and praying process against said property, and that the eame may be condemned ajid sold therefore. Now, therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the eea! of said court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming such goods, or any part thereof, or in any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the district court of the United States, to be held at the city ot Indianapolis, In and for the district of Indiana, on th* first Monday of October next, at 10 o’clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to lnterpoee their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN. * Attest: Marshal, U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. No. 79*7. UNTTED STATES MARSHAL’S NOTICE. United States of America, District of In diana. ea; Whereas, a libel of information was tiled In the district court of the United States for th* district of Indiana, on the 17th day of August. 1920. by Frederick VanNuya, United States attorney, on be half of the United • States, against 234 packages. 50c size, more or less, of a drug labeled In part "Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills." seized, at said district In violation of the Interstate commerce law, and claiming damages In the sum of $.... and praying process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now, therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming eald goods, or any part thereof, c in any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the district court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In and for the district of Indiana, on the first Monday of October next, at 16-o’clock of ihe forenoon of that day, then and there to Interpose their claims and make their ailegat'ons In that behalf. MARK STOP-EN. Attest: Marshal, U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. NOTICE State of Indiana. Department of State. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting: I, Ed Jackson, secretary of state of the Btate of Indiana, horeby certify that the Excelsior Vulcanizer Manufacturing Com pany has this day caused to be filed in’ the office cf th* secretary of state of the State of Indiana, the properly signed and at tested consents, statements and papers required by section 1 of an act of the gen eral assembly of th# state of Indiana, en titled. "An act prescribing the method and procedure tor the voluntary dissolution of private corporations and voluntary dis solution of private corporations and vol untary associations and declaring an emergency,” approved March 14. 1913. And I further certify that said writton consent*, statements and paper# so filed as aforesaid, show that said company and the officer* thereof have complied with the provisions of said section 1 of said act and that said corporation is now In process of dissolution. In witness wheteof, I have hereunto eet my hand and affixed the seal (SEAL) of the State of Indiana, at tho city of Indianapolis, this 29th day of July. A. D.. 1920. El) JACKSON. Secretary of State. By P. H. WOX.FORD. Deputy. No. 79SS. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S NOTICE. United States of American. District of In diana, ss.: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed in the district court of ihe United States for the district of Indiana, on the 17th day of August, 1920. by Frederick Van- Nuys, United States atorney. on behalf ot the United States, against thirty-five packages, more or less, of a drug labeled in part Madam Dean’s Female Bills, seized at said district In violation of the Interstate commerce law. and olaimlng damages In the sum of $ . and praying process against said property, and that th# *ame may be condemned and sold therefor. Now, therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me dlracted and delivered, I do hereby glvo public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear befole the district court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis. In and for the district of Indiana, on the first Monday of October next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims and make tholr allegations in that behulf. MARK STORES'. Marshal United States. _Attest NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. DIVIDEND NOTICE INDIANAPOLIS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. (New Consolidated Company) i (Incorporated 1919) Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 16. 1920. The board of directors of the Indianap olis Street Railway Company (New Con solidated Company, incorporated 1919) have declared a dividend of $1.50 per share for the quarter, March lat to May Slst. 1920, inclusive, upon the preferred capital stock of the Indianapolis Street Railway Company (New Consolidated Company. incorporated 1919, payable Sept. 1. 1920, to the stockholders of rec ord. Aug. 21. 1920. The preferred stock transfer books will be closed from and after the end of busi ness hours, Saturday, Aug. 21, I'l2o, until the beginning of business hours, Thursday, Sept. 2. 1920. INDIANAPOLIS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. (Incorporated 1919.) By ROBERT I. TODD. President. JOSEPH A. McGOWAN. Secretary and Treasurer. MARION FIRM REORGANIZES. MARION, Ind., Aug. IS.—The Hogiu- McKlnncy Hardware Company of Mar ion has been reorganized with John E. Stephens, formerly of Indianapolis, as manager. The officers of the new cor poration are: President, \V. E. Hogin, Marion; vice president, TJ. Z. Indianapolis; secretary-treasurer, Allen G. Mesilck, Marion. > RAILROADS WON’T WAIT ON STATES Increase Stands Despite Agencies* Refusals. WASHINGTON*, Aug. 18.— Incrgggsd railroad rates will be put in effect de spite the refusal of state rate a gen rise to raise intrastate rates to the same level a* Interstate rates fixed by interstate commerce commission, officials of the commission said today. Action must not be permitted to In terfere with rehabilitation of the roads, the commission holdu. The authority of the commission la supreme over that of state bodies un der court decisions in all cases where discrimination cannot be shown, it was pointed out by commission officials, al though the process of proYlng discrimi nation Is long and very technical. I Marriage Licensee Henry Carpenter, 434 Wabash are.... >0 Evelean Motley, 535 Minor 5t........ 20 James Dorris, Port Clinton, O 28 Bertha Twitty, 17 North East 5t.... 24 John Gallagher, 211 W. Pratt st 81 Lucy Williams, 2117 N. Talbott &yo.. 28 James Vail, 506% W. Merrill st 81 Lovey Janaway, 324% 8. East 5t...... 21 Pleasant Martin, 1329 Olney are...... 22 Bertha Bunnen, 821 S. Noble at 19 Clifford Lonnsbnry, 2141 Ashland tTe. 27 Addle Threlkeld, 3823 N. Delaware at.. 31 Carl Peterman, 2459 Madison ave 28 Caroline Sudkamp, 2421 Madison ave.. 25 Kenneth Shlnkle, 537 N. Keystone ave. 21 Mary Hale, 925 Olney st 19 John Tafllnger, Scottsburg, 1nd...... 24 Dorothy Gelsendorf, Sterling Heights. 20 Arthur Gemmer. 4302 Carrollton ave.. 81 Wally Haug, 2341 N. Alabama st 24 Cleom Hines, Indianapolis 24 Nikola Boyd, 530 W. 13th st 20 Edward Thomas, Stubbins h0te1...... 25 Goldie Brewlngton, 916 Paca 5t...... 20 Births Otho and Cora Ferguson, 1183 Linden, girl. John and Mary Gallagher, 541 S. Senate, girl. James and Alice Farland, City hospi tal, girl. Forest and Florence Darnell. City hos pital, girl Clyde and Gladys Jones, 1110 N. Tre. mont, girl. David and Grace Boss, 1427 Marlows, twins. Carl and Margaret Noffke, 2681 23. 18th, boy. Slarion and Hyla Deputy. 8273 MoPher eon, girl. Harvey and Elsie Miller, 804 Lexing ton, girl. Oscar and Alice Stoebr, 827 Grand, bey, Marry and Pearl O'Donnell, 1817 Holli day, girl. Fred and Gertrude Seybold, 2027 Dex* ter. boy. Richard and Beatrice Hughley, City hospital, girl. Harry and Susanna Westerman, 536 N. Gray. girl. William and Georgia Graham, 1530 N, Senate, boy. J. L Pawlen, 1533 Shelby, girl. William and Flossie McDevite, 6 W. South, girl. \ Peter and Comta Gueldeb, 1237 South East, boy. Charles and Viola Bodlcker, 909 S. East, boy. Deaths Catherine M. 8. Ttlly, 52. Methodigt hospital, hepatitis and septicemia. Mary Hurley, 70, 3014 Park, chronio myocarditis. Sarah Pike, 40, City hospital, tubercu losis laryngeal. .T. K. Donnell. 73, 730 North West, chronic myocarditis. Moses Franklin. 57, 441 West Twelfth, chronic myocarditis. Raymond M. Taylor, 9, St. Vlccenfe hospital, fractured skull (accidental.) Jennie Cain, 60, 4052 Cornelius, chronle interstitial nephritis. Emma D. Gardner, 36, 8534 Kenwood, organic heart disease. Coroner to Look Into Danish Count’s Death OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 18.—A coroner’s In quest will be held today to investigate the death of Count Christian Von Knuth, 83, real estate dealer and former mem ber of the Danish nobility, and who was shot Monday night by Milton W. Armour. Armour declares that following a near collision of automobiles which he and Von Knuth were driving, Von Knuth, who he asserts had been drinking, be came angry and followed him to his home. When trying to effect an entrance to the Armour home, Armour shot him. Von Knuth renounced his Danish clti* senship and succession to his fsther's title and took oath of allegiance to the United States on March 10, 1920. He was married eighteen months ago to a wealthy Omaha widow, who la fifteen years his senior. Greensburg Plans for Rebekah Heads Special to The Times. GREENSBURG, Ina., Aug. IS.—Tbs Rebekah lodge of this city Is planning to entertain the grand and district of ficers of the order at the State Odd Fellows Home here Aug. SI. Amons; the officers who will be present are Will Ehrhardt, grand master of the state O. O. F.; Emma B. Wilson, Jasper, president of the state Rebekahs; Will Naur. Vernon, past grand master of the state; Mrs. Alice Van Pelt, Shelby ville, and Mrs. Clara Johnson, Adams, president and vice president, respec tively, of tho Rebekahs in this district. Asks $5,000 for Love Hubby Once Gave Her Special to The Times. NOBLESVILLE, Ind., Aug. 18—Mrs. Georgia Bennett, Peru, has brought an action in court against Miss Alice Van deburg for $5,000 damages for alienation of the affections of her husband. Bennett is an engineer on the Lake Erie & Western railroad and hae a switch run between Noblesville and Tipton. ' Mrs. Bennett charges her husband left bis family some time ago because of at tentions he was receiving from Miss Vaudeburg, a saleswoman. Hartford City Woman Tries to End Her Life Special to The Times. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Aug. 1A— Mrs. Jamoa Boots, 83, farmer’s wife, attempted suicide by strychnine poison ing In a local theater Tuesday evening. Heroic treatment by physicians saved her life. She has been In ill health for months and is temporarily deranged. A few months ago Mrs. Boots at tempted to end her life by setting fire to her clothing. She was badly burned. Chattanooga Census Gain 29.9 Per Cent WASHINGTON, Aug. 18.—PrslimlnagJ population figures were announced tg* day by the census bureau ns follows! Hamilton county. Including Chattg* nooga, Tenn., 11*20 population, 113,994, Increase since 1910, 26,087, or 29.9 per cent. Charleston, 8. C., 1920 populattbm, 67,937; Increase since 1910, -*024 of 10.5, per cent ? ’ 9