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WOMEN TO SPEAK IN MANY PLACES Big Rally of Shelby Demo crats Due Tomorrow. The all-day democratic rally In Shelby county tomorrow, which includes a tour of the county and a meeting at Shelby ctlle in the evening, will mark atiother red letter day in this week's calendar ot the democratic women. Thtee separate automobile parties, made up of democratic women speakers and Shelby county leaders in politics, will leave Shelbyvllle in the morning at 9. The automobile parties are intended to appeal to women particularly, and the speakers will put before them the posi tion of the democratic party on the is sues that interest them in this campaign. Twenty stops have been arranged along the routes, one party making six stops and the other two making seven each, at each of which a short speech will be made. The three parties will arrive in Shelby vllle at 3 o’clock. Bills have been posted all over the county giving the names of the speak ers, their stopping points and the exact time of their arrival at each place. The principal speakers will be Mrs. Ruth James of Richmond, Mrs. Wihner Christian and Mrs. John Downing John son of Indianapolis. The Shelby county women who Will ac company them are: Mrs. Harry 0. Mor rison, county chairman; Mrs. Ben Law, Mrs. O. W. Cotton, Mrs. B. G. Kooney, Mrs. D. Wray DePrez. Mrs. Ed K. Adams, Mrs. Luther Hard. Mrs. Floy Isley, Miss Ruth Day, Mrs. Charley Hack and Mrs. Claude R. Henry. SPEAKERS IN EVENING. At the rally in the evening at Shelby ville Miss Julian E. Landers, national committeewoman from Indiana and chairman of the women’s speakers bu reau, and Dick Miller, both of Indian apolis, will be the principal speakers. Mrs. Alice Foster MCCulloch. demo cratic women's state * chairman, will speak at Bedford Saturday afternoon, Aug. 28, and at Mitchell the same eve ning. She will speak at Delphi Monday, Aug. 30, at 1 p. m., preceding the address of Franklin D. Roosevelt that afternoon. Sept. 1 she will speak with Senator James Hamilton Lewis at Frankfort. Miss Landers will speak at Monticello at 12 o’clock Monday. Aug. 30, and Sent. 2 will make an all-day tour of Grant county, with Dr. Carlcton B. McCulloch. She will speak at Portland on the ifternoon of Sept, fl and at Bluffton In the evening, and on the evening of Sept, i ahe will speak at Hartford City. Mrs. Hortense Tapp Moore is sched uled for three speeches before women next week. i 6n Aug. 29 she will appear at Arcadia, on Ang. 28 at Lebanon, and on Sept. 3 at Clarksville. Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke will be beard at Anderson Monday, Aug. 28. and cn the afternoon o* Sept. 2 she will speak _wlth Dr. McCulloch nt Westport and In the evening with him at Greensburg. WOMEN ARE REJOICING. —. Leaders among democratic women are openly rejoicing over the ratification of the amendment by Tennessee, and mem bers of the state central committee state confidently the ratification will stand. It is evident that they feet the com plete suffrage will quicken the interest of women In the campaign and bring larger numbers of them to the polls in November. Every preparation is being made to bring out the party's entire strength in women’s votes at the election. Miss Emma May, chairman of the Fifth district, who has made a complete can vass of that district, is emphatic in her opinion that the political views of hus bands will not influence the women in voting, and Miss May says that a num ber of prominent women working for the democratic party in her district are mar ried to republican men. The organization of the Fifth district is practically complete, according to Miss w in Tran root _ca °f Hart S chaff tier sis Marx 3-Piece Suits jl jmjf Vcjv ° r en aH( I r ° un S Men Iffy J ■ X A HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUIT is a Hart Sehaffner I' y j£B| l \A & Marx suit, no matter whether vow pay regular price or half jKfe/ yJBg price. You get those excellences of fabric —the finesse of tai lorin£ —the precision of fir, the thorough satisfaction that has given Hart Sehaffner & Marx clothes the topmost place among You get the Hart Sehaffner & Marx guarantee of satisfaction — r ' ' in its entirety, although you save half on the clothes. The satis faction you get is not an accident —it is a certainty. You get other o£jpnf j | clothes if you fail to get complete^satisfaction. / \ Tfflrjfll S6O Suits $65 Suits S7O Suits it Half-Price Half-Price Half-Price fir soc Copyright 1920 Hart Sehaffner Sc Marx; r3 HI El fl N v MjQ —[The Daylight Clothing Store—Third Floor. 7. ’ \ J 9. STORE CLOSES SATURDAY AT 1 The Wm R BLOCIC, CO. Conducting Study Classes Feature mm?* 9 * REV. ALFRED ANKENEY. The study classes which are being held daily this week In connection with the eighth annual missionary conference of the Reformed churches of the United States are one of the main activities of the session. The young people’s class study, which is l>eing conducted under the direction of Rev. Alfred Ankeney, recently returned from missionary work in Jaran, Is one of the Interesting classes. During the war Rev. Ankeney served in the Young Men's Christian association in Siberia. The presentation of the pageant of “Christ in America" by the young'peo ple will be the feature of this evening’s session. Rev. William H. Knierim will conduct a round table conference on “The Rela tion of Young People to Amusement.” “Universal Sin’’ and “The Universal Kingdom" were the topics of this morn ing afternoon’s addresses of I’rof. George Stihitz. Two addresses on “The Sunday School Worker” also were made today by Rev. C. A. Hauser. In the morning the following study hour classes were held: home missions. Rev. J. C. Horning, teacher; Sunday school work. Rev. F. W. Leich. teacher, and women's work, Miss Korschner, teacher. The classes in the afternoon are; Pas tors' class. Prof. Theo. F.Herman, teacher; home missions, Rev. Homing, teacher; Sunday school work, Ret. Leich, teacher; foreign missions. Rev. Ezra 11. Guinther; teacher. One hundred and sixty-two persons were present at the dinner last night at the Y. M. C. A. Toasts were given by the following persons: Elmer Schmalfeldt, Rev. Hauser. A. Seboch. Miss Kerschner, Rev. .1. F. Grauel, Prof. Stlbitz, the Heidel berg league, Edward Dirks and Prof. Teo. F. Herman. Miss Sadie Wedowen played several i violin selections. May, who says It is estimated that 25,000 women have been enfranchised In Vigo | county by the amendment. Miss I'redabelle Loper of Indianapolis has been added to the corps of women speakers who will make addresses dur , ing the campaign throughout the state. Miss Loper was a teacher in public speaking in the Lebanon high school last year. PLANS #150.000 IMPROVEMENT. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Aug. 28. j The Ft. Wayne Corrugated Paper Com pany is to spend #150.000 on anew afldt -1 tion. 100x180 feet and three stories in [ height. MASONIC LODGE PLANS NEW HOME Evergreen Incorporates to Buy $15,000 Site. Plana are under way today for the erection of a home for Evergreen Lodge No. 71.3, F. and A. M„ on West Wash ington street, near Addison. Articles -<ff incorporation were filed to day with the secretary of state by tlje Evergreen Realty Company, with a cap ital of $15,000, for the purchase of real estate. Directors of the new company are W. C. Johnson, Carl L. Jones, Walter Wein ings. Salem D. Clark, Walter G. Brown, Alonzo Wisby, Frank Oaks, Ray Branl gan, Edward F. Monn, Sherley T. Mc- Clure and Claud C. Calloway. James Pace, Willard Butler and John Payne are named as directors of the “Booster Inn,” a social organization which has filed articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the Metropolitan Shoe Company of Indianapolis., to do a wholesale and retail shoe and boot business. Capital stock is placed at $20,000 and the directors are Sheldon Kahn, Mary Katanik and S. Katanik. The Colonial Finance Company, with a capital stock of SSO 000, has incorporated to do a general stock and bond selling business, j Directors of the company are Whitney R. Spiegel, George O. Hill and Forrest Yargen. Fight Higher Fares on Street Car Lines Summons was served on members of the Indiana public service commission today ordering them to appear in the Lake county superior court Sept. 14 at an injunction suit to prevent higher rates on the Hammond. Whiting & East Chicago Railway Company's lines from becoming effective. The public service commission recently authorized the company to charge an 8- cent rate in Hammond, Whiting and East Chicago. The franchise, which has not been surrendered, provides a 5-eent maximum. The suit was filed by the city of Whit ing and the commission and the com pany are made defendants. Double Funeral Held for Father and Son Special to The Times. DANVILLE, Ind. Aug. 28.—A doable funeral will be held today, for Clarence Gibbs. 45, who was killed when a trac tion car struck his automobile here Tues day morning, and his son. Ivm, who was fatally injured in the accident. The boy was so seriously Injured that he died in a few hours. Vivian Gibbs, who suffered fractures •jf the arm and leg and internal injuries, 1 will probably recover. Miss Mildred Harrison, the other oe | cupant of the wrecked car, suffered ln ■ ternal injuries, hut her condition is not : believed to be serious. 9 There is a faithful, vigorous Prest-O-Lite battery for each type of motor car. See us about your next battery. TIMBERLAKE-MACHAN CO. 508 North Capitol Avenue. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1920. Here*B Timely Help to Housewives Would you like to know how to can fruit without sugar; how to keep beets from fading; how to put up apple pie filling; how to preserve fruit juices; to make apple syrup from cider; to put up vegetable soup, okra soup, chicken soup—all the products of garden and orchard? If bo get this. FREE CANNING BULLETIN. It is prepared by your government for you. .It Is distributed through the Washington Information bureau of The Dally Times as a service to readers. It should be used by you now in the interest of economy. (Use the coupon. Write plainly.) Indiana Dally Times Information Bureau. Washington, D. C. Frederick J. Haskln, Director. I enclose herewith 2 cent in ■tamps for return postage on tbt free booklet on Canning. • j Name i Street City State ’ — ■ ■ ■■ ■ " - ■■■ 1 * Accident Shows Up Snake Vamp as Man Special to The Times, GREENSBURG. Ind.. Aug. 26,-Zums, a snake charmer, who has been show lng at the American legion Jubilee here this week, very suddenly became a man when the platform surrounding the pit crashed down on him and ttie snakes. Cries of “Look out for the snakes” filled the air, while th£ screams of women, who were on ! the platform, pierced the air. It is said that one local girl who fell in the pit saw on* of the trouser legs of the changer and her fear for snakes was overcame with wonder. No one was hurt. . Noblesville Levy Is Raised 16 Cents Special to The Times. NOBLESVILLE, Ind., Aug. 2fl.~The city council last, night fixed the tax levy for the city of Noblesville at 82 cents on each SIOO worth of property, which is an Increase of IS cents over the levy under which the city 1* now operating. The cost of the city government dur ing the year 1921 was estimated at $36,785. The largest item of expense in the bud get was $7,000, which.was set aside tor the care of streets. Tomorrow, Friday, Our Bargain Day 5r THE wm BLOCK C? I 5} Saturday Hart Schaffner & Marx guaranteed clothea for men, young men and boya (8 to 18). Saturday V - l-'- • ■--- - ■- ' & Curtains and Draperies TAPE EDGE CURTAIN VOILE, yard wide, sheer grade material that launders without being stretched, flat, hemstitched bor ders on both edges, 75c quality, yard Oc/C MULTICOLOR OVERDRAPERY FABRICS, close woven madras, neat, conventional patterns in blue and gold, green and rose, and brown and green, wash able, $1.19 quality, SILK SHANTUNG FOR DRAP ERIES AND CURTAINS, 33 inches wide, natural color, up to $2.00 quality, 05c LACE EDGE MARQUISETTE CURTAINS, 2 % yards long, sheer materials, trimmed with lace edges, launder splendidly, white or beige, up to PQ $4.50 qualities, \J 17 SAXONY WEAVE CURTAIN NETS, durable close woven nets, detached figure patterns, white, 69c and 69c qualities, 63c REPP CRETONNE, yard wide, lengths up to 5 yards, light and dark grounds, bird and floral patterns, various colors, _ $1.25 quality, yard FROM OUR MODEL GROCERY CREAMERY BUTTER., delicious fresh ■wet churned, pound.6He* EGGS, strictly fr*h, large ■elected, dozen MO OSAGE MELONS, delicious pink meat, each 12V*0 uARD, pure open ket 1* rendered, 1-pound car ton 250 TORN, delicious Illinois sweet corn (dozen, $1.59), can 140 SALMON, fancy Alaska River pink, 1-pound can. ..... 190 Another Sale 1 hat Adds More Laurels to Our Basement Store Fame for Value- Giving 100 SILK DRESSES For Small Women and Misses Up to $18.50 Qualities Sale $7 QQ Price I m^/(j Sizes 16, 18 and 20; also 06 and jfjtfdo!l Drosses that will serve admirably a f kill to carry one over into the winter Dresses of georgette, crepe de chine, tricolette, r.nd combi nations, flesh, white, and other pastel shades. We expect that every one of these 100 attractive frocks will leave our doors—probably shortly after noon—morn ing shopping is very advisable —sale price $7.9S No phone orders, no C. O. D.a and no approvals. Silk Blouses for Women and Misses Os georgette, crep<* de chine, and pongees, plain tailored or headed styles, $2.00 and $3.00 qualities; while ClQ.r* the lot lasts cf O C Lingerie Blouses for Women and Misses Sizes 36 to 40. Clearance of broken lots, blouses of voile, lawns and corded novelties; while the lot A (Sr* lasts 100 Tub Frocks for Women and Misses Os voiles, ginghams, also the two piece shirt waist dresses, various styles and colors. Up to $7.50 Oft qualities, sale price ts>4£j.c/0 100 Corsets for Women and Misses A well-known brand, of batiste and jeans, flesh color or white, back lace model for average figure. Sizes 19, 20, 21, 28, 29 and 30; $1.50 quality ryQ sale price * Traveling Ware WALRUS GRAIN COWHIDE BAGS, 18-inch cow hide bags, hand sewed, well made and reinforced in every way, shelf worn. ft $12.00 quality <|) \ i7 O 20% DISCOUNT ON ALL MATTING CANE AND BLACK ENAMELED CASES, all sizes. Regular prices from $3.25 to $14.97 for Friday Cf* O $11.98, and by degrees down tq . . . <s> x/ Sale of Pumps, Oxfords, Ties For Women Regular prices were up to $12.60 Nearly 800 pairs—the styles, lasts and heels that women favor. Footwear from our regular stocks, sale price , .. The footwear will be displayed on tables. No ex changes, no refunds; every sale final. Clearance Sale of Our Entire Stock of White Low Shoes For Women, Misses and Children Sale Price, $2.95 —Third floor. EVAPORATED MILK. Van Camp's (4 for *9c). can 12’-4C BREAKFAST BACON, lean, sweet cured, machine sliced, pound 35c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI. Red, While and Blue, long cut (3 packs*** 20c), pack age ?H O NAVY BEANS, choice whits band nicked Mlchlgans, 3 pounds 270 LO U A XBERKV PRiE SKRVEB, pure fruit and sugar, large 17-ounce Jar* 390 basement store COFFEE. Blue Ribbon, fresh roasted in the bean or ground, p0und...290 BUTTERINE, Cream of Nut. colored ready for the table, looks and tastes like butter, pound 410 SARDINES, California, in to mato sauce, large oval cans 230 NOODLES, Ludwig’s home made, package .9c SALT, Morton’s free-running double refined table salt, 2- pound carton 100 SANI FLUSH, for the bath and toilet, can.... 210 —Fifth Boor. One Hundred Hats For Women and Misses K;*i.oo jig They have been given this phenom- tPp'' inallv low price in order to bring to the foreground the fact that Friday, our Bargain Day, brings nothing ex- riff IF cept amazing values. ■ ffl —WHITE SATIN HATS 1 ffd —NAVY TAFFETA HATS ‘ V —FEATHER HATS ' * e Small and large shapes, just a few of a kind models, just, a few of eaeh color. While the lot lasts, each SI.OO Domestics and Beddings DRESS GINGHAM. 27 Inches wide, plaids, cheeks and plain colors, qo. 48c quality.. tJifC APRON GINGHAM, all sizes, blue checks, yu" m, :.24c NAVY BI.UE PER CALK, yard wide, navy blue, stripe pa'tern, for aprons, house dresses, etc.; %riy:-33c DRESS VOILES, 27 Inches wide, neat figured design, for women’s and chil dren’s waists, dresses, etc.; t 89c quality.. 1 CURTAIN SCRIM, yard wide. (We re serve the right to limit quantities.) Extra spe- 1 Q elai. yard... 1 TyC FEATHER TICK-'*' ING, strictly feath er proof, staple blue' S£fitV.rls9c Men’s Furnishings UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS FOR MEN, of ecru Bal briggan, shirts long and short sleeves, drawers ankle length. Sizes 36 to 44; up to 85c quality, prQ UNION SUITS FOR MEN, Balbriggan ecru, short sleeves; size 36, long sleeves; sizes 42 to 44. Mesh short ryjr sleeve, ankle length, sizes 36 to 38. Special /OC ATHLETIC UNION SUITS FpR MEN, knitted bleached material, sizes 40, 42 and 44, CQ each •' Uv/b Art Needlework MILITARY PICTURE FRAMEB, made of metal with easel i back, 98c quality 1 UC PAPER CRAFT WASTE BASKETS, rose, blue or tan, very attractive for QOn boudoir, 75c quality OOL SMALL JAPANESE BASKETS, dark brown with handles, \ r\ _ 25c quality. A vj U STAMPED ROMPERS, sizes 2 to 3 years, of tan chambray, made up ready to em- QQ„ broider, 75c quality Oc/C STAMPED DRESSES FOR GIRLS, sizes 4 to 8 years, of tan needleweave to be embroidered in brown, very attractive, $1.98 EMBROIDERED DRESSES FOR INFANTS, have been used as models and are slightly soiled, embroidered in fine French and eyelet embroidery, all on sale at half price or less. $ll.OO quality $5.50 $5.00 quality *2 50 SUNLIGHT KNITTING WOR STED, peacock blue, china blue, gendarme and purple, 65c quality (limit 14 balls to cus- AA n tomer), ball uut SEED BEADS for making bags, in all the most popular shades and colors, uniform sizes, 25c and 30c qualities (limit j CT ~ 35 bunches), bunch X tJ'j —Sixth floor. Housefurnishings LOOSE BOTTOM GEM PANS, of heavy tin, $1.25 H COLD PACK CANNERS, govern ment method, of galvanized steel, heavy wire racks, HO $3.50 quality . $ 1 • *7 O IRONING BOARDS AND STAND, folds compactly, special $ X • / %s MOPS, white cotton, for floors and kitchen use. A Special , , —Fifth floor. lINBLEA CHED SHEETING MUS LIN, 35c quality. (Limit 10 yards tomcr).. 22c BLEACHED MUS LIN, yard wide. (Limit 10 yards tomer).. ...25c STRIPE OUTING FLANNEL, assort ed color stripes on light grounds; ex- ; r .rd.'" u '. , .,24c WHITE OUTING FLANNEL, soft and fluffy, double fleeced, extra spe- 24c U N B L E ACHED SHEETING, double bed width, easy to bleach. (Limit 5 yards to customer.) Extra spe- CQn clal, yard... DOC BLEACHED SHEETING, dou ble bed width, Jl.lO 79c YARD WIDE COM PORT CHALLIS, extra spe- Ift _ clal, yard....! y C (Three hundred) COTTON BATTS, perfect bleach, spe roU". 14C (Seventy-five) BLEACHED SHEETS, double bed size (Limit 2 to a customer), 51.49 BLEACHED PILLOW CASES, hemmed, size 36x3d Inches; extra QOn special, each OrjL i. LACE QL'RTIAIN SAMPLES. IV, yards long, suita ble for sash cur tains, OQn each OOC 11