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12 W’e Will Help You to .Save Safely fltttfytr fcafcingsf anb Crust <£a WOMAN MISSES VALUABLE GEMS Jewelry, Valued at $3,500, Is Taken From Automobile. Jewelry valued at $3,500, believed to have been stolen from an antomoblle at Frankfort, Ind., may have been sold In this city, detectives believe, and a search is being made for it here. Mrs. Edward Schildhauer, apartment 3 A, the Winter flats, 1321 North Merid an street, Is the owner of the- missing jewels. Mrs. Schildhauer told the police last night that she was driving with her children and stopped at Frankfort Tues day afternoon and that the bag con taining the jewels was left unguarded on the seat of the automobile. It is not known whether the jewels disappeared at that time or later during the automobile trip* Among the jewelry were two necklaces, valued at $1,500 each. One consisted of thirty opals that came from the Culebra cut in Panama, set in gold. The other was of platinum with r ten diamonds and u large diamond set in k pendant. _The other articles were a lorgnette and j gold pin set with an amethyst. Mrs. Schildhauer values these at S3OO. Girl, 13, Reported Missing From Home Mrs. Martha Jennings, 2012 North Illi nois street, today requested the police to search for her daughter, Kuth Jennings, 13. The girl left home yesterday at noon and has not returned, Mrs. Jennings told the police. Sifting §l,ooo'Fire in New Frame Dwelling Detectives today are investigating the origin of a fire that caused SI,OOO dam age last night and destroyed the sec ond story of a large frame house at 940 North Bancroft avenue. The house was anew one and unoccu pied. W. A. Campbell, 620 North Dearborn street, owned the property. Woman Is Driver of Death Dealing Car Coroner Kobin6on today is investigat ing the accident in which Mildred Robertson, 7, 1912 English avenue, suf fered injuries that resulted in her death last night. The accident occured yesterday after noon at Southeastern avenue and Ran dolph street, when Mildred and her sister Virginia, 9, started across the street.and the smaller child was hit by an automobile driven by Mrs. Lee C. Davis, Shelbyville. Witnesses of the accident told the police Mrs. Davis was not driving fast. t i Exchange Club to Hear Housecraft Ass* n. Man An address on “The Future Indian apolis'’ will be made by George H. \firxnell, national secretary of the Amer fcan Homecraft association, Washington, at the luncheon of the Indianapolis Ex change c-lub at the Lincoln hotel to morrow noon. Arrangements for suitably representing Indianapolis at the national convention at Columbus, 0., Sept. 28, will be dis cussed. Delegates selected by the club Include Brandt C.\ Downey. C. H. Chatman, George P. Steinmetz, Guy K. Jeffries, James E. Maxwell, secretary, and, as alternates. William E. Osborn, Lowden A. Ilarriman, J. R. Sentney and l)r. Jewett V. Reed. Mfel U Ua.AFfi SecreiViiritin&Sysisn) ia,dl u au, lor iuvei ana lor keeping recipes, aaaresses. secret memorandum or other information safe and private. No stranger can read your postals if you use the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don't miss it. Send 10c and vie will send the Weto Graph by mail with full instructions. Address PENN PUB LISHING CO.. Blairsville. Pa. AMUSEMENTS. COXTIXCOrS VAUDEVILLE K LYRIC ALL THE TIME—I TO 11 P. M. I PADhINI’S BAEOONS I “WHICH ONE SHALL I MARRY?^ BEN HARNEY & CO. 6 OTHER BIG n FEATURES O Dancing in the Lyric Ball- Room Afternoon and Evening. fi murat WED.. THI RB., SAT. MATS. 2:30 sis THE STUART WALKER GO. PEG O’ I MY HEART BBIpEQ, Eves.—-50c, SI.OO, $1.50. * • niUCa. Mats _ 25c OTc> 75c. • NEXT WEEK— * “39 EAST.” iieMaaaaaaHHaMaaaßßaan Continuous Every Day - Noon to 11 P. M. 10 Big Features I The Woman of a Thousand I Secrets Shepp’s Jazz Orchestra AND DON’T FORGET—Ladies’ I Bargain Matinee, Mon., Wed., Frl. I RIALTO VACDEVTLLR—PICTCRES _ A Downtown Beach THE COOL JOY SPOT 7 BIG FEATURES Including I Wrenick’s Jazz Orchestra EILEEN PERCY Her Honor the Mayor , and Others CHINESE FREED ON GAMBLING CHARGE Police Don’t Ylave Evidence Engugh to Convict. As usual, evidence was lacking to pruve thirty Chinese arrested last Sun day in the rear of a laundry at 142 North Delaware street were gambling, and Judge Walter Pritchard yesterday afternoon dismissed the charges against them. The laundry has been raided manjr times before and on each occasion the police have failed to convict the alleged gamblers. In fact, the police do not seem able to explain to the court if the game that is being played is keno, checkers, indoor golf, ping pong, croquet or drop the handkerchief, but they seem to think the game is keno. The police testified that dominoes were used. The “tip" came from a sergeant on the district and the morals squad made the raid. The police, testified the thirty Chinese were gathered around the table on which there were circles and beans, anfl the po- Jioe say the beans were used in place of chips. Moy Boy, charged -with being the keeper of the game, testified he was doing some bookkeeping at the time of the raid. He declared there had been no gam bling. Other Chinese testified there was no gambling, and the court dismissed the charges and returned the box contain ing the dominoes and beans. Commandant of Fort Replies to Welcome A telegram has been received from Maj. Gen. George W. Read, who In command of the Fifth division army corps, headquarters at Ft. Benjamin Har rison, by John B. Reynolds, general sec retary of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce. It reads as follows: “Tour telegram of welcome in the name of the city and its citizens and of the Chamber of Commerce is extremely ap preciated. “’lt will be my first thought to estab lish and maintain close and harmonious relations with the citizens*of Indlanno Opening Week Fall Term August 30 to September 7 Come right to the office of the school to arrange your enrollment. That would also give you an opportunity to see the school In session and to learn, first hand, how the werk is conducted. But if not convenient to call, write or telephone for Budget of Information and full particulars. Prepare for one of the better positions In business; qualify specifically, and you will put yourself in line for constant promotion and advancement. Business needs you, and you are entitled to the great opportunity business offers. In addition to our regular courses In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Type writing. Penmanship. Business Arithmetic, etc., we are offering a modern and up-to-the-minute course in PUBLIC ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. We also have night school for day workers, conducted on day-school plan. See, write or telephone Fred W. Case, principal. Pennsylvania and Vermont, First Door North Y. W. C. A., Indianapolis. lagßmrßoiitel EXCURSION INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Io CINCINNATI,. 0. 41*0 Q£- ROUND TRIP • etJF Including War Tax | SUNDAY, AUG. 29, 1920 Special train leaves Indiana Dolls 7:oo a. m.. Central Standard Time; return- I ing leave Cincinnati Central Union Station 7:00 p. m.. Central Standard Time I (8:00 p. m. City Time). For further information apply to CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE I | or Union Station. J. W. GARDNER, Djv. Pass. Agt. ' AMUSEMENTS. &A ENGLISH’S Mk It’s a Hit! g Boyle Woolfolk Presents W “ABE MARTIN” A Comedy With Music and Girls 4 Matinee Today 2:15 ' Evenings, 8:15 Prices —Afternoon, 25c to SI.OO. Night, 25c to $1.50. 11 •*'* 1 1 1 , —■ Today and AU This Week I “TID BITS OF 1920” With an Irresistible Chorus Superior Musical Extravaganza Productions Brings Joy to Thou Hands. MOTION PICTURES. j XC|||U S MISS ’ ■■■ ~ - irclette of News _ _ raltirai “sherry” iSk iDigtlraSlA sEF From the Famous Novel by George Barr McCqtcbeon “Hire™ yT Coins” Universal Comedy Dorsey, Peltier & Schwartz Fox News | DOG HILL PARAGRAFS j f|f V \ \ N j k'ilk\ j A man with something under his arm j was seen coming over the hill today. At first it was feared he was a book- j agent. ' __ • * • Clab Hancock has another mule, hnv ing traded his other one off. ne don’t know anything about the mule yet, but. is already saying dt Is one of the best and finest in the county, as he is plan ning to sell it at a fancy price. * • • In making remarks about those that passed the store today, Poke Eazle.v said he knew it to be an actual fact that Sim Flinders had not had any patching done on his pants by his wife since she , Joined some sort of an organization sev | eral mouths ago. oils and to co-operate with them and with the Chamber of Commerce in all matters of common interest affecting the welfare and benefit of the community. “As soon as ray staff is organized 1 will commnnicate to each member the con tents of your telegram.” , !- Perfection Eggs—Glossbrenner's. INDL4NA DAILY TIMES; THURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1920. Cunning Little Girl Dolls #To Delight the Youngsters And how they will love them. These dolls have curly •'bobbea hair and sleeping eyes. They are 15 inches tall and are jointed at the hip and shoulder; their dainty little frocks are of blue, white or flowered mate- SPECIAL J 3OO By Parcel Post, 12<* Extra. Charles Mayer and Cos. 29 and 31 West Washington Street. Established 1840. t ’ • J No. e 2 in the story of the - Indianapolis Foundation 'A GIFT to a current char ity is expended in the service of the end to which it is dedicated. A bequest * to a community foundation is PERM ANENTLY a part of the common fund held in trust for Its service is perpetual. % \ Through the Indianapolis Foundation, friends of In dianapolis may contribute for all time jj the moral, physical and educational advancement of the city and Its people. Large and small gifts join In one large common trust fund—each dollar of the fund s earn ings working equally and powerfully for a better In dianapolis. Changing 'gtoeds are adequately met at they arise, and the identity of each donor Is like wise assured through the permanence of the Founda tion and its trusteeship. Write to any one of the three companies S below for a booklet explaining The Indianapolis Foundation in full. ' * The Indianapolis Foundation The Union The Fletcher Savings The Indiana Trust and Trust Company Trust Company Company ■■■■■■■OPEN UNTIL 4 P. M. SATURDAY*™™* New Fall Millinery For Friday and jE&W Saturday Specials A wonderful collection of Trimmed j Hats that were made j * t 0 sel * for more jQ / In'S money will be on sale */| J f 7 for Friday and Sat- Our ’ Sf urdav special-for window V Don’t MViss This Wonderful Sale. PATTERN HATS HATTER’S PLUSH a wonderful collection of truly Sailors and Chinchins destinctive and exclusive models c , . , ... „ .. for autumn wear. Special, while M QC $7.50 to $15.00 they last, at 1 FOUNDED 18914 iiiHißninwßn!nHiii:nriiiiiiiu][ininwmmi!i&itm!iiminpn!!iv!)iKinaififfii!!!Gmfflaiiui!iß!HiHiiraiiii^*!!ii!iiniffliffiiii!imiiiimm2imitwtn!i!iiim!.j!iinmiiiiifeuumjiHfiiit Round Trip , Round Trip War Tax Included War Tax Included $17.30 Niagara Falls, N. Y. $17.30 16.49 Buffalo, N. Y. 16.49 14.20 Cleveland, Ohio 14.20 12.45 Cedar Point, Ohio 12.45 12.45 Put-in-Bay, Ohio 12.45 10.50 Toledo, Ohio 10.80 August 17, 31, Sep tember 14,28 Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern Traction Company Dayton & Western Trac. Cos., Ohio Electric Railway, Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Company Leave Indianapolis Tuesday aftove dates at 7:20 a. in.. 9:20 a. m. and 11:20 a. m. Connecting at Richmond with Electric Trains for Toledo, Ohio. RETURN LIMIT —Final return limit to Teach original starting point dot later than midnight of fifteen (15) days from date of sale. The Great Boat “SEEANDBEK” leaves Cleveland for Buffalo at 9:00 p. m. kai'h Wednesday, arriving at Buffalo nt 7:30 a. m. * Address Traffic Department, 208 Terminal Building, Indianapolis, for fur ther Information Rnd circular giving full particulars regarding Niagara Falls and Tourists rates. Pliona Main 2737. -■- ' • A' FLOCK OF FORDS ~n,/ A GANG OF MFN ALWAYS ON THE sOp. Hayes Bros. '/ PLUMBING HfATINC AND ,VfNTitA7ilwl’ |^^^^^^MAlfa493AUro2r4^ Remember f , Just Say / / Elevator t New Fall Millinery —in a Wonderful Selection ss—slo— —lncluded is every new style and type for Fall New Tams— New Chinchins — New Soft Edge Effects— —ln all the new Fall colors Extra Special Sale! |j| I Every Summer HAT I ** in the House Georgette Crepes, Ribbon Hats and Beautiful Straw Hats—all go tomorrow and Saturday at only $2 each. African Ottrich Feather Cos. Fourth Floor State Life Bldg. Remember, Just Bay Fourth Floor to the Elevator Man. k„. ■ ■ - * |[ ELGIN | WATCHES Thin Model 12 size. 1 Fully guaranteed. A Watch you can depend on. Just the Watch for the young man going (jpo ' 2m away to. school. Special Sf jl] $15.50 Bracelet Watches, 20-year gold filled case, 15 ie.wet movement. Guaranteed. Special at — $14.95 1 43-45 North Illinois St. *== - BIXBVs I ArA BROWN For Dark Tan and Brown Shoes The ’liquid Wax” Polish that L easiest to use. It gives a lasting shine and keeps the leather \ soft and pliable. A Dauber In Carton. JIV |rcsKv S. M. BIXBY 8C CO., Inc. New York Service and Satisfaction fegNkD TRUSSES 1? # ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, BRACES / FITTED BY EXPERT Complete Line Sick Room Supplier m a ARMSTRONG CO. M WEST OHIO *T. ; TftNMAMkMUS) jwcMoniuiUfao X * ' Here's • Contentment A BIG slice of the food CBat’s —always delicious —always nourishing —t always economical Bread is the only economical food today. Ask for American Beauty Bread and Cake / At Your Grocer's INDIANAPOLIS BAKING CO. Inc. wf Oysters ’■KW first of season. \rcfi fine and fresh \ LB. Fresh River Carp j . Large Lake Mullets ) J-t>V Illinois River Sunfish....) Crapples or Buffalo .) Fresh Dressed Catfish....) Fanor Red Snappers / LB. Fine Halibut Steaks > *>KTg4 Choice Fresh Whlteflsh 1 •***¥ Salmon Steaks..../ 5,000 cans best Amer- ) ; • lean Sardines, 10c grade, . SPECIAL, per can ) - WILLIS 337 East Market Street. Buy Your Watch^ Oa Refined Credit Plan /"EASY PAYMENTS fr Small payment down t[mCo and weekly payment * TOr thereafter. v -ffc We can supply any requirement ss > to quality at a flfa/ S range of prices that ■ 7 will satisfy and will )i| meet your wishes. ■y-y J tft Von have all the yK. XVJC Hf advantages of a cash transaction With the privilege ' mt of extended credit. Gray, Gribben & Gray Corner Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. °WfuSmaift H-SS X. ILLINOIS ST. APPAREL and MILLINERY V FOB WOMEN AND MISSES. Bring in the baby and e—>. let ns perpetuate Its / A charm in an enduring photographic portrait. mask Fleer Kahn Bldg. Cuticura Soap is ideal For the Hands, 9op,Ointinent > Talfmo.2s<!.Fvervwrher, Fortamples addr—: Catltara Utboratori—,Dtp t.X. Mtides, Maml BEAR OIL For Your Flair * Tea sever ns s bald Indian — . They don't m perfumed lotions. / i fu I for sgss they used bsr oil, with s , FgL other potsnt lugrsdionts fro* f JK* ths fields, moors end forest* of fL WSjgt No tors. A rslisble formuia is / vsJ.'aS* KOYALKO. Indians’ siixir for / TvtjHtes bait and scalp. Astonishinn sue- / ’jß{| cess in overcoming DANDRUFF, WaaslE stopping FALLING HAIR: and fVI Inducing "’KW GROWTH io \ man, case, whoa all slea failed, . M vt_ Investigate. tSOO.monty-rtfunS 1 * W guarantee. For men, women, / f t children. Keep this advertise mont. Show othem. Positively wonderful. Bn, KATALKO at the drug store; or tend '0 cents (silver or stamps) for proof box and guarar tee, to John Bart Brittain. St a. F. New York WAKEFIELD’S BLACKBERRY BALSAM Quickly cures Diarrhoea, Dysentary, Cholera Infantum and all loose bowel troubles in adults and babies. No opiuut. No opiates. Harmless. Doctors recom mend it. Seventy-five years without au equal. 40c and SI.OO per bottle. SI.OO size is most economical to tlsement.