Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-19 8. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *6OO Automatic: 28-851 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — On# time 02 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consevutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 Inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, Sse per Insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. *7-2*B. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Wash Prlco. John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAG3DALB CO. J. c. wilson I**o Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Prospect *92. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. K. KRIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. I-■ UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 16*5 Shelby St. Pros, 2570. Auto. 51-114. UNDERTAKERS —HISEY & TITUS, *6l North Del. New 28-664. Main 8620. OEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. AUDIS, JOHN RlCHAßD—Husband' of Permella Audls of Finley, Ind., died Aug. 24, age S2 years 10 months 6 days. Funeral Aug. 26 at residence 1 p. m. at M. P. church, 1:30 p. m. Interment In Mt. Lebanon cemetery In charge of Max Heerlich & Son. - HERGT, FREDERICK L. —Aug. 24. at his residence, 1632 East Washington, at 8 a. m., aged 77 years 8 months 19 days. Funeral Thursday, Aug. 26 at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. Burial private. Please omit flowers. REITER JULIUS M.—Beloved husband of Addle Parker Reiter, passed away at the residence, apartment No. 1, the Arling ton. Aug. 23. 1920. at 10 p. m. age 59 years 1 month. Friends may call at the funeral home of Hlser & Titus, 961 N. Delaware street, Wednesday afternoon. Funeral private, Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Square purse, either on E. Wash ington street car or South Mertdlaji be tween Maryland and Georgia, containing gas bill and two small purses. Reward. Prospect 4565. MRS. VIGAR. LOST—Between J. B. Eastman's and Ber terman Bower store, on Massachusetts avenue, package conaining black satin dress pattern. Phone Circle 2549 and re ceive reward. LOST—GoId wrist watch, Elgin move ment, In Union station Monday p. m. Finder please return to 615 Merchants Bank bldg., or call Main 8248. Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced * everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947, or write lost agent. 18 Bald win block. LOST —Purse at Thirtieth and Bright wpod, Saturday night; 84 In change; gold band ring; left lying on ground. Call owner. Woodruff 7330. Reward. LOST, strayed or stolen, dark red sow; liberal reward for Information or re turn. PEARL HINMAN, 3502 East Thirtieth street. LOST—Envelope containing stock certifi cates and other papers. Finder please return same to C. B. RAPE, 324 Indiana avenue. LOST—In Union "station Saturday, lady's black handbag containing money and valuables. Reward. Call Washington 1683. LOST, strayed or stolen, white silk female poodle, clipped from shoulders back. Reward. Circle 5519. 25 East LOST —Bunch of key.-. Charles Kochrlng attached. North 1357. Reward. LOST—White poodle dog. female, on the 14th; 310 reward. Woodruff 719. LODGES AND CLUBS. THE Independent Order of Shepherds, Golden Rule Lodge No. 1 will give a dance Thursday evening, Aug. 26, at Broad Ripple park. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET. OWN your own apartment. We have avail able 2 exceptionally complete apart ment homes; 6 rooms and bath, attic, front porch, garage, good heat and Janitor service. These apartments offer the best opportunity In the city of obtaining a de sirable home at a reasonable cost. • See Mr. Kassebaum. SECURITY TRUST CO. ; ■ - "" - 11 1 . ROOMS—TO LET. FOUR rooms upstairs, side entrance; elec tric lights. Call Twenty-fifth and North western. SLACK GROCERY. MERIDIAN, 543 N.; large modern front room for 3 or 4 boys. rAlso small room for one boy. Circle 3413. TWENTY-FIRST and Delaware; fine large room, steam heat, good private home. Phone North 8792, MODERN furnished sleeping room; ground floor; gentlemen preferred. Circle *364, TWO furnished or unfurnished modern steam-heated rooms. Call Circle 1738. NICELY' furnished room for two gentle men; near car line. Call IrviDgton 2698. PLEASANT modern room In private home for two ladles. Woodruff 3640. NORTH, furnished room, modern apart ment. Call Harrison 46 9. ROOMS—WANTED. MOTHER and 7-year daughter desire small furnished apartment within walking dis tance Fourteenth and Meridian; refer ences. Circle 3348. UNFURNISHED room wanted by single man. State rates. P. O. box 1021. FIVE-ROOM flat or double, north. North 5823. IF YOU have a house for rent call Circle 2724.- OFFICE AND STORES—TO LET. DESK room; use phone and deck. MATHER. 34 Union Trust. Main 821. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS DE VERE. 17H W- Ohio. Main 8873. BUS IN ESS C HIA NC EB. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BUKKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. LADIES and men to learn barber trade; newest, up-to-date Bystem taught. Tui tion 825. Phone Circle 767. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 309 E. Washington street. Indianapolis, Ind. BUSINESS SERVICES. CLEAN your furniture with LESLEY'S CLEANER for PIANOS. Varnish will appear new. Call Circle 861. LESLEY'S CHEMICAL CO. DOWNTOWN tire shop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that gives satisfaction. 35 Kentucky avenue. SAFETY RAZOK BLADES sharpened. TUTTLKDGK. 391 Indiana ave. IF your clock is not running pnone Circle 4307. M. K. BHEAH.N. 811 Nortk Ala bama. ALL kinds of roofs repaired; tin gutters repaired and painted. Prospect 4015. TAILORS ANDCi-EAnSHS. CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called for> Gents’ suits cleaned and pressed. Ladies’ suits cleaned and pressed. < All work guaranteed. I FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT £ CLEANERS. 1085 Fletcher ave. Prospect 43*. ■f, DETECTIVES. ■Quigley-Hytand Agency and Criminal Investigators Law bldg Mala 2*03. jgsSPE DON’T GRIEVE. really want It back, Insert a Icwer * n tha "Host and Found’’ col he Timas and It will soon be - Pho " a Maln Ssoo ’ Aul °- 33-JSI MALE HELP—WANTED. LABORERS Beginning Saturday morning, August 7th, we will pay 55c per hour, including bonus. Meet our truck at Illinois and Washington St. comfort station. E. RAUH & SON FERTILIZER CO. FORTY GENERAL LABORERS for car unloading; good, strong, steady men. High hourly rate guaranteed and piece work bonus In addition. COME AT ONCE PREPARED TO WORK Also Immediately SEVERAL ABLE-BODIED GENERAL LABORERS for tank assembly, plating and other de partments In Plant 1. Highest pay and good opportunities. Old employes will be given preference. Conditions of work satisfactory. THE PREST-O-LITE CO., INC. Speedway. '194-T. 8-28-20. ATTENTION^ OLD EMPLOYES! OF THE PREST-0-LSTE . CO., INC. ♦ We are again starting all manu facturing operations in the following departments: GRID CASTING FOUNDRY PLATE PASTING and PLATE INSPECTION Same rate and hours as before. Apply Monday morning at 7:30 o’clock, ready for work. 196-T. 3-23-20. Holders We are still Increasing our force and need more malleable Iron moldnre. Men experienced on bench squeezer and floor work, who want steady all-year-round Jobs. Apply at employment office. Belmont ave., south of W, Washington at. Link Belt Cos. Belmont plant. 35,000 YEARLY to men who are willing to work. Ability to read and speak the English language only necessary qualification. If you care to enjoy euch an Income with poa elbtllty of earning much more, call at 230 E. Ohio at. Room 312. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Ask for Winslow. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. WANTED—TWO BOYS FOR IN SIDE MESSENGER SERVICE IN OFFICE OF LARGE FINANCIAL CORPORATION. PERMANENT EM PLOYMENT WITH CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. INQUIRE IN PERSON TO AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. SWITCHMEN. Wanted, switchmen to report at once for work on the Big Four railway at Cleveland. By reason of shortage of men. opportunities for seniority standing are exceptionally good at this time, with fins chances for rapid promotion. Report to local representative of the Big Four and he will furnish transportation. F. N. REYNOLDS, superintendent, Indianapolis terminal. NATIONAL ACME AUTO SCREW MACHINE OPERA TOR. THE WHEELER SCHEBLER CARBURETOR CO. Sander St. and Barth Ave. TAILOR S, first-class; steady employment. Leon Tailoring Cos., 131 E. New York st. CAR WASHER • Experienced. Apply 813 North Penn sylvania. THE BUCK CO. FIVE live-wire high school boys wanted to travel out of town demonstrating fastest selling advertising offer from house to house; no experience necessary; sev eral boys earning 325 to 360 a week now; good opportunity for advancement. See H. E. BMITH, room 2, Hotel Adams, 216 North Capitol, 8 to 10 a. m. RAILWAY mall decks are offered 81,80# entrance salary with promotions to 82,800. For full particulars and a course of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North 1111- pols street. Suite 267. WANTED—Painters for work on street cars; car fare furnished; steady em ployment. Apply painter foreman. West Washington street car shopa. MACHINE MAN, experienced In general planing mill work. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO.. Nineteenth and Cornell. WANTED —Two boys with wheels. INDI ANAPOLIS BLUE-PRINT AND SUP PLY CO., seventh floor Century bldg. EXPERIENCED WEATHERSTRIP IIU BTALLERS. 205 PUBLIC SAVINGS BLDG. CIRCLE 1871. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED —District manager and salesman. We manager sales for five tire factories and one ac cessory factory. Cheapest to best. MASTER PRODUCTION CORP. South Bend, Ind. TWO painters. STANLEY & THOMAS, 1225 North Alabama. MARRIED man, farm hand wanted. North 140, ring 1. LABORERS and carpenters. Call Harri son 2326. SALESMEN—WANTED. #^V^WWWVWWSAA/WVWJWWWWVWS( Real Estate Salesman We have the best proposition in Indianapolis for an experienced real estate salesman. If you are accustomed to making money and have energy and initiative, come see us. Must have a car. This is not a lot-selling position. Mr. Kimmich. Main 1499. HOME SEEKERS BUILDING CO. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. INSURANCE SOLICITOR Can make exceptional commission with us. Leads furnished. Do not write or phone. Call in per son. Mr. Kimmich. HOME SEEKERS BUILDING CO. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. S ALESM AX VTIT lIC AR Splendid opportunity to make money. Call Main 513. 120 North Pennsylvania. FT. WAYNE TIRE AND RUBBER CU. SALESMAN wanted: a salesman wanted that is used to produoing both for the company he Is connected with and for himself as welt. A high-class advertising proposition. Address A No. 1562, Times. GOOD, energetic men for a reliable firm; permanent work and a grand opportu nity for advancement. J. A. LAUEK, 120 North Pennsylvania. S | TUATIONy/ANTE.p-—ViAL.E. CHAUFFEUR, five years' experience In handling high-grade car; best of refer ence. Call Prospect 4133. Ask for Mr. Snyder. WANT Job. either night watchman or on drilling press. Address A No. 1633, Times. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. SALESLADIES NOTICE. "NYe desire the services of a few wide awake salesladies desirous of making real money. We are opening our new plat iu a very desirable location at real bargain prices. Wide awake salesladies will profit with us. Call at once. Ladies' Dept., 914 Mer chants Bank Bldg. Attractive Employment for Girls Become a telephone operator. You ran' speedily advance to toll operator, clerical worker, supervisor, assistant chief, chief operator, etc. Hundreds of higher posi tions for those who qualify. Besides, we pay for your Instruction In this modern profession and pay you well while you are learning. In a few weeks’ time you are qualified as a bona fide employe with a permanent position. Least you can thkn earn Is 316 a week. Ideal working condi tions. Vacations with pay and many other unusual advantages. Apply at main office. Meridian and New Vork sis. Employment desk in lobby. Indiana Bell Telephone Company FACTORY WORK PAYS BEST We have several machine open ings which do not require ex perienced operators; steady work and good starting rate, with opportunity for advance ment. ROCKWOOD MEG. CO. 1801 English Avenue. STENOGRAPHER, PERM AN EN T POSI TION FOR EXPERI ENCED GIRL.-INTER NATIONAL MACIIINE TOOL CO. GIRLS FOR WORK IN FILING DIVISIONS OF LARGE FINANCIAL CORPORATION. SPLENDID OP PORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT AND CHANCE TO QUALIFY AS EXPERT FILE CLERKS. Nt> EX PERIENCE NECESSARY. APPLY IN PERSON. , AMERICAN CEN TRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Girls and women for piece and inspection work, who are used to standing. Good pay and good conditions. G. &J. TIRE CO., 549 East Georgia street. Wanted experienced stenographers for temporary work. MEIR ELECTRIC AND MACHINE CO., 136 South Meridian. Main 2363. / WOMAN for housework and assist with children; good home and wages to right person; must stay nights; references ex changed. MRS. HANS KARSTADT, 5128 the Towpath. Washington 4253. ring 1. WANTED—Lady nurse for night work; one with hospital or sanitarium experi ence. Write or call HORD SANITARIUM, Shelbyvllle, Ind. WOMEN to clnan street cars; steady em ployment; car fare furnished. Apply painter foreman. West Washington street car shops. EXPERIENCED bindery girls. BOOK WALTER-BALL PRINTING CO., fifth floor Century bldg. “ TAILORESS WANTED^ SCHOEN BROS,, 934 East Pratt street. ELDERLY lady to make home with me and help care for 3 little boys. 149 Me- Klm avenue. InrUAT to IN wanted—femaleT WANTED—Position as multigraph opera tor. Address A No. 1C34. Times. AUTOMOBILES FORSALeT^T CHEVKOBL ‘490” touring; good tires. Tour ovßrms If desired. DIETZ FOR bargain, Premier speed ster In condition. 118 Udell INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR RALE. RELIABILITY is THE SECRET of our GREAT SALES in RECONSTRUCTED CARS The condition of cars re constructed by Lathrop-Mc- Farland is notoriously good. Indianapolis car buyers have learned that these re constructed used cars are al ways exactly as represented. In other words, we have taken all the gamble out of purchasing a used car. Prove our statements by examining the offerings list ed below. See the cars and ride in them. Bring a good judge of cars with you. 1919 Cole Aero 8, seven passenger touring, refin ished Rolls-Royce blue. Price, $2,250. 1918 Maxwell touring, re finished Rolls-Royce blue. Price, $650. 1930 Cole, four-passenger sportster, refinished Napier green. Price, $2,350. 1920 Maxwell touring, refinished Napier green. Price, $925. 1920 Davis coupe, refin ished Packard blue. Price $2,250. 1918 Maxwell roadster, re finished dark green with cream wheels. Price $650. 1917 Cole 860 touring car, refinished Rolls-Royce blue with white wheels. Price, $1,350. 1919 Maxwell touring, refinished Napier green. Price, $725. 1918 Oakland sedan, refin ished Brun gray. Price, $1,350. V/7.LATEIIS©E/’i[/ [|WMtFAgiLAN# Q iJ/ 418-24 N. Capitol ave. “It pays to see us be fore buying." DON’T MISsTtHESE BARGAINS. Bulck touring, 1917; now paint, top and tires. Dodge Roadster, 1918; perfect con dition. Maxwell Touring, 1921; Just diiven from factory. Stephens Touring, 1919; 6 cord tires; wire wheels. Btutz Sport Model; perfect running condition. Velle Touring, 1917; real buy at our price. Chevrolet Touring, 1919; like new. Interstate Sedan; In fine shape. Ford Coupe; a fine all weather car. Cash or Open Sunday and Evenings. I INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. Mata 2*6*. 73'. N'.irth Pm, HONEST VALUES IN USED CARS We want you to be the Judge. KING FOURSOME Sport model, thoroughly rebuilt, resin- Uhed In our own shop; It's a beauty. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND Refinlabed. rebuilt, new top; a dandy light car; looke like new and priced right. HOLLIER 5 PAS. i J u*t ready for delivery, light weight with plenty of power. Trrme If desired. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO. 1027 North Meridian St. \ Phone. Circle 673. SIOO BUYS A GOOD USED C’aTl ‘ WILL CONSIDER YOUR OLD CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT. Down. Weekly. Bulck touring SIOO $6.00 Ford touring 100 6.00 Ford touring 125 6.00 Pullman touring 100 6.00 Case touring 100 6.00 Oakland 4 100 6.00 Wlllya-Knlght touring 150 600 j Grant touring... 100 6.50 Maxwell touring 150 6.09 NO BROKERAGE. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 667-59 N. Capitol ave. Open evenings. SIOO. $lB6. <l5O down will buy a good uxed car. We have Fords. slaxwells, Bulcka, Dodges end others. In fine shape, that wo can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 your. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. I \ Fords Fords Fords Why buy a car and take chances on condition? You ore relieved of all responsibility when buying a car here, as we give you an Iron-clad guarantoe of thirty days with every car that leaves our salesroom. Plenty to select from and prices to sell Immediately. Hurry If you want a real ’’Henry.” Welssman's, 312-14 E. New York _ at. Main 4406. SPEEDSTER In A-l shape. This Is a fast wagon. S2OO. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Open evenings. FORD ROADSTER, 1918 model In A-l Bhape. Priced to sell at $350. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 198-4. FORD 1919 starter block; good ae new, $660. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Open evenings. A LIGHT 6 Scrlpps-Booth touring; less than 3 months old; looks and runt like new; five tires. No. 6, 911 North Merid ian street. Circle 6203. CHEVROLET F. A. touring; new top. You will get a bargain In this car at half price. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market stret. Main 6716. PATHFINDER 6, touring. 6 new tires'; excellent shape; easy terms. Just the thing for taxi. DIETZ-JAMES, 834 East Market. Main 5716. SILENT SALESMEN Or in other words, “Times Want Ads.” They bring new customers and keep the old ones. They increase sales apd build profits. They work day and night and never lay off. Thousands of substantial readers use them. Why don’t you? Call Main 3500 today and employ one. ~ c,--.-.^_Tv R . U^KJ s ;~ F 0 R SALC VIM truck, one-half ton. with stock body. INDIANA CASKET CO., 521 West North street. AUTOMOBILES—WANTEDr ’ WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY. 118 N. CAPITOL MAIN 2688. AUTO. Sl-Ol*. AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can't drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It la here for you. Come In or calL I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. tit N. Illinois st Main 1579. Auto 22-081, 55# also buy Junk carta AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES* MIDWEST TIKES Thirty per rent off Hat price; a 6.000- tnlle guaranteed tire at a real saying. Mid west beet quality tubes at a reasonable price. Tires and tubes of all sizes. It pays to see me first. M. F. MEG EL. 707 MASS. AVE. Auto. 27-909. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 382-124 North Illinois S & S Auto Laundry WRITE. PHONE oh” CALL US fir prices on Goodyear o'„a and pneumatic tire, for truck and p„ senger cere J. Guedet hoefer Wagon Cos,, 202 Kentucky ave. 4 UTOMUB 11,11 TOPS recovered and aide curtain* repaired at TMK JOHN GI’ED ELHOKKUt WAGON CO.. 201 Kentucky avenue. ONE-MAN autl top* aide curtain*. *eat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 548. _ __ GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN OUEDEL HOKFEH WAGON CO. 202 Kentucky ave. 9YE PUT on the hot aide wire tires or. automobiles, trailer* and truck*. 262 Kentucky aven MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEB. THEY AKI, MERE. HENDEKSON FuL’R CYLINDER. MEKZ MOTOR CO., 450-62 Mur*. Ave HAKI.EY-DAVinsON’ Motorcycle* and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 6X4-86 Maas. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kind* of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 60S Maaaarbu eett* avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR RENT—-P<* your own drlv. log. U-Drlv* Auto Service at Booster Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Mala 692 L GARAGE near Sixteenth street and Cen tral. Call Main 416S or North 7278 eve ning*. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE."" SOUTH SIDE v COTTAGE. Seven rooms, gas. eleotrto lights, city water. cistern: close In. Price only $2,760; S6OO cash, bal ance S3O per month. J. 8. Cruse Realty Cos., REALTORS. 12S North Delaware St. Main 5840.—Phones—Auto. 24-361. NICE HOUSE AND INVEST MENT. Good dnublo. newly painted, large lot. 5 rooms to aide. Big shade trees, well, cis tern and lights; quiet neighborhood, 1118- 20 Calhoun stre-st. one-half square east Shelby car line, S4OO to SSOO clown, bal ance $25 to S3O month. Inspect at once and see owner at Linden hotel Thursday evening. Aug. 26 after 5 o'clock. I am non-resident and going west. Ask for MR. SPARKS. LOTS $l5O to $360 each. For sale on Improved streets northeast, two squares frbm street car. Terms. A. E. Zainey 149 East Market St. —YVI SIX-ROOM semi-modern 1 | cottago east, 32 N. Oak- V, TJ/~\\i j II land avo.; house In good ington street car line;; priced to sell quick, $3,250 cash. Call for Mr. Vance, with Geo>A. Lucas 208 American Central Life bldg. Circle 6600. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Five-room cottage In a desirable location, gas, electric lights, well and cistern. House newly painted and decorated. Price $2,500, SSOO cash and $25 a month. See Elder. SCHMII) & SMITH, INC. REALTORS. Main 4088. 134 N. Delaware st. FINE neighborhood; has cherry, peaehT plum, grape and raspberry; cement walks. Also suburban corner lot; 1,000 raspberries, 30 peacl, cement walks. Price SSOO each. AYould trade for small bus iness or good car. Address 637 Livingston avenue. INDIANA TRUST CO. Bells real estate, collects rent, write* fire ! nsurance. I HAVE all kinds of homes on south side; singles and double;). Cash or payments. Call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m. LOTS—Some choice onts. east of Fair Grounds; verf cheap; payments. ROB ERTS, 1119 Peoples Bank bldg. REAL■-ESTATE--; FOR SALE. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Four-room cottage on paved street on south side in fine neigh borhood; gas, city water, cellar, cement porch, large pantry, walks, etc. PRICE IS ONLY $2,200.00; S4OO cash, balance only $17.00 per month. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO., REALTORS. 128 North Delaware Bt. Main 6840.—Phones— Auto. 24-861. SI,OOO Cash, $45 Per Month Buys six-room house, good con dition; first block north of Thir ty-eighth street blvd.; paved at.; owner leaving city; price $5,250. CALL MR. DAVIS. Wm. F. Wocher, 806 City Trust bldg. Main 3998. Auto. 24-806. EAST NEW YORK STREET COTTAGE. Seven rooms, gas, electric lights, city water in kitchen, cement front porch, beautiful lot. This is a dandy little home, close in and is in excelent repair. PRICE ONLY $3,000; SSOO cash, balance $25 per month. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO.. REALTORS. 128 North Delaware St. Main 6840.—Phones—Auto. 24-361. 5-ROOM~COTTAGE $250.00 CASH, BALANCE $15.00 PER MONTH. Newly decorated throughout, new FIRE PROOF roof, newly painted and new gut tering and tin work. In the pink of con dition and does not need a penny repair. Located at 831 Chase street. Price $1,360. Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. Circle 436. Auto. 27-436. NtghU, Wash- ington 4165. WEST INDIANAP OLIS COTTAGE HOME Four rooms, fine location on Shepherd, north of Howard. This 1* a fine location on the hill. Price only $1,800; $260 cash, bal llke rent. J. S. CRUSE REALTY CO., REALTORS. 128 North Delaware St. Main 5840.—Phone*—Auto. 24-861. NEAR RURAL & MICH. Near Catholto and public schools, five room cottage, gas. water and electric light, east front, $8,500. 1 ACRE Five-room house. Urge barn, fruit; near lnterurban stop at Buu Davie. $4,000. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. Pythian Bldg Main 4114. REASON AIILE TERMS. Four-room cottage, beautifully decor rated. electrlo light*, gas, water, back porch. located In good neighborhood on South East St. Price $2,200; S7OO cash and S2O per month. Four-room cottage, In good condition, electric lights, ga*. water and a real bargain at $1,400; ssoo' cash, balance $lB per month. Call Mr. Ridgeway. TIBBS BUSK REALTY COMPANY. Circle 436. Auto. 27-436. Nights, North 7756 COLORED BUYERS Five rooms, electric lights, ga*. well and cistern. House In a desirable location. Price $3,000; S6OO cash. See J. W. Elder Sehmid & Smith, Realtors. 186 N. Delaware. Main 4081. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. East Washington street cottage of five rooms. Gas. city water, cistern, walks, etc. Property In fine condition and In this location no doubt will Increase In value. Price U only $2,850; SSOO cash, balance $25 per month. J. H. CRUSE REALTY CO., REALTORS. 12* North Delaware St. Main 5840.—Phones—Auto. 24-361. s4oo cash will but six-room double, located on English ave. Electrlo lights, gas. well and cistern; large lot. Excellent condition. Balance $35 a month. Price 18.500. See Mr. Bodlne. SCHMID & SMITH. REALTORS. Main 40$S. 134 N. Delaware et. WEST SIDE bargain on Balmont, near West Washington etreet, 6 room*, ga* light*, ras for cooking, furnace, enclosed porch, large lot and lots of shade. Price $3,000; SSOO cash, balance easy terms. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4517. Residence. Belmont 2057. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot. half square of Maplo road boulevard (sßth at.), only two squares southeast of fair grounds Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; $lO cash, $1.60 weekly. Price only $526. Get busy. 64u Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. Cottage, North Five rooms and bath, furnace, electrlo lights, gas, good lot. Price $4,260. Marion County State Bank A FINE new never occupied six-room colonial style home, a big lot, double garage, built-in features. hardwood floor*, full laundry equipped, basement. A beautiful home In a high-grade district. Very liberal terms. Washington 1079. A FINE new fiveyoom bungalow Includ ing breakfast Zoom, built-in feature*, big wooded lot. An Ideal home In a high-grade district. Very liberal terms cun bo made. Washington 1079. '-INK ROOM dwelling In Woodruff; mod ern garage. $6,600, easy terms. Bloodworth & Flood 529 Peoples Bank. MODERN six rooms; first-class condition,' possession on short notice. Price rea sonable. Terms. By owner at 418 South Rural street. * DOUBLE bargain; five rooms a side, east of College. North 4482. Auto. 42-341. FOR real estate and loans see RUSSE HARTMAN, 224 North Delaware. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. Suburban Acreage Bargain 20 acres, located' northeast on paved road, only 9 miles from Monument. Good level land. 6- room house and outbuildings. Fruit and beautiful maple ahade tree*. Special price. This Is a bargain. Dunlop & Iloltegel, Realtors 132 E. Market et. LARGE, beautiful lor In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which is being paved; }1 down, $1 week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. 08CAR LEE. 1002 City Trust. Main 915. ONE acre south near Meridian street, 4- roora house, $2,500; S4OO cash. $26 monthly. W. H. COOPER A CO.. 828 Lemcke Bldg. TWO acre* northeast of Irvington, two room liouxe. Price $1,760. Payments W. H. COOPER & CO„ 838 Lemcke Bldg. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. LOT on Dearborn street, seven lots near Brookside car line. Take Ford In good condition us part pay. Owner, 942 High land avenue. LOTS FOR SALE. Bargain Two Capitol avenue lota north of Thirty fourth street, oast front. For sale gain. Call Mr. Davis. WM. F. YOlKlt. Main 3993, Auto. 24-8166. 806 CttyVhet Wdg- V IT MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. Match Y our Coat with a pair of ( \ TROUSERS j I THE PANTS \ / STORE CO l 1 Two Store* u L J W. Ohio. Jb wk 110 E. Market. F *9 Close 6 P. M. Saturday 9P. M. Quit Wearing Ready-Made ~ PUTS $ Si#® We make them to Z"l ji ~~~~~~~ your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. NEW YORK. Up one flight. Drop-Head Singer. $10; Fp-C—tti’} other bargains, SI.OO per Ml leg week. All makes RE- V fJr PAIRED. HEMSTITCH- ING while you wait, 10c * PER YARD. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., Main 600; Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. Ave. FOR SALE—ONE CAR LOAD YELLOW PINE 114. WIDTHS, 6Vj, 7V4, 9V4, 11*4; LENGTHS 10 TO 16 FEET B & B TR., S4S STD. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT STA TION OF C. C., C. & ST. L. RY. GO.. TWENTY-FIFTH AND BRIGHTWOOD AVENUE. A FOUR-DRAWER cash register, one square meat block, refrigerator, show case, McKasky credit system, marble top meat counter, glass front grocery counter, electric lighted Dayton scale, paper tress, large meat block. E. B. HOLTMAN. Prospect 771. FOR SALE—Our entire stock of Bibles, hooks, charts, frames, pictures at cost. THE J. ADAMS CO., 407 Madison avenue. ONE .303 Savage rifle. A-l condition, S3O. Call 2312 West McCarty st. Belmont 2996, WHEN patronizing these advertisers men tion The Times. WHY WORRY? r LET a Times Want ad sell it for you. ~~M~IBC ELiTaNEOUS—WANTED. LEW SHANK , pay# beet prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North i Jersey street Main 202*. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. First CaHl of Winter Our rebuilt etoves cost less, wear as well, look as good and can be bought on same terms a* new stove*. Our line In cludes all standard makes, such as: Florence Hot Blasts. Nubian Hot Blasts Buck Hot Blasts. Garland Hot Blasts. Palace Hot Blasts. _ Jewel Hot Blast*. Golden Hot Blasts Clermont Hot Blasts Coles Hot Blasts. Model Hot Blasts Radiation Home Baaeburners. Garland Base turners. , Cannon Stoves, Furnace Heaters. Drums and all kinds and sizes of stoves Cash or payments Baker Bros. weTwant to buy good furniture, rugs, office and store fix tures We pay more than other dealers Call Cooptrlder. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2283, 70 IN AUGUST Wbat will It be In November? Frost kills the uncovered flowers and plants that defy him. Winter will chill the man who neglects to buy his stove early. You wouldn't start on a trip without an extra tire. Don’t let winter find you without etoves. Be wise. Buy now. All standard makes—-low prices—-small down payments—-easy terms. Baker Bros. 219-225 E. Washington st. GOOD USED RUGS. W# have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade u.-ed rugs; all sizes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. FURNITURE for sale; has been used three months; privilege of renting the house to parties buying furniture. Harri son 1089. FOR furniture and stoves, try KROOT~& KROOT, 607-9 West Washington. Circle 2943. FIVE rooms elegant period furniture. pG ano. vlctrola. 129 N. Chester. Irving ton 3692. , THREE room* or furniture; will soli by piece. 470 North Warm an. Belmont 1757. BEAUTIFUL antique parlor suite, with 8-foot mirror to match. Prospect MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ~ t eeAeeeeeeewwwwww^v.vw*wt MASON PLAYER PIANO. Late style mahogany cose, with bench and 20 music rolls. s29sinpayments $2.50 per week. E. L. LENNOX PIANO CO. 16 X. Meridian st. ~KIMRALITUPR^IGIIf- PIANO Late style, oak case, like new. big bar gain at $226; payments $1.76 per week. E. L. LENNOX PIANO CO. $350 Royal Piano Plain mahogany case; thoroughly over hauled In our shop; $245. See or phone Mr. Gray, with PEARSON PIANO CO. 128 North Pennsylvania. Main 1309. $350 Artemis Player Kxoellent condition; oak case; practi cally a* good a* new. very special price $495. See or phone Mr. Grey, with Pear ton Plano Cos., 123 North Pennsylvania. Main 1309. THE shortest distance between two wants Is a Times Want ad. Your customors use them. Why don't you ? ELLINGTON Manuals*; dark oal: race. cabinet; 4", new rolls; will sacrifice for SSO0 1 _ Main 7467. BEGINNERS’ violins, mandolins, guitars; bargains. TUTTLE. "01 Indiana Ave. FINE player piano, S4O down and $4 per week. North 4221. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES. ONE Hampshire male hog, good color; thoroughbred. Southport 81, J-l. PET STOCK AND POULTRY^ TWO yellow sincere*. Prospect 7514. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. ILLINOIS LUill 89.00 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. MOVE BY RED BALL TRANSIT. REMEMBER—WE INSURE YOUR LOAD. We move anything—any time—anywhere. Some prices we can quote on five-day booking. Indianapolis to or from- Chi cago, $125; Detroit. $150; Cincinnati, SBS; Louisville, $65; Akron, 0.. $200; Ft. Wayne. SBS. Ask us for prices to other points. Call Main 4631 before you move. We can save you money. RED BALL TRANSIT CO.. 18 South Capitol avenue. GS7 VK\ // iTORAGK TUICAPKtIi ( IW/ HATES IN CITY. CALL I I) US. Everything at rea sonable price. Packed. IJi 1| shipped anywhere. it Locked room If desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4699. CALX. SHANK for the beet service la hauling, packing, shipping and ■ xrag, 231-229 North New Jersey St. Main 2028. FARMS—FOR SALE. 126 ACRES, good buildings, good location. $3,600, $2,500 cash down, mortgage for balance. Eighty-seven acres Improve ments, well located, $4,000, $2,500 cash, on balance. Write for list. E. A. ROBERTS. Scottsburg, Ind. TAKE The Tlnys Want ad route to reacn the home. AUCTIONS. % EXTRAORDINARY We will sell on Thursday, Aug. 26. com mencing promptly at 9 a. m., at our auc tion rooms, 227-229 North New Jersey et.. six complete outfits, consisting of LIVING ROOM. Very fine Circassian walnut leather daveno, rockers and chairs to match, odd rockers, several electric drop lights, li brary tables, mahogany floor lamp, beau tiful shape. DINING ROOM. Very fine fumed oak nine-piece with elegant buffet, serving table, dining table, nice leather chairs, also odd tables and chairs, oite extra fine quartered oak buf fet, dishes. BEDROOM. Brass beds, first-class springs, felt mat tresses, iron beds, mattresses springs, dressers, washstands, center tables. KITCHEN. White enamel, gas range, very fine, nearly new; McDougall kitchen cabinet, kitchen tables, odd chairs, linoleum, sev eral first-class steel Iron ranges, white enamel fronts. PIANO. One upright oak piano; fine condition. RUGS. All kinds 9x12 rugs, velvets, Axmln sters. Royal Wiltons, 22 yards fine stair carpets; also many small rugs; also Co lumbia phonograph. MISCELLANEOUS. Hall trees, books, runners, bedclothaa odd dishes, lace curtains, frames. BICYQLE. This is the biggest sale we have had la weeks, so be sure and attend. Don’t for get the day and date. Thursday. Aug. *6, 9 a. m. sharp. LEW SHANK AUCTION COMPANY. RAY WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONS. MERCHANDISE STOCK. CLOTH ING. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. SHOES. 410 Indiana avs. Sale commences Saturday, 1 :30 p. m. and 7 p. m. Big sals of high-class clothing and shoes. Come buy a suit. LEW SHANK AND HAT WRIGHT, AUCTIONEERS. FRIDAY MORNING 10 A. M,, AUG. 27. 2902 RADER ST. We will sell large coal range, refrigera tor two 9x12 rugs hall runners, rocking chairs, two oak bedroom suites toilet set. cupboard, clock, sweepers and many other articles. SHANK AUCTION CO. RAY WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER. LEGAL _ notice. ~~~~ NOTICE OF ESTIMATES OF COUNTY EXPENSES OF MARION COUNTY FOR YEAR. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing are the aggregate amounts of the dif ferent estimates of expenses for the cal endar year that have been filed In my office In pursuance of Section 20 of “An act concerning county business,” approved March 3, 1899, and for which the Marloa county council will be asked to make ap propriations In pursuance to said act at Its regular meeting to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday In Septem ber. Said annual meeting will be held In the county auditor's office in the courthouse on TUESDAY, 10 O'CLOCK A- M., SEPT. 7, 1920. The amounts requested by the proper of ficials are as follows: Clerk of the Circuit court, for salary, office expenses, etc... $44,000.0* County auditor, for salary, of fice expenses, etc *1,670.0* County treasurer, for salary, office expenses, etc 42,2*0.00 County recorder, for salary of fice expenses, etc *0,600.00 County sheriff, for salary, of fice expenses, etc *,540.09 County surveyor, for salary, office expenses, etc 0,4*0.00 County coroner, for salary, of fice expenses, etc 0,210.00 County assessor, for salary, of fice expenses, etc 6,(50.00 Clerk es the Circuit court, for expenses of Circuit court... 11,616.0* Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Superior court. Room 1 16.>66.00 Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Superior court. Room 2 *,166.00 Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Superior court. Room 3 ,*IO.OO Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Superior court, Room 4 *.116.00 Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Superior court. Room 5 0,310.0* Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Criminal court.. St.llS.OO Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Probate court 12,169.00 Clerk of the Circuit court, for expenses of Juvenile court.. OO.IOOvOO Clerk of the Circuit oourt for expenses of change of venue. 13,000.00 Clerk of Circuit court, fbr In sanity Inquests 7,109.00 Assessor of Center township, for salary, office expenses, etc 72.1*9.00 Assessor of Decatur township, for per diem, etc SBO.OO Assessor of Franklin township. for per diem, etc 1,105.00 Assessor of Lawrence township. for per diem, etc 1,205.00 Assessor of Perry township, for per diem, etc 3,460.00 Assessor of Pike township, for per diem, etc 7*5.00 Assessor of Warren township. for per diem, etc >,6*0.00 Assessor of Washington town ship. for per diem, etc 6,0*0.00 Assessor of Wayne township. for salary, deputies, etc *,*10.00 County superintendent of schools, salary, assistant and other Items *.771.5* County agricultural agent, sal ary 1,600.00 County commissioners. sal aries. Including county at torney. pauper attorney, county carpenter, bailiff, etc. 1f.500.00 County council 160.00 Board of review, salaries and expenses 1,760.06 County board truancy, salaries. etc 7.049.00 Courthouse, salaries employes, repairs and supplies 30,100.00 Heat, light and water for all county bulldlngs.% *5,000.00 County jail, repairs, supplies, and salaries matron and physician 4,0*0.00 Asylum for Poor, salaries em ployes and supplies, etc 47,160,00 Workhouse 500.00 Julietta Home, salaries em ployes. supplies and repairs. t?,0.0F Children’s Guardian Home. salaries, supplies and repairs 1.050.00 Sunnyside tuberculosis hospital, salaries supplies and repairs 60,009.00 Juvenile Detention Horae, sal aries. supplies and repairs.. 1.900.00 Charitable Institutions 6.190.0* Elections 1,500.00 For support orphan poor In local Institutions other than county Institutions... t >5,000.00 Inmates In state benevolent and penal Institutions 20,000.00 Burial of ex-soldlers, their wives and widows 26,000.00 Farmers’ Institutes 200.00 Agricultural and horticultural societies 100.00 School fund Imerest 1.000.0* Bridge repairs.. 11,000.00 Telephones (all county officea, courts and Institutions) 6,000.00 Flood prevention 45,000.00 Track elevation 90,0*0.00 Collection of sequestered taxes 10,000.00 Building approach and subway, Emerson ave. and Pendleton pike • 11,000.00 Sinking fund. payment Os county bonds and Interest... 66t.t75.00 County draftsman, salaries and supplies 7.500.00 County commissioners, legal advertising, bridge inspector, county library and other Items *,160.00 Total $1.6*0.477.60 Attest: LEO K. FBSLER. Auditor Marlon County. Aug, 23. 1920. e- ' (Continued on Next Page) 9