Branded Republican Insult to
Colored Voters of Ma
rion County.
Editor The Times:—l promised the
readers of your paper to furnish them
the names of the candidates of the inde
pent republican party of Marion county
in my next article, but I have been in
formed that such a ticket cannot be
filed until after the sixty days before the
election. I hesitate to reveal the names
until the ticket is ready for Sling in the
county cierk's ofTice the last of next
•week, but I believe that there has been
a great change in the political situation
as regards the colored voters of Marlon
county which warrants me in reasserting
that the colored voters of this county
ate tired of boss rule and will not stand
for it. The state advisory committee,
composed of Joe Broyles, Big Jack. Henry
Fleming and Fred Moore, presumed to
dictate to Mr. Wasmuth as to who should
not be on the advisory board, and Mr.
Jewett's man Friday, Dr. Furniss, was
turned down flat.
Joe Broyles and Big Jack both stated
positively that they'll have no Furniss
in theirs. Isn't this quite a slap at Jew
ett and his administration? 1 was great
ly surprised to find that this same negro
boss Broyles, who addresses automobile
lincense envelopes in the secretary of
state's office and incidentally trucks them
Lack and forth, had taken charge of the
“Jim Crow" department at the repub
lican headquarters in the Severin hotel.
Has this chariot driver in the secretary
of state's office grown to such magnitude
that he can safely claim to be the “black
boss’’ of the state of Indiana? Is it al
ways going to be that when a man re
ceives a position of any kind that he will
forget the important things that his race
has fought for and stands for?
We have been fighting for the last half
century to get rifi of “Jim Crew” cars
and yet in this enlightened age, in this
glorious state and county, we find the
republican party opening up "Jim Crow”
headquarters at the Severin hotel. What
further steps can the G. O. P. take to
drive the colored man from their midst?
What further insults can the G. O. P.
offer the negroes of Marion county? Is
this done in appreciation of the fact that
we have aided them in carrying both
th>i state and county for the republican
pa iy for over the last twenty years ?
Is this our reward for faithful services
rendered ?
In the county headquarters we find en
throned our enemy Harry Hendrickson,
and his faithful jester, Leo K. Fesler,
the tax juggler, and when we turn in
desperation to the state headquarters
we are ushered into the presence of his
majesty, Joe Broyles, black boss of
darker Indiana.
What say you, Dr. Furniss, are you
going to stand for treatment like this
and serve with the committeemen who
defeatrj you? Can you take orders from
them? Are these the men that you are
going to consult in every more that you
make? Will you bow the head, bend the
knee and do homage to ringsters like Joe
’ No doubt you are aware that Joe
Broyles requested me to resign from the
Union league, the only real republican
organization open to colored men. He
said I wjs no longer a republican be
cause I differ with the gang in con
trol of the organization of thts county.
I called the black boss' attention to the
fact that if he would request the resig
nation of every man in the league who
was not in favor of the local ticket that
the league would have to disband, for
did not Jim Shelton, a member of your
board, an appointment of Wasmuth on
the advisory board, as well as Fred
Moore, say that they were not satisfied
with the county ticket, and would not
support it in tpto? He has never com
plained about them.
To all such objectors I say that I am
still a republican, a real republican, one
who has not forgotten the principles of
the G. O. P„ for which many of our
forefather fought and bled. I am- not
willing to follow either Jce Broyles, or
Ringmaster Hendrickson or his consort
royal after false gods. I refuse to spend
another forty years in the wilderness and
to be ruled by such men as these lily
white leaders propose for us.
What about Rev “B— ,” who gave
Mr. Watson to understand that he would
turn over his precinct to him for 100
bones cash?
Mr. Watson may turn loose his coin to
Mr. B— and to men like him, but I will
tell him now that the negroes of Marion
county well know that since he has been
in congress he has done nothing for
them. Now, since he is making such
i strenuous effort to return to the senate
let him tell the negroes of Marion county
why he didn’t introduce in the senate a
similar bill to Moore's ant'-lynching bill:
Me think that Merrill Moores has tried
to do the right thing by all of his
Home Office Monument Platt 1
Fir*t V Ice President. Treasurer.
w - * lO ß ß lS°>>'. RISSELL T. BYERS,
HARRY R S u n'snv . Manager Loan Department.
M V rfTislY , Assistant Secretary.
Assistant Actuary.
Mce President. Medical Director
r Asst. Medical Director.
Actuary. Assistant Medical Director.
DIIGAN-JOHNSON CO., “Surgeons’ suppiy house,’’ 29 W. Ohio St.
constltnents, both white and colored, and
had Mr. Watson done half as much he
could, with some degree of assurance,
expect the colored men of Marion county
to vote for him, but as it is he "has
been weighed in the balance and found
Marion county’s lily white gang,
Mayor Jewett’s man Friday, Dr. Furniss,
tried to line up the precinct committee
man, with men he tried to defeat, and
Joe Broyles in charge of the “Jim Crow”
department of the national committee. 1
am positive that they will not get very
far with such a rotten combination.
Colored voters of Marion county, when
we think of the appreciation shown to
colored voters of Illinois and Ohio, our
sister states; where colored men of Ohio
are running for the legislature and one
colored man for the state senate, and
in Illinois colored men holding political
positions paying from §4,000 to S7,OuU
a year; but “back home in- Indiana,”
where the colored men hold the balance
of power, the only positions open for
them are spittoon cleaners In the state
house and “trucking automobile licenses.”
How can you expect a different state
of affairs when, “Pussyfooters” and non
representative men are the negroes in
control of our affairs? Yet you know as
well as I that the republican leaders of
Marion county today desire to have
around them only such colored men as
will unhesitatingly carry out their or
ders. Since they have refused to vote
for any good colored men on the ticket
during the last two general elections we
think it high time for us to vote for
ourselves and for men of our own
choosing. Men of high principles and
who understand our needs.
With the Furniss burning in the City
hall, and the “Jim Crow” department
Broyling in the Severin, why should not
the local republican ticket be done to a
turn? |
Brother Broyles, please answer, and
race papers please copy.
Respectfully yours,
(Signed JAMES R. NORREL, M. D.
Aug. 27, 1020.
Police Chief at St. Mary’s,
Ont., Thinks So.
James Cathcart. one of the men at
the City hospital, who is suffering from
loss of memory, may have a wife living
near St. Mary’s, Ont., according to a
letter received by Chief of Police
Jerry Kinney from the chief of police
of that town.
According to the letter, a woman
known as Miss Skinner, who lives near
St. Mary’s, is believed to be Cathcart's
The letter said she was being pre
vented from identifying the man as her
husband because her family objected to
the marriage.
The letter also stated that during
war Cathcart sent hia allowance to a
Miss Pern of St. Mary’s.
It was stated that Cathcart's Anger
prints could not he found in the army
identification records.
Teachers and Educators Meet
This Week.
Opening of the public schools is sched
uled for Tuesday, Sept. 7, instead of
Monday, Sept. 6, as previously announced.
E. R. Ray, assistant superintendent of
schools, says:
Labor day falling on Sept. 6 causes the
postponement for a day, Mr. Ray said.
Plans for the annual teachers' meetings
to be held from Wednesday to Saturday
this week are complete.
Dr. William F. Russell, dean of the
school of education of the University of
lowa, will address a general meeting of
all teachers and school officials at Caleb
Mills hall Wednesday, while Dr. George
Grose, president of Del’aujv university,
will speak to a like gathering Thursday.
The remainder of the program is tilled
with group meetings of teachers with dis
trict superintendents, principals and
special directors in which work for the
coming school year will be outlined and
organizations perfected.
Superintendent E. U. Graff will meet
with each group at least oncce. *
One of the principal duties of the dis
trict superintendents at tlieir group meet
ings will be to explain and lead discus
sions on the new course of study, worked
out by committees of officials and teach
ers last year, which is to be used this
year in tentative form.
The new course is better adapted to
the experience of children and the so
cial life of the day.
With the experience of the coming
year as a basis, it will be worked into
permanent form, the committees of last
year continuing their work for the next
ten months.
Mr. Ray stated that the teaching staff
is practically filled, there being fewer
resignations than for a number of years.
The latter is due, Mr. Ray said, mostly
to the fact that the teachers are satis
fied with the new salary schedule.
lirrtr H-lir i; I I Mip-||||
‘ , •' ■ ' 1 \
Greatest Price Smashing Stock Reducing Sale Ever At
tempted in Indianapolis. Men’s, Women’s, Boys’, Girls’ and
Infants’ Garments Must Positively Be Sold by Sept. 7th
THE FAIHIh' Clean up Sale #l H#use l I Ladies’ Underwear
_ ___ _____ /-TX IIFOCCPC Entire stock reduced for a one-day sale. All neV, clean,
STILL IN OUR OLD LOCATION vi vudvD crisp garments.
407-417 WEST WASHINGTON STREET yl j i ladies knit union suits
■l /; ’ ’ll. Bungalow Aprons, made of ex- , PINK CREPE DE CHINE AND WASHABLE SATIN AND
j Fi ' Viiiflf in tra * ood quality percales, neat JAP SILK CHEMISE—Lace and CBEPE DE CHINE CAMI
- i V/>> stripes and *-( ribbon fA QP SOLES, lace and £<|
_] | \J? figures vltAld trimmed VS.JV ribbon trimmed
*""" v. / v. , i 4
r ~ ——— “ 1 Great Savings in This Sale off „„„„„„„
Men! FINE SUITS ci/idtq !U!^l™ L J? R^ SES
/v-n A Dead-Sure Profit on Buit* of the Highest JL A JLJH. Wi JL
/ V \ Type—the Kind that “Make” the Well- Values up to S3O. Clean-up special- ftfcT
Dressed Man! Na 'V Serge Skirts. Sizes 24 to 30. ft
Clean-Up Price J\ 1 \ A '\ | A OSc
( $25.00 Men’s and Young Men’s If] * “■ w O < /tj/fl
Suits - L 6 h
Ifvf *S\ *J A $ * Up to $25.00 DRESSES tff***^
'<!/If ; Em * From Our S2O and $25 Lines of Taffetas, JB ■ |j
'! ▼B MM W Accordion Pleated Serge and Georgettes, Satins and Serges IB 1/ I I
/ij 4 ■uv , \ 11 H Plaid Skirts. Values up to SIO.OO. All sizes from 16 to 44. You win buy two jBJr f J||
ImMMo. V/CA v\v B B MM Clean Up Half Price. when y° u Bee thiß remarkable dress
ft* wT-y A V4\\\ Hi Hi Hi value. Clean-up price— ■
, I //l\ /wl j 1! $35.00 Men’s and Young Men’s SS.OO M sio.oo kJj®
Ifv/m suits s
' ||Pfe M jgfik p© Lot of Silk Poplin and Plaid ' II SILK POPLIN DRESSES M / fll
'// M | | Wm fflZ Skirts—Formerly sold to $5.00. T That Sold Up to SIO.OO A*l
■yp §& ** m ij-ffli Ifef’ Clean-Up Price— L —l lI J Sizes 16 to 44. Pretty fall styles. Clean- ] A 4
if ISPsOil $1.98 X '"*“*s.oo r I
ijj P $45.00 Men’s and Young Men’s —■
fl I Suits / "'- 1 1
ij ms g|jg Specials for Men Women’s Coals Reduced
Cqf ' r M HH M [lj SI.OO MEN’S NECKWEAR, 50c AND 75c MEN’S HIGH LID tO SlO fYfeflfc
,0 AM P ure Bilk - ,n Persian and GRADE WASH TIES, plain MMBk w , ,
■■■ Hi Hi neat designs, ail knitted ties Reduced for Wednesday to
L included in this lot. colorß ’ flne 9tlHpes and '
special. JDC figures; special ....58c m\ SO ClO
Men’s Pants and Overalls 250 men’s dress hose. fl
IWIC.II 3ft QllU VVCiaUa black (an cordovan gray> 85c MEN’S PURE SILK I \ U \ WBII MM
*.oo men’s work and dkkss oo MEN’S FAINTER ovekalls lavender and other colors; HOSE; only sizes 9% to A \\l * ______ . ,
.^mYo”'?; 250 p “" ln 4$ ce , 4info^eS“I n , d on 9 o to e l k tweeds and burel
special dfcß3 double-stitched, special )lib J special 136 cial vOG /\i if y Sizes 16 to 44. values to $lO. Clean-up
iYLwooi an ir|^ n, a n" W goLi fla ?an’y - ‘ * ( ;
apechJf*:..®.^". 28 .* 0 . 4 $5.95 Siloiir . tl, .‘ ll . tary . ■ l ". l '' koll !'...s 1.00 all colors, and best quality, special wvC %\ j)/ Ilptfl
*4.00 MEN’S OVERALLS—Carhnrtt's Sweet Orr, Headlight and Iron nfl __________________________ Jft\ \ II _ , , , __ , ,
alls. Heavy, white back denim. High and suspender back. Special.. 49.UU Reduced for Wednesday tO
Schools Will Open Soon] Men! When il Comes to $9.75
Have the Boys Ready Values Look at This V’A lour w cSat s s e p a 0 n d L ?hoff°JS
Underwear Sale 1
" $2.50 MEN’S UNION
FaU SUITS for Women
Bos’All Wool irf} long * j |'q Included in These Vast Reductions
7JL VM Green and Brown Flannels 1 P 'jS (J \ , beeves .... $ . Its T he room is what we need therefore a clean
j Two-Pants SUITS j ! mfm , \ 4-- cuiousiy low prices. Illj^T
s i[[ 16X c A r:, 3 o 8 = Fur-Trimmed FALL SUITS feYR
l sl6 a nc * $18.50 Values, in All Sizes. j h9| length. 7Qi* Irrespective of former prices they go in two low B'
\'/Jh In newest patterns of brown, green, tan All sizes /vv priced groups for quick clearance. Silvertones, 1/ /IS IKS
V ailCl mixtUreß ’ fUII llnert P antß > taped i.' ,-U _ velours, broadcloths and tricotines. Sizes 16 to 'jHfl^H
~ n Boys’All-Wool Blue Serge sl - 25 MEN ’ S FINE O
sftt. \1 .JL 1 Suits ATHLETIC UNION 535|00 l^TPll
lUrnfft/j The quality that made serge everlasting. r[ BUITS ’ lni3 eheek $ \ , f,|
lllillf ' Newest models. All sizes. Especilaly ’~fr madras crossbar. y u t / ■■
mULM ced $9.95 fi , Qean-up of All Suits l\\\J I
Wk&mjkfm ßoys’ All-Wool Suits, 2 Pair /Ml ciai 09C That Formerly sold u P to S2O \\\ J
\ i of Pants Clean up of all women's and misses’ suits
In blue serge hr tancy cashmeres, in HEN ' S BALBRIGOM * lejge^to’n'lyy’ 0
Su'.LfTKM ’” d Bra! '‘' short and long sleeves, % SHIRTS AND DRAWERS- Sires 16 to . $I fl Dfl VA \ h
values ’ *“ 2 ' SI S.Ss length'and full length legs. Short sleeves and ankl Reduced to # I llillU
" w W Sizes 34 to 0 1 AA length. Broken 94'-. 1 ——
L 50. Special OlallO sizes £dC