Newspaper Page Text
8 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 26-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 6660 Automatic 26-661 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .97 per line Six consevutlve times 46 per line Contract rates on application. Leval notices 0* per line Lodges and club notices 76c per Insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50e per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, Ssc per insertion. The Business Office closes at t p. si FU NER AL PI RECTO RB. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 622 East Market. Old Fhone Main *O6. New Phone, *7-2*B. a. M. Ragsdale. J. Waih Price. Jokn Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. J. C. WILSON 1860 Prospect. An to. 61-671. Prospect 221. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. K. KRIEGER. New 21-164. Main 1454, 1408 N. Illinola UNDERTAKERS^ W. T. BLASENGYM 1066 Shelby St. Pros. 2570. Auto. 61-114. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY~A TITUS, 951 North Del. New 26-864. Main 3SBO. OEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. BEASLEY. GTTSSIE —Are 50 years, te loved wife of Dave Beasley, mother of Roy Beasley, passed away Sunday, Aug. 29. Funeral Tuesday, Aug. 31 at 2 p m. at the late residence, 2225 Howard street. Friends Invited. Burial Mount Pleasant cemetery. SNYDER, NANCY REBECCA—Passed away at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Grace F,. Joyce. 1234 Hoyt avenue. Sun day, Aug. 29. 9:30 p. m. Funeral Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 2 p. m. at the home of her daughter at the above address. Burial Crown Hill. Friends invited. Vevay (Ind.) papers please copy. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—'Kodak, Eastman 3A folding, at Shrlners’ picnic, probably left on bencn near band stand, about 5:30 p. m. Paul R. Syers, Sanitary laundry. North 1> Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Call Main 6947. or write lost agent. 16 Bald win block. Indianapolis, Ind. LOST—Bill book containing bills, Aug. 25. on lnterurban car between Indianapolis, Brazil and Terre Haute. Reward to finder. Circle 1962. LOST—Airedale. 7 months, wearing li cense tag; answers to the name of Mickey. Please call North 0347. __ LODGES AND CLUBS. D. of P., members of Comanche Council No. 47, are hereby requested to meet at the hall at 12:30 p. m.. Tuesday, Aug. 31 to attend the funeral of our deceased sis ter. Gussie Beasley. 2225 ‘toward street at 2 p m. JESSIE AUGHE, Pocahontas. ANNIE TULLIS. Keeper of Records. PERSONALS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will not be responsible for any debts contracted by his wife who deserted him on July 6. 1920. and whose name Is Martha Heitkam. CHARLES P. HEIT KAM. ROOMS—TO LET. TWO furnished rooms; clean, modern housekeeping, $lO a week. 21 North Highland avenue, one-half square of E. Washington car line. PLEASANT furnished room for gentle man; modern private home; walking diFtance; $4.25 per week. 315 Eaat Sl. Clair. Main 7894. LARUE comfortably furnished room ad joining bath, north; reasonable; gentle man. Harrison 2473. LEI AWARE. North 815; modern fur nished steam-heated room. Prlvvte l.r me. NICELY furnished room for two gentle men; near car line. Call Irvington 2596. iiODERX sleeping room for one or two persons; walking distance. Circle 6596. TWO sleeping rooms for mai and wife tr r: tr roomers. Call Circle 1186 I ROXT modern sleeping room; private family. Circle 1736 TWO unfurnished or furnished at 1110 English avenue. ALABAMA, North. 719; furnished rooms; strictly modern. WANTED. YOUNG man desires room and board in private Catholic famtly. Sacred Heart parish preferred. References exchanged. Address A No. 1637, Times. UNFURNISHED room 'with adults by >. idow, reasonable. North 8954. BUSI N ESS P L ACES—-TO LET. BUILDINGS suitable for auto garage. carpenter shop or small factory. North 7320. OFFIC E AND ST OR ES—TO LEIC DESK room; use phone and desk. MATHER, 34 Union Trust. Main 821. TAILORS AND CLEANERS~ CLEANIN' G —P RESSING— REPAIRING (work called forj Gents’ suits cleaned and pressed. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. All work gu&ranteec.. FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1025 Fletcher ave. Prospect 4gg. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hyiand Agency CM and Criminal Investigators SB9-629 Law bldg Main 2901. MALE HELP—WANTED. Match 1 our Coat with a pair ol / j) \ TROUSERS 1 ] THE PANTS \ / BTORE CO. Ilf Two Stores 1. Hi 43 w. Ohio. JO 110 E. Market 9 Close 6P. M. Saturday 9P. M. Sanders, spray and brushmen, finishing department. THOS. MADDEN, SON & CO. Big 4 and Fletcher Ave. WANTED. Oyster cooks, Dish washers, Bus boys, Walters, Waitresses, Porter. Cash girl, Good pay. Call at OYSTER FRANK’S. 408 E. Washington, RAILWAY mall decks are offered $1,60* entrance salary with promotions to $2,300. For full particulars end a course of preparation call or writs INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE BCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois street. Suite 207. SffACHINE MAN, experienced in general planing mil! work. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO.. Nineteenth and Cornell. LIVF. wire boy for light office work and erands. Age about 16. INTERNA TIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Dally Times Bldg. YOUNG man for lunch counter and soda fountain service. Lobby Century bldg. XRgAKD ROGERS TYPE BC~f Wflgtfld te deliver groceries. 31*2 IHtnaifl. or North 87*9. MALE HELP—WANTED. MECHANICS AND SHOPMEN for forge, steel, foundry, truck and electrical shops and general street car repair work. AU Twin City me chanics busy. Address applications and inquiries to W. J. Smith. Dept. 10. TWIN CITY LINES, 406 North Snelllng Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota. LAFAYETTE MOTORS COMPANY Mars Hill. Indianapolis 10 Experienced Auto Mechanics. Telephone, Belmont 2070. First Mars Hill cars leave Cap itol and Maryland st. at 6:40 a. m. Other cars leave Illinois and Washington sts. hourly. 4 GENERAL PLAN ING MILL MACHINE MEN 2 BENCH MEN 1 BILL CUTTER Marion Cos. Lumber and Coal Cos. WANTED LABORERS. 18TH AND MILL. IN DIANAPOLIS LIGHT & HEAT CO. SWITCHMEN. Wanted, switchmen to report at once for work on the Big Four railway at Cleveland. By reason of shortage of men. opportunities for seniority standing are exceptionally good at this time, with fine chances for rapid promotion. Report to local repreaentatlve of the Big Four and he will furnish transportation. F. N. REYNOLDS, superintendent, Indianapolis terminal. “laborers - AT ONCE. ALLISON EXPERIMENTAL CO. Speedway. WANTED—Boy with wheel lor errands. 23 • North Illinois. SODA BOYS. 227 South Illinois street. SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN—HOSIERY Manufacturer making high-class LADIES' SILK HOSE Is open for a few experienced salesmen Veil acquainted with the retail trade. Line can be handled exclusively or as a side line. Full particulars In first letter. Communications treated strictly confidential. ADDRESS P. O. BOX. NO. 626, READING, PA. 1 ———- WANTED SALESMEN Who can and will Intelligently present a staple proposition In a plain and direct manner. To such men we are offering an op portunity to make good earn ings. Prompt results. Winelow, 312 Castle Hall. WANTED A SOLICITOR Accustomed to meeting the pub lic, who Is able to speak one or more foreign languages. Ask for Winslow. 312 Castle Hall. BITUATIO,N WANT E D—M ALE. WANTED —Special work for afternoi.i from 1 until 4. Call Prospect 6413. FEMALE HCLP—WANTED. Attractive Employment for Girls Become a telephone operator. You can speedily advance to toll operator, clerical worker, supervisor, assistant chief, chief operator, etc. Hundreds of higher posi tions for those who qualify. Besides, we pay for your instruction In this modern profession and pay you well while you ate learning. In a few weeks’ time you are qualified as a bona fide employe with a permanent position. Least you can then earn la sl6 a week. Ideal working condi tions. Vacations with pay and many' other unusual advantages. Apply at main emce. Meridian and New York sts. Employment desk in lobby. Indiana Bell Telephone Company STENOGRAPHER. PERMANENT POSI TION FOR EXPERI ENCED GIRL. INTER NATIONAL MACH INE TOOL CO. LADIES Get In on the ground floor of our big sale, starting Sunday, Sept. 5. To those who are willing to work this is an op portune to make quick money. Apply at once. • Homeseekers’ Realty Cos. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED white woman for cook ing and general housework; no laun dry; two In family; reference required. North 2641. _____ RELIABLE woman for general house work three In family; permanent place and a good home; good wages. Call 616 South East .rtreet. WANTED—Lady nurse for night work; one with hospital or sanitarium experi ence. Write or call HORD SANITARIUM. Shelbyvllle. Ind. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; must stay night; no washing or Ironing; good wages. Washington 1910. WOMAN, white, for general housework; three In family; no laundry; first-class wages. Circle 61T2. Auto. 24-497. GIRLS wanted for general factory work. COLUMBIA CONSERVE CO.. Churrh man ave. and Beit railroad. WANIFD —Colored cook to go to Lake Mgxiikuckee for few weeks; teat wages. Main 5146. Auto. 81-325. GIRL for housework. Nortk 3098. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. What You Get In a Car That Is RECONSTRUCTED RIGHT You get a used car that can be depended upon, every worn part of which has been replaced, adjusted and tested and the entire car refinished almost like new. So far as we know, no one has specialized to the extent we have in re constructed used cars. Most of these cars find owners quickly. Come in soon if you are inter ested in any of the fol lowing makes : 1920 Davis 6 coupe, re finished dark blue; looks and runs like new; equipped with cord tires. Price, $2,250. 1920 Maxwell touring, refinished Napier green. Price, $925. 1919 Cole Aero 8, four passenger sport model; refinished Napier green. Price, $2,350. 1919 Oakland 6 sedan, refinished Brun gray. Price, $1,350. 1916 Overland 6 tour ing, equipped with six good tires. A bargain, $575. 1917 Cole 8 touring, re finished dark green. Price, $975. 1917 Maxwell touring, refinished R-olls-Royce blue. Price, $525. Ford roadster, in good condition. Price, S3OO. Terms if desired. 418-24 N. Capitol ave. “It pays to see us before buying.” FORDS—FORDS'—FORDS Fords of all kinds at all prices. Small payment down, balance In 12 month*. Tourings, roadsters, speedsters, coupea sedans, etc. A guarantee of 30 days I* given with every car that leaves our salesroom. Our prices are right and our square dealing methods are known throughout the state. A Ford bought here results In another one of our many satisfied customers. Don't delay, but buy today. Have a car for state fair week. WEISSMAN’S. 213-14 E. New Y'ork St. Main 4446. TOURING" New top and curtains. Good tires all around. This ear has been painted this spring. Car in A-l shape throughout. Will gladly demonstrate. 48 West 24th street, or call North 6223. HONEST VALUES IN USED CARS. We will not misrepresent them. King, four-passenger, like new. Priced right. Chevrolet touring ready to go. 1920 Lexington; anew car and you can save a lot of money. Hollin five-passenger light car; lota of power. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO. 1027 North Meridian St. King distributors. SIOO. $126. $l6O down will buy a good use<s car. We have Fords, Maxwells. Bulcks, Dodges and others. In fine shape, that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. $lB N. Capitol. Open evenings Fords Fords Fords Why buy a car and take chances on condition 7 'You are relieved of all responsibility when buying a car here, as we give you an Iron-clad guarantee of thirty days with every car that leaves our salesroom. Plenty to select, from and prices to fell Immediately. Hurry If you want a real "Henry." Welssman’s. 212-14 E. New York st. Main 446®. • - CHALMERS 1918 TOURING by owner. Perfect condition, S9OO. Terms can be arranged on S3OO down payment; 6 tires and seat covers. 127 North Dela ware. Main 6762. Call Washington 2582 on Sunday and evenings. ~CHEVROLETIW 1919 model, in A-l shape. Priced to veil, $475. THE MOTOR MART. 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. 1918 CHALMERS, in A-l condition, SBSO. MOTOR, MART. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. FORD roadster, late 16; will be sold at big sacrifice if sold at once. CITY AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., 1011 North Illinois. Main 3852. CHEVROLET F. A. touring; new top. You will get a bargain in this car at half price. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market street. Main 5716. PATHFINDER 6, touring. 6 new tires; excellent shape; easy terms. Just the thing for taxi. DIETZ-JAMES. 334 East Market. Main 5716. 1919 MAXWELL, like new. -MOTOR MART. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. OVERLAND 83, electrically equipped. Must be sold at once. Terms If It’s necessarv. 101 l North Illinois. Main 3852. CHEVROLET "490" touring; good tires. Your own terms if desired. DIETZ JAMES. 334 East Market. Main 6716. THE shortest distance between two want), is a Times Want ad. Yomr customer's use them. Why don’t you? \ INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920. If you’re even half ready to buy a home perhaps one of today’s real estate advertise ments on this page will meet you more than half way. Better read ’em all. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS. Buick touring, 1917; new paint, top and tires. Dodge Roadster, 1918; perfect con dition. Maxwell Touring, 1921; just driven from factory. Stephens Touring, 1919; 5 cord tires; wire wheels. Stu,tz Sport Model; perfect running condition. Velie Touring, 1917; real buy at our price. Chevrolet Touring, 1919; like new. Interstate Sedan; in fine shape. Ford Coupe; a fine all weather car. Cash or terms. Open Sunday and Evenings. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. Main 2246. North Penn. 1100 BUYS A GOOD USED CAR. WILL CONSIDER YOUR OLD CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT. , Down. Weekly. Buick touring *IOO $6.00 Ford touring 100 6.00 Ford touring 125 6.00 Pullman touring 100 6.00 Case touring 100 6.00 Oakland 4 100 6.00 YVlllys-Knlght touring 150 6.00 Grant touring 100 6.00 Maxwell touring 150 6.00 NO BROKERAGE. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO., 567-59 N. Capitol ave. Open evenings. Saxon Roadster A-l shape. MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware. Main 1984. FORD touring, 1919; starter block, 6525, MOTOR MART. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1964. AUTO for sale; Ford touring; good con dition; private owner; bargain. 224 E. Pratt. FORD. 1914 touring car; good condition; cheap. Call North 7995. TRUCKS—FOR SALcT ~ VIM truck, one-half-ton with stake body. INDIANAPOLIS CASKET CO., 521 W. North street. GOOD two-ton truck. s27s. Irvington' 82#. W ANTED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 190 CARS AT ONCB. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRO COM PANT. lit N. CAPITOL. > MAIN 2988. AUTO. 11-91 E _ AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. 1 WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED W# pay cash. No delay for your money. It Is here for you. Come lr. or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. sl* N. Illinois st Main 167* Auto 32-OtL We also buy Junk rare. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. MIDWEST TIRES Thirty per rent oft list price; a 5,000- mll* guaranteed tire at a real saying. Mid west beet quality tubes t a reasonable price. Tlrse and tubes of all sues. It pays to see me first. M. F. MEG EL. 707 MASS. AVE. Auto. 27-909. autcTwashing Our Specialty. 322-114 North lllloola S & S Auto Laundry WRITE, PHONE OR CALL US for'prlcea on Goodyear solid and pneumatic tires for truck and passenger cars J. Guedel hoofer Wagon Cos., 203 Kentucky ave. iUTOMOBiI.I'i TOPS recovered and sloe curtain* repaired at THE JOHN GUED ELHOEFEK WAGON CO.. 201 Kentucky avenue. ONE-MAN autl tope, elde curtains, teat and rsdlaior covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North s4s. GET OUR truck and automobile rubber tire price. THE JOHN GUEDEL HOEFfCB WAGON CO. 202 Kentucky ave. WE PUT on the best side wire tlree on automobiles, trailers and trucks. 312 Kentucky aven. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEB. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 6X4-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $150.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., BICYCLE, right sire for lady or girl; good as new In every way. Phone Har rison 2573. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles! FLOYD PETERMAN. SOO Massachu setts avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIKB AUTOS FOR RENT—D" your own driv ing. U-Drive Auto Service at Hooaler laundry. Hear Keith's theater. Mala TRANBFER AND BTORAGE. MOVE BY RED BALL TRANSIT. REMEMBER —WE INSURE YOUR LOAD. We move anything—any time—anywhere. Some prices we can quote on live-day booking. Indianapolis to or from: Chi cago. $126; Detroit, $150; Cincinnati, SBS; Louisville. SBS; Akron, 0., $200; Ft. Wayne, SBS. Ask us for prices to other points, (.all Main 4681 before you move We can save you money. RED BALL TRANSIT CO., Q7YTC\>7 storage CUBA pest ( \Vy RATES IN CITY. CALL I ]/ US. Everything at rea- I II sonable price. Packed, (J l| shipped anywhere. IS Locked room If desired. 30 West Henry. Main 49*9. CALL SHANK for the beat service in hauling, packing, shipping ands iraa 217-229 North tiew Jersey St. Mein 2058 PUNN TRANSFER. Phone North B*4*7 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Best Bargain In Town Located east; 4 rooms and bath, break fast room, front and roar porches, with awnings and everything complete. Lot 80x190; garage for four cars; 180-gallon gasoline tank, washhouse 20x26, with electric Washing machine; gas stove, with an upstairs and everything complete. Small house on place for chauffeur or maid; nice fish pond with two pergolas with electric lights connected over fish pond, several hundred dollars' worth of nice shrubbery and flower beds and beau tiful nice shade trees making one of the most complete city homes In Indianapolis. This property Is worth $12,000 to $15,000. Price SB,OOO If sold at once, $2,500 cash balance 5 years at 7 per cent Interest as owner Is going to the country. 'LIVE WIRES” T. R. JONES & CO. Suite 220-221 Farmers Trust bldg. 160 E. Market st. Business phone. Circle 37; residence, Belmont 31. This One Like Rent Six-room house, electric lights, gas, water, In kitchen, nice forest shade trees In front; all newly painted and deeprated throughout; garage. Price $3,300; S7OO cash, $35 per month. Can give imme diate possession as house Is now vacant. You’ll have to hurry as this kind don't last long. "LIVE WIRES” T. R. JONES & CO. Suite 220-221 Farmers Trust bldg., 150 E. Market at. Business phone. Circle 37; residence, Belmont 31. BEST DOUBLE NORTH Five rooms to the side, completely mod ern; about seven years old. Nice loca tion on Capitol ave. at Thirty-fifth st. Low rental at S7O. Price $6,500. Part terms. Two-car garage. Main 1499. Sunday between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m. Homeseekers’ Realty Cos. Rooming House Home Nine rooms, really modern; five sleep ing rooms and bath upstairs; hardwood floors. Big lot on two alleys. Easy, terms. the Mac Lead Realtor Main 4688. Harrison 1904. HOME FOR COLORED On paved street near car line, 4 rooms, gas, water and electric lights. Price $2,650; S4OO cash, $22.50 month. This is a snap. Dunlop & Ilpltegel, Realtors BLOYD AVE., NORTH EAST. Four-room cottage and three lots. 12.100, S4OO down, balance easy terras. See Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Son. 161 East Market. Main 620. Evenings call Irvington 6597. 3156 OKACELAND AVE. Seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, bath; fine neighborhood: excellent condi tion; price $6,600; terms $1,500 cash. 2034 BELLEFONTAINE ST. Seven rooms, modern; first-class condi tion; newly painted; price $4,000; terms *7OO cash. A F, ZAINEY. 14* E. Market st. 633 ARBOUR AVE. *2.625. Dandy 7-room houee: electric lights, gas. fine well. This place Is in good condition. Bloodworth & Flood. 529 Peoples Bank bldg. Phope Circle SS2. One acre Ben Davis, five-room semi-modern, lots of fruit, well and cistern, large barn Three blocks from car line. *4.000. This Is a good buy. Come see me at once. W. L. BRIDGES. I*6-39 K of P. bldg Main 4114. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot, bait square of Maple road boulevard (Ilth st ) only two squares southeast of fslr grounds Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; *lO cash. *1.60 weekly Price only (525. Get busy. 640 Lemclte Annex. Main 1402. 48i)0 Nortii Wonderful seven-room none; all mod ern conveniences: lot 66x175. A bargain If sold In 30 days STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO.. j Main 4517. Evenings. Ncilh 5*02 fO-je- —7-room modern home. I ‘/7ZI A\ !| f| northeaet, on Tuxedo. ; 1I ‘A i) /~\\ II j fl east front: full lot ani I— v -M2 worth the money; *6.000. Geo. A Lucas. 20k American Centra! Life bldg. Circle *6OO. LOTS COMER ave.; $1 cash and $1 weekly. sewer In arid paid. Price $246. I. N RICHIE A SON, Isl East Market street. COTTAGE. 6 rooms snd good outbuild ings: rent |2O; North Tremont avenue. Mark MARONEY, 2*ol West Michigan. Belmont 1661. I HAVE all kinds of homes on south side; singles and double*. Cash or payments. Call Prospect 61 $4 after 4 p. m. _ __ __ ___ _ _ ___ Sell* real estate, collects rent, write* fire Icaursj' v* FIRST s4.i'o buys my modern home, six room* and bath, new hot water hsatlng plant. 12! N. Gladstone Irvington 820. EIGHT-ROOM modern In Irvington, by owner *lO !* leaving city For rei! i argai i wll Irvington 2694. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN, LARGE, beautiful loss In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; $I down. II week. Will take you out in our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1003 City Trust. Main tls. ONE acre south nar Meridian street. 4- roorrt house. $2,300; e S3OO cash. $29 monthly. , W. H. COOPER * CO.. 838 Lemrke Bldg. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HAVE a buyer for good six or seven room house north. Also for a five-room bungalow- Rnd a doubts or duplex. If your property Is for sale call Main 142. Ask for Mr. Young. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. WANTED —Real estate. I will buy sev eral small cottage*. RUSBE HAKT __ MAN. 224 North Delaware street. FARMS—WANTED. 80 ACRES. Green county; 70 cultivated well Improved; good buildings; $4,000 Will throw In horsea, cow*. Implements, etc., ti quick buyer Only half cash. Ad dress Box 1021, .ndlanapolls. BUSINESS CHANCE*. A-jjjk SERVICE. RE3Enr%RJ Repairing, adjusting by jy l,y experts who know how, y Iby for all sewing machines. Hemstitching while you wait, 10c per yard. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., Main 600. Auto. 26-226. 312 Mass. Ave. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLB. 416 Masn ave. Main 1428. New 28-775. LADIES and men to learn barber trade; newest, up-to-date system taught. Tui tion $25. Phone Circle 757. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washington street. Indianapolis. Ind. SOFT drink and rooming house; good rea sons for aeltlng 402 West Maryland street. Indianapolis. Ind. OWNER of printing plant wanted as partner. Address HORN FARM AGENCY, Indianapolis. TAKE The Times Want ad route to reach the home. ~ BUSIN EBSS E HVI CES. WEARWELL ROOFING CO. Let us give you an estimate and terms on roofing your house. Call Prospect 6605. DOWNTOWN ’ tire shop, new and used tires and tubes. Vulcanizing that gives satisfaction. 36 Kentucky avenue. “SAFETY razor blades sharpened. TUTTLEDGK. 291 Indiana ave. IF your clock Is not running phons Circle 4307. M. R. SHEARS'. 611 North Ala bama. ALL kinds of roofs repaired; tin gutters repaired and painted. Prospect 4015. GARAQEB TO LET. GARAGE for three machines. Apply 814 South Illinois street. V PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. VIOLET Ray and Swedish tnassage. MISS PE VERBS. 17 H W. Ohy Main 8873. WHEN patronizing these slverUsera men tion The Time*. ._f —FOR BALE. Quit Wearing Ready-Made MITS $ We make them to jJ your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. „ 131 E. NEW YOKK. Up one flight. FOR SALE—Grocery ice box, Angldile scales, like new, cash register, twd show cases, square meat block. glass front, cabinet counter. Belmont 25. FOR SALE—Furnishings of a six-room house. Everything high grade and practically new; no dealers. Call at 735 East Maple road. FOR SALE—Our entire stock of Bibles, books, charts, frames, pictures at cost. THE J. ADAMS CO., 407 Madison avanue. TWO second-hand furnaces. 3060 Central avenue. North 9071. r .M^CELLANEOUB-W^Ea~ LEW SHANK pays best prices in city for household Soods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North iw Jerssy street. Main 2023. CLOTHING; men's suits, ladles’ and chli dren’s shoes of all sizes. Ask for MRS. LEE. Prospect 9466. n - HOUSEHOLD GOODS. First Call of Winter Our rebuilt stoves cost less, wear as well, look as good and can be bought on same terms as new stoves. Our line In cludes all standard makes, such as: Florence Hot Blasts. Nubian Hot Blasts. Buck Hot Blasts. Garland Hot Blasts. Palace Hot Blasts. Jewel Hot Blasts. Golden Hot Blasta Clermont Hot Blasta Coles Hot Blasts. Model Hot Blasta. Radiation Home Baseburners. Garland Baseburners. Cannon Stoves, Furnace Heaters, Drums and all kinds and sizes of stovea Cash or payments. Baker Bros. I 70 IN AUGUST What will it be In November? Frost kills the uncovered flowers and plants that defy him. Winter will chill the man who neglects to buy his stove early. You wouldn't start on a trip without an ** tr tire. Don't let winter find yon without stoves. Be wise. Buy now. All standard makes—low prices—small down payments—easy terma Baker Bros. WE WANT TO BUY good furniture, rugs, office end store flx ture- We pay more than other dealera i Call Cooperlder. USED GOODS STORE. Main 228*. j FOR SALE—Bargain furniture; 54-lnch i pedestal dining table, beautiful daven- 1 port, sideboard, kitchen cabin*!, cbalra 9x13 rugs; sell separate. Our equity In P|*Y® r Plano; *56 worth music Included. 1617 North Jeffyreon avenue. GOOD USED RUGK We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade used rugs; all sizes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS^ * i-irruvm S6OO Kurtzman Piano Plain mahogany case. Thoroughly 1 overhauled In our own shops. Week end special price, $335.00 This la one of the beet value* we have ever offered. See or phone Mr. Grey wfh PEARSON PIANO CO. 138 North Pennsylvajila. Main 1299. Kt RTZMANN upright piano, brown ma hogany case: used short time. Ilk-* new; | big buy at *850; payments *2.50 per week. 1 E. L. LENNOX PIANO CO. 16 N. Meridian st. $650 Artemis Player Excellent condition; oak case; practi cally aa good as nvr; very special price $495 See or phone Mr Urey, with Pearson Plano Cos.. 128 North Pennsylvania. Main ■ ISO*. BALDWIN UPRIGHT PIANO. Beautiful mahogany case. like naw; big value at $290. Term* $2.50 per week. E. L. LENNOX PIANO CO -16 North Meridian St. BEGINNERS’ violins, mandolins, guitars, bargains. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana Ava FINE player Piano. S4O down and $4 per week North 4321. PET STOCK AND POULTRY, . FOR SALE—Two fine bred dogs for night hunting, Rear 1612 West Wash ington. ; TWO singers In full song Main 6921. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. ILLINOIS LUMP < 7 . L. H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 2161. Main $531. LEGAL NOTICE. ~~ No. 7996. UNITED STATES MARSHALS NOTICE. United Statea of America, District of In atana, ss. Wheras, & libel of Information was filed In the district court of the United States , for the district of Indiana, on the 24th day of August. 1920, by Frederick Van- Nuya United States attorney on behalf o. the United States against twenty-six packages, more or less, of a drug labeled In part "Dr Martel's Female PM!*. 1 ’ seised at said district In vlotstlon of the * Interstate commerce law and claiming damages In the sum of { , and pravlng process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now. therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice lo all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the district court if the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In and for the district of Indiana, on the first Monday of October next, at 10 o’clock of tho forenoon of that day. then and there lo Interpose their claim* and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN. Marshal United States. Attest:—NOßLE C. BUTLER, Clerk, No. 7999. UNITED STATES MARSHALS NOTICE. United States of America, District of In diana, ss.; Whereas, a libel of information was filed In the district court of the United States for the district of Indiana, on the 27th day of August. 1920, by Frederick VanNuys. United States attorney on be half of the United States against twelve packages, more or less, largo size, and twenty-nine packages, more or less, small size, of a drug labeled In part "Wendell's Ambition Pills,” seized at said district In violation of the Interstate commerce law and claiming damages In the sum of $ and praying process against said property and that the same may be con demned and sold therefor. Now. therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or lu any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the district court of the United Statos, to be held at the city of Indianapolis. In and for the district of Indiana, on the first Monday of October next at 10 o’clock of the fc-renon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN, Marshal United States. Attest:—NOßLE C. BUTLER, Clerk. NOTICETO BIDDERS. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed, the board of commissioners of Marion county, Indiana, will, up to 10 o’cfock a. m.. Sept. 20, 1920, receive sealed bids for kitchen equipment for Marlon County Tuberculosis hospital, according to specifications on file In the office of the auditor of Marlon county. Each bid must be accompanied by a bond and an affidavit as requlrsß by law. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Witness our hands this 2Wh day of August, 1920. LEWIS W. GEfJRGE, JOSEPH G. hTyES. CARI.TN H. SWANK, Commissioners of MarliSi County. Attfst; -LBO K. KJS3LEU, Kudjtor. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF WAYNE TOWNSHIP, MARION COUNTY, INDIANA. Notice Is hereby given that the hoard of commissioners of the County of Marlon In the State of Indiana has filed with the state board of tax commissioners a peti tion to issue bonds to pay for the con struction of the Arthur C. Goode et al free gravel road in Wayne township of said courty. In a sum not to exceed *125,000. A public hearing on said application will be held at rooms 231-233 statehouse. Indi anapolis, Indiana, on the 16th day of September. 1920, but. if objection is filed by a taxpayer to such Issue the hearing will be continued and the time and place for the taking of evidence In the county where such taxing unit Is located will be fixed. Any taxpayer desiring to object to the ; granting of such permission shall file with i the commission, before the date of hear j ing, objections in writing, giving his post offlee address. Any taxpayer or other per son Interested may be present and be heard at such hearing. Dated at Indianapolis, - Indiana, this 30th day of August, 1920. LEGAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the statutes that the undersigned, conducting a public storage house will, on Thursday. Sept. 30, 1920 at 10 a. m„ sell for ac crued charges the household and other goods held In storage for one year with charges unpaid belonging to the follow ing named parties; H. C. Austin, 87122'; J. W. Beard B 7170; F. B. Brown and E. H. Schmidt. 83335; V. A. Conner. 87238; Mrs. Lillian ! Davi.y. Z 7445 ; William L. Ferguson. ;85175; Mrs. Elizabeth Grover. B 7410; I Mrs. Jacob Griffin, 8E613; Grace Huey. 87533; Archibald Ilanton. 87174; George | Kirig. 85960; Josephine McCurran, B 4187; i Lillian M. Miller, 87475; National Loan Cos., 87413; Mrs. Marie Roach. 85999; j George Shank. 87415; O. R. Thompson, i B 7121; Roee Z. David. 87.33. SHANK FURNITURE AND STORAGE COMPANY. 227 North New Jersey street. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLEB. FOR SALE —Car load lowa horses ard mares; all 5 years olds. Call feed lot. southwest corner Washington and Mls rourl. ONE good horse for sale; 1,000 pounds, *4O. 836 Park avenue. 7 r~-T7lTf:T^ft cii al. We Slav e It Money on personal property. If you are keeping house and have furniture, piano, Vlctrola or auto, see us for finan cial assistance. Quick service, courteous treatment. Ask us about terms on SSO, sioo, S2OO or S3OO You don't have to give an excuse or reason for borrowing money. That Is our business. We are under state super vision and will give you the lowest legal rate. State Loan Cos. 305 Odd Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and Wash. Sts. Phones: Main 4619. New 24-629. T^^^gN~DL^MOND3 Burton Jewelry Cos. WE AREIPREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND BTOCK3 LISTED AND UNLISTED INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. Second Mortgage Real estate loans made on good farms and Improved city properties. GIB RALTEH FINANCE COMPANY. 103 N. Delaware street. Main 1611. WK MAKS second mortgages on farm or city property. AETNA MTG. AND INV. CO. Main 7101. 60* Fidelity Trust Bldg. INSURANCE In all branches" AUBREY D. PORTER. *lO Peoplss Bank Bldg. Main 7040. EVERY WOMAN TO BE REGISTERED Democratic Committee Will Be Active. "Every woman registered” is the slogan of the democratic organization workers in all the counties of the state in preparation for the first registration next Saturday. September 4. In Marlon county the organization is ; considered o complete that there will be a worker in every block in the city to register all the voters. Mrs. Martha Yoh Marson, democratic womeu'a organization chairman for Mar i ion county, has received word from a number of wards in Indianapolis that 00 per cent of the democratic women are expected to register on the first regis tration day. "Wo have arranged to go oTer each precinct house by house, instead of opening booths," said Mrs. Marson. "In this way we expect to accommo date the women by registering them without making them leave home.” Mra. Marson said that It Is the pur pose to get as mnny voters as possible to register this month Instead of next in order to avoid "rushing around at the last minute." The necessity of registering in order to vote was emphasized by Reginald Sullivan, democratic county chairman. "We are making no distinction betweeu the men and women," he said. "What we want is votes, and one is just as good as another." Mr. Sullivan emphasized the three ways of registering, namely: Before a notary public, at the precinct headquarters or before two residents of the voter's precinct. TO MAKE TOUR OF WAYNE COUNTY. Mrs. Anna Clawson of Covington has been appointed democratic women’s chairman of Fountain county. Mrs Frauk J. Kapps of Vincennes was ap pointed chairman for Knox county, Mrs. Agnes T. Evans of Bloomington, chair man for Monroe county, and Miss Lora Bauer of Winchester, chairman for Ran dolph county. Two subspeakers’ bureaus will be opened at Ft. Wayne and Evansville this week. Mrs. Lew EUingham of Ft. Wayne will \ act as vice chariman of the speakers’ bureau at Ft. Wayne and Mrs. Fred I Laurenstein will act in the same capacity : at Evansville. The headquarters of the women’s speak ers’ bureau will continue in Indianapolis \ under the chairmanship of Miss Julia E. Landers, national committee woman. There will be an all-day tour of Wayne county Wednesday by the democratic j women speakers. Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley of Liberty, who j is well known as a W. C. T. U. speaker, j will be the principal speaker on the tour. Mrs. Grace J'ulian Clarke of Indian- j apolis. Miss Ruth James, chairman of I Wayne county, and Mrs. Oliva Beldon I Lewis of Indianapolis, chairman of the j women’s organization bureau, will ac company her. Cambridge City, Centerville, Fountain City, Williamsburg, Boston, Hagerstown. Economy and Greensfork are included In the stops. It is planned to have a big mass meet ing at the stop at Cambridge City. The tour will wind up with a big rally at Richmond in the evening in the local K. of C. hail. The women who are on the reception committee are as follows; Mrs. Omar Whelan, Mrs. Arthur Hill, Mrs. H. L. Monarch, Mrs. B. F. Ha r rls. Mrs. Clarence Mayhew, Mrs. J. B. Rush, Mrs. Cordelia Seifert, Misp Mary Carney, Miss Flora Mae Green. Miss Hnlsle Har old apd Miss Ruth .lames TENN. SOLONS BACK ON JOB Unsuccessful Anti - Suffrage Filibuster Comes to End. NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Aug. 30. —The fili buster'in the Tennessee legislature has ended. The thirty-eight members of the house of representatives who spent last week in Decatur, Ala., in an unsuccessful ef fort to dp-feat action on reconsideration of the suffrage amendment resolution, havg returned to Nashville, and were present when the house convened yesterday xr £ o’clock. Just what the legislature expects to this week in the way of transacting busi ness has not been det Trained. The twenty days’ period of the extra session during which the members are allowed to draw pay has expired, but, with the exception of the suffrage reso lution, practically none of the general bills included in the governor’s call has been acted upon. If the legislature decides to continue the session in order to dispose of the pending legislation, it is believed the members will vote themselves an appro priation to cover their expenses during the prolonged session; members state this is probable as the supreme court of the state has held that the legisla ture has a right to do this. Two bills now pending before both houses, provide for fixing the status of women under the provisions of the nine teenth amendment. One of the measures imposes a poll tax upon women; the other provides for their registration and other qualifications required of legal voters. It is believed these will be first dis posed of when the legislature convene* with a quorum. Veterans’ Reunion to Draw 100,000 WASHINGTON. Aug. 31.—More than 100,000 persons are expected to attend the national reunion of the United Con federate Veterans and the -Sons of Con federate Veterans, which will be held at Honston, Tex., Oct. 5, 6. 7 and 8, ac cording to an announcement recently by J. R. Price of Washington, chairman of the executive committee of the senior organization. Special rates of 1 cent a mille will obtain all over the country for the re nnionlsts. Preparations of accommodation for the visitors in a camp at Hermann park, near Houston, have already begun. Veterans who are too feeble to be quartered at the camp will be given free accommodations elsewhere. SeecfCrops Will Be Much Less This Year WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. —The produc tion of practically all small vegetable seed crops will be considerably less this year than in 1919 or 1918, according to reports received by the bnreau of mar kets, United State* department of agri culture. The reductions range from 88 per cent for spinach to 12 per cent for let tuce. ‘ N Increases are shown for garden pole bens, garden peas and onion sets. A slightly larger production than last year of the early crop of alfalfa seed In the southwest is Indicated. Due to smaller acreage and lighter yield per acre a production of timothy seed of approximately 89 per cent of last year Is the forecast. Marriage Licenses James Wiegand, 55 North Warm an avenue 34 Francis Hougland. 1810 West Wash ington street 34 | Earle Moreland. 568 Frank street.... 22 Stella Long, 558 North Traub street.. 19 Fred Anacker. 1421 Silver avenue 27 Florence Rankin, 1431 Silver avenue.. 21 Frances Landrigan. 816 Chadwick st. 35 Bertha Gootee, 822 Chadwick street... 27 David Grundy. Nora, Ind 26 j Lola Hines, Nora, Ind 27 J George F. Taylor, LaSalle hotel 28 Esther McConnell, F.vansville, 1nd.... 29 Wilber Swelt, 220d North Meridian st. 36 1 Oka Smith, 2206 North Meridian st... 34 William Robinson. 515 Indiana aTe... 21 Myrtle Mathews. 515 Indiana ave 19 Ulysses Akers. Hamilton county 2.t Jessie E. Battle, 2540 Oxford street.. 23 William Cannon, Indianapolis 24 Kathleen Sborer, 40 North Senate ave. 21 : Garden Wilder, Alexander, Ind 23 Lillian Compton, Alexander, Ind 22 James House, 2705 Brlghtwood ave... 39 Caldonla Wright, 2705 Brlghtwood ave. 28 Clifford Handy, 3118 Central ave 32 Iris Johnston, Indianapolis 22 Henry Heckman, R. R. A 22 Grace Calvin, R. R. A 35 Wilden Rockofield, West Lafavette. Ind .' 24 ; Florence Buch, Lafayette, Ind 20 Births \ Charles and Blanche Francis. 64 Sher man drive, girl. John and Isabel Adams. 1111 East Maryland, boy. Joseph and Paulina Olenicki, 735 Con cord, boy. Thomas and Bertha Smith. 1234 East Seventeenth, girl. William and Glen Smiley, 1044 North Sheffield, girl. Samuel and Bertha Crofts. 262 South Summit, girl. August and Maud Schwomeyer, 1436 West Twenty-second, girl. Henry and Ethel Herblg. 2162 Webb, girl. Philip and Mabel Purpura. 410 Leeds, girl. Charles and Frances Knerr, 543 Yoke, boy. Mathew and Anna WaJpole. 165 East Twenty-fifth, boy. William and Lillian Fahey. 324 Bright, boy. Robert and Elizabeth McCreary, 550 South Drover, boy. Kenneth and Dorothy Hinton, 1800 Orleans, boy. Edward and Iva Gillispie, 29 North Walcott, girl. Thomas and Lerma Maddox. City hos pital. boy. Walter and Mary Bigger, City hosgfr tal, boy. Hurbert and Nellie Smith, 1006 Cornett girl. Chester and Florence Carlisle. 615 East Thirty-second, boy. William and Bessie Pfeiffer, 566 North Lynn. girl. Frank and Fanny Terrell, 917 North Ketchem, boy. Gl.vndon and Nellie Macy, 939 North Tibbs, girl. Vergil and Silvia Henderson. 601 Ea*t Minnesota, boy. Crafty and Hazel Babhart. 526 North Belmont, J girl. Edward and Hazel Wundram, 171 West Arizona, boy. Ernest and Margaret Guthrie, 2409 Bellefontaine, hoy. James and Ella Haris, 412 Smith, girl. Boyd and Pearl Kasey, 845 North' Temple, boy. Deaths Laura C. Polster. 63, 509 West Thirti eth, carcinoma. Mary A. Quinn, 67. 2030 Boulevard place, acute entero colitis. Harriet Louisa Saffle, 73, 728 North East, acute parenchymatous nephritis. William M. Artis, 51, 2110 Highland place, cerebral hemorrhage. Ethel Bell Peesehl, 33, 2714 Station, carcinoma. Jean Normington. 8 mouths. 550 Tom linson. second degree burns f accidental.! Maggie Hockins, 3S, 1718 Calvin, pci rnonarv tuberculosis. William E. Kiser, 49, Deaconess hos pital. apoplexy. William M. Huntsinger, 54. ISIS Broad way, mitral insufficiency. Charles D. Bailey, S, 954 North Miley, entero gastritis. Iroii-f Fn ’.'den. 03, 731 Lafayette, chronic ilitersiuUl -,