Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES £5-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 8500 Automatic .22-251 RATES. One time .... .09 per line Three consecutive times... .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion, wanted, male or temale; rooms to let and beard and rooms wanted — One time C3 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consemtive times 08 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices .". .09 per line Lodges and club notices 7Se per insertion Church notices (I inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch. .07 per line additional. Death notices, Ssc per Insertion. The Business OCc* closes at 8 p. m- FUNERAL DIRECTORS. wy^WW^WVWWVWWwWieWIArVWt George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 90S. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Walsh Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. £l-671. Prospect -322. FUNERAL - DIRECTO RS— WM. E. K RIEGER, New 21-154. Main 1464. 1402 N- Illinois. TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 934 N. Meridian at. UNDERTAKER^. W.T. BLASEXGYM 1635 Shelby at. Pros. 2570. Auto. 54-114. UNDERTAKERS —HdSEY A- TITUS. 951 North Del. New Main 3§JO. PEAT HAN DFU N E HAL NOTICES. ALBRECHT, LOUISA—Widow o/ the late George A. Albrecht, died at her resi dence Tuesday. Sept. 14 at 11:15 p. m. Friends may call at residence, 59 Hamil ton ave., Thursday noon until Friday noon. Funeral Friday. 2 p. m. Private. CHALIFQUR, GEORGE CHADBOURNE ■ —Age 7 months 28 days, little son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Challfour qnd grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bread heft, passed away ’J/ffursdzy morning. Sept. 16, 4 a. m. Funeral *t?aturday 2 p. m., at the residence. 944 North Jefferson. Friends may call Friday afternoon and evening. Funeral and burial private. DETRICIL IDA M.—Beloved wife of John C. Detrlck and mother of Mra. Lulu Snyder. Mrs. Slay Davidson t ml Hubert Detrick, died Tuesday, Sept. 14. 1920, aged 52 years. Funeral Saturday. Sept. IS, at 10 a. m. at the residence of the daughter. Mrs. Lulu Snyder, 338 Han cock ave. Friends invited. Burial Crown HliL ROBBINS, MARIAH—Wife of Samuel Robbins, mother of Mrs. Dr. John F. Kerr. Mrs. Cyrus A. Barrett. John \V. Robbins, died at 6.15 a. m.. Sept. 15 at Methodist Hospital.- Funeral at late resi dence, 21 North Garfield avenue. Friday, Sept. 17. at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Bu rial Crown Hill. CARD OF THANKS. CARD OF THANKS—We wish to express our alncere thanks to ail friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the Illness and death of my beloved wife, ChrlsUrib Pfifterer Leeds. For the many beautiful floral of ferings and to the undertaker, Feeney A Feeney. CHARLES LEEDS AND MOTHER. LOST ANO FOUND. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere: no criminals looked for. Call Main G 947. or write lost agent, 18 Baldwin blc'k, Indianapolis, Ind. LOST—Parasol; blue silk, red and white ring in handle; lost Sept. 9 in ladles’ restroom L. S. Ayres; reward. Circle 1824. or Main 3457. • LOST—Valuable Spitz dog. white, name Dewey, no collar. Call Irvington 1571. HOUSES—FOR LEASE. WILL leese 6-room modern well fur nished home pri North Delaware street from October until. May; refkrenco re quired. Call North €252. ROOMS—TO LETT SHELBT rt., 2535; furnished sleeping room; strictly modern; near Garfield park. Prospect 5114. LARGE front room and kltobenette for light hou> ekeeping. 116 West St. Clair street. Circle 6733. TWO or three unfurnished rooms for xjnt, heat not furnished. 3819 Boulevard place. - ROOM In strictly modern apartment, for two gentlemen; walking distance. Main 6151. EAST; modern room ,ln private family; gentleman. Woodruff 3731 NICELY furnished room at 125 North Alabama. Main 2018. BUSINESS CHANCEB. W General merchandise busl- Vs ness In country town; mer chant doing $50,000 busi ness; wants to retire. Will sell stock at Its value; stock will Invoice about $18,000; might take some rental property; business a money maker; great opportunity.- Call Mr. Templeton. Main 6674. BERT ESSEX, 208 American Cen trai Life Bldg. ft . xge„ SERVICE. ffp Repairing, adjusting by UT exports who know how, lor ail sewing machines. Hemstitching whils you wait, 10c per yard, WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. Main 800. Auto. 25-216. 312 Mass. A vs. feathers” Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE, 416 Mass, ave. Main T 428. New 23-775. FOR BALE—Grocery and meat market. Must sell on account jpf health; leaving city; a bargain. Address A No. 1572, Times. BUSINESB ANNOUNCEMI ENTS. FALL STYLES. PRICES. OCR prices are the saifle to ail. and not prohibitive to any; they are tvlthln reach of the moat modest pocketbook. No Inflation—just right and in keeping with 100 cents' worth of value for every dollar. An investment In one of our suits la l like buying a government bond—lt .re tains Its Intrinsic value to the finish. "Not how obeap, but how good,” Is our platform. You will find special delight In our display of fabrics and fashions for fall. NOW is the time to order. Suits and overcoats to your measure, $45, $55, $35, $75 and up. Trousers $5, $lO. sl2, sls, sl* and pp. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are in the right place TAH-OFtS AND CLEANERS. CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called tor) Gent’s suits cleaned and pressed. Ladles' suits cleansd and prssjed. All work guaranteed. FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1025 Fletcher ave. Prospect 468. INSTRUCTIONS. HAWAIIAN guitar, ukulele, banjo, man dolin. etc. We will teach you to play a thirty minutes. All courses guaranteed. Gome and Bee for yourself. Op?n from i) a. m. till 6 p. m., daily, also on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday eveninga. HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 36 W. Washington st. DO.VT GRIEVE. If you really want it back. Insert a small ad In the " tt and Found'' col emna of The Timer and It will soon be, Me turned. Phene lain U9O. Ante. U-Ml. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—GOOD MEN; STEADY E MPLO Y MENT. Woodworkers, piece work, $35.00- $45.00 per week. Lumber yard men, piece work, $35.00-$45.00 per week.- Foundry Molding— Machine Operators, piece work, $40.00-$50.00 per week. Molding machine helpers, piece work, $35.00-$40.00 per week. Laborers, hourly rate, 45c-sae. Working hours 50 per week (9 hours for 5 days and 5 hours on Sat urday.) Hourly _ rated employes paid time and a half for all time over 44 hours per week. *No labor trouble See Mr. Louis Segety at room 107, Oneida hotel, 214-220 South Illinois street, tonight, Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 7 to 10, THE SINGER MFC-. CO. SOUTH BEND. IND. LABORERS to unload coal. CITIZENS GAS COMPANY, PROSPECT ST. AND BELT R. R. \ LAFAYETTE MOTORS COMPANY MARS HILL, Indianapolis 7 all-round sheet metal s men. 3 first-class fender hangers and fitters. Must he first-class work men. Telephone Belmont 2070. First Mars Hill cars leave Maryland and Capitol ave. at 6.40 a. m. Other cars leave Wash ington and Illinois sis. hourly. BOYAYITH WHEEL TO LEA R X .MA CHINISTS’ TRADE. MOD EE X ELEC- T R I C AND MA CHINE CO. WANTED—Toung man about 20 years of age as assistant bookkeeper in down town office. Knowledge of typewriting de sired but not absolutely necessary; fair salary to atart and good chance for ad vancement to wide awake young man. Answer In own hand writing. Address A. No. 1643, Time*. LIVE WIRE BOY wanted to collect small advertis ing accounts. Must liavo wheel. Good chapee to advance. See Mr. Robison, Classified Advertising Dept., Dally Times. EXPERIENCED WIN DOW WASHER; NONE OTHER NEED APPLY; WHITE. APPLY CITY HOSPITAL. BOY. 15 to 17, for bank messen ger; good salary; chance for ad vancement; reference required. INDIANA NATIONAL ILCNK. VARNISH PAYcHERSANd" TOUCH-UP MAN Who can burn or All in Also water rubbers on phonograph cabi nets Oood.'mteady Jobs for'first-class men. H. LAUTER CIO.. West Washington and Harding Sts. RAILWAY mall decks are offerad 51,600 entrance salary with promotions to $2,300. For full particulars and a course of preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 167 North 1111- ■nols street. Suite 207. "WANTED—Physician registered In Indi ana; office work; northern part stato: salary and commission. Address A No. 1569, Times. WANTED —Man and wife. Man must know truck gardenißg and steam pipes. House, fuel and water furnished; good salary. Call Woodruff 350. Auto. 61-517. NON-UNION PLASTERERS Call Washington 278 MEN to learn barber trade. TUI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 209 E. Washlng ton st.j Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 757. NEAT young man; no Sunday or holiday work. STATE LIFE LUNCH. State Life Bldg. COLORED porter; no Sunday work. STATE LIFE LUNCH. State Life bldg. WANTED—Lunch dkunter man. App'y UNION STATION RESTAURANT. YOUNG man to work In grocery. 2101 Pleasant street. ' SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN Our business is growing sb fast that we are compelled to increase our sales force. If you are look ing for a permanent position where you can be assured of a good Income twelve months In the year, see our employment ■ manager between 9 and 11 a. m. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. SALESMEN High-claes men who ar/desirous of at taining a position in thf business world and making a man’s income, will find it very profitable for them to become con nected with us. All applications treated strictly confidential- Give phone number when answering. Address A No. 1574, Times. If you are determined to find a better place you will find it and you will start finding it through a Times Help Want Ad. Main 3500 Auto. 28-351 SALESMEN—WANTED. Ten Live Stock-Selcsmen Wanted If' you w ant to sell the best selling stocks you have ever 4 sold, a stock tli&t you can sell to your relatives as well, as to the public, call and see us. -• we jfill acquaint you with our proposition and show you one of our small Individual ice ma chines In operation. does the work without power and practi cally no cost. Don’t delay, but see us today. Stock selling fast. Arctic Ice Machine Cos., 40 Virginia ave. SALESMEN This Is a splendid opportunity for energetic salesmen acquainted with city or surrounding territory, to. make a good connection with a live organization. Apply No. 210 People’s Bank bldg. WANTED—City and county salesmen to \ handle absolutely new business; no com petition; protected territory; earnings un limited. GENERAL AUDIT AND SYS TEM CORPORATION. 229 North Penn sylvania; third fioor. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for first class dividend paying sueurttl :s of old established Indiana corporation Call at room 6iq Board of Trade uny Tuesday or Wednesday. ~~ AGENTS-WANTED. Solicitors. 1G When Bldg. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Attractive Employment for Girls * Become a telephone operator. You can i speedily advance to toll operator, clerical ' worker, supervisor, vlstanl chief, chief Operator, etc. Hundreds of higher pool- j tlona for those who qualify. Beeldea. we' pay for your Instruction In this modern profession and pay you wall while you are learning. In a few weeks’ time you \ are qualified as a bona fids employe with a permanent position.*L.**t you ran then earn Is $36 a week. Ideal working cohdt- : tloua. Vacations with pay and many I other unusual advantages. Apply at main office. Meridian and New York ate. Employment desk in lobby. Bell Telephone (Company SEVERAL 'STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS Must he exr erlenfsd. good salary to atart and opportunity for ad vancem-nt. Apply immediately. PREST-O-LITE CO., INC. Speedway. 199 T. , 9-14-29. ADDRESSERS for catalogue wrappers. Appilranta with typing experience preferred. HURST 4 CO., 323 West Fifteenth street. S(fWOMEN to peel tomatoes Take Minnesota car to Churchman Ave. Hagtlskainp Bros. & llavorskamp WANTED—TWO YOUNG LADIES to work In our office:* at 22 50 a day In ex chango f6r a stenographic, bookkeeping or combined course. Tula la a splendid opportunity for you If you are anxious to take a business cot rao but a little short on' funds. Ask for Fred W. Case, prin cipal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Pennsylvania and Vermont streets. Next door to Y. W. C. A. , WANTED STENOGRAPHER Apply In person. CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY CO. SECOND COOK, white; short hours; no .-unday or holiday w.rk. STATE LIFE LUNCH. State Life Bldg. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work;' small family. Apply 1501 N. New Jersey or call Circle 702. WANTED—Talioress, experienced, for re pair department. KCHOEN, BROS. Main 4141. Auto. ,27-555. ALTERATION hands at once; good wages. FELDMANS TAILOR SHOP, 470 Massachusetts ave. GIRL for general factory work. CO LUMBIA CONSERVE, Churchman ave. and Belt railroad. GIRL wanted, 449 W. poutli stfeet; good wages. Circle £931. Over 17 years of age. WA NTED —Cook' white.' School for Blind, North and Pennsylvania. Call In person. • WANTED —A girl for cooking and down stair* work. 1546 Park ave. A COLOR CD lIOT'SEKE EVER, middle aged woman. Call Circle 922. j( >h prew feeders, wm. burfordT w. Pearl atreet. BUSINESS BERVICES. STOVE TRIMMINGS REPLATED. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. 633-5 KaJtucky avtv Main 6522. Main 6523. REBUILT TIRES, guaranteed 4,000 mllea, new tlrei and tube*; vulcanising that gives satisfaction. DOWNTOWN TIRE SHOP. 35 Kentucky ave. Main 1127. __ " SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLEDGE, 201 Indiana ave. If your clock Is not running phone Circle 4307. IL__R. fcihearn. 811 North Ala bama. —- PROFESSIONAL SERVICEB. Nstureopathy, Swedish Massage Baths and /general treatments. Thorough satisfaction. 119 East Ver mont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. iA Optician and Optometrist, Eyes examined and glasses \ J furnished. Open evenings w until 8 p. m. MEISTER & STEWART, 568 Mass. Ave. Main 3025. TURKISH. Russian, sulphur, electric light baths and massage. 105 \V. St. Clair. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. Mlbd DK VERK,-i7V$ VV. Ohio. Main 8873. DETECTIVE*. Quigley-Hyland Agency CJvil and Criminal Investigators. s2l-828 Law bldg. Main 398 L INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, SIOO, $136. —* *l6O / down will buy a good used car. Wo have Fords, Maxwells, Bulcks, Dodges and others. In fine shape, that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 618 N. Capitol. Open evenings. T ' FORDS—FORDS—FORDS “ Fords of all kinds at all prices Small payment down, balance In 12 months. Tourings, roadsters, speedsters, coupeu, sedans, etc. A guarantee of 30 'days is given with every car that leaves our salesroom. Our prices are right and our square dealing methods are known throughout the state. A Ford bought here results ill another one of our many satisfied customers. Don t delay, but buy today. WEI.SSMA.VS. 212-14 E. New York St. Main 4446. CLEANUP SALE OF USED CARS. Bulck touring, 1918. Dodge roadsters, 1911. Oakland Sedan. 1919. Maxwell roadster, 1917. Highlander 6. 1919. Monroe Touring, ISIS. Chevrolet Touring. 1918. Majrwell Touring. 1818. Fo/d Sedan, 1918. Many other car*. All -have been re built; cash or terms. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. 285 N. Penna. st. Main $246.,* 1918 DORT CHUMMY Chummy roadster, in A-I shape; new tires, new paint; looks like new and priced to sell. THE MOTOR MART 140 N. Delaware. Main 1984. Open cvenlnge and Sunday. B UIC K R()A DSTKR 1920. Cord tires, wire wheels. completely equipped An exceptional bargain. Driven 9.000 miles. Detroit Electric Sales Cos. 983 North Merldtau St. 1918 FORD COUPE Electric light* and starter; good Ures, good paint. AH up in good! shape; $675. THE MOTOR MART. 140 N. Delaware. Main 1934. Opposite Public Market. CHEVROLET F. A. touring; new top. You will get a bargain in this car at half price. DIETZ-JAMES, 334 Eaut Market street. Main 6716. IF YOU are In the market for a good used car better see our line first, DIETZ-JAMES, 334 Eaat Market street. Main 6716. RICHMOND 6 touring, good appearance; both- mechanically and paint. Your chance to get a six. Price $275. Call Hi West Twenty-second street. I RE 45. touth § good Ures and paint; mechanically perfect; bargain. DTETZ-JAMES. 234 E. Market. Main 5716. , lata 191$ ttWtait five good tire* and In excellent running conoT tlon at a bargain. $0 North Oxford at., or phone Woodruff 4044. 1918 LEXINGTON TOURING Good paint, A-l shape. THE MOTOR MART 140 North Delaware Main 1914. Opp. Public Market. : a sacri * leaving for school. If you want eorne thir.r fa.-t see thle car at the DELAWARE GARAGE. £ls North Delaware street. KING 8 sedan; this ie a lovely car with every modern convenience. Bargain If e and at once. li>27 Nurt 1 Merld >u atre-t CHEVROLET ’’49o” touring; good tire*. Your own terms if desired DIKTZ JA'tr.4 344 East Market. Main 6714. 1519 LEXINGTON Minute Man £bt; ab solutely like new; extra oord tire; bumper. 192 T North Meridian. CIIEVROLET F. A.' roadster! juet been thoroughly overhauled and In good shape 421 Nerth Capitol avenue. KING ( 131* model. In p-rl*ot mechanical condition; plenty of speed. 1027 North Meridian street. ALLEN 1918 touring, thoroughly over hauled; bargain if sold at once, 31 North Capitol avenue CHEVROLET Italy brand; a car weft worth considering before buying. 1827 North Meridian street. CH EVROLET 4 90 TOUR. 1919 mc-dri in good shape; priced espe cially at 1475. THE MOTOR MART. 14* K. Delaware. Main 19(4. Opposite Pub lic Market. MAXWELL touring. 1917; In good me chanical Condition. Call at 431 North Capitol avenue. CHEVROLET roadster. Saxon touring and Chevrolet sedan. Call after €. Circle 6203. OAKLAND touring. 1920; driven,only six week*, extra equipment. 510 N. Dela ware etreet. KING * foursom sport; a real car at a bargain price. 1027 North Meridian *s. OAKLAND touring, latest mod- !, run lea* than I.oo* miles. 510 N. Delaware at EMPIRE touring, motor In A-l shape; bargain. 431 North Capitol avenue. PtKO touring, extra winter top. a real bargain. 481 North Capital avenue. OVERLAND 90 tourlnp car; mechanically perfect 421 Nr.rlts t’*pl!*l avenue OAKLAND roadster. 1918 model, refin t*.hed, Ilfo. 510 N. Delaware. COLUMBIA six touring. 1919; cord tires; run very little 610 N. Delaware. MAXWELL touring, 1918. in excellent condition. 610 N. Delaware. MAX VV ELL 191 §7-touring; good condition! 431 North Capitol avenue. OAKLAND sedan, 1920 model; used two months. 510 N. Delaware. TR UC KS—FO R SALE, FOR SALEl—Aerne 2-ton 1919 Acme truck. It con be handled with a little money. WILLIAM MORRIS, 601 Livingston ave. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 100 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND SELLERS OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS ANp TIRE COMPANY. 518 N. CAPITOL. MAIN 2818. AUTO. 22-01*. AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. 1 wan'Fyouk CAR ami will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money. It here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tiro Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 1579. Auto. 22-063. We also buy junk cars. .fiND STORAGE. GV 77 storagn cheapest { \W RATES IN CITY) CALL I If GS. Everything at ra --1 ronable price. Packed. (J 11 shipped anywhere. t± Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 489*. CALL SHANK for the newt service la hauling, packing, shipping and enrage. 227-229 N‘orth New Jersey St. Main 2911. T AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. We are in position to handle a few high grade automobile painting jobs. LOCAL BRANCH NORDYKK & MARMON 00. Meridian at lltli st. Main/1884. Vs ' ' , _ AUTO PAINTING WORK GUARANTEED. REASON ABLE. x AUTO WASHING Our Specialty, 322-334 North Illinois. . _ S & S Auto Lauhdry NEW batteries for . any car; rebuilt bat teries ct bargain prices. BATTERY* DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 607 Masaa chu*ctta. Open until 9 p. m. Main 3145. ONE-MAN auto tops, side curtain*, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1107 Udell street. North 646. MOTORCYCLES AND 011 CYCLES. One 1919 Harley-Dp-vldaon and side car, electrically equipped; good condition; $375. 1919 Harley-Davidson. S2OO. One Excelsior, bargain; S6O. One 1920 Indian Kcout. electrically equipped; carries guarantee same as new machine, $375. Two remodeled Indians, electrically equipped. One 1916 2-speed Indian, gas equipped, $165. Popular model *lngle 'r.dlan, SSO. SPECIAL SALE FIRESTONE TIRES 28x3. $15.00. DONALD T. POPE. 016 K WASHINGTON. L VAN IS LIGHT W LIGHT Motorcycles, $150.00 MERZ MOTOR CO., 450-52 MASS. AVE. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motoro’deß and Bicycle* Johnson "Wotor Wheel* ERNEST HUGHES 534-36 Mas*. Ay* Main 6404. CASH paid for ail klnls of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN, 100 Ma**achu n+tt ftvenu* ALTOS ANO TBUCKS rUH H> H E AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Driva Auto Service at Ho >lrr Laundry. Rear Keith 1 * theater. Main 6921. REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. BUST BUNGALOW BUY 4700 EAST A complete. modern, well planned buitgslow, large, long living room, with i built-In book' aees and brick veneer fire j place, plea, ant dim' *-room, with built-in I China closet aid window seat: 'two lovely bedrooms and bath, all on the first floor; ; full basement with complete laundry room. Kybvlt furnace, lot worth $2 004. houee j almost new. and owner wants to sell; price. 36.760. reasonable terms Main 1498. Mr. Uwartney. Evenings, 7 to 9 pv m. HOME KEEKERS REALTT CO.. 912 Merchants Bank B'.dg. LOOK AT THESE, LIKE RENT 1446 Southeastern avenue. 7 rooms modern. Price $2,900; cash 1400, balance per month. ! 1447 Southeastern avenue, 6 rooms. modern. Price $£ 609; cash SIOO. balance | $33 per month. 124 South Arsenal avenue. 4-room cot tage. Prlc* 17.090. ca-h $259. balance S2O per month. . Call Mr. Rbikeway, * Realty Cos. 436 American £entral Use Hldg. Circle 4 36. Auto. 27-134. Night*. North Jlr- Home Oil Payments Two-room cottages, go*, water, aiectrle 1 lights; close In. near Michigan car tine. Theeo are bargain*. price 32.000 each; |2OO cash, balance easy terms Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. $33 E. Market st! SY $1,200 Cash Balance $55 Month ! buy* an 8-room modern name In Wood ruff place. Beat Rvtng tn the city* and a place you .an buy cheaper than you can rent. Call Mr. Templeton, .Main 5574. B<*rt Essex 201 Amsr, Qgnt. Life Bldg. / $250.00 Would you like to movo Into anew j four-room boms of your own for this {amount of money? Balance monthly. 1 ! will build only a limited number of these house*. Act quick. Address A No. i 1675, Times. SSOO CASH. and S3O per month buve 6-room bungalow with bath, furnace, hardwood floors.* etc. ONLY $3,400 w. L. BRIDGES, ; m *. ot P. Bldg. Mein mt. | r ft 1 I still have 3 cottages of }\[( A/R I I; | 4 rooms for sale on a ! jll iy/~V, / 111 small down payment; ***“■*'-’ wV cottages on West Mtchl ! gen car line. GEO. A. LUCAS. 405 Peo i ple’e Bank Bldg, Auto. 81-172. Circle 6_6ojJ. Evenings, Irvington 338. Bungalow, East Easy payments, five rooms; electric lights, gas, city yv*ter; two block*, from car line Price 22.500 BTATK SAVINGS AND TRUST CO., Main 4517, ! BEAUTIFUL high, large le/ul lot, half square of Maple road boulevard (38th st.), vonly two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fine Investment or building site. Will mil to good party on easy payments; i $lO cash. $1.50 weekly. Price only $525. Get busy. 644 Lsmcke Annex. Main 1409. , PRETTY 7-room modern home, tn good location; Westmoreland, near W. Michi gan car; A-l condition; garage; large, shady lot; real buy; 84,200, ALTA C. BOHRE.V, 4tfi American Central Life. Main 3734. Night. North 4292. FIVE-ROOM bungalow' northeast, tieml - modern: fireplace and grate; brick and I cement veranda in front; tine location. I Price $2,500; 3*oo cash and $lB per month. 55 When bldg A SPLENDID six-room modern home lo cated on E. Twenty-fourth st., near College; hardwood floors, built-in features' a good home; reasonable price and term*. Washington 1079. BY ohrier, lot Just north of Brookslde car lino on Dearborn; $600; take Ford car In good condition part payment. 942 Highland avenue. NORTHWKST; small double In flrst-claas condition. Newly painted and papered. Small payment down, balance like rent. Owner. North 2433. A DANDY six-room modern home: good location. big lot. only $5,000 if sold within ten days; reasonable terms. Wash ington 1079. A NEW never occupied colonial home; strictly modern; big lot; choice loca tion north; very liberal terms. Wash ington 1079. . HOUSE and two lots near Brookslde boulevard or Seventeenth street. 2939. Price $1,350. Phone Woodruff 6100, U 8, 1 HAVE all kinds of homes on south side; singles and doubles. Cash or payments. Call Prospect 6134 after 4 p. sh. A FINE eight-room strictly modern home on Carrollton ave; built-in features; big lot. Washington 1079. BEAUTIFUL modern double east, $6,300: terms. Forced to sell. Telephone owner. Woodruff 7360. TWO houses for snV or trade 6-room modern In suitable location; for infor mation call Harrison 2214. BEVEN-ItOOM modern, S3OO down, bal ance like rent. Call E. B. HOLT AM, Prospect 771. ‘ ’ INDIANA TRUST CO. ~ Sell* real estate, collect* rent, writes fir* Insurance. REAL ESTATE—FOR SAUL SEVEN ROOMS MODERN On Low Terms Price $3,500 v\ t Four rooms down, three bedrooms and bath up; SSOO cash and $36 per month buy* this bargain. Call Main 1199. HOME SEEKERS REALTY CO. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. U''me Bargain, North Slx-nVm modern cottage on Pennsyl- I vi*iia street, near Fall Creek boulevurd; laces east; price $5,500; terms ts desired. Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors. T 22 E. Market t. \ BERT BUY IN WEST INDIANAPOLIS Beautiful 7-room cottage In the pink of/C&prtitlon both Inside and out; located on * high corner lot. bordered with hedge, garden spot, fruit trees, garage, beauti fully decorated. Modern except furnace.. Avery valuable corner. Price $5,250. Location 1634 W. Morris street. * Tibbs-Bose Realty Cos. Circle 438. Auto 27-436. Nlghta, YVash ilngton 4165. BEAUTIFUL HOME NORTFL . If yon are looking for a real home 1 have It In a six-room !a> modern ristdencw In 3000 block N. Broadway; excellent buy at $7,600; terms. Call Mr. Templeton. Main 6574; Auto. 26-364. Bert Essex 208 American Central Life bldg. Storeroom and Residence Prospect st.; thoroughly modern, five room house. In first-blaas condition. This I also has a nice storeroom In front, 28x30 fret, with three plate glass show wln ! down. Excellent location for any small bu Iness such a* grocery, millinery, con i fectlonsry, etc. Price $5,250. STATE BA VINOS AND TRUST CO., Main SIT. DOUBLE, EAST. Five room* to a side; gas for co kit g and lighting; city water; newly painted and and balance easy termx Bee Mr. Mcluteer, with I. N. Ritchie & Son Main 620. 151 E. Market st. Irvington 3597 ~Y~Wi In Morton piece, f have a i gTZI A\ 9 ll wonderful bargain for the ii G /l/A 'il fi** l ** party In a property w*—- with eleven rooms: com pletely furnished throughout; everything goes, exceptionally flattering terms. In vestigate thl*. It will pay you. GEO. A. LUCAS. 4*s People’s Bank Bldg, Auto. 21-17*. Circle 6600. SSOO BUYS HOME WEST Five rooms, electric lights, gas. city water, cellar and room for bath; located tn Pershing ave.; priced for quick sale, $3,000. See J. W. Elder. SCIIMID & SMITH, Realtors. 134 N. Delaware. Main 4038. OWNER will eeil home at a bargain. Ha* lorg living room, reception hall, dining room, kitchen, pantry. one bedroom downstair*. $ bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath up; large porches; good fur nace. More than acre of ground; shade, fruit, garden and flowers; in irvington. Shown b> appointment only. Address A No. 1571. Times. SSOO CAPS Double on payments. 621-53$ Bell street, near Eaat Michigan; 6 rooms each side; ga*. electric lights. city water. Newly painted and decorated. One side held vacant for purchaser. Easy pay ments. Rt’SSK A HARTMAN. West Side Double Four rooms on a side; renting, sl6 per month, prieo, $1,200. cash. Hall & Hill. 147_E. Market *SOO Cash, sl6 Per 'Month Five-room house with two acraa of ground; splendid truck rarm; located northeast on Thirty-fourth st. Price. 11,599. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO.. Main 4517. FOR SALE—Good cottage on Sturm ave nue; nice neighborhood, east and. non modern; price $2,090. BRANDON & JAMESON. Mein 6762. 117 K. Delaware st. ONE ACHfi. northeast of Irvington, near Fleoaant Run bird.; $756 an acre; pay ments, S2O cash, $lO monthly. W. H. COOPER A CO.. A NEW never occupied bungalow located near Thirty-eighth street blvd.; ha* five room* and breakfast room; hardwood floor*; built-in features; fine wooded lot; garage. Washington 1079. FOR SALEjL-Four-room house; cellar. summer kitchen, wood and coal house, stable and five extra lot*, ail adjoining. Addre** Box 85. Seymour, Ind. IF LOOKING for a good home a* well as a real Investment. Coil Washington 1079. REAL ESTATE—BALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two lot* 140x100 feet each with three 4-room houee* and modern blacksmith shop with two room* built on; general repair shop with gasoline motor, band saw, considerable material on hand; all lo cated In the heart of the business section of Fisher. Arkansas. Only blacksmith shop In twenty miles. Present owner been there ten yUars; now wants to come hack to Indiana, his pative state. Will eacrlflce for SB,OOO or trade for property In InUl.vtapolU or Indiana farm land or stock of groceries of value. All buildings are in excellent repair and the ground, buildings and material well worth $2,500. Add res* MR. BARROWS, car* INVEST OR* BANKING SERVICE CORPORA TION. 118 East Market etreet. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN. SUBURBAN and one-fourth sores scant; five 1 ' ill*! south of city, two squat** to trae cn line and state highway, $900; one third tash, balance terms. Half acre lot*, 6 miles south of city, 2 squares to traction line and state highway; $5 cash, $5 per month. Evenings, call North 1440. Hall & Hill. LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayue park. Juut off of West Washington strest. which Is being paved; $k down. $1 weak. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEV, 1001 City Trust. Main >ls. LOTS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—LOTS Comer avenue lot. $220; sewer In and paid; terms. SI.OO cash and SI.OO wseaiy I. N. Richie & Son. 151 East Market street. FARM B—FO fTsALE. A^AyWWVWVVWWSfiWSAAA^e>VS*Np^WW 102 ACRES, five miles of Jefferson, O.j good bungalow of six rooms and cellar; barn 40x80. with 110 In good repair; out buildings are hog, hen and milk houses and garage; large orchard; all level land and a goed producer; 60 acres un der plow and balance pasture and timber; owner will Include 1 team, 3 cows, tire cows are making SSO per month; 50 chick ens, 6 acres corn, 4 acre* oats, 5 tops hay and new farm machinery, wagon, buggy. Corn planter, mower, harrow plow, hay ladder, new work harness, for $8,600, with $1,500 down, balanct to suit buyer. Send for our new furm list farms at bargain prices. BURGESS A SON, Jefferson, O. ARKANSAS stock farm for sale to olose estate; 453 acres, over SIO,OOO Improve ments, two houses, etc.; adjoins live Drew county seat; $45,300. bargain: would consider subdividing Into two or three parts; two Improved clear farms; 200 acres, $2,000; 19a acres, $4,875 oash; bar gains. fine, level soil, good climate. Ad dress It. M. GILMER, 5644 Harpor avo„ Chicago, 111. LAN OOLOGY, special number, just out containing 1920 facts of Clover Land In Marinette county, YY’isconsljs. If for a home or a* an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where t aimers grow rich, send at onoe for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It Is free on request. Address SKID MORE-RIEHLE LAND COMPANY. U$ SkJdmors-Rlshl* bids., Marinette, Wts. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HOUSES WANTED— LOCATED NORTH, EAST. SOUTH OR YVEST. We have buyers waiting who must j have homes quick, cash or payments plan, j FARMERS TRUST CO.. Main 618. Evenings, YVoodruff 5296. ( WE have more customers for North Indl- | property than we can tuppiy. 1 If your property Is priced right call uj today. E. E. SHELTON. North 1866, FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRADE. FOR EXCHANGE—Twenty farms for city properties, 8 farm* for stock of mer chandise. All kinds of deals anywhere. STAUFFER REALTY CO.. Seymour. Ind. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE, Match Your Coat \ with a pair of / S V TROUSERS 11 j j j THE PANTS \| n ( STORE CO. 1 1 f i Two Stores UII 43 W. Ohio. la fev 110 E. Market. 08 Close 6 P. M. Saturday 9 P. M. Quit Wearing Ready-Made PUTS $ We make them tn Oj) —— your measure for '4^ LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. NEW iUUK.^ Cp one flight. INVALID CHAIRS and crutches to rent; free delivery to ail aarts of city; In valid chairs $3.69 per month. Baker Bros., BEST made player pianF; A-I condition; over sls Worth music fer $75. Must sell 726 North Senate. Apt. 1. TWO large grocer’s Ice boxesTUfeet long” BAKER BROS.. 219 E. Washington. * NEW tin cans for canning; 60c UoxeiT 1699 Spruce Etreet, Prospect 1363. SNAKE ring, two rubies and one diamond, __522.50. 412 r East Market. Apt. 5. ONE butcher’* meat box. Call E. iT HOLTAM Prospect 771. * FOR SALE—Used furnace. 3060 Central avenue. North 9071. GAS RANGE, Jewel; good condition, S2O. North >398. ' j MISCE LLAN EO U S—W AN TE D, Attention We need all kinds of furniture, and need It now. We have the largest and * beet rated u*d goods More In this state. Call our buyer and get what your good* are worth. Baker Bros. Auto. 23-166. Main 2466. LEW SHAKKr pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main_2o2S. j HO US EHO L D GOODS. ROUND OAK—ff you want a Round Oak heater, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. AN ADVICE where to buy a stove if you want A GOOD STOVE, A GUARANTEED STOVE, A FINE-LOOKING STOVE, " A STOVE TO HEAT THE ROOMS OR TO BAKE YOUR GOOD BREAD OR PASTRY. FOR AS LITTLE MONEY i AS POSSIBLE. THEN GO TC THE STORE THAT IS WELL/ KNOWN FOR GOOD TREATMENT AND NEVER MIS- I REPRESENTING THEIR MERCHAN- i DI6E AND FOR THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. . GLAZER 444 E. Washington. STOVES OF ALL LEADING MAKES TWO Chambers flrelea* cooking go* ranges Cash or payments. BAKER i BROS., 219 E. Wash. st. WE WANT TO BUT good furniture, rug*, office and store fix ture*. We pay more than other dealer* Cali Coopertder. USED GOODS STORK. Main 2228. TWO double oven restaurant ranges. 1 Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. 219 E. Washington st. v WE have It to sell. Anything In the line of good furniture. Both new and used, i Also hestlng stoves, gas range*. cook . stove# hot plates And laundry stoves. Terms to suit purchaser. KjtQOT Jc j KROOT. 609 W. Washington str;4t. Ra DI ANT HOM E—ls you w ant a Rad- j lant Home baseburner, on payments, go : to BAKER BROS. GOOD USED KUuB. W* have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade u-ed rugs; all else*, at prlceg that will please you. USED GOODS STOKE. ! 424 Mansaehuset* sve. i HANDSOME navy trlcotlne suit, waist to match, size 40, for S2O. 4302 N. Capi -1 tol aveuu*. m i MODEL —ls you want a Model hot bloat on_payments, go to BAKER BROS. JEWEL; If you want a Jewel bo Reburner on payments, go to BAKER BROS. LAUREL—If you want a Laurel'hot blast, on payments, go to BAKER BROS PALACE —If you went a I’alace hotblast, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. FOR SALE —Small cdok stove; good con dition. Call Prospect 976. IF YOU want any kUid of stove, go to BAKER BROS. , . ?_ musical instruments. S6OO. KURTZMAN PIANO Dull mahogany case, very slightly used; special price $445, Including bench to match; this piano has got to be seen to be appreciated. See or phone Mr. Grey at PEARSON PIANO CO. 128 N. Pennsylvania. Main 1309. IIAY r E several pianos of standard make. Edison. Victor, Psthe. Colombia and other phonographs, and several music boxes to ciose out cheap. Cush or pay ments. BAKER BROS., 219 E. Wash ington. \ RECORDS: good records of any make you desire, 40c. BAKER BROS., .219 B. Washington. BEGINNERS violins, mandolins, guitar*, bargains. TUTTLE. 201 Ave. FINE player piano. S4O down and $4 per week. North 4221. IRVIfIG Upright Plano: dark oak; bar gain, SIOO. Southport, 101, H 1. ONE GRAND PIANO cheap; cash. 639 Russell avenue. ~ COAL AND WOOD FOR. SALIL ILLINOIS LUMP SIO.OO L. H. BAIN COAL _ _ Main 2151. Main 3551._ FOR SALE—Cut jvoyd. Woodruff 5134. PET~STOOK AND~POULTRY. ANGORA kitten?. See the cute catlets at 43218 YY'ashlngton boulevard. Wash ington 494. 9 PERSIAN cats and kittens. Woodrufr 1 , M ACHI NERY AND TOOLS777' .WONDER MIXERS Hoists and pumps for building and bridge construction. % Ali sizes carried in stock. Burl/ Finch, Dist., 312-20 W. Mary land St. LEOAL NOTICE! NOTICE PF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given, that the Under signed has ilvly qualified as executrix of I estate of Harriet L. Safflo, Ueeed*ed, late of Marlon County. Indiana. Salff'estate Is supposed to be solvent. No. 184 80. LIDA a. MAY. I NOriCK OF APPOINTMENT. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as aumrfilstrator of estate of Elizabeth Middleton, de ceased, iute of Marion County. Indiana. Said estate 1* supposed to he aelvent. No. 1148$. GEORGIA A. POLAND. FINANCIAL- r We Have It :! Money on personal property. If grout are keeping house and have furniture, piano. Vlctrola or /auto, see us for 11 nan- J rial assistance. Quick service, courteous treatment. Ask us about terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO or S3OO You don’t have to give an excuse or : reason- for borrowing money. That Is our business. We are under state super vision and will give you the lowest legal rate. - Stats Co. 305 Odd,Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and Wash. Sts. Phones: Main 46ia. New 24-629. MONEY TU LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT ' GILL REALTY GO. Main 164#, Auto. 28-236 WeTARE PREPARED TO MATCH REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED, INDIANAPOLIS SrICURITIBS CO. FRANK K. SAWYER, Prea. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. INSURANCE ir. all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main _70 <s - FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. Wile SON, 108 N. Delaware at. Main 1618. LOAN’S on diamonds; SH% per month. BURTON JEWELRY CO.. 53 Monu ment. Times Want Ada And the right peopi* for the right places ana the right plac** tor the right people. Phone Mala 8508. Auto. 22-254. MINE HEADS IN PLEA FOR CARS Lintcn Operator Here to Ask for Aid From State. William T. Sonlhafijl. owner of a wagon mine at Linton and repsenting ten other "aeon mine owners of the saine district, called at the. office of the special Food find Fuel Commission at the Statehouse today to learn what action could be takea by the small operators to be able to se cure cars for shipment of tl/elr product. He pointed out that the Interstate Commerce Commission has Issued orders to railroads forbidding .them to issuV cars of the open-top style, to wagon mines. Owners of these mine* claim that they can not got enough ears of any style In which to ship their product, and that now while the large mines are idle most of the time, there have been days when as many as thirty and forty cars hare stood 4*rapty on sidings at the large mines at Linton, Mr. Hontbard said. The small operators claim that the treatment accorded them is unjust, for if they could be receive cars for their coal tL‘-y would not at any time hold a car to exceed twenty-four* hours, be said. The large operators claim wagon mine operators are the ones responsible for holding cars, but the facts are, they re ceive no cars to hold, according to Mr. Southard. Representatives of wagon mine opera tors, with attorneys, bhve gone to Wash ington and are making an effort to have the Interstate Commerce Commission change the order which now prevents them from receiving their quota of cars as needed. Music School Buys Twenty-One-Pianos What is regarded as one of the most important sales to be made by an Indian apolis music house recently is the pur chase by the Metropolitan School of Music of Indianapolis of twenty-one pianos from the local branch -of the Bald win Fiano Company. Although the Metropolitan school, which is considered one of the foremost in the state, has been conducted for over twenty years, pianos used have always been rented. Decision to purchase instruments suf ficient to equip the entire school was made by the board of directors at a meeting held at the beginning of the present year. The twenty -one*-pianos, grands and iprlghts, are ail of the Baldwin Com : pany s own manufacture. Optimists Will Vote for Officers Friday The Indianapolis Optimist Club will hoid its annual election toibprrow. / E. J. Gauspohl head the “regular’’, ticket as candidate for president. I Other candidates on the “regular'’ j ticket are Stanley Brooks, for vice i president; Scott Brewer, for secretary; ! R. I*. Alexander, for treasurer; Everett | Irish, for sergeant-at-arms, and O. D. Haskett and Ralph Alvin for director*. 1 Candidates on the “real Optimiat ticket" are Dr. C. G. Winter, for presi dent ; I>r. W. F. Kelly, for vice presi dent; George Schmid, for secretary; George \V. Snyder, for treasurer; Clar ence Irish, for sergeant -at-arms, and O. I*. Haskett and A. J. Hueher for <ll- , rectors. ‘Shiner’ Is Not a Vag; Judge Sets Him Free Everett (“Shlner”y Middaugh, who bs* been arrested on charges of operating a blind tiger and gaming during the past year is not a loafer. This was proved in city court today when Judge Walter Pritchard dismissed vagrancy charges against him. Patrolman Allison said he had ordered Mlddnugh 'to quit loafing in the Indiana avenue district and when “Shiner” said he would loaf where he pleased, he ar rested him. “Shiner” testified that his means of livelihood was keeping roomers at hia home, 81.'> North Capitol avenue, where he has twelve medical students room' ing. - Favors Short Line Car Rims as Saving The Indianapolis Street Railway Com pany may effect a saving in revenues by operating a shuttle line on Minnesota street, connecting with the trunk line on Virginia avenue and leading to the down town district. This method was suggesfeTl by W. K. * Eldridge at a meeting of the Indianapolis chapter of the American Association of Engineers at their meeting at the Cham ber of Commerce. The same plan was suggested for the Columbia avenue car liue, connecting with Massachusetts avenue as a trunk lins. Evansville Driver Faces Manslaughter Special to' The Tlmse. EVANSVILLE, Ind., (Sept. 16.—The Vanderbutg County grnnd Jury Wednes day returned an indictment against Ken neth Ziss, 21, charging him with In voluntary manslaughter in three counts. Joseph Lindensehmidt, 5, was killed u few weeks ago when hit by an auto mobile said, to have been driven by Zlss. This ir the first time in the history of Vanderburg County that such an In* diqtmcut has been returned. 9