Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Mdln 2*66 Automatic 28-151 HATES. Vw—i time 09 per Use Three consecutive times... .01 per Use Six consecutive times 07 per Hue Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and rooms wanted— One time 03 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per Vine Six consevutlve times 06 per Una Contract rates on application. Legal notices 00 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 60c per Insertion Over 1 Inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per insertion. The Business Office closes at 8 p. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market Old Phone Main 908. New Phone, 27-208. A. M Ragsdale. J. Walsh Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. X C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER. New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 N. Illinois. ’ TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 934 N. Meridian M. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1535 Shelby st. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-11* UNDERTAKERS —HISET & TITUS. 95i North Del. New 26-564. Main 3630. OEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. KIEFER, MARG ARETHA LANG—Age 78 years, passed away Sunday, Sept. 19, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam F. Klels, 318 B, Orange street. Fu neral at residence Wednesday. Sept. 22, 2 p. m. Burial Crown Hill. Friends in vtUd. IN MEMORIAM. IN MEMORIAM—IN loving remembrance of our dear mother, Matilda Haas, who departed this life four years ago today, Sept 20, 1916. You are gone, dear mother, but not for gotten, Nor shail you ever be As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee. If we had. seen you At the last, And held your dying hand, We would not feel so badly; We aid not know the pains you had; We did not see you die. We only knew you went away. And never said good-bye. It is four years since you left us, mother dear. And we miss you more ar.d mors; Our hearts are filled with sadness For the smile we see no more. Sadly missed by your daughter and son, who dearly loved you. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE STRASSEH, St Louis, Mo. LODGES AND CLU BS. D. OP P.—Members of Comanche Coun cil No. 47, are hereby requested to meet at hall 12:30 p. m., Tuesday. Sept. 21, to attend the funeral of our deceased sister, Lida Butler, 1338 South Belmont avenue, 3 p. m. JESSIE ACGHE, Pocahontas. ANNIE TULLIS, Keeper of Records. LOST AND FOUND. ewweooeeeee^oooesoeotweeweeer MISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked for. Cail Main 8947, or write lost agent, 1* Baldwin block, Indianapolis, Ind. PARTY is known who took bundle con taining young man's blue Hauger’s coat left in postofflce ledge of the mailing window. Reward. Belmont 1587. LOST—Silk handbag, on Monon train from Chicago, Sunday, about 2 p. m. Reward. Irvington 2497. LOST—Child's white coat, on Emerson ave., between Beech Grove and New York street. North 6883. LOST—Brown kid gloves. Union station; size 6J4. Reward. 240 Hudson. Main 3415. LOST—Hound dog, brown and black. Re ward. Prospect 2554. PERSON At. V _ WANTED to buy thr*e railway tickets to Los Angeles. Woodruff 5044. BURGESS. ANY one going to Los Angeles will do well by addressing A No. 1646, Times. TURKISH, Russian, sulphur, electric light baths and massage. 105 W. St. Clair. HOUSES—TO LET. | FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, north; hardwood floors, long living room, open fireplace. Will rent till April 1; 850 per month. Address A No. 1576. Times. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LETT UNFURNISHED four rooms. Call E. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. ROOMS—TO LET. MERIDIAN, 643 N.; visitors, (1.80 per night; three blocks north of postofflce. Men only. Circle 3413. SHELBY st., 2585) furnished sleeping room;' strictly modern; near Garfield park. Frospeot 6114. NINETEENTH - st!! - 8U B.; two unfur nished rooms; private entrance; light, heat and gas. ROOM In strictly modern apartment for two gentlemen; walking distance. Main ■ 15L ) .•''OR RENT—Room next to bath in com fortable home north. Phone North 1 .4*. 1 .VO modem sleeping rooms, close in. 640 E. New York street. Call Circle 5063. ALABAMA, 709 north; G. A. R., can ac commodate ,four. Main 9428. NICE sleeping room for rent. 116 West St. Clair, Circle 6733. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET~ DOWNTOWN room* for rent with board for two gentlemen. Prospect 6845. BROOKSIDE ave., 1827. Room and board to let. Woodruff 1596. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. ; NATURAL THERAPEUTICS INSTITUTE Suits 59c "When Bldg., Indianap olis Ind. The only institution of its kind in Indiana and second in the United States and Canada where Ihe suffering men, women and children find a true relief and permanent cure from Acute and Chronic ailment by pure natural methods of treatment and diet. Lady attendant. Phene Main 9017. DB, S. PEXCHEFF, M. TANARUS., N. D. Natureopathy, Swedish Massage Baths and 'general treatments. Thorough satisfaction. 119 East Ver mont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. m Optician ana Optometrist. Eyes examined and (lasses 'A/ V J furnished. Open evenings 9^o until 8 p. in. MEISTKR & STEWART. 668 Mass. Ave. VIOLET Kay and Swealap massage. MISS DE VERE. 17 H W, Ohlfe. Main 8873. , OETECTIVES. ~ Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 526-529 Law bldg. Main 2902, DON'T GRIEVE. If you really want It back, Insert a small ad In the "Lost and jFound” col- I kmns of The Times and It will soon be I Returned. Phone Alain 3500. Auto. 83-851. I MALE HELP—WANTED. LAFAYETTE MOTORS COMPANY MARS HILL, Indianapolis 7 all-round sheet metal men. .2 first-class tinners. Telephone Belmont 2670. First Mars Hill cars leave Maryland and Capitol ave. at 6:40 A m. Other cars leave Wash ington and Illinois sts. hourly. OTEIIEUCEO WINDOW mm. rare hikes MEED APPLY. APPLV CITY WOSPITAL BOY, 15 to 17. for bank messen ger; good salary; chance for ad vancement; reference required. INDIANA NATIONAL BANK. * WANTED—OFFICE BOY. See Mr. Bruner, editorial department Indiana Daily Times. RAILWAY malt cleoks are offered 51, 666 entrance salary with promotions to 12,500. For full particulars and a course •f preparation call or write INDIANA CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. 157 North Illi nois street Suit# 207. _ EXPERIENCED CHINA and furniture packer, good hours and stsady work. FRANK BHELLHOUBE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO., Twenty-Fifth and Central. COLORED chauffeurs and helpers for work In moving van. Only experienced men need apply. FRANK SHBLLHOUSE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE CO. NON-UNION PLASTERERS Call Washington 278 MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washlng ton st,; Indianapolis, Ind. Clrole 757. ENERGETIC and ambitious messengers, age 16 to 19. Phone Prospect 42. Ask for R. C. V. ELECTRICIAN for Inside house wiring; good wages to right man. Call Wood ruff JS6L TINNER—A. WEINLAND, 956 " Ft Wayne ave. Main 3638. SALESMEN—WANTED! Ten Live Stock-SalesmenWanted If you want to sell one of the beat selling stocks you have ever sold, a stock that you can sail to your relatives as wall as to ths public, call and ese u, we will acquaint you with our proposition and shew you one of our small Individual Ice ma chines In operation, does ths work without power and practi cally no cost. Don’t delay, but see us today. Stock selling fast. Arctic Ice Machine Cos., 40 Virginia ave. SALESMEN This is a splendid opportunity for energetic salesmen acquainted with city or surrounding territory, to make a good connection with a live organization. Apply No. 210 People’s Bank WANTED—Stock salesmen to place a dividend paying stock of the highest class. Apply, between 10 a. m. and 12. THE SPACKW MACHINE AND TOOL C 0.7 627 Knights of Pythias bulidlhg. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for flret clasn dividend paying securities of old established Indiana corporation. Call at room 610 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. AG ENTS--W ANTED. SOLICITORS Bldg. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Indiana Bell Telephone Company New York and Merldtkn Bts. A profitable vocation of Interest to beginners In business life. <SIRL FOR WRAPPING DESK. MUST BE OVER 16. GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. STOUT’S, 318 MASSA CHUSETTS AVE. EWEiIEBSKD TELEPMIHKE MMTOIS FUR TOUT win. HMi, ii®j ms LAUI9DRV. mu CITY HOSPITAL. 50 WOMEN to peel tomatoes Take Minnesota car to Churchman Ave. Ilagelskamp Bros. & Haverskamp \ GIRLS, 15, FOR HIGH-GRADE DRESSMAKING; PERMA NENT WORK; CALL AT ONCE. M. BELLE DUBUC, 407 HUME-MANSUR BLDG. Counter Girls. x Fletcher Case. GROCERY Clark; must be experienced and able to handle good money. Call M&ln 7599 days and Sunday. North 9017 after 7 p. m. GIRL for general housework to go home nights; family of three In apartment. Call Circle 3_546._ ________ BOOKKEEPER for downtown firm; op portunity for advancement. Address M, Ko. 1644, Times. JOB press feeders! WM. b! BCRFORD. 23 IV. Pearl street. WANTED—FEMALE. SITUATION desired; home work; clerical, for high school graduate; good pen man. Irvington 2258. HOUSEKEEPING by lady 60. 4409 Schofield avenue, T AILO RS~ and cleaners! CLEANING—PRESSING—REPAIRING (work called for) Gent’s suits cleaned and pressed. Ladles' suits cleaned and pressed. All work, guaranteed. FLETCHER AVE. GARMENT CLEANERS. 1035 Fletcher ave. Prospect 468. THE shortest distance between two wants is a Times Want ad. Your customers use them. Why don't you 7 AUTOMOBILES FOR RALE. - v SEPTEMBER CLEARANCE SALE OF RECONSTRUCTED CARS It’s the IB MS ©MIKE to get the right kind of used cars at a / LOW PRICE Every car of reliable qual ity and well finished, be cause each one is complete ly reconstructed in our own shops. To reduce our stocks we are making sweeping conces sions in price. It’s the big chance. 1919 Cole Aero 8, refin ished cherry red, equipped with four brand new cord tires and one spare. Price $2,250. 1920 Davis Coupe, refin ished dark blue with cream wheels. This car is equipped with Kelly- Springfield cord tires. Looks and runs like new. Price $2,000. 1917 Chalmers 6 touring, refinishtfd Napier green has new top and curtains. Is a wonderful buy at $975. , ::: 1918 Maxwell Roadster, refinished dark green with cream wheels. This car has brand new top. Price $625. 1918 Mitchell 6 touring car, retinished dark green with cream wheels. This car is in elegant condition. Price $985. 1917 Cole 8 touring car, rplinished dark green with ' cream wheels. This car is in elegant shape, equipped with five cord tires. Price $1,150. 1920 Maxwell touring, re finshcd Napier green, tires all good. l > ric' $895. 1916 Overland C touring ear, equipped with 0 good tires, almost new top; in elegant condition. Price $550. Terms if desired 418-24 North Capitol avenue. “It pays to see us be fore buying.” CLEANUP SALE OF USED CARS. - Bulck touring. 191*. Dodge roadsters, 1913, Oakland Sedan. 1919. Maxwell roadster, 1917. Highlander 6. 1913. Monroe Touring. 191*. Chevrolet Touring. 1318. Maxwell Touring. 1918. Ford Sedan. 1918 Many other ears. All have been re built; cash or terms. * INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALKS CO. 285 N. Penna st. Main 2346. MAXWELL TOURING 1918 Model in A-l running condition. Am leaving town and will sacrifice at $395 cash if sold by Sunday. First first served. West 24th street or call North 6223. Better hurry! Will demonstrate fully. 1918 LEXINGTON touring car, A real buy at the price we ask. THE MOTOR MART 140 N, Delaware. Main 18*4* FORDS—FORDS—FORDS' Fords of all kinds at all prices. Small payment down, balance In 12 months. Tourings, roadsters, speedsters, coupes sedans, etc. A guarantee of 80 days Is given with everjj car that leaves bur salesroom. Our prices are right and our square dealing m *'hods aro known throughout the state. A Ford bought here results in 'another on© of our many satisfied customers. Don't delay, but buy today. , WEISbMAN'S, 212-14 B. New York St. Main 4446. 1917 FORD TOURING starter block; In A-l phapo throughout. THE MOTOR MART H N, Delaware. Main 1954. 8109. 8125. 3150 down will buy a good used car. We have Fords, Maxwells. Bulcks, Dodges and others. In fine shape, that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. ... J N P. I^^ POLIB auto parts. 618 N. Capitol. Open evenlnga MAXWELL, late 1918 touring; five good tire* and In excellent running condi tion at a -bargain. 30 North Oxford st., or phone Woodruff 4044. MONROE roadster. completely over hauled, ready to drive away, $350 on easy payment plan. DIETZ JAMES, 334 East Market. Main 6716. 'IF YOU are in the market for a good uvea car better hc© our line first East Market street. E nfin? E Ji', tO'U'Yfff: good 'tires —and 0710. CHEVROLET ''49o" touring; good tiros? Tames* ,< !t*e ‘G de ' ilred dietz- JAME3, 334 East Market. Main 6718. CHEVROLET F. A. roadster; just been thoroughly overhauled and la good shape, 431 North Capitol avenue. * w^. U e r? : * a r* aln ls eo,d a t once. 431 North Capitol avenue. MajFweLl mYTin good me chanical condition. Call at 431 North Capitol avenue. CHEVROLET roadster, Saxon touring Circle e^or*” 01 * 4 S * d,ln " Cail after *• EMPIRE touring; motor in A-l shine - bargaiq. 431 North Capitol avenue. ’ INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. Losers Weepers, Finders Keepers, But Not So When You Do As This Man Did Sept. 19. 1920, City. To Classified Ad. Dept., In diana Dally Times. Dear Sir—l will call Monday evening and settle for Satur day's ad I had phoned from Beech Grove regarding lost pocketbook with three Big Four pay checks in It. Party In Itv lngton reported finding it to Meyer-Klser bank and I wan so overjoyed In finding it that I forgot about your ad. But f just the same I want to thank yo\ for your effort In my behalf. Again thanking you I remain yours truly, J. F. SAGIf, 58 North Sherman drive. o NATIONAL TOURING 1917 model. Better see this. THE MOTOR MART. 140 17. Delaware. Main 1984. TEETOR SPECIAL SPEEDSTER In A-l shape. Teejor motor. This car Is special built all the way through. If you want something good and something fast, bring |276 to .48 West Twenty-fourth street and rlile home in a "real” speed wagon. Telephone North 6223. 1918 FORD COUPE starter and light*. Priced for a quick sal*. THE MOTOR. MORT 140 X. Delaware. Main 1984. REO touring, extra winter top; a real bargain. 431 North Capitol avenue. OVERLAND 98 touring car; mechanically perfect. 411 North Capitol avenue. MAXWELL 191*. touring; good condition. 431 North Capitol avenue. ' AUTOMOBILES—WANTED! WANTED AUTOMOBILES. 106 CARS AT ONCE. LARGEST BUYERS AND BELLER3 OF USED CARS IN THE STATE. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE COMPANY. 518 N. CAPITOL MAIN 2628. AUTO. J2-61*. AUTOS WANTED We pay high cash prices for used cars. No delay. Quick action. ' AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO. 555 N. Capitol Ave. 1 WANT YOUR CAR * and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 H. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We p*y ch. No delay for your money It !■ here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Main 1879. Auto. 28-0(8. We also buy Junk cars. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES^ • a rii-a-irky NEW BATTERIES FOR ANY CAR. REBUILT BATTERIES AT BARGAIN PRICES. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO.. 807 MASS AVE. MAIN 3145. _OFKN UNTIL 9 P. M. AUTO FAINTING' WORK GUARANTEED. REA SON ABLE. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty, 122-134 Ndrth Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry REBUILT TIRES, guaranteed 4,000 miles, nsw tires and tubes; vulcanising that gives satisfaction. DOWNTOWN JHIH SHOP. 35 Kentucky ave. Main ONE-MAN auto tops, elds curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO., 1107 Udell street. North 646. AND BICYCLE*. EVANS LIGHTWEIGHT Motorcycles, $150.U0 MEKZ MOTOR CO., HARLEY DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycle* Johnson Motor Wheel* ERNEST HUGHES 684-36 Mass. Ave. _ Main 6404. P for all kinds of motorcycles, FLO) 1.5 PETERMAN, 500 Masss'hu eetts avenue. AUTO* AND TRUCK* FOH HirtC U-DRIVE ’EM. Automobiles rented to drive yourself. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. 331 B. Mfkst st. Maln 6716. AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own~dr77- ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Hooaier Laundry. Rear Keiths theater. Main 6921. BUSINESS SERVICE*. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Every piece, part or screw for any sew ing machine, Machines Rented by week or month. WHITE SEWING __ MACHINE GO. Main 600. Auto. 36-216. 812 Mass. Ave. J . STOVE TRIMMINGS REFLATED. INDIANAPOLIS PLATING CO. .633-5 Kentucky ave. Main 6522. Main 6533. FEATHERS' Bought, sold, renovated. tnattreSses a.nd pillows made to order. E. F BURKLE 416 Mass, ave. Main .1428. Now 28-775,’ HEMSTITCHING and plcotln'g meat; works on all sewing machines. Price $2; personal ohecke 10c extra LIGHT’S MAIL ORDER HOUSE. Box/ 127 Birmingham, Ala. ALL kinds roofs laid and repaired; $4.00 and up; chimneys repaired, gutters painted. INDIANAPOLIS TINNING AND FURNACE REPAIRING CO. Woodruff 6219. J SAFETYIRAZOIt BLADES '' sharpened. TUTTLEDGE, 201 Indiana ave. If your clock is not running phone Circle 4807. M. R. Shearn. 11l North Ala bama. REAL ESTATE—FOR B*LE. S. W,. CORNER NORWOOD & NEW JERSEY. Six-room house, gas, city water, corner lot on paved street, close in; 8500 down, balance as rent. Call P. V. Matkln, Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995.' Auto. 28-295. Evenings, North 7013. 77 EAST Six-room cottage, close to good car line; good condition, electric lights, city water In house, and gas. Good lot and fruit trees, 33,700; SSOO cash and balance easy terms. See Mr. Mdlnteer, with I. N. Richie & Son. Main 520. 151 E. Market St. Irv. 3597. fJOwL"" Tv; —YV) hi Morton place, I have a (i mA\ 111 wonderful bargain for the \ 7 11 y ii I right party In a property UL-. ' -*'* with eleven rooms; com pletely furnished throughout; everything goes; exceptionally flattering terms; In vestigate this. It will pay you. GEO. A. LUCAS. 405 People’s Bank Bldg. Auto, 31-172, Circle 6600. MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. East Washington car. A Kruse steel welded furnace. Fine hardwood floors; beautifully decorated. New. Price 56,200. Terms. W. 1,. BRIDGES, 386-9 K. of P, Bldg. Main 4114. Evenings, call Irvington 1667. Bungalow North Five rooms and bath, furnace, lights, f;as, sewer, city water; near Illinois car Ine, 34,260. Will consider terms. Marion County State Bank BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot, half square of Maple road boulevard (*Bth st.), only two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; 110 cash. 31.50 weekly. Price only 3625. Get busy. 646 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. 1200 CASH. Five-room bungalow, northeast; bath and furnace; three rooms; hardwood floors. Price 33.400. W. L BRIDGES. Main 4114. 331 K. of P. Evenings, call* Woodruff 7219 Ten-room house; good corner; close In; hardwood floors throughout; two bath rooms. Price 37.000; 32,000 cash. BRANDON’ & JAMESON, 127 N- Delaware It. Main 6763. 3300 CASH, Tl3 MONTH? Now Vacant. 571 Vinton. 3-room cottage; electric lights; property In good condition. HENRY * ROBINS, REALTORS 163 East Market. * Main 6531. A SPLENDID six-room modern home lo cated on E. Twenty-fourth st. near College, hardwood floors, built-in features; a good home: reasonable price and terms. Washington 1079. A NEW never occupied bungalow located near Thirty-eighth street blvd.; has ftve rooms and breakfast room; hardwood floors; bullt-tn festurea; fine wooded lot; garage. Washington 1679. HAVE buyer for. bungalow north Home near Holy Cross pariah, and cottage* of all deacrtptlons. List your property for sale with u* RUSSE H. HARTMAN, 234 North Delaware. A NEW naver occupied colonial home; strictly modern, big lot. choloa loca tion north; very liberal- terms. Wash ington 1079. FOR KALE—Four-room house: cellar. summer kitchen, wood and coal house, stable and five extra lota, all adjoining. Addraas Box 83, Seymour, Ind. BY owner, lot Juat north of Brookslda car line on Dearborn; 36061 take Ford car In good condition part payment. 941 Highland avetiife. A DANDY six-room modern home; good location, big lpt. only 35.060 if sold within ten days; reasonable term*. Wash ington 1071. N 6 RTH W K FT. am all and oubi e"7n first-cUs'i condition. Newly painted and papered. Small payment down, balance like rent. Owner. North 2433. A DANDY six-room modern horse; good location, -hi* lot. only 16.660 It sold within ten days; reasonable terms. Wash Ington 1079. HOUSE and two lots near Brookslds boulevard or Seventeenth street, 3939 Price tl 266. Phone w,, -j-fr k ;o, n }. 1 HAVE alt kinds of homes on south aids; singles and doubles Cash or payment* Call Prospect 61*4 after 4 p. m. WE have calls for small homes. List your property with COOPKR A AMEK. 138 Umcli, Bldg Main 3776. TWO bouses for sale or trade for a 6- room modern In suitable location; for Information call Harrison 2214. A FINE eight-room strictly modern home on Carrollton ave., built-in features; big ■’ i* ; B EVEN-ROOM modern?" 3206 "down? bat ancs Itke rent. Call E. H. HOLTAM, t7l. ___ FIVE-ROOM bouse; good oondltlon; west side; SIOO cash, balance monthly. Call North 941. iNDI AN A TRUST CO. Sella real asiata, collects rent, writes fire Insurance. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two lots 140x100 feet sat h with three 4-room houses and modern blacksmith shop with two rooms built on. gtnerul repair shop with gasoline motor, band saw. considerable material on hand; all lo cated In the heart of the business section of Fisher, Arkansas. On:> blacksmith shop In twenty miles. . Present owner been there ten years; now wants‘to come back to Indiana. *h!e native state. Will sacrifice tor 13,000 or trade for property In Indlanapolle or Indiana farm land or etock of groceries of value. All buildings are In exaellent repair and the ground, buildings and material well worth 33,500. Address MR. BARROWS, oaro INVEST ORS BANKING SERVICE CORPORA TION. 11! East Market street. REAL ESTATE—SUBURBAN, LARGE, beautiful lota In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; fi down. 31 week. Wilt take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE. 1002 City Trust. Main 915. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HOUSES WANTED LOCATED SOUTH OR WEST We hare buyers waiting who must have homes quick. en*h or payments plan. FARMERS TRUST CO. Main 51*. Evenings, Woodruff 6296. FOUR or flve-roora semi-modem house. near car line, give price and particu lars Tuesday and Wednesday. Cash buy er, Address F.. 108 West Tenth street. I WANT to buy a 5 or 6-room house west of White river In good neighborhood, about 32,500; 3300 cash, balance monthly. Call_Woodrufr 5812. DOUBLE north or east by party willing to pay cash for a good homo. Prefer modern. Addrese A No. 1577, Times. FARMS—FOB SALE. BEST BARGAIN IN ALABAMA 860 acres In Baldwin county, Alabama; 800 acres cleared, stumped, fenced and in crop; 560 ncres woodland in young pins. Located on Pensacola Bay. Mlnette bard road, within 8 miles of railroad station of Gateswood; several tenant hounos. dwell ing houses anil good barn; almost level, well watered and perfectly drained; clay subsoil; a fine proposition for all crops. Pris*. 330.000; terms, SIO,OOO cash, $lO,- 000 in five years, and 310,000 in ten years; 7 per cent interest; title perfect; write ua about this at once. R. K. L. McCASKILL CO. DeFuniak Springe, Florida. LA N'IXiLOOY, special number. Just out containing 1920 facts of Clover Land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for & home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at or.oe for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It is free on request. Address SKID MORE-RIKHLK LAND COMPANY. 118 Skidmore-Riehlo bldg., Marinette, Wls. BUSINESS CHANCE*. CONFECTIONERY, adjoining picture theater; fully equipped; good proposi tion. small investment. H. & M. SALES SERVICE, 312 Indiana Trust. Main 6773. "" trucks—/OR SALE. FOR SALE-—Acme 2-ton 1919 Acme truolt. It can be handled with a little money. WILLIAM MORRIS, 601 Livingston ave. DID YOU SELL ITT It not, try the automobile column* of The Times want 0 4a. . * MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE, Match Your Coat with a pair of [ 1 * TROUSERS j THE PANTS \ / STORE CO. 1 f Tiwo Stores l J 48 W. Ohio. J3 0L 110 E. Market. §F Yg Close 6 P. M. Saturday 9 P. M. Quit Wearing Ready-Made FIIII frg.oo IVe make them to jJ your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. NEW YORK. Up one flight. WOOD, rough kindling wood, Nordyke & Marmon Cos., factory Kentucky and Morris; 31.00 a load one-horse wagon; 32.00 a load, two-horse wagon. Haul it yourself. Call at employment office for pass. FOR SALE—One set LaSalle Extension University Higher Accountancy text books; reasonable. Prospect 4971. FOR SALE—Walnut, oak and poplar tlin ber. J. M. GRENARD, Brownsburg, ■:id. NEW tin cans for canning; 50c dozen? 1609 Spruce street. Prospect 1363. BOSS hand washing machine, 312. 227 South State. Prospect 2091. FOR SALfr—Gas range. Harrison 2696. ONE butcher's meat box? Call E? B? HOLTAM. Prospect 771. MISCELL ANEO U B—W ANT ED. Attention , We need all kinds of furniture, and need it now. We have the largest and best rated used goods store In this state. Call our btfyer and get what your goods are worth. Baker Bros. Auto. 23-166. Main 3466. LEW SHANK pays beet-prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2021. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AN ADVICE where to buy a stove If you want A GOOD STOVE, A GUARANTEED STOVE, A FINE-LOOKING STOVE, A STOVE TO HEAT THE ROOMS OR TO BAKE YOUR GOOD BREAD OR PASTRY, FOR AS LITTLE MONEY AH POSSIBLE. GO TO THE STORE THAT IS WELL KNOWN FOR GOOD TREATMENT, NEVER MISREPRESENT ING THEIR MERCHANDISE AND FOR THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. GLAZEK <44 E Washington. STOVES OF ALL W E WANT TO BUT good furniture, rags, office and store flx tur*A We pay mors than other dealers Call Coopertder. USED HOODS STORE. Main 2m. ___ WE have the largest stock of the best heating stoves In the city. Any make you want at about half the cost of new; Juat w* good aa naw. Also linoleum for 90c to 11.75 per yard. Term* to suit. KROOT & KROOT. 609 West Wash ington. ~ "GOOD .used'RUGS. ' We have the largest selection lit Indi anapolis of high-grade uned rugs; all sixes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. INVAIJD CHAIRS and crutches to rent, free delivery to all parts of city; in valtd chairs 33 60 per month. BAKER BROS., TWO Chambers flreleas cooking gas ranges Cash or payments. BAKER BROS.. 216 E. Wash, at. TWO double oven reataurant ranges. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS, 219 E. Washington st. RADIANT HOME—If you want a Rad iant Home baseburnar, on payments, go to H IK ER BROS. ROUND OAK—If you want a Hound Oak heater, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. _ _ _ _ TWO Urge grocer’s tea bones. 6 feet long. BAKER BROS., 319 K. Washington. MODEL—If you want a Model hotblast on payments, go to BAKER BROS. JEWEL; If you want a Jewel baseburner on payments, go to BAKER BROS. LAUREL—If you want a Laurel hotblast, 'on payments, go to BAKER BROS. PALACE—If you want a Palace hotblast, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. IF YOU want any kind of stove, go to BAKER BROS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SBSO CIIICKEKING UPRIGHT PIANO Large size, beautiful mahogany rase. Can net be told from new. Big bargain at $450 cash or payments. or phone Mr. Gray at PEARSON PIANO CO. 12* N. Pennsylvania. Main 1309. Apollo Player Piano Beautiful fumed oak case with bench and 29 inualo rolls; big buy at 85*5. Easy | payment*. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. WE HAVE several pianos of standard make Edison, VlctoV, Paths. Columbia and other phonographs, and several music boxes to close out cheap. Cash or pay ments. BAKER BROS., 219 E. Wash ington. NEW records for Victor and Columbia machines; 68n while they last. ROB ERTSON'S MUSIC HOUSE. 423 Massa ) ohusetta avenue. I RECORDS; good records of any make you desire, 40c. BAKER BROS.. 219 E. Washington. BEGINNERS violins, mandolins, guitars, bargains. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana Ave. FINE player piano. S4O down and 84 per week. North 4221. PET STOCK AND PQuLTRyP~ ANGORA kittens. See the cute catlets at 4828 Washington boulevard. Wash lngton 494. PET wolf caught In Indiana. Call Pros pcot 4126. L!VE STOCK ANDVEHICLE3. SIX-YEAR-OLD black Jersey cow. Phone Prospect 9636. COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. HARD COAL Biff Four Elevutor Sherman Drive and Big 4 R. R _ Phone 6878. ILLINOIS LUMR ..... iloToif L. H. BAIN COAL C<_ Main 2161. Main 3531. GOOD furnace wood and good cook - wood Call Woodruff 5191. TRANIBFER AND STORAGE^ GT7 VKL7 STORAGE CHEAPEST ( j \y/ RATES IN CITY. CALL 1 I if Ls - Everything at rea sonable price. Packed. Ml 11 Shipped anywhere. Li Locked room if desired. 3ii West Henry. ■' Main 4600. CALL SHANK for the neat service in hauling, packing, chipping ands trag. 827-229 North New Jersey St. Mein 2028. fTnanciaG WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON, 108 N. Delaware t. Main 1618. FINANCIAL. A/VWWVSAA^WVVWWweA/Wi^^^^^V^ Use Our Service OPEN AN ACCOUNT V , WITH US sloo—s2oo—s3oo Investigate our easy-to-pay Twenty-Payment Pjan Loans. Get 350, pay back 32.50 a month. Get SIOO, ’’ ” $5.00 ’’ ” With Interest at 314 per cent a month. Pay faster If you like less cost. For example: Pay a SSO loan in full In One Month. TOTAL COST $1.75. On Furniture. Pianos. Victrolas, etc., without removal. ALSO ON DIAMONDS. ETC. Call, phone or write. v Indiana Collateral Loan Cos. (Bonded Lenders.) ESTABLISHED 1887. 201 LOMBARD BUILDING, 24 14 EAST WASHINGTON ST. ' Main 3280. Auto. 26-736. We Slave It , Money on personal property. If you are keeping house and have furniture, piano, Vlctrola or auto, see us for finan cial assistance. Quick service, courteous treatment. Ask us about terms on SSO, s£oo, S2OO or S3OO You don’t have to give an excuse or reason for borrowing money. That is our bustness. We are under state super vision and will give you the lowest legal rate. State Loan Cos. 305 Odd Fellow Bldg. Cor. Penn, and Wash. Sts. , Phones: Main 4619. New 24-629. LgANSPON DIAMONDS Burton Jewelry Cos. 61 Monument Place. INSURANCE In all branches? AUBRET D PORTER, 916 PeCples Bank Bldg. Main 7049. BACON RETAINED BY METHODISTS Few Changes Made by Vin cennes Conference. C, E. Bacon has been retained as sup erintendent of the Indianapolis district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ac cording to on announcement made at the Southern Indiana Conference at Vin eennee today. - Few changes were made In the Indian apolis district. The list of assignments in the district follows: Beech Grove and Brooklyn, A. J. Spaulding; Castleton and Union, Charles Reed; Cumberland, R. D. Stew art; Glenns Valley, J. N. Plnehfln ; (Jreen- WOO 4, H. Brigbtmlre; Henninger, Dallas Church; Barth Flace, C. R. Stout; Blaine Avenue, C. L. Griffith; Bright wood. Roy Ragsdale; Broad Ripple, W. S. Biddle; Broadway, \V. D. Farmer; Capitol avenue, J. E. Mnrr; Central ave nue, o. W. Fifer; East Tenth. <4. S. Hen ninger; East Park, IT. H. Sheldon; Edge wood, W. D. Wood; Edwin Ray, F. A. Steele; Fletcher Place, Philip Oorys; Fountain street, H. O. Klsner; Grace, C. E. Cline; Hall Place, Horace Sprague; Heath Memorial, Elmer St. Clair; Maple Rotul, J. H. Doddridge; Meridian Street, to be supplied; Merritt Place, C. M. Kroft; Morris Street, E. R. Robertson; Roberts park, O. M. Smith; School Street and Bellaire, E. M. Baker; Trinity, O. N. Wilson; Tuxedo, C. C. Bohnell; Wesley Chapel, E. R. Lewis; West Wash ington, W. E. Cissha; Woodsiile, C. H. Rose; Maywood anl Siloain, to be sup plied-, McClainsviile, S. L.- Walker; Mooresville, E. Z. Hutchins; Mt. Auburn, R. E. McWilliams; Southport and Madi son avenue. Homer Mamuel; Waverly Circuit, B. B. Sap; West Newton, James Hlxon; Whlteland, Leo Andrews. 9 Arrested in Coal StrikeJtioting: Case JASPER, Ala., Sept. 20.—James Jones, alias ‘ Buckshot Jones.” his three sons. John Taylor and W. C. Brann, and three negroes are in jail today charged with Implication In the coal strike rioting last week, which resulted In the 1 death of Leon M." Adler, general manager of the Corona Coal Company, the son of Morris Adler, millionaire mine owner of Bir mingham. Other nrresto In connection with the Adler killing will be made. Sheriff Guth rie of Walker County, announced. ' Marriage Licenses Aral Kimble. 607 N. Liberty st J 6 Sarah Allen, 217 E. North 5t........ 31 Nick Antollnakis. 421 Now York st... 28 Eileen Current, 1421 New York st 24 Silas Clements, 433 E. Washington st.. 66 Stella Collins, 107 N. New Jersey st.. S7 Francis Horkman, Martinsville, Ind... 34 Dora Croddy. Martinsville, Ind 34 Jamas Shaw, 182014 E. Washington st. 36 Gertrude Roy. 18204 E. Washington st. 34 Thomas Whbb, 132 ff Leo st 26 Etta Patterson, 326 S. Harrison st... 26 Roy Ambler, Palace Hotel 28 Jennie Shaw, 917 S. Chadwick st 18 Births Alexander and Edna Metzger, St. Vin cent’s Hospital, boy. Ralph and Wilmet Pope, 4921 Broad way. boy. Milo and Pearl Anderson, City Hospital, girl. , William and Mary Buis, 643 East Nine teenth. girl. Ethan and Ethel Stemen, Co lumbia. girl. James and Bridge Gallagher, 1118 Blaine, boy. Walter and Josephine Stotts. 316 Vir ginia. girl. Orpheus and Elizabeth Scott. 3204 Vir ginia, girl. Arthur and Margaret Bush. 602 Weg horst. girl. Raymond and Mary McKinney, 863 4 N. Tuxedo, boy. Walter and Sophia Lutz, 2155 Winter, girl. John and Cecil" Fletcher. 1682 Central, boy. Edgar and Fronia Towell, 610 Temple, boy. Charles and Edna Cratiras, 738 N. New Jersey, girl. Frank and Frances Tharp, Thirty- Seventh and Oxford, girl. James and Bertha Curtis. 516 Blake, boy. , Alvy and Allie Lowe, 289 W. McCarty, boy. Asserd and Genevieve Kayraan, Meth odist Hospital, boy. Henry and Lillian. Baxter, Methodist Hospital, girl. DeForest and Alma Arbuckle, 606 E. North, boy. Frank and Virginia Reno. 2824 Walker, boy. Ivan and Uiah Leonard. 1106 E. Ver mont, girl. John and Anna Blackwell, St. Vincent’s Hospital, hoy. Jesse and Edith Holmes, St. Vincent’s Hospital, boy. Walter and Margaret Ktbler, St. Vin cent's Hospital, boy. Deaths Hannah Murphy, 38, 857 Tremont, acute cardiac dilatation. John W. Fletcher. 1 day. 1534 >4 Cen tral, premature birth. Ella Frances DiUow, 54. 3183 North western, acute cardiac dilatation. Catherine! Dobbelhoff. 75, 520 E. Ver mont. .chronic myocarditis. Susanna Shields, 88. 2756 Bellefontatne, Chronic myocarditis. Marjorie A. Greer, 8 months, 82$ Glad stone, acute gastro <.terltt,. OFFICIALS’ PAY CUT OFF IN HAITI United States Protests Viola tion of 1915 Treaty. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2b.—The United States has informed Haiti that the sal-; aries ci her president and other offlical* have been withheld because the island republic failed to abide by treaties mad*' with this government, it was said at the State department today. Haiti’s protest came when charges were made that the American forces occupying Haiti and San Domingo were treating the natives badly and that the National City Bank of New York was “financial arbiter of Haiti.” A treaty signed between the United States and Hajtt-'goon after American murines occupied the island in 1915, It was said, provided for reforms and methods of administration and put an American adviser in control of the re public’s finances. According to the State Department the Haitten congress recently passed several laws in violation of the treaty and refused to pass others to kill the bills. STREET RAILWAY REQUEST IGNORED Service-at-Cost Petition Gets No Answer. No action has yet been taken by the Public Service Commission cf Indian*'" on the petition of the Indianapolis Street Railway-€ompany, filed last April, In which they petition for a service-at cost plan. The commission apparently is ignoring promises made since E. I. Lewis, chair man, returned from the last “leg” of his numerous vacations, that the order, set ting forth relief in some manner, would be forthcoming within a few days. Mr. Lewis stated many weeks jtgo that “the order could be written now. but I would rather wait until I can hoid a con ference with officials of the street car company and with Samuel Ashby.” Regardless*. of the fact that much time has transpired during which ample opportunity for a conference was af forded. the order is still a negligible quantity. It was stated two weeks ago that as soon us Glen Van Auken and Fred Bates Johnson, commissioners, returned from their vacations, that the order would be written. Today, however. Inquiry for the statua o/ the “service-at-ost” petition revealed the fact that It is now just where it was when Mr. Lewis left for Chicago for the first of his 192(f vacations. No idea pould be given at the offices of the commission as to when the order would be written. HIDE KING TAKES LIFE ON STEAMER Grand Rapids Man, Finan* cially Involved, Is Suicide. DETROIT, Mich., Sept. 20.—Bair Cro hon of Grand Rapids, tseasurer of tho firm of Crohon & Roden with head quarter* in Boston, and known during the war as the millionaire hide king be cause of his heavy speculations In bides, was found dying in his stateroom aboard the steamer Western States which arrived here from Cleveland today. He had taken carbolic acid and died at the receiving hospital here a short time after the body was discovered. From newspaper clippings found In his pocket It is believed Crohon wu at tempting to dodge a grand Jury warrant Issued in Boston charging him with grand larceny of 545.972. According to the clippings he had bor rowed large sums of money from tho Anglo-South American bank In Boston, He was arrested last Monday in Grand Rapids and at his request was allowed to go alone to-Boston to face the charge. Arrested with him was Phil Paris, also said to be of Grand Rapids. Instead of going to Boston, Crohen went to Corey, Pa., where last Saturday he attempted to commit suicide by tak ing gas, according to notes found In hla pockets. In one note he told of this attempt at suicide and said he was going to Cleve land and from there to Detroit by whter. lie requested that If his body was found It should be sent to his wife at Grand Rapids. He said he bright a raiqy In Cleve tnnd and officials believe this was In another attempt at suicide. One note, which It is believed was written only a day or two dayß ago, read: “This is plain suicide. Send body to Mrs. Bair Crohon, 14SS Milton street, Grand Rapids. Board Gives ’Em Time to Make More Money On complaint of property ewners that they have Just completed paying their Barrett Law installments on the original pavement, the board of public works to d*ty postponed until Oct. 25 final action on a resolution for the resurfacing of Maryland street from Blackford to West streets. Plans were ordered for the permanent improvement of the first alley west oft Dickson street from the first alley sonth of Market to Springdale street, and for cement sidewalks and curbs under pri vate contract on the south side of Georgia street from Cook to Liberty streets. Bids were received as follows: Cement walks In Y\Tnthrop avenue between Forty- Fourth and Forty-Sixth streets, W. C. Hatstend, $1.99V4 a lineal foot; local sewer in Buckingham drive from Illinois street to Boulevard place, Columbia Con struction Company, $7.57 a lineal foot Rustic Quarrel Ends in Slaying of Four HALIFAX. N. F., Sept. 20—Five llvea ' l ' r £lft—l° s t in the village of Sampson’s Cornerfe. the result of a rustic quarrel over property rights. Havelock V-eniot, objecting to the ac quisition of his property by outsiders, shot and killed his father, Havelock Ve nlot, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Ritchey and Abner Snyder. A half hour later he shot himself. Veniot, authorities say. had shown signs of being npentnlly unbalanced and his condition was agggrnTated when his father agreed to lease a part of hla propery to thk Richeys. ‘Vacation Strike’ of Miners Comes to End WILKESBAR'RE, Pa.. Sept. 20.—An thracite miners resumed work today, end ing their ‘ vacation Strike,” which was called because of dissatisfaction with tha wage award of President Wilson’s coal commission. ‘The walkout started Sept 1. ' X Moat of the companies reported all their mines operating with normal forces today. Russians Reported Retreating Again LONDON, Sept. 20.—The defense ot the Russian Red troops is crumbling along the southern end of the Polish battle front and ths Russians again are retreat-* ing at several points, according to adk ▼ices from Warsaw today. t 9