Newspaper Page Text
.TAFT SWITCHES y LECTURE TOPIC League af Nations Address Out Attack on i % Wilson. 'Special to The Time#. BLOOMINGTON, Iml., Oct. 21.—Wil liam Howard Taft, former President of the United States, disappointed a great non-partisan audience gathered in the men's gjmqasium of Indiana University last-njght when he devoted practically all of his t wholesale denunciation of the administration. 'The former President had been adver tised to speak bn the League of Nations. ‘‘The issue Involved in the campaign," said Mr. Taft, “is the approval or"the dis approval of Woodrow Wilson." The exercise the President of his constitutional war-time powers without consultation of Congress was severely criticised by Mr. Taft. t The Cabinet was attacked, as being weak and inefficient and lacking the in dependence to act on their own respon sibility. Mr. Taft condemned what he termed the ■“exasperating delays” of the war, due Ito alleged lack of power of adffinistrative fcppointees. liberty loan bond issues were de- because of -he present slump of bonds on the market. my judgment the Escb-Cnmmins Brill is of the greatest constructive ■neasures on the statutes,” said Mr. Taft, Bn defense of the railroad bill, “and it Vwaa placed there by Republican states- Imen.” I The "Democratic candidate was charac- Iterized as purely a politician, but the speaker granted' his good record as Gov ernor <sf Ohio. \ I In his remarks, Mr. Taft ap- Bproachcul the League of Nations, which. Ihe deeltrod, had no place in the cam- . ■paign. B "I was in favor of the league with article 10 and I anj noV.” said the former applause that lasted near ly two minutes, “but,” he added, %fter that his audlenee began to notice ably diminish. “I want it to be ft real lehgne and not an academic ideal.” *■ ■Prohibition Downed I by British Columbia 8 B. C, Oct. 21.—Indica- Hns early foday were that British Uo- Hjfibia had defeated the prohibition rut yesterday'* leferendum. ■The majority against the act was ex- to reach 30.000. El omen took part in the voting. result wli! be a generous policy • ■ the sale of liquor in government shops, ■it not over open bars. Kill the Patted Calf. NSW YOI!K. extra plates were set at Fills Island for tbe fortjKtwo sttfwaways who ar rived aboard the Logan yesterday. The nnexpeeted %cs established a new accord for hidden passengers on one ship. SIO,OOO Hog Is Dead WEBSfItU CITY, lowa, Oct. 21. Chester White, adjudged the grffnd champion boar At the lowa State * Faij this year, and valued at SIO,OOO, dropped dead exercised. He owned by L. L. Lyle of thia city; ; _ ITALIAN KING WORTH 83,500.000. ROME. Oct. 21. —King Victor Emmanuel as estimated the value pf his estate at &AOO.QOOC in compliance with the law stabUshing a\ta>. on patrimony. The ax the <King will pay wifi amount to bout $1,000,000. the Home —With a few cans of "Ny paint or stain and a / couple of good f \ -• any woman can make / * /ttJPI L her a bower of beauty. In a very short y while the home painter will x \?i -hi ia. ■> become so expert that she can paint .anything from a kitchen chair to the interior Is far greater cpmpensa-' tion than the money saved. - Here on the fifth floor ■■n*B®m?SßS*jiuEi£iaß*uMA we have everything in the way of paints, stains and varnishes. Also courteous salesmen who will be pleased to instruct and ad vise how best to use the various materials. Color cards and cir culars-containing much useful Information are yours for the asking. Try Floorlac and Furniture With Floorlac a surface can be stained and varnished at one operation. It is very easy to apply and dries in a few hours. It is used on floors, furniture, woodwork, etc.' Floorlac preserves to the greatest extent the beauty of the natural grain of the wood. It retains its brilliancy—will not fade out to dull and undesirable tones after exposure to sunlight. Floorlac is manufactured" In a variety of shades, designed to imitate the colors of Mahogany, Oak, Walnut, Cherry and other expensive woods. Friday or Saturday SPECIAL OFFER Outfit 1 * for *■* . v% T Fill in and present the cou- COOOOTI pon at our store with 10c FRIDAY or SATURDAY Name/ and receive: 1 can of Address e. Floirtac 30c This coupon and 10c entitle I Gocd quality var- bearer to (4-pint can of Floorlac nish brush 15c and one varnish brush. (Only u one to each purchaser,) Total value 45c ‘ VONNEGUT SSSSSf Wt filw^iwa /#“ 9KIKC jji __ > j^tl^^^(^^| efn ideal-flour for rrrrj jjvSK purpose. Always highest mgj^ iFOTll^HrMijfla^^eCTusjHg^^^l Pihrse Snatcher and Stick-ups Make Hauls A thief snatched a purse containing $lO and valuable papers frbm the band of Theodore Hamilton, 1447 North New Jer sey street, while he was at Thirteenth and Alabama streets, last night. Clarence Craufhaw, negro, 4.867 Draper street, was held up and robbed of $5.10 by tw# white men at Minnesota street and State avenue last night. Burglars .entered the home of J. K. Stephens, 1717 Tacoma avenue, while the omily was away from home, taking a mall sum of money and some key*. M’CULLOCH RAPS HIGHWAY CLAN Charges State Road Machine, • Fights Democrats. * / Special to The Ti-neu NASHVILLE, Ind., Oct. 21.—1n an ad dress here this afternoon, D;\ Qarleton B. McCulloch, Democratic A (,inlnee for Governor charged that a political ma chine organized by the State .Highwsj Commission is fighting the "ticket because it has shown that the com mission is extravagant. “Citizens are naturally indignant on finding that only $55.90 out of every SIOO expended by this commission up to date has gone Into actual road construction,” said the candidate. ' “The counties, moreover, are pointing out that when they had their own auto mobile license fees to keep up their road repairs, the roads were ke>pt in much better shape than at present. DH. M’CULLOCH HAS FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE. • “Having campaigned this State in an automobile, X am iu a position to speak feelingly, and front first-hand knowledge j on the subject. “I know tbc people good roads and roads carefully maintained, but 1 know, too, are very resentful over the way their money has been wasted id excess construction cost. * “When Marlon County can bgllil wider and better roads ah a cost of $6,000 less i per mile than the State Itighfway Commis- j sidn, it is time to reform. “Let us have anew deal in this par- j tiftilar. V J “Let us jntt men on that commission j who are pledged to an honest, conscien- j tious and economical construction of our { highways. MUST GET MOST OUT OF EVEH.V DOLLAR. ✓ “Traffie by truck is becoming so uni versal and the wear and tear on the roads is such an important item that It be comes a solemn duty to get the most out of every dollar we spend in order that we may not be bankrupted by high taxes for these purposes. “Let us all work together for the bet terment of-our roads^ “The prosperity i*r cities and counties alike is closely interwoven with facilities for transportation. “When our railroads are tied up by strikes or coal shortages, good roads are our salvation.” 1 Way to Keep ’Em In! OMAHA, Oct. 21—Mervllle Snyder; , says his wife wouldn’t stay in at night. ! 80 he destroyed all her clothes, j Discharged on promise to buy new 1 clothes. GREENS BURG PIONEER DIES. OREENSBUKG, Ind.. Oct. 21— MfS. Mary Darvis, 90. one of the oldest resi dents of this city, is dead at the home of fcer son, Elmer Davis, here, the result of a broken hip suffered in a fall several weeks ago. TROOPS ORDERED TO LEAVE MINSK To Take Occupation of Vilna Before League. WARSAW, Oct. 21. Poliah troopa which occupied Minsk In defiance of or ders, have been commanded to withdraw, the government announced today. Soviet troopa have compelled the Po! * to group some forces near- the center of the former line, the statement said. * General Pllsudsky announced ns a re ward for bis soldiers he had naked the government to divide reconquered lands among them. It was "reported here seventy-six Ukrainians had been ordered .executed in Odessa when Bolshevist authorities learned of an alleged Ukrainian plot. The Polish government will attempt no negotiations with Lithuania over the oc cupation of the city of Vilna until tho matter has been discussed with the League of Nations, it was announced. Friday Our Bargain Day Brings Greatly Lowered Prices on Girls 3 aim'd Jumiors’ APPAREL “ECHO MAID” REGULATION MIDDY DRESSES FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL Sizes 6 to 16. <S/$3.95 \ \ r Very appropriate and attractive U| f° r school girl arc these'new ~ ~"A Echo Maid Regulation dresses | J J 1 CjTeL of good quality chambray; dark l j 'j )U Copen and green ; trimmed with i I .1 if bright colored emblems and ' l \\ >rsd. V $6.75 quality .. 93.95 #\\! NEW ALL-WOOL jyl • SKIRTS FOR GIRLS Sizes 6 to 14. M. ss .95 Qualifier, Specially —Priced $3.50 The new wool skirts, worn with sweaters or middies are very practical foe the school girl, and they are so pretty, too; in ride plaited or knife plaited models; made of ffcrvifeeable all wool serge; in plaids or checks; $5.95 quality $3.50 •% ~ NEW FALL GINGHAM DRESSES FOB HIRES $1.98 A varied assortment from which to choose, in bright plaids, and pretty color combinations. With long sleeves; regular $3.95 qualities $1.98 —Second Floor. i THE Wm. H. BLOCK CO. 81,et the Joys of a wive* thank us for railing this electrical It enables most unexpected economies in time, labor Arrange With Us for/a FREE TRIAL t in Your Own Home ' You’ll never know how much help the Apex will be in your home until you ’ve zencf one out, try it to, your TELEPHONE OR CALL AT OUR STORE. L ' ■ ■ w' *7ho //ouse> aioctric* Meridian and Maryland Streets Buy Thing* Electric-at an Electric Store. INDIANA -DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. • 7 Schedule Six Corner Meetings ter Tonight i ■ — Men and women speakers are scheduled to make important addresses tonight at neighborhood meetings arranged by the Marlon County Democratic Committee. The following are the speakers and the location of the meetings: River Avenue and Morris—Paul G-, Davia, Mrsi- Isaac Born, Fred Hoke. Southeastern Avenue and Trowbridge Street—Henry Rpaan, Miss Lucy Elliott. Thirteenth and Senate—Oren S_ Hack, Janies E. Eeery. Capitol Avenue and Morris Streets— Chalmer Schlosser, John VV. Holtzman. 2319 East WashingtoirNStreet— Edgar A. Brown. 134 North Pennsylvania Street—Oren S. Hack. BRANCH CLOSED FOR REPAIRS. McCarty Branch Library, 415 West Mc- Carty street, will be closed for one week while it is being redecorated and anew adult department is being added. A nsav lighting system will be In stalled. Tomorrow, Friday, Our Bargain Day ON MJI FUST mm IN AISLE EIGHT A Sale of W hite Hosiery WHITE PURE THREAD SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN, full fashioned, high spliced heels, dou ble soles, silk lisle garter tops, white; sold a few months ago for $3.00, special SI.OO WHITE PURE” THREAD SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN, seam less foot, fashioned leg.'Jlsle garter top, white; sold formerly for $2.00 (3 pairs, $2.00), pair 69^ WHITE FIBER SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN, seamless foot, fash ioned leg, lisle garter tops, white; sold formerly for $1.50, pair. .48^ WHITE CASHMERE HOSE FOR WOMEN, seamless, fully rein forced; $1.16 quality (3 pairs, $2.25), pair 79 0 WHITEWOOL STOCKINGS FOR CHILDREN, fine ribbed seamless, fully reinforced,, sizes 6 to 9}£; 85c to 95c qualities, pair ‘ 50f WHITE STOCKINGS FOR CHILDREN, fine ribbed, seamless, fully reinforced, broken lines 3oc to 45c qualities, pair . 19£ WHITE STOCKINGS FOR INFANTS, fine ribbed, seamless; broken lines of 25c and 35c quali ties, pair 15<* m lira THBBD-IPUJM MISSES’ SCHOOL f SHOES, black gunmetal calfskin, footform last, welt soles; sizes B*4 to 11, $5.50 quality.s3.9B Sizes 41H to 2. syso quality $4.98 GIRLS’ SHOES, black gunmetal calfskin, foot-form last, welt soles, $ll.OO quality \. $7.98 BOYS’ ARMY SHOES, broaa toe, Munson last, heavy welt soles, lace style— Sizes 12 to 134. $5.50 quality . .$4.98 Sizes 1 to 6, $7.00 quality $5.98 F'X A T EXTENSION CURTAIN RODS, extend to 58 inches, strong brack ets and rods; 35c quality (no phone orders), each * 210 CURTAIN MARQUISETTE, SWISS AND VOILE, yard wide, plain and nov elty materials, some with colored figures, various colors, washable; up to 55c qual ities, yard 250 OVERDRAPERY FABRICS, yard wide, plain and figured, various colors, washable; up to $1.50 qualities, yard.s3(* FILET CURTAIN NETS, yard widfk sheer grade clos> woven nets that lamp Her splendidly, neat patterns, ivory shade; 69c quality, yard 480 300 New Fall DRESSES Dresses like these would have sold earlier in the season for $25.00 and $30.00. Friday $1 A .98 For Women Special i— and ‘Misses A• a special favor to visiting school teachers and in order to acquaint them y with the superior value-giving /of The Basement Store, we have marked these dresses at a mere fraction of their worth. Understand, please, that the dresses are new. They have just come in. They have never been on sale before. Included are dresses of tricotines, MM serges, eharmeus4 satins, taffetas, etc. KSgifeji Navy, black, brown, taupe, etc. There are dresses suitable for office, school and BjpP street wear; $25.00 and $30.00 , lJ~\j qualities $14.98 ( Twenty-five> COATS FOR WOkEN AND MISSES, of recontre, t A nr velours, etc. Up to $30.00 qualities . .tp 1 V/. / WOMEN’S AND MISSES APRONS, of percales, bun galow styles with tie effects, Q cut full .size \ t/OC New Trimmed HATS v Special Friday whose excellent materials and clever styles lift them out of the cl&ss of so-calied “bargain hats.” They are takep from our regular stocks to conform with the usual Friday value giving and sold formerly for up to $5.00 and more income cases. RED BROWN NAVY Trimmed with ostrich,, pins, tassels, etc. Spe cial Friday ..... j $3.00 HIE W H. BLOCK C? (01IM TffllM RDM FILET NET CUKTAINS, 2>/ 2 yards long, neat border patterns, strong edges, ivory shade; $2.60 quality, pair ..$1.69 DRAPERY CRETONNES, yard wide, conventional and patterns,' various colorings, washable, up to 12- yard lengths; up to 95c qualities, yard 45^ ®1 FOURTH FLOOR <?—- ■ —-a I Amazingly Fine Trimmed HATS Come Into Our $5.00 Day fThis is a be g u i 1 i ng as sortment o f just the hats most in favor right* no w. Soft, becom ing shapes in - the new au tumn colors, p h e a s ant, navy, copper, 'red, gray and blacky Hats of velvet, brocade, pan ; ne velvet, duvetyn combina tions. Special .$5.00 lU=.3r-r$ : " JUTE STAIR CARPET, 22 inches wide, red or green with banded edges, 85c quality, yard 69<J WILTON VELVET RUGS, 27x54 inches, beautiful oriental patterns In tan, blue, rose or brown, $7.50 quality. .$4.69 ROOM SIZE WILTON VELVET RUGS, size 9x12 feet, heavy, fast col ored, artfstiq oriental patterns, in tan* rose, bine or brown. Only 12 in the lot, so early selection Is advisable. Up to $75.00 qualities, Friday only. (No C. O. D. or _ lay a way orders). .$49.95 GRASS RUGS, size 4V>x7V£ feet, pretty stenciled deigns j n green, brown or blue, up to $5.75 qualities, Friday only $3.98 CHINESE JUTE RUGs’aT HALF PRICE, plain colors with two-color band border*; blue, rose or tan; heavy enough to be durable and pretty enough for any room — Size 4%x7% foet. $27.50 quality. $13.75 Size 6x9 feet, $42.50 quality ..,$21.75 Size 6xlo ffeet. $62.50 quality ...$31.25 Size 9x12 feet, $52.50 quality.. .$41.25 Tur BASEMENT STORE Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes for Men, Women and‘Boys There are amazing values in this Sale of All-Wool Suits For men and young men at There are single and double breasted models. The styles, yvf materials and workmanship rs are good. The suits are dura bly constructed. Ijjfl There are just a limited num- jfy | ber pf these suits; marked at mtS-ii | I this price expressly to empha- Wiiliifciilrtiivi size the Basement Store’s fame l; !\ for value giving. ''iJO'"* . Sale price $19.75 Because of the unusual values offered in these suits we can make no alterations on them. Domestics and Beddings PERCALES, yard wide, various patterns of navy blue in neat figure and Stripe designs, 45c qual ity, yard Saf FAST COLOR APRON GINGHAM, all size blue checks (limit 5 yards to customer) , % yard...... 19<* — PLAID IHNGHAM, 27 inches wide, beautiful col or plaids for women’s and (children's wear, 49c qual ity, yard..., 29<* OUTING * PLANNEL, 27 inches wide, soft and fluffy, beautiful assorted color stripes on light grounds (we reserve the right to limit quantities), fixfcfa special, yard. 22 He t WHITE OUTING FLAN NEL, 27 inches wide, soft and fluffy, 40c quality (limit 10 yards to eus tomer), yard 280 01 OUH [FiFTG{] RIM , FROM OUR IiiODEL __ GROCERY (We reeervo the right to limit quantities) ' —- FRESH OYS TERS, fancy large, fresh S h licked, select standards, direct _ from Baltimore. cans, 75c). Full pint cans 39 BREAKFAST BA CON, government inspected, in a - sliced, per pound 35<> NATIONAL PIKE ROLLED WHITE OATS, new, 1920 pack A packages for- Z9j, package.:-15<) all new \1920 pack, pure fruit. Imperial brand, blue plum, blackberry, peach, * gooseberry, apricot and pineapple,\ pound jar 49c Strawberry, red rasp berry, black rasp berry, pound Jar 55<> JELLIES, all pure fruit nnd sugar,new 1920 pack. 10 differ ent Jiavors, 10-ounce Jar ....29c PRUNES, new crop California, long fin, C'laral. pound.. 25C TUNA FISH, Begent California, long, fine white meat, new 1920 pact; cans cut for your inspection; Fri day only, can, 55c, 35c and !<* HOUSEFURNiSHINGS FRENCH TEA-. POTS, Os hi£h grade flreproof French pottery, $1 oaality 690 COLONIAL TA BLE TUMBLERS, re g u lat ion size,. 1 special, each... .60 DISHPANS. gray granite, 1 4 - q u a rt size, SI.OO qual ity \ 69(* ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS, 2- quart size, 80c quality :49£ li PUB Sira FUH STAMPED DRESSER SCARFS, of cream-colored round thread linen, size 20x48 inches, slightly soiled, $2.00 quality 79£ CURTAIN SCRIMS, yard wide, desirable lengths; up to 45c qualities, yard 19C It LEACHED SHEETING, [ 9-4 width, smooth thread, 95e quality, yard.. ~.<Se BLEACHED SHEETING, •’Wearwell,” 9-4 width, SI.OO quality (limit 3 yards to customer), yard...79<j UNBLEACHED SHEET ING MISLIN, 39 inches wide, extra heavy thread, 35c quality, yard 23c* (Cine hundred) NOVELTY LACK CURTAINS, 2)4 to 2)4 yards long, soiled, up to $3.09 quali ties, each 98<j VNBLEACHED SHEET INO, double bed width, smooth thread, easy to bleach (limit 5 yards to customer), extra special, ynr4 59C V COFFEE, Blue Ribbon, excellent quality, iu tbo bfffcn or ground,' pound 26C CHEESE, rich old Wisconsin, full cream, lb. ..35<£ MACARONI OB SPA GHETTI, red, white and blue, long cut, 10c quality— -3 packages for ZOq PEANUT BUTTER. fresh made while you wait, pound... .*.210 CREAMERY BUT TER, Sunlit deli cious,. fresh, sweet churned, 1b.....59£ NAVY BEANS, choice white hand picked Michigans— S pounds for o&C BUTTERINE, colored Cream of Nut, ready for the table; looks and tastes like but ter, pound .. v .'400 LARD, Sun-lit, pure open kettle-crendered, pound cart0n...260 DOMESTIC SWIgS CHEESE, large open eyed (pound, 14-pound, ito CORN, sweet Illinois, (dozen, $1.49), can - m - ' BROOMS, of good broom corn, 4- sewed, 70c qual ity ...........4^o TABLE WATER GOBLETS, of clear, lead blown , glass, 25c quality, each lo<* —Fifth Floor. WHITE OUTING FLAN NEE, soft and fieeey, long lengths, 30c quality, yard : 10<i LONGCLOTH, yard wide (limit IQ.yards to cns tomqj), yard 21 and CAMBRIC MUSLIN, yard wide, soft finish for fine undergarments (limit 10 jards to customer), yard j. 25 <i (Six hundred yards) PRINTED VOILES AND BATISTE, suitable for dressing saeques, com fort coverings, mas quarade costumes... .§tc.; 35c quality, yard 15 £ BLEACHED PILLOW CASES, size 36x;5ii Inches (limit 4 to customer), each v 256 (Six) COMPLETE DRESS FORMS, SS.TS qual ity 83.08 11