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4 WOMAN WILL VOTE HER OWN WAY THIS YEAR Discredit Theory of Men Who , Say They Will Follow Hubby’s Lead. DENY LOVE IS FACTOR NEW YORK, Oct„2l. —According to Dr. Edward Hiram Rc&de of Washington, the ballot is the barometer 0 f wifely affection, and the woman who loves her husband., every good wife should, will vote as dfcx spccsb does. In the course of his remarks Dr. Reede, who Is a well known neurologist, says of the modern wife.. "If she holds political views r contrary to his she consciously or subconsciously feels antagonism toward him. "The woman who loves her husband ro mantically has an identification of inter ests With his. "She Is one with him in everything— she is a Democrat because be is a Demo crat. She may creat a myth around her reasons for being a Democrat, but sub consciously she could be nothing else. "To her this man she loves Is a faunain of wisdom and she concedes the super iority of his Judgment in politics as in everything else.’’ This, of course, leads to the ancient and honorable question, "What is love?- which is even hardef to decide thau why are some candidates. Dr. A. A, Brill, eminent on being consulted by the writer, in March of truth and opinions, partially agreed with, the neurologist of the capi tal, yet modified his assent to some \!e gMe. "Os course, from the few things the dactor says I cannot fully Judge what ha means." said Dr. Brill recently. "It depends largely on what we mean when he speak of a “woman who loves her husband.’ "If he refers to the Romeo-Juliet type of Intense, excessive, mad lore, then he Is right. "That sort of lore causes two hearts to “beat as one 1 and each agrees completely with the other. "Each personality envelops the other. VOTING TODAY IS UXBSSEXTIAL, HE SAYS. “But H 6eems that the matter of vot ing today would be more or less extran eous. "There are many women in, this city, active politically, who love their hus bands or/think they love their hus bands, perhaps, and really do, insofar aa we know. "They vota differently, though. "Their love Is not that type of the very young and ardent plovers, who be long completely to each other. "Therefore the doctor’s idea would not apply here. - "Dot In all things we find exceptions. "Dy. Reede,understand, says that If a girl has an ideal love for her father, that Ja, regards him as her ideal of mas cnlins perfection, or, on tne other hand, has a secret antagonism for him, either quality is transferred at her marriage to her husband, who thereafter is either the object of her admiration or - an tipathy, Just as bar father was. "In that he is right. “I do not believe, though, that the matter of a wife casting her lot with a party opposed by her husband would mean that such a state of antagonism existed or had been_.passed on from her father to her husband.” Indignant declarations from prominent women voters have less scientifc value than Dr. Brill's statements, but come, so to speak, ‘from the heaiff out.” “Tor eighteen years,” says Mrs. Rose Bros, lawyer and suffragist, "I have lived With my husband, a Democrat, while I, have been a strong adherent of Repub lican policies. "We have never had a hard word about politics. " "Our life has been characterised by the greatest congeniality. - “Dr. Reede is wrong, I am sure.” From Mrs. Olive Scott Gabriel, law partner of Mrs. Bros, and Republican leader, comes further "refutation of Dr. Reede's theories. “Whnt’s the matter-with'that man?” questioned Mrs. Gabriel. "Mr. Gabriel has always been a Dem ocrat, and I have bedh on the other side. "At any rate, we get on wonderfully to- f ether. We disagree In many things, but think the woman who votes always Just as her husband does Is a voting non entity. v ' ' WOMEN ARE FULLY AftLE TO CAST VOTE. •Any woman who is at all interested Li diric affairs is able to thlpk out how tff^mte.” “nT" women have traveled alone up the stpep hill to get our vote/’ interposed Mrs. Bres, "and I guess we pan make our stand without man’s support, now that we are smooth plain of-vic tory. "I doidt agree with Dr. Reede at all. "Love for country has nothing to do with love for-, husband. •‘‘lf Is as dlffaren as the ipve of a mother for a child, compared with that of a womhn for a man. "The woman who loves her country will vote according to her best convictions. ~“A husband Is a different matter. “The'wrfnen that never have a thought that isn t put into their he4ds by some men are the kind that fill our divorce courts.” However, Dr. Reede’s hypothesis makes Ymr table drink f ||jfajßslj j . will never bother j jK||rpej 1 nerves or sleep * •S" 1 ifyou quit coffee f; and drink. (k£^£kj. Instant POSTUM ? ✓ 1 T ANARUS% coffee troubles you, isnt it better to make, the change now rather than later? Better health results and ' ' you’ll appreciate the econ omy and convenience. AT gr6cers everywhere Therms a Reason forPostum Matle by Pcstmn Cereal Battle Creek^tich New Rail Head CHARLES CONNELLY. Charles* Connelly of Chicago, recog nized as one of the leading'-rallroad at torneys of the country, has been ele ted president of the Northern Pacific Rail road. He succeeds Jule M. Hannaford, who Is to retire. Connelly Is 51. He formerly was executive vice presi dent of the road. great arguments for the husband who wants to bend his wife's will to support what he believes to be political party. "You don’t love me or you would vote the way I saL” the would-be masterful male can assert, but it remains to be seen what results his argument will bring. LASHING LAID TO KU KLUX KLAN PHILADELPHIA, OrteCl.—Declar ing he bed been seized and whipped by. members of the Ku Klux Klan . near Trenton, S. C., Monday, Peter McMahon, Yonkers, N. X., arrived here today seeking hospital treatment. Uls wrists were lacerated by ropes and his back carried marks of whip ping, according to the police. McMahon said his lifts was threat • ened when he attempted to aid Miss Florence Poweil, 25, Aiken, In a transaction which involved disposal of his father’s property. Italy’s Finances Good MILAN, Oct. 21.—The budget of the Italian Government for the present fiscal year showp a total revenue of eleven bil lion lire against a total expenditure: or twenty-five billion, but the financial fu ture of Italy, >one of the keenest suffer ers from the war, is not discouraging. "DANDERINE” Girls! Save Your Hairl Make It Abundant! Immediately after & “Danderlne” maa eage, your hair takes on new life.-lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggy. You, too, wants lota of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35-cent bottle of delightful “Dan derlne" freshens your scalp, checks dan druff and falling hair. This stimulating “beauty-tonic” gives to thin, dull, fad ing hair that youthful brightness and abundant thickness. All druggists.—Ad vertisement. EDUCATORS FIGHT BOOK PRICE BOOST Attorney General’s Opinion May Lead to Courts. An appeal of tbo Board, of Education to the State department of the, public instruction for action which wouid stop book selling companies, from raising their prices may, along with many sim ilar complaints, lead to the prosecution by the Btate of certain school book pub lishing companies. Reports that the advance In prices of certain books have deprived school chil dren of their needs have befin heard by L. N. Hines, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. * E. U. Graff, superintendent of Indian apolis schoois, shys he bud not been able to obtain the supplementary books at reasonable prices. In ordering books from certain com panies, according to a statement credited to Mr. Graff, publishing companies state they cannot ship' books unless the ih creased prlce'ls paid. L. N. Hines has referred the matter to Attorney General Ele Stansbury, opinion may.lgad to iTction in the ccqgtC John R Carr\of jjie Bobbs-Merrll com pany, says that supplementary books handled by his firm not been in creased. in price. ' M’CULLOCH RAPS' TEACHERS* WAGES Brands G. 0. P. Unfaithful in Salary Act. Special to The Times., SHELBYVILLK, Ind., Oct. 21.—1n a speech before a large crowd here last night, Dr. McCjalloch, Democratic candi date for Governor, had a special message to the teachers of Indiana. He dissected the speech oft-Warren T. McCray, made at Crawfordsville, and called particular attention to the Mc- Cray statement regarding legislation for teachers. The statement said: "The laws of our State have recently been amended by the acts, of the special session of the Legis lature so as to adjust the wages of our teaching force to the standard set by other lines of occupation, and commen surate with the duties and responsibili ties of their honorable profession. "I am heartily in favor of these remedial laws and rejoice,—that a Republican Legislature has corrected a grave Injus tice, thereby redeeming a party pledge and rendering Justice to a most deserv ing class of our citizens.” “I cannot help being astonished at this statement,” said Dr. McCulloch, “as this law has proved to be a delusion as far as any relief to teachers la concerned. "For these reasons: "1. The law was passed Aug. 4,162 ft. “2. It contained no emergency clause, therefore. It will go into effect when the Oovernor publishes the laws and declares them in effect. This has not been done. "3. Under tbo State laws teachers can not teach until they have signed a con tract. Therefore, they were forced Into a No More Constipation or Blotchy Skin Want a clear, healthy complexion, regular bowels, and a perfect working liver? All easy to ob I4 rvrr~lVi*3 Little Liver! J-'-r-gL Pills, the sure m JL\i “■ safe and easy <S l| ROLLS acting rtm- 1 jswsSEk _ edy. For headache, dttztr.s&s, upset stomach and despondency they have no equal. Purely vegetable*. EqaU Pill—Small Dose - Small Price Mentho Laxene Cold, Cough and Catarrh Medicine for Yoyng and Old. 4,000 Bar rels Were Used Last Year! Why? Because It’s the Best and Cheapest. First Dose Relieves. You buy It of any well staked dr*g 51st fp or. bottles and take In teu rop doses, or better yet, mix It with simple sugar syrup, made by dissolving % of a pound of granulated sugar in a half-pint of boiling water. It is so easy to make a whole pint of cold and cough syrup that teus of thousands of mothers make it every year for their ones. All agree that this home-made cough syrup it free from harmful drugs, and ti>at only i fed doses are required for each case, 9t> tbst a pint may last a fam ily throughout the winter season. For colds, catarrh, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, and bronchitis, therrls no h ing superior for prompt, lasting rei es. Guaranteed by Tho tllaei-.buru Products Cos., Dayton, Ohio, to please or money back—Advertisement. m reMisery After Eating fust Takes An Eatonlc “The first dose of Eatonic did won ders for me. I take it at meals and am no longer bothered with indigestion," writes Mrs. Ellen Harris. Thousands of people, like this dear lady, gratefully testify about Eatonio, which does its wonders by taking up and carrying out the exoess acidity and gases which bring on indigestion, heartburn, bloating, belching ana food repeating. Acid stomach also causes about seventy other non-organ ic ailments; Protect yourself. A big box of Eatonic costs but a trifle with your druggist’s guarantee. TerCamFo The Wonderful Cold Breaker For Children and Gxmn Folks An fffectivcj Germicide Assisting Nature to Ward Off Flu and Pneu monia Germs. is an an tiseptic for healing burns and In flammations. An old family remedy of Camphor, Turpentine, Menthol and other ingredients effective for colds. v 81. • Ask and Insist On^HCam-Fo. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 19Z0. This Is the Spirit OMAHA, Neb., Got. 21.—Mrs. •prank Byam is thankful for out rage. She traveled 10,000 miles from Montevideo, Uruguay, to Omaha, so her "son” could be born In the.-United States and have a chance at the presidency. The child is a girl. , v : • contract under the .old meager salaries and thp school year is well under way. '“5. If the trustees attempt to pay the advanced .salaries after tfao new law is published, the State Board of Exam iners will make them -pay it back —as buving been Illegally paid. "0. Therefore, the teachers must work all year at the old salaries, thanks to the tender solicitude of the McCray-Good rich Legislature. "‘A Democratic Legislature will help to remedy a condition like this if you will elect one this fall. “An examination of the record of the Democratic farty will convince you that it has always been a friend of the public school system of Indiana.” / WOULD COME HOME TIRED AND - OUT BEFORE RE EEARNED WAY TO OVERCOME TROUBLE "Trutoaa Is More Than It Is Claimed ti Be,” Says Indianapolis Man Mho Gets Relief From Stomach Disorder and Nervousness. “Trutona Is more than it la claimed to bo.” Hundreds of grateful people have spoken thusly of the Perfect To ale. and the constant ropotltion of this strong as sertion has led thousands to try Tru tona. Carl Franklin, a well-known Indian apolis mau of 51b West Madison street, is among many Indiana pefiple who have' declared as much for the Perfect Tonic. "For the pagt yesr or more," says Mr. Franklin, "I have suffered from stomsch trouble and nervousness. I vu becom ing so nervous I couldn’t sleep at night, and my I Just didn’t care for anything to eat. I bad to force down my food. I tried several kinds of medi cine, but none of them did me any good. ”1 started using Trutona about three weeks ago, and I want to tell the world that this medicine is more than Is claimed for it. Why. my nerves are as steady in the evening, and I'm not all worn out The Weak or the Strong One If you see before yon a strong: and safe bridge leading to your goal, would you ignore it.and choose some insecure pod tottering structure ? 1 *■- If you were offered sure aid in time of trouble would you hesitate to acocpt it ?*— The answer is simple—-you would choose wfint all evidence allowed to ba tho safe way—and you would risk nothing in useless experiments. Why then do some women risk one of thefr most pre clous pcsseßions tbelr health in trying medicines of unknown value, when everybody knows that the most successful remedy for woman’s ills is Lydia E.Plnkham’s vegetable Compound. Here is more proof i lieadingfyPa.-—“I had organic in- Gainesville, Tex. liammaticin, pains in the side and yearn I suffered untold agony each ~ which wor© iio sharp that their month with pains In my side. 1 found pulled me tomy knoes, and 1 could only temporary relief In doctor’s 7*' i “ad an operation and medicine or anything: else I tookun- Bvill I failed, and in the eight years tiJ my husband and I saw an adver -1 suffered I had four doctors and none tJsement of Lydia E. Plnkham’s helped me. My' mother-in-law ad- Vegetable Corn pound. I mentioned vised me> to take Lydia E. Pinkbaui’s it to a neighbor and the told me she Vegetable Cnuipound. I was then had taken It with good results, and in bed, and after the first bottle I advised me to try it. I was then in could be out of bed, then I took V>g- bed part of the time, and my doctor Compound Tablets and Lydia said I **, a ldd)ave to be operated on, ,lin a; ham s Blood Medicine and hut we decided to try the Vegetable also used the Sanative Wash. I still Compound, and I also used Lydia E. take the medioine and am able now ITokbam’s Sanative Wash. lam a to do my own housework. My friends dressmaker and am now able to go say, My! but you look weil-what about my work, and do my house do you do? Who Is your doctor?- - work besides. You are welcome to and there is only one answer, ‘Lvdia use this letter as a testimonial as lam w J o ham 8 ®®dtomes. ’ Mrs. always giad to speak a word for your Wm. Stein, KW llouglaa Street, medioine.'i-Mrs. W. M. Stbwens, Beading, Fa. \ 202 Harvey St., G ainesvillc, Taxes. Don’t Experiment Lydia E.Pinkhams Vegetable Compound - - ~ f - - - ! WET FEET BRING COUGHS AND COLDS Until entirely rid of a cough or cold, look out. They are a source of danger Just a tew doses .of Pe-fu-na taken soon after exposure or first manifestation ot trouble will usually break a cold or dissipate in a hurry the most persiatenj cough. TABLETS OR LIQUID Hobos Planning to Establish College KANSAS CTTT. Oct 21,—“Rod riders,” hobos and tramps who hav® banded themselves together under the name of Casual agd Traveling Workers and elected as their leader J. Eads How, M. D., known as "the millionaire hobo," held a mooting recently and voted unanimous ly to eldow a hobo college" In Kansas City sometimes during Jhe “ coming winter. Montana Cattlemen ‘Broke,’ Reports Say HELENA, Mont., Oct. 21.—Montana’s cattlemen have started their btg annual shipmentsAo middle western markets. Although Montana’s cattle ranges arc skdly depleted of young stoCk, the credit situation Is such that they are required to continue shipping this year after strip ping them last fall. Many shipments are ijiade to meet notes executed during the winter to secure funds for feed. Montana sent more than g 30.000.000 out of the State for feed for her clttie and stockmen say Ahat It will be five year* before they pay another Income tax. after the day now, whereas, before I took Trutona, I’d come home tired and worn oat, and my hands would Just tremble. I sleep soundly all night now, and It doesn't take much more than ten minutes for me to go to sleep. Before, however, I rolled and tossed for hours before going to sleep. "Trutona has regulated my bowels and I eat like a growing child thesa days. I'm glad to recommend Teutons." Loss of appetite, nervousness, sleepless ness and the like—troubles from which Mr. Franklin suffered, all bespeak of a seriously rundown system. If YOU tbink anything at alt of that priceless treasure, health, YOU won’t wait for the comlag of the cold wintry blasts to begin to mend YOUR weakened system. Let Tru tona do It for YOU, Just as it did for Mr. FrankUu. A good, healthy body le YOUB greatest asset, and almost Invariably wards off the influenza. Don't take a chance with the "flu.” It's sure to be here. Take Trutoaa and be prepared. Trutona la sold in Indtanapolia at the Hook chain of dependable drug etoree, and also at O. W. Brooks' drug store, Pennsylvania and Ohio streets. And by ail good druggists everywhere.—Adver tisement. PE-RU-NA TfctWtQ Raowa Esnrgseey Bimsij Two generations have known PE-RU-NA end ita ratonlah 4ng success in the relief ot catarrhal diseases. The pro per medicine to have on hand tor everyday ill*. SOLD EVERYWHERE y OUR mouth will fairly water when you see these chocolate coated marsh -L mallow and dainty wafer Magnolias. And when you taste them you will be delighted, Crispo Magnolias are delightfully good and healthful.* Serve them for dessert and to your company, to children between meals or to the- entire family, they will meet with great approval. YOUR GROCER HAS A FRESH SUPPLY OF CRISPO MAGNOLIA. . BE SURE TO GET A SUPPLY Good Advice to a Dyspeptic , —r--" Give the Stomach Help to Digest Food and to Offset the Ten d e n o y to Acidity. Uae Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta. The Wholesale sdvice to starve your way to stomach health Is mighty poor Judgment. Only the most robust con stitution can stand such a strain. If you cannot eat, if what you eat sours, if your indigestion follows certain foods that cause heartburn, sour stomach, or casslness try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. And if there is a feeling as it your stom ach had turned into concrete these tab lets help digest the food and thus bring relief. Many physician* write “Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta as directed” on a pro scription blanl- when patients are dis tressed with frequent attacks of Indi gestion. j They furnish the alkaline effect to off set acidity of tho stomach and also pan sreatlu to aid Intestinal digestion of 'starchy foods. Gert a 60-cent box at any drug store, eat what you enjoy, take a tablet* or two after meals and thus avoid the distress due to Indigestion or dyspepsia.—Adver tisement. r — ■' = | Marvelous Prescription : j for Stomach Distress :* Rejoice and be glad, ye army of ner vous wrecks and dyspeptics. \ No more will you need to exclaim! in that hopeless tone, “Oh! my poor old stomach.” For your druggist has a prescription that turns old stomachs IrjTo new ones and sour stomachs into sweet ones in a week. There's happy days- ahead for you and four poor old flabby tired-out stomach f you just won't be obstinate. Just go to your druggist today and say, “I want a box of Ml-0.-Na Tablets:” And just take one or two tablets with or after me#Je for a few days anrl then If you don’t agree with us that Ml-O-Na is a marvelous prescription you may have your money back. We’ll leave it to your sense of falrneHf. whether that's a square deal or not. < Ml-O-Na Tablet* promptly relisve belching, heaviness, pain lif stomach, heartburn, sour stomach, foul breath and oeated tongue. Give them a trial and chuckle with pleasu/e. Ml-O-Na Is sold by the Haag drug stores and leading druggists everywhere. Sfroifi Ends Catarrh or Just ~,L ll SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR tl’s Grandmother’s Recipe to Bring Back Color Lustre to Heir. You can turn gray, faded hair beauti fully dark and lustrous almost over night If you’H get a bottle of “Wyeth’s Sega and Sulphur Compound” at any drug store. Millions of bottles of tuts old famous Sage Tea Realpe, improved by the addition of other ingredient*, are sold annually, says a well-known drug gist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can ■ tall it has been applied. Those whose hair la turning gray q£_ becoming faded have a surprise await lug thorn, because after one or two ap plications the gray hair vanishes and four locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. , This la the age of youth. Gray-halred, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get buay with Wyeth’s Sage and Sul phur ' Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome halt and. your youthful appearance within a few day*.—Advertisement. FOR EXCESSIVE URIC ACID USE THE WILLIAMS TREATMENT 75 Cent Bottle '(32 Doses) FREE Just because you start the day worried tired, and arms, sore mus cles and aching head, burning and bear ing down pains In the back—WOßN OUT before the day begins—do not think you have to stay in this condition. Get Weill Feel fine! Be free from pains, stiff Joints, sore muscles, aching back or kidney trouble, oaused by body mode Acids. ’ . Get more sleep. If your rest is broken or you suffer from bladder weakness with burning, scaldingvpalns. you will wel come the rest atra comfort THE WIL LIAMS TREATMENT gives. We will give you a *5 cent bottle J 32 doses). WE know The WILLIAMS TREATMENT will end Kidney and Blad der troubles, Rheumatism and all other ailments, caused by excessive Uric Acid no matter how old, chronic or stubborn your condition. Send this notice with your home ad dress and 10 cents to help pay‘part of postage, packing, eft*., to THE DR. D. A. WILLIAMS 00., Dept. T-Sl Postofflce Bldg.. East Hampton, Ct. You will receive by paid parcel post our regular 75, cent bottle (33 Doses) without incurring any obligation. Only one bottle free to same family or address. No attention given second-re quests. Used by hundreds of thousands since J 302. —Ad ver t i sement. Sore Throat Prudence Your medicine shelf is not well stocked without a bottle o£ TONSILINH, for you don't know what moment it may be needed to relieve a sudden case of Sore Throat. Relieving Sore Throat is TON SILINE'S special mission. It is made for that—advertised for that—sold for that one purpose. TONSILINE is the Nat ional Sore Throat Remedy. It is sold in every State in the Union. Yon rc will need TONSILINE one p£ , these days, or Some night wher, jjl the drug store is dosed —better !' haveabotdereadyathoma^JiL^ Hf FEELS TEN YEARS YOUNGER* Any man or woman suffering from lame back, headache, stiff Joints, sore muscles, rheumatic pains or any other symptom of kidney or bladder trouble will be interested in ‘ this letter from H. Bryde, 925 Garden, street, Hoboken, X. J.: “I could-not bend*down for some years, as I can now. My wife had many a time to put. on or off my shoes. I ob tained relief with Foley Kidney Pills. I feel now as If I were ten years younger.” —Advertisement. , % “16799' DIED in New York City alone from kid* ney trouble last year. Don’t allot! yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this, trouble by taking r i COLD MEDAL The world’s standard reme'Sy for kidnap fiver, bladder and uric acid troubles Holland’s national remedy since 1696 All druggists, three sires. Guaranteed Leek fee the name Gold Medal on ovary ks aad accept bo imitation —— ♦ Says Hi? Prescription Has Powerful Influence Over- Bheumaf ism Mr. James H. Allen suffered for years with rheumatism. Many times this ter rible disease left him helpless and .un able to work. / He Anally decided, after years of ceaseless study, that no one can be tree from rheumatism until the accumulated impurities, cqmwonly called uric acid de posits, were dissolved in the joints and muscles and expelled from the body. With this idea in mind he consulted physicians, made experiments and Snail* compounded a prescription that quickly* and completely banished every sign and symptom of rheumatism from his sys tem. \ He freely gave his discovery to others who took it, with what might be called marvelous success. After years of urg ing he decided to let sufferers every where know about his discovery through the newspapers. The Haag Drug /Cos. baa been appointed agent fbr Allenrhu In this vicinity with the understanding that he will freely return the purchase money on the first two bottles to all who state Tecetved no benefit.—Advertisement “Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctor* said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got bold of something that quickly and com pletely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, al though I am doing hard work as a car penter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you may And a complete cure without r ration. If . you write to me,- Eugena Pullen, Carpenter, 551 G", Marcellus avenue, Manasquan, N."J. Better cut out this noticeiand show It to aßy others i who are ruptured—-you may save a Ilf*